Mo tents' in Waiting-Let WAMT AOS Saw fotf Ponoy. OR 2-3321. Classified Section Hunters Att'n NO HUNTING, TRESPASSING or crossing property of undersigned Robert! Mountain Glengary treat. Violations protected, . Karl J. Doer. no. Merit H. Doerlng Jack Holmgren MO CROSSING OVER Tor trespassing upon The Kohlhagen Flfty-Five Ranch will be permitted. Any violation will subject trie violator to penalties provided by law. Edward G. Kohlhagen Owner Johnnie Spencer Ranch Boss NO HUNTING ortrespassing on ourprop- erty in me urocKway-ienmi. ana uiana areas. Nichols Brothers. 1 Lost & Found WILL PERSON finding 308 Savage rifle east of Sutherlin please call Sutherlin 36S3 eve nings ana receive rewarc. LOST Black and white Schwinn bike, Serial No. 7D1073I. Decal of flames and skull on front fender. Reward. OR 35333. LOST-Tady'iwhite gold Longlncs-vyrlst-watch. Return to 318 S E. Jackson and receive reward. OR 3-7233. Notices CARD OF THANKS OUR heartfelt thanks to all who extended comforting sympathy and help in our re cent sorrow. For the beautiful service, lloral offerings, and other kindnesses, we are deeply grateful. Mr. and Mrs. Coy Branscum Mr, and Mrs. L. D. Branscum Mr, and Mrs. Horace Coker Mr. and Mrs. Carl Slagle I WILL NOTba responsible fordebts other than my own. Lou Franco, dba Franco Trucking. Personals FOR personalized service in building ma terlals see West Coast Building Supoly t blocks west of Greyhound depot, ORchard 3-6614. ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS. Basement of Pacific Building, Tuesday and Friday nights. OS 9-5385 or OR 2-3415. To contact Alanon call OR 3-8333. VOUNG WOMEN ot any talth needing con fidential advice may contact Catholic Char ities, 27$ W. Broadway, Eugene, Oregon. Dl 5-3642. HOME GROUP OF ALCOHOLICS ANONY MOUS OR 2-4059 or OR 2-4636. PO Box 882. Real Estate Bauer Realty We Can Use Any Listings You Might Have QUINTUS PARK1 IN SETTING of lovely new homes you will find this beautiful new home ust being completed, Three bdrs., Lennos oil . force heat, built In appliances, nice patio and many other features found In the new homes of the day. $14,750 and very good financing. FARM CLOSE INTO r - ROSEBURG 20 ACRES nicely located. Good 5 room t home, barn and other buildings. Let us show you this buy. $15,500 with 25 per cent on, GOOD WESTSIDE BUYS WE HAVE 2 good buys in 2 bedroom homes near the shopp'ng centers on the West side. Both require only siouo an. THANKS FOR THE CALLS WE appreciate your confidence In placing . your listings in our on ice. BAUER REALTY ' 318 N.W. Garden Valley Blvd. ORchard 3-8001 Jim Bauer OR 2-1085 Nora Cracroft OR 2-3627 Roy Barnhart OR 2-3931 WESTSIDE TWO BEDROOM Near ihooDino center. Some desirable fea tures are: Large dining a'ea, hardwood floon. new roof, aood foundation, on sewer, owner agrees to repami inierior. rnce $9040. Refinance or Federal G.I. Douglas County Realty CRAIG SHORT Realtor 1111 S. E. Stephens St. Phones OR 3-40 . OR Mats IN ROSEBURG, 5 room modern home, 2 bedrooms hardwood floors, 75 x 100 ft. lot VI AraWtalMl ttrt it. Hl Gl .030. SC M lOf eaultv of $4500. v'ell or write A. R. Stan ley, Ph 3-2420, 17j 6th St. Toledo. Oregon, pNCOME PROPERTY, bargain, 2 houses price of one. inquire o'ocm ea nom John Country Store In Myrtle Creek. Ask for Frank Barnaf. 2 BDRMmodrhoue, good cond.. on sewer, Ige lot In Winston. Small dn pymt. Full price $475005 -P6l. FOR SALE a ntcety furnished 2 bdrm home with 3 acres, quiet loci, for retired couple, OR 3-4929. THREE BR older type house on sewer. $300 dn. bal. $650 at $45 mo. 103 Heard St., Myrtle Creek. MYRTLE CREEK 3 bedroom home with garden and play area In good condition. Good buy. Call UN3-3308 for appointment. APPROX.3 acres on So. Deer Crk near Dix-vleSchool,$2500.OR3-383l. MODERN 2 apartment house. Small acreage, garden, fruit, bueautiful ' OR3-60 tVoiEWTCRE5rclose In. City water, electrlcily.OR 2-4572. EASTWOOD AREA, com y 2 twdroom home. nice yard and attached garage, uk j-h" BY OWNER Latin Ridocwood, 140x200, ! BY OWNER, clean modem house near soutn gate Shopping Center. 3 rooms, 2 porches. OR 2-4766. 200x200 corner lot near US plywood. Call 13Q5?f,er4 p m-- fciCE 2 bedroom home, good location. OR 2-1543 FOUR BEDROOM home. FuU basemenl. Westslde. OR 3-8165. EQU.TYir.Tjo acre ranch lor "file or trade. OR 3-3865. FOR SALE or trade - big enough for trucks ig shop and 2 br house, uk THREE BEDROOM home with fYreplace. By owner. 733 W. Urnon. OR NEW LISTINGS IS E MILL T (DuplK) S0O 00 DOWN ami UiM pf monlh lrl IMS oMar lma ina'd. mts 1 aBartmwIs. Saparal. buMalng In back can b. cor,v.rlM Into Jrd apanmml. Full mod., front hirnlshad ami bom apartmants art ranlad. Total prlea HSOOOO. 1-1 S MILL ST Incom. trowrty conslilln, ot iaro "oust wlm I aparlnv-ls and cornar lot and kxaljd cKa In to c.t, nr. Prkad at only lll sai. lj E ILL 5T, , lroom homt on corn.rlot. 0100 toot lot. Clos. h to tlty canlw. Caraga. tic Priced at M0. WS NEED YOUR LIST.NGS - VFf ""J- jToTutSi tKIrVoFFR YoJ THE SERVICES OF AROUND REALTORS AND SALEV MEN. Stevenson Realty A Complete Realty Service' ' 967 S.E. Pine Phone 2-1614 Fisher OR 3-7100 HasUn VClil-5272 . Slcv?nSon OH. 34 1 Winston-DiHard area aalcs Jcannelle Bucklcair, 03 SOW Real Estate Not A Misprint WALKING DISTANCE of downtown. Com fortable i bedroom home, finished base ment area, large living room, separate utility, new root, shaded fenced backyard. Well cared lor. Possbie future profits from commercial development. 17,000, will consider trade lor property with laroe garden area, either West or South of Row burg. Tired of "Just Looking" BEAUTIFUL 2 bedroom home on the West side of town, only 3 blocks from Mark's Shopping Center. Illness In family forces sale. There Is more fo tell about this one. $9,500 full price. SI ,500 down, Vi per men in. Planned for Important People EXTRAORDINARY home In Hucrest school area. 3 bedrooms. Vt baths, plush car peting, with an entertalnm-.-nt planned fam ily room. A lovely yard and garden area and large covered patio taste rutty done. The only way you can go wrong Is to Move In Now! ABOUT $,500 covers entire down payment and closing costs. Enoy your own newly decorated home complete wtth Oak floor, formica counters, oil furnace, paved street, sewer, and carport with workshop. Only MEMBER, ROSEBURG ' MULTIPLE LISTING BUREAU Roseburg Realty & Insurance UMPQUA HOTEL LOBBY OR 2-3314 "OUR SERVICE DOESNT COSr IT PAYS' MAGNESS REAL ESTATE An Independent Agency UNBEATABLE . . , for a quality westslde 2 barm, on good street. Well landscaped lot with fenced back yard. See and buy. Only $11,000. Good terms available. NEAR ASSEMBLY OF GOD CHURCH. . . oioer style 3 bdrm, large kit. Well worth $6500. Owner wants $1500 down. DELUXE NEWTON CREEK 2 bdrm, Fire place, landscaped, paved st. and sewer. Price ? ? ?. Call and see. QUALITY, large 3 bdrm, finest construction, separate dining room, large kitchen with eating area, modern bath with bit-ins. dbte ? a rage. Walking distance town. Noyv only 16,500. Terms Ol course) NEW, WESTSIDE, 3 bdrm with all the trim mings. Originally priced for $16,500, now only Si s,250. Dbie garage, deep lot. 2 baths and fireplace. Let us show you this buy. LARGE, NEW, 3 bdrm, lVi baths, sep't util ity, fireplace, insulated walls, ceiling and floors. Near Jo Lane School. Owner will sell F.G.I, or F.H.A. A beauty and low pneea. HUCREST CORNER LOT, large 3 bdrm, fire place, large bam, sep't dining room, cov ered patio, fenced back yard. Good buy this area for $14,500.. Our salesman will giadiy snow you. 4 BDRM GARDEN VALLEY home With 2 acres of land. Owner will consider trade small 2 bdrm In town clear. Get In and deal as this Is a nice home, well priced at -$13,000. Whet have you? "We can always' use another good listing" 916 S. E. Washington (Between Main & Jackson) v "ORchard 3-5340 This week call Roscoe Lackey OR 3-3147 YOUNG'S BEST BUYS 2 BEDROOM suburban homa on approxi mately 1 A and bordering paved road. Needs a Utile brushing up buf the price Is right at $7,000. Immediate possession. G.I. or FHA loan. A REAL VALUE. HERE'S A GOOD 2 bedroom with good concrete foundation In process ot remodel ing. Needs redecorating but at $5,000, total price you can do a lot and sewer Is In and paid too. Excellent Value Will carry good loan. GREEN DISTRICT Good 2 bedroom home. Carrying a Veteran's loan. Price $7,000 sxw casn win nanaie. SOME GOOD ranch values 740 A Ranch suitable tor sheep or cattle, well located. Non-resident owner will accept residence or income property in exenange tor part of purchase price. - Roy O.. Young & Son Realtors 733 S. E. Cass Ave. Pacific Bldg. Phone office OR 34671 Evenings call LeNoir Kruse, OR 2-2958 (except Friday evening and Saturday) i ACRE TRAILER HOUSE LOT 1941 Fleetcraft trailer nous on permanent foundation, connected to lights, water, and septic tank. Utility building connected to trailer by breezeway. tttOO -Full Prlet.j $1000 Down or $2300 Cash. Douglas County Realty ! C.'iAIG SHORT j Realtor 1111 S. E. Stephens St. Phones OR 3-4070 OR 3-3311 OR 2-2465 SALE OR TRADE 2 fine new homes 2 (g. Bdrmt, 2 baths, family rm, utility, spacious kit. lawns Installed. Sewer, paved St. Ivan P. Edwards, OR 3-7493. utility sneo, garoeni ?rim. c- wn After 5. or weekendi, OR 3-5321. MYQUITY ' lovely 3 bdm. home. City water, sewer. Consider house trailer as part down. Eleg. lor FHA cr Gl. Call OR 3-4503 before 3 p.m. WESTSIDE THREE BEDROOM, fireplace". Built-in oven and ranga. Storaoe room, fenced back yard. On sewer. Phont OR I 2-1935 " $. i NEAT, 3 bfdroom nouse. Nice tejwj yarg. sot. S7.750. S500 down, S7S month. 1247 N.W. Ellen. OR 2-3440. m Real Estate Fullerton Realty IMMEDIATE POSSESSION very neat J br. home, sewer, city water, near school and bus. Just $7,500 with $750 dn. , Nice 3 BR Homes East Weir Cily Center Hucreil 113.000 $13,500 SM.SO0 SI4.SM CALL USI Your linings appreciated. 11 yeart Mcai, reuaoie service. FULLERTON REALTY t INS. 72 N.E. Stephens Olal OR 2-3172 Evenings Call "Dick Wilson" OR J-;s20 5 Bus'ess Opportunities FIVE bedroom home, full basement J also 3 bedroom home and one 2 room apt. plus 9485 sq. ft. of ground. Located on South Stepnens Street on Tt business rouie, 3 blocks from old P. O., S blocks from bank" and business center. Ideal location for city motel, doctor's offices or dental clinic. Priced fo sell. Good Investment. OR 3-6581 OT OR 3-32S3. DUE TO ILLNESS in the family, will sell 9 unit motel with 2 bedroom living quar ters in Chemult, Oregon Foil price, $50, 000. Will accept some trade up to $10,000 near Roseburg. Rudolph Sotnlcka. Phone OR 3-8720. FOR LEASE Store, station, trailer space, cabins. Highway 99. excellent location, Cuines Creek Road. Azalea. Ph. TErrace 4-5336. LEASE for sale. Good, going cafe m small town. Mutt sell due to illness. Write P.O. Box 252, Riddle, Oregon. APARTMENT RENTALS. 4 units. JE 2-4619, H. Hash, Canyonville, Ore. 6 Loans & Financial FAMILY FINANCE Homt owned and Operated Loans Up to $1500 On motor vehicles and furniture 729 SE Washington OR 3-5581 REAL ESTATE LOANS to $2,500. Autom bile, furniture ana signature roans, ion merclal Industrial Finance Corporation. 81 SE Oak. OR 3-4494 WOULD LIKE private loan on $20,000 prop erty, ok 1-452 tor information. "WANTED small land contracts at dis count. OR 3-6193. or OK 3-AOfl evenings. 8 Wanted To Rent BUSINESS MAN and family would like a 3 or 4 bdrm house In Rose School Dist, Would lease. OR 2-4514. GOODYEAR REP. and family would like a 3 or 4 bdrm. Rent or lease. Neea at once. Call 8 to 6 OR 2-3395 WANTED - 3-6819. - 3 bedroom home. OR WANTED GARAGE for beat storage. Call OS 9-5388 after 5 p.m. 9 Sleep, Board, Rooms HOUSEKEEPING ROOM everything furnish ed. Close in $25 mo. 41 s Nit jacuson. DELICIOUS home cooking, nice rooms. Jo- Ann's Boarding House, on 3-V4, SLEEPING ROOM. 732 S. E. Jackson next door to Penney'i. o a-33ia. R60MND "BOARD. OR 3-8496; ROOM AND BOARD. ROOMS. 817 SE blakely, eff Stephens. ROOMS. OR 4-2352. 10 Apartments Todd Apartments ; Oakhlll, Vista Homes, Winchester Court, Westvue Court, Terrace Apts. I, 2. 3 bedroom furnished and unfurnished. Heat ed pool. Rents from $75 up. Call OR 3-4340, OR 3-5631 or OR 2-1503. Kohlhagen Apts. Jackson St. at Lena Ave. ' Modern, reasonable rent ADULTS OR 3-8244 "A ooo 3 piaee io i-ivb- BACHELOR APARTMENT CONVENIENT, Compact, furnished or un furnished. Private entrance. Adults. 1695 W. Harvard, S50 mongh. OR 2-1577 ONE BLOCK from new P.O. compact bachelor apt. with bath, $60; efficiency apt. wtth kit., dressing room ana bain, $75. Call after S P.M. or Saturdays, OR 3-3597. . FURNISHED bachelor apt. Close In, for work ing person. Near Merc Hospital and High School. Heal, water and garbage service paid. OR 3-5297. MOTEL UNITS all electric with kitchens. Linens, utilities furnished. Winchester Mo tel. (Old Hwy. 99 No.) at Winchester Bridge. NICE laroe front room with kitchenette and shower. For gentleman. Completely fur nished. 742 SE Fimi. ; TWO BEDROOM apt., full bath and shower, automatic hot water neat, all newly dec orated. OR 3-1267 after 5:jOP.M. FURNI5HEO, 1 bedroom duplex In Winston. Redecorated, clean. Water, gas and gar bage service paid. OS9-M20. FURNISHED apartment, adults only. Brock way Apts. 146 SE Brockway. 2-9039. ONE BEDROOM, furnished apt. Storage. Clean. Adults. 1157 S. las after 5. close In. E. Doug- partly FURNISHED 7 room UDstalrs apart ment. Adults only. No pets, no parf)es. OR z-lYJ. w najn. SMALL APARTMENT, suitable for 1 Or 2. Range, refrigerator ana water furnished. Electric heat. OR 2-4066 after 5 p.m. FURNISHED, large, l-bedroom duplex-type apt. Quiet southeast side location. OR 3- 7241, or OS 9-8874. LARGE 3 bedroom apt, elect, stove and refr. furnished. $65. Inquire Garden Valley Mkt. APARTMENT For smalt family, no pets, no drinkers. W. Harris jr. Call OR 3-62V7. THREE ROOM furnished apartment. OR 2-1259 before 2 p.m., or after s. MODERN 1 bedroom apartment, $50. Unfur nished. Phone OR 3-6071 FURNtSHEO i room apartment. Adults. OR 3-6570. ONE BEDROOM apartmsnt walking dis tance, unfurnished. $60. OR 2-1463. THREE-ROOM apt., fvrru $45 nWl30J S.E. Pine. OR?-35: TWO ROOM turn. apt. $30 mo. 1303 S.E. Pint. OR 2-4035. J ' UNPUBLISHED apartment Kay Apis., 431 SE Main. $40 mo. See Mgr. 1 1 Houses $63.50 UNFURN. 3-Bdrm. duplex, redec., wa ter pd. OS 9I2, 233$ SW Castle. TWO BEDROOM unfurnished nous. 6IO 7249. $Ml I, COTTAGE, newly decorated! tor working couple. Green district. OR3-4M1. FURN7cablns $10 wK and Crp. Pacific Motel. OR 3-7939. r to 4 BR homes for fami'ies Of single ldrly (5. OR 3-451. ONE BECfROOM HOUSE, unfurnished. M5. OR 2-1463. FURNISHEO housa 1 bedroom. Close m. $45 month. OR 3-3423, or OR 7-1341. F BDRM HOUSE, 743 Cor-y, $45. mo. Call OR 3-3370. WINSTON unfurnished 2 bedroom nouse, eiwtrk heat,$ro. Call OS 9-5i35J f'V BtDROOM HOUSE. OR 2-2J50. a winner vnr tlm. No oucttloR ahout It News-Review classified ad bclaf auk results Phona OR Houses ONfc BfeOftOOM, niwwn, wiW'..rt,itvd cot tage wiin carpon. w-ar jown . a School. Water paid, $50 per month. WIU Ham ton Real Estate. OR 3-U02. UNFURNISHED bedroom" house. Good lo cation, out from town. Must have refer ences, SU. CO BO TJl i wow Review. FURNISHED j-bedroom furnished home. 6 mo lease. Nov. 1st. References required. Adults, 45? W. Bellf Si TWO" BEDROOM house "newly decorated. Hdwd floors. Avail. Qci. win. iuo a. c. Pine. MODERN ranch-type 2 bedroom unfurnish ed duplex apt. Carport, $tt. pnone uk 3-4932. RETIRED or middle aged couple ta rent my country home. Good water. Phone OR 3-eujo. V. ESTSIDE 7 bedroom house, laundry, shop and fenced yard. For appointment call. OR M942. GREEN OlST. ROSEBURG, large 4 bedroom, ranch stle. $90.00. Sulfur . n 3050. F U RNISHE D housekeeping cabins, by the week. Koseiana auto tourr. TWO BEDROOMS, unfurnished. Adults pre ferred, $75 month. Call after 5. OR 3-i9. TWO BEDROOM HOUSE with gas range, close In, OR 3-4522. FAIRHAVEN DISTRICT, one bedroom du plex. $65. Unfurnist.ed.OR 2-1463. NICE 2 bedroom House, close In, OR 3-8814. 12 Trlr. Parks & Rentals riMBER TOWN TRAILER PARK: New spa clous lots for big trailer, 10x40' concrete patio with pad for trailer. 120 vott elec tricity available. Individual gos meters. OR TRAILER SPACE. Walking distance to town. J451S E Short Street, OR 3-71 05. NEW PAVED STREETS, SPIous lots, quiet, convenient to shopping jnd bus, one black from safewav, at 2010 NE Stephens si. Timber Town Trailer prk, OR 3-B579. MODERN. 35' 1 -bedroom trailer, $35 per month. OK 3-4614 or, OK 3-6ZW. 13 Misc. Rentals PARKING LOT RENTALS available at Kohl- hagen Parking Lot at SE Jackson and Mosher Sts. Only $ oer month. OR 3-8244. EXCELLENT OFFICE SPACE available now. . S. Bank Bldg. Pivone OR 2-24.12. S1R,E L?J?' r ''nS ;ma" 14 Help Wanted INDUSTRY . OPENING Recent High School Graduates Over 1 8 Years of Age Western division of International corpor. atlon firm, owner ol western nation-wide communication and public Information text book Interests, now hiring men for the following positions! (7) Promotional Representatives (5) Merchandising Trainees M) Office Personnel (3) Soles Positions (Previous experience or not) (3) Assistant To District Manager , (Must be free to travel) Good pay and ,'; advancement Applicants must bo able to accept the responsibility ot hard work and the chal lenga that comes wllh advancement. PORTLAND SALEM EUGENE BE SOW EM MIU Dl 3-5312 Call between AM to I PM for appointment. 'ANTED Experienced sporting goods man capable of heading retail sporting goods department. Permanent tposHlon. Must b familiar with al sporting goods, athletic equipment, boats, motors, etc. Ex cellent opportunity. Wrlle, giving experi ence, age, qualifications to Box 206, co News Review. icALSTbRi ha aoanlno outside sales people male or female tun or part time. Car needsd. Better than average earnings. Call OR 2-3381 between 9:30 A.M. and 5:30 P.M WANTED rigging men for SJ4 high-lead work. Prater young, won wprrmiw.tu mic". Winter show. Eastern Oregon. Phone JA 5-3960, or JA S-3896 evening!. Walla Walla, Wash. 1 CHRISTIAN Pioneer workers and Sunday School Teachers, Neighborhood Foursquare Church. 152 Rifle Range Rd. OR 3-7297. EXPERIENCED MAN for concrete pipe mfg. Must know stripping, mixing and maklng.jOR 2-2694. WANTED Middle agr?-' woman to llva In, care for 2 children, room, board and S3S mo'yCalljWr. Davis. OR 3-8J6S, after6:30. WANTEO- Pensioner, modern house, some wages. For light work. OR 3-497$. XVTjVVVVV-,ffsrsrir"i,,i --- 15 Work Wanted CONTRACTING, remodeling, carports. Con. struction, all types. Fres tstimates. OR 2-135 DON'T DISCARD THAT EXPENSIVE SUll suifs restyied to latest fasnion, $19.95. OR 3-64. IRONING. $1 per hour. Fast worker. 1436 5t Pine. BABY SITTING, my home days, and, or evenings. Phone 2816. Sutherlin, Oregon. NEW-CONSTRUCTION and remodeling. Free estimates. Plwa03-7234fr3:751. ChIlD CARE fn my horns. Vi block off SE Main.0R M235. WHISTLE PUNK, comoass man or sceier". Enperienced. OR 2-256l BABY1 SITTING, mature lady; references. Your home days.OR 3-4IJ4. ALTERATIONSTOR 3-3392. HOUSEWORK references. OR 2-2237. IRONING OR 2-1015 IRONING In my home. Diliard, OS 9-5535. SEWiNG, all types. Guaranteed OR 2-276. 18 Instruction S. CIVIL SERVICE TESTS! Men- 1$ $s priarafory training until ap pointed. Thousands of (obs open. E prlence usually unnecessary. FREE In formation on loos, salaries, requirements. Write TODAY l Lincoln Service, Ptkln 59. Illinois. HIGH SCHOOL at hbmt'for diploma. Amerf. can School Write Ray Burkett, Box 641, Yreke, California, GUITAR TEACHttR Steel Or Standard lead, rylhm or Boogie-lVoogie. OR J-i2i. John E. Jones. STANiSHGUITAR LESSONS. P'ano accom paniment. Call after 5 P.M. OR2-3409. PRIVATE DRIVING tnstructMrfis. Ken Lin derman, OR 7M'' PIANO LESSONS Irt your home! OR i-4$78. 20 Services CARPENTER Build, remodel, repair cab inets. Phone 0$ 9-5114. ALUMINUM Wewingf Winston Chain Saw OS 9 5641. PLANS -"Rev i dentinal Designer. Bob Dllh- Tian.OB 2-3J94. NORTH BCit- flllPfi KINDERGARTEN. 11 N.E. Vine St. OR 2 X63 or OR 3-714. ELECTRIC CONTRACTORS, Lansing & Ot lvr, OR 3-6614. MODERN end antique Iwrni'ure relmishlng. OS 9121. BUILDING AND REMODELING, OR Vim. 11 GUESS WHO..; .was breaking training. 20 Services Howard Electric Phone OR 3-3571 or OR 2-3805 Commercial, Industrial, residential wiring 468 S E. Main Roseburg, Oregon . CHILD CARE Mother Goose Nursery OR J-MS1 BICYCLE REPAIRING ORVILLE'S FIXIT SHOP 531 N.E. Garden vatlay Blvd. OR 3-151 1 M&R Painting & Decorating Service Interior or exterior. Brush or spray Free Estimates OR 3-SS71 Specialties Repair Outboard motors Lawnmower Sharpening Smalt motors, etc. Scuba Diving Air U:7 S E. Cobb St. OR 3-307? Bikes Repaired Saws Filed "Rebuilt bikes at 2nd hand prices" Citv Cycle Center 424 Winchester St. ' Crane Service ERECTION work, concrete pouring. Cal Cliff Thornton, day or nigni. OR 2-2609 FOUNDATIONS, basements house raising, leveling, repair, wor f.h.a approved. e ment, block work. F'nnnc'g available. Free estimate!. OR 3-5940 or OR 3-8644. SMALL Apptlnnca repair. Best ilocK ot small appliance pant in uougiai t.ouniy Trowbridga Electric, 721 SE Oak SI. OR 3-5521. HUNTERS Save your tK'ns lor lanning. (.oats, iivt gioves ana moccasins, Tanning, 49 cents ft. Ros Glcva Factory, Myrtle greeK, qrcgon ROOFING New and repair Free est! mates work guaranteed. Fisner Thorsen Paint Co. Call L. E, Ball-. OR 3-6042 W. E. Daum, OR 7-1571. WINSTON LAWN and GYrdun Scrvlcn. Land- scaping; free estimate Phone OS 9-5343 after 5 p.m. and evenings Carpentry, remodeling, bnrtv rooms, kit chens, patios, house leveling. John D. Lor raina, or 3-3;m anor 4 i-.m GRADING and levollngt loam and rock de livered. Call Paul Casey. OR 3-4018, 2231 N. E. Stephens St. FOR FAST efficient plumbing repair srvlce. call Kier Crooch Plumb! Ing 'Co. 2441 W. Harvard. O R 2-364. SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED. Roseburg Sanl tatlon Service, Ph. OR 3-3356 TO BUILD OR REPAIR ANYTHING, John Sanborn, OS 953B7. Call PLOW sharpening, welding? 2152 S.W. Castle Avt. Machine Shop. OR 3--I6B7. Rf OTUXlN Ga'nd leveling. OR 2-4302 or OR 2-3857. 21 Building Materiel Bargain Lumber STUDS, DIMENSION, Utility Grade Economy Grade BOARDS $45 M $25 M Umpqua Mfq. Co. (Formerly Consolidated Milling) Hwy 99 BR South OR 37411 SPECIAL Dimension 2x4, 2x6 and wider. Boards Shlplao V-Rustlc All your needs for framing, sheeting, and flooring As low as $35. Cedar Boards 1x6 and wider Lumber Sales Co. OR 3-7362 Garden Valley near RR tracks 23 Fuel SAWDUST Blower or Dump WOOD 0k Wood - Pler Cnra Planer Ends (16" or 2'l Slab Wood (green or dy) ROSEBURG LUMBER CO. PH. OS ?!! WOOD Block, and slab mixed. Peeler crrts green or dry. Sawdust Blower ax Dump Guv & Frances Gill Fuel 281 N. E. Douglas OR 2-1524 WOOD Peeler Cora Hardwood Btockw Dry Planer ends Red Diamond Fuel Co. OR l-SO s TEXACO Stove Oil or Furnace Oil Buy the Best Buy Texaco Automatic Refill Service OR 3-5022 - OR 3 5477 OAK, laurel and fir cut to order. OR 3-J2. C1C FUEL! tO. &f Si". 14" n1 24", also, ir healw blocks. OR 2-3304. HARDWOOD CuTtO order OR'l-7850. LAURECand6kwood lor r. OR"3-3604. OAK AND LAUREL 16" woo5. "OS 9-5527. 25 Fern Equipment Meyers Water Systems No money down. ) yrs. to pay on approved credit. Complete Installation and repairs. UMPOUA TRACTOR COMPANY 2911 Diamond Lake Blvd OR S-6U7 sf-. EASYJ-LOW ferti'irfr sprpider on Wr. FatlKKlihon, $150. Call OS 9-SSW. 26 Restock YORKSHIRE weanef sO)OR 3-44, offer JFRSEV COW'and"catf:;ood'milhrrgn lie, OR 9-4993 after 7 em. 26 Livestock SCHRICKER 1 SON AUCTION, . . Phone Sulherlln 2144 Livestock sale every Saturday at 12:30 p.m. Always a good active market for all kinds ot livestock. Furniture saia at f.x p.m. Schricker and Son, Owners 1 Mgrs. G. A. Brown, We'ghmaiUr Dr. Don Rone, 'Veterinarian BEEF 30.35,40,45 and 50 cents per pound dressed weight. Clover fattened. Tender, flavorlul meat. You choose 'em. We slay 'em. Lioyo sconce by umpque store. LARGE BOK stalls In new barns torrenT. Inside riding area privileges. Douglas County Fair. AMERICAN SADDLE bred bay mare. years old; gaited. Good English pleasure norse. uk j-Mr. GOOD JERSEY family milk cow. Will lead and slake out. OK 3-3619 or Ok 3-W4?. HORSESHOEING; horse breaking. Jack Adams, GY 6-3369. WANTED sheep of all kinds, also wool. TEmpie a-94o. Drain. At Brown. BA Y5 A D D L E MA R E , ORJ-7338. 27 Hay & Grain Joel Fenn, Melrose. BEMIS SEED for green pasture, yr-eround. Eugene Hoicomb, 2716, Oakland. HAY. L E. Coon, Diliard. OS 9-5629. HAY FOR SALE $25' ton. OR 3 5698, 28 Poultry & Rabbits CHICKEN EQUIPMENT. Aulcmfltlc cleaner grader, candler, stMl cages and oroooars. OR 3-7675. WANTEO Live poultry, Roseburg Poultry OS 9-5400, No Sunday Calls. 29 Pets ONE AKC Reg. Miniature rtd mal DflClV smma puppy, jw. bTpsy AKC REG. German Shepher. puppies. Ex cellent b.'oorJ lines. Cal or J-aaiq. TWO MALE Pekingese puppies. AKC reg. w ea. uk Z-4JH. POMERANIAN puppies. Lu-EI-tn Kennels, North Urnpqua Road. OR 2-W03. PUREBRED PEKINGESE PUPS. 7 weeks old. OR 2-1304 after 4 P.M. weekdays. DOUGLAS COUNTY HUMANE Society Ani mal Shelter, on 7-3901. PUTMAN'S Toy Fox Terrier Kannelt, Wll Dur, uregon. im j-bwm. DACHSHUNO STUD SERVICE, OR S-7JSS, GLI-NGARY Beagle Kennels. OR 3-07S7. CANARIES and casS. OR 3-8330. 31 Sporting Equipment ROD & REEL Evinrudo motors Boat accessories Interlux paints Boat trailer tires 1145 W. Harvard OH 2-2242 NICK'S BOAT WORKS Satellite and Mo- bllcraft boats, fiberglass boat repairs ana retinishlng. Vh mi. So. Kelley'a Korner, OR 3-7664. CUSTOM 300 Savage with 4 power scop SI 00. OR 3-j9j3, evenings. CAMP TRAILER for sale.- OR 3-7671 atler 7 P.M. SliLL EQUITY In boat, motor and trailer, or iraue. cairuK j-bibi peiwecn j-o r.m, wnHEsTERodal12, 12-gauga shotgun, full choke. 532 W. Haiel. 1956 16' CARDINAL camp trailer. Space 7A-Nebo i roucr 32 Produce & Plants you pick tomatoes $1 bushel, also can ning corn, local melons, squash and con core grapes, r-roa ourn t oiut rrun aianui on old Hwy 99 In DMIard. APPLES Joh'athon and "Ortloyi Marsh Ranch, 1 mile west Looklngglas Store, Phone OR 3-6485. TOMATOES, cucumbers and beets. Schmidt's, Garden Valley. CRIMSON CLOVER, seed for winter cover crop, Mayer Nursery, Qi y-su. 33A Musical RENT A NEW HAMMOND organ on Ham mond's Playtime Plan tor only szs.og in cluding free lessons. Graves Music, SU SE Jackson, OR -2461 PIANO RENTALS Wurlltier spinets, any style or finish. $10 monm inciuaing tree lessons. ROSEBURO MUSIC, 2441 W. Har vard. OR 2-3191 or OR 9-2461, B FLAT cornet and case, good condition $110. Call 612 comas veiiey. USED HAMMOND TONE CABINET, RICK- ETTS MUSICSTORE. CLARINET, used 2 years. Excellent condi tion. Phone or nun. Fender" electric Hawaiian guitar. OR J 4579. 34 Misc. For Sale WESTINGHOUSE Trut Temp refrigerator. Twin crispers, meat keeper. Vary good shape. Low price, $75. Trowbridge Electric, 721 SE Oak St. OR 3-5531. WESTINGHOUSE L wamer. This machine his been completely overnauira. New trans mluion and motor. Guaranteed 90 days. $125. Trowbridge Electric, 721 SB Oak St.,OR 3-S5J1. usFn wfdgewood APot.-sle oes range, good condition, U0. Whit enamel trash burner, good condition, $35. OR 3-7622 after a p.m. S A AA MEAT CO.. Hereford locker beet 39c lb, also extra lender, lean. Swift beet. 45c lb. Cut and wrapped free. Custom cut ting at reasonable prices. OR 3-514$. WESTINGHOUSE T rue -Temp refrigerator. Twin crispers, meal keerer. Very good shape. Low price, $75. Trowbridge Elec trie, 721 SE Oak St., OR 3-5521. LICENSED REPRESENTATIVE Stark Bros. Nurser as. Homa and commercial orchards. Shrubs, berries. Queries welcom. OR 3- 5321 after 5 or weekends. SADDLES, bridles, bits, lours whips, pack equipment, saddle pads and manuals, eic, also moccasins, bells i-nd buckles. Allen's Western Goods, 2 miles south Diliard. MAN'S- brown" plastic "lounging chair" "with matching hassock, Students redwood study desk. Inquire OR 3-73M. ZENITH 21" TV," $69.50. New plcluri tube. OR S3!6. CRANE" BATHROOM Slnkj full Slit mat tress. OR 2-2514. FOLDING BUGGY, balhinelte, Talior-tot, 447 w. HarrisonL GE' "Dryer. Spw;i3l at $45. trowbridgt'Eiec trie OR 3-5521. USED CROSLEY retrigerator 12' In tucellent condition. OR 3-341$. ELECf ROLUX vacuum cleaner salt! and tervlce. OR 3-7010 or OR 3-3591, 1000 LB. 3-bar' Fairbanks Morw all iteel -cs'ei. C'lff K, 0 M5 OIL CIRCULATOR I10 double link IS. 124 Mosher. OR 2-tiU. COMPLETE rwmhold (urnlfthlnoi. All" Of by piece, us f KEN'S"ROCK SHOP, Covington, Highland Park dealer. 74ft N. E. Chettnut. YEW WOOD and ced'ar poiti for tele. OR 3-72J7OrOR U77. USffO CHAIN JAWS. Winston Chain Saw OS W41. USED TV't, organ, and accordiant. Graves Mime, sia se jaciton. un NEW, 1122 gas wafer heater, Medallion, for Hi. OR 3 3440. AUTOMATIC WASHER, !; dryer, ISS; rotlawav bd, OR MISC. HOUSEHOLD'turriture." SeTl airor aoparate. Call after SIO PM. OR Ml SPARK oil heater, US; iraih burner, US. OR 3-374. c ,Yfa -B1,u a i - !MW - 'RONER j boy'i" ?6" b'i'Oli'i,'f tOAS HEATER. OR 33t. Mon., Oct. 10, 1960 The Nawi 34 Rise. For S&lo All Stock WALLPAPER ' 20 Off Colorcraft Paint & Wallpaper 711 SE Stoplwns OR MIS! BIG SALE Used Furniture & Appliances RAINBOW TRAILER SALES Old Highway 99 N. Winchester OR Beckwith Cycle Co., Schwinn it Evans Bicycles New. Used. Also Motorcycles. W3I W. Harvard OR 34130 1-CAR garagnn good condlTlon. Will move to your location within radius of I ml. S500. Trlpl. H. Cn.ral Contractor, I'll NE Commarc a . OiL CIR. heater with 2 soal. oil drums and fittings. $23! Iga wood dr. healer, sio. or 3-ani. ROSEBURO LOANS. .70 S.E. Main, has out-l,. of-pawn mds. Barg. pries on diamonds, watches, musical Instruments, cameras. BiLi7s'BrfER Bisrds8uiid Better ami Ings. West coast Building supply, 2 piocm west ol Greyhound dwol. ORchard wal' ADMIRAL U" portable TV New plct tuba. Just like new, 110. Troworldg. Ek. Jilc-l!'-AE " W SALES and RENTALS, day or weekly rates, call Kier troocn Kiumoing io. .w W. Harvard. OR 1-J344. TOP SOIL from new location. Ttw bait you have aver seen no roots or wetaa. Ralph Fisher. Winston OS TV SALES and rentals. Rtni may apply. on down payment. Horn's Appliance, w S.E. Jackson. OR 3-5511 FOR the best ob of custom cutting, wrap ping ana quick freezing, onng your nwi to Winston Lockers, OS 9-513J. WHY BUY FRUIT? Plant a tow cost Stark backyard orchard wis ian. uuaranieea stock. OR 3-5321 evenjngs,weekends. WE HAVE a tine selection of meat available for your locker or deep freeze at whole sale prices. WlnslonLocK(YS. OS t-3133. KILN FOR SALE, fret lessons, glazes, greenware. Next to wmvon Locners. TREVA'S Ceramics. OS -5l33. KELVINATOR DRYER, Dlx. mod., ex. cond.. $70. Bend Ik Economat wash., ua. OR Mon. TWIN Hollywood box spring and mallreuj daveno. OH - LARGE CIRCULATING wood heater. "wo. OR 3-3VSO. . DAVENO BED $15. 1295 NW Keasey, OR 3-3776. THERMAOOR built-in ovon. Stainless steel, $78. Trowbridge Electric, or xx. NEW DAVENO couch, swing rocker, end tables. OR 34047. 210 W. Berdlne. 35 Wanted Misc. wAMTcn antique coins, ouns. china, glassware, ewoiry, ciocri. WANTED Coins. ak?3iw . . ann n nfli-ilil-il--WWd"l"l - " - 36 For Trade FOR SALE or trade - 1947 Harlay 41 Overhead, bored AO over; also 15Vi It bar boat. 93S S. E. Mill, rear door. TRADE EQUITY In 55 Chov. Del Rey for household appliances, livestock or pickup Worth About $400. OR 3-3 IB. TRADE $6500 equity In nice, 2-bedroom Eugene home, near school, for Roiaburg area properiy. uv-3m uVestock for Irrigation equipment. OR 3-4981. "Call TRADE gTeger counter (or shot gun, or consider other types. OR 3-0250. (WWaVrVlrVWWWWVNrAS 37 Machinery LIQUIDATION! Construction Equipment From the Trinity Dam Project! mau. from lha Trlollv Dam Prol act Is Immodlalely avallabla. Our sales yard is now opart, ana wis iai. iyp. w4wifiM.n1 ll arriving Irom lha prolacl nally. THE EQUIPMENT CONSISTS OF: DS Catterpillar Tractori D9 Caterpillar Tractors DW20 Cat. Scraper Units 33LDT Euclid Scraper UnlU Model 12 Cat. Motor Patrols IS cu. yd. Euclid End Dumps Hydraulic Rippers LRVX Mack Truck Tractors PH 95AC International Payhaulcrs 30 cu. yd. Bottom Dump Trailers Sprinkler Trucks Air Compressors Hoists and Yardcr Trucks All Types ALSO: Welders, Light Plants, Tools, Pipe, Cable, Etc. TERMS ARE AVAILABLE! Call, wlra, ar wrila lor prlcad Dullalln TRINITY DAM CONTRACTORS 4001 EASTSIDB ROAO KEDOINO, CALIF PHONE CHaslnoT MM 38 Logging Equipment HD M CAT, equipped fo lOvQing, Excel lent condition. Will consider property or t tor my equity. Jones Bros, Logging, Cam as Vallev. Dl" CAT, blade and drum. Ideal tor' land clearing, OR 3-4f?r aner p.m. 39 Timber & Sawmills Logs Wanted Peelers & Peelabla Mill Delivered at Nordie Veneara pond on North Umpqua Highway, 1 miles eait ot Roi burg. For Information call OR 7-4351 Sutherllf! WW or OR 3-404 evening. OONKEY ILEOS-AII work guaranteed. Ref. trencei on requesr. narno w. rmmrr, Airport Rd., Lebanon. Or. AL 1-1391. 40 House Trailers Shady Point Trailer Sales Compteta lines Nt and Used trailers Campers, Travel Tralleri Mobile Homes 1 Ml. So. Hwv WBR OR M431 EOUiTY - "IW, 50x16 Provincial, J BR mobile home. Sea at Winchester Store, SELL OR TRADE, equity in 2 bedroom home, lor nice trailer nouse, uk ItM SHULT trailer, U', good condition, S1700, Bill's Trailer Courl,Suther1ln. Phont 3a47, 30 T."MODFRM 4f ShoulHtraller house, 1600 cash, JW Ptrfcef Rd. OR 3-4340, - Review, Roseburg, Ore.13 40 House Trailers Consider ' the difference between a Mobile Home built to a PRICE and one built to QUALITY. Drive. Out RAINBOW Trailer Sales Old Hwy 99 N., Winchester Let us show you our . quality . , MOBILE HOMES . . , C---.-.. nuncblly prit,eu rat-iuiy '7 guaranteed Turniture j I : 1 and appliances In Trade n fn 7 vparS to DaV UP lu ' yedla ,u Vj rent-like bank terms. FINE USED TRAILERS TOO OR 3-7272 . . Closed Sundays J & J Trailer Sales ; 10 WIDES Angelus Great Lakes 1, 2 & 3 Bedrooms . ' AIRSTREAM ' ARROWHEAD TRAVELEZE 17' To 26' USED TRAILERS Reconditioned 4 Guaranteed (Formerly Brady's Moblla Homes) Where Else But At JIM McKEE'S Could You Purchase A New 10x50 Fully Warranted Mobile Home For $3995 You will find, also ot Jim McKee's oil cosh prices are posted for your approval. Easy terms can be arranged if desired. 1028 N. E. Stephens OR 2-4221 EARL SMITH TRAILER HOMES CO. 1-2-3 Bedrooms. 15' to 55" MODERN AND PROVENC1AL ROD AND REEL Henslce High Style and Plainsman VENUS ROLLAWAY SEe THE ALL ELECTRIC MODELS 15' Kamp Mate by Henslee COMPLETE LINE TRAILER SUPPLIES 1910 NE STEPHENS OR J-1350 HUNTERS ATTENTION SPECIAL DEAL ts ft. vacation traltar. Naw 19AO Arrowhead. Regular 11095 CUT TO $950 See at Rainbow Trailer Sales Old Hwy 9 No. Winchester UK 1949 I' COLUMBIA Iraller house, vary good condition, terms, tuo. Hiinop rnoiors. 31649. 42 Trucks FOR SALE Used truck tanks and tan trailers, various capacities, nnw, r write Beall Plpa and Tank Corporation, 1300S N. Burgard St., Portland, 3. Oregon. Telephone v 6-3431 . 1950 TON Chev. pickup, new paint and tires. 1951 Vi ton Chev. piup. new moior. Call OR 3-3441. CHEV. pickup," SI33. S t Standard Station, 345 W. Military. 1951 GMC pickup. 4 speed, bargain. OR 1-71 fa. pidKUP and deluxe canopy, A-l cond. W3S. 1351 S.E. Stephens. fr502hav. pickup.'gobd condition, 325. 0$ 9-S201, aves. ffvif6N tTnevrolet panel, good rubber good condltlon. OR 3-7440 1953 "tHEV. t ton ok. M. Set at Tlrt Service Co. UU N.ts. oiamona Lane, 43 Autos & Motorcycles WILL SELL OR TRADE tqully In I960 Am bassador Station wagon, tan Tinanca lmj nce. 703 Madrono, Myrtle Creek. LATE MODEL USED CARS WANTED Caih or trade tor equity. icn rmw LIPS, 1331 SB Sluchana. rM CAilLi-AC-ojife 'Dii;:. Ml pOsf. Clean, excellent conoinon ui t-ah airvr p.m. if FAIR LANE town sedanj clean, good concftion. Ont Owner OR 3-445J Of OR MoPed MOtSBIKtfT"Excellent contflHon. call or was oetort r.m. vk -jt alter. . 59 Volkswagen, good condition, II sat new reenpi. Call OR 3-477. 'jTlORbtudorrT lyir"R&H76'b, power steering. Phone OR 2-1070 after I P.M. WILL TRADE I960 Hartey "motorcycle FLH, lor leep or go"d pickup. u. j-tuj-. mo FORD Starilner, low" "mileage, Real buy. OR 3-4944. '43 DODGE PICkUPT nood 'rubber S175. Aff er S phono OR 3-5713. '53 CHRYSLER Windsor 6 tiub'Coupe. dean, RAH, S345 . 0 R 3-300S after 5. fLEArr-SS Ford 4 door. One owner. OR 3-7143. . 'i0 BU1CK 4 door sedan, makt'Vffer. OR 3-3341.