C3 09 Mo Cents' in Waiting-Let WANT ADS Save You Money. Oft 2-3321. 15 Work Wanted CONTRACTING, remodeling, carport i, cab nets, construction, ill lypes. Free Es timates. Workmanship guaranteed. Phone OR M35T Or UK 3-413. BABV SITTING, my home days and, or evenings, rnonv jbio. dinnerim. uregon, CARPENTER work. Reasonable. Smith. OR 3-4411. SHORT LOG hauling. Mule train or solti. Franco t ruwm. w- --jj-m. NEW CONSTRUCTION and remodeling. Free estimates. Phone OR 3-7334 or OR J.7S1. SELF LOADING short tog truck tor hire. OK LAWN LEVELING, plowing and grading. UK CHILD CARE days. Reasonable. OR 3-54OT. BABY SITTING My home Day or evenings, uk i4. HOUSEKEEPER for employed couple, $10 wteK. uk j-4ee. EXPERIENCED saleslady wants full or part lime empieymvJii. un j-1 tt. IRONING Light mending tree. OR 2-1 015. ALTERATION OR 3-3488. SEWING, allI7pei. Guaranteed OR 2-27U. G, ali7pa ALTERATIONS. OR 3-3392. HOUSEWORK references. OR 2-2237. EXPERIENCED cook. OR 2-1347. 18 Instrtrttion HANDS TIED? No Hloh School dlolama? American Schools. Our 63rd year. All texts and study guides furnished. For Informa tion write: Southern Oregon Registrar, Ray - BurKon, 4ie nune, yene, taiir. GUITAR TEACHER steel or standard lead, rythm or Boogle-Woogle. OR 3-6525. John c, Jones, SPANISH GUITAR LESS'jnc. Piano accom paniment, call atter s fva. or 2-3409. PRIVATE DRIVING Instructions. Ken Lin Herman, uk &mt. PIANO LESSONS. OR 3-417. 20 Services Howard Electric Phone OR 3-31 . or OR 2-3805 Commercial, Industrial, residential wiring -i&S S.E. Main Roseburg. Oregon CHILD CARE . Mother Goose Nursery OR 3-8341 BICYCLE REPAIRING ORVILLE'S FIXIT SHOP 531 N.E. Garden Valley Blvd. UK Z-4511 Bikes Repaired Saw? Filed "Rebuilt bikes at 2nd hand prices' City Cycle Center 424 Winchester St. Crone Service ERECTION work, concrete pouring. Cal Cliff Thornton, day or nignt. OR 2-2609 FOUNDATIONS, basements house raising, leveling, repair. Work F.H.A. approved. Ce ment, block work. Financing available. Free estimates. OR 2-4345 cr OR 3-8844. SMALL Appliance repair. Best stnek of smell appliance parts In Douglas County. Trowbridge Electric. 721 SE Oak St. OR 3-5521. HUNTERS Save your Wins for tanning. Coats, $30i gloves and moccasins, t SI .25, Tanning, 40 cents ft. Ross Glove Factory, Mvrtle Creek. Oreoon. ROOFING New and repair Free estldOAK WOOD. 03-3950. mates work guaranteed. Fisner inorsen , Paint. Co. Call 1, E. Bailey, OR 3-6042; W. E. Doum, OR 21571. MOTOR rewinding, repairing. All makes and sizes. Experienced, competent motor man, Jlmmie's aectrle Motor Shop, 09 NE Garden Valley Blvd. OR a-3163. WINSTON LAWN and Garden Service. Land scaping fret estimates Phone OS 9-5843 jtrer j p.m. any evenings. CARPENTRY, remodeling, party rooms, kit Chens, patios, house leveling. John D. Lor ralne, OR 3-3254 after 4 P.M. REPAIR ALL MAKES domestic Oil or gas heating systapis. Munlon Heating, 1091 NE SlephSfr, Qy 3-5460. CARPENTER Contracting house level ing foundations. Any type construe tion. OR 3-8020. GRADING and leveling; loam and rock de livered. Call Paul Casey. OR 3-4018, 2231 n. e. STepnens si. HAVE YOU a porch, garage, carport, house or anything to build or repair? Phone Jenn sanborn, us r-sw. FOR FAST efficient plumbing repair sirvlce, cell Kler Crooch Plumbilng Co. 244S W, Harvard. OR 2-3364. SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED no mileage! free estimates. Roseburg Sanitation Serv Ice. 19B0 NE Stephens. Ph. OR 3-3356. CASTLE AVE. MACHINE SHOP. Plow and mower sharpening, welding and general repair. 2352 S.W. Castle Avenue OR 3-4687 DOZING, leveling; also shale rock, river loam and road materials. Chas. Keeley, OS 95117. SHALE rock for roads and driveways. In mediate delivery. Ph. C P. Taiion, OR 34040. CARPENTRY and cabinet making. Harry E. YOUng. OR 37417. PLANS Residential Designer. Bob Olsl man, OR 2-3294. NORTH ROSEBURG KINDERGARTEN- 1553 N . E. Vint St. O R Z-3C63 Or U K 3-4 . ELECTRIC CONTRACTORS. Lansing & Ol iver, OR 3-6634. MOHR WELL DRILLING Jacurzl whirl pool bath. OR 2-2321 or OR 2-3043. WELL DRILLING. Cecil Storey. OR 34725 or OR 3-4738. ALUMINUM welding. Winston Chain Saw OS 9-5641. ROTOTILLING and leveling. OR 2-4302 or OR 2-3837. CARPENTER Build, remodel, repair cab- inets. Phone OS 9-5814. SHEET ROCK FINISHING, plaster, stucco, cement, patching and repairing. OR 2-4511. WEE WISDOM Klnderoarten." 562 Newton .Creek Road. OR 2-1210. MODERN and antique' furniture refinishlng, OS 9-8921. BOB'S FLOOR SERVICE. You furnish ma terial. We Install. Phone OR 3-5460. PORTRAIT photographs and weddings. By appointment only. Call Carl, OS 9-8857. 21 Building Material Off Car Delivery SALE All Roofing Materials 10 Discount On All Orders Placed By Friday, Sept. 30th Asbestos Roof Coating . 83c per gallon in S't Cor Due October 1st Johns Manville Roofing Gerretsen Bldg. Supply Co. FLEGEL WAREHOUSE MM 1 CHPtr . PWW OR MU. On, bleck eff Diamond lake thrd. 21 Building Material Bargain Lumber Studs Dimension Boards Utility Grade Economy Grade 545 M 25 M Umpqua Mfg. Co. (Form.rly Consolidated Milling) Hwy 99BR South OR 3-7411 Limited Time Only Random lengths 2x4 economy gde. $39 Per Unit You Haul Lumber Sales Co. OR 3-7362 G.rdfn V.llay near RR tracks . Good Usable Lumber 1x4 and I- ihMtlng. x and I" CM. for sub-flooring Boards Shlolae v Rutiie nim.n.iM 2 x 4'a and wider, as low as $25. LUMBER SALES CO. OR 3-7362 vaiiay. near ft. R. Tracks. USED LUMBER - Sxl?, 3xlirxiar"f5i, 2x6, 4xt. TRoan 4-2431, Rlddla. 23 FQel SAWDUST Blower or Dump WOOD (? Oak Wood . Peeler Cora Planar Ends (14" or 2 Slab Wood (grean or dry) ROSEBURG LUMBER CO. Ph. OS 94741 WOOD Block and slab mixed. Peeler coresgcw or dry. Sawdust Blower ar Dump Guy & Frances Gill Fuel 281 N. E. Douglas OR 2-15 WOOD DrV Planar tnds Red Diamond Fuel Co. . " TEXACO Stove Oil or Furnace Oil . Buy the Bes- Buy Texaco Automatic Refill Service OR3-&22 - OR 3 5477 HARDWOOO - Cut to order Sli.S) cord delivered. Phona OS f.iM3 or OS T-3UY. FIRffWOOO Oak. Madrone. r nAmvth Fir. Heater and fireplace. TRolan 4-VH or Sam M. Humphrey. Rt. 1 Box 5, 14" HARDWOOD, S15 a cord, you haul. O&C FUEL CO. Dry oiS, 16" and U". an., Tir nearer blocks, or 2-33Q4. LAUREL and oak wood fortalo. OR 3-3601. HARDWOOD cut. to ordeW OR 3-7s" 25k, Form Etgataaias Meyers Water Systems No money down. 3 yrs. to pay on approved crtair. tompieiB insi a nation ana repairs. UMPQUA TRACTOR COMPANY 1 Diamond Lake Blvrf OR S-W7 MM R100 tractor, $350; Cooo 12-Inch Donom plow, sii oomi aw n. 22 inch cover crop disc. $165. AH for WOO all in excellent condition. George Trumbo, Oak 'nl o att'aialda..aaaldt(ajfctl 2fJ Li?es Schricker Gron Livestock Auction Pn. Sutharlln Jl Sutherlliu Ora . FOR THE SALE' Sat. Oct. 1 WE tell sheep at 12 noon, bring them In, we have the buytn. Hogs, horsei next. Regular run of fat and feeder- cattle, milk cowi, calvei, bulls and butcher COWI. Remember The Furniture Sale at 1 P.M. SCHRICKER & S&S, Owners and Managers 6. A. BROWN, Welghmitter Dr. Don Rone, Veterinarian Notice We can sow your burned over pasture land now. For the best Quality Airplane Seeding Jobs Get Oregon's oldest airplane applicators, q wvii tan MacFarlane's Flying Service SUTHERLIN AIRPORT JUT Of GRANTS PASS, GREENWOOD i-SV Airplane Seeding Coll . George Felt OR 3-6743 Felt's Airport Calkins Road REG. HAMPSHIRE spring brers and 0'" Deep conversion and daily gafn on Ittttf mates at Mermlston Experimental Station. Fall boars and gilts. W. I. Crawford, GYpiy -J3S7, Glide. . HORSESHOEING; horse reeking. Jack Adams, BT -uer. WANTED sheep of all kinds, also wool. Jirrtple -HW,Oraln. Al Brown. LtJE burro- "iN- excellent for peck Ing, pet for children. OR J-W7. $MALLMULE"forpacic or rtdt" Mceiient for hunting. OR 7-Wt. WE AN PR PIGS for ssle. OS f-HU. CALVES for sale. UNlm f BAY MARE. OR 3-7VH. 27 Hay & Grain L.C P. PELLET MILL-custom pelleting. J miles eair or osmana on ci.nw w. L. C. Perrln, Phone MM. Saledalfalfa. R.Cbnn, OR J442J morn, inas or evenings. HAY FOR SALE - SIS ton. OR S-Sn TRADE hay for sheep. OR 3-7W1. ALFALFA "HAY for M'e. UN ion S-UU. 28 Poultry & Rabbits WLf BUY LIVB BOuhYv. Rottevra Pourfnf Crr or evening pnont o f-nw. rw un- cwy cens. M LAYING HENS; 1 fertef ptgs; t reer-erfd milk cow. CeM SwtMrlM 1U aft er P .M. GUESS WHO... sk Qj i r iJ9 a, . . . Ii hiving hi first datt. Peg) PUPPIES, ( wteke old. Old EngllHi Sheep dog (smell variety) with U Border Col. lie. Femala lll.JO, males SIS. OR S-SUS after 3: P.M. TWO POODLE puppies t cream male. 1 oiaeic temale. Toy bred. Myrtle craaK. UN 1-303). POMERANIAN puppies. U-EI-ln Kennals, North Umpqua Road. OR MM. TWO GROWN femole Slemese, SS eschKi t. temaia cninuanua OR 3713. PUREBRED PEKINGESE PUPS. 7 weeks old. OR MJ04 alter 4 P.M. weekdays. AKC REG. German Shepherd pupPffa Excel lenr ptooa lines, tall OR 3-seo.v NELSON'S Pomeranian Kennels. 472 NE Al ameda. DOUGLAS COUNTY HUMAN CSoclety Anh mal Shelter. OR i-mi. C PUTMAN'S Toy Fox Terrier Kannals, Wit- our, uraoon. ok 3.sbu, SHUND STUD SERVICE. OR -.oil '1GARY Beagle Kennels. OR W757. CANARIES and cages. OR 34330. SIAMESE kittens. OR MWS after S:30 p.m. CHIHUAHUA'S stud service. OR 3-36W. COCKER PUPS, S weeks OR 3-3MS. PCADLES, Call UN Ion Myrtle 31 Spoils UMPQUA MARINA Skagit boats Mercury motors Boat accessorlea Motor repairing 63 S. E. Rose OR 2-1616 ROD & REEL Eviirudo Oiotors w Boat ccojl!)ri(i ' Interluit paints U Bait trailer tuB 1145 W. Harvard OR 2-2242 Spi ciil 3XM SprlrWel 2.S sedb. SB. orlrflfle Siawter deer rill, wllto K t, i. McCula):n HfN'AtMi chain l tor aM-tsmen. iSS. aaw. itot lor 9M-I Rod & Reel 111S W. Harvird NICK'S BOAT WORKS SatellaJ an Mo- oiicrari vflis, (vrgif.. W.T repair, ana reflnlshlnsx Va mu an Kelley'a Kornor, OR 3-ltU. HUNTING RIFLES one 300 Savage nvfel n one 300 Sevnae with aokver scisk. OR 3-31)4. 2303 Harvard Ave. next to fruit stand. HUNTERS exa metal canopy new. Built lor '31 Chevrolet, S3S. Alto, wheel trail er, cheap. See at 313 SE Plnd behind carter Tlra company atter a p.m. Camping BUS gas rengen lights, re- tlgerator. Also wired lor metric Sell, trada tar plcku, or coed piano. OR 5745. 13 GUAGE Browning automatic sell. trade for double Parrel. UN 3-3K1, Myrtle creex. TELESCOPE RIFLE SIGHTS If bought from us,we Install fret If gun U factory drilled. Umpqua Gun store. WANT TO BE Ilka Mike Nelson? SCUBA "f nour tenk ana singx. nose reguiaror. lev. Call OR 3-7148 belwWi 4 p.m. and 7 p.m. WILL SELL EQUITY In 14 ft. fibergloss boat with electric starter, chokt and SO HP Evlnrude. OR 3-7985. 14' TRAILER, sleeps 3. Butane equipped; water tank. Siso. Carta ttichlnery. Myrtle Creek. Q SLEEPING canopy 8' long. OR 3-4el0. fits high-bed pickup, CAMPING TRAILER, reedy to go hunting! JIM. OR 3-3H0 or OR 3-7441. CUSTOM 300 Savage with S100. OR 3-3953, evenings. 4 power scope CAMP TRAILER for sale. OR 1-7411 7 P.M. after 14 FT GLASSPAR boat. 35 HP motor and equipment. OS .S005. (2) TTFT GLASS BOAT, herd 3J electric Evlnrude, trailer. OR 3-anC. HUNTING TENT 14XU', S ft. JMlls. Phone OR 8-1733. 3340 NE Stephens J jbros like new, 2Vs power Kope, 875. OR 2-378. eves. YOU PICK tomatoes It bushel, alio can nlng corn, local melons, squash end con co'd grapes. Fred Burk's Blue Fruit Stand, on old Hwy t In PytV. cTTno PEACHES $1 boiiwilNamson's, Wln Hon section. APPLES Fall varieties. Weekdays after 3 : 30, Phone OS MM3. Forest Falracres. CRAPES, many kinds, 3c lb. Dale -teller. LOOK ingfliasi'procK way kcwo. FOR NEW APPLE BOXES, phone OR 2 673. Corn, cucumbers. beets. Schmidt's, Garden Valley. Tomatoes, you pick. si(snet. m. Knepp, Garden Valley. CORN, iomstoes""aod cucumbers. Ray Young, OR t nn. TOMATOES, cucumbers and jjeets. SWfdt's, toaroen vaiity. j F UCHSIAS It eech. I7H W. He rvard. Q RtTo date prunes 33c lb. OS -S373. EARLY CONCORD grepes. 0S T-4471. EVERY WEEK IS THRIFT WEEK IN WANT ADS ELECTRO -MART Used Washers Dryers Refrigerators Stoves 20 Discount on the new oppllances (Name Brands) of , your choice. Used reconditioned vocuurm. J 1 0 ond up Repairs, ports, trades ond terms ELECTRO -MARTo Cr Kirby Co. of Roseburg 2161 N. E. St,phnt OR 3-6356 or OR 2-2214 I 32 Produce & Plants FREEZING CORN canning tomatoes, 1 to- naioes you pick, reaik, canr, -'' melons. tfVr fruits rnu vegetables. Har yard AveflCt Fruit Stand Canning" tomatoes St. SO "bushel ready pick ea. tanning corn ii sacx you pick. ricKiing cucumbers. OR M. S miles west on Melrose Road. No Saturday calls. APPLES Jonathon andrtley. Marsh Ranch, t mile west Looklnggiau Store. pnone OR 3-l. SWEET CORN tor canning or freeilng, also. uraut caooege. M. Q. Knapp, uaroen vai ley. 33A Musical RENT A NEW HAMMOND organ on Ham mofMl'K PUvtlt-M Plan lor anlv IIS. 00 In eluding tree lessons. Graves Music (f SE Jackson, OR -3UI BAND INSTRUMENTS for beginning band students. New and used. 3 monins it, oerlod for as low as U mo R cketts ML' Store. OR 3-3203. After S:30 call OR 3-44 PIANO RENTALS Wurlltier spinets, any atyla or finish. 810 month Including tree kssons. ROSEBURG MUSIC, 3441 w. Har yard. OR 2-3l ar OR 3-3441. OLOS TRUMPET and caso 7S Holton cor- net and case S65J Clerlnet Jean Raven, made In France, 345. OR 3-3444 OLD UPRIGHT PIANO, S100. OR 3-5244 to 5 P.M. weekdays. USED PIANO, 8100. Gravel Music, 518 SE Jackson, OR 2-1631. USED TV'S, 815 and up Graves Music, Sit SE Jackson, OR i-l2l. WURLITZER SPINET piano, mahogany tin- isn. 3553 suinernn. B FLAT cornet and case, c-ood condition mo. can an camaa vaney. PIANO LESSONS. Beginning and advance. Near runerion scnooi. or 3-121. 33 Repossession ! 1 ELNA Automatic ilg-iag open arm portablaJ miKtt Duuenmiese sew on Duiions. t. Droioeries. rrnrogramsr aarnV -n 09 bought for balance of contract) No down payment, liberal trade in and terms. NECCHI-ELNA SEWING CIRCLE SS AE. Jackson OR 3-4325 o UFully Automatic Signature Zig-Zag portable sewimft Irt ... rtis n V. a n a A A M Only $99 Includes carrying case $5 down $5 month Morftgorruery Ward & Co.. 443 SE Jtckson OR 3-5553 WESTINGHOUSE L t washer. This machine has been completely ifyerhauied. New trans mission and motor. Guaranteed TO days. II 15, Trowbridge Electric 721 SE Oak St., OR 3-55JK WESTINOHOUSE True - mp relrloerator. Twin crlsoers. meat keeper. Verv oood shape. Low price. $75. Trowbridge Elec- inc, m at ua m,uk a-Mii. MtVGTDAl'RE IMPERIAL washer, all nor- ralaln. 1 vi. warraniv. finlu 1110. tai-ma. Umpqua Valley Appliance, 635 S.E. SIsJWEST ADMlwVL DELUXE 30" ranga. Like new. w, Terms, umpqua vena Appliance! US SE Stephens. OR M14. BILL'S BETTER Boards Build Better Build ings. West Coast Building Supply, 2 blocks west of Greyhound depot. OR chard ADMIRAL 14" portable TV. New picture tuba. Just like new, $90. Trowbridge Elec inc. in 5 e oan sr.. uk j-shi. WINSTON Sand and Graveli -crushed rock. reecr gravel, bar run fw lop son. us 9-U93. rv SALES and RENTALS, day or weekly rates, cairxier Crooch Plumbing Co, 2441 W. HarvaVa. OR 2-334. TOP SOIL from new location. The best you have ever seen no roots or weeds. Raloh Fisher. Winston OS 84?3. WILTON aEADY MIX. Concrete to your speclflcatiM. OS hSU, ivenings. WIZARD REFRIGERATOR cross-top free zer, seir oetrosr. sen ar no at uass, or phone OR 2-1 130. 175. PHILCO Bendlx washer, excellent condition. $110. Phil's Appliance Sales & Services! UK I-1 (IV. MISC. HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE. Sell all or separate, tawnmower ana rase, can after 5:30 P.M. OR 2-3169. WESTINGHOUSE electric dryer. New ele ments, very ciean. seo. irowonoge elec tric. 731 SE Oak St., OR 3-5531. GOOD USED DRYERS. 159. terms. Umpqua Valley Appliance, 35 SE Stephens, or 2-161 . USEQ CROSLEY chest freezer. 14 cu. ft. OrV $139, terms. Umpqua Valley Appli- ance, 35 SE Stephens,jDR 2-leU. DUO-MAT IC washer end chrome table and 4 chairs; also bedrprings and mattress. 32 W. Bradford Drive. O R 2-2357. FIVE 7:10 x 15 nwlon tires, tubes and wtiffli. Fit late Tftodet Ford pickup. OR 2-327. LARGE refrigerator," $100. washer and dryer (automatic) for cash or pickup. 103 Maple St., Myrtle Creek, Oregon. - TooO LBTr-Fairbanks Morse all steel scales. Cliff Jtess, J) R 3-4645. ONE-HALF grein-fed beef, 40c lb. See at Wlnsfon Lockers. KLER-KLEEN oil wall furnace, good con SMALL Vpright freezer," $95. OR 3WHQ S'ETOf-lb power'V1 Sell cheap. Call OR s- oculars never used. 2-3112. NEW DAVENO, ce andTOg rocker. OR 3)47. 310 " WBrdlnir' OILCIRCUL7j0R 110; double sink 15. 124 Mother. Otr 3-8514. LIKE new, 5 piece dinette set, $50. OR 3-8314. See to appreciate RMlAHQthrfM adio, new, $40. OR Uf 7iQ V trailer. 4x1 bed, excellent comiT tlonT4T3W. 2nd.. SuttwrllnPhone 3417. Fashion FROCKS LINE, all slies. Reason able. OR 37153. WESTINGHOUSELaundroma't washer, excel- lentcondltton, U. O R2-35tt. USED TV's, organs' and accordlans. Graves Musk, Jit SE Jackson, OR 3-U31. PACKARD BELL 14" console TV, $45. Trow bridge BtKtrlc.721 SEOek $LjOH 3-SS11. NEW, $122 gas water heater. Made II ion, for 175. 0 R 21440. FREE EOUITY in Rich Plan and freezer, for faking ever payments. OS 9-5165. Specials $15 and Up Many late models to choose f rom 34 Misc. For Sale A Beauty! Used Singer model 201. Full rotary, gear driven machine. In beautiful new mahogany finish desk. Fully recondition ed and guaranteed. Looks and tews like new. Only $189.50 Singer Sewing Machine Co. 558 SE Jackson OR 3-7348 BIG SALE Used Furniture & Appliances RAINBOW TRAILER SALES , Old Highway 99 N. Winchester For Auctioneering 0 . Slices CONTACT Col. V. Munlon. v., bu, tell and Irene. It pays loouy and tall the auction way. Auction Wry Friday. 7 p.m. Roseburg Auction OR 3-SM4 , Beckwirh Cycle Co. Schwinn & Evans Bicycles New. Used. Also Motorcycles. r1l W. Herverd OR Ml BIG DIAMOND Will sell at tcriflce. 1.45 c approx.. flawless, mounted uy lady's wedding set with side diamonds. Ap praiser at sisoo win sen lor ui. Cash. OR 3-7560. USED FURNITURE - Sofa beds. S19.50 and up. Dinette Sets. Mattrau and sprfnQ s. Easy terms, free delivery. Judd's Fur niture Co. i35 SE Jackson OR 3-5415. HUNTERS Delight, used 25 cu. U, Zenith up- rignr ireeier ana cu. it wiiara ireezer ana misc. appliances. Ftnancing available. OR 3-5344 weekdays. to 5 P.M. 500 GALLON BUTANE tank; hav chopper on wneeis. 25 M.P. atr-cooioa engine; electric range. All good shape. OR 3-A512, 26U uiemona loko bivo. LICENSED REPRESENTATIVE Stark Bros. Nurseries. Noma and commercial orchards. Shrubs, berries. Queries welcome. OR 3 5311 after 5 or weekends. WE ALWAYS HAVE a tine selection of meat available for your locker or deep freeze at wholesale) prices. Winston Lockers. OS SADDLES, bridles, bits, spurs? whips, pack equipment, saaoie rfCa afia mantels, eic.t also moccasins, WfTi ;.nd buckles. Allen's Western Goods, 2 miles south Dlllard. ELECTROLUX vacuum cleaners-tea les, serv Ice and supplies. Free home demonstration Call J. E. Newberry, OR 3-7010 or OR WANTED ParV to lake over contract on Compact vacuum, V. L. McDowell, Box 22, Dlllard, Oregon 3 miles south). GENUINE heavy river loam. No roc, easy to nanaie. for trie Desr can tnaries Keeiy, OS 9-51 17. TV 5ALES and rentals. may apply on down payment. Horn's Appliance, 424 a.t. jacKson. ok a-saia KENMORE automatic washer with suds saver. Reconditioned and guaranteed. J45. B & MrxWEAT CO. Hereford locker beef 39c IK Cur anf) wrapped free. Custom cutting at reasonable price. OR 3-514B. ESTINGHOUSE range. Very clean. Deluxe tcaiuras. uniy km. hi. iruwonoga biectric a ac uok sr. uk j-mi. TR EVA'S CERAMICS. Free lessons. Green wart, paints, glazes. Outside firing dona next to Winston Looters. 05 y-siw. t-OR the best ob of custom cutting- vrat ping and quick trerjsvg, bring ySr moat to winsron lock en, dj vota.. DEARBORN gas heater, Mk'a newj 4 chrome oar stools. a at r-nnt. ok i-ia?y. ELECTRIC WESTINGHOUSE roaste oven, SIS. OK 3-334. UTAH WOOLEN Mills clothes Four vour KtrKiwtKAiuK a no miscellaneous turnt turt. OR 3-S4I3. KEN'S ROCK SHOP. Covington, Highland rant aeaier. Z4 n. e. t-nesinut. LOCAREPRESENTATIVE Minnesota Wool en tvniu. Lan tor appoinimenr, uk 3-4013. USED GUNS, boufiif, sold and traded. Ump qua Gun 5iore. USED CHAIN SAWS. Wlnslon Chain Saw OS 9-M41. PULVERIZED sheep oynure. OR 2-3991. ttUAK fU&l5. UK 3-JBt'l. kAWLE IOH Products. Bowles. OS 9-5437 PULLER BRUSH. OR 2139- JIFFY TO P for pickup, S25 OR 3-4636. woodTTeater. or Quo. 17" PORTABLE TV $45. OR 2-1522. GAS RANGE, $10. OR 3-B719. ASHLE'Vheater, new fire box. OS t-540. BABY LINE used' playpen, S7. OR 3435a, 35 Wanted l?lisc. VE PAY HIGHEST cash prices for usm furniture. Roseburg Furniture Exchangee 743 3. e. jeckson ok 33104. WANTED TO BUY Old china. Glassware. furniture, jewelry. prtscnia'S Antiques, w s.e. jaexson. or a-uji. (VANTED Old coins, guns and marble top turn, pricwa'i Antiquts. 24 6.6. Jackson WANTFD TO BUY Good used furniture. ROSEBURG AUCTION- OB 3-SQ2S. WANTED Coins. OR 7-4390 36 Epr Trade SADDLE HORSE, front-end Utr, farm tractor, new boat and tra'ler, antique din ing room set, 3-section jonn oeera nar row. Trade any or all (or cattle. OR 2-2694. TRAD equity In I960 Rambler (or older EQUITY In 50 acre ranch trada for trailer house 30' or more. OR 3-3S4S POWER SAW and Shetland mare. Will trade tor livestock. OR 34719. LIVESTOCK for .rrlgatlonequipwnt7"all UK 37 Machinery 76 ALLlt CHALMERS model O tractor ptow, disc, cycle bar, blade, cultivator manure spreader. Mefco offer. Financing available. OR 3-5244 weekdays T to P.M, Sundays, after 2 P.M. OR 3-4017. 1954 FERGUSON i6' 30 tractor, l295i duel ariva gmc riatbod dump, 7fs. p. m. Grow, UN Ion 3-4570. ALMOS? NEW Ford 2-bottomT'' plow. Wlft consider iratt for sheep or cettif. OR a-.me. yv WANttd" RfNT a portobla rocE(yihar. uk -7)33 after 7 p.m. 38 Logging Equipment HD 20 CAT. equipped to. looilng. Bvcel. lent condition. Will consider property or 7 for my equity, Jonas Bros. Logging, Cerrv Tr UfTtTMo U n t f D model E ' vaTd''6uTc k way with srxrei front, back two and hael ooom. OK 2-JSIT. McCULLOCM SUPER 33. Llka new. OR Ml 47. 39 Timber & Sawmills Logs Wanted Peelers & Peelable Mill Oettveee ef Nordic venrs pond en Harm Umpque HieNwar, 1 mtlaa Mlt ef Kos bur.. ,er Information call Oft t-eVSM utneriin 2232 or Oft HDH evanlngv 40 House Trailers Consider the difference between a Mobile Home built to a PRICE and one built to QUALITY. Drive Out RAINBOW Trailer Sales Old Hwy 99 N., Winchester Let us show you our -quality .MOBILE HOMES Honestly priced Factory guaranteed (furniture and appliances in trade up to 7 years to pay rent-like bank terms. FINE USED TRAILERS TOO OR 3-7272 Where Els , But At - ' : JIM MKEE'S Could You Purchase A New 10x50 Fully Warranted Mobile Home For $3995 " You will find, also ot Jim McKee's all cash prices ore posted for your approvoi. Easy terms can be arranged if desired. 1028 N. E. Stephens OR 2-4221 EARL SMITH TRAtt-ER HOMES CO. 1-2-3 Bedrooms.' 15' to 53' MODERN AND PROVENCiAL e0D AND REEL Hensleo High Style and Plainsman VENUS R0LLAWAV SEE THE ALL ELECTRIC MODELS . IT Eamp Male by Henslce COMPLETE LING TRAILER SUPPLIES I90 NE STEPHEN OR 3-33M J &J TRAILER SALES o 10 WIDES Angelus Great Lakes 1, 2 & 3 Bedrooms AIRSTREAM ARROWHEAD TRAVELEZE ir fo W USED TRAILERS Reconditioned & Guaranteed (Formerly Brady's Mobile Homei) OR 3344)0 Shady Point Trailer Sales Complete lines New and Used trailer. Campera, Travel Trailer! Mobile Homes 1 Ml. So. Hwy 99BR OR M438. Rod & tl Trailer Boat Salsa 1145 W. Hervaid 1960 U'V CAMP trailer uas and electric equipped, provincial (manor, win sen equity at big discount OR 2-1 0i 2 or OR 3-8834. WILL SELL or trada equity In 10-45' trailer tor small trailer. c New Trailer par. OR 2-4645. 14 TRAILER, bleeps "3."' Butane equipped) water tank. E. Carta Machinery, Myr tie Creek. f95a 35x8' 1 -bedroom trailer. Space H-7, Nebo Trailer Park. 1949 ANDERSON TRAILER. 30', excellent condition, II, 40. Call luttvtrlln 4294,. 42 Trucfc 'S7 FORD pickup. LwOnew paint. Only 30,000 miles. Never ott pavement. New camper. $129!. 2nd house aoitlh ot Win Chester on old 99. iretTlNfER NATIONAL Vi 1. pIcWp; V-B 3 speed, Poiltracilon rear axle, wide box, radio and heater. U50. Jtferton2-43;9. '51 GMC"plCkup. S49I. 1063 NB New t o n Creek Road O R 3-2995. No Saturday calls please. 1950 k TON Chev. pickup, new paint and tires. 1951 Vi ton Chev. pickup, new motor. Call OR rul. i 1947 4 CYL JEEP pickup, 4-wheel drive. Excellent mechenfeai condlt.on. Good tires. ISOO. Phone OR 3-4M0. S3 WILLYS STATION WAGON, 4 wheel drive, pood condition, ?. Box 154, G lend ale, VErnon 2-5150. S INTERNATIONAL Vs Ion heater, mtr rors and Post tract ion rear and. Good buy. OR 3-734. HEAVY DUTY-white canvas canopy for pickup, 50" x H". Excel ent condition. OR 3-4740 l95i"PORD pickup, 4-sped. txceprionalFy clean. Reasonable. OR 3-4014. 1W FORD pickup, 1X0. Carta iVuichiniry, Myrtle Creek. 'iO' FORD ton WltTcanwpy, t3lir5k 3-3443. 1951 OWC pickup. 4 apeed. a bargain. OR 2-21 n. 'J? Cab FORWARD jaep. Inquire at 1544 SW Main. 50 PORDjvi" ton plck'un, fl50RTiT. 1'OON stake bed truck. OYa-3Sl6, 1930 wgV'j" pickup. OR3-5MS, 1941 wicrri Jeep pickup. Rt. i, Bo-TilS. 43 Autos & Motorcycles FO SALC BY OWNFR 1959 Rambler Custom il, full power!, extra clean, ins w. Central or phone 2441 at Suther lln, anytime. '49 WILLYS JFEP 4i4 u$. (I'll Stock Mo tors, nw Dogwood and Garden valley. OR 33)41. TAKE OVER payments an 'it Ford Vic toria. OR 1-4140. 'J1 CHCV.(except!onaity clean, with recant overnawi. uooo itres. ii w. Agte. ;S3 OLOS, cieart'aiTceiiant'eaodition-a. OR 21233. . Thur., Sepf. 29, 1960 The Newi-Reriew, Roicburg, Ore. 13 43 Autos & Motorcycles '57 FAtRLANE town sedan clean, good condition. One owner- OR 34452 or OR MoPed MOTOR BIKE. Excellent ctvn'V. Call OR 34255 belorf 3 P.M. OR Sj9 arier. 1941 DODGE coupe, good work car, also, io m. crimp irauer, sieeps s. iooo con dltlon. Phone 3401 Sulherlin afler 4 p.m. LATE MODEL USED CARS WANTED Cash or trade tor equity- ATEN it PHIL LIPS. 1321 SE Stwhim. 1955 OLDSMOBtLE Fordor. 250 motor neds work. Boay way. OR 3-5244 9 to 5 week days. WILL SELL OR TRADE equity In 1960 Am w n-cor am ion wagon, ion tmance Dai nee. 702 Med rone. Myrtle Creek. 1954 OLDS U Hardtop convertible, complete ly rcDuiit engine, good rubber. Priced 10 sell. Call OR 2-9036, '$1 FbRO" hardtop straifhTstlck andi'"3rivt. sa. uk j-avH. U56CAblLLAC"Coupe-be,llle. full pow.Tr. Clean, excellent condition. OS 4-S427 atter 4 p.m. 1955NASH, WOO. Myrtle Crenk. UN 3 3039. 1930 MODEL A runt good. OR 3-T60&. For Particular People '59 $iJi Healy Sprite. Low mile age, local, new qp trade in. Above MROS average clean .... ' J '58 Ford Custom 300 4-door. 6 cyl. with overdrive $ 1 I Q R R & H. Only I t7J '58 Ford Foirlone Club Sedan 2-dr. . etraight stick V-8 JIAOR R&H Low mileage. . ' ' '54 Chev. V-8 Bel Air 4-door. Ex ceptionally clean. Don't over look this .. ; $1 1QC good buy ' I l 7 J (6 0s "88" Holiday H'dtop Cpe It's so much for so $ 1 I Q C little. Above average M 7 J '56 Ford Falrlane. Victoria H'top Cpo. Guaranteed low mileage. 1 nan.r O OflT '55 Mercury Montclalr H'dtop Cpe. A black and white JlnQC .beauty. Reasonable 1 v ' w '55 Ford Falrlane' Victoria H'dtop ' Cpe - straight stick V-8, R&H ' " Far above '"' $100 R average clean J7J 'Si Mercury Monterey H'dtop Cpe. Lowest priced '54 Mere. H' dtop - tCQC In town J 7 J '53 Mercury 4-door sedan. Runs excellent, looks sharp. Good i rubber, JOOC R&H. Only 07 D '53 Cr-. 210 4-door. Good lor an all-around second"?0 CA car. Reduced O J VJ V any More Ti Choosesf rom Eosy bank terms Napier Auto Sales Hillman - Sunbeam dealer 1240 S. E. Stephens OR 2-22 '59 FORD V8, Falrlan. sdn, Fordomatie. R&H. one owner Top 10OQ condition 7 7 O '58 FORD V8 Ranch Worjon, $1598 '57 DODGE Custom Royal, 4 dr. sdn., RiH, Tor- tAQQ sdn., R&H, To quellite trans ... i-ru '56 Plymouth Belevedere, Hdlp, R&H, (uro trans. $OOQ New rTjrlon tires .. 7 7 O '55 NASH Statesman Custom sdn, with Hydroulle tXOQ brakes, Only J 7 O '55 Rambler Station Wofa. O'D, R&H, brond V3 O O new motor OO '53 FORD V8 sdn., R&H Stan- ttS. $498 '53 DODGE 4 door, stand. Irons I $398 -u 1 IMPORTS '40 SIMCA Super Deluxe sdn, only 6000 miles, MROft New car guarantee I J 7 O '5? SIMCA Pleln Cell sports car, sold new for $ 1 O O D $3150 Now only I 7 7 U PICKUPS 47 STUDEBAKER pickup with camper. Hos bunks, stove and Butone tonk. Ideal OQQ for thot hunting trip. h mm ic,ir ' cr'- 41;? ! -f? WMCT l-l MM. 43 Autos & Motorcycles 1951 CHEV. 6 Fordor sta. wagon, S13M. Nice, no trades. Nothing down on good credit. Alio 1957 Chev 6. 210 Fordo. Finan cing available. OR 3-52U to $ P.M. weekdayi. , . BEAUT(FUL'5Tbrtcloriafow perfect condition. 58.000 Miles, bouqht and serviced In .Roseburg. By oner. OR 3-7163. . . 1953 CHEVROLET cSUPE. Engine and run ning gear good. Need. Ditto boly work. As is, 9225. Royal Tire Center, Myrllt Creek. 1952 CHEVROLET. owerg1lof motor ex ceMent.OS 9-845 1969 FORD'star'llner, low -nileage. Keat buy. OR 3-4944. l60TARKHAl?bT6PlH'O w tradt. Cntl OR 30746 or OR m6t6rcYcITes "-""new', used, acckwiili Cvcva. or 3-aiift SELL OR TRADE equity 1954 Dodge sta Hon wagon. OR 3-566. '59 Rombler Wgn., 6 evl, odrive. sliUip and low miteago '59 Fiat "600" tudor sedan, really priced to to sell! '997 '59 Plymouth club sedon, 6 cyl.. - straight stick, 1 .U one local owner . '59Fiot "500" miser convert., a real $897 on gas '59 Volkswagen tudor, radio, tach., oil hfjt $1 9Q7 gauge, sha.P.-..-... 1 7 ' '59 Fiat ' "1200" fordor sedan, economy with luxury, less than 10,000 miles 1 AU We sold It new .... '59 Fiat "600' rides 5, sleeps 3 .... fordor 'Mi '57 Plymouth V8 hardtop coupe, push button, $ 1 1 Q J extra sharp. .117 '56 Ford V8, hardtop coupe, for dor, radio $1 1 Q7 really good I. I 7 '55 Bulck hardtop coupe. Radio, heater, and R07 Automatic. Nice .... 0 7 '54 Plymouth fordor sedan. Nylon tires, seat covers, iA'J Very good Tr ' '52 Pontlac hardtop coupe. Siarp est one '397 In town '52 DeSoto hardtop, equipment Very clean ........... coupe. Full $297 '52 Chrysler fordor sedan $ 1 rf A real buy I U V '5! Chevrolet fordor sedan. Too condition. Radio, $Qyj7 heater, power glide ;. mmm-T I '41 Chevrolet Vi ton pickup. New tires. 4 speed 275 trans. Clean . Hill Top Motors MANY LATE MODELS TO CHOOSE with 100 written guarantee. See Hill Top Motors Br the best - - buys In town. 988 N. E. Stephens OR 2-1649 Open Evenings and Sundays '58 PLYMOUTH V8 club cpe, pushbutton dr., R&H o lustr ous black finish with spotless Interior. One owner cor with M498 '57 Plyjfyth V8, Belvedere sdn. Toffeflite, 298 '56 CENTURY Buick, 4 dr., Hdtn, rp&sh: sDha 1698 '55ChilOLET Bel Air, 2 dr. Hdtp, powerglide, R&H, new. completely ?9? rebuilt motor .... '53 PONTIAC sdn, Hydromolic. R&H good OQQ tires, Sharp -0 '52 Buick Super, 2 door Hdtp, Dynaflow, R&H OOQ Sharp . O 7 O '52 AUSTIN HEALY 4 door, real economy Only ... '298 '59 SIMCA Wogon, like new 1498 M198 '59 Slmco Super Deluxe sdn. .. '58 ENAULT Douphlne Q9Q '51 DODGE Vi ton $"5QO pickup 4 spd. trans. O 7 O SiSim 3u::,,LXl 1 o