12 Thi Nw-Rviw, Roseburg, Qr. Frl., De. 2, 1960 Realistic Farm Program Hold Key To Farm Prosperity Lewis Relates PORTLAND (AD Realistic! new federal farm proRrams hold j the key to farm prosperity, ine Oregon Wheat Growcri League was told here, but there are im portant things for commodity groups to do in helping out. Robert G. Lewis, Wisconsin itlale agricultural coordinator and the man who headed the henncuy Johnson farm campaign, was key note speaker at the league'a open ing session. In the past 10 years, he said in bis prepared text, farmers have increased their production effici ency more than any other econom ic group, yet farm income has fallen sharply while other groups' has risen. "The farmers' side of the slory is constantly getting lost in the clamor against positive farm pro gram proposals," Lewis said, adding that this clamor is raised "by economic interests which profit from holding down the price of farm products. The public is willing to help the farmers get fair prices, he said hut improved public relations is necessary. He said this should be one of the most important tasks of the next secretary of Agricul ture. Lewis has been mentioned as a possible nominee for that posi tion. Four other things are needed Consumers Are Doing Their Bit Towards Keeping Economy Up NEW YORK (AP)-Officialj in Washington who keep an eye on you say there's been no slacken ing in your wants and needs nor in your appetites. They're as high or higher than last year. And on the whole you've been shelling out as many dollars to satisfy them. So if there is anything wrong with the economy it isn't your fault. You've been doing your hit to keep it going even if some times it hurts. .Merchants and dealers who think you're holding out and manulacturers who nave turned out a record supply of consumer goods this year while slocks piled up are told by official sources that the trouble is: There has been a change in some of the things Glendale Grade Group Performs The Glendale PTA held its Nov ember meeting at the momentary School building, according to Mrs. G. B. Fox, News-Review corres pondent. Members of Lewis Price's pighth grad class presented a Thanksgiving program including a skit and a reading from Mews week. PTA Off There will be no PTA meeting during December, officials said. Other school activities or vacation announcements for the month were made by school officials, as fol lows: School will not be in session on Monday, Dec. 5, because of a teacher's workshop in Roseburg. The Christmas vacation will last from Thursday, Dec. 22 through Jan. 2. Classes will be dismissed at regular time on Wednesday, Dec. 21 and will begin at the usual hour on Jan. 3. Principal Lawrence Gibson an nounced that the annual Christ mas Concert from the Music De partment will be held at the high school on Wednesday evening. Dec. 21, with grades four through twelve participating. The high school Christmas formal will be held in the auditorium there on Friday evening, Dec. 23. Principal Klbert Brock announc ed that the first, second the third crudes of the school will give a Christmas program at the grade school on Friday evening, Dec. 16, at 7:30, with each class in that nrmimnff ill rt irmnl in in tha af. fair. Superintendent Alarlen Yoder brought up the question as to what action should be taken in the schools in case community emer gency should ever occur. Mrs. Bob , Harris stated that Charles Doerner. ' Douglas County clerk, has been active in preparedness studies and v as available to speak to groups. She was instructed to contact Doer ner and ask if he could be present to speak at the January PTA meet ing. Members -of the group discussed and then voted to make a SIS donation to the Myrtle Wunseh Alumnrint fc'nnrl heinif Gathered hv the Olivet Presbyterian Church in Glendale. Mrs. Wunseh taught in the Glendale schools thirty-five years before her recent death from cancer. Rev. Norman Nauglcr, pastor of Ihe Glendale Presbyterian Church, announced that the churches of the city would be sponsoring a Community Christmas Carol "Sing" to he held along with San la Clause'! official visit to Glen dale. Coe New Publisher Of Astorian Budget ASTORIA AP The Astorian Budget has a new publisher Morgan Coe, former general man ager of the Juneau Daily Km pile at Juneau, Alaska. He replaces Robert B. Chess man, who has resigned. Chessman did not disclose his future plans hut says he plans to remain in Ihe printing and publishing busi ness. Before going to Alaska, Coe voi for Ihe Herringtnn, Kan., Times Sun and at San Paula, Ojai. and Westwood Hills, Calif. He formerly was national advertising representative for Capper Publi cations and was advisor for sev eral Southern Caliloinia news-, papers. for farm prosperity, he said, list ing them as: First, stronger bargaining pow er, aided by national supply man agement programs, to Veep sup. ply and demand in balance. Help from the federal government on this is proper, he said, but control programs should be set up only if a substantial majority wants them. Second, a voice in basic policies of merchandising. 'The wheat farmer has almost nothing to say about the quality of the bread that is offered to consumers (hut) if consumers could buy 'the kind of bread that mother used to hake it would probably result in in creased consumption of bread. , , , .strong and cilective larm com modity organizations should try to influence food processors and merchandisers." Or, he added, farmers "may need to compete directly to furnish yardsticks. Third, more imaginative eflorts to expand markets. I here is great opportunity for markets among the hungry who now can not buy but who would if their purchasing power were raised. Fourth, farmers must get allies for their programs. Ihey are an economic minority, but their prob lem is a world food problem that should De the concern ot every one, he concluded. you want, or at least in what you're paying for. And the implication although this isn t pushed by the officials is that business should take a new look at consumers' wants and maybe change its emphasis. The Federal Reserve Board re ports in its official bulletin. "Out put of consumer goods this year has been maintained at record level appreciably higher than last year and 115 per cent of the 1957 average." It adds: "Retail sales and other final purchases, including exports, have been higher than a year ear lier, but not so much as over-all production." In other words,' stocks piled up until summer and since then have shown little change. And retail sales reached their peak m late spring. Total retail consumer purchas ing was little changed in the sum mer months from spring. The De partment of Commerce notes in us November survey. Total con sumer spending is running at an annual rale ot 328.3 billion, up $5 billion from the first of the year. But the department notes that you are spending a bit less for goods and more for services. It puts the animal rate of purchas es of goods at $195.4 billion in the July-Septemher period, against $198 billion in the April-June quar ter, with $1.8 billion of the drop in durable goods. Spending for services increased from $130.9 billion at an annual rate in the spring to $132.9 billion in the summer. Increases have continued In shelter outlays, coming from the improved supply of housing and the rise in rents, and in such as sociated items as telephone and utility services," the department anas. Canyonville Slate For December Big By VIRGINIA PROCTOR The "A" band bf Canvonville school and the elementary band of Riddle school etchanged con certs this week in preparation for their appearance at Douglas Coun ty Institute Dec. 5. Canyonvilte's band, with Knhcrt Graf directing, appeared at Riddle on Tuesday to entertain the ele mentary school, and the Rirlriln band was scheduled to play for lanyonvuie grades inree through eight Thursday afternoon with name ntahoncy directing. A summary of school and allied activities for the busy month of December includes the basketball jamboree at Canyonville. Dec. 2; a basketball game with Butte Falls at Canyonville, Dec. 3; coun ty Institute land an all-school re cess), Dec. 5; the junior class play "They Went Thalaway," Dec. 10. Basketball with Prospect there, Dec. 13; Canyonville PTA Christ mas meeting, Dec. 1ft; eighth grade Christmas party Friday afternoon and a midwinter band concert and Boosters meeting Friday evening, Dec. 16; Basketball with Butte Falls there, Dec. 20; a National Schools Assembly program, Dec. 21; the elementary Christmas program, 12:30 p.m., Dec. 22; the high school Christmas program Friday after noon, Dec. 23; and the Christinas recess at Ihe close of school Fri day, Dec. 23. Douglas County Youths Enlist In Marine Corps The Marine Corps Recruiting Station, Douglas County Court house, Roseburg, announced that six young men and one young woman have recently enlisted in Ihe Marine Corps. Enlisted were Chester Wayne Carroll and Wayne Emerson Mondie, both of Siitherhn; Ken neth D. King. Oakland; Roy II. Dickinson. Elktnn; Carlis I.. Stan fill. Glendale: Frank R. McCoy, Suthcrlin; and Ronnie R, Dowdy, Winston. The recruiting station also an nounced that they are now ac cepting men for enlistment into Ihe 120 day delay program for active duty as far advanced as March P.16I. Young men who are interested in enlisting in the Ma rine Corps between now and March lftil may contact Ihe re cruiter for details on how the special pnam works. ElktonMcn Co To Canada Jim Connon and Gale Madison of Elklon left recently for Alberta, Canada, where they will visit -Mr. and Mrs. Bert Connon. Jim Con non plans to bring back a stallion he purchased last summer, reports Mrs. C. W, Hcnderer, correspond ent. Parents Visited Mr. and Mrs. Mike Cashman and family of Tacoma, Wash., were re cent weekend guests at the parent al Wilbur Garrison Home in Elk ton. Guy Cutlip, Lawrence Smith and Wilbur Garrison had a successful bear hunt recently. They killed a male bear up Sawyer Creek. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Palmer of Castle Rock, Wash., were weekend guests at the parental Charles Sol omon home. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Grimsrud and family were dinner and overnight guests Thanksgiving in Coos Bay at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jim Harrison. Raymond Spencer of Springfield was a weekend guest at the Bill Baimbridge home. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Bartley of Myrtle Point were past weekend guests at the parental Fletcher Barney nome. Mary Beckley spent the Thanks giving holiday and weekend in Eu gene at the home of her son, Bud Beckley. Mr. and Mrs. C. Schopp of Hot Springs, S, D., were weekend guests at the Cy Wilde home. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Palmer and family of Kelso, Wash., were re cent weekend guests at the Sidney bales nome. Nixon To join LA Law Office LOS ANGELES (API Confirm ing published reports, Vice Presi dent Richard M. Nixon s cam paign manager said today that Nixon will join a Los Angeles law tirm alter he leaves office. Nixon, defeated Republican presidential candidate, will dis close the name of the firm after the Christmas holidays, Robert finch told a news conference. He said the vice president will return to California after the Jan. 20 presidential inauguration. Portland Markets ' Thursday PORTLAND PRODUCE PORTLAND (AP) Butterfat Tentative, subject to immediate change Premium quality, de livered in Portland, 65 cents lb; first quality, 60; second quality, Butter Prints, per lb to retail ersGrade AA, 93 score, 70; A grade, 92 score, 70; B grade, 90 score, 68. Cheese To retailers S 1 n a 1 e daisies, 46-51; processed American 46 "18. Eggs To retailors Grade AA. extra large, 58-62; AA large, 58 59: A large. 55-57: AA mediums. 53-54; AA small, 33-45. Cartons 1-3 cents additional. Eggs To producers, at farm AA extra large, 46-52'ii: AA large. 44-50W: A large, 44-45; AA medi ums, 40-47'a; AA small, 24-38' j. Live poultry No quotations. Rabbits Average to growers Live whites, 3'4-4'a lb, 19-24; col pred pelts, 5 cents less; fresh killed frvers I o retailers, 56-58; cut up. 60-62. ' Wholesale Dressed Meats Beef cuts (choice steers) Hind quarters. 45.00-50.00; rounds 4800 52.00; full loins, trimmed, 57.00 61.00; forequarlers, 35.00 - 37.00; chucks, - 39.50-41.50; ribs, 47.00 52.00. Pork cuts Loins. 1216 lb. 50.00- 54 00: shoulders. 61 lb down. 32.00- 35.00; sparerihs, 41.00-45.00; fresh hams. 12-16 II), 44.00-48 00. Veal Choice, 90 150 lbs, 47.00- 52.00; good, 45.00-49.00; standard. 42.00 46.00. Lambs Choice, 45-55 lb, 34.50- 38.00; good, 34.00-37.00. Pork carcasses Shipper style, 27.50-29.50. Produce Potatoes Wash. Russets, No. 1, 100 lb, 4.15-4.25; bakers, 4.50-5.00; Ore. Russets. 4. 25-4. 50. Hav No. 2 green alfalfa, f ob. Portland and Seattle, 30.0U-34.00 a ton. Portland Livestock PORTLAND (AP) (l'SI)Al Cattle salable 100; slaughter steers and heifers not' tested but earlier in week choice steers 25.00-25.50, good 23.OO-24.50, few choice heifers 23.00-23.25; today utility slaughter cows 14. 50-15 0O, ranners and cutters 10 50-12.50, few 13.00, llnlslein cutters up to 14.00; cutter and utility bulls 16.00-20.00. Calves salable 25: few sales steady: good and choice vealers 25.00-28 00; utility and standard 17.00,23 00; good and choice stock calves 22.00-25.00; few choice and fancy steer calves 26.00-2t.00. Hogs salable 2S0; trade active, steady with Wednesday's ad vance: V. 8.. 12 butchers 190-225 lb 19.75 20 00; including railroad at 19.75; No. 2 3 180 240 lb 19.00 19 50; few 270 lb 18.50; mixed grade sows 300-500 lb 13 00 15.00. Sheep salable 100; few choice 1001 II lb wimled slaughter lambs steady at 16 50 17 00; cull to good slaughter ewes 3 00 5.25; good and choice feeder lambs 14.00 15.25. Portland Grain PORTLAND (AP) Coarse grain wholesale, prompt delivery, bulk ton, fob. Hack Portland: Oats. No. 2. 38 Ih while 55 50-56 00. Corn No. 2. yellow, eastern 49 00. Bar lev No. 2, 45 lb western 44 00 44.50. Dec. 1 close, Portland Grain Exchange: Barley: to arrive market, 20 day shipment, no bids. Wheat (bid) to arrive market. No. 1 bulk, 20dav shipment, de livered coast: Soft White 2 07; Sott White (hard appl.) 2.07; White Club 2 07. Hard White Baartt Ordinary 2.19. Car receipts: Wheat 76; harlev 3: flour i; coin 2; milo 1: mill ifeed I. OUT OUR WAV 7 WHAT BLAME HE".' HAVE TH' FRESH XrJQHE'STH') V FOOL OPBKiSA. LEAVE J WE NO V AIR FIENPS FRESH THIS y THAT V RIGHTS? I ARE ltd TH' AIR FIEWP.M PTnT-l winpow ) ( open.' we A majorit1 J YOU GOT If I ? rf V 47 WANT HERE, f TO KEEP II I I Nnr-fl1 1 x V ITOPEW Jr I SEE.'J TH'WINPEeS I ' u II' ' LET IT VLv. ' r- - .r-1 CLOSEP HERE I I ll l!l v ALONE.' J.-'..irJr--,:.7( , V FOR FRESH Hatfield Names Josephine DA GRANTS PASS (AP)-Sherman S. Smith, who once held the ion. was appointed today by Gov. Mark Hatfield as district attorney for Josephine County. He suc ceeds Donald L. Williams, who resigned. The appointment is effective from today until next Jim. 2. when Lawrence A. Aschenbrenner, a Democrat elected Nov. 8 for a four-year term, takes office. It was understood here that Smith, a Republican, will appoint Aschenbrenner as his deputy and that the district attorney-elect will actually run the office. Smith was elected district at torney in 1932 and served a four year term. Winchester Pair Visits Friend's In Coos Bay Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Tallman of Winchester visited friends, Mr. nd Mrs, James Guffey of Coos Bay for two days during the Thanksgiving holiday, according to Mavis Bintliff, News-Review correspondent. Mr. and Mrs. I.yle E. Studer and family spent Thanksgiving at Eu gene with his brother, Bill Studer and family. LEGAL NOTICE OP FINAL HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the undersigned Co-Adminislrators ot the Estate of FRANK FULLER, deceased nave inea their Final Account In the Circuit Court oi the State of Oregon for Douglas Gounly. and said Court has appointed the 13th day ot December, 1960, at 9:30 A.M. of said day in the Court Room A of the County Court house In Roseburg, Douglas County, Ore gon, as the time and place (or heannq ob lections, if any, to said Final Account and the settlement thereof uaiea una ursi puousnra mis inn way ui Novembrf I960. LOIS O. HOWE S ana MIIt.HfcLL E. FULLER, Co-Administrators of the state of FKANK FULLER, Decease J. , HARRISON R. WINSTON Attorney tor Co-Atlmtn iterators SUMMONS FOR PUBLICATION no. mis IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OP THB STATE OF OREGON FOR DOUGLAS COUNTY FRANCIS WEST and ALTA WEST, hus band and wife. Plaintiffs, vs. JOHN T. ABRAHAM and EVELYN ABRAHAM, husband and wife; JULIA DOROTHEA McDERMOTT: ELIZABETH ABRAHAM, a Single woman; ADELBERT ABRAHAM and EDITH A. ABRAHAM, husband and wife; MADGE ABRAHAM, a single woman; RONALD ALLEN, a single man; DONNA MAE CLOHESSY, a single woman; Ihe unknown hftlrs of MOLLIE MACK, deceased; the unknown heirs of J, G. MACK, deceased; the unknown heirs Of MORRIS ABRAHAM, deceased; the unknown heirs of ALBERT ABRAHAM, deceased; Ihe unknown stock holders of GLENDALE REALTY COM PANY, a dissolved corporation; and also all other persons or par lie, unknown claiming any righf, title, estate, lien, or interest in the real property described in complaint herein. - Defendants. TO? The unknown heirs of Molbe Mack. deceased; the unnnown hers of J. G. Mack, deceased: the unknown heirs of Morris Alva - num. apcrfliwj; intj unknown neirj ui oerf Abraham, deceased; the unknown stock holders ot Glonrtale Realty Company- a dis solved corporation; and also all other oer sons or parties unknown claiming any right title, estate, lien, or Interest In the real property described in Complaint herein. IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF ORE GON: You and each ot you are hereby required to appear and answer the com plaint filed aoainsf you In the above-entitled court and cause within four weeks trom Ih dale Of first publication summons, and if you fad so to appear and 1 otficvs of Keiipy & Garrison, 70S Douglas answer, lor want Ihrreol Ihe Plaintiffs county State Bank Building, Roseourg. 0-e-wiil apply to the court for the relief de- j 00ri w,min six 16) months from November nmnarg cirrei'i. n awtltlld inioii'rin wtiich is as follows Requiring you or any person claiming ny. through, or under you, and ech of vou. to appear and set forth the nature of your adverse claims, It any, to the following ovscribed real property In Douglas County, Oreqon, to-wlt: Beginning at a point nn (he Southern Pacitic Railroad noht-ol wav m.l t"t norlh of the quarter section corner ot Section 3J. Township 32 South, Ranoe 6 , West, Wlilanvlle Meridian; running thence south it I te.'t to the quarter section corner ot sad Section 3J; tnenco ait on Ihe township line 5?6 1 fret to an Iron pipe; thence running south 40 jit 5 feet to a railroad mark er post on the Southern Pacific station grounds, runnmq thence north 13 ?0 east alonq raiirctd pioperty 150 f-et to a hub set along the r.,lrod rlqht-of-wav line; thetn. running northwesterly akmg the sct'thcriy tm of trie Southern Pacific Railroad nghl-qtway to pi ace Of beqmn.nq AH in Section 31. Tow, ship i2 South. Range 4 West. Willamette Meridian. a"d m Section J, Townsho 3J South, H ano 4 west. Wi name' re Mridn Etrr-pting that portion Inert of ton atrd wiih.n trie County Road. AikI uixm tne tvanng thereof. t be decreed ; real property as tenant bv the entirely and that none of sad oviendant or any persons claiming by, in, cHQh. or under them. 1 has any rtont, Mte, ette. lien, or interest I m or to said rrat prooerty or any o.irt ; thereof, and that the tit of the piainwts 1 thereto be forever quiett'd against vov. and ' thai vou ho ei.yived from asserting or C'aimlna any riortl, title, estate, hen. Or interest In or to said real piooertv. This Summons ! serv Ht Upon VOU bv Mitiiirttim m th Imermrii M.-, ervie . a leoal newsrape'" Du'l!es1 m Doughs' so-u having cta.ms aganst mi estaie r r-o- County. Oeqon. pursuant to Order ot th titied to present the same O'Ooeriy verified Ho-w'e Hoon P. taley, Jutfge f the as reMvrJ fcv law to the U'aers.q.d at the abuve-enhtied Court, maw and entered On i law ott-cw of t-eooes. FMor. Walton "l' the .in day ot November, 10 (Richmond at 4.11 S E ka "fa 'es-l- Rose- Dated end first puottsned this s1 day of ; bur. Oreqon, withm six m from date December, ! r tirst pmv-tahon hereof wtven is tn nthl OODPFS FELKER, WALTON NSSO-ND for PlamMM P O B01 RAseovrg, Ot iv (lassified Section SUBSCRIPTION RATES II Onion Bf Mail Trar, $16.00; six months, .97.50 three month!, SI. MO. Oulsldt Ore Crn Br Mall Per Year, SlH.nn; ifx monthi, $!.i)0t three Dioolhi, 14.30 . Br Newi-Rfvlrw Carrier Per Ynr, $PS.tW (In advance), Lei than ene year per month, fl.aO, Counter ant! Ratetjerf P.O. PJoxeJ I Month IUt- S9.ee l Tear lia.00 Jer Sinfle Cepy a Mall Ratei Apply OettUe City Limit. Mall SabtcHiUoBi Mess . Be Pall la AdTasee CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING CASH RATES Advtrtiiini For Bu'.ntst Within Rouburf Viot Area Cord of Thanks ..$1.50 1-Day rate 2 linei . . 1.00 3-Day ran 2 lines 1.75 6-Day rate 2 lines ... . 2.50' 30-Doy rate 2 lines 5.50i , 1-Day rate 3 lines 1.50, 3-Day rate 3 line 2.50 6-Day rate 3 lines . 3.50 30-Day rale, 3 lines 7.50 I CREDIT ' About rates tubirct to SO ttnt hivico cluigi for credit ' , DEADLINES Printf Pirq tlmtiiiai I .M. in Prior To, Puonuition. tio Hvi! Review rsseivej tie nitftt to ciisnfy. 0it or reject my cusnfied AO copy. ADJUSTMENTS If Jtwr Hvertiteflirnt lopelfl incorrectly, notify ll immeniateii'. Vie wtil not be letporuible for ore thin one it:orrect insertion. Surh re- loonsibility it limited to correct insertion of! nrtr-iiern.it. Hull Will Met le Nell Men tin N Dal Paper Delivery If your paper is not delivered Coll OR 2-3321 Mori, thru Fri. Between 6 and 7 P.M. Sat. Only 3 to 5 PJW LEGAL NOTICE OP FINAL HEARING NOTICE HEREBY is GIVEN that Wed nesday, January II, mi. at the hour of 10:30 AM. in the Circuit Court Room in j ,V( Qreqon. has been fied as the time and j paCB (or nMnng ooiections. If any, to the , m account tiled by III UnOersignea in Ihe above-enfltifd Court. LAURA FOLT2 BARCLAY, Executrix of the Eslate of EDWIN R. GODAHL, Deceased. NOTICE TO CREDITORS All persons having claims aqainst the Es tate of DONALD BAKES. Deceased, now pending In Ihe Circuit Court ot ine State of Oregon, lor Douglas County, are herebv no' Hmtt in or wit the mm to the undersloned .. verified as required ny lew ai ine lain. 19tM. LINDA STREEBY. Adnvnistralrix of th Estate Ot DONALD BAKER, peceased. NOTICff OP FINAL SETTLEMENT Notice Is hereby given that the under. signed. Ftecmrix of the Eslate Of ROBERT L. SWAN, Oecrased, has filed her Final Account in the Circuit Court of the Stale of OtcQon tor Doi'uias county, and sato court h.ss fird Decomtxr t, 1,, at 10;00 a m. in the DouoMs County Court House in Cir cuit Court Room A In Roseburg. Oreqon. as th time and place of hearing objections, if any there be. to said Final Account and tor the settlement thereof. ROSE L. BROSi, FecufriK of the Estst 0 ROBERT L. SWAN. Deceased. NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTIff-- IS HEREBY GlVFN that the under s0'"1 has twen duly appointed ad- min.strator wuh Ine wil mnenea 01 the, estate ot RjHoh R, Thomas,, oecfsej. Ail I persons hav too cisimt against hs estate are' notitird to present tn same properly r. ted as reqyred by law Ihe unoersioneo t th lw oitKM of Geddes. Feiker. Walton 1 ad R'cnrnond at 4J5 S. E. Kae Street, etHC-g. Oregon, within months from, ?"b'it,,,rt hrw' ft,ch November ?i. 160, LAWRFNCl! O THOMAS, Aom.rMjtrtor with the Will Annexed ot tte fcsta'e ef RALPH R. THOMAS, Deceased. NOTICE IS Ht RE BY GIVIN that the unaetooned has been duly aopo.nted esecu - 1 frix uiUer the . last wll arvl testament of I fi irha'd F4wad Strlt:. deceased AH Per - Uy Of Novemtw. 10. tiu under th Lsf AHI ad Test ;hao EOAARD SI RiWfvE. Deceased. By . R. Williams 1 Lost & Found- LOST black end tan male hound. Left ear lorn. Answers to "Bob". No collar. OR 3-6925. Notices I WILL not be responsible for any bills except my own. Lathanuel Swlnford RIDERS wanted, going to Philadelphia. All or part way. write KoDert smitn, box im, Tiller, Oregon. Personals ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS Basement of Pa cific Building Tuesday and Saturday nights ub y-uia j. i o coniacr Aianon tin wk 3-8323. PO Box472. YOUNG WOMEN ot any faith needing con fidential advice may contact Catnolic Char ities, 27S W. flioadway, Eugene, Oregon. WATCH SICK? Bring it to Christie's. Guar anteed watcn repairing tor less, liza walnut RtCHARO: I want a Singer Siant-o-Matlc for cnriitmas. Joan. Real Estate Wiley's For . Real Estate CLOSE IN large t B R. with apartment. Living room carpeted over oak floor, gas floor furnace, raised hearth fireplace. I bedroom apartment rents furnished for $70. This will solve your mother-in-law prooiem. J. 3,BOC. OLDER ? B R. with den, $1000 dwn. A very comfortable home with a gas floor fur nace, den can be used as 3rd bedroom Large kitchen, large garage. On city sew r. ivw. BRAND NEW 3 bedroom, 1 baths, birch kitchen includes range, oven, dishwasher and disposal. Lovely corner fireplace. Elect, baseboard heat. You will iove- this well- arranged, light and beautifully decorated nome. raven sireei ana scwec west siae. Price. S19,7. EARL WILEY. ' Real Estate 428 SK MAIN ST. OR 2-2629 Home Phone Wiley, OR 3-3403 , Springer OR 3-3903 BY OWNER 3 Bdrm home, ust being compieiea on N umpqua River, Approx 2000 sq. ft. 3400 Including patios and car port;-' rumpus room 15x2?, has unusual fireplace; outdoor barbeoue; Z baths; roomy wardrobes plus extra storage space. exceptionally large Kitchen with built range and oven; exterior construction fire proof; fully Insulated; sprinkler and Irri gation system; lot loo x 450. Priced at S?,5O0 which fs $10 per fool. Try to duplicate this. It you are short on down payment, but long on Income we cen still deal. OR 3-4646. TIRED OF HIGH CITY TAXES? Fish tn1 your own back yard, on this N. Umpqua i acre, with 3 bdrm ranch home, paneled 1 and beamed living room, floor to ceding fireplace, w-w carpeting kitchen with nook, ODpliances built in, economical heat. A great place for the kids and only 10 min. from town. Submit terms. OR 3-1662 eve nings. Moving To Eugene? WILL trade s 7000 equity in lovely BR home, Fairfield Scnool Dist., tor prooerty Roseburg area. Consider trailer house as part. Full price $11,500, comoletely fur nished. Sell $1500 down. OS 9-S663 before Sat. or sea 615 Harold SI., Eugene Sal. and Sun. t FOR SALE In Sutherlln 3-br home, lge living room, breakfast nook or den, util. porch, separate garage, unfin. attrc. Land sc.soed 100x100 lot with some fruit trees, cement walks, hillside location on sewer. Close to E. side schools, elementary, Jr. H.gn, Sr. High. Phone W, 5 P.M. to 7 P M. NICE 3 BDRM oseburghomt. HnSqFt. plus large garage, fireplace, dining room, beautiful kitchen with ceramic tile, hard wood and vinyl floors, patio. $11,900, low down pmt. to Slate G.I. OR 3253. WILL SELL good "i or2" BR" homeland lake in as payment or part payment your contract or 1st mortgage. Would make good rental property. OR 3-7343. NICE, spacious 3 BR house, possible 3 BR. Dole garage, loe lot. Nice neighborhood. Fenced backyard. Reasonaole. 465 N. C. Housley Ave. MODERN l" Bd'i home. In Soufhslooes In Wmtton, my equity SSOO. Take Over pavmts 0' $M mo. Including taxes and Ins. Ph OS 9-577. NICELY fum. 2 Bt Wts'tslde home; at tached garage, near shooomg and bus. Oil heat $l,J50, terms. 473 w. Kenwood. OR 3-J7. CUTETl brtm rnodtVjuse. Nice" lot.Good location. $000 down, tow balance. OR i si 'I j ROSFBURG home to tradi tor Albany or ia'em property, write to Rt. h Box M, Jefferson, Oregon. Y OWNER $1500 equity fn l-BR. stucco home. Newty decorated, completely turn. Balance. $2 700 OR 3-5l after 4 30. FOR SALE In" MyrtieCreek nice T itory house 3 bedrms, fireplace. Vt baths, oil fu"aie. 711 Thomas St. UN 3-l4l. j J .BE.'W.M,AE. of Sum., f acres. J I 4' I able. Sum. 4796. 1 ACRES. J BR house, fireplace) Pantfray near, can mornings UK TWO-THUD ACRE lot, GardW Valley Ph J4s4 Y mm ri rvVhTn. I.;,, ,,. ,V U 61 " Mw QV THREE BEDROOM, $500 down, OR J-3440. fTi tVERY VWFFK IS MKIr I WtcK IN WANT ADS Real Estate HIGH ON THE HILL - With a magnificent view. Lge rancn stvle 2 bedroom, dinette and dining room. With rental. 1 13 acres, 300 ft frontage. $12,900. ALMOST NEW Economical too. Hardwood floors, electric neat. 2 bedroom home 8 mo. old, with 5500 down at $6500. TWO-TONE Modern 3 bedroom ranch, lull-wan nrepiace. i-i baths. Room to move around in. A home you will love priced at i'HA terms. $15,750. Penn's Real Estate 1882 NE Vine OR 2-3733 'Town & Country Real Estate I34 S. E. Stephens EQUITY lor salt or take euto; balance 17100 ar VI mo ar J oegroom. ic llv. room, w-to-W carpeting, fireplace, lge kitchen and dining area. Wired lor wash er end dryer. Lge lot, lge single garage. TWO bedroom, modern, on I acre 6 miles east or suinernn. Large living room, om Ing room, city water, hardwood doors. Will take car or trade eqully on 3-bed-room home. 15500, slow down, US per month. ATTENTION DEVELOPERS 1.5 OCrel, close In, fronting fear-un vaney ko. sen all or pert. Full price 'Sll.000, SSOOO will hondle. ' CALL EVENINGS Paul H. Krueger OR Mils Oelbert Nelson OR 3-40'2 WE NEED MORE LIMINE MAGNESS REAL ESTATE 100 Per Cent Federal G.I. also , STATE G.I. LOANS Available i Dear Santa Claus PLEASE give Moma and Daddy a new house for Xmas. Daddy -was in the war and I know he can get a big 2 bdrm Cottage Style home with big yard, on sewer, close to Riverside Shcool with NO DOWN PAYMENT MONTHLY PAY' VENTS $64.32. Sparkling New IN TIME tor Christmas too Lovely 3 bdrm, bath and a half, top quality construction. Hardwood floors, a real Cherry natural Birch Kitchen with Bit-in-ranoe and oven. SU.500 Use your Fed. G.I. with $1,000 aown. Bear High House Payment 2 BDRM DUPLEX. Live In one and rent the other. Both units have Hdwd floors. Plaster, Utility rm. Owners unit has love ly new carpeting In living rm and both bdrma and hall. $1600 down or will trade. 1 BDRM DUPLEX In nice dlstricf off Highway 2, Winston. Good location near schools. F.H.A. Appraisal $13,500, will sell tor $11,500, with low down payment or will trade. Don't pass this up, see ui tor appointment. "We can always use another good Listing" Let us know what you have to TRADE " ORchard 3-5340 916 S. E. Washington (Between Main & Washington) Iris Relnert OR 3-im Roy Keller OR 3-173 Elmer Hicks Real Estate - And Insurance . ATTENTION RANCH BUYERS!! SECURITY and more bountiful Hvtng can be yours on any ot tnese nne ranches, now is the time to BUYlil ' NORTH 651 ACRES Eighty acres permanent pas ture. Ample stock water; good two-story. four bedroom home; two baths; circulating fireplace. Two barns; machine shed; and chicken house. Well priced at $30,000. $1,700 down, terms on balance. SOUTH 114 ACRES With twenty-five acres Irri gated. Lush pastures; five acres lotus; free grazing adjoining outrange. Good barn and buildings. Tractor, farm machinery and Irrigation system. Two live creeks. Lovely tour bedroom home, living room (11x20) with beam ceilings and huge fireplace. Nice kitchen with birch cabinets; dining area; utility, and fruit room. For gracious living and charm, SEE THIS NOWII We know you will like it. Fifty head while taceo catne can De purchased, onry $33,- ouu. ifl,ow aown, balance easy terms. EAST 198 ACRES Water rights from live creek tor jo acres. Balance good nni pasture. Modern 3 BR. Home; garage; chicken house; machine shed; large barn; big family orchard; underground lawn sprin klers. Tractor; farm machinery; Irrigation equipment; 17 head cows and calves. ALL THIS for th low, low price Of $26,500. $7,500 down. Will take trailer house as pari. Act test on tmsi WEST 1 1144 ACRES with additional range. More than 300 acres tillable. Abundant grass feed on the hills. Live creel's. Two modern homes, three stock barns, if you are looking for a real desirable stock ranch don't miss seeing this Over a million feet re-loo and lots of reoroduct on. Tolal price $I7,$00. Terms open. IH ACRES No buildings Good well and creek. Park your trailer house here, build later. Only $S,S00. MANY MORE ranches and small acreages 10 Choose from. SEE US TOOAYlll 806 S.E. Cass St. LOU BASSETT ELTON ZUVER BETTY POETTEH ELMER HICKS OR 2-1601 OR J-.1818 OS 9-53.19 OS 9-1734 OR M)3 Strout Special $300 Down Three bdrm, total $5.90 FOR LEASE 40 A., 1 houiei. $400 per year Strout Realty OR 3-7203 NEW LISTINGS 1 WEST ROSEBURG Newer J bedroom hom situated In good location. Built . In range, ovet. dishwasher and garbage disposal. Priced to sell at $31,100. Rea aonabtt down payment and Owner will carry oaianca at 4S interest. J NORTHWEST ROSEBURG Cote to Veterans Administration. Good redecorated 1 beoroom home with concrete foundation etc. Immediate possession and priced at $44). Reasonable down payment and owner will carry balance. ifSOUTHWEST 1 bedroom expendable home recently completed. Very mat and clean. t ace lot with city water etc. Prked at 5?50 wins reasonable down payment. Separata foundation for i bedrock home. Good ew property. 0 u 4-BUlLDiNO SITE Nfrty J aces of best boMom ground, good ,' drilled well, you-g orcnard, good toad. Priced at l&0, with eiceitent terms. (No buildings) STEVENSON REALTY NEEDS YOUR LISTINGS Stevenson Realty A Complete Realty Svice 957 S.E. Pine Phone 2-1614 Fi.itMT OR S-7100 HasVin OB 3 S2T2 Slovpmnn OR 3 Si 44 Winston Dillard (re lalet JrWknette Buckleair, Oil t oOtO Real Estate Living-Breathing Space THIS LOVELY 3 bedroom, (Ireolact home otters suburban quietude on its large lot but most ot all its 1200 feet ot tloor space oilers room to live. Completely In. sulated tor low heat cost. Please remem ber 1200 sq. tt. at only $10,500. Less than 19 per sq. ft. $3500 down Take over US. & L. Co. mortgage. Possible less to responsible purchaser 4 Acres 5-Bed rooms ANO ALSO a full daylight basement with a new modern mermosiai coniroueo wooa furnace tor wonderfully cozy, cheap heat all through. 'i baths. Now add the flood free location and the river frontage to the i low price of only $15,900 and you have a real bargain, will trad for ranch. Kompete . With Kennedy YOU TOO CAN occupy the White house and before Jan. 20. Here is your status living, 2 living rooms, great large dining room, glass breakfast room, farm sue kitchen. 4 fireplaces, 5 bedrooms. Den with fire place, full basement, wood furnace and one acre of the best soli possible In park like setting. AM under a new roof for only $15,900. $3500 down. $1750 WANT TO BUY a business Lock, slock building and barrel for a total price of $1750 with terms. You will be surprised. WINTER REAL ESTATE S35 W. Harvard ACROSS FROM HIGH SCHOOL Phone OR 3-7043 Day or Evening "Bernle" Stewart OR 3 JIM BEVANS Real Estate FOR THE FAMILY wanting river property. Three large bedrooms with abundance of closet space in this home above Winches ter Oam. Extra lge. living room w-f ire place and picture windows. Beautiful tile bath has Infra ray boat. Extra nice kitch- 1 en overlooks river. Large utility and at tached dbl. garage. 1 Acre. Yard nicely landscaped. Drapes and wall to wall car peting included In price of $23,700. Terms. May we show you today? NICE HOME on large lot moderately priced. 2 bedrooms downstairs, 1 up Cozy break fast nook off kitchen. Patio. Paved street, sidewalk and sewer. Snown by appoint ment only. Price, $9,200 with terms. QUIET LOCATION for elder couple. Neat 2 Bdrm. home, 1 block from bus. in Hucrest area. Large fenced lot. Good gar den plot. Priced right at $4,500 with $300 down. 34 ACRE RANCH. 30 A. creek bottom soil cultivated balance rolling. 4 Bedroom older comfortable home. Separate Swedish bath. Garage, barn and chicken' house. Completely .fenced. 10 minutes from town. Taxes only $96. Price, $13,500 wild terms. Member Roseburg Multiple Listing Bureau L. B. Hicks, OR 3-7243 Joyce Doyle, OR 2-3553 George Keller, OR 2-1935 bus Reynolds, Suth. 4057 957 N.E. Stephens Ph. OR 2-3731 NEW HOME FINISHING this week, at . the corner of Maple and Yale, (Westside). Close to the new schools, hospitals, and Shopping Cen ters. Three bedrooms, double baths, birch kitchen, family-dining room. Wa are proud to olter this one. Let us show you todayl $16,500 LOTS SOUTH of town. Owner wants an otter, s make your own terms. Hurry, 4 leftl , $550?? $600?? $650?? ' BARGAIN WE have e reel nice FAIRHAVEM Iwe twdroom, that can be purchased for S?500. Good terms. . Coll Bob Dishman KEN BAILEY REAL ESTATE S. F. Rose Street Office OR 3-4471 .Home OR 2-3294 CONVINCING VALUES 4lv S E. CHADWICK. Top location. Older, 2- bedroom bungalow. Can be made into choice downtown home. Yours for $1,000. On easy terms too. 1 BLOCK TO COURT HOUSE. Please ... don't disturb tenant, call us. DOGWOOD OR. Good looking and well built, 3- bedrooms, FA. oil heat, plastered walls, modern ly appointed. At the drastically re duced price of $9,000, you can redecorate to suit. Very good terms and immediate possession. Desired location near V.A., bus, schools and only steps to shopping center. DOWNTOWN (Thomoson and Rica Sts ) EXTRA NICE 3-oedroom, gas or electric heat, aft. garage. IMMACULATE condi tion. Attractive CORNER location. Priced to SELL at only $10,300, with $3000 down and 7i monthly. HUCREST, prominent corner . . . unusually '.well planned and attractive. This homo has LARGE living room, full dining room, modern kitchen with snack divan, two nice bedrooms, tile and color ware bath, tile fireplace and electric heat. Roomy 1300 sq. ft. PLUS a detached building 440 sq. tt. that has a BOY'S ROOM, a large play room. m bath, and laundry room, connected to main houve by a PATIO. On paved street and city sewer In and paid. The yards are tar above average In development and appointments. Needs minor decorating but a positive buy fot only $13,, and will attract top financing. Lee Jones Realty 433 w. Military Ave OR 2-2511 CHARLES MUMBY. Jale.m.n LESLIE BLACK. Salesman O 3.7J0I OS '-Mil ONE BEDROOM rentel trede for ecre- aoe. or j-m;.