Mo 'Cents' in Waiting-Let WANT. ADS-Sava You Money. OR' 2-3321. Houses THREE BR very tin wait tid ranch styla hom. Firepltct, pa Ho, dan, ulfl. room. W-lo-W carpet. $140 mo. OR J UtZ. TWO BR houst, Glidt area. Partly ftjrnfshad with appliances. Garoao. water servk paid. Not ow 3 cniWren in lamily wtl com. OR 2-4135. MODERN 2-bedroom home, wired for weth er and dryer; large utility; garage. Adults preferred. 3' mllei from Myrtle Creek. pnone un j'W), J BORM unfurn. house, on paved it In Winston, ref. required. Call at Union Oil Station in Winston. CLEAN 3 room furnished house. Adults. OR 2-3270. 123 S. E. Stfhns. 1 2 Trlr. Parks & Rentals TIMBER TOWN TRAILER PARKt New spa cious lots tor big trailers. 10x40' concrete patio with pad tor trailer. 210 volt elec tricity available. Individual gat meters. OR W57. MODERN, 1 bedroom 30. Couple preferred. Phon OR 3-7M5. NEW PAVED STREETS, spinous lots, aulet. convenient to shopping gnd bus, one block from Safeway, at 2010 NE Stephens St. Timber Town Trailer Park, OR W579. 13 Misc. Rentals PARKING LOT RENTALS available at Kohl hagen Parking Lot at SE Jackson and Moshef Sta. Only Si oer month. OR 3-K44, EXCELLENT OFFICE SPACE available now. U. S. Bank Bldg. Plione OR 2-212. STORE BLOG. gooJ location for small business, on 5 E Stephens. o R idU4. WANTED farm to lease 2 years or more. 100-300 acres. Phon OR 34091 or OR 3-6193. 14 Help Wanted INDUSTRY OPENING . . Recent' High School Graduates . Over 18 Years of Age Western division of International corpor ation firm, owner of western nation-wide communication and public Information text book Interests, now hiring men for th. following positions: 71 Promotionol Representatives (5) Merchandising Trainees (4) Office Personnel - (3) Sales Positions (Previous experience or not) (3) Assistant To District Manager (Must be free to travel) Good pay and advancement Apollcants must be able to accept the responsibility of hard work and the chal lenge that comes with advancement. PORTLAND SALEM EUGENE BE SOfU EM 44944 Dl J-52II Call between AM te 1 PM for appointment. MEN ffF YOU or out of work or dissatisfied with your present fob because of limited Income duo to lay-offi or seasonal work, and, If you are Interested In future op portunities, then you ow It to yourself to Investloat this ad. DUE to our tremendous growth and ex pansion program, we hevo several open- . Ings tor men with ambition. All I ask Is five minutes of your time, at your con venience, to show you th possibilities For details, se. ... JAMES SEITZ, AT 201 CARTER BUILDING Between f a.m. ana i p.m. WANTED Experienced sporting goods man capable or neeaing retail sponmg goods department. Permanent position. . Must be familiar with aU sporting goods, athletic equipment, boats, motors, etc. Ex cellent opportunity. Write, giving expert nce, age, qualifications (o Box 206, co News Review. MEN23 or over of age who own or can purchase a late model 1-ton or IVi ton truck to transport house trailers nation wide. Must be physically fit and able to pass t.C.C. physical examination. Contact National Trailer Convoy, Inc. at 3071 N. Slephens,OR 2-4181. ATTENTION Ambitious men; be Inde pendent. Your own Rawlelgh business available In Roseburg; no cash invest ment. Set G. Bowles, Star Rte. Box 46, Winston or writ Rawlelgh's, 306 Adeline, Oakland, Calif. " LOCAL STORE has opening for outside iia maoIm ma l or female or part time. Car needed. Better than average aarnlngs. Call OR 2-3381 between 9;30 a.m. ana a:ju k.w. WANTED rigging men for SJ4 high-lead work. Prefer young, wail experienced men. Winter show. Eastern Oreoon. Phone JA 5-3980, or JA 5-3896 evenings, waua wane, ' Wash. AAAHiTioiis MARRIED man wishing to bet ter himself. Established Fuller Brush terrl tory. Si 00 week guaranteed lo start. Phon OK aner p.m QUALIFIED CM mechanic for permanent position In Chev-Okts-Corvalr dealership. Contact Service Manager, wh 2i t-oi- lege Grove, Or. . Wanted Man or lady In Canyonvltle, Myrtle Creek, or Days Creek area for parti time Sunday Oregon lan rout. OR3-3310. PART-TjMEheip"forprehristmas rush, i Fuller Brush Co. Ph. Irv Gledd, OR 3-7485 after 7 p.m. 1 CHRISTIAN Pioneer workers and Sunday School Teachers. Neighborhood Foursquare Church. 15? Ifle RgeRd. OR3-7W. EXPERIENCED MAN for concrete pipe mfg. Must know stripping, mixing and " making. OR 2-3694. WANTED woman to care for semi Invalid, do light hswk In all electric nous, i days W. OR OTWn ana m.i. 15 Work Wanted CONTRACTING, remodeling, carports. Con struction, all types, pre esnmaits, urt 2-1359. DONT DISCARD. THAT EXPENSIVE Suit- suiti restyied to latest tasnion, uk M4sa. NEW CONSTRUCTION, remodeling. Free ts timates. OR 2-473. No fob too small. Call venlngs after 4. NEWCON stRUCll ON ad remodeling. Free Mtlmats.PhonOR 3-7234 orOR 3-7516. Iaby ittfiNO, matur lady; references. Your horn days. OR 3-4124. CHILD CARE, days my home; reiiBbi. reasonable. OS -51M, between 1 and 5. ALTE RATIONS. OR 3-3372. HOUSE WORK references. OR 2-2237. IRO'nTnG OR M015- IRONING in my home. Oitiard. OS -S535. DINNER orfry cook. OR 2-1347. 18 Instruction HIGH SCHOOL t nom for dtotoma. Ameri can School Writ Ray Burkefl, Box 641, Yrefce, California. , CUITAB TFtrHFR ttM OT IttPdord Iral, rythm or BoogAoogit. OR aii. 6. Jones, . SPANISH GUITAR LESSONS. Piano acconv Private drivino wisructwns. Ktn lh derman OR 3-7447. PIANO LESSONS hi rour horn. OR 3-4171, 11 20 Services Howard Electric Phone OR 3-3571 or OR 2-3805 Commercial, Industrial, residential wiring 441 S.E. Main Roseburg, Oregon CHILD CARE Mother Goose Nursery OR 3-S34I M&R Painting & Decorating Service Interior or exterior. Brush or spray Free Estimates GR 3-U57I. Specialties Repair Outboard motors Lawn mower Sharpening Small motors, etc. Scuba Diving Air 1327 S.E. Cobb St. OR MOT Bikes Repaired Saws Filed "Rebuilt bikes at 2nd hand prices' City Cycle Center ' 424 Winchester St. Crane Service ERECT ION work, concrete pouring. Cat Cliff Thornton, day or nlgnt. OR 2-2609 FOUNDATIONS, basements, house ralsino, leveling, repair. Work F.H.A. approved. Ce ment, biocK worn. F'nancmo available. Free estimates. OR 3-OT40 or OR 3-M44. SMALL Appliance repair. Best itock of small appliance parts in Douglas County. Trowbridge Electric 721 SE Oak Si. OR 3-5521. HUNTERS Save your .skins for tanning. (.oats, no; g loves ano moccasins, si. as. Tanning, 40 cents ft. Ross Glcve Factory. Myrtle Creek, Oregon. ROOFING New and repair Free esti mates work guaranteed. Fisner T nor sen Paint Co. Call U E. Ballay, OR 3-6042; 6. DSUm, OK 2-1371. WINSTON LAWN and Garden Service. Land- scaplngi free estimates Phon OS 9-4843 alter 3 p.m. ana evenings. CARPENTRY, remodeling, party rooms, kit cnens, .panos, nouse leveling, jonn u. lot ralne, OR -3-3254 after 4 P.M. GRADING and leveling; loam and rock de livered, call Paul cascy. ok 3-40 is, zui N. E. Stephens St. . FOR FAST efficient plumbing repair service, can Kier croocn piumonng to. 244a w. Harvard. OR 2-3364. COLEMAN and INTERNATIONAL oil burner service. Orville's Fixlt Shop. OR 2-4511 SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED. Roseburg Sani tation service, pn. ok 3-33M- TO BUILD OR REPAIR ANYTHING, Call John Sanborn, OS 9-5387. PLOW sharpening, welding; 2352 S.W. Castle Ave. Machine snop. uk CARPENTER Build, remodel, repair cab inets. Phone OS 9-5814. ALUMINUM welding. Winston Chain Saw Ob Y-5MI. PLANS Residential Designer. Bob Dish- man, OR 2-3Z94. NORTH ROSEBURG KINDERGARTEN. 1553 N.E. Vine St. OK Z-3C63 Or OR 3-7847, ELECTRIC CONTRACTORS. Lansing & Ol iver, OR 3-5636. MODERN and antique furniture reflnishing. OS 9-8721. BUILDING AND REMODELING. OR 3-3725. 21 Building Material Bargain Lumber STUDS, DIMENSION, Utility Grade Economy Grade BOARDS $45 M 125 M Umpqua Mfg. Co. . fFormerly Consolidated Milling) Hwy n BR South OR 3-7411 SPECIAL Dimension 2x4, 2x6 and wider. Boards Shlolao V-Ruslk Alt your needs for framing, sheeting, and flooring As low as ?5. Cedar Boards 1x4 and wider Lumber Sales Co. OR 3-7362 Garden Valley near RR tracks 23 Fuel SAWDUST Blower or Dump WOOD Oak Wood - Peeler Cnra Planer Ends 06" or 2') Slab Wood (green or dry) ROSEBURG LUMBER CO. Ph. OS 9-74l WOOD Block and slab mixed. Peeler cores groan or dry. Sawdust Blower Dump Guy & Frances Gill Fuel 281 N. E. Douglas OR 2-1524 WOOD Peeler Cor, Hardwood Block woo--' Dry Planar ends Red Diamond Fuel Co. OR a-sav TEXACO Stove Oil or Furnace Oil Buy the Best Buy Texaco Automatic Refill Service OR 3-5022 - OR 3 5477 O&C FUEL CO. Dry oak, 16" and 24' also, fir heater biocxs. or 2-3304. OAK WOOD Cut to order. Green or dry. Will deliver. OR 3-5698. HARDWOOD, cut lo order. 123. SO cord deliv ered. Phon 05 9-5643 Or US WW. r HARDWOOD cut to order. OR 3-7850. LAUREL and oak wood for tale:OR 3-3604. OAlOlNDlSu'REL W wood. OS -5527. 25 Farm Equipment Meyers Water Systems No money down. 1 yrs. to pay on approved credit. Complete Installation and repairs. UMPQUA TRACTOR COMPANY 2ft4 Diamond Lake Btvd OR 3-4567 Minneapolis Molln tractor "MOO and 2-bof. torn plow, 12". Both In txcel. cond. Ph, Oakland 3073. 26 Livestock SCHRICKER I SON AUCTION. Phono Sutherlin 2144 Livastock sola every Saturday at 12:30 p.m. Always good active market for all kinds Of livestock, fwrniiwr mi i i.w p.m, Schrlcker and Son, Owners S Mgri. 6. A. Brown, Wftohmaster Dr. Don Ron, Veterinarian i Aor.K nnv iat In ne barns for rent. insid riding are prhrileges. Douglas County Fair. WANTED" sheep of alt kinds, also woof, TEmpI 4-f470, Drain, ai Brown. Now ti tho tin ! tall thai Hle old antique. Someone will want It Um tho Ner-Ratw e1asilfte4 ol.nM $ eeU 1L Pbono OR S-U2L 27 Hay Grain STOCK PUMPKINS Joel Fenn, Melrose. Phone OR 3-5604. BALED ALFALFA: R. Conn, OR 1442 mornings or evenings. SEMIS SEED for green pasture, yreround. fcugene HOicomD. 2le. Oakland. CRIMSON CLOVER, seed for winter cover crop. Mover Nursery, oo Mill. HAY. L. E. Coon, Dlllard. OS . HAY FOR SALE 2S ton. OR 3-Se'S. 28 Poultry & Rabbits CHICKEN EQUIPMENT. Automatic cleaner grader, candier steel cagti and Droooers. OR 3-767 s. WANTED Llv poultry, Roseburg Poultry OS f-MOO. no Sunday cans. 29 Pets BEAUTIFUL, registered Boston Terrier at stud; has points towara cnampionsnip; pupples occasionally. Harriet Anderson, I47S sun gkw Drive, rass ure. ik -3730. IVE AWAY 4 yr. old ma' German Snap- nera. Keg. to gooo noma, laii guar a P-iYl. UK j-jvm MINIATURE Old English sheep dog puppies. . ana siu. uk J-ua aner j:ju p.m. POODLE. 9 months. House pet. Shots. OR 2-3213. FOUR BLACK & TAN male pupplas, for sale. OR 3-7769. AKC REG. German Shepher. puppies. Ex cellent biood lines, can ok 3-aagg. TWO MALE Pekingese puppies. AKC reg. Sis ea. OR 2-43 It. POMERANIAN puppies. Lu-EI-in Kennels, North Umpaua Road. OR 2-2903. DOUGLAS COUNTY HUMANE Society Anl- mai sneiter. or i-3to. PUTMAN'S Toy Fox .Terrier KtfliielS, Wil Dur, uregon. uk wm GOLDEN HAMPSTERS at 341 SE Lane. Phon OR 3-279. . AKC REG. male Pake, 2 yrs old SIS. OR 2-4054. - COON HOUNDS black and tan, started. OR 3-4365. DACHSHUND STUD SERVICE, OR 2-2268, GLENGARY Beagln Kennels. OR 3-6757. CANARIES and cages OR 34330. TO GIVE to good home 4 kittens. OR 2-1273. 31 Sporting Equipment ROD & REEL Evinrudo motors Boat accessories Interlux paints Boat trailer tires 1145 W. Harvard OR 2-2242 NICK'S BOAT WORKS Satellite and Mo- bilcraft boats, fiberglass boat repairs and retmisning, v mi. o. Miiey a . isomer, OR 3-7644. CAMP TRAILER for sale. OR 3-7671 after 7 P.M. CAMP TRAILER 1275. Sleeps four. Phon OR 3-4873. 32 Produce & Plants FINEST Local apples. Horn mad apple cider, squasn or ail Kinas Pumpxins tor Halloween. Cabbaae, cauliflower and other vegetables. Soma dried prunes. Harvard Ave. Fruit Stand. Also you pick tomatoes, 75c bu. APPLES Jonathon and Ortley. Marsh Ranch, 1 mile west LookJngglast Store. Pnon OK 9-44S3. TOMATOES, cucumbers and beets. Schmidt's, Garden valley. WALNUT DRYING Bacon 4. Bacon dryer, oryer on lurry ho, 33A Musical RENT A NEW HAMMOND organ on Ham mond's Playtime Plan for only JJs.oo in cluding free lessons. Graves Music, 514 SE Jackson, OR -2461 PIANO RENTALS Wurlltzer spinets, any style or finisn. sio monrn including tree lessons, kossbuko music, 7441 w. Har vard. OR 2-391 or OR 3-2461. TWO YEAR old Pan American trumpet. can atter 5. os v-an. 33 - Sewing Machines Rent A Singer Sewing Machine Only $6.00 per month. In cluding delivery and pick- , up service 1 Singer Sewing Machine Co. 558 SE Jackson OR 3-7348 34 Misc. For Sale ROSEBURG LOANS, 470 S.E. Main, has out- of-pawn mdse. Barg. prices on diamonds, watches, musical Instruments, cameras. BILL'S BETTt?R Boards Build Better Build Ings, West Coast Building 6upoly, 7 blocks wesr or breynouno oepot. uKcnara 3-mii, TV SALES and RENTALS, day or weekly rates, can Ktcr croocn piumomg to. 2 W. Harvard. OR 3-334. TOP SOIL from now location. Tho best you have over seen no roots or weeos. Ralph Fisher. Winston OS 94493. TV SALES and rentals. Rent may apply on down payment. Horn's Appliance, 424 S.E. Jackson. OR 3-5511 FOR the best ob of custom cutting, v;ra?- ping ano qutcx freezing, oring your moat to Winston Lockers, OS 9-513.. WHY BUY FRUIT? Plant a tow cost Stark backyard orchard this fall. Guaranteed stock. OR 3-5321 evening., weekends. WE HAVE a fine selection of meat available for your locker or deep freeze at whole sale prices, winsion locki rs. ua toijj. KILN FOR SALE, free lessons, glazes, green ware. Next to Wini'on Lockers. TREVA'S Ceramics. OS 9-5133. NEW DAVENO couch, swing rocker, end tables. OR 3-6047. 710 W. Berdlne. USED MAYTAG mangle, original cost $329, SOU for S.50. OS T-S4TJ. Take OVER pymts on 60 model 73 cu ft. turner deep freeze. mo. os t-wt. AUTOMATIC WASHER. $S5t dryer, $55t roll way bed, $25. OR 3-3453. USED TV's, organs and accord! ans. Graves musicsis 5E jack son, un z-ihi. WOOD HEATER f stock, saddle, OR 2-3991. Try Want Ads! Low Cost and quick results ' . Quitting Business, Auction Saturday Oct. 15 at 1:00 P.M. The following and thousands of Highest Didder as nagt rurnuure ana txenange quiu ouiineu: Wau'i neraonal bedroom let new condition. A Coidspot 18.8 range. ThetiT are) new and used tools, appliances, piummng supplies, unnainterl chests, huniina and fishini Kear. 9 x 12 linoleums, desks, lamps, wood heaters. So much chance to save on a new ixorwcsier automatic neater wun , 26" firebox. Only one Jcit. See you Saturday at Wag's Furniture Exchange Winston ' ' OS 9 5101 Harry Li Rise, Auctioneer GUESS WHO... i . .was teaching his wife to bowl. 34 Misc. For Sale BLACK AND DEC ER TOOLS B&D Drills. U-15 " drill Reg. $39.95 Special S29.95. and 13 W drill. Reg. $24.95 Special 119.95. First Quality Oulslde Paint. Gal. 53.99. White and colored. Deluxu Inside rub bar Pas paint 43.99 Gal. Beautiful new wallpaper books. Latest to choose from. Sandran Linoleum, 6' $1 .00 per foot; 9' 81.59 per foot; 12' 41.49 per square yard. Fiberglass Now 33c per ft, Pabco roofing now $8.99 square, Insulation IV Inch, Reg. 468, now $50 2 inch, Reg. S70, now S6t- 3 Inch, Reg. S90, now 470 Super Kern-Ton $3-15 qt. Kem-Glo 52-90 qt. 5 J Inch Chlpwood plywood for walls, floor, roof, S3.29 a sheet. Sandpaper and Sander. Will rent. Gutter fittings. Reasonable 52 Gal. Fowler Electric Hot water heat er. Was 4139.98, now 473 ALUMINUM WINDOWS Remodeling and Repairs Home Improvements, repairing - tabor, materials, tho complete ob Biggest choice of PREF1NISHED MA HOGANY Complete line nf HARD WOOD PLYWOOD and HARDWOOD LUMBER Sanded Sheathing Fir 175 SIZES AND GRADES. Direct 'from, th mill- to you. Highest Cash price scrap iron and metals. ROBINSON BUILDING . SUPPLY 911 W. Central Phone 2162 Sutherlin, Oregon Beckwith Cycle Co. Schwinn & Evans Bicycles New. Used. Also Motorcycles. 2921 W. Harvard or 3-81 20 New bunk beds, $24.95 Used bunk beds, complete S.29.9S Daveno and chair, S24.95 New 4 drawer chests, $11.95 Refrigerators, S15 and up Mattress, $6.50 and up Good electric ranges, $24.95 and up ttood on neateri, i'.vt New bath tub $47.50 Elect, hot water htrs, 52 gal. $29.95 Red's Trading Post . Canyonvllle Ore. MOVING MUST-SELL Bendix auto wash er. Gas range, with 3 ovens, 4 burners and griddle. 30" apt elect range, retrlg., water purifier and softner unit, baby crib with mat. All items In good cond. Priced to sell fast. 1240 SE Cass. ELECTRIC REFRIGERATOR 140; Sears auto-washer $33; Wringer typt washer $15, Tappan gas range $40. Wood heater $35. All In good condition. OS 9-MI2J 8 & M MEAT CO., Hereford locker beef 39c lb, also extra Tender, lean, switt oeet, 45c lb. Cut and wrapped free. Custom Cut ting at reasonable prices. OR 3-5141. UdENSED REPRESENTATIVE S"lark Bros. Nurseries. Home and commercial orcnaros. Shrubs, berries, Queries welcome. OR 5321 after 5 or weekends. . SADDLES, bridles, bits, spurs, whipi, pack equipment, saoaie paas ana tianKeis, ere, also moccasins, bells nd buckles. Allen's Western Goods, 2 miles south Dillard. OIL ClR. heater with 2 50-gal. oil drums and fittings, 2it iga wooa cir. neater, $10. OR 3-3831. Repo'd Frlgidalre Imperial washer and dryer. Beautiful turquoise color. Save $330. Terms. Umpqua Valley, OR 2-161 . GOOD USED DRYERS. $59, terms. Also Used oil heaters, priced lo tell. Umpqua Valley, OR 2-1616. , PINK FRIGIOAIRE IMPERIAL washer and dryer. Like new, terms umpqua Valley, OR 2-1616. LARGE SIZE Ashley wood heater $75; Oak-! land wood neater $35. 664 W. Umpqua. OR 3-6219. KELVIN ATOR dryer, deluxe modeL"xcel. lent condition. Bendix Economat washer, excellent condition. OR 3-9037. 21 cubic foot Coidspot deepfreeze. 1 yr. old. $275. OR W494 MAGNA VOX 17" TV, less than 1 year old, limed oak Jin. Excell. cono$100. J)R 2-3773. WH.TE full length wedding dress, size 14. Phone Sutherlin 3182 after 5:30. GOOD Ashley wood heater, $60. UN 3-3443, Myrtle Creek. FULL SIZE Simmons bed, coll spring and mattress, szo. tan ok OAKLAND wood heater j refrigerator, couch. OR 9-5661. FOLDING BUGGY, balhinette, Tailor-Tot, 447 W. Harrison. ELETTROLUX vacuum "cloaner sales and service. OR 3-7010 or Ok 3-3591. COMPLETE tvousehoid furnishings. AlTor by piece, os v-WiT. KEN'S ROCK SHOP. Covington, Highland Park dealer. 246 N. E. .ncitnuf. YEW WOOD and cedar posts for sale. OR 3-7237 or OJR 3-372. USED CHAIN SAWS. Winston Chain Saw OS ;564K BOY'S 34" Hawthorne bike, year old, $25. OR 3-4679. FRIGIOAIRE auto, washer. Perfect, $M. Terms. UmpqueVelley OR 2-1616 two chairs, new upnoilterW choice, 115. OR 3-75S6. UPRIGHT FREEZER. II Cu. ft.. $149. Ump qua Valley, OR 2-16J6. 17" RCA TV, $35. I lb. Kenmore auto, wash- er, $45. Both good cona. or BOYS 2'7" bicycle, good cond $15. Call OR 7-1264. ELECTRIC range, good condition, reason able, Inquire at 552 NE Meadow Ave. RND. OAK din. tfele, Plec b-smith forge, swing rocker, wringer wasner. OR 7714. WESTINGHOUSE" auto, washer and dryer, good condition, $30 each. OR 3-1203. other itcnu will be aold to the Chest. Vanity, nisht stand and bed- deepfreeze and i Kenmore electric that we cannot list it. Here's your 34 Misc. For Sale Kenmore. Dryer 10 lb. Capacity 2 temperatures Heat and air settings Only $98 $3.00 Down Sears Roebuck Co. 526 SE Jackson OH 3-6673 - BIG SALE k Used Furniture & Appliances RAINBOW ! TRAILER SALES Old Highway 99 N. Winchester OR 3-737? FORMICA fop table with pedestal bale. size 34x43". ,s?5. Glactlron mangle szOi elec tric mixer 'SIO. Electric floor iweeper $5. All In good condition. Call OR 2-4271. 35 Wanted Misc. WANTED ANTIQUE Colni, guns, china, glassware, jewelry, clocks, rlscilla's An tiques. 247 SE JacKion. OR 2-U21. WANTED Pack saddle, harness, leather etc. must be in condition. E. F. Pearson, Canyonvllle. WANTED-- Coins. OR 7-J390 WANTED circulating wood heater, OR 3-7T24. 36 For Trade TRADE EQUITY In '55 Chev. Del Rey for household appliances, livestock or pickup worm 'oooui S4tw. uk j-jh. SELL or trade Go-Kurt, now cond., 700 dix west Bend tor good welder cattle. OS 9-5303. LIVESTOCK for irrigation equipment. Call OR J-tVBl. 38 Logging Equipment HD 20 CAT. eoulooed fo' loaning. Excel' ent condition. Will cunsidtr property or r for my equity. Jones Bros. Logging, Cam as valley. 39 Timber & Sawmills Logs Wanted Peelers & Pee I able Milt Delivered at Nordic Veneers pond on North umpqua Highway, 3 miles east ot nose- burg. For information can uk z-uai. Sutherlin 2232 or OR 3-40(9 evening. DONKEY SLEDS All "work guaranteed. Ref erences on request. Marjia w. raimnr, vsi Airport Ka., Leoanon, ure. al e-ovj. WILL BUY-flmber, small or large tract. Ralog or virgin, or 2-1053. 40 House Trailers EARL SMITH TRAILER HOMES CO. ' 1-2-3 Bedrooms. 15' to 55' MODERN AND PROVENCiAL ROD AND , REEL Henslce High Style and Plainsman VENUS ' ROLLAWAY SEE THE ALL ELECTRIC MODELS 15' Kamp Mate by Hcnslee COMPLETE LINE TRAILER SUPPLIES 1910 NB STEPHENS OR J-3354 30 FT ANGELUS. lattice work ihrublf Itor ege cabinet, carport, awning Included. Nebo Trailer Park, G-4, 1950 SHULT Trailer. 33'. good condition, $1200. Bill's Trailer Court, Sutherlin. Phone 244. WILL SELL OR TRADE eq Hty In 1959 -J bedroom lQxu Ft. trailer, ok zu. 43 Autos & '58 PLYMOUTH V8 club cpe, pushbutton dr, R&H, lustrous block finish with spotless Interior, one 140 ft owner, low mileage " '57 DODGE V8, Custom Royal sdn. Torqueflyte, '1398 R&H . 54 PLYMOUTH V8, Belvedert, 2 dr. Hdtop, pushbutton dr.R&H new nylon OOR tires 7 7 '55 NASH Stofesmon, custom sdn, .with Hydramotie. 98 '54 CHEVROLET club cpe with stand. .'598 ..'398 trans. '53 DODGE V8 $dn., stand. tranf '53 HUDSON club cpe, $ 98 mechonics speciol '55 CHRYSLER V8, $QOQ sdn. R&H Powerllyte O 7 O STATION '59 SIMCA Wagon Ilka new 1398 '56 DODGE Sierra sta. wooon, pushbutton dr, R&H 4 brand new tires, mechan- ) inu Ically perfect . IMPORTS '60 SIMCA Super Deluxe sdn, only 6000 miles M SOft New cor guarantee I J 7 O '5? SIMCA Super Deluxe sdn. .. M198 OPEN Evenings Til 7 mm 40 House Trailers Consider the difference between a Mobile Home built to a PRICE and one built to QUALITY. Drive Out RAINBOW Trailer Sales Old Hwy 9? N Winchester ' Let us show you our quality MOBILE HOMES Honestly priced Factory guaranteed furniture and appliances in trade up to 7 years to pay rent-like bank terms. FINE USED TRAILERS TOO OR 3-7272 Closed Sundays Where Else But At JIM McKEE'S Could You Purchase A New 10x50 Fully Warranted Mobile Home For $3995 You will find, also at Jim McKee's all cash prices are posted for your approval. Easy terms can be arranged If desired. 1028 N. E. Stephens OR 2-4221 J r J Trailer Sales 10 WIDES Angelus Great Lakes 1, 2 & 3 Bedrooms . AIRSTUEAM : ARROWHEAD . TRAVELEZE " 17' To 26' ' USED TRAILERS Reconditioned & Guaranteed (Formerly Brady's Mobile Homol) Shady .Point Trailer Sales Complett linn New and Used trailers, I tampera. travel irai-era m... nom mi. oo. nnj rron Motorcycles '57 FORD V8 Belvedere sdn., M298 '57 BUICK Century, 4 dr. hdtop, Dynaflo, power steering, R&H local one owner $ 10 ft top cond I T 7 O . '56 FORD V8 club cpe., O.D., R&H, new rebuilt eng. In- ".1 998 '53 FORD V8 sdn., tAQQ itond. trans. R&H T 7 O '53 PONTIAC sdn.. Hydro., R&H good tires JTQO extra clean Z. 7 O '52 BUICK Super,-2 dr, Hdtop, Dynaflo, QQP. R&H, real sharp .... 070 '40 FORD V8 pickup, $1Q 4 speed Irons " O '52 NASH Ambassador sdn, new rubber, stand, tarsn. $OQO extro clean 4-' O WAGONS '58 FORD V8 Ronch Wagon For do, spotless Inside $ j OQ '55 RAMBLER sta Qn, O'D, R&H brand new motor, JQQQ Installed in our shop SV J '59 SIMCA Plein Cell sports car, sold new for $ 1 O O O S3I50 Now only I770 '58 RENAULT Douphine tftyQ Sundays 1 0 Til 4 . wm Thurs., Oct. 13, 1960 Th Newt-Review, Nbieburg, Ore. 13 40 House Trailers HUNTERS ATTENTION SPECIAL OEAL IS ft. vacation trailer. New t0 Arrowhead. Regvler 1109 CUT TO t9 See at Rainbow Trailer Sales Okf Hwy No. Wlnchei 42 Trucks 1950 TON Chev. pickup, new painl and tires, mi vt ton tnev. pickup, new motor. Call OR 5 FORfl " tnn ptrfcup. 4 soaad. Good con dition. Bargain, US. Red s Trading Post Canyonvltte. Ore. 'St FORD pickup, good condition. 702 Ma- drone, Myrtle Creek. 151 GMC pickup. 4 speed, a bargain. OR 1950 H TON Chevrolet panel good rubber gooo conaiiion. uk j-4o msTHEV. t ton pk. $5)0. Set at Tire Service Co. 3555 N.E. Diamond Lake. '54 FORD pickup, good rubber and molar, $600. OR 3-4610 evenings. JEEP 1941 Unlvarsal, $595. Phono OR 2-J595 after , '59 CHEV. pickup, excellent condition. OR 1935 FORD pickup. S75T2SOI SW Stella. OR .vatM. 43 Autos & Motorcycles WHOLESALE Why Pay Retail Buy Wholesale '53 Bulck V8 4 dr. sedan, &H, Dyna., 90ft P.S., only '54 Buick 4 dr., R&H, SLQQ Dyna., clean U 7 O '54 Chevrolet Bel Air 4 dr. sedon, R&H, powergllde, fCQO new paint. .. J 7 O '52 Chevrolet sedan, $ C A R&H, runs good J '54 Mercury Montclair 4 dr sedan, R&H, Merco., 40ft new tire T 7 O '53 Pontine Chieftain 2 dr. sedan, hRyd&raH.. .'298 53 Nash 2 dr. H.Ti, $OQQ. R&H, new covers -sO '56 Volkswagen 2 dr., S70Q R&H, clean 7 O '55 Pontlac 4 dr. sedan, R&H, hydra., new AOQ covers, only ............ OO '51 Chrysler H.T. cpe., R&H M98 '41 Chevrolet Vi ton pick up, 3 speed, runs l A Q good. HU '53 Ford 6 4 dr. R&H ...M98 ..228 '53 Plymouth 4 dr. , R&H, new tires '40 Oldsmoblle 4 dr. sdn., $Cn R&H, runs like a top. J J EASV GMC OR BANK TERMS The Wholesale . ' Lot 1 182 N. E. Stephens Russ Bryartt Lot Manager The Lot With The Bin Clock , Open Sundoys ' OR 2-2882 Ijjp 'St '' llSr-i ' A written warranty on each of these cars given by Roseburg's oldest new car dealer. OPEN SUNDAYS AND WEEKLY EVENINGS UNTIL 7:30 P.M. 58 Bulck 4 dr. H.T., R&H, Dyna., full power . '56 Bulck 2 dr. H.T., R8.H, Dyna., full power, sharp '55 Buick 2 dr. H.T., R&H, Dyna., 2 to choose from '54 Bulck 4 dr., R&H, Dyna., Clcon. 59 Ford V8 Folrlane 4 dr., R&H, Fordo., 2 tone green, only '58 Ford V8 Station Wagon,s Fordo., R&H '57 Ford V8 Folrlane 500 4 dr. H. R&H, stick shift, P.S. ond P.B '57 Ford V8 Folrlane 2 dr. sdn., Fordo., new tires '56 Ford V8 Folrlone 4 dr., R&H, Fordo., only '. 'SSPontloe Super Chief 2 dr., H.T., R&H, hydra., IRQ ft P.S. and P.B., solid block I O 7 O '55 Pontioc 4 di., 9 passenger station wagen, R&H, hydra., clean, '56 Chevrolet V8 4 dr. station wagon, R&H, powerglide, new tires '55 Chevrolet 210 4 dr. sedan, R&H, powergllde ... '58 Oldsmoblle "88" Fiesta station wagon, R&H, hydra., P.S. and P.B., clean '55 Oldsmoblle "88" 4 dr., H.T., R&H, hydra., red and white EASY GMAC "DUSTY" RHODES OR 3-6536 CORNER OAK & 43 Autos & Motorcycles Travel First Class '59 Chev. V-8 Biscoyne 2 dr. Stondard Transmission, Local New Car 170C; Trade-In I 7 J '58 Ford 6 Custom 4 Dr. Standard Trans., with overdrive. R&H Local 149S Low mileage " " '57 Pontioc Catalina 4 dr. H'dtop Exceptionally Clean, power Steering & Brakes SlQR Low mileage ... leoge . , i -w '56 Ford Fairlone V-8 2 dr Club R&H Above . Average Clean, Yellow & While A OQC Good Buv. only O 7 sJ '56 Olds "88" Holiday H'dtop Cpe A good solid, clean automobile at a reasonable 95 '55 Chev V-8 Del Rey . 2 dr. All Block ond White Vinyl .interior. For above $QQLC average clean y sJ '55 Mercury Montclair 2 dr., H'dtop See Mercury ot its best in this sharp clean SQ Q C sport model . 7 7 J '53 Chev. 210 2 dr. Straight stick and Very Clean A sound ..395 '53 Mercury Montiriy 4 dr., abavt averog clean, A won derful. Low cost QR family car O J Easy bank terms Napier Auto Sales Hillman - Sunbeam dealer 1240 S. E. Stephens OR 2-2243 WILL SELL OR TRADE equity In two Am. ii.ts.aor nation wagon, (.an imance Dal nee. 70 Madrone. Myrtle Creek. LATE MODEL USED CARS WANTED-. Cain or trade for equity. ATGN S. PHIL. LIPS, DM SE Sleolunl. ISM CADILLAC Coupe Do Hie. full power. Clean, excellent condition. OS r-0427 alter p.m. '57 FAIRLANE town sedan; clean, good condition. On. owner. OR MS1 or OA 9-111. less MERC. Montclair. very clean, take over payments. Sea at 238 SB Jackson blMt, 7:n ana 9:30 p.m IMS FORD, lake over payment-. Call OR g.4140. iM0 FORO Starllner, low mileage. Real buy. OR3j4944; ' CTBAN 'U Ford 4 doer. One owner. Oft 3-71 17. SACRIFICE Ford Fairlone 5 Victoria. Make offer. OR SIK OLDSMOSTle, powered I 'SO Mercury, goo4 condition. OR J-JOIS after 4:30. EVERY WEEK "IS THRIFT WEEK . .IN WANT ADS M898 '1198 - 898 uu $698, '1898 $1 RQQ IJ7U T., R&H, .....J1398 ... '1198 J898 '798 .........:...'1298 .'698 .'2198 ..'898 OR BANK TERMS "TRADER" SCHROEDER OR 2-1786 ROSE OR 3-6555 i!0j (MB