The news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1948-1994, March 10, 1961, Page 9, Image 9

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    Public Enjoys Exhibit
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AN EXHIBIT of interest to many is now being shown by
portrait painter, Mrs. Lester (Lorraine) Martin, of Glide,
at the Douglas County Library. Mrs. Martin, a portrait
painter of much prominence, has studied with some of the
most outstanding painters of the Pacific Northwest. Mrs.
Martin is shown holding a portrait she painted of Allyn
Ford, only son of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth W. Ford of Rose-
burg and who is a student at Yole. The three portraits
shown on the wall are of Laura, Robert and Susan Lenci,
children of Dr. and Mrs. George N. Lenci Jr. The exhibit
which was arranged by Mrs. Martin the first of the week,
is receiving much attention from the many visiting the
Luncheon I
The Wednesday Bridge Club
was entertained this week by Mrs. i
O. If. Petersen at her beautiful
home on SE Overlook. Magnolias
formed the dining room decora
tions, while flowerin? quince and
foisvihia arrangements were used
about the living room.
Luncheon was served by Mrs.
Petersen at 1 p.m. to Mrs. Clif
ford Thomas, Mrs. Alva Perkins
and Mrs. Kve Morgan of Portland,
guests, and Mrs. Thomas Martin,
.Mis. Jack Davis, Mrs. Horace'
Berg, .Mrs. 0. K. Fritz and Mrs.
Edwin Nolte, members.
Mrs. Perkins and Mrs. Martin
won the high scores for the after
noon's contract bridge play. j
Club Observes
Anniversary At
Bowman Home
The Roseburg Art and Embroid
ery Club was entertained by Mrs.
J. V. Bowman Wednesday after
noon celebrating the 52nd an
niversary of the club. A beautifully
decorated anniversary cake was
cut and served.
Games were played with Mrs.
Henry Erskine winning the high
prize. The door prize was won by
Mrs. George Cluck. Mrs. Walter
Russell assisted Mrs. Bowman in
serving delicious refreshments to
Mrs. Erskine. Mrs. Cluck, Mrs. Hib
bard, Mrs. Earl Decker, Mrs. Clar
ence Miller, Mrs. Henry Snyder,
Mrs. Martin Schneider, Mrs. La
verna Lark.
The club will meet the after
noon of March 15 at the home of
Mrs, Clarence Miller at Winches
ter. Ted Reeces Host Party
Mr. and Mrs. Ted Reece of Mel
rose had as Saturday night guests
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Aston, Mr.
and Mrs. It. D. Manning, Mr. and
Mrs. Roger Reece and Mr. and
Mrs. Mervin Dage.
Cards were enjoyed and refresh
ments served.
Fri., Mar., 10, 1961 The Newi-Review, Roseburg, Ore. 9
Yoncalla Cub Scout Pack
Has Annual Dinner Saturday
Yoncalla Cub Scout Pack 44 held
its annual Blue and Cold dinner
Saturday evening at the grade
school gymnasium.
Special guests were Mr. and Mrs.
Dava Rust of Elkhead. Mr. Rust
gave a talk on Indians and dem
onstrated making arrowheads, an
art he learned from an Indian. Dr.
Andressian of Cottage Grove pre
sented the charter to the local
PTA through Mel Chapman and
Mrs. Stacy Adams.
Awards were presented to Dan
iel Gordon, Ralph Jackson, Joel
Gordon, Mike Dodd, Donnie Skin
ner, Larry Mathis, David Wilson,
David Gordon, Oran Johnston, Lor
en Putman, Dan McHaffie, Tom
mie Cox, Terry McDanicls, Don
ald Anderson, Steven Riley, Allen
Everley, Ralph Gordon and Gary
Den mothers pins were given to
Mrs. J. McHaffie, Mrs. John
Wykowski, Mrs. Jim Dodd, Mrs.
Dee Harrington, Mrs. Jason Jack
son. Kirs. Albert Hughes and Mrs
Eldon Lee. Certificates of thanks
were received by Mrs. Fred Cady,
Mrs. E. Knowles, Mrs. I. Riley
and Mrs. tins Wilson.
Committeemen are Wilbur Al-
sup, Harold Riley, Join Knowles
Billy Gordon and Dwane Duncan
Assistant cubmaster is Bob Eck
Theme of the evening was South
America. All five dens presented
Interesting Program Given
At ORTA Dessert Luncheon
Thirty-one members of the Doug
las County ORTA met Saturday
at the home of Airs. Huron Clough.
A delicious dessert luncheon was
served at 2 p.m. by the hostess
and committee in charge, Ethel
Chase, Ruth Swinncy and Mabel
The program was presented by
Mary Sala, chairman, acting as an
nouncer for a radio broadcast from
Station ORTA. She was ably as
sisted by three other members.
Kathryn Ferguson gave an inter
esting talk on the events in the life
of Abraham Lincoln, with her usual
humorous comments. Elsie Spack
man elaborated on St. Valentine's
Day and displayed many beautiful
and sentimental valentines dating
from 1908 to the present time. One
received this year, a heart-shaped
box of chocolates, she opened to
treat those present. Leota Swinford
presented facts and conducted a
quiz on the lite of ueorge Washing
ton. With the aid of other mem.
bers, she assembled a large rep
lica of the U. b. flag, designed and
made by Betsy Koss.
Mabel Agee, president, conduct
ed the short business session.
The March meeting will be at
the home of Mrs. W. H. Gerretsen
with Alice Sturges as co-hostess.
Donna Golden Adjudged
Winner Of Speech Contest
"The Missing Link" was the title
of the winning speech by Donna
Golden at the annual speech con
test of the Roseburg Toastmistress
Club held at Ruth Bradley's Oak
Tree Inn Tuesday. Taking second
place honors was the speech,
"You Gotta Have Heart," by Clara
Rockwell. Jo Lesher placed third
with a speech entitled "The Fin
ishing Touch."
Alice Smalle was general chair
man for the event, while Lois Krug
acted as toastmistress. Speakers
chose one of three titles presented
to them 24 hours before contest
lime. Judges for the contest were
YMCA Building Is Toured
Alpha Thcta of Beta Sigma Phi
met at the YMCA building Wed
nesday night. After appointment
of a nominating committee for elec
tion of ofticers, members toured
the building.
Refreshments were served by
Miss Jean Crow and Mrs. Justin
Young to the following: Mrs. Carl
Bonner, Mrs. Sam Carter. Mrs.
Tom Findlay. Mrs. Tom Garrison.
Mrs. Dirk Kruysman, Mrs. Don
LaBranche, Mrs. Grady Mankins.
Mrs. C. W. Redcnius. Mrs. Arnold
Ryder. Mrs. Roger Swengel, Mrs.
Jim Whelchcl. Mrs. Joe Means.
Mrs. Harold Holland, Mrs. James
Donarhie, Mrs. Edward Silton and
Mrs. James Peterson.
Church Dinner Success
The Walther League of the St.
John's Lutheran Church in Sulh
erlin report success for the chili
and chow mein supper served at
the church annex recently. Some
50 guests were present.
Mrs. Keith Dies was chairman,
and Mrs. R. Robinson assisted the
committee, Miss Diane Mainz and
Miss Carol Robinson.
Spiciol Agtnt Room 301
Pacific Building
Off. OK 3-7491, Dm. OR 3-7193
Mrs. Frank Morgan, Mrs. L. R.
Chandler, Richard Harris and Bob
Harvie. Alice Larson served as
timekeeper while Alice Smalle
Bernice Pittsley and Wanda Com
mons acted as tellers.
The tables were gaily decorated
with spring flowers. Wanda Com
mons was inducted as a new
member during the meeting.
Other guests at the dinner meet
ing were Irma Pedersen, Mrs.
Richard Harris, Mrs. Gunnary,
Mrs. Phil Harth, Rose Sylvia. Mrs.
Peter Serafin and Mrs. Bob Harvie.
Newcomers Are
Hosted Tuesday
A most delightful dessert coffee
was enjoyed Tuesday when Mrs.
Blake Matthews entertained the
Newcomers Club at her attractive
home on Dogwood Drive. Camel
lias, Japanese cherry and daffo
dils were used in decoration.
Mrs. Henry Dalpez and Mrs.
Mort Fillmore were hostesses for
the occasion.
Guests of the club were Mrs.
Vernon Ashby and Mrs. Willard
Announcement will be made of
tlie club's next 'meeting.
To Celebrate
The golden weddinff anniversary
of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Longhrake
will be celebrated Sunday, Marcn
12, at an open house from 2 to
5 p.m. at the home of their son
and daughter-in-law. Air. and Mrs
Lawrence Longbrake, in Fair Oaks.
All neighbors, friends and reia
tives are most cordially invited
to call.
Degrees Given On Friday
At Azalea Grange Meet
The Azalea Grange met at the
Grange hall Friday afternoon. Vis
itors included Mr. and Mrs. Bry
ant and Mr. and Mrs. Clinton
Jones all from the Myrtle Creek
Grange; and Mrs. Campbell of the
f air uaks Grange.
Two quiz games were played.
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Billingslca and
Mr. and Mrs. Willianvs of the
Quines Creek Store took the third
and fourth degree. The Rev. and
Mrs. Norman Naugler of Glendale
took the first and second degrees.
It was announced that a St. Pat
ricks Day Party will be held at
the Grange Hall Friday evening,
March 17. A potluck dinner will
be served and the party will be
gin at 8.
Grange Pinochle Party
Event Saturday Night
Eleven tables of pinochle were
in play Saturday night at the Mel
rose Grange card party. First
prizes were won by Charles Solo
man and Louise Barnes. Low
score went to Laurence Rigor and
.name uusenDark. bernard Ales
kill won the traveling prize. Re
freshments were served by Carl
Becker and Otto Matthews.
Canyonville Cub Scouts
Hold Annual Award Banquet
Cub Scout achievements set the
theme of the 1961 Blue and Gold
banquet of Pack 12S, Cub Scouts of
Canyonville, held Tuesday evening
ai me masonic lempie. ,
Nearly 100 Cub Scouts and their
families enjoyed seeing a group of
boys receive awards and hearing
a brief talk on Cub Scouts bv
Scout Executive R. B. Curtis of
Roseburg. Charter review follow
ed the dinner.
Cub Scouts receiving pins, badg
es and arrows were: Arlynn Min
er, Jerry Morris, Tony Smith,
Lynn Herbert, Gary Glassoc,
James Owen, Billy Nicholson, Bob
Proctor and Bob Stuempges. Jim
my Aaronson and Bob Proctor re
ceived service stars. Bob Proctor
received hie denner s strines and
Chris Dowd, assistant denner's
Den mothers. Mrs. Orrin Slucmo
ges, Mrs. Joe Jenkins. Mrs. Pat
Smith. Mrs. Don Nicholson and
Mrs. R. E. Proctor, were in charge
ol the potluck nam dinner.
N ALC Auxi Mary Makes Plans
For March 25 Social Event
The Ladies Auxiliary to the Na
tional Assn. of Letter Carriers held
its monthly meeting Wednesday at
7 p.m. at the home of Mrs. Robert
Plans were made for a chili sup
per and card party to be held the
evening of March 25 at the home
of Mr. and llrs. Warren Sellars.
The dinner will be a family af
fair. All letter carriers and their
families are cordially invited to at
tend. Auxiliary membership is not
a requisite for participation.
Refreshments were served bv
the hostess to Mrs. James God
frey, Mrs. Robert Johnson, Mrs.
Donald Pearman, Mrs. Frank Paul
and Mrs. Warren Sellars.
The next meeting will take place
Wednesday, April 5, at the home
of Mrs. George Quine, 766 W. Union.
If not, ssk jM writs CilOtt iltcltkil
eigne deslet sbout ths
fot tiini thif old Mtet hifer sow fot 9
mietn, quick-tecomt electric wtlet hetht!
See i dealer
displaying this emblem
Destined Specially for
Faimlie$ uilh PROBLEM
rfliit CVCLS
Trodti Toktn Easy Tirmi
721 $. I. 0k OR 3-5321
Easter dresses for little girls ore arriving daily on Mark's Fashion Balcony.
Dresses designed to make your little girl o stand-out in the Easter Porade. Slips
and panties ... ore part of the undercover story. Stretchy gloves, hats and
purses complete the costume . . . ond all ore available at budget prices ot
Marks. Green stamps, of course.
Fit, flattery ond simplicity ... all built into this tasteful Pure Irish Linen
Classic by Forever Young. Just one of our FOREVER YOUNG collection of time
ly clothes that go everywhere . . . including church on Eoster. Sizes 12 to
20 or 12V2 to 22!4. True fashion value at only 10.95
, 7
Like Mother . . . like Daughter . . . they choose their Eoster bonnets from
Mark's Fashion Balcony. Smart shoppers that they ore, they toke advantage
of Mark's Loy Away plon, choosing in advance, paying when most convenient.
Hots from 2.98 on Mark's Fashion Bolcony.