The news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1948-1994, December 13, 1960, Page 8, Image 8

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    RMS Junior 'Carole ;Geddes Has
South American celot For Pet
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Wild Jungle Cat Not
For Taming Says
Animal Authorities
The "Orange R" news staff at
Roseburg High School reports that
todaift Youth
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ADJUDICATOR CLINICIAN Riddle High School was the host for o music festival re
cently. Participating choruses from Glide, Glendale, Riddle, Myrtle Creek, Sutherlin,
. Oakland ond Douglas were graded on their ability by Estley Sohlick, musical director at No.
Eugene High School. Following the Clinician in the morning was a assembly for Riddle
students with oil the choruses participating.
. . October's girl
, . named top boy
. . takes honors
Forest Crawford Named
To Dean's Honor Roll
Forest L. Crawford, son of Mr,
anil Mrs. Elmer Crawford, Rt. 1.
has been named to the Dran'i
Honor Doll at the Milwaukee
School of Engineering for his aca
ricmic achievement ' during this
past quarter.
Crawford. 19.17 graduate of
Roseburg limit .School is studying
tlcclrical hnginccring, Commun
K-alions option at MSOK.
Glide High Pep Band
Sets First Appearance
The Glide lhph School pep band,
under the direction of l'ete Burncy
will, will make its first appearance
soon at one of the scheduled league
basketball games.
'Ihs girl members of (lie band
have chosen gold blouses, blue
skirls and while shoes, and the
hoys will wear gold shirts and toy
at blue pants.
Canyonville Hible academy GAA
pins were hostesses to ttie Can
vonville High School lift A mem
oerj at a play day recently in
the CBA iivm.
Volleyball and table tennis were
played after which the hostesses
served a spaxhetu dinner to the
guests in the CBA dining hall.
The entire student body of
call Ilich School look the low
lest of Educational Development
recentlv. The test will show the
L- J ...
arjdemie inventory for Voncallajat the greater New Yolk dcntaland even break hndgework by
High, . i meeting. i endless lalargnashing.
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... November's girl
Oakland Names
Student Leaders
"Students of the Month" for
October and November were re
cently aclected at Oakland High
October's girl and boy of the
month were Joyce Cook and Jerry
Rogers. They were chosen for their
Miss Cook, a Junior, Is a former
junior varsity cheerleader, major
ette and student council repre
sentative, and she is presently a
member of the National Honor So
ciety! Rogers, also a junior. Is presi
dent of the junior class, sports
editor of the Oaklcaf and the
Acorn and is a member of the
football and basketball teams.
Annabelle ONeal and Bob Dor
man were chosen November girl
and bov of the month on the
quality of friendliness.
A junior, Miss O'Neal Is active
in the Girls Athletic Association,
a member or the school band and
pep band, Sergeant of arms of
her class and a member of Jobs
Daughters of which she will be
crowned Honored Queen in Janu
ary. Dorman, who Is a senior, is
interested in science, athletics,
and band, and ia. a member of
the science club, junior varsity
basketball team in his trosh year,
baseball in his frosh and sopho
more years and class representa
tive to the student council in his
junior year.
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BUDDY Wearing his lovinff cup on his broad back is
IUiddv, 94Mi-pound Southdown Jamb. Buddy was named
rand champion wether nf the 61st aunual Iutcrnalional
iVCstOVi JiviiUSlUuli la Chicago. . .. . ..'
By Gum, Here's Relief For
NEW YOItK (P)-By gum,
now thern relict lor ail you
Yon-Iih gnashers.
Dr. Leon M. Gecker here has
unveiled a tooth shock absorber
Riddle Students
Engage In Mock
United Nations
Ten members from Riddle High
School's International Relations
club were delegates to the South
ern Oregon Model United Nations
held at Medford High School last
Saturday. The Riddle club repre
sented the countries of Austria,
Ceylon, Chile and Costa Rica.
The model meting was held as
a prelimipary to prepare the In
ternational Relations clubs in
Southern Oregon for slate-wide
Model United Nations meeting
held each February on the Uni
versity of Oregon Campus. The
seven-hour program had three
meetings of the general assembly,
five committee meetings and meet
ing of a model Security Council,
Model Economic and Social Coun
Questions considored by the dele
gates included West Berlin, Atom
ic Testing, world traue Darners,
aid to underdeveloped countries,
South Africa, human rights to mi
nority groups, U. N. armed torces,
military bases, arms census, dis
armament and other topical items.
Delegates from the Riddle club
included . Delegation chairman,
John Brown and delegates -Peter
Mimnaugh, Jane HeUberg, l.arO'
lun Kriink. Diane Foster. Phil Kel-
sey, Carolyn McCoy, Christine
Tanlin. Joanne Bonn and Bill
Markham. The club advisor, Rob
ert L. Casebeer and Riddle High's
principal Donald E. Brown were
also present,
Rosalie Holcomb Tops
Honor Roll AtElkton
Rosalie Holcomb topped the hon
or roll for the past six weeks at
Elkton High School with a straight
"one" grade average.
niher students listed were Susan
r.i-imsmd. Donna Hedden. Pat
Chiklers, Doris Compton, Mary
Lou Hanson, Judy Monner, Diana
Hcnderer, Timm Hicknell, Peg Lev
enhagen and Kenny Adams.
Given honorable mention were
Mnrritt Snleman. Sue Hcckley,
Glenda Sawvers, Tom Soleim, Judy
Mode. Milton Cheever. Sharon
Wealherlv. David Gales. Chuck
Swinehart and Jeanette McCall
All Teeth Gnashers
The shock absorber is a simple
light device that can be worn
over the lower teeth between
meals by day and while sleeping.
Teeth oi-inders. railed bnixists.
eventually may loosen their teeth
?. fl' -; .'V
8 The News-Review, Roieburg,
Newsman Huntley Will Accept
Quill, Scroll Press Staff Honors
Chet Huntley, one of America's
foremost newscasters and com
mentators, has consented to serve
as the honorary president of the
Itoseburg High School chapter of
Quill and Scroll, the "Orange R"
news staff reports.
Quill and Scroll is a national
honor society for high school jour
nalists. In order to qualify for the
society, students must be a jun
ior, rank in the upper third of
their class, and have published 50
inches of copy in the school paper.
NBC Turn
Huntley, who forwarded his pert
sonal acceptance recently to the
chapter president, Addison Talbot,
is the well-known senior member
of the Iluntley-Binkley news re
port presented by NBC television
each evening.
Included with the letter of ac
ceptance was a photo of Huntley
DONNA WEAVER and Bruce Manske were chosen Girl
and Boy of the Month for November at Glide High School
recently. Miss Weover was chosen for her work as chair
man of the coronation committee of the carnival. Manske
was selected for his work on the Carnival also. Both are
highly active in school affairs. 1
Glendale FHA Club
To Help Drive For
Muscular Dystrophy
The Glendale Future Homemak-
ers of America club has chosen
for one of its projects for the year
the soliciting of funds for the Mus
cular Dystrophy Drive.
Another project of the FHA, al
ready accomplished, was the dec
oration of the cafeteria for the
Oregon Employe's Assn. meeting
held there on November 21. The
girls made vases from pumpkins
and filled them with fall flowers
and leaves.
The club is planning to hold a
club party ,in the near future.
Text Books Used
At Tigard School
Again Under Fire
TIGARD, Ore. fAP) The Ti
gard School Board plans to take
under advisement the matter of
subversive authors.
But school superintendent Del-
be r I Fennell said the board is
not planning an investigation of
the loyalty ofuuthors whose work
appears in a textbook that is un
der fire here. .
The book has been criticized
as "cheap and "dime novel
stuff" by a group of Tigard moth
ers, it is "Adventures for to
day, used as a supplemental
reading text in English classes.
Mrs. James Willork, wno acts as
spokesman for the mothers
group, said also that some of the
writers whose work appears in
the anthology have been investi
gated by a California agency
which probed subversive authors.
Chairman Warren Forsyth told
Mrs. Willock that the book has
been approved by the state Text
book Commission and that teach
ers and school administrators
have recommended its continued
The book, which was with
drawn when the mothers first
protested, has since been
turned to the school's reading pro
gram. Mrs. Willock also asked that
parents be allowed to aid the
teachers in selection of books
Korsvth said that all books would
be available fur public inspection.
Elkton Pep Group Set
A pep club was formed at Elk
ton High School recently.
So far, eight members are signed
up. The otticers are: president.
Sue Berkley; secretary. Sue C.rims
rud: treasurer, Carol Hancock.
The outfits havf been tentatively
decided upon as white blouses, red
and white plaid pleated skirts and
.m in '"'""
letter Girls officers fleeted re
, eeiilly at Klkton High were presi-
i dent. Donna HeHHen: vire nresi-
idem, Pat Childers secretary and
i treasurer, Sharon Rigor and gt.!Ther also visited Mrs. William
'at arms, Susan Grimsiud. ISchlak, a sister of Mrs. Icstiman,
Ore. Tues., Dec. 13, 1960
which Wilt be framed with the
chapter's charter. The chapter will
in the future be known as the
Chet Huntley chapter of Quill and
Scroll, Roseburg.
Selection of the famous news
caster was made at the chapter's
first meeting of this school year.
The objective was to select a per
son who represented the highest
ideals and qualities in the field of
journalism; a person who would
serve as the example for those be
ing trained as journalists at RHS.
One of the projects planned by
the local Quill and Scroll for this
year is the sponsorship of a schol
arship for a graduating senior who
plans to major in journalism in
college. Money raising projects
discussed at the last meeting in
cluded staging a beauty contest or
Apru roots Day dance.
' 1 ' .if
RHS Girls Chosen
Style Show Models
Girls from Roseburg Hieh School
will model clothes from local cloth
ing shops at a Penslers' fund rais
ing style show, Thursday, in the
iLiKs Dauroom.
Charlene Dent will be the mis-
tress of ceremonies for the eve
ning with entertainment furnished
by Donnea Simms, Jackie From
dahl, Carly Arola, Carole Geddes
and Cheryl Ramberg.
Among those modeling are Jan
Ice Reed, Margarita Yraquen, Les
lie Longfellow. Kay Chapman.
Judy Parks, Merilee Schemer. Car
la Hedine. Charlene Thompson,
Elaine Tucker, Sharon Calkins and
Peggy Wooley. The girls will mod
el everything from pajamas to for
Sandy Butler and Barbara Smith
are in charge of publicity and lick-
ets. Decorations will be decided
upon by Trudy Esselstrom.
DURANTE TO WED Comedian Jimmy Durante said that
after o 15-year courtship, a one-year engagement, ond
much hemming and flowing, he's going to do it get mar
ried. Durante, 67, and Margie Little, about 41, will be
married in New York. Jimmy said he announced his en
gagement to Miss Little, his near constant companion
since 1945 in November, 1959.. The couple is shown in a
nightclub photo, mode earlier this year. Durante's first wife
of 22 years died in 1943.
Sutherlin School Census Released
Sutherlin's school census, re -
cently completed by the local PTA.
shows an Increase of 73 children
between the ages of 4 and 19 in
clusive. Directed by A. I.. Loerts, clerk,
the enumeration indicated a total
of 1.7.SS as opposed to 1.685 in 19.S8,
the last offi-ial count.
Mr. and Mrs. Martensen and
two sons have arrived from
hois. Wyo.. for an indefinitf
at the home of Mrs. Martcnsen's
mother. Mrs. Kathleen Tomlinson
Mr. and Mrs. AI Lehman and
daughter have returned from en -
j atehee. Wash., where they visited;
i Lehman's father. G.. A. Lehman.
who underwent surgery recently.
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UNUSUAL PET Carole Geddes, o junior at Roseburg
High School, is shown here with her most unusual pet, a
wild South American Ocelot. The ccelot, named Rajah, is
o member of the cat family ond resembles a miniature
leopard in 'appearance. (Andy Fautheree) '
Glide Choristers
Appear On Video
The Glide Choristers, a new chor
al group at Glide High School,
made their debut recently on tele
vision.' '
The Choristers presented three
numbers on a 15 minute program
under the direction of David Oas,
the new vocal director at Glide
Members of this group of the
senior, sophomore and freshman
classes with two students from the
eighth grade are Dick Halaas,
Glenda Kittelman, Pamela Holm,
Diane Huseby; Dick Reese, Mar
shall McCormack, David Scoville,
Rob Blakely, Darrell Ceilcrs, Lyle
Charon, Betty Ann Collins, Claud
ia Melton, Helen Moore, Shirley
Reed, Lou Ann Shelton, Larry Wad
dle, Innet Scott, Sherij Huseby,
Jeanette Spurgeon, Sharon Polley
and Shirley Thomas.
Riddle High Stages
GAA Olympic Playday
The Riddle High School Girls
Athletic Association was host for
an "Olympic playday" on Satur
day, December 3. This is' an an
nual affair held by each school
of the Umpqua Valley League.
The game of the day was vol
leyball. Nine teams were organ
ized, with representation from
each participating school on each
team. A series of eight games was
played by each team. At the con
clusion of play, the Riddle G.A.A.
provided a lunch for its guests
and members The meal was fol
lowed by entertainment consisting
of numbers by two school vocal
groups and a pantonine.
scnoois auenaing me aay s ac-
! tivities were Oakland, Sutherlin,
' Glide,. Douglas and Glendale.
iwho is convalescing at a Portland
' hospital. !
Mary Jean McMullen. a recent !
graduate of the I niverslty of Ore-1
gon has been selected to teach '
se.-ond grade at the West Elemen-
tar.- School. She will replace Mrs.
the Sutherlm 'school, the pt 10
years. Mr. and Mrs. Geddes plan
, to. move soon to Springfield. .
am) Mrs. Anna Henderson. 81. moth-Du-
i er of Mrs. Albert Rankin died Dec. ! fh"d'ns: .
stay 2. in Portland. Mrs. Henderson lhoir ,
j came to this country from Norway
tn 1880 and in recent years had
lived much of the time at the
1 Rankin home in Sutherlin
lloue guests of .Mr. and Mrs.
Stanley llocan are Mr. andOMrs.
Harlan Jeilonls from Sitka. Alas-
ka. Jeffords is a former Sutherlin
resident. .
Douqlat L. Hanneman. airman
third class, son of Mr. and Mrs
D. G. Hanneman of Myrtle Creek
recently completed basic training
at Lackland AFB, Texas, and, fol
lowing a 15-day leave, will report
to Diesel Engineering benool, Lock'
bourne At a, Ohio.
Army PFC Billy J. Edwards,
19. son of Mr. and Mrs. Monroe D
Edwards. Route 1. Riddle, recent
ly participated with other person
nel from the 1st Cavalry Division's
Artillery in Operation Snow Tiger,
an 1 Corps command post exercise
in Korea.
Marin Pvt. Ronald J. Garrttt,
son of Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Garrett
of Winston, completed recruit
training Nov. 22 at the Marine
Corps Recruit Depot, San Diego,
Army Specialist Five Fred A.
Myers, 20. whose parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Clifford R. Thomson Sr.. live
on Highway 42, Winston, recently
participated witn otner personnel
from the 51st Signal Battalion in
Operation Snow Tiger, an 1 Corps
command post exercise in Korea.
Huey O. Crsbtrte, son of Mr.
and Mrs. Blanch A. Crabtree of
Glendale, graduated from recruit
training Nov. 18 at the Naval
Training Center, San Diego, Calif.
Home Economics Girls
Take Crocker Exam
The fourth year home economic
girls at Douglas High School par
ticipated in a nation-wide Betty
Crocker test for Homemakers of
Tomorrow, recently.
The hour test concerned prob
lems and situations encountered
by typical young married people.
inis apiuune lest is given nation-wide
to all senior home econ
omic girls annually on December
The first place winner from each
state will compete in the national
The results of this test will be
known during the month of Feb
ruary. Last year Marlyn Suksdorf, a
senior at Douglas placed among
the top ten girls from Uie state
of Oregon in this test. She received
a letter of recognition and a
Roseburg Pair Perform
In Symphony Orchestra
Douglas L. Nielsen and Sharen
A. Wicks of Roseburg are mem
bers this year of the Symphony Or-
cnesira at Oregon Mate college.
The 50-niece orchestra Is com
posed primarily of students but
with some faculty members and
community musicians included. It
will present three concerts during
the year. One will be a special pro
gram for school children of the
Nielsen, 819 ,SE Chadwick, Is t
sophomore in science. Miss Wicks.
324 West Military, is a sophomore
in pharmacy.
Penney Patterson Named
DHS Girl Of The Month
Pennr Patterson, a freshman at
'Douglas High School, was chosen
i Girl of the Month for November
," i "LVrtaaSoi .Jhoi
! ."? Prt,clPalJon ta cho0'
I ' " "iti. im-lurf. 1 V. CWr.
Student Council. GAA..
t I n
nnnr&eRollSfhoriPoSQde:.a 'e h H
.was also on the Honor Roll for
the first nine weeks.
The Annual'V'hristmas Ball for
Yonealla High School will be held
in the high school gym Dec. 21
from 8 30 to 12 p.m.
a junior, Carole Uedcies, nas a
very unusual pet; a South Ameri
can ocelot named Rajab.
The jungle cat was purcnased
in a Eugene pet shop and was a
new arrival from Brazil, via New
York. One difficulty Miss Geddes
has with her strange pet is feeding
In his native habitat, he prefers
to eat wild boar, small deer, goats,
monkeys, snakes and rodents. At
the Geddes home, however, his
diet is somewhat changed. He eats
such delicacies as whale meat, ox
tails, a tossed salad of bamboo,
and occasionally, he sharpens his
claws and teeth on cashmere
sweaters, nylons and school books,
the owner states.
Although a pet, he is unpredict
able and can never be trusted as
far as temperament goes. Animal
trainers and veterinarians state
that although the ocelot can be
trained to do tricks, he can never
be taken for granted. In other
words, he never becomes com
pletely tame.
Juniors Hold
Glide Meet
The 'junior class of the Glendale
High School had charge of an as
sembly held during the last period
of the school day on Dec. 2.
Two comedy dramatic skits were
presented with A. C. Bowden. Rog
er Lee. Beverly Johns, Charles
Fox, Sandra La Prath, Janice Mos
ley. Bob Allen and James Mohr
participating in one or both.
Other program numbers included
a pantomime by Arky Blevins and
Dwaila Furlong; a tap dance num
ber by Candace Cox; a song,
"Lucky Old Sun," sung by Nancy
Clark against a background of
choral humming; a western come
dy number sung by Marilyn Mehl,
Janice Mosley, and Mary Turner
on the piano, guitar, and violin;
and a comedy number, "My Sis
ter," by Donna and Patty Pon.
The Triple Trio, composed of
Donna and Patty Ponsonby, Sally
Buchanan, Patty Buchanan, Carol
Major. Pattv Huffman. Sandra T.a
I Prath, Marilyn Mchl, and Gail
vvaro, presented an arrangement
of "No Other Love Have 1.7
Saglas High FHAers
Schedule Pastry Sales
The Future Homemakers Club
: at Douglas High School is selline
a variety of pastries during the
Christmas season in order to raise
money for a scholarship fund.
Orders for pastries are being
taken by any of the F. H. A. girls .
or Mrs. Charles Lewis, advisor.
Fruit cakes in one, two, and
three pound sizes, breads, banana
nut breads, and date nut loaves
are available.
The money raised from this ni.
try sale will go into a scholarship
fund which is awarded each year
to a senior girl who is planning to
attend college to study some phase
of home economics.
The chairman nf this oeliviiv ! "
Nancy Cyphers, junior.
The thirtv-eieht vnle ehnie
Canyonville Bible Academy under
me uirecuon oi uon Haas will .
present a Christmas cantata
"Night of Miracles" at 7:30 p.m.
Wednesday at the Assembly of
God church on the Academy cam
pus. Soloists will include Bob Hen
dricks, bass; Charles Sanders,
tenor and Lorie Starrett, soprano.
le V ' '!' '
Carole Woshburn, 18, who
will reign os Queen of the
72nd TournorVient of Roses in
Posodeno on Jan. 2, 1961.
Carole wos born in Son Diego,
Calif., and has livH in th.
years, sne is the doughter of
Mr. ond Mrs. O o n o I d K.
Washburn of Posadeno ond
attends Pojedeno City College.
The queen for 1961 is 5 feet,
. I", ' ' , 'V ,e.TJ
8 lnches to" weighs 120
j pounds.
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