Thur., Mar., 9,1961 The News-Review, Roscburg, Ore. f Mew iry ueen Voiding rand Opening eekeni This W Remicks Erect New Building On W. Harvard Recently opened at 1N4 W. Har vard Ave. is Koseburg's new Dairy Queen, which is having a grand opening today, Friday and SaU urday. Specials are being offered. Owners of the. business are Mr. and Mrs. Earl Remick, who moved to Roseburg last fall and are oc cupying the home formerly located on the property where the Dairy Queen is situated. The house was moved to vacant property at the rear. Construction was started last fall with L. W. Metzuer as contractor. The building was completed and grounds blacktopped for opening Jan. 28. The grand opening was delayed until this time. The building is 24 by 48 feet, built of block masonry with large plate glass windows and a drive up window. Limited staling is pro vided inside. The Remicks are not new to the Dairy Queen business. They oper ated one in Levelland, Texas, from 1951 until last year, when they sold out and decided to come to Oregon. They formerly are from Minnesota. Remick and his wife, Lilyan. have four children, Jerry 14, Vance 11. Ann 9, and Dean 8, attending Roscburg Schools. f ,' - . . . 3 ' rttfi mil t t-L J i fe-"'-r.V' 'sr ; -rr-,v i ! PARALLELS IN HEALING ANN ARBOR, Mich. (AP) -Clergymen and psychiatrists have to use a common approach to peo ple who need help, sayd Dr. Ed ward J. Sheridan Jr., a University of Michigan psychiatrist. Both, he said, "must try to see the world as the sufferer sees it." BACK TO CONGO INDIANAPOLIS (AP) Method ist missionary forces are return ing to the Coiiko. In a recent month 26 more arrived there, bringing the total Methodist contingent to 82, compared with 110 before the evacuation last summer. Bishop Richard C. Raines, president of the board of missions, reports. Vital Statistics Divorce Suits Filed Evelyn vs. Harold Lewis. Mar 'ried at Myrtle Creek March 7. 3958. Cruelty charged. Custody of one child and order prohibiting de fendant from visiting the c h i Id asked by plaintiff. The defendant is out of the stale and is not sub ject to jurisdiction of the court for support. Loisann vs. Norland Powell. Married at Vancouver, Wash., Jlarch 7, 1960. Cruelty charged. Plaintiff asks restoration of maid en name, Loisann Gibbons. Marilyn Marie vs. Terry Gene Counts. Married at Dillard June 14, 1958. Creulty charged. Plain tiff asks custody of two children, $58.55 support for each while de fendant is in the service and S40 monthly when he returns to civil ian life. She also asks award of personal property and household items. On motion of plaintiff, or der granted restraining defendant from molesting plaintiff and grant ing her temporary custody of the children. Gladys vs. Fred Carls. Married in Roseburg Oct. 1, 1948. Cruelly charged. Plaintiff asks custody of two children, $50 a month support for each, award of household lur niture and furnishings, real prop erty and proceeds by way of rent al or payments on said property, f Deienaanl to nave car and sports boat. On motion of plaintiff, order' of court issued requiring defendant 1 to remove himself from the fam-j ily home at 1032 SE Cobb St., and; defendant restrained and enjoined from entering property until a hearing date is held March 6. Also restrained from molesting plaintiff during suit. Ida Jean vs. Albert E. Haines. Married Feb. 26, 1954. Cruelty charged. Custody of four children and S50 monthly support for each asked. . ! Divorct Decrees j Carol from Jcrold Berrow. Cus- tody of two children and $40 a month support for each granted plaintiff. . Ruth E. from William Campbell.; ' Custody of seven children and to tal of $150 a month support award cd plaintiff. j Viola Jabus Trom Carol Benja-j min Curtis. Property settlement ratified. j Stanley E. from Bessie E. For-1 syth. Custody of two children , awarded to defendant. I Edgar W. from Genia R. Rus-! seil. Plaintiff awarded property, along Highway 38 and Pass Creek and household goods and furniture, i Ernest H. from Nellie Heaton. i Melva Jean from James Merle i Jepson. Plaintiff awarded custody) of three children, $50 a month sup-': port for each and equity in house-1 hold furniture and auto of parties. Fred L. from Enid O. Evans. ; Defendant awarded custody of four1 children and $45 a month support for each. I' -1-V--T- - - f - Hi . t SUCCESS! It our wish for the bright, modern, new ROSEBURG DAIRY QUEEN It wot a pleasure to serve you. 14 A P DIC PLUMBING AND II M IX IV I 3 HEATING COMPANY Plumbing Contractors 1501 S. E. Stephens Phone OR 3-8173 GRAND OPENING is being held today, Friday and Saturday for Roseburg's new Dairy Queen, located at 1 1 44 W. Harvord Ave. Construction was started last October, and the place was opened for business Jan. 28. 1 GOOD LUCK TO THE NEW DAIRY QUEEN! . . , Another new business equipped with a CARRIER WEATH ERM AKER HEAT PUMP for your year 'round comfort! TOZER'S HEATING, AIR CONDITIONING & SHEET METAL 806 S. E. Pine Phone OR 2-3379 MR. AND MRS. EARL REMICK, owners of the new Dairy Queen on W. Harvard Ave. pose at their place of business with their four children, left to right, Jerry 14, Dean 8, Vance i 1 and Ann 9. They moved here last fall from Levelland, Tex. (Photos by Chris' Studio) Oairig HJJueen TODAY -FRIDAY and SATURDAY MARCH 9-10-11 We're ready for our big Grand Opening with those delicious Dairy Queen Sundaes, Malts, Shakes, Banana Splits and other taste treats. Now you can enjoy the delicious difference of Dairy Queen for refreshment at its finest. Bring the family and enjoy the fun! Earl and Lilyan Remick X FUN for Everyone! SURPRISES galore! FREE GIFTS for the kids! OPENING SPECIAL! 1A4 OFF on ell regular sundaes and shakes . . . the home of "the treat with the curl on top" j SULKING Herbert, a mo j rose parrot, live in the Chess liogton Zoo, Surrey, England.; O I'M Mry tM HHillrf Mwl Ct 1144 WEST HARVARD AVE. Congratulations Eorl and Lilyan Remick on the opening of your new DAIRY QUEEN. It wos a pleasure to work with you and I wish you every success. Dairy Queen INTERIOR and EXTERIOR PAINTING by CARL CORNELL PAINTING CONTRACTOR 1545 S. E. Main , DIAL OR 3-3080 Congratulations To Roseburg's New DAIRY QUEEN . . . from Your Paving Contractor ROSEBURG PAVING COMPANY BuitMft Hwy 94 South, Acreti from McKay' Mkt, OR 3-5166 Congratulations Earl and Lilyan Remick On The Grand Opening . Of Your New Dairy Queen It was a pleasure to work with you as General Con tractor in the construction of the Dairy Queen. We wish you every success. L. W. "LOU" METZCER GENERAL CONTRACTOR P. 0. Box 726 Roseburg DIAL OR 3-7451 Best Wishes EARL and LILYAN REMICK on the GRAND OPENING of your new Wiring and Electrical ! Fixtures By --j LANSING & OLIVER ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS 1561 S. E. Stephens DIAL OR 3-6636 Mr. 6 Mrs. Earl Remick and your NEW DAIRY QUEEN! It wot a pleasure to serve you in securing the real estate for your grand, modern Dairy Queen. We hope you'll enjoy success, hap piness and prosperity in Roseburg. JIM BEVANS REAL ESTATE Jim Bevans, Realtor Homes Forms Ranches - Business Properties 9S7 N. E. Stephens St. Phone OR 2-3731 Our Congratulations and BEST WISHES TO EARL and LILYAN REMICK on the opening of their new GLASS WORK -FORMICA METAL WINDOW WALLS BY NELSON i PYLE WOODWORKING CO. PARROTT 4 MOSHER DIAL OR 3-3434 WE CONGRATULATE - Oairig pueen On your Choice of easy to keep KENTILE FLOORS Provided by BOB ALLEN FLOOR COVERING We wish you EVERY SUCCESS BOB ALLEN FLOOR COVERING 1 570 S. E. Stephens OR. 2-1561