ave. You Money. OH 2-3 Mo 'Cents' hi Waiting-let WANT ADS S Real Esfcte Remember This ONLY REALTORS . -', Can Display This Emblem 1 A Realtor is a member of your local real estate board and of the National-Association of Real Estate Boards. 2 A realtor is not "just any real estate broker." 5 Is pledged to conduct his busi ness in accord with, a stric' ' code of ethics. 4 Can give you the soundest guid ance in all aspects of real es tate purchase because of his backcround and access to the world's largest storehouse of real estate knowledge. 5 Can help arrango the most la- vorable home financing for you because of bis knowledge of tho current mortgage market and his contact with local lenders. I Below is a list of the qualified realtors in the Roseburg area. '!uer Realty 311 N. w. Garden valley ' Jim BevanJ 957 NE Stephens Helen Glenn DOS Washington St. Douglas Cnty Really 1118 IE Stephens Leo Jones Really J33 W. Military Ave. McAneney Real Estate . 804 SE Cass Roseburg Realty t Ins. Umpqua Hotel Ted Smallo Real Est.-7I5 SE Cnadwick Stevenson Realty 967 SE Pino Town 8. Country Realty 13 SE Stephen! Earl Wttey Real Estate m SE Main Lloyd Wilson 1647 SE Stephens Harry J. Winter SOS W. Harvard Ave. Roy 0. 'Yeung and Son 733 SE Cass Always buy or sell through t realtor. .Sophia Stont Realty 1693 W. Harvard Not A Misprint WALKING DISTANCE of downtown. Com (actable 2 bedroom home, finished base- ment area, large living room, separate utility, new roof, shaded fenced backyard. Mm Well cared for. Poss'bl future profits trom commercial development. 57,000, will ' consider trade for property with large garden area, either west or south ot Rose burg. Tired of "Just Looking" BEAUTIFUL 2 bedroom home on the West side of town, only 3 blocks from Mark's Shopping Center. Illness In family forces sale. There Is more to tell about this one. $9,500 full price. $1,500 down, 175 per month. Planned for Important People EXTRAORDINARY home In Hucrest school area. 3 bedrooms, Hi baths, plush car petlng, with an entertainment planned fam ily room. A lovely yard and garden area ana large covereo pano lasieiuny aone. The only way you can go wrong Is to wall. - Move In Now! 1 ABOUT $500 covers entire down payment and closing costs. Ertoy your own newly decorated home complete with Oak floor, formica counters, oil furnace, paved street, sewer, and carport with workshop. Only $7,950. MEMBER, ROSEBURG MULTIPLE LISTING BUREAU Roseburg Realty & Insurance UMPQUA HOTEL LOBBY .1 OR 2-3344 l "OUR SERVICE DOESN'T COST r IT PAYS . MAGNESS REAL ESTATE . An Independent Agency UNBEATABLE ... for a quality westslde 2 bdrm, on good street. Well landscaped lot with fenced back yard. See and buy. Only tl 1,000. Good terms available. NEAR ASSEMBLY OF GOD CHURCH. . Older style 3 Ddrm, iarq 101. nn wv.... $6500, Owner wants $1500 down.- DELUXE NEWTON CREEK 2 bdrm, Fire place, landscaped, pavfd t. and sewer. Prica ? 2 ?. Call and see. QUALITY, large 3 bdrm, finest construction, separate dining room, large kitchen with eating area, modern bath with bit-Ins. dble garage. Walking distance town. Now only $16,500. Terms of course I NEW, WESTSIDE, 3 bdrm with all the trim mings. Originally- priced lor $16,500, now only $15,250. Dble garage, deep lot. 2 baths and fireplace. Let us show you this buy. LARGE, NEW, 3 bdrm, IV baths, sep't util ity, fireplace, insulated walls, ceiling and floors. Near Jo Lane School. Owner will sell F.G.I, or F.H.A. A beauty and low priced. HUCREST CORNER LOT, tarq 3 bdrm, fire place, large bath, sep't dining room, cov ered patio, lenced back yard. Good buy this area lor $14,500. Our talesman will gladly show you. i RORAlt GARDEN VALLEY home with Zj . n i.T tLZ wit! consider trade small 2 bdrm In town clear. Get In 1 and deal as this Is a nice home, well priced at $13400. What have your , "Wo can always ust anoiher cood listing" .916 S. E. Washington (Between Mali 81 Jartsn) ORchard 3-5340 This week call Roscoe Lackey OR J-3U7 Full erton Realty luuEniiT. DncBinN v.rv p.T 9 br. hom,, iewr. city wer, -war school ind . but. Juit S7,H0 witn I7S0 m. Nice 3 BR Homes ' E Q SUMO Clly Cnltr ''"" CALL USI Vouf niti5i pprKi.led. H rrl tec.l. rtlt.bi scKy... FULtERTOI REALTY I INS. Tli N E. ltrnl O..I OS J -317 Evwiingi cm "Dick Wilisn" OR J-7S70 Want mm Ads WORK, Real Estate l ACRE TRAILER HOUSE LOT 1948 Fleetcratt trailer hou on permanent foundation, connected to lights, water, and septic tank. Utility building connected I trailer by breeieway. $3830 Full Price. (1000 Down or 12300 Cah. i . . r i. from Saleway, at 2U10 N c Stephens w. UOUglaS COUnty Keaty (Timber T own Trailer Park. OR 34579. CtAIG SHORT I MODERN, 35' Tbecroom "trailer, "S35 per Realtor month. OR 3-4514 or, 03 3-830O- llll S. E. Slephens St. Phones OR J-I0M! OR 3-3381 OR 2.2465 5 Bus'ess Opportunities FIVE bedroom home, full basement also . 3 bedroom home and one 2 room apt. plus 9435 sq. ft. of ground. Located on South Stephens Struct on W business route, 3 blocks trom old P. O.. 5 blocks trom bank and business center. Ideal location for city motel, doctors offices or dental clinic. Priced to sell. Good Investment. OR 3-4581 of Oft 14313. DUE TO ILLNESS In the family, will sell 9 unit motel with 2 bedroom living quar ters In Chemult, Oregon Full price, ISO.- 000. Will accept some trade up to $10,000 near Roseourg. Rudolph Solnlcke. Phone FOR LEASE Store, station, trailer space, cabins. Highway 99. excellent location, Ouines CreeK Road, Ala lea. Ph. Terrace 4-5334. LEASE for sale. Good, going cafe In small town. Must sell due to Illness. Write P.O. Box 252, Riddle, Oregon. APARTMENT RENTALS, 4 units. JE 2-4649, H. Hash, Canyonvllle, Ore, 6 Loans & Financial FAMILY FINANCE Home owned and Operated Loans Up to SI $00 On motor vehicles and lurnlture 729 SE Washington OR 3-5591 REAl ESTATE LOANS to $2,500. Automo bile, furniture and signature loans, com merctai industrial Finance corporation, ii SE Oak. OR 3-4494 WOULD LIKE private loan on $20,000 prop- e.iy. uk tor information. WANTE D sma I l fandcon7racts at'" dls count. OR 3-6193, or OR 3-6091 evenings. 3 Wanted To Rent GOOOYEAR REP. and family would like a j or 4 oorm. Keni or lease. Neea at once. Call 8 to 6 OR 2-3395 WANTED 2 or 3 bedroom home. OR 3-6819. 9 Sleep, Board, Rooms UntlCPVPCPIMfl DttriM atunrwihtnn fi.rnlcri. ed. Close in 2S mo. 414 NE Jackson , DELICIOUS home cooking, nice rooms. Jo Ann's Boarding House. OR 3-7947. RfJbwis-wit hk.7chensCal.Roi ling " Hills Motel. ROOMAND BOARD.OR 3-B96. ROOM AND BOAR D. 605 E Wosher. ROOMS. 817 SE Liakety, cH Stephens. ROOMS. OR 2-2352. 10 Apartments Todd Apartments dakhlll. Vista Homes, Winchester Court, Westvue Court, Terrace Apts. , 2. 3 bedroom furnished and unfurnished. Heat ed pool. Rents from S7i up. Call OR 3-4340, OR 3-5631 or OR 2-1503. Kohlhagen Apts. Jackson St. at -Lane Ave, Modern, reasonable rent ADULTS OR 3-8244 "A BOOH Place io Live- bacThelor apartment CONVENIENT, Compact, furnished or un furnished. Private entrance. Adults. 1695 W. Harvard, 150 mongh. OR 2-1577 ONE BLOCK from new P.O. compact DacnelOr api. wnn oam, oui biih.ic.h-t apt. with kit., dressing room and bath, $75. Call alter 5 P.M. or Saturdays, OR 3-3597. FURNISHED bachelor apt. Close in, for work ing person. Near Merc Hospital and High School. Heat, water and garbage service paid. OR 35297. MOTEL UNITS all electric with kitchens. Linens, utilities furnished. Winchester Mo tel. (Old Hwy. 99 No.) at Winchester Bridge, VERY NICE 1 bdrm, 4 room, furnished apt. Close In, washing fac. oil St parking, adults only, no pets, ground floor. 116 SE Hoover. NICETarge front room-with kitchenette and shower. For gentleman. Completely fur nished.742SEFnt. TWO BEDROOM apt., lull bath and shower, automatic hot water heat, all newly dec ' orated. OR 3-8267 alter 5:10 P.M. FURNISHED apartment, adults only, $50. Brockway Apts. 546 SE Brockway. OR 2-90J9. ONE BEDROOM, furnished apt., close In. Storage. Clean. Adults, 1157 S. E. Doug las after 5. oaptlv 'furnished 2 room upstairs apart ment. Adults only, no pais, no parties, uk 2-1793. 579 Nash. LARGE-5 bedroom apt, elect, stove and refr, Tuncc Dr-lf-ukA turn hart Jinartmpnl. OK THREE ROOM furnished apartment. OR 2-i259 before 2 p.m. or after 5. FURNISHED" 3 room apartment. Adults. OR S-65701 - THREE ROOM apt., furn. $45' mo. 1303 S.E. Pine. OR 24035, TWO ROOM furn" Pine. OR 2-4035, apt. $30 mo. 1303 S.E. UNFURNISHED apartment Kay Apts., 421 SE Main. $40 mo. Sea Mgr. dNEBR"furn.""aDt:, Westhilf Apts.. 2817 W. Harvard. All utll. paid. 11 Houses ! THREE BR very fine west Side ranch. tv home. Fireoiace. pano, oen, win. room. W-to-W carpet. $140 mo. OR 3- 3512. iinfurnIshed 2 bedroom house. Good to cation, out trom Town, wust neve rerer. ences. $65. c,o Box 207, News Review. ; 2 aDRf unturn. house,on paved st In Winston, ret. requires. ai umwn uu Station in Winston. TWO BEDROOM house newly d-coreted, H-lwd floors. Avail. Oct. 23th. 1406 S, Pine. 2 " ROOMS, furnished with hot and cold water. Mn preferred. Across trom weigh j Ino station, so. of town. ORJW720. MODE RN-irartcr: type 2 bedroom unfurnlsh-j ed duplex apt. tarpon, w. rnum , 3-6932. I Retired or middle aged couple to rent mv country noma. Good water. Phone OR 3-6016. GREEN Disf. ROSEBURG, large 4 bedroom, ranch stie.$90.00. Suthjr-n 3050 FURNISHED housekeeping cabins, by the week. RoseiandAulo Court. TWO "BEDROOM HOUSE 'with gas range, close in, OR3U22. 2 "BEOROOM clean, unlurnfsned house in WinjTon. (j . THREE BR,' unfurnished house. Green Dlst. )nq. 1934 S. W. Castle. SjJ 50 "UNFURN. 2-Bdrm cuoieitTredec., wa ter pd. OS 9-M12, 2338 SW Castle. f rtb BEDROOM unlurnished house. OR J- "rt- FuN. cahin $10 ww and iv. Pacific Motet. OR 3-7939. Fto 4 BR homes for famT-les or single elderly S. OR 3-6MI. . FURNISHED house 1 bedroom. Close In, Hi month. OR 3-34IJ, or OR 2-1345. WlNiTON " unfvrn!sr"d 2 oedrooTi house, itr.C het, $70;CailOS9-SI35. V.ALL"COT7AGE. rttwir accoraied; for working coyple. Greei oisfrict.CR3-4ll. SMALL, modern "fvrtUh-d noust tor reftt. in Wtour. CR 3 3171. 2 POCM n-rf caoi'ns. $13 . Hard Cabins jui Diarrwyl Lae BUd frtD EDrXV5. irf urn. ,). Aflu-ts Re ferred. ' montn. Call etler 1 0R3-3SI9. NICE 2 Dedroom Mausa, closa inTtk 4-W24. 1 2 Trlr. Parks & Rentals riWBER TOWN TRAILER PARK: New spa cious lots lor big trailers. lo,C concrete patio wth pad tor trailer. 320 volt elec tricity avallablt. Individual gas melers. UR 3-8S79. - TRAILER SPArF. W.tkina dislance to town. 1431 SE Short Street. OR 3-7I0&. NEW PAVED STREETS. SPrious lots! ouTet, convenient to shopping and bus. one block modern, I bedroom" 30'. Couple preTerretl. pnon, OR 3-7665. 13 Misc. Rentals PARKING LOT RENTALS available at Kohl- hagen Parking Lot at 5c Jackson and Mosher Sts. Only ss.per month. OR 3-82i E)aELLENTdFHE now. U. S. Bank Bldg. Pitone OR 2-3-U2. STORE BLDG. good .ocaikn tor small business, on st siepneni. uk mim. 14 Help Wanted INDUSTRY - OPENING . Recent High School Graduates Over 18 Years of Age Western division Qf International corpor ation tlrm, owner of western nation-wide communication and public Information text book Interests, now hiring men for the following positions; (7) Promotional Representatives (5) Merchandising Trainees (4) Office Personnel (3) Sales Positions (Previous experience or not) (3) Assistant To District Manager (Must be free to travel) Good pay and advancement Applicants must be able to accept the responsibility of hard work and the chal lenge that comes with advancement. PORTLAND BE 5-3967 SALEM EM 4-0944 EUGENE Dl 3-5212 Call between AM to 1 PM for appointment. WOMAN WITH CAR TO CALL regularly Mrh month on esiao isnea muoio bin Cosmetic clients In and around Rose burg. making necessary deliveries, etc.. 3 or 4 hours per day. Route' will pay better than average earnings. Write STUDIO GIRL COSMETICS, DEPT. CL-1022, GLENDALE, CALIFORNIA. WANTED Experienced sporting goods man capable ol heading reian spornng goods department. Permanent position. Must be familiar with al sporting goods, athletic equipment, boats, motors, etc. Ex cellent opportunity. Write, giving experi ence, age, qualifications to Box 206 co News Review. LOCAL STORE has opening lor outside sales people mala or female full or osrt time. Car needed. Better than everage earnings. Call OR 2-3381 between 9:30 A.M. and 5:30 P-M WANTED rigging men for SJ4 high-lead work. Prefer young, well experienced men. Winter show. Eastern Oregon. Phone JA 5-3980, or JA 5-3996 evenings. Walla Walla, Wash. QUALIFIED GM mechanic for permanent position in Lnev-uias--orvnir aeaiersmp, Contact Service Manager, WH 2-2471 Cot tage Grove, Ore. CHRISTIAN Pioneer workers and Sunday School Teachers, Neighborhood Foursquare Church. 152 Rifle Range Rd. OR 3-7297. EXPERIENCED" MAN lor concrete pipe mtg. Must know stripping, mixing and making. OR 2-2694. WANTED -- Middle egoJ woman to live in. care for z children, room, Doara ana sjs mo. Call Mr. Davis, OR 3-8366, after 6:30. WANTED woman" to care for semi Invalid, do light hswK in an erecmc nouse. 9 oays wk. OR 3-3277 btwn and 4:30. WANTED Pensioner, modern house, some wages. For light worn, or 3-4B. 15 Work Wanted CONTRACTING, remodeling, carports. Con struction, all types. Free estimates. OR 2-1359. DON'T DISCARD THAT EXPENSIVE suit suits restyled to latest fasnlon, $19.95. OR 3-6486. IRONING. $1 per hour. Fast worker. 1436 55 Pine. BABY SITTING, my homo days, and, or evenings. Phont 2916. Sutherlln, Oregon. NEW CONSTRUCTION and remodeling. Free estimates. Phone OR 3-7234 or OR 3-7516. rr i i . . . BAH T an I llNUf maiuro iaayj icin-ntBi, Your home days. OR 3-4B24. ALTERATIONS. OR 3-3392. HOUSEWORK references. OR 2-2! 37.""" IRbNING OR 2-1015. Ironing in "my home. Diliard, 6s 9-5535. SEWING, all types. Guaranteed OR 2-2766. 1 8 Instruction U. S. CIVIL SERVICE TESTS! Men women, t8 - 52. Start high as $95 week, preparatory mining until ap pointed. Thousands of obs open. Ex perlenca usually unnecessary. FREE in formation on ObS, salaries, requirements. Write TODAY l Lincoln- Service, Pekln 59, Illinois. HIGH SCHOOL at home for dip'oma. Amert- can School write Kay surxen, dox 641, Yreica, California. GUITAR TEACHER steel or standard lead, - rythm or Boogie-Woogit. OR 3-6525. John E. Jones. SPANISH GUITAR LESSONS. Pno accom paniment. Call aners f.rvt. uk i-jwv, PRIVATE DRIVING instructions. Ken Lin- derman, OR 3-7447. PIANO LESSONS In "your home. OR 3-4878. 20 Services Modern and antique turnirure refmiihing. OS MWI. BUILDING "AND REMOOELING, OR 3-3725. PATRONIZE NEWS-RFVIF. W ADVERTISERS 34 Misc. SELLING OUT AT PUBLIC AUCTION TO THE BARE WALLS New ond Used tools-Furniture Appliances - Exerything! Auction to be held Saturday October 13 ot 1:00 P.M. Wag's Furniture Exchange Winston OS 9 5101 20 Services Howard Electric Phone OR 3-3571-or OR 2-3805 ' Commercial, industrial, residential wiring S E. Main Roseburg, Oregon CHILD CARE Mother Goose Nursery OR 3-6361 BICYCLE REPAIRING ORVILl.E'S FIXIT SHOP S3I N.E. Garden Valley 61.. Ok IMSH , . M&R Painting & Decorating Service Interior or exterior. Brush or spray Free Estimates OR S-857T. Specialties Repair Outboard motors Lawn mower Sharpening small motors, etc. Scuba Diving Air 1327 S.E. Cobb St. OR 3-307? Bikes Repaired Saws Filed "Rebuilt bikes at 2nd hand prices"' . City Cycle Center 424 Winchester St. Crane Service ERECTION work, concrete pouring. Cal Cliff Thornton, day or nigni. OR 2-2609 FOUNDATIONS, basements house raising, leveling, repair, worn i-ha. approvea. e ment. block work. F'nancng available. Free estimates. OR 3-5V40 or OR 3-9844. Caaai I. AoniUnn reDAlr. Best Stock mail im ann nans in uouoiai t-ouniv. Trowbrloge Electric 721 SE Oak St. OR 3-5521. HUNTERS Save your skns for tanning. Coats, $30; gloves and moccasins, si. vs. Tanning. 40 cents ft. Ross Glove Factory, Myrtle Creek, Oregon. ROOFING New end repair Free esti mates work guaranteeo. i-isner inorsen Paint Co. Call L. E, Ballev, OR 3-6042, W. E. Daum, OR 2-1571. WINSTON LAWN and "Garden Service. Land scaping; free estimates pnona us y-au after 5 p.m. and evenings. . CARPENTRY, remodeling, party rooms, kit chens, patios, house leveling. John o. Lor raine, OR 3-3254 after 4 P.M. GRADING and leveling! toam and rock de livered. Call Paul cascy. OK 3-4uis, uj N. E. Stephens St. FOR FAST efficient plumbing repair S-'rvlce, call Kier Crooch Plumbimg us. Z44 w. Harvard. OR 2--JM. SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED. Roseburg Sani tation Service, Ph. OR 3-33 TO BUILD OR REPAIR ANYTHING, Call John Sanborn, OS 9-5337. PLOW sharpening, welding; 2152 S.W. Castle1 Ave. Machine Shop. OR 3-1687. ROTOTILLING and leveling. OR 2-4302 or OR2-38S7. CARPENTER Build, remodel, repair cab inets. Phone OS 9-5614. ALUMINUM welding. Winston Chain Saw OS 9,5641. PLANS Residential Designer. Bob Dish man, OR 2-3294. NORTH ROSEBURG KINDERGARTEN. 1S53 N.E. vine M. uk -jew or uk .wtv. ELECTRIC CONTRACTORS. Lansing & Ot iver, OR 3-6636. 21 Building Material Bargain Lumber STUDS, DIMENSION, Utility Grade Economy Grade BOARDS $45 M $25 M Umpqua Mfq. Co. - (Formerly Consolidated Milling) ' Hwy 99 BR South OR 3-7411 SPECIAL Dimension 2x4, 2x4 and wider. Boards Shiplep V-Rustlc ATI your needs for framing, sheeting, and flooring As low as $75. Cedar Boards 1x6 and wider Lumber Sales Co. OR 3-7362 Garden valley near RR tracks 23 Fuel SAWDUST Blower or Dump WOOD Oak Wood Peeler Cnrt Planer Ends (16" or 2') Slab Wood (green or dry) ROSEBURG LUMBER CO. Ph. OS 9-8741 WOOD Block and slab mixed. Peeler ewes greaa or dry. Sawdust Blower ar Dump Guy & Frances Gill Fuel 281 N. E. Douglas OR 2-1524 WOOD Peeler Cora Blockwow Dry . Planer ends Red Diamond Fuel Co. OR a-501? TEXACO Stove Oil or Furnace Oil Buy the Best Buy Texaco Automatic Refill Service OR 3-5022 - OR 3 5477 04C FUEL CO. Dry oak, 16" and 24", also, fir healerbiocKs. - HARDWOOD"--cut to order. OR 3-7850. LA u RE C "and wkTwrt "lor i a feO R 3-3604. OAK AND LAUREL-16"' wood. OS 9-5527. 25 Farm Equipment Meyers Water Systems . No money down. 3 yrs. to pay on approved Credit. Comp.eie insian-tnon mrvi rvpmn. UMPQUA TRACTOR COMPANY 291t Diamond Lake B:vd OR 3-6M7 25 Livestock AMERICAN SADDLE brd bay mill, U yi-ars o'd; oaired. Good English pit.sur. hor. OR 3-5477. WANTto sharp of all kTndi. also wool. TEmpl. 6-9470, Drain. A Brown. Usa Nawi Review Yfant Ads For Sale GUESS WHO..; .will walk to work. 26 Livestock SCHRICKER . SON AUCTION. Phone Sutherlln 2146 Livestock sale every Saturday at 12:30 p.m. Always $ good active market for all kinds of livestock. Furniture sale at 7:30 p.m. Schricker and Son, Owners A Mgri. G. A. Brown, Weighmaitcr Or. Don Rone, Vcierinarlan BEEF 30,35,40,45 and 50 cents per pound dressed weight. Clover fattened. Tender, tlavorlul meat. You choose 'em. We slay cm, Lloyd sconce oy umpqua aiorn. PAbhlTRnx-iiAll "in new barns for ren?, Inside riding area privileges. Douglas CoUnty Fair. , im BAY SADDLE MARE OR 3-733H. 27 Hay & Grain STOCK PUMPKINS Joel Fenn, Melrose. Phone OR 3-5608. BALED ALFALFA. R. Conn, OR 3-6423 mornings or evenings. BEMIS SEEDfor green pisture, yr-arbund. Eugene Ho!comb, 2716 Oakland. HAY, CE rCQOn7D i Hard- OS 9-5429. HAYFOR SALE $25 tori. OR 3-5691. 23 Pouliry & Rcbfcits CHICKEN EQUIPMENT. Aulcmatlc cleaner grader, canoter, steel cagzs and brooders. UK , WANTED- Live poultry, Roseburg Poultry OS 9-5400. No Sunday Cells. itVVWVH ' V eM 29 Pets BEAUTIFUL, registered Boston Terrier at .n.ri- ht onints toward championship puppies occasionally. Harriet Anderson, 1475 Sun Glow Drive, Grants Pass, Ore. GR 9-3734. AKC REG. German Stephen, puppies, tx- cellent biooa lines, tai; un Tw6MALEPeklngese" puppies. AKC reg, $25 ea. OR 2-4311. POMERANIAN "puppies. Lu-EI-tn Kennels, wonn umpgu. DOUGLAS LUUN 1 T nu-flMrtc awv-r mal Snelter. OR 2-3TOI. bT7atM-. inv Fait Terrier Kcniieis, wil bur, Oregon. OR 3-8B04. G0LDEN"'HAMPSTERS it 348 SB Lane. Phone OR 3-6229. AKC REG. mala Poke, 2 yrs old $25. OR 2-4084; t t , cbbN HOUNDS' block and tan, started. OR 3-4365. GOOD JERSEY family mifk cow. Will lead and stake out. OR 3-3619 OT OR 3-5547. DACHSHUND STUD SERVICE, OR 2-2261 GLHNGARY Beagle KennelsOR 3-6757. CANARIES and cages. OR 3"83j 31 Sporting Equipment ROD & REEL Evinrudo motors Boat accessories Interlux paints Boat trailer tires 1145 W. Harvard OR 2-2242 NICK'S BOAT WORKS - Satellite and Mo- bilcraft boats, noerginsi ooai ievo relinishlng. Vi mi. So. Kelley'a Korner, OR 3-7664. CUSTOM 300 Savage wilh 4 power scope $100. OK 3-3ViJ evenings. CAMP"TRAtLER for sale. OR 3-767J alter 7 P.M. SELL EQUITY In boat, motor and trailer, or trade. Call OR 3-6181 belween3-a P.M. WINCHESTER "model 17," 12-gauga shotgun, . full choke. 532 W. Haiel. 32 Produto a Plants von Dirir lnmjtn?s $1 bushel, aImi can ning corn, loc.il melons, souash and con cord grapes, l-rca ours-s o.uw rtvn o.oi.i on old Hwy 99 In Dill-ird. apples """Jonathon and Or Hey. Marsh Ranch, l muo wesi LuuninwMia Phone OR 3-6485. TOvjatoES, cucumbers and beets, schmiai s, Garden vanry. CRIMSON CLOVER, seed lor winter cover crop, Moycr nursery, ua WALNUT DRYING Bacon 8. Bacon dryer, isl dryer on turry no. 33A f.'.usiccl ta cur a wpju u a ii o NO oraan on Hem' monrt'i Playtime Plan for onl 175.00 In ciudino free Ifiwnt. Grave Muiitf SI SE Jackson, OR( PI ANO" R EN I AUi. Wurmr pmeU, an stvia or finisn. HO month including free leison. ROSr.BURQ MUSIC. 241 W. Hr vard. OR J-3MI oaa-wsi. B fCVT cornot anS case, good condition $110. Call ail Camas vny. UStD" HA''.'OND TONE CAaitSET,- R'CK- ETTS MUilC STORE. jw-innririi-t-.- - -"' 34 Misc. Fcr Scla BUM MEAT CO., HrHor tocher bet 3c lo. also extra tender, Icm, Swift bf, 4ic lb. Cut an4 wrepnH Ire. Cuitom cut ting at raawnable prices. OR 3-Slil. ccTiMHCiiint; True Temo refrigerator, T,n riif. most ktwr. Very oood ahipe. Lo price, U5. Trowbrloge fciec- trie, 7?1 SE Oak 5!., OR ClCEMifib" pFPRtSENIATIVE Siark Bros. u,.rtl Mn-no and rnmnitrdal OfChfd. Shrub, berries Queries wolcomt, OR J- after S or wc-venas. SAOOLtS, brUios, bus, P'iri- wtifps, pcn mia moccasini, belt t.nd bucule. AMen'i Weitern Oootfl, 7 mll lo-jth DHIard, MAN'S brown pla'.hC lOiirgtng cnnir wnn matching; nnwc, siuo"'-ii1 ikwi ir desk. Inquire OR 3-Ji ZENITH ?i" TV, 6 . New p.ctura tube OR 3-siaa, CRANE BATHROOM linK; tu)( Hit mat trs. OR FOLDING "SuOOY, blh.neM, Tailor-Tot. M W. Harrison. ELECT ROLUX vfl'jurfi ctsnrr Mlei and service. OR J-701O or OR 3 1000 LB. !har ParttnKi ;."otsa all iteel scales. Cliff Hess, OR ); CowPLETE ho)W(hoid lyrnnnings. All X by pece, OS 9 Mif. KFN'S ROCK SHOP. C0i'fl, Hifltitand prk deairr. S4 H. Cr tn.,L ytw vOOO ini clar poits tot sale. 01 5 mi v OR 3-H7? ljiroCMAlM SAtVtC Win'sion Cham l OS a-swl. MvSfC, ii & Jackson, OR MWU 34 Misc. For Sale BIG SALE Used Furniture & Appliances RAINBOW TRAILER SALES Old Highway 99 N. Winchester OR 3-71" Beckwith Cycle Co. Schwinn & Evans Bicycles . New. Used. Aim Motorcycles. r:t W. Harvard oa 3-8120 MOVING MUST SELL Bendlx auto wash er, uas range, with 3 ovens, 4 Burners and griddle. 30" apt ti.ie elect range, refrlg., water purifier and sollner unit, baby crib with mat. All Items In good cond. Priced to sell fast. 1240 SE Cass. ELECTRIC REFRIGERATOR $40: Sears auto-washer SjS; Wringer type washer sli, Tappan gas range Uv. Wood neater 135. AH in good condition. OS 9-S612. 1-CAR garage In good condition. Will move io vour location wunm raoius or a mi. S500. Triple H. General Contractor, 1731 NE Commercial. OIL CIR. heater with 1 50-gal. oil drums and fittings, (25j Ige wood dr. heater, HO. OR 3-i31. ROSEBURG' LOANS, 470 S C. Main, has Out ot-pawn mdse. Barg. prices on diamonds, waicnes, musical instruments, cameras. BILL'S BETTER Boards Build Better Build ings. West Coast Building Supply, 2 blocks west ot oreyrvouna aipoi. uKcraro a-n, rv SALES and RENTALS, day or weekly rates, call Kier Crooch Plumbing Co. 2441 w. Harvard, ok i-jj4. fOPSOtL from now location. The best you have ever seen no roots or weeds. Ralph Fisher. Winston os 9-1493. TV SALES and rentals. Rem may apply on down payment. Horn's App Manet, SE. Jackson. OR 3-S51K. FOR the best lob ot custom cutting, v-raj. ping and quick freezing, bring your maal to Winston Lockers, 05 9-513.. WHY BUY FRUIT? plant a tow cost Stark backyard orchard this fall. Guaranteed stock, OR 3-5321 evening, weekends. WE HAVE a tine selection of meal available lor your locker or deep freeit at whole' sale prices. Winston Lockers. OS 9-5133. KILN FOR SALE, free lessons, glares, grsenware. Next to Wws'on Lockers, TREVA'S Ceramics. OS 9-5133. SELL or trade Go-Kart, new cond., 700 aix west usncr tor good welder cattle. OS 9-5303. KELVINATOR DRYER, Dlx. mod., ex. cond. $70. Bendlx Economat wash., $30, OR 3-9037, TWIN Hollywood box spring "and "matt"ess", daveno. OR 3-3392. LA R G ECI RC ULAT1 NGi wtmij KeVteT $30. OR 3-3950. 1295 NW Keasoy, OR NEW DAVENO couch, swing rocker, end tables. OR 3-6047. 210 W. Berdlne. TAKE OVER pymts on 60 model 22 cu turner oeep treeia. sis mo. os t-sbj6. BOYS 26" blcycie7good cond $15. CalPbR ELECTRIC range, good condition, reason able, Inquire at 552 NE Meadow Ave. RND. OAK din. tble, alec b-smlfh forge, swing rocker, wringer washer. OR 3-7724. WESTINGHOUSE auto, washer and dryer, good condition, $30 each. OR 2-1202. USED MAYTAG mangle, original Cost $229, Sell lor S69.. OS 9-8493. AUTOMATIC WASHER, $55; dryer rollaway bed, $25. OR 2-3453. $55; MISC. HOUSEHOLD furniture. Sell all or separate. Call alter 5:30 P M. OR 2-3169, RAWLEIGH Products. Bowles. OS 9-543" FULLER BRUSH, OR2-1391 .,riv,,c' " -JI0' GAS HEATER. OR 3-5039. MSWsvvvvvVVWWtiVVWsrMlrWniVVVV 35 Wonted Misc. WANTED ANTIQUE coins. Suns, China, Bi.siw.r.. ew.iry ciocks. "riicin.'s An iiguei. 247 se Jflcuson. OR Ml, WANTED Coins. Off -'-On WANTED circulating wood hulgr, OR 3-7724. 35 For Trade FOR SALE or trade 1947 Harley 61 uverneaa, oorea w over; a. so isvt ft bar boat. 935 S. C. Mill rear TRADE EQUITY In '55 Chev. Del Roy for nuusenoia appliances, irvesiocK or pickup worth about $400. OR 3-3718. LIVESTOCK for Irrigation 'equipment. Call AMAAMArVWAAtMVMtVIVVyvvVVVVVS 33 Logging Equipment D8 CAT. blade md drum. Ideal tor land Clearing, $3,350. OR 3-4991 aller 7 p.m. BIGGEST EVER! October CLEARANCE! - OUR ENTIRE STOCK OF RENEWED CARS 5 Days Only-Starts Tues. Oct. 13 No Gimmicks 1 No Come-ons Just Low Prices! Unheard Of Bargains-Here's Just A Few... 57 Chevrolet Station Wgn. Auto matic from., Ft&H, 1 OQO Was $U95 Now I-77 '57 Ford Fairlane "500" Automa tic. R&H. Beoutiful Black onrl White. 17R7 Was $1495 Now O J i '58 Ford Thunderbird 2 dr. Rich grey and block finish. Wo ..J2999 '59 Lincoln A dr. H.T., full pow er. One owner. A beauty In solid while. 3ZOO Wot $3695 NowJ7 7 '53Forrl 4 dr. Station Wqn. 4 pou., O'drlve. R&H, 50O Wot $495 .... Now O 7 7 49 Ford Yi Ion pickup 3 sprl. Was 245 . $295 Now LOW FINANCE CHG.-LOW MONTHLY PAYMENTS ON THE SPOT FINANCING PETERSON-DULL MOTORS 1590 N. E. Stephens Tuei., Oct. 11, 1960 The Newi 38 Logging Equipment HD 20 CAT. equipped fo logging. Excel lent condition. Will considw properly or i tor my equity. Jones Bros. Logging, Cam as vanty. 39 Timber & Sawmills v Logs Wanted Peelers & Peelable Mill Delivered at Nordic Veneers pond on North Umpqua Highway, a m-ies easr or hoi burg. For information call OR 2-44JL Sutherlln 2232 or OR 3-4069 evenings. DONKEY SLEDS All work guaranteed. Ref erences on requent. narjia v. ra'mer, rsi Airport Rd.f Lebanon, Ore. AL 1-2593. MWWVVVVVWVWMMMrMMrVWM 40 House Trailers J & J Trai(er Sales . 10 W1DES Angelus Great Lakes .. -1, 2 & 3 Bedrooms AIRSTREAM ' . ARROWHEAD : . TRAVELEZE 17' To 26' USED TRAILERS Reconditioned & Guaranteed (Formerly Brady'i Mobil. Homei) Where Else But At JIM McKEE'S Could You Purchase A New 10x50 Fully Warranted Mobile Home For $3995 You will find, also at Jim McKee's all cash prices are posted for your approval. Easy terms con be arranged if desired. 1028 N. E. Stephens OR 2-4221 EARL SMITH TRAILER HOMES CO. 1-2-3 Bedrooms. 15' to 53 MODERN AND PROVENCtAL. ROD AND REEL Henslee High Stylo and Plainsman VENUS ' ROLLAWAY SEE THE ALL ELECTRIC MODELS 15' Kamp Mate-by Henslee COMPLETE LINE ' TRAILER SUPPLIES I90 HB STEPHENS SR HUNTERS ATTENTION SPECIAL DEAL U st. vacation trailer. Neus I960 Arrowhead. Regular 81095 CUT TO $950 Sao at Rainbow Trailer Sales Old Hwy 99 No. Wlnchestar OR J-7272 30 FT ANGELUS, tallica work shrubs, stor age cabinet, carport, awning Included. Nebo Trailer Park, G-6." SELL OR TRADE, equity In 2 bedroom home, lor nlcejrallerhouse. OR 3-7990. T950 SHULT trailer, 33'," good condition, $ino. Bill's Trailer Court, Sutherlln. Phone 2847. rxyy-ij-iXJXJi'Uruutftv"i"i"ii " mms '53 Ford H.T. R&H. O'drive. Clean. wot $429 $495 Now-' '56 Volkswagen 2 dr. New point. wo. RQO $995 . Now w ' f '53 Mercury tudor H.T. R&H. Auto,, Look. ZO Wat $395 Now 7 '52 Mercury H.T., R&H, Merco , yellow ond white. )')UU Was $395 Now' '57 Ford Fordor. Jet black. Std. trans. R&H. QQQ Wot $1 195 Now 7 7 7 '56 Lincoln 4 dr. One owner. We sold this one new. $ 1 A Q Q Was $1595 Now I t 7 7 PICKUPS '48 Internotlonol Vi n Van. Look It over. 99R Was $395 Now - Review, Roioburg, Ore. 13 40 House Trailers Consider the difference between a Mobile Home built to a PRICE and one built to QUALITY. Drive Out RAINBOW Trailer Sales Old Hwy 99 N Winchester Let us show you our quality MOBILE HOMES Honestly priced Factory guaranteed furniture and appliances in trade up to 7 years to pay rent-like bank terms. FINE USED TRAILERS TOO ' OR 3-7272 . Closed Sundays Shady Point Trailer Sales Compl.lt UnM New and U1 trailer!. Campari, Travel Trailers Mobile Homes Ml. So. Hy MBR OR MU8. 42 Trucks 1950 H TON Chev. pickup, new paint and tires. 1951 v Ton tnn. pitninj- ..v.. Call OR 2-3441. CHEV. pickup, 125. See at Standard Station, 345 W. MHIta-y. 1951 GMC pickup. 4- speed, a Bargain, 2-2873. PICKUP and deluxe canopy, A-l cond. J625. 1351 5.E. Siepnens fs'SoThev. pickup good condition, S325. OS 9-S201.aves. , .. i950W TON Chevrolet panel, good rubber good condltlon:OR3-740 f95SCHEV. Vi ton pk. 8520 See at Tlra Service Co. j555.EiamondLake. '54 FORD pickup, good rubber and motor $600. OR 2-610 evenings ; JEEP- 1948 Universal, $595. Phone OR 3-3595 alter 6. , , w rMFv. DlckuD. exceltent condition. OR 3-3690. 43 Autos & Motorcycles WILL SELL OR TRADE tqully In V540 Am. nc 702 wadrone.Mvr1e CreeK. LATE-MODEL USED CARS WAN TED Cnsn or trada lor equily. ATEN & PHIL UPS. 13,8 se stcchnnm. icADiLXACcou'p biiila, full power. CltanV txetiltrit coSdillon OS 9-8427 altar a p.m. .57 PAIRLANE town sedan; clean, good condition. On. owner. OR 3-4452 or OR 3-3316. MiP'ed MOTOR BIKE. Excellent cont'lllon. Call OR 3-425S belora 5 PM. - OR 2-2Jl tiler. STVolKiwaBen, flood condition, full set new . recaps, fall OR 3-477. JTWRTDTidor, 4 cyl. .R&H, CD. power steerlng.PnonOR2-1070 er PLM. WILl"TRADE 1? Harley molorc'vcie FLH. tor eep or flood pickup J)j?3j4037. iTeo'FORD'slafllneVriow -nlleaBe. "Real buy. OR 3-4944. . . '45 DODGE PICKUP, flood rubber 17S. Att ar 3 phone OR 3-5713. "33 CHRYSLER Windsor 4 Club Coupe, clean. CLFAN '33 Ford 4 door, una owner, 3-7162. T?50BUICK 4 door sedan, makt oiler. OR 3-J762. SACRIFICE '57 Ford Falrlana 300 Victoria. Makt oiler. OR 3-3154. '55 Ford dr. Station Wgn. 9 po. R&H, Fordomatic, Was $995 799 Now ' 7 ' '53 Chevrolet 2 dr. H.T. Black & white. Std. trans., R&H, Engine O'hauled, J07Q . Was $449 Now' '60 Simco Plcin Ciel 2 dr. HT. 10,000 miles. One own.r. Wm mow95 '1899 '60 Chevrolet Bel Air 2 dr. VB. Auto,, R&H. $94QO Was $2795 No-n' ' '57 Ford V8 Country Squire 9 rv R&H. Auto. One owner. Wo, $1695 Now '51 Chevrolet Pickup. Engine O' hmi led.- 3 sod. New ruhber. wo, $00 $595 , . Now OR 2-3358