The news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1948-1994, March 11, 1961, Page 8, Image 8

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    8 Tfc Newi-Revlew, Reieburg,
Last Of Electrical Price-Fixers
Released From Montgomery Cell
M Cook, 54, a vice president of
Cutler-Hammer Inc. of Milwaukee
wan released from prison Friday
after serving 25 days of a 30-day
term for price fixing and bid rig
Ring. He was the last of seven
top executives freed early because
of exemplary behavior.
Thus, with nearly $2 million In
fines already paid by electrical
firms in what the government de
scribed as one of the biggest anti
trust cases in history, the penal
tics imposed by the court have
been paid.
But the firms still face possible
Portland Markets
PORTLAND (AP) Butlerfat,
tentative, subject to Immediate
change Premium quality, de
livered In Portland, 64 cents lb;
first quality, 61; second quality.
Butter Prints, per lb to retail
ersGrade AA, 93 score, 70; A
grade, 92 (core, 70; JJ grade, so
Cheese To retailers S Ingle
daisies 47-48; processed American
Eggs To retailers Grade AA,
extra large, 43-4B; av jarge,
45: A laree. 42-43: AA mediums,
37-41; AA small, 32-36. Cartons,
1-3 cents additional.
Eggs To producers, at farm
AA extra large, 35-39; A large,
33-36V4; A large, 31-33; AA medi
urns. 27-30V4: AA small, 23-27W.
Live poultry Quoted to growers
f.o.b. ranch No. 1 quality fryers,
2a-4 lbs, 17V4-20W; light hens, 8
9: heavy hens, 12-14.
Rabbits Average to growers
T.iv whites. 3-4V4 lb. 19-24:
colored pelts, 5 cents less; fresh
killed fryers to retailers, su-aii
cut up, 60-62.
Wholesale Dressed Mails
Beef cuts (choice steers) Hind
quarters, 47.00-52.00; rounds 50.00
53.00; full loins, trimmed, 59.00
64.00; forcquarters, 35.00 - 38.00;
chucks, 39.00-42.00; ribs, 47.00
52.00. Pork cuts Loins, 52-16 lb, 46.50
52.00: shoulders. 61 lb down. 33.00-
37.00; spareribs, 43.00-47.00; fresh
hams, 12-16 lb, 46.00-50.00.
Lambs Choice, 45-55 lb, 36.00
39.00; good, 35.00-38.00.
Pork carcasses Shipper style,
Veal Choice, 90-150 lbs, 52.00
54.00; good, 51.00-53.00; standard,
Potatoes Oregon local Russets,
No. 1A, 100 lb, 4.00-4.25 No. 2s,
50 m. 1.35-1 50; Central ore. kus
sets, No. Is, 100 lb, 4.50-4.75; 6-14
oz, 5.00-5.25; bakers, 4.75-5.00, few
5.25: bales Wo. is. 5-ton lb. z.25
2.40; No. 2s, 50 lb, 1.50-1.65; Idaho
Russets, bales No. Is, mesh, 5-ten
lb, 2.50-2.60; Calif. Long Whites,
No. Is, 100 lb, 4.75-5.00.
- Portland Livestock '
Cattle for the week salable 1675;
slaughter classes more active,
steady to 50 cents higher, upturn
most pronounced on steers o?er
1150 lbs on all weights good and
choice heifers and on practically
all rows late in the week; other
classes steady to strong; receipts
practically identical with a year
ago but just slightly smaller than
the previous week; as usual near
ly two thirds of the supply arrived
Monday; one small lot choice 1067
lb slaughter steers 25.75, two loads
high-good to mostly low-choice 9K0
1025 lbs 25.50, few lots mostly
choice 1200-1300 lbs 24.50-25.00,
majority good 22.50-24.50, some at
24.50 mixed good and choice,
standard 19.50 22.00 including load
1055 lb Holsteins at 21.35; slaugh
ter heifers; truck lot choice 875
lbs 24.00, less than two loads mixed
high-good and low-choice 730-870
Ihs 23.50-23.75. most good 20.50-
23.00, standard 18.00-20.00, cutter
and utility l3.oo-i7.50; cows; largo
share utility 15.00-17.00, few 18.00
but dairybrcds uneven and some
low-yielding 12.50 13.50, cannera
and cutters 11.00-15.00, those above
13.50 usually Holsteins or range
offerings; bulls, cutter and utility
16.00-21.00: stockers and feeders:
good and choice 550-925 lb steers
23 ooij.oo.
Calves for the week salable 265
vralers and slaughter calves clos
ing steady to strong after recover
ing some early declines on those
below good grade; stocker calves
steady to strong; good and choice
vealers 29.00-32.00, few good and
choice calves 300-350 Ihs 26.00
30.00, utility and standard all
weights mainly 22.00-28.00, culls
down to 14.00; good and choice
slock calves 23.00-28.00, Including
27 head choice 499 lb steers at
28.00, 30 head 418 lb heifer mates
at 25.00.
Hogs for the week salable 20.50;
butchers mostly 25 cents higher,
some early 50 cents up; sows
sleadv to strong; most U. S. No. 1
and 2 butchers 185-235 lbs 20.50
20.75, around 60 head Monday
21.00. U. S. No. 2 and 3, 180-240
Ihs largely 19.50-20.25, some 3O0
lbs down to 18 00; most sows No.
1, 2 and 3, 14.00-17.50, occasional
near 600 lbs 31.00-13.50.
Sheep for the week salable 1425;
slaughter lambs and ewes firm,
feeder lambs steady to weak;
most choice and mixed choice and
firiine wonled and shorn slaughter
smhs 18.00-17.00, wonled offerings
109-113 Ihs at 17.00, few good 14.00
15 00; cull to choice slaughter ewes
3 00-6.50; most medium and good
60-78 lb feeder lambs 12.50 14.50,
few good 15.00.
Portland Grain
PORTLAND (AP) Coarse grain
wholesale, prompt delivery, hulk
ton. fob. track Portland: Oats.
No. 2, 38 lb while 55.50. Corn No.
2, yellow, eastern 52 00.
March 10 close, Portland Grain
Exchange: No barley bids.
No wheat bids.
Car receipts : Wheat 62; harlev
.4; flour 11; corn 1; mill feed 9.
Or. Sot., Mar., 11, 1961
law suits from individuals and
state and city governments.
Cook left Montgomery County
prison shortly after midnight, anx
ious to return to work as a mar
keting executive. His lawyer, Jo
seph bwain, was waiting, along
with Warden Andrew J. White and
Mrs. White when Cook stepped
from the cellblock into a small
swain said that his client was
returning to his job at Cutler
Hammer with the same salary
and authority as before. That was
not true of some of the others who
were disciplined for their parts
in the conspiracy to rig bids, fix
prices and allocate business.
In addition to the jail sentences,
Chief Judge J. Cullen Ganey fined
29 companies and 41 executives a
total of $1,924,500.
rive of the jailed executives
spent their terms at the county
prison, helping to revise the filing
"I believe they shortened the
job by four months," White said.
The two others did their time
at a prison farm in nearby Eagle
ville. It has neither bars nor walls.
They were willing to do repair
and maintenance work. White ex
plained, so they were sent to the
farm where they lived dormitory
style in a large house with other
trusted prisoners.
Two of the executives were re
leased Tuesday and four Thurs
day, also in the middle of the
night on the last day of their sen
tences. Legally, they served that
day so long as they remained in
prison past midnight.
Cook was the last to begin his
term. He won a delay to attend
his daughter's engagement party.
The wedding date hasn't been set
yet, he disclosed as he left prison.
Fullerton PTA
Officers Named
At a recent meeting of Fullerton
PTA, officers were nominated
and unanimously elected to serve
during the forthdoming year.
They are Mrs. Frank Dixon,
president; Bill Gray, first vice
president; Mrs. Dean Jewell, sec
ond vice president; Mrs. James
freeman, secretary; ana Mrs,
Stanley Herman, treasurer.
Airs. Jett uurner conauciea tne
meeting in the absence of Mrs
R. D. Rhodes, "president, who was
ill. It was announced at the meet
ing that the annual fund-raising
event will be a carnival in April.
The Junior High School German
Band was introduced by James
Haydcn, principal, during the pro
gram part of the meeting. The
band presented several numbers.
A panel discussion entitled
"What's In A Grade" was pre
sented by teachers ef Fullerton.
Panel members were Mrs. Doro
thy Alecks, Mrs. Jeannie Pfau,
Mrs. Ardis Edie, Mrs. Rebecca
Burnham and James Hayden. Var
ious methods of grading a child
were explained and discussed.
Questions were asked by the au
dience and discussed by the panel.
It's Col. Presley Now
it's Col. Elvis Presley.
The swivel-hipped rock V roll
singer was commissioned a "Ten
nessee colonel" by Gov. Buford
Ellington during the entertainer's
social visit to the State Legisla
ture Wednesday.
Nollct It hereby given that the under
sloned executor of the Will and Eitate ef
EMMA ALLEN WAGNER. Deceased, hat
filed hit final account In tne Circuit Court
of Douglas County, Oregon, and laid Court
hat fUed Tuotday, March 14lh, mi at 10
o'clock A.M.. In Courtroom "A" of the
Circuit Court In the Courthouse In Rose
burg, Douglas County, Oregon, at the
time and place for hearing obiectlonl, If
any there be, to laid final account and
for the settlement thereof.
DONALD E. ALLEN, Executor of
the Will and Ettata of Emma Allen
Wegner, Deceased.
Nollce It hereby given that the under
signed, Administrator or tne estate or urn
ton A. Bomber, deceased, hat filed hit Pinal
Account In the Circuit Court of the State
of Oregon for Douglat County and laid court
hat Used April 3rd. IVat, at 10:00 a.m.
In the Douglat County Court House In
circuit court Room A in Hoserjurg, uregon,
at the time and place of hearing obiectlonl,
If any there be, to said Pinal Account and for
the teltlement thereof.
LaVEFtNE A. BAMBEft. Administra
tor of the Estate Ot CLINTON A.
BAMBER. Deceased.
All persons having claims against the Es
tate of RUBEN H. BENSON. Deceased, are
notified to present the seme with proper
vouchers, within a months efter the dete
of this notice to the undersigned, who hat
qualified as Executrix ot the Last will and
Testament of laid decedent, at the office
of Daniel P. Keohane, Attorney at Law,
Equitable Savings and Loan Building, Rote
buro. Oraaon.
DATED and first published thll 11th day
of February, lat.
LUCY I. BENSON. Executrix ot
the Estate ot Ruben H. Benton,
Notice Is hereby given that the Circuit
Court for Douglat County, Oregon, by order
appointed the underaigned executor ot the
estate of Prencet M. Weatherman, deceated.
All persona having claims aoalmt said as
lata era to present the same, verified as
by law required, to the undersigned
at the law offices of Bernau I Wilson.
?1, U S. National Bank Building, Raseourg.
Oregon, within six monlha from February
lun, I fit.
Executor of the Estate of
Prances M. Weathermen, deceased.
Notice is hereby given that the under,
signed executor of the Estate of ELSIE R.
MORAN, Deceased, has tiled his final ac
count In the Circuit Court of Douglas County,
Oregon, and said Court has fixed Tuesday.
April tlth, mi, at 10 o'clock A.M., In
Courtroom A of the Circuit Court In the
Courthouse In Roseburg, Oouglat County,
Oregon, at the time and place tor hearing ob
lertlone, It any there be. to said ttnal ac
count and for the teltlement thereof.
o the Will and Ettata of Blue R.
Moran, Deceated.
All persons having claims egelnit the Ft.
lata of Llboie French, Deceated, now pending
In the Circuit Court ot the State of Oraaon
for Douglat County, ara hereby notified to
present the tame, duly verified as required
by law, to the undersigned at the law of
f'tat of George Luoma, Umpqua Savings 4,
Loan Building. Roseburg, Oregon, within six
months from the data of the first publication
at inn nonce, which date Is March It, teat,
of the Will and Ettata of Llbbio
r ranch, oeceesed,
National ForestTimber ForSole
Two Inch Salvage Sale
Oral auction bids will be received
by the forest supervisor or his
authorized representative at the
Office of the forest supervisor, Fed
eral Office Building, Roseburg,
Oregon, beginning at 2:00 P.M.,
April 11. 1961, for all merchant
able timber marked or designated
for cutting on an area embracing
121 acres, more or less, within
sections 18, 19, 29 and 30, T. 25
S., R. 1 E., W. M., surveyed, in
the Umpqua National forest, Ore
gon. The estimated volumes are:
160 M board feet of Douglas-fir
and pine and 10 M board feet of
western hemlock and other spe
cies. The minimum acceptable bid
per M board feet is as follows:
Douglas-fir and pine $25.85; west
ern hemlock and other species
$5.20. This includes the following
rates, per M board feet for stump-
age: Douglas-fir and pine $23.65,
western hemlock and other spe
cies $3.00, and $2.20 for slash dis
posal for all species. Sealed bids
will be publicly opened and posted
at the olfice of the forest super
visor, at 2:00 P.M., April 11, 1961.
All those who submitted a satis
factory sealed bid will be per
mitted immediately to continue
auction bidding. A money order,
bank draft, cashier's or certified
check in the sum of $300.00 must
accompany each bid, to be applied
to the purchase price, refunded, or
retained for application to any
claim for damages, according to
the conditions of sale. If requested
by the purchaser, contract terms
will permit felling of timber in
advance of payment up to the
value of the performance bond. If
an oral bid is declared to be high
at the closing of the auciion, the
bidder must immediately confirm
the oral bid by submitting it in
writing on a Forest Service bid
form. The right to reject any and
all bids is reserved. Forest Serv
ice bid forms for use in submitting
sealed bids and full information
concerning the timber, the condi
tions of sale and the submission of
bids should be obtained from the
district ranger, Steamboat Rang
er Station, or the forest supervi
sor, Roseburg, Oregon, before bids
are submitted.
National Torett Timber For Sale
Seaside Salvage Sale
Oral auction bids will be received
by the forest supervisor or his au
thorized representative at the of
fice of the forest supervisor, Fed
eral Office Building, Roseburg,
Oregon, beginning at 2:00 P.M.,
April 11. 1961, for all merchant
able timber marked or designated
for cutting on an area embracing
24 acres, more or less, within sec
tions 25 and 36, T. 25 S., R. 1 E.,
and section 30. T. 25 S.. R. 2 E..
W. M., surveyed, in the Umpqua
National forest, uregon. The es
timated volumes are: 780 M board
feet of Douglas-fir and pine. 120 M
board feet of white fir and other
species. The minimum acceptable
Did per M board leet is as fol
lows: Douglas-fir and pine $29.65,
white fir and other species $8.95.
This includes the lollowing rates
per M board feet for stumpage
including deposit ior sale area net
terment. Douglas-fir and pine $28..
40, white fir and other species
$7.70 and $1.25 for slash disposal
for all species. Sealed bids will
be publicly opened and posted at
tne oince of the forest supervi
sor, at z:uo r.M., April n, 1961.
All those who submitted a satis
factory sealed bid will be permit
ted immediately lo continue auc
tion bidding. A monev order, bank
orau, casnter s or certified check
in the sum ef $1,400.00 must ac
company each bid, to be applied
to the purchase price, refunded.
or retained for application to any
claim lor damages, according to
the conditions of sale. If requested
by the purchaser, contract terms
wilt permit felling of timber in
advance ot payment up to the val
ue of the performance bond. If
an oral bid is declared to be high
at the closing of the auction, the
bidder must immediately confirm
the oral bid by submitting it in
writing on a Forest Service bid
form. The right to reiect anv and
all bids is reserved. Forest Serv
ice bid forms for use in submit
ting sealed bids and full informa
tion concerning the timber, the
conditions of sale and the submis
sion of bids should be obtained
from the district ranger. Steam
boat Ranger Station or the forest
supervisor, Roseburg, Oregon, be
tore dios are submitted.
SEALED bids will b rtctivfMi by Douglas
county court it the Courthoui. Rostouro.
Oregon until 10:30 A.M., on March l. mi
end th! publicly optntd tnd reed for the
purchAie of two frontend lodrs for Doug-
its county Hona ppanmni.
Spacltlcatloni are on file with the County
Clerk of Douglas County and copies thereof
may be obtained at the office of the County
Engineer Room Jlf, Courthouse Roseburg,
No person may withdraw his bid after the
hour tel for the opening.
Douglas County reserves the right to reect
any or all bids or to waive any Informality
In bidding.
V. T. Jack ton. County Judge
E. R. Metiger, Commltifoner i
Ray E, Doerner,
All per ion i having claims again it the Es
tate of Stella Gardner Dodge, Deceated. now
pending in Ihe Circuit Court of the State ef
Oregon In and for Doug, a I County, Oregon,
are hereby notified to present the same,
duly verified as required by law, to the
undersigned at the law offices of George
Luoma, Umpqua Savings e Loan Bulkllng,
Roieburg. Oregon, within six monrns trom
the date of the first publication of this no
tice which date Is March 11. !!.
of ihe Estate and Last Will and
Teitament of Stella Gardner
Dodge, Oeceesed.
Notice Is hereby given that the under
signed, ttecutriv of the Estate of LOU
MARTIN, deceaied. has filed her Final Ac
count In the Circuit Court ef the State ef
Oregon for Douglas County end said Court
hai appointed Monday the I Mb day of
March. lHi. at 10 00 A M. of said day.
In Circuit Court Room "ft" ef the Circuit
Court of Douglas County. Roseburg. Ore
gon, as the time end place for hearing
ohlKftoni, if eny, to said Pinat Account
end h) the settlement of aid Eitate.
the Pilate Of LOU MARTIN,
Th First Lesson To Learn
In Selling !s To Use
Classified Ads
NatittiolToMMt Timber For Sal
Snowstorm Salvage Sale
Oral auction bids will be received
by the forest supervisor or his
authorized representative at the
office of the forest supervisor, Fed
eral Office Building, Kosenurg,
Oregon, beginning at 2:00 P.M.,
April 11, 1961, for all merchant
able timber marked or designaiea
for cutting on an area embracing
68 acres, more or less, within sec
tions 7, 8, 17, 20, 29, 32 and 33,
T. 24 S., R. 2 E., sections 24, 25,
26, 27 , 28, 31, 32 and 33, T. 25 S.,
K. 1 sections 4, s, 7, a, m ana
19. T. 25 S.. R. 2 E.. and section 6.
T. 26 S., R. 1 E., W. M., surveyed,
in the Umpqua National Forest,
Oregon. The estimated volumes
are 280 M board feet of Douglas
fir and pine and 20 M board feet
of white fir and other species.
The minimum acceptable bid per
M board feet is as follows: Doug
las-fir and pine $25.25, white fir
and other species $5.70. this in
cludes the following rates, per M
board feet for stumpage: Douglas-
fir and pine $22.55 and white fir
and other species $3.00 and $2.70
for slash disposal for all species.
Sealed bids will be publicly open
ed and posted at the otnee of tne
forest supervisor, at 2:00 P.M.,
April 11, 1961. Ail those who sub
mitted a satisfactory sealed bid
will be permitted immediately to
continue auction bidding. A mon
ey order, bank draft, cashier's or
certitied check in the sum of laou.-
00 must accompany each bid, to be
applied to the purchase price, re
funded, or retained for application
to any claim lor damages, ac
cording to the conditions of sale
If requested by the purchaser, con
tract terms will permit felling of
timber in advance of payment up
to the value of the performance
bond. If an oral bid is declared to
be high at the closing of the auc
tion, the bidder must immediately
confirm tne oral Did by submitting
it in writing on a Forest Service
bid form. Ihe right to reiect any
and all bids is reserved. Forest
Service bid forms for use in sub
mitting sealed bids and full infor
mation concerning the timber, the
conditions of sale and the submis
sion of bids should be obtained
from the District Ranger, Steam
boat Ranger Station, or the For
est Supervisor, Roseburg, Oregon,
betore bias are submitted.
National ForestTimber ForSale
Lucky Salvage Sale
Oral auction bids will be received
by the forest supervisor or his au
thorized representative at the of
fice of the forest supervisor. Fed
eral Office Building. Roseburg, Or
egon, beginning at 2:00 P.M.,
April 11, 1961, for all merchant
able timber marked or designated
for cutting on an area embracing
41 acres, more or less, within sec
tions 22, 27 and 34, T. 24 S., K,
2 E., and sections 3, 4, and 5,
T. 25 S., R. 2 E,, W. M., surveyed
in the Umpqua National Forest
Oregon. The estimated volumes
are: 385 M board feet of Douglas
fir and pine and 65 M board feet
of western hemlock and other spe
cies. The minimum acceptable bid
per M board feet is as follows:
Douglas-fir and pine $29.00; west
ern hemlock and other species $7.-
45. This includes the following
rates, per M board feet for stump
age: Douglas-fir and pine $28.45,
western hemlock and other spe
cies $6.90, and $0.55 for slash dis
posal for all species. Sealed bids
will be publicly opened and posted
at the office of the supervisor at
2:00 P.M., April 11, 1961. All those
who submitted a satisfactory seal
ed bid will be permitted immedi
ately to continue auction bidding.
A money order, bank draft, cash
ier's or certified check in the sum
of $700.00 must accompany each
bid, to be applied to the purchase
price, refunded, or retained for
application to any claim for clam
ages, according .to the conditions
of sale. If requested by the pur
chaser, contract terms will per
mit felling of timber in advance of
payment up to the value of the
performance bond. If an oral bid
is declared to be high at the clos
ing of the auction, the bidder must
immediately confirm the oral bid
by submitting it in writing on a
Forest Service bid form. The right
to reject any and all bids is re
served. Forest Service bid forms
for use in submitting sealed bids
and full information concerning
the timber, the conditions of sale
and the submission of bids should
be obtained from the district rang
er. Steamboat Ranger Station, or
the forest supervisor, Roseburg,
Oregon, before bids are submitted.
undersigned has been duly appointed Execu
tor of the Lest Will and Testament and
Estate Of LILLIAN L. LOERTS. deceaied,
by order of the Circuit Court of the State
of Oregon tor Douglas County, and has duly
qualified as such.
All per tons having claims against said
estate are hereby required to present the
same with the proper vouchers, duly veri
fied as by law required, to the undersigned
at the offices of Long, Neuner 1 Ooie,
10 S.E. Douglas Avenue, Roseburg, Oregon,
within six months trom the dare hereof.
Dated and first published March 4. Iftl.
Etecutor of the Last Will and
Testament end Estate of
undersigned has been duly appointed Ad
ministratrix of the estate of DAN F. CLARE,
whose full name was Daniel Franklin
Clare, deceased, fay order of the Circuit
Court ef the State of Oregon for Douglas
County end has duly qualified as such.
All persons having claims eoainst said
estate are hereby ordered to present the
same with the proper vouchers within six
It) months of this notice to the under
signed at the law offices of Long, Neuner I
4 Dole, Rio S.E. Douglas Avenue, Rose
burg, Oregon,
DATED end first published this 11th day
et February, int.
JUANITA M. CLARE, Admrnlitra.
tn ef the Eitate of Dan F. Clare.
The tjftoer signed by order of the Circuit
Court ef the State of Oregon for Douglas
County has been Doom led Administrator of
the Estate of Alice Coied Petrequm, De
ceased. Ail persons having claims egalmt
estate ere hereby notified to present the
same, verified es required by law, to the
undersigned et the offices ol 'thomai C.
Nartfiei. 1MJ West Harvard Avenue, Roe
hurg, Oregon, within Six montns from the
date of thts notice.
Dated, March th, mi.
Administrator of the Fit ef
'ZSS THE BOOMERANG.' ,,.t,ts w.rst e.f t.x .eJ?
Classified Section
aUvirtrilnf Fir Business Within Rettb.rf !
Trris Area i
fcord of Thonki 50
1-Day rote 2 lines 1.00
3-Day rate 2 lines 1.75
6-Day rate 2 linei 2.50
30-Day rate 2 lines ,, ,, . 5.50
I 1-Day rata 3 lines 1.50
3-Day rate 3 linee .......... 2.50
6-Doy rate 3 lines . 3.50
30-Day rate 3 lines 7.50
Above fit subject te 39 tints
unties charge for credit.
Printi Pirtf iiTirtiti-tf 2 P.M. Bit Prlw Ti
PublicitiM. Tht Newt-Rtvttw rsttrvai thi'
riint tt elmify, edit or reject iny Clitiifitt1
U copy.
If yew odfertiiamnt ippurs incorrectly, not iff
s inffltdieteir. We will not bo responsible tor
sort tnia ont incorrect insertion. Such tt-
ipentibility is limited to correct iiiwliw ef
lefwrfa Will Net Is Del Met Ttun M Dsmi
Paper Delivery
If your paper it not
Caff OR 2-3321
Mon. thru Fri. Between
6 and 7 P.M.
Sat. Only 3 to 5 PM
Notice h hereby given that by resolution
duly adopted by the Common Council ol the
City of Roseburg, Oregon on February 77,
1961, proceedings have been Initiated by
said Common Council to vacate the alley In
Block 52. Railroad Addition, to Roseburg as
platted and tiled in the ottice ot me uerx
of Douglas County, Oregon.
Anv person or persons having an objection
or remonstrance to the vacation of said alley
may In writing make and file the same
with the undersigned Recorder of said City
at or before the time set for hearing of
the obections and remonstrances. The time
and piece of said hearing wil! be at the
regular meeting or the said common coun
cil at 7:30 o'clock P.M., on the 27th day of
March, 1961, In the Council Chambers of the
City Hall of Roseburg, Oregon.
Dated and first published this 4, 11, II and
23 day of March, l?6i.
Recorder of the City of
Roseburg, Oregon
No. 7432
Notice Is hereby given that all persons
having claims against the above-entitled es
tate are required to present them with the
proper vouchers within six (A) months from
the date- of this notice.
presentation shall be made to Bruce A Men
Puckelt. administrator of the above-entitled
estate, at the ottice or verden u. Hochett,
Jr. attorney et law. Courthouse, Roseburg,
Dated this 14th day of February, 1941.
Administrator ot the Estate of
Date of first publication February II, H
Dale of last publication March is, iwi
Notice Is hereby given that the under-
sioned Administrator of the estate ot iDfcLLA
ANN YARBRAUGH, whose true name is
filed his Final Account in the Circuit Court
of the Stale of Oregon for Douglas County,
and said Court has fined Monday. March
27,1S4, at 10:00 o'clock a.m. in Circuit
Court Room A In the Court House In Rose
burg, Douglas County, Oregon, as the lime
and place for hearing oblectiont. If eny
there be. to said Final Account and for
Ihe settlement thereof.
DONALD S. KELLEY, Admlnlstr-a
tor of the Estate of IDELLA ANN
YARBRAUGH. whose true name Is
Notice is hereby given that the under
signed enecutor of the Will end Estate
of Clare M. JFRTSON, Deceased, has filed
his final account in the Circuit Court of
DouqIas County, Oregon, end said Court has
tiieo Tuesday, March 2ist, iw at io o ciocn
AM, In Courtroom A of the Circuit Court
In the Courthouse In Roseburg, Douglas Coun
ty, Oregon, as the time and place for hear
ing oh lections. If any there be to said final
account and for the settlement thereof.
JOHN O. JERTSON, Eaecutor ef
the Will end Estate ot Clara M.
Jertson. Deceased.
Pate of First Publication: February 1,
All persons having claims against the
Et'ate of lvr L. Erfek'pn. deceated, now in the Circuit Court of the State
of Oregon fn end for Doug Us County, are
hereny notified to present !he same, duty
verified as required by taw. to the under
signed et the law office of George Luoma.
Umpqua Savings and Loan Building. Rose
burg. Oregon, within si months trom tne
date of the first publication of this notke,
which date is February 11th, mi.
GFORGE LUOMA, Artmtnlslratnr
With the Will Annexed of the
Fitaie and Last Will and Testa
ment et Iver L er-cuson. Deceased.
If iretsi - H Mail - Psf
Tear, Slitei tlx men t hi,
three tnenthi, S4.f. OatiUe Ore
n Br M
SlK.oe; six wentha, ffhfe; three,
menlha, IMD .
Br Ntwi'Rarlew Carrier Far
Tear, S1I.00 (In advance), Leai
that ene jtar per mon In, fl.ft.
Ceanter an I Keaeberf P.O. Boxes
1 Month SI. 50 4 Mea. S.S I
Tear StS.Of) Per Blnle Copy So
Mall Betas Applr Oetslie
Clif Limits.
m labsorlptieos Heat Be
Pel la Aflvaeee
DRINKING PROBLEM? Cell Alcoholics Arv
onymous. OR 3-0629.
YOU NO WOMEN ot any faith needing corv
fidenmi advice may conracr carnonc cnar
Ities, 278 W. Broadway Eugene, Oregon,
Dl 5-32.
4 Real Estate
THREE BR house on 2 lots, south on old
hwy $7950, S1S00 dwn. OR 3-63.
MOD. 2 BR house, elect, end wood heat.
G. I. Loan. OR 3-6719.
SACRIFICE equity in beautiful 3 bedroom
nome, uio Mt Kiamatn.
SELLORTRADE lg. home for small
one. Ph. OR 3-5025 after 5 p.m.
WANTED Appro 100 acres grazing and
farm lend, west of Roseburg. OR 3-3950.
TWO Bdrm house with acreage 17,000, $800
dn. Doug Hart, Gen. Dei., wiiour. ore,
LARGER wests ide home for sale or trade
for smaller home. OR j-fliu.
i' acres close in, lovely
Near school. OR 3-7477.
bdrm home. $8950. Phone Sutherlln 3050
NEAT 2 Bedroom "home. 314 W, Bradford
TWO BEDROOM house, Falrhaven Dist.
WILL SACRIFICE 2 Bdrm home, in Calkins
area, all offers, terms or cash considered.
PhoneOR JW.
NICE 3 bdrm. house on extra lo. lot. 5
miles so. town, $9,500. OR 3-8191 after
5 p.rn,
LOVELY 3 bdm home, 2 acres. Garden
Valley, By owner. Consider trailer house
In trade. OR 3-3875
THREE BEOROOM home, on sewer. Full
price $3,000, smell down payment. OR 1
3-8898. j
NEW 3 BR home In NW Winston. Auto, oil
heat. Ige garage, city water and sewer.
$11,500, $1000 dwn. OS 9-8473.
BY OWNER 3 BR house, near Rose
sen., swimming pool end downtown. $9750,
easy terms. 1552 SE Thompson. OR 3-A194.
400 A.FARmT loiTl I liable." Lg.-creekT'thru
place. 3 bdm. mod. house; 2 barns; out
bldgs., 16 a. alfalfa, full line equipment.
20 head cattle. UN 3-3835.
id ACRE farm, 2 bdm modern home. Creek
thru place. 2 lg. chicken houses, out
buildings. Family orchard. $8,000, $1,200
down. Phone UN3-3B35:
SELL OR TRADE, 2 homes on 20 acres
at Drain. Will take real estate contract,
small ranch or unimproved ground. Oak
land 3982 Or 3230.
THREE BDM., West Slopes. Fireplace, blt-in
oven, range. Lg. kitchen anc dining area,
Separate utility. Must see to appreciate,
OR 3-8251.
WEST SLOPES 3 br, 2 baths. Hwd firs,
view, trpls. Blt-ln eppl. Many more fea
tures unusual to find tor this price. Under
eppsl. SU.MW. OK 2-120.
BEAUTIFUL 3-bdrm stucco home $9500, $3O0
dn. FHA or Gl terms. Corner lot 135x195,
cily water, sewage, paved streets. Civil
Bend Ave., Winston. Owner on premises
Sat. and Sun,
RIVER HOME on west side. 4 bdms, dbl.
gar. with 1 acre ground. Lg. family or
chard with water rights. AH under Irri
gation. Also, Ihree room apt. Shown by
appointment only, OR 2-1343, after 7 OR
NEW 1 BR home on N. Umpqua river,
approx. 2000 sq. fl., 3600 Including patios
and carport. Family rm 15x29 has un
usual fireplace. Barbecue on back patio.
2 baths. Roomy wardrobes plus extra stor
aoe space. Large kitchen with built-in
range ai"d oven. Evterior construction fire
proof. Fully Insulated. Sprinkler and Irri
gation system. Lot 100 x 450. Price $74.
500, which is $10 per ft. If you ere short
on down payment, but long on Income, we
cen still deal. OR 3-4646.
$500 Down
NINE ACRES, S acres level meadow, creek.
4 acres timber modern heme, city water,
good barn. Only $7,10 $500 down Imme
diate possession, hurryl
10 ACRES, meadow, sub clover, city water,
wonderful sprino Lovely 3 bedroom home,
fireplace, kitchen has dishwasher, built-in
even, range, huge stock barn. Only $10,500
$4 ACRES Creek, rrlgti, large modem
home, fireoiace, new barn out bkK
young orchard, c lover some timbe r
$11,000 Terms stock and equipment eitra.
7U ACRES, large creeh, seeded pastures,
leroe attractive home Cose in, itib-di-Vision
possibilities, $.000 good terms,
FCHiR BFOROOM home. acre, city wa
ter, sewer. Near hnso-'als. schools, shoo-p-ng
center nly 16.000. pood terms Va
cant now may lease, wth option.
Lloyd A. Wilson
166? S I. Ilephent Phone oft 1-151
By J. R. Williams
Real Estate
One bedroom vacant home.
Concrete foundation, sewer.
Quick possession.
$6,500 WITH ONLY $500 DOWN
, Phone OR 3-7243
t ReaJ Estate
THREE BDRM HOME, close In, Rose School
Dist. 2 baths, fireplace, garage, corner
lot. Also extra furnished home, rented for
$50, to help make your payments. Both
homes front on paved st. Price reduced to
$l?,500 only $1000 dn, immediate posses
sion. Multiple Listing Member
725 SE Chadwick St. ,
Phone OR 2-3444 anytime
Lackey Real Estate
Fine Acreages, Low Price
1 ACRE, fruit trees, newnr Irge home
(1144 sq. tt.) New washer-dryer combo
and Ashley wood htr goes Dbie garage,
miles out, Will F.G.l. and rent while
v loan goes thru $75 mth. or $3500 dn on
com. a mm oai. siu.yuu.
2 ACRES walnut and fruit ranch ($400 yrly
gross walnuts). Attract. 5 rm hse and
guest hie, rvr front. Garden Valley. $12,
900 Terms.
1 LEVEL ACRE, 1 miles out, Irge older
Improved home, frplace, outbldgs, rvr front,
$13,500. Terms. Try a F G.I.
25 ACRES all gd land, 13 wth perm. In
stalled irrig. lines, older improved 2 story
home, full bsmt, good barn, equip' t inc. 3
miles our. b,wq. consider trde smaller
413 SE Jackson OR 21659
Eve's call OR 2-4360, OR 2-1768 or OR 3-4348
Real Estate
VALUE PLUS. Clean 3 bedroom home, con
crete foundation. Fireplace. Handy kitchen
with utility. Oil furnace. Hardwood floors.
Nice fenced In back yard excellent for chil
dren. Paved street and sewer paid. Termite
Inspection OK. DON'T HESITATE to see
this at $9,950.
CLOAKE'S FERRY. Neat 3 bedroom home.
Fireplace. Hardwood floors. Handy kitchen
with utility. Covered patio and fenced back
yard. Extra large carport. Fine area for
children. $13,900, with excellent terms.
room newer home. Nice bui 'tins. Hardwood
floors. Attached garage and workshop plus
carport. Pump house. If you like PRIVACY
and rural living, this Is it. Price, $12,900.
957 N.E. Stephens
Hevans UK 3-HS5
L.B. Hicks OR 3-7243
George Keller OR 21935
OR 2-3731
1 ROSEBURG 4 BEDROOM home $8950 with down payment of $447.50 and long term
balance with interest at 5WS per annum. Attached garage, large living room with fire
place, kitchen with formica drainboards. and full balh.
2 ROSE BURG'S LARGEST HOME 7 bedrooms, J bathrooms, hallrmm, library, formal
dining room, large living room, hardwood floors and carpeted floors, 4 fireplaces,
full basement and around 3 acres of land. Priced at $30,000 with down payment of
$7000. Owner may consider good 3 bedroom home In trade.
3 G. I. SPECIAL Attractive 3 bedroom home with fireplace, attached qaraqe,
hardwood floors, fully plastered and only S years old. No down payment necessary to
qualified Federal G. I. 10 down to State G. I. Total price $13,500.
4 ROSEBURG INVESTMENT PROPERTY consisting of a good large ? bedroom home
and garage, plus a furnished duplex. This is well situated property and the price is
only $10,500. Make an offer on the down payment.
5 EAST DOUGLAS Two J bedroom houses on this large lot with ample room for your
future home. Keep the wo houses for tut ure income and still have room tor your
home. Approximately 2 acres with fruit trees. The 2 homes ara luily modern. Priced
at $10,500, with $3,000 down.
Stevenson Realty Needs Your Listing
(especially West sidt 1 bedrooms)
Stevenson Realty
A Complete Realty Service
967 S. E. Pine Phone 2-1614
Fisher OR 3-7100 Haskin OR 3-5272 Stevenson OR 3-8744
Winston-Dillard area sales Jeannctte Buckleair, OS 9 5040
AT THIS Diamond Lake cabin you can relax and forget your cares this summer. Te
help you "rough It" Is Included 110-220 electricity, refrigerator, tiectr c-wood range,
furniture, and boat dock. Ground rent Is $?S per year, tawes $1. $5,500 Is the price on
this happiness tag. (PS. don't dream only of the 7 pound trout caught here, be
cause this Is also destined to become a winter playground.
ONLY S left. For that future home overlooking the beautiful North Umpqua River,
the Whistler's Park Estates ere tops. Todays best buys at $1,750 each, on terms.
15W SQUARE feet on grouid floor, plus oversire garage and huoe attic you can ue
for playroom or hobbies, soells a good buy on this King sire home. No small
rooms here. Located in newer area near Garden Valley Blvd. Shopping center.
Paved street and sewer. Already FHA financed. $14,200.
MELROSE ROAD, 2 acres with 3 bedroom ranch style home am river frontage
on boating water. Owner will redecorate to your colors et Ihe $12,750 price.
SOUTH Side big 2 bedroom weM built home with oil furnace, double garage, f-replace
end picture wtndows. $4950 on ea sy terms.
WE CAN Mrr you choice of several nce 2 and 5 bedroom homes on sewer eri
paved street at $JW to $450 down. These have tine perimeter puet oil furnaces,
with choice of fireplace, carports, shop space, view lots or level lots.
Bring Us Your Listings
Roseburg Realty Gr Ins.
Umpoiio Hotel Lobby
Roseburg, Oregon
OR 2-3344
Real Estate
Sacrifice Price
THE OWNER of this delightful home has
been transferred. Wilt sell for $1,000 tesi
than the appraised price. 2Ui7 living room
with corner fireplace. Three nice bed
rooms with large closets. Beautiful kitchen
loaded with bui It-ins range, oven, dish
washer and garbage disposal. Dining area.
Two baths. Covered patio. Attached gar
age. Nearly ISOO q. ft, of contented living
space. Superb view. Exceptional value
Bargain Priced
THIS HOME Is in excellent condition. Living
room with fireplace. Three bedrooms with
wardrobe type closets. Step-saving kitchen
Hdw. floors. Carport. Patio. Fenced beck
yard. You can't go wrong on this one it
47 Acre Rancho
RUSTIC LOG house. Two bedrooms with two
more unfinished. Modern. Barn, chicken
and storage houses. Land ail lays real
good, most of it tillable. Country living at
lis best can be yours et the low, low
price Of $8,500.
High Income Bargain
200 ACRES of the best. 7t acres Irrigation
right, bldgs. and equipment for grade A
dairy. Com lort able 3 bdr. home, shop end
other bldgs. Equipment includes pump, one
mile Irrigation pipe, complete line of term
machinery; also 34 head of cattle. All for
$55,000. Will -trade for deer property and
Real Estate
806 S.E. Coss OR 2-1413
Lou Bassett
OR 2-3S3H
E. H. "Doc"
Elton Zuver
Betty Poetter
OR 3-8259
OS 9-5339
OS 9-5734
Wiley's For
Real Estate
North Umpqua
A Most Unusual River Place
LIVE creek with falls appro. 200 feet of
river frontage with sandy swimming bote.
Tree lined lane leads to a retreat with a
beautiful view In every direction. The rock
fireplace In the carpeted living room ex
tends to the ceiling. 2 large bedrooms, V'i
baths. Extra room with Vt bath can be
made third bedroom. Large patio, sprinkler
system, shop. 15 minutes out. Price $31,600.
LARGE VIEW lot close In area of nice
homes, city sewer. Specie I price $2,500.
WEST SIDE lot with house plans. West
Slopes Addn. back of Mark's Mkr. Price
2 CLOSE IN river lots, one Hawthorne
Terrace lot and one In Western Terrace.
$3,500 to $4,750.
3',i ACRES, Fisher Rd good view $3,500.
NEW HOUSE good location 3 bedrooms, 2
full baths, 2 fireplaces, double garage with
room for shop. Electric range, oven, disn
washer and garbage disposal. Family room
and separate dining room. Good terms, $18,
900. 2 BEDROOM on paving and sewer, close in
662 NE Nash St, 2 lots. Older home with
carport. Partly furnished. $7,000. $1,000
Real Estate
OR 2-2629
R. B. Springer, Evai. OR 3-3901
Don't cry when the good
buy you could have now
is long gone next summer
$9,000 FED. OR STATE G.I. special. Nice
2 bdrm, 2 years old, beautiful hdwd floors,
plastered, large utility and landscaped Int.
Nothing down to Fed. G.l.'s. Total month
ly payments approx. $65 a month.
$9,950 LOVELY 3 BDRM HOME, hdwd floors,
fireplace, Irge patio with beautiful fenced
back yard on paved street and sewer.
This Is a good value. Ask us about financ
This large 4 bdrm home is waiting for
you. The 16 x 24 living rm has a Cool Top
furnace. All four bedrms ere extra large,
nice kitchen with plenty of cabinets and
pantry. The 96x310' lot is nicely land
scaped. Let us show you this properly.
$13,500 LET'S TRADE Lovely 3 bdrm home
with hdwood floors, fireplace. About S
miles south. Owner will trade for smaller
2 bdrm in town. Let us know what you
$14,5005 ACRES bordering river with 3
bdrm. home, barn, chicken house, sprink
ling system, fruit and berries. This is
choice piece of ecreage. Total price SU.
500. Owner will trade equity on town .
"We can always use another good listing'
916 S. E.
Washington Ave.
OR 3-5594
Evenings cell
Roy Keller
Iris Reinert
OR 3-71 n
OR 3-6176