"T"" i ''g "" 1 fa ..,..., ,.,.,..u, .,....,. h. w.r.e...iiggti, ' " -1 'w -., , If . :.ti.;'., .;. ' I- ffi HOTEL IN THE ROUND 1 hit ii the new circular hotel, the Ariel, recently opened at London airport. The four-story air conditioned structure haa 186 room, plut dining, lounging and recreational facilitiea for the air traveler visiting the British capital. Russia Agrees To Meet Delay WASHINGTON' (AP) Russia today agreed to President Kenne dy s request lor a six-wee uriay in resumption of the nuclear test ban talks in ueneva. U. S. Ambassador Llewellyn Thompson was handed a note in Moscow telling of the Russian s agreement. The Soviet govern ment was to make the text public later in the? day. Thompson reported immediate ly to the State Department. Offi cials there said the tone of the note was civil and that it was rel atively brief less than 300 words. A first reading indicated no So viet effort to use the note as a vehicle for propaganda. There had been some puzzle ment here over why the Russians had not replied earlier to putting off the talks until March 21. The test ban conference, which has been held on and off in Swit zerland for more than two years, years, was recessed early in De cember with agreement to start again Feb. 7. OPEN Monday Nights Til 9 P.M. OPEN Monday Nights Til 9 P.M. Scissors a Collection of Mon., Feb. , 1961 The News-Review, Roseburg, Ore. 13 Lightweight woolens Man-made miracles Carefree cottons ESTRON-ACETATE A ntw concept in fabric luxury A silky feel and tupplenesi never before potitble. Permanent pleat retention 45 inches wide DARLENE WOOLENS Dyed to match the Darlene sweater. Pastel shades in tweeds and solids. Coordinated tar mix or match ensembles. 60 inches wide PLAYKNIT SUITING The cotton sport cloth. For Coprte, Tops, sheaths, Jackets. Coordinated for mix or match ensembles. Bright colors including Orange and Hot Pinks. 45 inches wide mmmmmiff jj V , 1 ! ' , ' J if ( liKift ... i... .. ..,.4 : ; L - ! W ' 7. X y - ri 4 I .V 'r . " I ' 4S idt wide " yd t : j ; iJW 'V I varioty of gay, bright patterns I t f 1 38 to 39 inches wide j f 1 PATTERNS BY V LOWENSTEIN SIGNATURE PRINTS 1 29 y, DRIP-DRY COTTONS 39c Complete Notions Department Featuring such fomoui nome brands ei Telon Zip pert; La Mode Buttons; Belding Bel-waxed mercerized thread; and a full line of Win dreit making shears. 1 Hour Free Parking With $2.00 Purchase Jiluim. FIRST OF THE WEEK c vet: MESH r iai Betty Crocker, Honey Spice, Marble, Block Walnut, White, Yellow, Peanut Delight, 1 lb. tin 4. IC 15 Pop the Washday Miracle srite k Chocolate or Strawberry 1 lb. tin Giant Size Pkg. Seasoning included, Yellow or White 2 lb. pkg. IC m Cottage 8 oz. tin Large Fresh Solid LETTUCE 2 head 25' Grisp Green Celery Hearts Pkg.19c Extra Large AVOCADOS 2 ir 19 Lean All Meat Ground Round . . . . ib. 59c Tender All Meat Stewing Meat ib. 65 Fine For Seasoning , ( . Bacon Ends 4 l ib. Pk.s.99c Bagley Freestone, Salad Pieces 2l tint Zee 100 ft. roll 25 lb. bag Chiffon, 400 count 19 2: 39" $165 Die mm WAX Pillsburv FL FACIAL licet! Strawberriesif 77' $4" $37 A POWDER POWDER 900 calorie diet, Asst. flavors, 8 oz. cant : Reg. 1.19 900 calorie diet, Asst. flavors, 3'i Ib . . can Reg. 6.90 LIQUID 6-Pac, Asst. flavors, B oz. tint Reg. 2.09 Prlo In thii od .K.cfiv. Monday, Tu.idoy, WidnMday, Ftbruory 6, 7, 8. W. tei.rv. th right to limit. No fol.l to d.ol.n.