No Cents'-in W aiting-Let WAHT k IS Save You Money. OB 2-S32I 6 Loons & Financial FAMILY FINANCE Horn ewnwJ and C periled Loan j Up to 15Q0 On motor vhicies tnd iumitur 73 SE Whiiflton OR 3-iSlf 8 Wanted To Rent GOODYEAR REP. and family would Ifkt 3 or 4 bdrm. Rent or leaw. Need t one. Catt I to i OR 2-J3 THREE BEDROOM clr home, r8soob!, suburbs or country preferred. Will 1ak elirt care. OR 3-44)1 Ex), 2)1. 9 Sleep, Board, Rooms HOUSEKEEPING ROOM everything furnlih : ed.Close In t?S mo. 4U NE Jackson. DELICIOUS twm coaxing, nice"roomiTJ Ann's Boarding House. OR 3-7947. ROOMS Wlh kitchens. CaitRoHing "h(T) MoleL . WARM rooms close in. Off-slretl parking. 1341 Court. SLEEPING ROOM. m SE JKwn, next door to Penney's. OR 3-3328. ROOM AND BOARD.' OR 3-W&. ROOM ANO BOARD. 60S E Masher. ROOMS. t7 SE CHakely. eff Steptvms. ROOMS. OR 2-2352. 10 Apartments Todd Apartments Oak hill, VisO Honm, Winchester Court. Wejtvu Court. Terrace Apia. 1, , 3 bedroom turntshed end unfurn'ined. Heel ed pool. Rents from Hi up. Call OR 3-434D, OR or OR 2-1 SOI Kohlhagen Apts. Jackson St. at Lane Ave, Modern, reasonable rent ADULTS OR 3-iIU "A Good Place To Live" BACHELOR APARTMENT CONVENIENT, Compact, furnished or un furnished. Private entrance. Adults. 1493 W, Harvard, $50 mongn. OR 2-iS77 MOTEL UNITS all electric with kitchens. Linens, utilities furnished. Winchester Mo tel. .(Old Hwy. 99 No.) at Winchester Bridge. VERY" NICE 1 bdrm, i room, furnished apt. Close In, washing fac. oft St parkins, adults only, no pets, ground floor, tia SE Hoover. NtCE-iargVtrontroom with kitchenette and shower. For ftentleman. Completely fur nished. 342 SE Flint. TWO BEDROOM apt., full bath and shower, automatic hot water heat, alt newly dec orated. OR3-62d? after P.M. FURNISHED apartment, adults only. S5Q. Brockway Apts, 646 SE firockway. OR 2-9039. ONE BEDROOM, furnished apt., close fn. Storage. Clean. Adults. 1157 S. E. Doug las aner a. FARTLY FURNISHED 2 room upstairs apart merit. Adults only. No pets, no parties. OR 2-1793. 57? Nash. TwPFP PDDM fiimWhw HDxrlmml. Oft 2-1259 before i p.m. or after 5. FURNISHED 3 room apartment. Adults. OR 3-6570- UNFURNISHED apartment Kay AptS., 42)SE Main. HO mo. Sep Mgr. ONE BR furn. apt., WntMil Apts., 2617 W. Harvard. All utH. paid. 11 Houses THREE BR very flna west side ranch style home. Fireplace patio, dan, util. room. W-to-W carpet, $140 mo. OR 3 3512. TWO BR house, Glide area. Partly furnished with appliances. Garbage, water service , paid. Not over 3 children In family wel come. UK '4(J3. UNFURNISHED 2 bedroom house. Good lo cation, out from town. mum nave refer ences, $65. co Bax 20J,News Review. J BDRM unfum. house, on paved st in Winston ref. reouired. Call at Union Oil Station fn Winston. TWO BEDROOM house newly decorated. Hdwd floors. Avail. Oct. 201 ft. 1406 5. E, Pine. : i ROOMS, furnished with hot end cold water. Men preferred. Across from weigh-; Ing station, so. of town. OR 3-6720. MODERN ranch-type 2 bedroom-unfurnish-1 ed duplex apt. Carport. $45. Phone OR1 3-6932. I TWO BEDROOM house for lease. Electric heat. First and last months rent In d vance. $80. OR 3-7935. SMALL "2-BR home on 10 acres, near Diion vitle. $75. References required. OR 34778 after 6, r WINSTON 1 BR duplex, completely turn., gas, water, garb. ser. pajd.- OS 9-fUM. FURN 1SHE01 ""bedroom house, neat end clean, no dogt. 4331 N.Stephens- FURNISHED housekeeping cabins, by the week. Roseland Auto Court. TWO-BEDROOM HOUSE with gas range, iosln,OR3-522J 2 BEDROOM clean, unfurnished house In Winston. OS 9-tUSa. THREE BR, unfurnished house. Green Oist, Inq. 1934 S. W. Casfte- ta2.5 UNFURN. 2-8drm. duplex, redec., w-! ter pd. OS 9-84 iz, 2338 5W casne. TWO BEDROOM unturnlshed house. OR 3 7349. FURN. cabins $10 wk and up. Pacific Motel. OR 3-7939. J . . . X to 4 BR homes for fami'ies or single . elderly AS. OR 3- 48. FURNISHED house l bedroom. Close in, US month. OR 3-3423, or OR 21244. WINSTON unfurnished 2 bedroom houte. electric heat, 570, Call OS 9-5135. SMALL COTTAGE, newly decorated; tor working couple. Green district. OR 3-688T. SMALL," modern furnished house for rent. In WitburOR3-387ft. 2 ROOM mod. cabins, 110 week, hartTTabJfii, 285 Diamond Lak Blvd OR 3-3348. NICE 2 fcedroom House, close In, OR "3-ftfi24. 12 Trlr. Parks & Rentals TIMBER TOWN TRAILER PARK: New spa clous tots for big trailers. Kny concrete patio with pad tor trailer. 220 volt elec tricity available, individual gss meters. OR 3-tsra. TRAILER SPACE. Walking distance to town, .1451 SEShort Street, OR 3-7105. NEW PAVED STREETS, sp"riou tots, quiet, convenient to shopping nd bus, on bloc from S&ftwey, at 201(1 NE Steohens St. Timber Town Trailer Park,GR 3-579. MODERN, 35, T-bedroom trailer," $35 'per month. OR3-44 or, OS 3-8200. MODERN. 1 bedroom 30'. Coupl preferred. Phone OR 3-7M5. 13 Misc. Rentals PARKING LOT RENTALS variable at KohV hjoen Parkino Lot af SE Jackson and Mosher St. Only i pgr month. OR 3-S3U. EXCELLTNTOFFH:E SPACE ivaitablo not. U. S. Bantc JStdg. PnaneORj-24l2. STORE BLOG. goo-J vocation for small business, on SE Stephens. OR 3-4134. 14 Help Wanted WANTED rigging men for SJ Mgh-lewJ work. Prefer young, welt eoeritwed men. Winter snow. Eastern Or9on. Phone 4A - t-mo, or JA S-M9 avanmgs. Walla Walla, Wasn. AMBITIOUS MARRIED man iflmg to fet ter himself. EstaOUshed Fitter BcuUi terrl tory. J1W w-- gt'sr-ntd 1 start. Fhone OR 3-744iatter 7 p.m PART-TIME help" for pre-Ct!ritma rui. Fuller Brush Co. Pn. Irv iedd, OR 3 tier J p.m. CHRISTIAN Pioneer wwsers and Swnday School Tearneri, Ne9hornood Foursoua Church. 152 Rifla RngRd. OR tXERtNCCO MAN tor concrete p 1 p a mfo. Must krsow strippins, mmtng and making. OR 2-?4. WANTED- M'dote ag-' wema-) to Keift, cars ter t ctuMren, room, board and $35 mo. Calf Mr. Davis, OR 3S6, after 4 . WANTED woman to cart for Vml tnvai'd, do lignf hiwfe m al electric hox. days wk. OR a-2277 Ptwn I and 4 JO. 14 Help Wanted INDUSTRY OPENING Recent High School Graduates Over 18 Years of Age Western division of international corpor ation firm, owner of western nation-wide communication and nubile Information text book mlerests, no Wrmg men for fne following position; $7 Promotional Representatives 5) MerchonrJising Ttoinees (4) Office Personnel i3J Sofes Positions (Previous experience or not) (3 Assistant To District Manager (Must be free to travel Good pay and advancement Applicants must be able fo accept fh responsibility of hard work and the thai fence that comet with, advancement. PORTLAND t SALEM ; EUGENE BE 5-3967 EM 4-OT4 Dl 3-5212 Call between 9 AM to 1 PM for appointment, MEN IF YOU are out of work or dissatisfied with, your present job because of limited Income due to lay-offs or seasonal work. and, if you are interested In futura op- ' portunltles, then you ewe It to yourself to investigate this ad, DUE fo our tremendous growth and ex D&nsion nrnoritm. w h uuinl nn&n. tngs for men with ambition. Alt J asK is Jivo mtnutes tt your lime, at your con venience, fo show you fh possibliHies, For details, see. . . , JAMES SE1TZ, AT 501 CARTER BUILDING . Between 9 a.m. and 1 p.m. WANTED Experienced sporting poods man capable of heading retail sporting goods department. Permanent position. must oe tammar mm a'l sporting goods, athletic equipment, boats, motors, etc. Ex cellent opportunity. Write, oivlno experi ence, age, qualifications to Box 204, co News Keview. LOCAL STORE has opening for outside sales people male or female full or part time.- Car needed. Belter fhan average earnings. Call OR 2-3381 between v:jb a.m. and 5:30 PM QUALIFIED GM mechanic tor permanent position m cnev-aos-corvair dealership. Contact Service Manager, WH 2-2471 Cot tage Grove, Ore. WANTED Pensioner, modern house, some wages, pot light work. OR 3-49?. 15 Work Wanted CONTRACTING, remodeling, carports. Con-! 5(rucon, ait types, t-re estimates. OR DON'T DISCARD THAT EXPENSIVE suit- suils restyled to latest fasnion, $19.95, OR 3-6486. NEW CONSTRUCTION, remodefino. Free tlmates. OR 2-4473. No Job too smalL Call NEW CONSTRUCTION and remodeling. Free estimates. Phong OR 3-7234 or OR 3-75 J 6. WHISTLE PUNK, compass man or scaler. Experienced. OR 2-2568. BABY SITTING, mature lady; references. lovr no-f oays. ux 3-4824. CHILD CARE, days my home; reliable, rtMqnaoq. v-nYj, oerween ; end 5. ALTERATIONS. OR 3-3392T I HOUSEWORK references. OR 2-2237. IRONING OR 2-1Q15- ironing (n my home. Diliard, OS 9-553J. 18 instruction U. S. CIVIL SERVICE TESTS! Men women 18 - 52. Start high as $?S week. Preparatory training until .p pointed. Thousands of fobs open. Ex perience usually vrmecfisary. FREE In formation on Jobs, salaries, requirements. Write TODAY t Lincoln Service, Pekin 59, Hiinois. HIGH SCHOOL at home for diafnm. Anwf, car School Write Ray Burttelt, Box of, rre, aiorna. GUITAR TEACHER steel or standard rythm or Boogie-VVoogla. OR 3-s52i John t, Jones, SPANISH GUITAR LESSONS. Piano accem panimenf. Ca after 5 P.M. OR 2-34OT. PRIVATE DRIVING instructions. Ken Hn- oerman, uk . PIANO LESSONS in your home. OR 3-471. 20 Services Painting & Decorating Service Interior or exterior. Brush or spray Free Estimates OR 3-S7t. Specioities Repair Outboard motors Lawnmower Sharpening Small motors, tie. Scuba Diving Air 1327 S.E. Cobb St. OR 3-307 Bikes Repaired . Saws Filed "Rebuttt biket at 2nd hand prices" City Cycle Center 424 Winchester St. Crane Service ERECTION work, concrete pouring, Cl Cliff Thornton, day or nignt. OR 2-2609 FOUNDATIONS, basements, nouw ralstag, leveling, repair. Work F.H.A. approved. Ce ment, boc work. Financing available. Free estimates. OR 3-5940 or OR 3-SS44. SMALL AppHanca repair. Best stocitof small appliance parts In Douglas County. Trowbridge EietWc 721 Sc oak St. or 3-S3ZI. HUNTERS Save your skins tor tanning. Coats, S30i gloves and moccasins, SI. 25. Tanning, 40 tents ft. Ross Gicvt Factory, Myrtle Creek, Oregon, ROOFING New and repair Free eitf- mates work guaranteed. Fisner Thorsen Paint Co. Calf L. E Bailay, OR W. C. Daum. OR 3-lS?l. WINSTON LAWN and Garden Service. Land scaping; trea estimates Phone OS -Se43 after 5 p.m. and evenings CARPENTRY, remodeling, party rooms, kit tntns, patios, house leveling. John 0, Lor raioe, OR 3-33S4 afler 4 P M. GRADING and leveling.- tom and rock Oe livered. Ca(t Paul CaMy. OR 40ift 221 N. E. Stephens Sf. FOR-FAST efficient pumt(ng repair sjrvice, call K'er Crooch PlwmPtlnQ Ca 344S W. Harvard. OR MJ44. SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED. Rosebvrg UnU taonSericeJPh.OR 3-S3S4 TO BiiLO OR REPAIR ANYTHING, Call SiborfT, OS -S3g7. ; PLbinarpntna. ww-ng; 3)S3 S.w. Caslte; Ave. Machine Vwp. OR VMI?. CARPENTER Buitd. remodel, repair c6- tneti. Fhona OS -ai. ALUMINUM weng. WnHon Chain Saw O SJS4 Q PLANS Pevdmtfai Datignar. Bob Dsh man, OR 7 it. SOPTM ROTCB'JRG KffJORCARTEN. 15 N E. Vne St. OR J-XM 0f OR3-7S4'. ELECTRIC tOHTHACTOJfSS Lansing Ol iver, OR44)a. AOOERN and antiua twrnt'wra rattntshtrig. OS f-tWI. SuiLDiNG AND REMOOEUNG, Oft Mfli. 20 Services Howard Electric Phone OR 3-3571 or OR 2-3805 Commercial, industrial, residential wirmg u I.E. Mln CHILD CARE Mother Goose Nursery or BICYCLE REPAIRING ORVltiE-S F1X1T SHOP 331 M.E, Grdn V,ttcy Btv& CX 2-iSM 21 Building Materiel Bargain Lumber STUDS, DIMENSION, BOARDS Utility Grade 343 M Economy Grade )UM Umpqua Mfg.' Co. (Formerly Consolidated Miffing Hwy 99 BR Soufb OR 5-" 1 1 SPECIAL ' Dimension 3x4, 24 and wider. Boards Shloleo V-Rustlc Alt your needs for framing, sheeting, end DPonng Al tow at S. Cedar Boards Us and wider Lumber Sales Co. OR 3-7362 Garden Valley near RR tracks 23 Fuel SAWDUST . Blower or Dump - WOOD Oak Wood - Peeler Cora Planer Ends 06" or 2" Slab Wood (green or dry) BOSEBURG LUMBER CO. Ph. OS M741 , WOOD , Ptr ccrei grt or tfry. Sawdust Blower ,r Dump Guy & Frances Gili Fuei 281 N. E. Douglas OR 2-1524 WOOD Peeler Cora Hardwood Blockwoo.-1 Dry Planer ends Red Diamond Fuel Co. TEXACO , Stove Oil or Furnace Oil Buy the Best - Buy Texaco Automatic Refill Service OR 3-5022 - OR.3 5477 OftC FUEL CO. Dry oak, 16" and U", jp, urneaier diocks. un -iSJ. OAK WopO art to order. Grean or dry. Wiii Denver. jk -frxvv. HARDWOOD, cut to order. cord deliv ereo. Pftone 05 9-K43 or OS s7Qg. HARDWOOD cut to order. ORlP?B. LAUREL and oafc wood tor aie. OR 3-34W. OAK AND LAUREL U" wood. OS MS2? 25 Farm Equipment Meyers Water Systems No money down, 3 yrj. Jo pay on approved crtati. comptete tntmwtoa ana repairs. UMPQUA TRACTOR COMPANY ! Diamond Lake Blvd OR 3-iW? Minneapolis Moltne tractor R-IM and 2-feot-fom plow, W'r Both to axcal. cond. pn, Oakland 3CJX 26 Livestock SCHRICKER & SON AUCTION. Phone Sufherllft 5146 Uvestort 1 every Saturday at 12: p.m. Always a good active market tor alt kinds of KvestocK. Fumitura sale at 7:93 p.m, Schrlcker end Son, Owners A Mgrs. G. A. Brown, Weiohmaster Dr. Don Rone, Veterinarian LARGE BOX stalls In new barns tor rent. Inside riding area privileges, Douglas .wnjy -air. WANTED sheep of all Itfndsv also woof. temple a-wro, uram. At arown. BAY SAISBlE-MAR !E"OR3.73i" 27 Hoy & Grain STOCK PUMPKINS Jot Farm, Melrose. Phone OR 3-5MS. BALED ALFALFA. . momingj or evenfnos. Conn, OR 34423 SEMIS SEED for green pasture, yr-around. ' Eugena Holcamb, 2?la, Oakland. CRIMSON CLOVER, seed tar winter cover crop. Mover Nursery, it M712. HAV. L. E. CoonToHlsrd. OS5S HAY FOR SALE S2S ton. OR 3SW. 28 Poultry & Rabbits CH1CKEM EQUIPMENT, Aulcmatie cleaner grader, candfer, sleet cages and brooders. WANTED Live poultry, ftosebura Poultry r-xtw, a Minaar vans. 29 Pets AKC REG. German Shephtrv' puppies. tenroi OOOO ne. on 3-5K. TWO MALE Pelifngesa pvppias, AKC reg. i . VK -Ht. POMERANIAN puppies. Lu-El-m Kenneli; warmumpqui HOBO. Oft I-ZW3. DOUGLAS COUNTY HUMANE Society Ant- ioi 9vvr. jow, POTMAN'S Toy fox TYrrtsf KenwJv Wff- our, uregon. i aaoa. GOLDEN HAMPS7ERS at 34 SE Lana. fnona u j-a??v. AkC REG. mala Pake, 2 yrs old i, OR COON MOUNDS btack and fan, started. DACHSHUND STUD SERVICE, Oft GLEHGARY Beagi Kenne. OR 5-4?"W. CANARIES and cages. OR 3-2. TO GIVE to good noma 4 klttani."0R S Quitting Business Auction Saturday Oct 15 at 1:00 P.M. The following and thousands of other items will be olil lo the highest bidder as Wag'a furniture and Exchange quits busineis: Wajf'i prsonaftcdnm act Cht. Vaniiy. nisht aland and bed- new condition. A Coldspot 19 6 ranee, mer are new and used tnois, appliances, plumhCf. aupplie, unpainted etiesta, huntinz and fishmf sear. 9 12 linnieaus. desk? lamps, wood heaters. So much that we cannot list it. Here's your chanre to save on a new Norwester automatic heater with 26 Iiretxnt. Only one left. See Wag's Furniture Exchange Winston Pets BEAUT 1jU regfslarad Blcn Tarrlar at Stud; has points toward: cnampoAsnip; : puppies occasionally. Harriet Anderson, t?S Sun Glow Drive, Grants Pass, Ore, GR GIVE AWAY 4 yr. o)d mala German Shep- nera. Kg. to good noma. Lau anar i P.M. OR t-3. MINIATURE Old EngHsh stweo dog puppies. . and Sift. OR J-SJIS, m j: p.m., POODLE, J months. Hows pef. Shots. OR 31 Sporting Equipment ROD & REEL Evinrudc motors . Boat accessories JnterSux paints Boat trailer tees 1145 W. Harvard OR 2-2242 MiCX'S BOAT WOSKS S8tit fr 0 s-rs. CUSTOM 320 5v Witt1 4 twtf CAf TRAILER for Ml,. OR yWI ,w 7 PJ. WINCHESTER moati 13, -Q4ue, IhOlBvn. 32 Produce S Plants FINEST Local apples. Horn made apple cider, spuash of ail kinds, pumpwns wr Halloween Cabbage, cauliflower and other vegetables. Some dried prunes. Harvard Ave, Fruit Stand. Also you pick tomatoes, ?Sc fcu. , YOU PICK tomatoes St bushel, also can nlng com, local melons, squasn and ton cord grapes. Frad Burk's Blue FrvJt Stand, on old Hwy 9? to Qtilard. APPLES .tonathon end Ortlev. AMrsh Ranch, J mil wtsf Loofcingglsss Sw. Plwe OR ' TOMATOES, cucumbers and beaJj. Jkhmfdt's,; Garden Valiey. WALNUT DRYING Bacon . Bacon dryer. lit dryer on Curry d. 33A Musics! RENT A MEW HAMMOND organ on Ham mond's Playtime Plan for only SK.O0 in cluding trea letsons. Graves Music Sli SE Jackson, OR2dt PIANO RENTALS Wurlitier spenets, any siyle or finish. Sis momh tocnjding " lessons. ROSSURG MUSIC. 3441 W. war-: yard. OR ?-3W ar OR USED HAMMOND TONE CABINET, RlC-i ETTS MUSIC STORE. 33 Sewing Machines Rent A Singer Sewing Machine Only $S.6G per month. In cluding delivery and pick up service ' -; Singer Sewing Machine Co. 558 SB Jackson OR 3-734S 34 Misc. For Sole BLACK AND DECKER TOOtS 8tO Orilfs. U-15 i" drill See- W'S Special (2?.VS. and 11 Vc" drill. Res. 24.fS Special Slf.fS. Flrsf Ouallly' OuJjfda PaW. Gat, WWt aod calarad. fluxa Insfda rub: bar bass paint S3.?? Gat. Bfaufffuf new wallpaper fcoos. Latest to eiwsa trwn. Sandran Clncleum i it .OT par oott r 41,53 per iootj SI.W par Kjuar yard. Flbarslass Now 32c par ft. Pabco rooflne row sqvar. Insulation Inch. Rag. sat, taw IU S inch. Re?. now SG 3 Inch, Reg. S50, now S70 Super Kam-Tona S?,1S q. KenvGts (J.K) t. 51 Inch ChlpwoCKJ plywocd for walls, tlaor. root, a jhael. Sanaaw and Sandar. Will rent. Gutter fittirtss. Reawnabla $2 Gal. Fawlar Electric Ho waler haaJ. ar. Was ?.?, now f3 ALUMINUM WINDOWS Ramadellng and Rapairt Horns impnwements, repairing labor, malarial lh complala Blggasr cholca of PREF1N1SNEO MA HOGANY Complete ttoa ot HARO WOOD PLYWOOD and HARDWOOD LUMBER Sanded Vwathin? Fir m SIZES ANO GRADES. Direct tram the mil! lo you. Miahast Cash prica scrao iron and matala, ROBINSON BUILDING SUPPLY m W. CantraJ Phwt 2l Sutharim, Gragan OIL CIR. healw with 2 S0-1. vii drums and tittmgi, Hii tga wood clr baatar. S10. GR 333l. R05EBURG LOANS, 473 5 - Main, has out- d-pawn rrvdsa. Barg, prices sn diamonds M-aJcnei, muDcai inwrvrr&nn, t7TT. SILL'S SETTER" Boards Syiia"B?tr BuS tflgs. Wst Caast Building SW9y i blocM urest c Greyhound depot. GKcoar3-, fVSAXSltrid RENTALS day ar weekly raJ. call Xlr Crc.h Plumtino Co. 2441 W. Harvard. R 2-334. tOP SOIL tram ner iocatiafl. Tna vw hava ever seen no rogts ar weeds. Ratpft Fjjher. Winston OS e-t4. TV SALES and renlais. Ran? msy apply: an QQm par-"!. Hom't Awrct J S EJackson. OR 3-ilil FOR the best "job or custom cullin?, v.r plns and yic; treeti, your ftuat lb Wfnslan Lkts, OS -5tJ-, WMY'flUY FRUIT? Plan! a tw Star tiC.vr4 orchard th'l Jail. Guaranlaad stock. GR 1-S321 everted weekends. WE HAVE tine selection of mat eveltrta: 1vr your locker or deep traaia at whole sale brices. Wlnsioo Lacfc-rsv OS-Sia. KlLN"FOR "SALE, "ftaa- lessoaw pisies, greanware. Nee! to W-arw toOar. TREVA'S Ceramics. D5 -l. NEW DAVENO" coucft. swloa"oc;er, and labls. OR 34CtJ. 1i . fiwdsr. WOOD HEAtER Hxfi'saddia, OHMtti. deeplreeje and a Kennwe eJcctric you Saturday t OS 9 5ifli 29 Harry L Rise, Auctioneer GUESS WHO.;; T Yf am 9 S is getting InieresltMi la girls. 34 Misc. For Safe Kenrnore Dryer 38 ib. Capacity 2 tejriperaiures Heat and air settings ' Only $98 V j $5.fXJ Down ' t . -; Sears -Roebuck Co. 526 SE Jackson OR S-6ST3 MOVING MUST SELL Bendix aula waih r. Gas ran?, with 3 aveas, burners and griddle. X" apt elect raie, relrig., water purlller and softner unil oeoy crto mm mat. a irems m gooa cond. Priced to sell fas. tr3 SE Cass. ELECTRIC REFRIGERATOR S3; Sears aylo-washer Wrlntr fp washer 415, dpp gat range woo? nwtt 4i. Ail to good condition. OS -5412. 8 & M MEAT CO., Hare.'ord toer beet 3fc ib, also extra tender, iesn, SwKf heef. 45c lb. Cw and wrapper frae. Custom tm ti9 at reasonable prices, OR 5-4. LICENSED REPRESENTATIVE Siark Sr, Nurseries. Homa and commercial orchards. Shrubs, terries, Queries welcome. GR 3 S3Zi alter or waeliahis. SADDLES, brldlM, bllsv spurs- whps, pcfc eauiomant, aaddia pads and cianveii, eso moccasins, tielts ;nd buckles. Alien's Weslern Goods, 2 miles south OHterd. Sepo'il Frlotdalre Imperial .wssher and drvr. SaaulUtfl turQuolsa coSw. Sava S3S3. Ttrms. Umpqua Valley, OR 2-W GOOD USED DRYERS, S59, lerms. Also Used oil heaters, pricad tt can. umpqua valley, o J-ltffc PINK FR1G1DA1RE IMPERIAL washer dryer LlHa naw Itjms. 339, Umpqua Va!V Q Z-(4(4, -- MAN brow- plastic iwwiii.iQ chair wllh matchins hassoefc. Students redwood study desfc. tnwira C 5-f3f t ; IEN1TH-1!" TV, 6?r. N pictura tulM. OR 3-S3S6. CRANE BATHROOM sinfcj i mat- tress. DR 5-2514. ; FOLDING BUGGY balh-neMa, THw-Tf 1 44? W. Warrlson. t LB, S-tiar Fairbanks Marsa aH alaal scales. Clitf Hess. GR COMPLETE household furnishings. All or by, KEN'S ROCK SHOP, CtwlnstOT, Hishlartd YEW WOOD and twJar p0ii fw sale. Ofl 3-??37 Of OR 3-32. USED CHAiie SAWS Winslon Cham Sa OS -56t. BOY'S H" Hawthorna year old. OH 3-6J- FSIGIOAIHE aulo, washer. Perfect, $8. Terms. UmpQua Valley. Of I-Itst. TWO chairs, j upnoislwy (hoics S25-, UPRIGHT FREEZER, la Cu. 14. Ump-: )a vaey uk x-isca. : V RCA TV. 35. J. Kenrnore at. wasb- US. SDlh WXS cond. OH 3-3M. BOYS 2" Wtytlt Seed co 1S. Catt OR: ELECTRIC ranee, geed rondlllwi, raascn-: able, inqylra at ssz Nt weadow Ave.. RND. GAtC din. title, eiec b-imitH orqe,: swnp rocKer, wririjar washer. Oft 3-ffW.; WESTlMGHOUSE aulo. washer and dryer,; wd condition, V each. Oa J-lroJ, USED MAYTAG manage, orioinaJ too SJJ,; sell tor J4?.w. os v-yj. TAKE OVER cymts on " medal it 01 currier deep reete. mo. s t-mu.; AU TOMATiC WASHER tis; dryer, );: rosiaway bed, S. 0 lSOME; boy's 36" MORM31t. : GAS HEATER. OR S-S339. 37 MacMsery ADAM AND EVE ; Whils we was 'o tolkin io on oid ffiend down on tha South Fork, he soid was t-hmkin about buying a new FORDSON DXTA DiESEL TRACTOR and a mw FORD FLEXO HiTCH DiSC HARROW, end' Q used grcn dniJ, Bur says rrry Trienci, ""niings ere so unseHJed", Now from where I am JookirV, seems Jike i-hings hove been urrsettied ever since Adorn end Eve got mixed up in that Appie 3eaJ several thousand yeors ogo ond had to Seove the Garden of Eden ond go sow their own grain and grass' seed end fhey didn't hove q Ford tractor either and so( whether you ore just a stortin' out, or you wonta increase your farming acreage if you ore interested in doin o Jit1? sowin' on your own, why dontcho come on over end let's do o iittie dickerin'. , Ud r"r( tractor crnpfeitiy rortditionci and flyarned, A citr over on Ctevani R3fik ?Dod tofked us into fcikirt th in Irotia on o Ford with Red Tiocr rfljrt f wouldn't b herd cf you to Jaiit u ftulo lh mosi pop tjJar ui troctor tioctor crnplctly recondtwwf ord repomted irr fhjf th paint nwJt 'm mo o beftr), AHi CrwWrt Modct C wilh pbw end cultivator. AJJ Cholmr Modct C.A, R condrtionfd, repoind ond sdy to so. Remember w tov fo ??oo. Your old trictor probacy mofc Jt dom pavmcaf, cod we o ion ksng tm on tH batartce. U'.ed Moiiev Feauwn bov boi!". sfkner ay uwd Vic eoon. "Uwif" Ofi toy $6C0 Jm ibon bot S rt vr and iet't taife about addin' a IstiVHORSt SNS ta your bor power. UMPQUA TRACTOR CO. J93i Diomonrf to Bld. 34 Misc, For Sals 8!G SALE Used Furniiurs & AppSionces RA5N80W ; '.TRAiLER SALES ; Oid Highway 99 N. Winchester BeckwiJh CycSa Co. Schwinn & Evans Bicyciej , tint. Vws. vattaifciti. USED TV's, C7cans and aitordans. Gravid 35 WoaiedMisc. WAHTED AMTiqye cotos, tfwt cWna,: fliajstrtra. lway, Dt tss tiquas. 27 SE -iasksox. OR 3-ltfl WANTEO CQtat. P --XM WANT EO circulate wok htiHTf 03 JJIW, 36 - For Trade FOR SACE r trada W? Hjrlay tl OvTha& 6ord 43 avtrf alsa W bar boat. 5 S Mill. r cr. TRADE EQynV In S5 Chav. Del By w househUd aooll4floes ttvettocfc Of tittup wlh about frKM. GR SEii. w iratie Go-Kart, new c.v W dl Ves Sunt? ita swi wsldsr or C.OS-53- : UVE STOCK, tor tlon Spmr1, -cili OR 39fil. 33 legging Equipment HO CAT. asyatoped 5' teflglfifl. EcV lent tonollloo. Will cvfsdM ptoparty r ? (or my ewttY Jwa &ro. toes- Cwv as VslKy. 39 Timber & SmmWh Logs Wanted Peeiers & PeeJobis MfJi Delhwed t Nordic Vaneert 1t4 an Sorlh Umpnua Hifihwsy, S vnliss st dt Sa bur. Far tolermllw talt OR l-4iii Sbtherlto iZSt ar OR avantoos. arwtss on reqvsw. erj . ci-mk- r Airport d., Latannv, Or. Ai t-i?i. 43 Hoase Trailers J & J Trailer Sales 10 WSOES ' Angeios Greet Lokes t, t & i Bedrooms A1RSTSEAM AEKOWBEAD ' THAVELEZE T To 26' USED TRASLERS Heconditioned & CusraBtced iFcmxrK BrnS?' B Hi OR t-Wi EARL SMITH TRAILER HOMES CO. 1-2-3 Eefoovms. 15' to 53' MODERN ASD PSOVENCiAl, BOB AND SSEE. Efenstee High Style tad PSsinsman VENUS ROLLAWAi SEE THE Alt. E!.ECrefC OOE!-S Katttp Saie fey Hcastes CQSSPIETE tine Shady Point Troifer So5es Cwnptfrt torn tw 4 Ut S tftfcinet, ctfC, W(oa wwm w Traitor PT, to Bm't 7-W tUfl, WW Usd A Choinwrs W, C tractor wJh id mowr of tours Js got & if tlaritr ond JcocEs I power. Tftit oron5 pio boy os traded in to m on o new 86 J Fwd tractar with tiv P.T.O. Uoded in by a very tucceuM farmer out Lockinsglfls woy, H i -sur at sHoutin1 hovm$ tot of fyn our Ht riding round on hi NW FORD, bu tor( htw ony iun f B& wrJn tiihtr unj( n t vu nc or foot larmtrt comet in and foffc us oufa tnit tractor. W ftavc t pfo and dtc that csd ao torij at ifcght Ktra -criara. Usd 9N ford troctor Uhts ih o side mww, Of tursf w cuid Jofe 1b rramtr oi( bu w wouW roJber bov you do it. Tbi (itff pwer pian wo traded in an a better used tfactar, by an up an -cofrMn' tarmr dawn on Qyine' Cfk, t959 morfi with noiw, Frmf OR 3-4547 WeJv Ott. 12, 1940 Tka Newi-Review, Roiefeu, Ore. $2 40 House Trailers Consider the difference between a Mobe Horrse butii- to a PRSCE and one buUt to QUALJTY. Drive Out RAINBOW Trailer Sales Oid Hw 9? R. Winthesicr Let us show you our MOBILE HOMES; Honestly priced Factory guaranteed furniture and appliances in trade up to 7 years to pay rent-iike bank terms. FINE USED TRAILERS TOO OR 3-7272 CSesiS Sundays Where Else But At JIMMcKEE'S Couid You Purchase A Hew 50x50 fully Warranted Mobile Home For $3995 You wH5 find, aha or Jim McKee's cSi cosh prices ore pesred for your opprcvoS, &asy terms cars bs srranged if desired. 1028 N. E. StapW OS 2-221 HUNTERS ATTNTiON SPECSAS. CEAS. IS . VKHw 5TS(W, SM . Eaisbow Traitor Safes CM Hw? He OS 5-75J5 42 Trucks 'M FORD picW rwSftr"i roalor,: 2-3SIS r t. '5iev, ji&ogj ttrcsiterf twnSWw OS '58 PLYMOUTH VB tiui tp, '57rORB VB BeSW faSack f!sh wish n)ir RiH, .. IO intwtof, one $ T AO w, !o (nliesje 'O '57 8tiiC Csntefy, 4 dr. hfftv, ' RiH"' 1398 - 54 PLYMOUTH VS, OdaW, 2 '5i VS O0' r. , J998 t - J998 OnV J70 '5JPOTiAC Kfc., HyAo, 8JH 5araf. QA 7t3 " J?0 32BUI Super, 2 His 52 WASH AjTMKsodfe'?' v, ?w.-! '55 CHSYSi-W VS. ()Og . stawi. io?. $002 SSH Poweti 070 ician i?0 STATION WAGONS Sik( . ito, spMirsi irSse JIQO ond cut U- '54 DODGE Sf wagon, pubufton ir, RSH 4 hfw4 'SS SAM8US sta O'f, RSH IMPORTS '43SSMC. Sujwt 0Kt vJ, V S? 5W-CA Pifis &)! for, t sanfM w7U $J!50N5n!y i7 70 '5? SSMCA 5uw . HOJ? 5SRfNAU!-T&!itJ7QO Oefudn. i'0 iH . 70 QflH Evw! Tf 7 Sawiry 15 Til IlillMfli 43 Aetss & fcletsrcydes Travel Fsrsr CSac-s 'SSOsev. V-S Bkovb 2 - 3Sew Csr $5 "70 TroJi-in ' 'J '53 Fwri 6 Cui(cra Dr. Sfsc!ifi tQW mtfe3 "T w 45? rsniitic Gitcftws 4 dr. H'doj? ixcionciiy C5ccrt. Pow:f Low pwitogs , , 5-5 ford Foone V-S 2 k ChA Abav Average CJeo. SSH ' Cood By, on?y '.. O 7 '56 BB" HJid&- K'dic Cjss A oxi iDfod. tisun uitmr at a reasonoba $ 55Cny VS Det Key 2 dr. Ali Eiock nd "Wnirt Vwi feiwiw. For bfiws "QQ cwwoga cJeo . V f 'SS Mercury Mont-cfair 2 H'dt!p See rcury ct it? bet sport model J J 3 '53Cbev. 2?3 2 5?oi3bt atcit. ord Very Ceon A xwuwi tow cost 395 53 Mercury Monfrey y,f bcfvs vto5& A dwfuJt Low es4 O iwni; Nap Ser Auto Soles p.m. 1 A.ESC. Asi-lir. iwy cfocrt, rtf-c -sver 3:53 Wt( 5;JS P '5 PC-yP, ??31 ry-bttr 4-5. t- SACRiCe 'S? Fard Fabian 553 V3crt, Try Wont Adl Low Cost ond quJck ?estiJts