The news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1948-1994, November 23, 1960, Page 20, Image 20

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    6 Tht Nevft-Rfcvjovr, fcmburg. Or. Tuet., Nov. 22, 1960
loyhnd Is Neiv - Wonderland. For AH f The Youngsters
Children's Toys Ante-Date
Recorded Early Civilization
Where did the loyi that children. first to have dolls. These were not
love so mucll sucn as aoils, Kites, ioois, iney were sincuy uems ui
blocks, etc. . .come from? entertain the children.
Records and archeolofiical exca- Kites originated in the Orient,
valions show that children have At one time kite flying was a na
been playing with dolls, and many tional sport in China.
other toys we still see today, since Blocks, which were once called
many thousands of years ago. building bricks first appeared mi
The Egyptians were perhaps the nu any decoration. Most were
somewhat larger than the average
ones today.
Generally as soon as something
new appears for adults, it is dupli
cated in miniature for children. It
was not too many years after the
first appearance of the locomotive
that a child's replica was designed.
The earliest steam engine, how
ever, far preceded this. . .records
show a reference to it as far back
as 150 years before -the birth of
The sling shot, used by men as
a weapon, and referred to in the
Bible as David's weapon, has been
a toy for centuries, too.
Children's tastes have changed
little since ancient times. A look
at the toy collection in the British
Mueseum would prove that. In fact,
it would not be advisable to take
the children there before Christmas
they'd find loo many toys to ask
building toy kits is this peg
set slanted toward training
the budding landscape archi
tect, according to the Toy Gui
dance Council. If mntniriK
evervrhinn tho rhiM rrl tn'lw0 yetn old- lf he ha on,y one
everyrning tne cm id needs to,it wiI1 probaby be dragged along
k.u.ii u Kicuy yuiu. ny me child trom room to room,
Trp. ,
The small fry love to have their
own furniture. (Would you be com
fortable in a chair that's far too
big, or eating at a table that's
nearly over your head?)
furniture tnats scaled to their
size is available in desks, chairs,
tables, stools . , , even sofas!
A child begins to reallv eniov
his own chair when he is about
idea in game fun for the
younger set that bases com
petition on rocket riding ad
ventures. Boys, especially, will
go for this gift.
i 1 x IIS k'ZCv
'"MERRY CRISPNESS" Is the theme of these
. two pretty dresses. They're designed In polyester fiber and
i. 50 per cent cotton to insure ease of laundering and f ree
, dom from wrinkling. The frilled peter pan collar and ruffled
I bodice will always look Derkv. the skirt always eriso.
Furniture Gifts
Fine For Year's
A well-chosen gift of furniture
will live haDDiness for manv
Christmas Days to come!
There's just one problem to se
lecting furniture as gifts and that
is Deing correct in your gift choice.
However, without actually asking
"what do you want" and spoiling
the surprise, check with close
friends and family to determine
whether a practical or ' just pret
ty" furniture item will better fill
Uie bill.
Women usually welcome such
pieces as a vanity table, writing
desk, sewing table, oversize jewel
box and an arm chair or lounge of
their own.
The difficult thing Is to find out
what she wants . . . locating the
item is easy. There are so many
styles in every piece , . . from
Danish modern through Oriental to
Such decorative furniture is be
ing shown now in, not only all the
loveliest of woods, but in jewel
tones as well. Painted furniture is
a trend, not a fad, say the experts.
For Him
The man of the house usually
covets the most comfortable chair
ever designed. This choice it prac
tically pleasure-proof.
Better wrap up a miniature
chair for his. gift though and then
take him along after Christmas to
pick out a chair.
To be really comfortable, a chair
must fit the person who will sit
in it. The chair should be high
enough for the feet to rest on the
floor. The seat should be long
enough to give support from spine
to knee. The arms should hold the
sitter's aims from elbow to wrist.
And the back should support at a
comtortaDie angle lrom spine to
nape or neck.
You will be able to find a chair
that fits him, pleases you. and
suits the decor of the home, with
very mile difficulty, The selection
if tremendous in every price
j Phone OR 3-5056 Roieburj ' j
For The Girls
For The Boys
For The Sub-Teen
For The Lady in Waiting
A Small Deposit Holds Your Lay-Away
It's Wonderful
World Of Dolls
Maybe, it's the mother complex
in her, but every little girl wants
and deserves a doll. This year,
reports Toy Guidance, Council, the
perfect, oh-so-wonderful doll . will
oe waiting for ner. . .exceeding any-
tmng sne may nave fancied in
ner most elaborate dreams.
Dolls not only resemble chil
dren, they walk, talk, cry and
drink like children. Manufacturers
have exceeded the already near
human realism of previous sea
sons, now creating models with
sucn muscular agility, they actual
ly perform ballet routines.
Another amazing development is
a versatile 3-foot high doll, exact
counterpart of any real youngster
her age, designed to walk along
side a carriage pushing a smaller
uom Magic on tne family scene.
Speech versatility is still anoth
er development in the doll world.
This year Chatty Cathy, young
Miss America of the Dlav pen sot
makes her entry on the holiday
scene speaking whole sentences in
small child chatter! Another fe
male with a talent for talking.
Still more marvels have entered
the field. , .accessories, even furni
ture, copied from current "grown
up" models; kits with instructions
on the "care and feeding" of dolls
. . .even diets and scientific baby
care; and still another thrill a
baby's bath with nozzle spray.
High fashion takes over the min
iature doll group, with a boom in
carrot-tressed dolls, bangs and bee
hive coiffures, even needle-pointed
shoes and bulky charm bracelets.
10's doll is a career girl carrying
a brief case!
Stuffed animals have personal
ities, too. Patterned after zoo
counterparts, they look amazingly
real, uiners nave come trom outer
space, or a fantasy group, and
some are TV characters named
Huckleberry Hound ' and Quick
uraw Mciiraw.
With so many "jet age" develop
ments, it should be a record vear
for. the Doll. . First Lady of The
ZERO IN on this gift for boys. It's the "count down," an
electronic missile control base just like the Army's vital
missie launching nerve center. The rockets blast off up to
a height of 35 feet. It's constructed of sturdy plastic; oper
ates on standard flashlight batteries. '
Youngsters Take Off Into World
Of Scientific Adventure In 1960
N v
Yuletide ore dolls and doll
accessories. Here o happy
youngster appears ' with her
playmate size doll, who looks
just like a 3-yepr-old.
What's happening to kids? Where
are the cowboys and Indians. ..tne
"cops and robbers" who once
"foueht it out" on city streets?
The "cops" are now "rocket
engineers." Cowboys have turned
into astronauts. Even the one-time
squaws are. now tinkering in min
iature laboratories.
The scientific age has invaded
the children's world. And the kids
with characteristic flexibility, have
responded by bewildering their parents.
Eight-year-olds make remarks
like. "Pod. according to my calcu
lations, it's going to rain tomor
row" (and it does). Pop stares at
his offspring in amazement.
Then ne learns mat a inermom
eter hangs outside Junior s win
dow, and a humidity computor fills
the table space once occupied by
a pair of six guns. He begins "help
ing" Junior, picking up knowledge
he never had and finding this
amateur weatherman business is
Children's interests are changing
and their hobby activities are fol
lowing suit.
According to the Hobby Indus
try Association, new hobbies are
opening doors to every child who it
someday have to earn a place in
the world.
Young chemists delightedly pour
mixtures from one test tube to
another, learning' the science of
analyzing chemicals by color
Want to know what foods are
high in calories? Visit your junior
chemist in his experimental lab.
He'll make a few tests, and come
up with the answer
He can even send secret mes
sages in invisible ink.. .make print
reappear with a drop from a spe
cial vial
The youngster who toys con
tinually with the radio dial and
asks, "where does the sound come
from," is showing a natural scien
tific curiosity. Don't stifle it by
replying,"I don't know," or "ask
your father."
Urge him to find out for him
self. Give him a radio hobby kit.
With it he'll .explore wireless
transmitting and receiving and an
swer his own questions.
Today, there's no reason for that
mournful, "Mommy, I have noth
ing to do." The well-informed par
ent can provide a dozen fascina
ting, educational diversions for the
children.. All it takes is a stroll
through the neighborhood hobby
snup: .
HERalD the coming ot Christ
mas with musical instruments
which can be used to express
rne oy.ot the yuletide.
Here's what automatic dishwash
er users say: Fewer dishes and
glasses broken, fewer tea towels
needed, hot water saved because
dishes are dohe fewer times a day.
Capture All Christmas Fun
With Well-Planned Pictures
The holiday season nresenU
picture opportunities second to
none. Be ready with -film, flash
and a reliable camera. And have
plenty of picture-taking necessi
ties on hand. You'll wait another
year to record holiday happenings.
For a realistic record, catch
Christmas in color. It's essy to
use color film especially with
simple box-type cameras that take
slides or snapshots in color, as
well as black-and-white pictures.
Plan your picture-takiDg so it
tells a complete story from early
preparations right on through the
excitement of gift-opening and the
last sleepy nod Christinas night.
For in-the-house holiday shots,
it's a good idea to leave on as
many lights as possible. Use a
camera that comes complete with
built-in flashholder for easy indoor
Safety In numbers is a good rule
for snapshooting because you don't
always get what you want the
first time, and because a series
of pictures rather than a one-shot
stint tells the story of what
happened next.
When shooting small fry, keep
that camera low at the child's
own eye-level even if it means
sitting, stooping or kneeling. It's
usually best to come in as close
as the camera will allow.
Shutter secret that works well
with youngsters is to click when
they're absorbed in what they're
Include all parts of that Christ
mas story from outdoor decora
tion to indoor festivities.
Make the most of your holiday
pictures. Put them in the family
album. Have some of the best ones
enlarged and framed to hang on
the wall or send as gifts to family
and friends. And, of course, extra
prints can brighten many a letter
to a fond, far-away grandma.
You can send a "bunch of eood
wishes" with artificial flowers, and
they'll brighten any home or of
fice! What's more, they're a never-ending
way of saying Merry
Christmas to a friend.
Buying Toys Deserves A Priority
On Most Christmas Shopping Lists
Buying toys deserves priority on
your Christinas list, even if you
are only a cousin once removed
or a casual family friend. Time
invested in the selection of suitable
toys can yield lifetime dividends
of value to a child.
This advice comes from Dr. Phil
ip Lewis of the Chicago Board of
Education and Toy Guidance coun
cil's Advisory Committee, who also
suggests a preliminary reconnai
sance of Toyiand before buying.
Because of the air of excitement
surrounding a toy department
during the holidays, it's a smart
idea to list the ages and habits
of the children you want gifts for,
and outline the basic Play interests
at each age level. Then look for
tovs that fit them individually.
You'll find it rewarding, in your
role of Assistant Santa Claus, .to
study the information on toy pack
aging. Read leaflets like "Leani
ng Through Play" Toy Guidance
Council's, outline on toy selection
which gives special play needs of
each age of childhood.
Toys designed for very young
children should be labelled for
sucking. There should be no loose
parts, and edges should be smooth.
Lightweight toys afe best for the '
crib and play pen crowd whose
muscles are just beginning to de
velop. A new category of toys from
the land of science should ease
your gift selection for teenagers.
It includes lab equipment on a
home scale...even group viewer
microscopes for family participa
tion. Balance is important In a toy
just as it is in nourishment. From
babyhood on, children require var
ied play activities; so, in making
up your ' gift list, consult leaflets
at good stores or get advice from
parents with children in similar
age groups. .
By scheduling this important
part of your Christmas shopping
early, you will find a broader
selection of "correct" toys and a
store personnel with time to be
Familiar Carols Ring Out
Everywhere At Christmas
The joyful strains of "God Rest
you Merry Gentlemen," "Hark,
the Herald Angles Sing" and oth
er carols each year renew a lovely
tradition as they fill the air at
All Christian nations have carols
which, are religious, seasonal
songs, usually happy in spirit. The
singing of carols at Easter time
has declined over the" years, but
Christmas carols have survived
and grown in popularity.
Carols originally were sung to
accompany a ring dance in which
dancers joined hands to form a
circle. ' Many of these tunes still
retain their lilt.
About the 13th century, tradi
tional dance melodies were adapt
ed to religious texts. Worshippers
welcomed something less severe
than the old Latin hymns and
found these more lively than plain
song or chants.
Carols were written by clergy
men, poets, composers, peasants,
and by university scholars. They
were equally at home in the ale
house, hall, marketplace or cloister.
Hundreds of carols were written
in England between 1400 and 1647,
when the Puritan Parliament abol-
In the middle of the 19th cen-'
tury, texts for several old carols
came to light when a book belong
ing to Richard Hill, a London
grocer, was found behind a book
case. From about 1500 to 1S36, Hill
recorded all manner of things In
the book. Among his many notes
were transcriptions of long lost
The Rev., J. M. Neale and the
Rev. T. Helmore created more in
terest in carols when they publish
ed "Carols for Christmas tide" in
1953 which set England texts to
the 16th century Swedish carol
tunes. One of the favorites in the
collection, "Good King Wensces
las," was written to the tune of
a Spring carol, "Tempus Adest
The resurgence of carol writing
in the mid-19th century led to
many American carols, including
"We Three Kings of Orient, Are,'
and "It Came Upon a Midnight
Traditional old English carols,
as well as carols from other Eu
ropean countries, especially Ger
many and France, remain as favorites.
ished Christmas - celebrations and
suppressed carols. . ! Many families follow the cus
The favorite songs survived bv torn of having a "hospitality Irce."
oral tradition and in crudely print- A small Christmas tree is set ua
ed broadsheets. They did not fully near the door and as guests ar
regain their popularity for some rive or depart, they are given a
200 years. small gift off the tree.
1 K
FIRST CAMERA It Is wise to select something inexpensive
easy to use for o youngster's first camera. If you select o
and eosy to use for a youngster's first camera. If you select
purchased later, when the youngster becomes older and
a comera that has a flashholder, the attachment can be
more adept.
i .
Whether you want a studio por
trait of yourself or a happy, relax
ed grouping of the family, have
them taken new. Remember, your
portrait is the Ideal Gift.
All Different Poset No Appointments Necessary.
Children Under 6 r
Yon ton have your own prtonal
phoH Ckrittmet Cards mod (rem
yur r black end whit or color
noaoHvtt. Prictt ere surprisingly
lo, ih ui today.
ORchard 3-8526
Brief your child In tny Friday up to Dae.
i amber 14 end you wiN rataiva 4 baau-
y Hful 37 portraits, tuiraUa for framina,
E wonderful (or ji(h, (or only
V i