Accelerate in 61 With A Better Used Car From This Page. OR 23321 11 Houses j BEDROOM unfurn Ithad. Oft HtM. 6nEBEOROOM Cibin V3S. Mottl Pillard. ON 6 BEDROOM house, twFurnlthcd. Floor turnaca. Cloit In. OR ?). CLEAN unfurn. I bdm houe. Coup It or 1 am. chlW.l7PrktfRd.OR M35I. THREE BEDROOM houM. unfurn. Wtltsldt. ORJ-W. TWO BR-Kouit. unfurn. Out About 1 milt. HWV 50. W. UK i-VMi tvti. FURNISHED housekeeping cabins. 20S0 NE Stephana. Rowland Auto Court. CLEAN 2 brm dupltx, gai heat, Rost School dlst.; MO to rtoht family. OR 2-4M4. TWO BEDROOM houM, 533 Clovtr Lint, 75 monin. WINSTON Furnished 1 bedroom duplex. Tnwer v t-jw. ONE BR unfurn. house on Russell St. Wired for auto.weiher-dfyar. tip mo. OR 3-4167. CLEAN CABIN 2 rooms, both, turn. V45 mo. plus utll. OS t-5132 Winston. MOD. ranch-type 2-BR unfurn. duplex apt. carport, w. uk.w.. TW6Bdrm, unturn. house In Little Valley, W5. OR 3-4M.. THREE BR house, 2 blk from downtown Safeway. STOP. OR 3-312? after 3 p.m. UNFURN I SHED 2 BR house at Wilbur. 0 3-4VSI. 2 B.R. home close to Marks, OR 33104 or OR 3-5437. , TWO Bdrm modern house, In Winston. $50. OS 9-8461. 12 Trlr. Parks & Rentals TRAILER SPACE, private lot. Lge cement porcn. zw. icnwiaes, oniy. ok z-zju. VACANCY Mod. ell paved. blks to city center. Adults. Central Trailer Park, 151 Diamond Lake Blvd. OR 2-4104. PRIVATE trailer space, lge lot, nice garden area; Between NoseDura ana Winston Write Robert J, Taylor, P. 0. Box 47e, CottageGrove. or call WH M542. TTen"wTDE 2BRlrarier"for rent. Of course, nicer than any apt. Only SAO, plus space rent. It's (n convenient, quiet Timber Town Trailer Perk. OR 3-830. - TOWN & COUNTRY Mobile Park Boseburg's Finest AH lots with patio's and lawns. ' S25 month tor all modern homes. 2777 NW MulhOlland OR 2-1131 TIMBER TOWN TRAILER PARK 2010 NE Stephens aecommmodatlon for ah size trail ark. Incl. alt alactrlc. Paved Sis., land scaped, big lawns, metered gas. 1 block from' Safeway. Most Reasonahle Ralat OR 3-1504 14 Help Wanted ACT NOW Rawleloh Business available ' In Union County. Fast service provided from Portland warehouse. No previous ex perience or cash- Investment needed.' For information, ohone Mrs. H: Alexander, OR 3-1742 w write Rawlelgh's. 304 Adeline, Oakland, Calif. ' ' - NEW FIELD FOB SALES WOMEN No parties, no Investments. We offer Imme diate high paid commissions, management opportunities,' complete training program, unlimited prospects. 5a'lary and fringe ben efits, for those who quality. Women ac cepted must be' mature, career minded and own a car. See Mr. Duncan, State Man ager, 'Girardlan Insurance Co., Carter Bldg. or 'call Oft 3-4153. 1 IF APPLIANCE REPAIR SMALL APPLIANCE rapalr B.JI stock of srtiall aoollanca parts in Douolas County. Trowbrldga Elaclric 721 SE Oalc St. OR 3-55il: MOST RELIABLE and bast Malor appll anco repair avallaOla. So. us lor your basr homt laundry dsaL Bergh s Appli ance. OR MM1. YOUR GENERAL ELECTRIL appu anca service, Call OR J-3395 Guar. Work- manshlp at Carter Tiro ro. MAJOR APPLIANCE REPAIR. Bob Miller Aool. and Refrlp. service. Bob Mlllar Walt demons. OR3-55U. SMALL APPLIANCE Repair. Umpoua Val- 35 SE iepnns. vrt .-.i-. 10 AUTO BODY AUTO BODY and auto painting. Fraa ln-.,,..-. .itlmates. Work Guaranteed. Pal Motors Body Shop. Jl Nf Stephens, OR J.WOI. 11 AUTOMOTIVE REPAIR All CHRYSLER PRODUCTS. BarcuS Mo tor, WM NE Stephens. OR 3-5SM 14 .ATTERY SERVICE BATTERY Generator trouble? For econ : omlcel, ettlclent service see Powell's Bet fery S. Electric. Northsida Service Bldg., 1SW NE Stephens. .-i.-j-Lr nni 1 ' ' ww... 18 BICYCLES CITY CYCLE CENTER, "The Cycle-Lool-eel" place tor bikes, repairs, parts and nj .Virini ... .iui.1 i" " .ui!'--''.rmnri 21 BUILDERS, CARPENTERS FOUNDATIONS, basements, house raising, ...linn. Work F.H A approved. Ce ment, block work. Free estimates. Cal Mergel OR J.5or 0 3-S44. CARPENTER and cabinet work, Earl Are hart, OR 3 -ta. CARPENTRY and cabinets. Harry E. Young. ORJ-MU. CONTRACTING, all types, remodeling, car ports. Free estimates. OR M3S9. BUILDING AND REMODELING, OR 3-37f! 2 CARPET SERVICE SHERMAN'S CARPET SERV. Intalla!len M carpet, lineoleum and tue. uk .wm.-. 2? CHILD CARE Mother Goose Nursery OR J-I3! NORTH ROSEBURG KINOERGART6N. 1JSJ NE Vina St. OR 7-X43 or OK J-rf. 32 CRANE SERVICE Crane Service ERECTION work, concrete pouring. Cliff Thornton, day or mgrt OR .? 40 DRESSMAKING, TAILORING SPECIAL Dole breasted suits reityled to single. SIMS. Mrs. Gif!ordORW4l. SEAMSf RESS. Alterations and mending. Quolity work. OR S-7310. WANT ADS I2L fa 14 Help Wanted WOMAN companion for etderty ledy, wanting nome more man wages, Htjnr nouse. work. Box 114, Winchester. S9S A WEEK to start, guaranteed, to In dustrious married men witting to work hard catting en Fuller Brush customers. Phone OR 3-7415 after 7 p.m. WANTED competent, steady woman for general housework on ranch. Small fam ily, good home. References required. Write box 27 News-Review. 15 Work Wanted IRONING and light mending OR 3-4596. CHILD CARE my home, days. 3 Yrs. or older. Winston section. OS ?-5525. HOUSEWORK wanted, references and own transportation, OS Mite. '- CERTIFIED welder, 15 years experience. Call UN 3-3063 Myrtle Creek. 18 Instruction PRIVATE lulorlng. Mourlta McGarlty. 21 Building Material Cleanup Specials BUY now at special prices now available, tow grade 2 x A 2 x i and wider. Also Shiplap Rustic ana Boards Lumber Sales Co OR 3-7361 Garden Valley near RR Tracks 23 Fuel OAK WOOD, 1" and 24". Terms. OS t-5054. OIC FUEL CO. Dry oak, le" end 24 aiso, Tirneaier wooa. ok z-3304. DRY OAK and LAUREL wood-Tor sale. OR 3-3404 or OR 2-3452. Wood Pealar Cora Hardwood Block wood Red Diamond Fuel Co. OR 3-SOil Wood Peeler cores green or dry Sawdust Blower or Dump Guy & Francis Gill Fuel 2814 NE Douglas OR 21524 SAWDUST ' (Blower or Dump) s WOOD (Graen or Dryl Pond lilies short butt cuts from old growth fir Slab' wood (green or dry) Dry 09k wood , Large - peeler core (greet only) 2x4 planer 'ends (dry 16") ' Roseburg Lumber Co. Ph. OS ?-7l or OR 3-UOS 25 Farm Equipment '52 Fermell B and attach. $1000 value for S475.1 or trade for iivestocK. ok FOR SALE Pressure pump, tank and pipes, OS M2Q. JOHN DEERE wire-tie baler. Excellent con ditlon, $500, or trade for livestock. Call , OR 2-3844. SERVICE DIRECTORY Firms And Individuals With Better Service THESE SERVICES SAVE MONEY YOUR SERVICES ARE NOT LISTED HERE PHONE OR 2-3321 FOR ASSISTANCE 49 ELECTRICAL WORK Howard Electric Phone OR 3-3571 or OR 2-3805 Commercial, industrial, residential wiring ill S t. Main Roseburg. Oregon ELECTRICAL WIRING, supplies. Open deys wk. Lonsing a. Oliver, OR 3-463S, S3 EXCAVATING, SAND, GRAVEL DOZING, leveling; also grovel rock, river warn and road materials, Charles Keely, OS SHALE ROCK for roads and driveways. we deliver. Mt. Bella Shala Pits. 05 .-MI3. iS FURNITURE REFINISHING handy JIM'S Repair Shop. Modern and antique. OS 77 HEATING REPAIR all oil and gas heaters. Munion Heating, toes NE steohens. OR ..-4-0. 87 INCOME TAX Income Tax Service SONYA WHITE 635 W. Fairhaven Permanent location -Just off Hervard Phone OR 3-5017 Income Tax Bookkeeping Harry Hatcher OR M504, OR MM' Opposite bus depot INCOME TAX. Appointments In your own home. OR 3-4IH alter TncOME TAX Federal and Stale, both for ss. OR 2-)7a. 112 LANDSCAPING LANDSCAPING, sprinkler Instollstlon. lawns. Leveling, rololllllnq. Free estlmetet. Beebe and Bowman. OR 3-3731 or OR 3-1135. 119 LEATHER WORK SADDLE and horse peer repairing. 59 SE Peerc. St. OR 3-44l. 122 LOANS LOANS on merchandise. Wa buy and sell, Roieburg Loans. 4.5 SE Jacrson. 124 MIMEOGRAPHING ONE DAY service. Pickup and deliver Smalle Steno. OR 2-3444 anytime. 121 MOBILE HOME INSURANCE FOR THE flEST In Mobile Home Insorence. eio eprt reoeir n4 service by appotnl 129 MOVING. STORAGE for moving, pecking, ittveoe, cell WILLIAMS TRANSFER OH J-KSJ SE Itepheni Aoent for ro MeyfMWr ce. MUSICAL PIANO Lessens. Mrs. Weyn. Wagner, Rosa- burg Music. 3441 w. Harvard. OR. 2 -3el ACCORDION STUDENTS, Shirley Wells, 2204 SW Freeman Drive, OR 2-1310. 25 Farm Equipment EIGHT ft. Dempster grain drill; John Deere 304 pull pnwf John Deere s-secnen spring tooth; 2-sectlon harrow. OS t-5327. Rt. 4, Bex 571. NEED LUMBER? BUILD or repair your outtMjMdings now, with tow cost lumber from our YARD CLEAN UP SALE. Boerdf end 2" lum ber in ail widths vailek-e. Utility Ui M Economy $15 M OOQ m ana quantities w n ici Umpquo Mfg. Co. 1 ml. S. on n BR OR, 3-741 1 26 Livestock BURRO 4 years Old, green broke. OR 3-4446. REGISTERED 3 year old Hireford bult. O. E. Clayton, Rt. 2. Pox m. OR 2-iooi. HORSESHOEING and horse breaKlng. Whltey MOWt, OR WTOZ. WANTED sheep and cattle. W. A. Black en un j-4415 wynn irw. SERVICEABLE agi Hampshire boars. Wm. E. Crawford, Glide, Ore, pn. gy e-3357. YORKSHIRE weaner pigs. 45 head. Bill Tipton, OR 3-361 or OR 3-5547. FRESH milk cow with wh lief net celf. Milk goats. OS fU2f. FOR SALE Year Una and 2 year old ran Hereford bulls. Phone OR 2-zroi before 7 a.m. or after p.m. SCHRICKER & SON AUCTION. Phono Sutheriln 214 Livestock sale every Saturday at 12:30 p.m. Always a good active market for all kinds of livestock. i - . Schrtcker and Son Owners t Mgrs. G. A.' Brown, Welghmaster Dr. Don Rone VeUrlnarlan 27 Hay & Grain HAY FOR SALE. CHEAP. OR J-394. Alfalfa, 1st and 2nd cuttings. Paul Rum- mall. OS 0.5331. Dlllard ' CLEAN BARLEY STRAW JOe bale. Eves alt- , call OR 2-3261. ALFALFA HAY, J25 to US per Ion. A. J Rice, Diiiard. 05 T-awo. FIRST cutting Alfalfa hav. will deliver pick up or truckioad tors. Roy t. Hostenier. os v-5426, no Sunday caiut please. ALFALFA PELLETS 147 ton, 2S barley pellets S3 ton del. to Roseburg area. J ton leads. Siskiyou Pallet Mills, Grenada, Cal. pn. 2ivi. L. C. P. Pellet Mill WE MAKE the highest quality, lowest priced pellets that yov ce.i buy In Doug las County. See us for your pellet needs. L. C. Rt. 1, Oakland Perrin Ph. 2833 28 Poultry & Rabbits WANTED Live poultry, Roseburg Poultry os V-54W, no sunaay ten. 29 Pets PART COCKER puppies, 3-3044. 5 wks. old. OR DOUGLAS COUNTY HUMANS Society Ani mal snener. uk z-jw BLACK AND TAN hound pups (), can be reg. OR 3-50M. PUTMAN'S TOY FOX Terrier Kennels. Wll bur, Oregon. OR 3-B804. POMERANIANS. Lu-EMn Kennels, N. Ump qua Road. OR 2-2903, or' OR 2-3320. POODLES reg., $50 and-up. Terms, Myr tle Creek, UN 3-3039- BORDER Collie purebred puppies, wks, Ell Sanders, Rt. 3 Box 1720, OR 902. 153 PAINTING, DECORATING HnilSF PAINTING. Inside and out. Paper hanging, winter rates until April ist. Tour property insured, wern r-resion, uk 4504, 2V4s W Sherwood Ave. 160 PLUMBING FOR FAST efficient piumbifio repelr serv ice, celt Kler Crooch Plumbing Co. 2441 w. Harvaro. or z-uee. 170 RADIATOR SERVICE RADIATOR REPAIR, towlnc Welt't towing, 407 NE Wincneiter, OR 71M. 174 REAL ESTATE INTERESTED IN SELLING? List with Mul tiple. Ted Smello Reel Estate. OR 2-3444. 17 ROOFING PAINTING ROOFING Winter rotes Free Estimates All work guaranteed OR 3-6457 ROOFING New and repeir. Free Estimates work guaranteed. Fisher Thorsen Point Co. Call L. E. Bailey, OR 3-4041; or OR i-3575. UI SEPTIC TANKS SEPTIC TANK5 CLEANED Roseburg Sanl fallen Service, Ph. OR 3-3JU. 193 SIGN PAINTING SIGN PAINTING, since 1tl3. Hufhsm Signs, 371 SE Jackson, OR -e01J. 203 TOOL SHARPENING PLOW SHARPENING, welding. 2352 SW Caslle Ave. Mechlna Shop. OR 3-4M7. LAWNMOWER foorsheroenlng, saw filing Pick up, del. OR 34435 except Set. 208 TREE SERVICE PRUNING, ORNAMENTALS and fruit trees. OR 3-5743. 230 WATCH REPAIR WATCH REPAIR. Fest service. Th. Time Shop, 740 SE Can. OR 34002. Christie's Welch Shop, prompt guerunteed watch repair. 112 Kl weinui at. 23S WELDING ALUMINUM and all types welding, saw filing, mower service. Ges and electric mo'ar repeir. Prltchett's Shop, Winston. 235 SO ALUMINUM, pot melel, and stainless steel. All types or Heiierc welding. Winston Chain saw. OS l-sul. 231 WELL DRILLING WATER IN A HURRY Irrigation Domestic Cora Fast rotary drilling Dowdy Drilling Co. TERMS OR 1 Water Well Drilling Nothing down on approved credit. MOHR WELL DRULIBl 177 se JeckKm 31 Sporting Equipment USEO GUNS, bought, sold antj traded. Ump- qua bun siore. - WANTED 14 Ft. Fiberglass boat, boat trailer and 10 HP. motor. OR MSH. 33 Sewing Machines REPOSSESSION1 Necchl Supernova automatic iig-iag. Makes button holes witn a com. ine oniy run automatic. In we I. ceb. Low balance. Elne portable, has open arm. Weighs only 1 pounds. Z'Q teg. manes ounonnoief, sews on buttons, bllndstltches and emb. Low Balance. Necchl Eina Sewing Circle 455 SE Jackson PH. OR 3-442J Singer Selections Used Zig-Zag sewing machine in blonde lintsn desk. Monograms, sews on buttons, makes button holes. Terrific buy easy terms, see it today! Singer, other make trade-in sew ing macnincs, tnorougmy recon ditioned by Singer experts, may be purchased for as little as $10.00. See Urge selection today. Portables, consoles, etc. Singer Sewing Machine Company 558 SE Jackson . OR 3-7348 33A Musical STORY end Clarke spinet piano, WOO, Con sider freezer trade, ok z-jm. 32 Produce & Plants ELWOOD Cypress 3 ' Box wood 1 to V. SI ee. 42? W. Belli. OR 2-3671; eves and Sun. OR 3-4568. 34 Misc. For Sate REPOSSESSED appliances, nothing down ap proved credit.- or 3-53M t-5 wk aeys. BLUE with white lace semi-formal; pinK lace formal. Bom sire u. OR jm. COMPLETE Bdrm suite, 2 Pc living room suite, dining room set. OR 2-3?s. HEAVY DUTY Triangle trailer hitch. Space 1, Bob-HH Trailer TOWER adding machine, excellent cond. Sf. '$9 MODEL Wiziard auto, washer. Excellent COnd. 5. OR 3-7S53, PARAPLEGIC, Almost new elec. wheel chair, batteries, charger. Exc. cond. Finger con trol. Vi price, oo. on z-idsj. JOIN the Umpqua Plying Club. Special membership rates for fami'v groups and teenagers, on 3-w or uk '" RFNDIX drver In good condition for fsale or trade (or sewing machine. UK if ii n pop sale, free lesio.-.s. alazes, areen ware: Next to Winston lockers. TR EVA'S CERAMICS, OS f-5133. TOP SOIL from new location. The best vou have ever seen no tktb ' or woeai, Ralph Fisher, Winston. OS M493. TV SALES and Rentals, day orvveekly rates, call Kler Crooch Plumbing Co. 2441 W Harvard. OR 2-3364. HAVE PURCHASED KENMORE washer. Hav. for sale Coronedo outomatle washer. Reasonable. Call OR 3-4732. US'ED LAWNMOWERS reel and rotary. Umpqua ' valley Hardware, 430 SE Rose. OR 2-UIS. ' RUMMAGE SALE March 10 and II a.m. to S p.m. 1122 NE Freemont OR 2-3077 WATKINS PRODUCTS Special, Mary King Shampoo. Buy one af regular price gel one at "I price: Merle Weaver, Welkins Dealer, Phone OS ?- J GOVERNMENT GRADED meets tor bast freezer satisfaction. Custom cutting, wrapping and quick freezing. WINSTON LOCKERS, OS ?-5l33 ' ONE AND TWO room South Roseburg ceb Ins. Excellent for guest house, utility room or mountain cabin. Easy 1. move. RSa sonable. OR 2-4501. ; ' 30 UNIT motel, sawdust or wood, late model steam or hot water heeling system, pipe and radiators Included. SMC-.' terms. OR l-450t. NICE usod Frigldeire renge with 1 new burner. 140. Very quiet G E refrlg. S5S. Phil's Appllence. We Service ell makes. Open Mondey and Thursday til p.m. OR 2-1700. IMPERIAL Frigldaira dryer, has new heal ing unils, S75. Hotooint washer with rebuilt motor and new spin clutch, S45. Phil's Applience. We service all makes. Open Monday and Thursday 111 OR 2-1700. UTILiTY-Bb'ARbiised foT" cutting meats, fruits, veoetobles, also as hot pad and tray, bread board. Durable, light weight, washebla. (I. Glendal. Mfg. Co., Slendele, Oregon. ' BUYING CHEESE THIS WEEKEND? Buy Rogue Gold Cheddar Cheese. Look for the Red and Yellow label. Ask tor It by name, ROGUE GOLD CHEDDAR CHEESE none finer Used Furniture Rainbow Trailer Sales Old Hwy te N. Winchester OR 3-7172 Beckwith Cycle Co. Schwinn & Evans Bicycles New, Uied Also Motoi cycles 2t:i W. Harvard OR 3-1120 ACME FURNITURE Best Prices In Town Cell us and save IIS 717 SE Sheridan OR 2-3113 SUPER DOGS On a Stick GET 'em AT THE DAIRY QUEEN NOW'S the time to save! SEARS APPLIANCE PARADE Freezers, refrigerators, washers, dryers, ranges, . TV sets., carload lawn mowers. Now at Spectacular LOW PRICES! $. them today ot SEARS ROEBUCK 526 S. E. JACKSON OR 3-6673 Pfltrvnizt Ntwt-Rtvitw Advtrtittri GUESS WHO..; Cent umrt ttf .is going to resign. 34 Misc. For Sale CEDAR POSTS. OR 3-3H0. REPOSSESSED 16 ft. retrloeratoMreeier, door. Wettrn Auto, Roteburg. " ' TWO WHE'el lugaaga trailer, for sale i trede. or j-sto. KIR BY vacuum cleaner, like new, $s. OR 3-7010. KNAPP SHOES. Call loc.l representative, G. D. Sanders, ok z-jeor. . USEO GUNS bought sold and traded. Ump qua cun 5Tore. ELECTROLUX vacuum cleaner sales and urv ei. OR 3-010 or uk jmjti STANLEY HOME Products V. Miller. OR 3-515? it no answer ur-owr. USED Plumbing, cast iron soil pipe, copper tutting, etc. ok j-b. - tjrijrAfffr'm'rvi "' " 35 Wanted Misc. WANTED-SCRAP IRON Top Prices Northwest Machinery Sales 1928 NE Airport Rd. OR 2-3401 wsntfd ANTIQUE coins, guns, china, glassware, jewelry, clacks. Pnscllla's An tiques. 247 SE Jackson Off 2-1471. WANTED used guns. Wa pay cash. Umpqua Gun store. WANTED. used .22 . rifles., umpqua . Cun Store. WANTED used furniture and misc. Rose- buro Furniture, 243 SE Jackson, OR 3-5104. TO BUY Table saw and .lolnter, ' OR 2- 32M. ' WANTED good used tilting arbor table sew OR 3-546? alter 5. USED FURNITURE wanted. OS 9 5213. 36 For Trade TRADE AUTOMATIC wesher for livestock, Or SSI), S65. OR 34741. WILL traBe equity In 'it Volvo for work car that will run. can erer s uk j-j-ho. lto Austin A 10. 4 dr. sedan. Good shaot $309 cash, or tradt for llvestocK. or 3-36Bt wtekdayt befort 2 p.m., or weak' ends anytfme. " ' ' WILL TRADE equity In '59 model 10 wide 47 ft. iraner tor lurnnurt ana car. van 3408 Sufherlln. ' ' 19' MODERN houittraller, metal for older, larger modern House trailer, no tqumti, j. w. Doyi ok i-wi eves. 37 Machinery FOR THE BEST In ell types of logging and construction macninery, can leg j Boker,' OR 3-6362 alter a, or 'write 3145 NE 'Hughes. .' I . Engle & Person 1511 Diqmond Lake Blvd. Roseburg, Oregon OR 2-4332 OR 3-7314 CRANES AND LOADERS Sales and Rentals Person Heel Booms Marion 1 yd truck mount With grapele boon Lorain 1'. yd Barge mount Excellent ' Lorain 4. yd truck mount Crane Boom Lorain VA yd on tracks With grapple boom Northwest ss yd on tracks With heel tMOm Northwest 1't yd on tracks With crane boom . Truck 4-71 GMC diesel Ideel for weter wagon Scoopmoblle . yd Cheap 38 Logging Equipment 07 LOGOINO cat, 3T series. Good shape, mm lord canopy, i ae mootrn i' wioe trailer house, clear, as dn. pymt. UJSO, lermi. J. W. Doyle, OR 2-2924 eves. 39 Timber & Sawmills WANTED Douglas fir, cedar oga and cordwooa tn mumpies or a tt. w ioaa and haul If piled along accttslblt road Keller Lumbar Co. OR M791. 40 House Trailers WILL PAY CASH for equity tn let model 50', 10 wide frailer noma, or j-7M EARL SMITH TRAILER HOMES CO. Venus Henslce Rollawiy Vacation Models by JEWEL Complete Line Trailer Supplies' UK) Nl Stephens Oft t-USt At The Big Lot Traileramas Universals Spacemasters Kits and Nashuas 1, 2 end 3 Bedrooms CHECK OUR PRICES You will he glad you did and we will gain business Jim McKee Trailer Sales 1028 N. E. Stephen! OR 2 221 40 House Trailers NEW For 1961 ! ! ! $EE THE NEW 0ILTMORE 10 wide with NEW CONCEPT of trelier living tt lilt- mere a reasonaoie prices. Also EXCLUSIVE WITH BILTMOREI Tht ONLY I wide wttn expending nvinp room: siiomg giest peo ooeri, pnf or iwv oeoreomt, 40 (eel long. Also a full tine of ether NE.V end USED TRAILER? -J rURNITUPE AUTM Shady Point Trailer Sales 1 mile South Hwy. M BR. OR 1-1431 t s Here The new 1961 Nationally Known ELCAR Now Built In Oregon To Save You Freight See Its Quality -Get Its Price See The 1961 Fleetwood The Most In Mobile Homes For The Money Drive Out To Rainbow Trailer Sales Old Hiway 99 N. Winchester Bank Terms , Furniture & App'iQncS In Trade GjQd Used Trailers RELIABLE TOWING OB 3-7272 Closed Sundays 43 Autos & Motorcycles BARCUS Used Cars 60 DODGE V-8 Matadqr 4 dr Hdtop, k & ii,- power steering, power brakes. 11,000 actual miles. New car guarantee. Sold new $4135 now only $2798 '58 PLYMOUTH Belvedere se dan. Push, button drive, pwr. steer., RiH $1298 '57 CHEVROLET V8 Bel Air aedan. Pwr. glide, RiH recond. motor, new paint $1198 '57 PLYMOUTH V8 B e 1 v. sdn, Torquctlite, RiH. $1098 '58 PLYMOUTH Belvedere se dan. Push button drive, RiH $ 598 Si PLYMOUTH Belvedere. 2 door Hdtop, push button dr, RiH, new tires $ 698 '55 OLDS Super 88, 4 dr bdtp. Hydramatic, RiH $ 698 '55 NASH Statesman Cust. sdn. hydramatic. You can't beat this one for real economy $ 398 '55 RAMBLER Station Wa- gon. Brand new motor .... $798 55 DODGE V8 Sla. Wgn., Powerflite. RiH. recond. motor $ 898 '54 KAISER aedan, special .... $198 IMPORTS '60 SIMCA Super dlx sdn $1298 '59 SIMCA Elysee adn $1298 '59 SIMCA Wagon, like new $1198 '59 SIMCA deluxe sedan - $ 998 PICKUPS '60 DODGE i Ton Bickup. New truck guarantee .. $1898 58 FORD V8 l ton pickup 4 need. New tires. H.D. bumper. Custom cab $1398 '57 DODGE V-8 'i Ton pickup Long wheel base, 4 spa. tram. Looks and runs like new $11 M DODGE V8 .i ton Dickuo. RiH - $ 598 '55 FORD '.4 Ton pickup, Camping canopy, H.D. bumoer. Tod condition throughout $ 798 51 STUDEBAKER 4 ton pick ud Good, heavy duty tires. Kuns good $ 148 '51 CHEVROLET 44 ton pkup $398 BARCUS Open evening! HI i. Sundays IS to 4 OH S-SSM N. Stephana at Cardan Valley d. EVERY WEEK IS THRIFT WEEK IN WANT ADS Thur., Mar., 9, 1961 Th News-Review, Roseburg, Ore. 11 40 House Trailers EQAJITY In 19i7 I k 45' ? hwJroom Nashua S7QO. aiuirn kihua n f.iMI J & J Trailer Sales 10 WIDES Angelus Great Lakes 1, I i ! Bedrooms AIRSTREiM TRAVELEZE W To 26'' USED TRAILERS Reconditioned ii Guaranteed al NE Garden Val!ey Blvd. OR 3-14S1 42 Trucks 1951 JEEP pickup, 4wheel drive, good cond, 1450, OR 3-3IQQ. JS CHEV is ton pickup. O'drlvtTff.H. Ex ceiitnt snapt. pn. ok i-uh or or 3iij. 'JO MODEL A flatbed pickup, good cond. jiu. Rt. 4, box ui, unie valley Rd. 1945 Ford V-l V ton pickup, 4-sped trans.. neater, h.u. oumper. mi. or ;-25il tttr FOR SALE 1956 International 4 WO k ton pickup, soul n umpqua state ank, pnong jc i-x.i, yanyonvine, SOOD 'Si OMC-VS (ruck wllh W bed-S1 stekes. l speed axle. Aisa l horse trailer. will leke 4 wd Jeep pickup, tractor or term Implements In pn trade. Write P. O. Box S06, roncane. WHOLESALE WHY PAY RETAIL 'S3 BUICK Riviera 4 dr., RiH, 51 BUICK 4 dr., RiH 53 CHEVROLET 4 dr. sedan RiH, 52 CHEVROLET 4 dr. sedan, RiH : '51 DODGE 4 dr. aedan, RiH '51 FORD 4 dr. sedan, RiH '55 FORD Fairlane 4 dr. sedan, 52 HUDSON 2 dr., RiH, new '53 KAISER 4 dr., RiH, clean '5 MERCURY club cpe., RiH 53 NASH 2 dr. H.T.,. RiH '52 OLDSMOBILE 4 dr. sedan, '52 PLYMOUTH 4 dr. sedan, RiH ....... 50 PONTIAC 2 dr., RiH, sharp COMMERCIALS '41 FORD Vi Ion pickup 49 CHEVROLET H ton pickup : '55 FORD V W ton, 4 speed Better Buy Wholesale Lot Phone OR 2-2882 1182 N. E. Stephens The Lot With ROSEBURG MOTORS 59 BUICK LeSabre 4 dr. H.T., 2 to choose; from 59 BUICK Invicta 2 dr. H.T., RiH, Dyna., P.S. and P.B $2298 56 BUICK Century 2 dr. H.T., RiH, Dyna., P.S. and P.B $ 898 . '58 CHEVROLET V8 station wagon, RiH, O'drive $1298 , 55 CHEVROLET V8 Bel Air 4 '56 FORD V8 Victoria 2 dr. H.T., RiH, Fordomalic, clean $ 898 . '56 FORD VS Country Sedan wagon, RiH $ 898 58 OLDSMOBILE 88 4 dr. aedan, RiH, Hydramatic, P.S. i P.B., low mileage $1798, 58 OLDSMOBILE 88 H.T. cpe., RiH, Hydramatic, P S. and P.B. $ 998,', 60 PONTIAC Catalina 4 dr. sedan, RiH, Hydramatic, Save ???? 59 PONTIAC CaUlina 2 dr. sedan, RiH and Hydramatic $1998 59 PONTIAC Catalina 2 dr. H.T., RiH, Hydra $2198 56 PONTIAC Custom St, P.S. and P.B. Ch. 2 56 PONTIAC 4 dr., RiH, Hydra., Clean 55 PONTIAC 4 dr., RiH, Hydra $ 598 53 PONTIAC 4 dr. aedan, RiH, Hydra $ 298 CADILLACS 59 COUPE DE VILLE, fully equipped 58 FLEETWOOD 4 dr. H.T., fully equipped 56 SEDAN DE VILLE, fully equipped MANY MORE TO CHOOSE FROM "DUSTY" RHODES "TRADER" SCHROEDER OR 3-6536 OR 2-1786 CORNER OAK & ROSE OR 3-6555 i III SUBSCRIPE TO THE NEWS-REVIEW DELIVERED DAILY TO 11,500 DOUGLAS COUNTY HOMH 43 Autos & Motorcycles 'as FORD, good condition. Cell OS 'Hit. Its PACKARD lidtop. SI'S or trade for livestock. honeOR ?-?3. SELL OR TRADE 'S Ford FalrlanVsoJ or 'S3 Chew., lowered leo plpss OR ?-SIS4. -SI ENGLl'SH Ford, good tires. KfS. OR . 1-iiK. JEEP, full cab. seats 5. Warn hubs, Ai eond. SU u. Attar 6 p.m. OR 3-341P. 'it FORD Calaxla, all accessories, U.iSO. OR 5;J'J; ' ' IJS4 BUICK. 'St Dodge tor salt or trade.. CallOR J-mt. alter 5 P.m. . . USED CARS. PICKUPS wanted. Cash or trade tor equity. Johnson and Thiele, 13SS SE Stephens, OR WJtl. ' LATE MODEL USED CARS WANTED Cash or trade lor foully ATEN PHIL" .' LIPS. m SE Slechens. . 'S2 PACKARD 4Jr. sedan, all good shape. OR M4, or write i. D. Malhls, Rt. 4, ' Box UJ. REPOSSESSED 1934 Plymouth station wagon, -nothing down S2I.00 me. on approved cred tt. OR 3-5?44 t to S p.m week days. CADILLAC 1954 sedan DeVllle, loaded with extras. Full power. Immaculate condition. Full price 11, TO. an down, SIS mo. Ph. OR j-aus, eves. Used Auto Parts '55 'W Ford tng'i, and I eyl. '55 '60 Chev. eng'i, 6 and cyl. Corvelte 4-speed tram. Chan,j-over from automatic trans, to standard or overdrive trans, lor '51 '41 Ford or Chav. IF we haven't got the uarti you need wa will get them wllh our fast tetetypa strvlct. Essaness Auto Salvage " 1460 NE Stephens ' OR 34023. Dyna., real clean $288 ,$98. $348 , $198." $58 $148 . $398 . $118 $168 ; $298 ' $218 .... ... $ 98 $138 -; . $198 ' clean . RiH lires . RiH $58 $143 $598 Evdnlngi OR 2-1560 Russ Bryant, Lot Mgr. The Blj Clock RiH, Dyna., P.S. and P.B. ; $2198 dr., RiH, powerglide $ 798 dr. H.T. cpe., RiH, Hydra.,