Marry In 7W r nST I i i MR. AND MRS. LYNN WILSON pose in the above picture following their marriage Feb. 28 at the beautiful home of the letter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Eino Hemmila, 378 SE Claire Ave., Roseburg. Before tier marriage the bride was Georgio Iso'lee Hemmila. The bridegroom . is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Harold O. Wilson of 777 Serrano Drive, San Luis Obispo, Calif. Mr. and Mrs. Wilson will reside at 420 W. Chestnut Ave., San Gabriel, Calif, following their honeymoon to points of interest in the south. (Picture by Chris' Studio of Photography). Club Has Luncheon Mrs. Kenneth Bailey entertained her bridge club at a charming 1 o'clock luncheon Wednesday at her beautiful new home on the North Umpqua River. White camellias and white tapers formed the ar rangement for the serving tables, which carried out a pretty green and white motif. Covers were placed for Mrs. Gor don Smith, a guest, and Mrs. Rob ert H. Savage, Mrs. Edward M Murphy, Mrs. James Aiken, Mrs. Carl M. Teague, Mrs. W. L. Tozer, Mrs; Ellon Jackson and the host ess, Mrs. Bailey. Mrs. Savage won the high score for the contract bridge play with Mrs. Smith winning the second high score. Mrs. Sutton Is Feted At Party Friends of Mrs. Leonard Sutton complimented her at a delightful surprise birthday parly Saturday evening at a party given in -her Honor at the noma or Air. and Mrs. L. L. Heath. A lovely match ed jewelry set was presented to Mrs. Sutton as a group gift. High score for the evening's pro gressive pinochle play was held by A. R. Hawkswortn and Airs. Lloyd North. Low scores were held by Mr. and Mrs. Sutton. Refreshments, served by M r s. Heath and Mrs. Glen Meyers, in cluded a lovely decorated birth day cake. Present for the affair were Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Sutton, Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Hawkswortn, Mr, and Mrs. Art Olson, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd North, Mr. and Mrs. Glen Meyers and Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Heath. Christmas Club Is Entertained - A charming 7:30 o'clock dessert supper was given by Mrs. Ivan Pickens Thursday evening, when she entertained the Christmas Club at her attractive home. Daffodils and forsythia formed the center piece for the table, which was covered by a lovely blue cloth Covers were placed for Mrs. C. fl. wade. Mrs. o. M. Heme. Mrs, H. C. Church, Mrs. J. R. Wharton, Mrs. L. E. McClintock, Mrs. R. D. Bridges, Mrs. Kenneth Quine and the hostess, Mrs. I'ickens. Sewing and visitinff were en joyed during the pleasant evening nours. Hills Entertain At Dinner Party Sunday A delightful Sunday dinner was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hili in Winston. The green damask covered table was attrac lively centered by (loral ar ragnemcnt of jonquils. Places were laid for Mr. and Mrs. LeRny Shuck and children, Ricky, Terry Sue ana undy and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hill, Randy, Kristl and Jana. Visiting was enjoyed during the evening. Xi Omicron Members Have Meeting At Triplett Home Members of XI Omicron, Beta Sigma Phi, were entertained Wed nesday evening at the new home of Airs. Robert Triplett. Mrs. Mere dith Wilson conducted the meeting in the absence of the president, Airs. Clarson Chitwood. Tne nom inating committee made a report. Airs. R. L. Wiley was appointed to represent XI Omicron on the Founder's Day planning commit tee, Airs. Sid Domcnico, social chair man, reported on the chapter din ner which was held prior to the Valentino dance. She announced tiat the next meeting at the home of Airs. Clarence DeCamp will be in the form of a "Mad Hatter's Party." She also reported that as part of the cultural program 1 Roseau rg 5 'J t 4 vl , .-...;5l' Supper Club Has Party Saturday Mr. rind Mrs. 0. R. Petersen entertained their bridge supper club Saturday evening at their lovely home on SE Overlook Ave nue. Pink magnolias and pink tap ers graced the serving table. Cov ers were placed for Mr. and Mrs. frank B. Woodworm, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Geddes, Mr. and Mrs. George Luoma and the host and hostess, Mr. and Mrs. Petersen. High scores for the evening's bridgo piny were won by Airs. Luoma and Mrs, Petersen. Hostess At Tea For Club Airs. B. L. Hardenbrook Era- ciously entertained her Round Rob in Duplicate Bridge Club Monday ai a cuarming lea at hum Brad ley's beautiful Oak Tree Inn on the North Umpqua River at Win chester. Roses formed the lovely decorations lor ine occasion. Enjoying the afternoon with Airs. Hardenbrook were Mrs. M. L. Halt mark, Mrs. Fred Schwartz, Airs, Virgil Lomax,- Mrs. M. C. Bowker, Airs. Ira J. Seitz. Airs. Harold E. Schniecr, Mrs. A. B. Collier and Mrs. b. E. McClintock. High score for the aflernoon's bridge play was won by Airs. Col lier with Airs. Hallmark winning the second high score. 'J: BRIDE-ELECT Mr. ond Mrs. Bill Battles, Camas Val ley, announce the engage ment and forthcoming mar riage of their daughter, Billie, to Terry Neilsen, son of Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Neilsen all of Drain. Miss Battles, populor student at the Comas Valley High School, is at the pres ent time vice president of the student body ond is the rally queen. She is active in oil school activities. Terry Neil sen is presently employed at the Rilco Laminating Plant in Cottage Grove. (Wilson Studio) for the evening each, member is to come prepared to present an ongi nal writing in tlu form of a verse prose or jingle. The cultural program, "Service Experiences," was given hv Mrs. Triplett. She cited the maiiy ser vice organizations in the Rose burg area. Each one attending loin oi community services in which they hd participated. 1-ovely refreshments were serv ed by the hostesses, Mrs. Triplet, Aliss Joan Harper and Mrs. De Camp, to Airs. Nick Barry, a guest, and Airs. Wilson, Airs, Neil Chris- tain, Mrs. Wiley, Mrs. Florence Powell, Airs. Bill Weber. Mrs. Do mrnico. Airs. Crnig Short. Mrs Bert Shoemaker, Mrs. Hubert kid' der and Alrj. Donald Dole. ''.:&V.. - LOTUS KNIGHT PORTER 8 The News-Review, Roseburg, Ore. . Vows Exchanged A i I 1 A 7 I I' ATnomevveaaing One of the most beautiful brides of the season was Aliss Georgia Isolee Hemmila, only daughter of Mr. and Airs. Eino Hemmila, of Roseburg, who was married Feb. 28, at 1 p.m. at the beautiful Hem mila home at 378 SE Claire Aven ue, to 11. Lynn Wilson, son of Air. and Mrs. Harold 0. Wilson, of 777 Serrano Drive, San Luis Obispo, Calif. The Rev. John E. Adams, pastor of the First Prebyterian Church, performed the impressive dounle ring ceremony in tne pres ence of relatives and close friends of the couple. The very lovely Early American living room of the home was the setting for the ceremony. White plum blossoms, daffodils and aca cia formed the large floor basket bouquets which harmonized with the room colors of brown with tan gerine accents. White Finlandia ca- melias, white plum blossoms and ivy decorated the fireplace mantel, which was lighted by tall white ta pers. Lighting the candles preced ing the ceremony was Aliss Carole Lindell. Wayne Wagner, organist, played the Bridal Chorus from Lohengrin for the bridal party to advance to the improvised altar and at the close of the ceremony played Alen delssohn's Wedding Recessional. On the arm of her father, the bride descended the winding stair way and joined the wedding party before the fireplace. She wore a beautiful floor-length gown of wmte brocade satin damask fashioned with a bell-hipline skirt designed , ... iu- 1 i: i iun ui longer ui uie iieniiiue jn uie uain. The short cape jacket, of matching material, formed a V neckline and buttoned at the front of the waist. She carried a bride's bouquet in the shape of an arch fashioned with white roses and centered by white gardenias. The bride's finger tip veil fell from a crown of Beed pearls. Airs, Helen Davies of Aledford was matron of honor and wore a blue lace sheath afternoon dress fashioned with street-length skirt and short sleeves. Her slippers were matching, blue satin and she carried a round bouquet of yellow and white carnations tied witn white riBBons. Her Douquei matched the yellow and white car nation and ribbon bouquets mark ing the railing on the stairway. Robert Ridgley of Portland was best man. For her daughter's wedding. Mrs. Hemmila chose a lilac full-skirted organdy fashioned with a very deep liem ana wun lilac BHlin collar ina nrsi weHiern duiik ul wiuui- and cuffs. She wore white slippers nia at San Gabriel. Donald Hagedorn To Receive Pen Donald Hagedorn of Roseburg will receive one of the pens used Tuesday by Governor Mark 0. Hat field in signing HB 1011, as a token of appreciation for Hagedorn's service to the cause of higher edu cation. Hagedorn is chairman of the Douglas County Colleges for Oregon's Future Committee, and Junior Duplicate Winners Stated Ten tables of bridge were In play Alonday night at the regular session of the Junior Duplicate Bridge Club. Njrth-South winners were: Mr. and Airs. Reddings of Steamboat, first; A1r. and Airs. Elliott Aiot schenbaeher, second; Airs. Henry Sherlock and Evelyn Hamilton, third; and Mrs. James Doyle and A. J. Kline, fourth. East-West winners were Airs. Neil Kaser Jr. and Airs. Philip Kaser, first; Airs. James Hughes and Mrs. A. K. Kent, second; Mrs. K. W. Fitzgerald and Airs. D. B. Secoy, third; and Mr. and Airs. John Davenport, fourth. Information about the club may be obtained by calling ; Airs. Cal lison, wlio is acting director in ine absence of Airs. Walter Ulrich. The club meets every Monday night at 7:30. flayers are asked to be present at 7: IS in order that play may start promptly. 1 Mrsj.EJudd Shower Hostess ' Airs. James E. Judd was a gra cious hosless Thursday evening at her charming home on Overlook when she entertained at delight ful bridal shower honoring Aliss Shannon Doyle of Portland who will be married .March 18. Present for the affair were Airs, .lames Dovle, Airs. Gary t'ripps, .Mrs. Don Wells. Mrs. Herbert Ste vens. Mrs. I.loyd White, Aliss Judy t.mlicott. Miss Audrey Nielsen, Miss Karen Trimble and Aliss Joan Person. Sending Rifts hut unable to be present were Airs. Howard Hun saker, Airs. J. Al. Williams and Mrs. Harold P. Trimble. Honor Currys Aliss Helen Casey and Aliss Na-i otm Scott entertained Sunday at dinner at their attractive home on SK Hlnkely Avenue having as guests Miss Isohel, Miss F.dilh and Miss Lulu Curry, who are moving from Koseburg to Rogue Valley Manor at Medford to make their home. BEVERLY and a rose colored cymbidium or chid corsage; Airs. Wilson, mother of the bridegroom, wore an ivory ensemble with matching accessor ies and a corsage of white cymbid ium orchids. A reception followed. The bride's table, covered by an exquisite cut work embroidered cloth was cen tered by a silver compote holding an arrangement of four dozen white carnations, gypsophillia and double Arabis. The punch was served from a table covered by while net cloth over pale green and centered with an arrangement of pink magnoliaflora camellias. The very lovely decorations were arranged by Airs. Paul Jenkins. The tiered wedding cake, topped by a miniature bride and bride groom, was cut by the bridal cou ple and served by Mrs. Paul Jenk ins. Airs. Belle Schenck of Aled ford served the coffee and Airs. Lyle Flaherty, of Portland, aunt' of the bride, served the punch. Miss Carole Lindell, who caught the bride's bouquet, had charge of the guest book. " Coming from out-of-town for the wedding were the bridegroom's par ents. Air. and Airs. Harold 0. Wil son, and granddaughters, Diane and Linda Wilson, of San Luis Obispo, Calif.; the bridegroom's grandmother, Mrs. N. Al. Johnson, of Kingsbury, Calif.; the bride's uncle and aunt, Air. and Airs. Lyle Flaherty, of Portland; Air. and Mrs. Robert L. Ridgley, of Port land; the bridegroom's great-uncle, Fred Wilson, of Salem, and Mrs. Belle Schenck and Mrs. Helen Davies, both of Medford. ' For traveling the bride chose a black and white ensemble with a red and white carnation corsage. Following a honeymoon to points of interest in the south, Mr. and Mrs. Wilson are now at home to friends at 420 W Chestnut Ave.. San Gabriel, Calif. ' The bride attended university or Oregon for two years and Scripps College at Cluremont, Calif., where she received her BA degree and maiored in art. She spent the last two years residing in Los Angeles and was with the home planners department of Barker Brothers, large furniture store, until the last two months when she was with a wholesale furniture company. The bridegroom, whose father is dean of student affairs at California Pol ytechnic College, received his Bach elor of Science degree from tor- nell University in New York and is an administrative trainee 'with was leaded of the campaign there to pass the higher education bond ing measure on the ballot last No vember, j A ceremony and reception at Sa lem to mark-the signing of HB 1011 was held as scheduled in spite j of the absence of the Governor, who signed the bill from his hospi tal bed at the University of Oregon Medical School Hospital at Port land. Mrs. Hatfield, who witnessed the signing of the bill and brought it back with her to Salem, address ed some 250 invited guests at the Capitol building. I A reception followed at the Alar- j ion Hotel, at which guests were . received by Mrs. Hatfield, chancel lor of-the State System of Higher education and Airs. John R. Rich ards, Dr. and Airs. R. E, Klcin sorge, President of the Senate and Airs. Harry Botvin, Speaker of the House Robert Duncan and Rep resentative Clarence Barton. Due to prior business commit ments, neither Air. Hagedorn, nor Mrs. Hagedorn, who had been in vited to pour, were able to be present. ' HB 1011 l. enabling legislation for the constitutional amendment voted in by the people in the No-1 vember general election which ere-; ated additional bonding capacity (or building dormitories, student 1 centers and other self-liquidating buildings on the campuses of Ore-; gnn's nine public colleges. The bill, which has now become law, au thorises expenditure of 10 million dollars for construction of these self-amortizing buildings. Among the guests honored at the reception were Senator and Mrs. Al Flegel, Mrs. Kenneth Erickson and Airs. Gaylan Bledsoe. i Once-A-Year SALES EVENT ' BELLE SHARMEER LEG SIZE STOCKINGS NOW m PROGRESS ENDS SATURDAY JUUefa HOSIERY Main Floor BROOKE FRIDAY, MARCH 10, 1961 ENGAGED Mrs. Archie Moore of Umpqua announces the ' engagement of her daughter, Nancy Charlene, to James Robert Nichols. The bride-elect, a graduate of Oakland High School and the University of Oregon,- is now a primary teacher in the Oak land School, and lives with her mother on their ranch. The bridegroom-elect is the ton of Mr. ond Mrs. Howard Grantz of Sutherlin and is at tending the University of Ore gon at Eugene, where he is majoring in Pharmaceutics. Plans are being made for the wedding in, July. (Picture by "Warren Studio, Myrtle, Creek). Wednesday Club Meets Airs. Clifford Babbitt entertained her bridge club Wednesday at a lovely dessert-luncheon at . her beautiful home on Hawthorne Dr. Chrysthemums formed the decora tions for the serving table. Covers were -placed for Airs. B. A. Young, a guest, and Mrs. Jack Davis, Airs. Emil Ramberg, Mrs. Paul Flood, Airs. F. C. Fitzgerald, Airs. Bea Smith, Mrs. Ralph De Moisy, Afrs. Robert Hatterscheid and the hostess. Airs. Babbitt. High scores for the afternoon's contract bridge play were won by Mrs. Deiuoisy and Mrs. Smith. n., t nwjMW"."' ,!; r mwm. J air-cooled iVry never splits ivT baby-soft frjkr eas ':-"7r Bridge Luncheon Is Given Miss Helen Casey entertained her bridge club at a charnnne 1 o'clock luncheon Tuesday at her oeauiuui nome on he. Blakeley Avenue. Camellias graced the ta ble, which was covered by a Dink lace cloth. The St. Patrick's mo tif was carried out in the other decorations. The hostess was assisted in serv ing by Aliss Naomi Scott. Enjoy ing the occasion with Atiss Casey were Mrs. Harris Ellsworth, Mrs. Arthur Clarke, Airs. Kenneth Win ston of Myrtle Creek and Airs. Frederick J. Porter, guests, and members. Airs. J. R. Wharton, Mrs. C. B. Wade, Airs. -L. E. Ale Clintock and Airs. Ivan Pickens. A beautifully decorated birthday dake, made by Airs. Wade, was cut in honor of the anniversary of Mrs. Wharton. Contract bridge was enjoyed during the afternoon with Airs. Pickens winning the member's high score and Airs. Porter winning high score for the guests. . Winners Reported Eight tables were in play at the Elks Club Duplicate Bridge play Tuesday night. North-South win ners were Airs. G. W. Marshall and Airs. A. B. Collier, first; Air. and Airs. W. C. Callison, second, and Mrs. Al. L. Hallmark and Miss GertrudeRast, third. East West winners were Mrs. Lyle Bo denner and Airs. O. R. Petersen, first; Air. and Airs. L. E. AlcClin tock, second, and tying for third were Airs. Wilkey and. Airs. Ray Carrico and Mrs. Harry Hildeburn and Airs. Edgar Lewis. Winners for the Friday after noon play at the Elks Club were Mrs. Al. L. Hallmark and Airs. A. B. Collier, first; Airs. Harry Hildeburn and Airs. J. Al. Bevans, second; Airs. Alva Perkins and Airs. L. E. AlcClintock, third, and Mrs. Ira J, Seitz and Aliss Ger trude Rast, fourth. The Tuesday night group meets at 7:15 o'clock at the- Elks Club and the Friday club begins play at 1 p.m. Charming Coffee Party Is Enjoyed Mrs. Ivan Pickens entertained at a charming coffee at her at tractive home Monday. Japanese quince formed the lovely decora tions. Enjoying the occasion with Airs. Pickens were Airs. A. J. El lison, Airs. Neil Kaser Jr., Airs. James Richmond, Mrs. Maurice J. Newland, Airs. Lauren Love land and son, Tommy; Airs. T. L Goodwin. Airs.1 Leland K. Wimber- lly and Airs. Art Rich. With $2 minimum purchase YH get on hour FREE parking at Adair' or Serv-Ur-Self Lot. Reports Trip g 4 ''My KVi GRAND COUNCIL MEMBER Mrs. Woldon Routledge Rose burg, pictured above, was the official visitor of the Rose burg Chapter of the Women of the Moose at their Chapter Night Program recently. Two new candidates, Shirley Turner, sponsored by Feme Andrus and Ann Howell, sponsored by Mildred Beckwith, were enrolled into the chapter in honor of Mrs. Routledge, who addressed the class and also gave a very interesting report of 'her exper iences on her recent trip to Florida, the meeting of the Grand Council and her visit to the retirement home of the Loyal Order of Moose, Moosehaven. Mrs. Routledge re ceived her Grand Council Stole, the symbol of a national officer and one of the highest degrees in the Women of the Moose, last summer. Before that time she held many offices in both this chapter and in the statei (Picture by Koop's Modern Photography). . Officers Are Installed By Glendale Nile Club ' The Glendale Nile Club met Fri day evening at the home of Airs. Henry La Pralh, with 10 mem bers present. New officers were installed as follows: Mrs. Harold Cooley, presi dent: Mrs. Loren bartle, vice president; and Airs. Henry La Pratn, secretary-treasurer. After the meeting, hostesses, Airs. La Prath and Airs. G. Al. Jones, served hearty refreshments. The next meeting will be Fri day, April 7, at the home of Mrs. 'Ray Cox. soft cool ; comfortable with 50,000 tiny pores fully lined with helanca easy-on two-way stretch machine-wash and dry can't ride up- everi always stays white miracle molding elastomer D rubber Magic ool soft-cool'comfortable air-cooled with 50,000 tiny pores-never splits fully lined with baby soft Helanca easy on- ,sy of f 'two-way stretch' machine wash and dry Second Floor Fashions i 1 - .JtMT I Surprise Party Given Thursday Airs. Bruce Hetrick was delight fully surprised on her birthday Thursday, when a no host party was given by a group pf friends calling at her home. Enjoying the occasion with Dr. and Airs. Hetrick were Air. and Mrs. W. R. Casebeer, Air. and Airs. Robert Harris, Air. and Airs. Eldon Caley, Dr. and Mrs. James H. Harris and Air. and Airs. Ber nard Saar. Visiting v.T.3 enjoyed and later lovely refreshments were served.