No Xents' in Waiting -Let WANT ADS Save You Money. OK 2-332 1 11 Houses MODERN, unfurnlthed 3-brdroom houiej large rooms, excellent condition end toce lion. Fenced backyard. Not more then 3 email children. Reference required. 1 100. 0OR 2-3033 after S. t , TWO ROOM modern cabin, gas range end heating. 7 ft. refrigerator. Good bed lc. Water and garbage disposal furnished. Hani Cabins. 2435 N.E. Diamond Lake Blvd. OR 3-3361. I,.Eo.BwSSc."Dor?Near "jSS?! ?.! liamson Real Estate. OR 3-4302. ; TWO BEDROOMS Wall to "wall carpet lng, garagei corner lot. Adults prf er red. $90 per month. Cons'der 1 year lease. 743 W. Nebo. Call Bill Evans, OR 3-W80. 1, 2 3 and 4 bedroom homes. Income lim its. Families, also single, elderly 65 or over accepted. 902 W. Stanton St. OR 3-6348. ... VERY DESIRABLE, unfurnished 3-oedroom duplex) carport, fenced yard with patio; heat, water, garbage iervict furnished. Adults. OR 3-4944. SNE BEDROOM furnished house. 'llPjune 15th. Overlooking river. Between Myrtle Creek and Dillard. References required. OR 2-3837. THREE ROOM, unfurnlshod house, Melrose district. Elderly couple preferred. OR 3 6739. fLEAN 3 room house.-Garden7modern, 153. Will sell on easy terms. M7 SE Eddy OR 35321. after 5 or weekends. , FURNISHED CABINS BY WEEK 110 and up. all utilities Included. Pacific Motel, Old 99, 3 ml las north.Fhnne OR3-7939. WINSTON Unfurnished 2-bedrobm house. Carport, utility room, electric heat. 870 OS TO 133. Three BEDROOM modern home, 860 per month. OR 315. TWO BEDROOM rental. OR 3-3472. 12 Trlr. Parks & Rentals TIMBER TOWN TRAILER PARK: New spa cious lots for big trailers. 1040 concrete patio wun paa tor iraner. z von elec tricity available. Individual gos meters. OR 3-8579. WE ARE NOW landscaping lots to Your In dividual taste. Beaut ifu. lawns and flow ers combined with being 250 ft. back from highway makes you enloy life at Timber Town Trailer paric. ok a-evv. WINCHESTER TRAILER PARK modern spaces. Paved grounds, shade trees. High way t? no. at wincnesrer artoge. ALAMEDA TRAILER COURT has paved streets and cement porches. Reasonable rates. 31 NE Aiameoa. c z-zui. TRAILER SPACETwaiking distance to town, 1451 SE Short Street, OR 3-7105, 13 Misc. Rentals Westside Office Suitable for barber or beauty shop- Insur ance, or general office use. l monin, OR 21577. PARKING LOT RENTALS available at Kohl hagen Parking Lot at SE Jackson and Mosner sis. umy s uer monm. u- j-bw. EXCELLENT OrTlE-SPACE available how. U. S. Bank Bldg. Phone OR 2-2432. WINSTON Beauty shop. New equipment in good location. u y-om. STORE BLDG. good location for small business, on 5fc aiepnens. uk CABIN suitable for office, barber shop etc. Roseland Auto Court. 2015 N. E. Stephens. 14 Help Wanted MEN IF YOU are cut of work or dissatisfied with wAiir nreient lob because of limited Income due to lay-offs or seasonal work, and. If you are Interested In future op portunities, then you owe It to yourself to Investigate this ad. DUE to our tremendous growth and ex-nan-Inn orfloram. we have several open' Ings for men with ambition. All I ask Is five minui'S or your Time, ai yvui " venlence, to show you the possibilities. , ; For details, see JAMES SEITZ. AT 201 CARTER BUILDING Between y a.m. ana 1 1 p.m. HAVE PERMANENT position tor capable GM mechanic Experienced In all phases of Chev. and Corvafr maintenance. See or call Mr. Telford, Chev. - Olds Corvalr Garage. Cottage Grove. Call WHItney 2 2471. LOCAL STORE has opening for outside kIm bmoIs mele or female full or part time. Car needed. Better than average earnings. Call OR 2-3381 between :30 A.wnn -,:JU r-w WANTED AT ONCE man or woman with car for Rawtelgh business nearby. Buy on time. Write Kawieigns, jue Aaeuno, wan land, Calif. ELECTROLUX CORPORATION! needs men for sales and service departments. Write P. O. Box 3334, Eugene. WANTED Middle aged male pensioner with car, do small chores In exchange for rrtWTO.S9-5390. Woman for child care ii: t to 5:30 P.M. In Winchester. Phone 2-1786 after 5:30 P.M. BABY SITTER. Live tn. Older woman pre ferred. References, or z-iwa aner p.m. 15 Vork Wanted CONTRACTING, remodeling, carports, cab- lntt. construction, all tvnes. Free Es timates. Workmanship guaranteed. Phone OR 2-1359 or OR 3-3725. CFRTIFIED weMer and burner wishes em ployment In or around Douglas County. us y-atxn. b A B Y5 ITT I N G In my home, days. OR 2-2741. BABY SITTING, my home days, and, oW evenings. Phone 2816. Sulherlln, Ore?J tARPcNTtK worn. Keasonaoie. amnn. uk 34411. SHORT LOG hautlng. Mule train or sow. Franco Trucking. QB 2-2343. NEW CONSTRUCTION and remodeling. Free estimates. Phone OR 3-7234 or OR 3-7516. CAT WORK wanted. Clearing, leveling. By hour or contract. OR 3-4M9. SSL1-LOADING-short'log "truck for hire. OR 3-4647. LAWN LEVELING, OR3-4732, CHILD CARE -3-5409. plowing and grading, days. Reasonable OR BABY SITTING My home Day or evenings. OR3-8144. (HOUSEKEEPER 'tor" iimproyed couple, 110 week.OR 3-4871. E X PE R I E NCE D saleslady wantT'fuirbr" part time employment. OR 3-09. Fro"n1nG LIqht mending free. OR 2-1013. ALTERATIONS. OR 3-3488. SEWING atl types. Guaranteed JR 3-2766. ALTJERATIONS Oil 5-3393. HOUSEWORK reference's. OR 2-2737. 18 Instruction MEN WANTED TO TRAIM FOR '" HEAVY EQUIPMENT OPERATORS AND MECHANICS U.S. Government upending billions for highways and construction. Tremendous need for qualified men. WE TRAIN YOU - - Coupon NOW I N.wvRrvl.w, ftoi lit Wast Coast Training Smlc Fill in " Address citr Hrs. I mtt , t pnsn. I p.m. 18 Instruction HANDS -TIED? No High School diploma? American Schools, Our 3rd year. All texts and study guides furnished. For Informa tion write: Southern Oregon Registrar Ray Burketf, 416 tWtte. Yreka, Calif. GUITAR TEACHER steel or standard lead, rythm ir BoooieAVoogie. OR 652i. John E. Jones. SPANISH GUITAR LESSONS. Piano accon call after 5 P.M. OR 2-3409. 1 VAT E D R I V IN G Instruct-ons. KVni. PIANO LESSONS. OR 3617 20 Services Howard Electric ... V Phone OR 3-3571 ' ' or OR 2-3805 Commercial, industrial, residential wiring 468 S.E. Main Roseburg. Oregon CHILD CARE Mother Goose Nursery OR 3-8361 BICYCLE REPAIRING ORVILLE'S FIXIT SHOP 531 N.E. Garden Valley Blvd. OR 2-4511 Bikes Repaired Saws Filed "Rebuilt bikes at 2nd hand prices" city jycie tenter r.) 424 Winchester St. Vi Crane Service ERECTION work, concrete pouring. Cal Cliff Thornton, day or nlgnt. OR 2-2609 FOUNDATIONS, basements, house ralsino. leveling, repair, work F.H.A. approved. Ce ment, block work. Financing avallab e. Free estimates. OR 2-4345 cr OR 3-aSU. SMALL Appliance repair. Best stock of small appliance pans in uougias counTy. Trowbridge Electric. 721 SE Oak St. OR 3-5521. HUNTERS Save your skins (or tanning. loai, ijjg; gioves ana moccasins, ji.m. Tanning, 40 cents ft. Ross Glcvt Factory, mrriie -reen, urjyon. ROOFING New and repair. Free esti mates work guaranteed. Fisher Thorsen Paint Co. Call L. E. Bailer, OR -3-6042; W. E. Daum. OR 2-1571. MOTOR rewinding, repairing. All makes and sizes, txpenenced, competent motor man. Jlmmte's Electric Motor Shop, 359 NE Garden Valley Blvd. OR s-3t62. WINSTON LAWN and Garden Service. Land scaping! free estimates. Phone OS 9-5143 aner 3 p.m. ana evenings. CARPENTRY, remodeling, party rooms, kit chens, patios, house leveling. John D. Lor raine, OR 3-32S4 alter 4 P.M. REPAIR ALL MAKES domestic oil or gas heating syjtems.Ci union 'Heating, 1098 NE Stephens, OR 3-5460. CARPENTER Contracting house level ing foundations. Any type construe tion. OR 3-8020. GRADING and leveling; loam and rock de liverer can Paul casey. or 3-4018, 2231 N. E. Stephens St. HAVE YOU a porch, garage, carport, house or anyrmng to ouua or repair? Phone jonn aanDorn, us y-sjn. FOR FAST efficient plumbing repair ajrvlce, can liter t-roocn piumming to, Z44i w. narvaro. uk z-jjm. fi SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED no mileaaa: free estimates. Roseburg Sanitation Serv Ice. 19BQ NE Stephens. Ph. OR 3-3356. CASTLE AVE. MACHINE SHOP. Plow and mower sharpening, welding and general repair, a.w. lame Avenue ok 3468 DOZING, leveling) also shale rock, river ioam ana road materials, cnas. Keeley. ua voi if. SHALE rock for roads and driveways. Inv mediate delivery. Ph. C. P. Tallon, OR J-4U4U. CARPENTRY and cabinet making. E. Young. OR 3-7419. NORTH ROSEBURG KINDERGARTEN. 1553 N.E. Vine St. OR Z-3C63 or OR 3-7(49. ELECTRIC CONTRACTORS. Lansing ft Ol iver, uk j-owa. MOHR WELL DRILLING Jacuzzi whirl pool Pain. OR 2-232- or OR 2-3043. WELL DRILLING, or OR 3-4738. Cecil Storey. OR 3-8729 ALUMINUM welding. Winston Chain OS 9-5641. CARPENTER Build, 'remodel, repair cab- men. Knone os y-san. SHEET ROCK FINISHING, plaster, stucco. cement, paicning ana repairing. OH 2-4511, WEE i WISDOM Kindergarten. 562 Newton creek Road. OR 2-1210. BOB'S FLOOR SERVICE. You furnish ma- Tenai. we install, pnone OR 3-5460. PORTRAIT photographs and weddings. By appgmimvni oniy. tan, us T-etu. 21 Buildiigi Material Off Car Delivery SALE 10 Discount On All Orders Placed By Friday, Sept.. 30th Asbestos Roof Coating 83c per gallon in S's Car Due October 1st Gerretsen ' Bldg. Supply Co. FLEOEL WAREHOUSE LXJell It Cooper Stl. pnont OR !-!lH On. block off Diamond Lakt Blvd. Bargain Lumber Studs Dimension Boards Utility Grade Economy Grade $45 M $25 M Umpqua Mfg. Co. (Formerly Consolidated Milling) Hwy 99BR South OR 3 7411 Limited Time Only Random lengths 2x4 economy gde $39 Per Unit You Haul Lumber SaloOCo. OR 3-7362 Cardan Ve'iay near RR tracks A winner eerr time. No queetlrtn about IL News-Review clatcified ade brief flute resulte. Phcme OR -V2U 21 Building Material Good Usable Lumber ' ' I x t and I" sheeting. l I and I" CM. toi sub-floorlno Boards Shiplap V Rustic Dimension 2 x Vj and wider, as low as $25. LUMBER SALES CO. OR 3-7362 Garden Valley, near R. R. tracks. USED LUMBER 2I2, 3k 1 J. 4X12, Ixt, ill, 4X6. TRolan 4-2431, Riddle. 23 Fuel SAWDUST . Blower or Dump : WOOD Oak Wood Peeler Cort Planer Ends H" or 2') Slab Wood (green or dry) ROSEBURG LUMBER CO. Ph. OS M74I WOOD Block and slab mixed. Peeler cores green or dry. Sawdust Blower ir Dump Guy & Frances Gill Fuel 281 N. E. Douglas OR 2-1524 WOOD Peeler Cort Hardwood Blockwoon Dry Planer ends Red Diamond Fuel Co. -' on a-sow HARDWOOD Cut to Order 125.50 cord delivered. Phone OS f-5643 or OS 9m. FIREWOOD OA, Madrone. Old growth Fir. Heater and fireplace. TROian 4-253 or Sam M. Humphrey. Rt. 1 Box 58, Riddle. SIS a cord, you haul. O&C FUEL CO. Dry oak, 16" and 24" also, fir neater blocks. Ok 2-3304. LAUREL and oak wood for tale. OR 3-3604. HARDWOODS OAK WOOD. cut to order. OR 3-7950. 25 Farm Equipment Make Us An Offer BIG SALE Used Farm Machinery Must Sell Before Oct. 1st John Deere tractor with plow and loader 4f5 Howard Rotovator Ford bailer, very good Plow Dearborn 2U'a . Plow, 3 bottoms Towner ripper Hydraulie dour blade Dearborn mower, nearly new Tracksmake a track layer out of Ford or Ferguson tor oniy Case combine Oliver S grain drill HOWARD SEAVER'S at entrance of Iversons Feed Mill Phone OR 3-4991 Meyers Water Systems No money down. 3 yn. to pay on approved credit, compieie ensiaiianon ana repairs. UMPQUA TRACTOR COMPANY 2916 Diamond Lake Blvd OR 34567 26 Livestock Notice Wt can sow your bumad over paitura land now. For Iht bast Quality Airplane Seeding Jobs Get Oregon's oldest slrplant applicators. Just call . MacForlane's Flying Service SUTHERLIN AIRPORT , JIIJ r GRANTS PASS, GREENWOOD e-SSM. Airplane Seeding Call Gc-orge Felt OR 3-6743 Felt's Airport Calkinj Road REG. HAMPSHIRE spring bears and gilts. Deep conversion a no aaiiy gam on liner mates at Her mist on Experimental Station. Fall boars and gills. W. E. Crawford, GYpsy a-3357, GHdr WANTED TO BUY feeder and weaner pigs. Isadora inoa, uenerai ueiivery, Bandon, Oregon. Call Fllmore 7-7644. HORSESHOEING; horse breaking. Jack Adams, OY 6-6v. POLLED Hereford bulls. 2 Shetland colts. E . L. Paris, OR 2-4235. WANTED sheep of all kinds, also wool. TEmpte 0-9470, pram, .v nrown. WANTED Angora goats. Da r ley E. Ware. Phone OR 3-M7J. SELL OR TRADE for hay, Jersey cow. OS 9-5360. MILK FED baby beeFfbr your locker, 47c pound. OR 2-2465. LARGE burro she Is excellent for pack ing, petfor chlldren.OR 3-7027. WEANER' PiGS for sale. OS 9-5424.' H6RSESfortalev GY6-3.10. CALVES tor sale. UN ion 3-4368. 27 Hay & Grain L.C.P. PELLET MILL CU'tom rtU.llng. S miles .ait of Oakland on Elkhaad Road. L. C. Parrln. Phona JJU. Saled ALPLP"'rcoonr5(l WJ) morn, logs or avenlngs. H A V f-:.D SALE 125 Ion. OR 3 M. TRADE har lor shMP. OR i-imL ALFALFA MAY lor Wt. UN ion Hlii, 28 Poultry & Rabbits WB BUY LIVE poultry. Rosebura Psultrv day or evening phona Ot 9-5400. No tun day cant. 29 Pets PUREBRED PEKINGESE PUPS. 7 vreefcl old. OR 1 704 etter 4 P.M. weekdays. REGISTERED Dachshund pujjpies.tutherlln 3398. AKC REG. German Snepherd puppies. Excel lent blood lines. Cell OR 3-eaoo. NELSON'S Pomerantafi Kennels, (72 NE Al ameda. DOUGLAS COUNTY HUMANE Society Ant PUTMAN'SOYFwtrriaf Konnols. WlV Dur, Oregon. OH 3-SI04. DACHSHUND STUD SERVICE. OR 2-7261 GLt-NGARY Beagie Kennels. OR 3-7. CHIHUAHUA'S Stud service. OR 3-1494. COCKER PUPSTl wee OR 3-3064. POODLES, Call UNlon 3-'3638 Myrtle"7reek. CANARIES and cages. OR 3-8310. ' CUTE COCKER pvppies, S3. OR Milt. GUESS WHO..; , fee ' 'J ', Is marrltd to I carpantar. 29 Pets St. Bernard mala ' German Shepherd, feme la . , , TrKoilie. female Cocker Spaniel, mala Pointer, female Selection of mixed breeds males and ft males. 4 Collie and Shepherd puppies , , 2 Part Chow puppies 1 2 Cocker and Fox Terrier pups l 2 Cocker and Fox Terrier pups ; Cats mele and female, also kittens Douglas County Humana Society 9j no m.toni REGISTERED Sheltle Excepttonalty nice tor children, nappy vaiiey Kennel. OR 3-5804. TWO POODLE puppies I cream mala, 1 DiacK temale. Toy Dred. wyrtia creeK, UN 30J.. POMERANIAN puppies. Lu-EMn Kennels, Norm Umpqua Road. OR 2-2903. TWO GROWN female Siamese, S5 each. 1- AKC female Cftfhuanua OR 3-4223. SMALL BREED pups. loe children. OR 31 Sporting Equipment UMPQUA MARINA . v boats Mercury motors Boat accessories Motor repairing 643 ST E. Rose OR 2-1616 ROD & REEL Evinrudo motors Boat accessories Interlux paints . Boat trailer tires 1145 W. Harvard OR 2-2242 SACRIFICE 14' Fiberglass boat, motor and trailer; 35 H.P. motor, electric starter, up holstered seats; other tccessories. Excel lent condition. $875. 1151 Newton Creek Road. OR 2-1359; OR 3-3735. 9x12 WALL TENT, new condition, $30; 12 gauge muttle loading shotoun, excellent condition, $30. 28 gauge shotgun, part box ot mens, m. uk 2-14 atier e;jo. NICK'S BOAT WORKS - Satellite and Mo bl (craft boats, fiberglass boat repairs and reflnishlng. -V ml. So. Kelley'a Korner, OK 3-664. HUNTING RIFLES one 300 Savage model rt one 300 savage wnn 4-powar scope. OR 3-2894. 2305 Harvard Ave. next to frull stand. HUNTERS 6x8 metal canopy, "new. Built for '58 Chevrolet, $35. Also, 2 wheel trail er, cheap. See at 320 SE Pine behind Carter Tire Company after 5 p.m. CAMPING BUS gas range, Ilgh!s7r7 frigerator. Also wired tor electric. Sell, or trade for pickup or good piano. OR 3 5745. I 12 GUAGE Browning automatic sell, or trade tor double barrel. UN 3-3892, Myrtle Creek. 14 FT CABIN PetNscfafTTlkTng. MalTer". craft trailer. Terms, make olfer. Canyon Villa JE 2-453. . 30-06 SPORTER, ammo, 4X scope, altng, case. Excellent condition. $100 cash. Cabin 9, Herti Cabins, 2485 Diamond Lake Blvd. TELESCOPE RIFLl-SIGHTS if "bought from us we Install tree If gun It factory drilled. Umpqua Gun Store. BOAT and tra"ljer7150. Also extra " large 2-wheel trailer, covered, $140. Call JE 2-9320. WANT TO BE like Mike Nelson? SCUBA hour tank and single hose regulator. $60. CallOR 3-7148 between 4 p.m. rid 7 p.m. WILL SELL EQUITY Tn I4ft. fiberglass boat with electric starter, choke and SO HP EvInrudeOR jWS. 14 TRAILER, sleeps SButene eolpped"; water tank. $250, Carte Machinery, Myrtle Creek. SLEEPING canopy fits "high-bed pickup, 8 long. OR 3-4610. NEARLY NEW Husqvarna 30:06 with 4 pow er scope, paa ana strap, sno. or hjbs. CAMPING TRAILER, ready to go hunting. $150. OR 2-2950 or OR 3-7441. CUSTOM 300 Savage with 4 power scope siug, ok 3-39U, evenings. CAMP TRAILER' lor sale. OR -W7I after 7 P.M. 14 FT GLASSPAR boat. 35 HP motor and equipment. OS 9-5005. 15 FT GLASS BOAT, hardware, 35 electric Evinrude, trailer. OR 3-827C. 12 FT. factory built camp trailer $450. 4401 Nc stepnens. HUNTING TENT 14x16', 5 ft. walls. Phone or 2-1732. 2340 NE Stephens. 30:06. 1-YEAR OLD Jepe. OR 3-4983 32 Produce & Plants CANNING tomatoes St. 50 bushel ready pick ed. canning corn $1 sack you pick. Pickling cucumbers. OR 2-2958. S miles west on Melrose Road. No Saturday calls. CLING PEACHES $1 box. Williamson's, Wln ston section. APPLES PalTvarletles. Weekdays after 3:30, Phona OS 9-8663. Poresi Kairacres. GRAPES, many kinds, 5c lb. Dale Zeller, Look ingg lass-Brock way Ro0. FOR NEW APPLE BOXES, phone OR 6724. f Corn, cucumbers, beets. Schmidt's, arden Valley. TOMATOES, you pick. . 11 bushel. M. 6. Knapp, Garden Valley. CORN, tomatoes lend cucumbers! Ray Young, OR 2-2936. EARLY Cwyyi Brapes OS iHJ FUCHSIAS HarvaVif. ELECTRO -MART Used Specials $15 and Up Washers Dryers Refrigerajj) Stoves 20 Discount on the new appliances (Name Brands) of your choice. UPrecondltiond vacuums, $ 1 0 and up Repairs, ports, trades and terms ELECTRO -MART Cr Kirby Co. of Roseburg E 2161 N. E. Sti-phn. OR 3-6356 or OR 2 2214 32 Produce & Plants COME OUT to the Del Rey Cafe, end mane your selection of dahlia bulbs for delivery lateri alio see our hardy mums and cut flowers for sale FREEZING CORN canning tomatoes, to- maioes You pick. Peaik. cants, water melons. Other fruits enu vegetables. Har vard Avenue Fruit Stand SWEET CORN for canning or f reeling, alio,! Krtsui ceooage. m, u. Knapp. uaroen val ley. APPLES Jonathon and Orttey. Marsh Ranch, l mile west Looklngglatl Store. Phone OR 3-445. 33 Sewing Machines Today's ' , ' Best Buy! A repossession Spartan port- able sewing machine. Sold "new for 8)59.50. , Now' Only $39.75 Terms, of course. Guaranteed , -, , . by Singer, (. . , Singer Sewijg - Machine Co. 558 SE Jackson OR 3-7348 Fully Automatic Signature Zig-Zag portable sewing machine. 20 yr. guarantee. Only $99 Includes carrying ca'so $5 down $5 month Montgomery Ward & Co. 443 SG Jackson OR 3 5553 33A Musicel RENT A NEW HAMMOND organ on Ham mond's Playtime Plan for only $25 00 in cluding free lessons. Graves Music 5H JSE Jackson, OR -146 BAND INSTRUMENTS for beginning band students. New aid used. 3 months trial period for as low as $3 mo Rlcketta Music Store. OR 3-310?. After 5:30 call OR 3-6629. PIANO RENTALS - Wurtltzer spinets, enyi style or finish, SIS month Including free I lessons. ROSBURO MUSIC, 2441 W. Har yard. OR 2-391 of OR 3-2461. , MARTIN tenor sax. New, $357. now 1215 cash. Good condition. Call OR 3-6W4 eve nlngs after 4. : OLDS TRUMPET and casa 5; Hoi ton cor net and case $45; Clarinet Jean Revan,, made In France. S65. QR 2-3444. OLbUP RTGHT PIANO, $.00. OR 3-5244 9 to S P.M. weekdays. USED P IAN oT$100r Gravel Music, 516 5E Jackson, OR 2-1621. USBD TV'S, $15 and up Graves Music, 516 Jackson, or WURLITZER SPINET piano, mahogany fin ish. 3553 Sulherlln. 34 Misc. For Sale Beckwith Cycle Co. Schwinn & Evans Bicycles New. Used. Also Motorcycles. 3928 W. Harvard OR 3-8120 WESTiNGHOUSE L 8 washer. This machine has been completely overhauled. New trans mission ana moior. uuerameea w asyi, $135. Trowbridge Electric, 721 SE Oak S t O R 3-553 1. Big DIAMOND Will sell at sacrifice. 1.65 c approx., flawless mounted in lady's wedding set with v siae oia mortal. Ap praised at $1800 will sell for $1275. Cash. OR 3-7550. WE'STINGHOUSE true Temp refrigerator. Twin crispers, meat keeper, very gooa shape. Low price, $75. Trowbridge Elec tric. 731 SE Oak St., OR 3-5521. BILL'S BETTER Boards Build Better Build ings, west coast Building buppiy, z blocks west of Greynouna aipoi. uKcnaro ADMIRAL 14" portable TV. New picture tube. Just 'ike new, sra. irowonage Elec tric, 721 SE Oak St., OR 3-5521. WINSTON Sand and Gravel. 4-crusned rock, reject gravel, bar run and top soil, os 98493. fV SALES and RENTALS, dav OT weekly rates, call Kier Crooch Plumbing Co, 24a W. Harvard, ok OP SOIL from new location. The best you have aver seen no roots or weeds. Ralph Fisner. winiron us y-w?j. WINSTON READY M I x7Concrete to your1 Specifications. 05 9-5881, Or OR 3-8759, eveniags. WIZARD REFRIGERATOR cross-top free-j zer, self defrost. Sea at 1240 SE Cass, or phone OR 3-1830. i955i-"40'HOTPOINt pushiwtlon i oven range, $83. See at 433 SE Main, Room 1, 8 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. PHILCO Bendix washer, ecetlent condlHon, $110. Phil's Appliance Sales & Service. ORJ-1700. MlSC. HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE. Sell all or separate. Lawn mower and rake. Call after 5:30 P.M. OR 20169. WESTINGHOUSE electric dryer. New ele ments. Very clean, $60. Trowbridge Elec trle 72l SB Oalt StOR3553l. NEW "DAVENO, couch, and sw'ng rocker. OR 3-6047. 210 W. Berdlne. oil Circulator $id; double sink'ss. 124 Mosher. OR 3-8514. USED Combo-Crfb and mattress, axceUent condition, $20. OR 3-8650. GRAY DAVENO and chair. Nice and clean. OR 3-7419. ClKP new, S piece dlnefle set, $50. OR 3-4314. See to appreclele ROWLAND short wave adio, new, $40. OR 3-5381. YOUNOSTOWM 42" cabinet, singla"slnk. Ph. OR 3-8241. UTILifY'traller, 4x1 bed, axcatTenf condi tion. 4t3 W. 2nd., Sulherlln. Phone 3487. FASHION FROCKS ClNE, all sliesr Reason able. OR 3-7153. WESTINGHOUSE LaunVromnt washer, excel lent condition, $45. OR 2-356?. USED TV's, organs and accord I a ns. Graves music, 516 sfc jaexson. ok j-iai. PACKARD BELL H" "consola"TV, $4i. Trow- brldge Electrle,721 $G Oak St.OR 3-SS21. NEW, $122 gas water "heeteo Medallion, for $75. OR 2-3440. stovn 4 red and White chrome 2 pair lined drapes. OR 2-755?. ELETTl r i RIC STOVE ISO, electric dryer $75, or $115 for both. OS 9-ssu after 4. Many late models to choose from 34 Misc. For Sale Firestone Factory Seconds Safety Champions 40 Off Most Sizes 1 phis tax & Exchange Firestone Stores 1807 N.E. Diamond Lake Blvd. Roseburg, Ore. BIG SALE Used Furniture & Appliances RAINBOW TRAILER SALES' Old Highway 99 N. , Winchester OR USED FURNITURE Sofa beds, lit 50 ana up. uineiie sets, iwanreu ana spring s. Easy terms, free delivery. Judd's Pur nllure Co. 435 SE Jackson OR 3-5415. HUNTERS Delight, used 35 cu. ft. Zenith up right freeier and 20 cu. ft wmard freezer and misc. appliances. Financing available. OR 3-5144 weekdays, to 5 P.w. GRUENDING TKtape recorden mike, tape. direct taping cable. Usee; very little. I960 model. 1180. Don A. Fisher, Rl. 1, Box 42-A. Riddle. Oregon. 500 GALLON BUTANE tank; hey chopper on wheels. 35 H P. air-cooled engine; electric range. All good shape. OR 34513, 26M Diamond Lake Blvd. LICENSED REPRESENTATIVE Stark Bros. Nurseries. Home and commercial orchards. Shrubs, berries. Queries welcome. OR 3- 5321 after 5 or weekends. WE ALWAYS HAVE a fine selection of meotlanr annlianroc in trarU available (or your locker or deep freeze aHU appliances in Traue- at wholesale prices. Winston Lockers. OS i jj. SADDLES, "bridles, bits, spurs, whips, pack equipment, saddle pads and blankets, etc.. also moccasins bells ind buckles. Allen's Western Goods, 2 miles soulh Dillard. ELECTROLUX vacuum cleaners sales." serv Ice and supplies. Free home demonstration. Call J. . Newberry. OR W010 or OR 3-3591. DEARBORN gas heater, like new; 4 chroma bar stools. S44 SE Flint. OR 2-1129. Flint. OR Me?. 1959 WILSON freeir, 35 CU. ft. double door. Excellent condition. Call OR 3-t561 after 3 p.m. or Saturdays. WANTED Party to take over contract on Compact vacuum. V. L. McDowell, Box 22, Dillard, Oregon (3 mlls south). GENUINE heavy river loam. No rocr, easy to handle. For tna best can cnane Keeiy, OS 9-5117. TV SALES and rentals. Rent may apply on down payment, horn's Appliance 424 s- S! 'JOB, 3-3518. HOTPOINT t Cu. ft. refrigerator. Vary clean Left hand door. $85. Trowbridge Electric. 721 SE Oak SI., OR 3-521. KENMORE automatic washer with suds saver. Reconditioned and guaranteed. $45. Terms. OR 3-6549. B & M MEAT CO. Hereford lacker beet 39c lb. Cut and wrapped free. Custom cutting at reasonable price. OR 3-5U8. WESTINGHOUSE ranae. Verv clean. Deluxe features. Only $84 50. Tr-jwbrldga Electric, ri 5b oa sr. uk a-aaai. TREVA'S CERAMICSTree lessons. Green ware, paints, glazes. Outside firing dona Next to Winston Lockers. OS f-3133. FOR the best lob ot custom cutting, wrap ping and quick treating, bring your meat 10 win lion uocKers, us mij.. fwo21'rwheeis"andtire8"for 'model ELECTRIC WEstrNoQjUSE Voasler oven, $15. OR 3-3684. UTAH WOOLEN Mills clothes Four your leiecTion pnone us y-wy. low canopy, fits '55 and other Vi ton Ford pickups, $25. OR 3-6810. REFRIGERATOR and miscellaneous furnl- ture. OR 3-8413. WARDS AUTOMATIC washer, $60. Excellent condition. 660 W. Haggerty aner 6 P.M. tTbMPUETE'household' furnishings. All or by pleceOS 9-8829. KEN'S ROCK SHOP. Covington, Highland Park dealer.246 N.E. Chestnut US E 6A M E R iC A Nb rlt n ta Frug, 11' X 18'. Can be seen at Curtis Bros. LOCAL REPRESENTATIVE Minnesota Wool en Mills. Call for appointment. OR 3-4813. YEW WOOD and cedar POStt for 1 3-7237 or OR 3-3672. la. OR USED GUNS, bought, sold and traded. Ump qua Gun Store. " USED' CHAINSAWS. Winston Chain Saw PULVERIZED sheep manure. OR 3-3991. CEOAR POSTS. OR 3-3811. RAWLE IGH Products. Bowles. OS 9-S4T7 DRESSED locker'beef. OR3-8845. FULLER BRUSHOR 30391 JIFFY TOP fbr pickup, $31 OR 3-4636. OASRANGE, $65. 1335 W. Rosemond. WOOD HEATER. OR 3-3810. PORTABLE TV SS. OR 3-1321. CHEST TYPE deep Ireeie, cheep. OR 3-3SI6. 35 Wanted Misc. eVE PAY HIGHEST cash prices for uteo lumiiure. Koscourg rurniiur exenenge, 24 S. E. Jackson OR 3-5104. WANTED TO BUY Old china, glassware. furniture, jewelry. Prlsc'lla'a Anllques. 247 s.c. Jackson, or (van TED Old coins, guns end marble top turn. Priciiia'a Anllques 247 s.e. Jackson OR 2-1421. WANTED STEEL box frailer, 15 or 16 Inch wheels. Must be In oood condition. Call days OR 2-337A; evenings OR 2-1592. WANTED' TO BUY Good used furniture. ROSEDURO AUCTION. RB 3-S024. WANTED IV ton lontj wheelbasa truck. OS 9-5613. WANTED Coins. Oft y-4390 36 For Trade SADDLE HORSE, frool-end loader, farm tractor, new boat and trailer, antique din' Ino room set, 3-sectlon John Deere har row. Trade any or all for cattle. OR 2-2494. '59 FORO Palrlane 500 town sedan, loaded. Sell, or trade tor good older car. OR 3-etBM. TRAD6- "ttqully In 3-bedroom home" for eouity in 2 or 3 bedroom trailer. OR 3- 34M. POR SALS dRRADC, saddle anTTrldle. Excellent condition. After 4:00 P.M. OR 3-7IS0, TRADE equity In"-t960 Gambler for oTdVr car. OS 9-57Z5. EQUITY In 50 acre ranch trade for trailer house 30 or more. OR 3-3eeS. 37 Machinery ALLIS) CHALMERS model G true lor with plow, disc, cycle bar, bivde. cultivator and manure spreadttr. MaVe offer. Financing evaiieDie. uh j-hm weeroays v to i r.m. Sundays, after 3 PM. OR 3037. WANT TO RENT portable rock crusher uk -ntt aTier i f.nn. 33 Logging Equipment HO 20 CAT. equipped fo' toooino. Ettel- lent condition. WH eonstdr property or 7 for my equity. Jones Bros. Lowing, Canv m vmier TRUCK 'MOUNT Emoerf wy with ihovtt front, back hoe and heel boom. OR 23119. Stoo! Vou may Find Just What You Are Looking For On This Page. Tues., Sept. 27, 1960 The Newi-Review, Roseburg, Ore. 9 39 Timber & Sawmills Logs Wanted Peelers & Peelable Mill Delivered at Nordic Veneers pond on North umpqua mgpwfly. j mites easr Of Roie burg. Pot information call OR 3-455U Sutherlln 2232 or OR 3-406? evening. 40 House Trailers Consider the " difference between a Mobile Home built to a PRICE and one built to QUALITY. Drive Out RAINBOW Trailer Sales Old Hwy 99 N., Winchester (, Let us show you our quality MOBILE HOMES Honestly priced Factory guaranteed furniture up to 7 years to pay rent-like bank terms. FINE USED TRAILERS TOO OR 3-7272 Where Else But At JIM McKEE'S Could You Purchase A New 10x50 Fully Warranted Mobile Home .For $3995 You will find, also a9 Jim McKee's all cash prices are posted for your approval. Easy terms can be arranged if desired, 1028 N. E. Stephens OR 2-4221 EARL SMITH TRAILER HOMES CO. 1-2-3 Bedrooms. 15' to 55' MODERN AND PROVENClAL ROD AND REEL Hcnslca High Stylo and Plainsman VENUS ROIXAWAY SEE THE ALL ELECTRIC MODELS IS' Kamp Mate by Henslco COMPLETE! LINE TRAILER SUPPLIES 1M0 NB STEPHEN. OR HJM I'M 171Y CAMP trallar Oas and alaclrlc quipped, provincial interior, win sen equity at big discount. OR MOal or OR Jim. TT TRAILER, sleeps 3. Butane equipped water tanx. siw. tana .vacninary. rnyr tie CreeK. . 1956 3SS' 1-bedroom trallar. Sp.ce H 7, Nebo Trailer Perk. 19.9 ANDERSON TRAILER. 30', excellent condition, 11,400. call suthernn, 4796. Us Newt Review Want Ads a rnmm '59 FORD V8, Folrlan. sdn, '58 PLYMOUTH V8 club cpf, Fordomotic, RiH, one owner pushbutton dr R&H a luslr- Top MOOS ous b'clck finish "i'h spotless condition I O Interior. One owner cor with low mileage $140Q '58 FORD V8 Ranch Wogon, 0ny 1170 Fordomotic, $ 1 C O O extro nice U 7 U j7 pyrn0uth V8, Belvedere sdn. '56 Plymouth B.levedere, Hdtp, V".'""' $1298 R&H, auto Irani. QQQ n Q - New Nylon tires .. 7 70 CHEVFeJLET Bel Air, 2 it. '55 NASH Statesman Custom idn, ' Hdtp, powergllde, Rili new, with Hydraulie KQR Ca!T?u,,y. $998 brakes, Only 7 0 rebuilt motor .... 7 70 '55 Rambler Station Woaon, O'D, '53 PONTIAC idn, Hydramatle, R&H, brand tQOQ R&H flood 9Qft new motor 070 tires, Sharp '53 FORD V8 Qn., R&H on- '52 Bulck Super, 2 door Hdtp, ; M98 KlR.4.".- $398 , IMPORTS '60 SIMCA Super Deluxe sdn, only '59 SIMCA Wogon, tl10Q 6000 mile, ' 1nOQ like new It70 New car guarantee I J 7 O s smca $ '59 SIMCA Plelr. Cell .port, cor, Dll,u" "n " 7 T3SU $1998 '58SrL."$898 , PICKUPS '47 STUDEBAKER pickup with comper. Hoe bunki, stove and '51 DODGE Vi ton JOQO Bulane tank. Ideal JOQQ pickup 4 tpd. tram. 0 70 for that hunting trip. mm wm 40 House Trailers J & J TRAILER SALES 10 WIDES Angelus Great Lakes 1, 2 & 3 Bedroom A1RSTREAM , ARROWHEAD TRAVELEZ r to iv USED TRAILERS Reconditioned & Guaranteed , l Formerly Brady's Mobile Homes OR 3-3441 : Shady Point Trailer Sales Complete lines New end Used trailers. Campers. Travel Trailers- Mobile Homes 1 Ml. So. Hwy 99BR OR 2-IQg. Rod & Reel ' Trailer Boat Sales 114$ W. Harvard 0 x 40 TRAILER HOUSE. Sell or trade equity for furniture, all OR 3-3432 attar 4 p.m. 42 Trucks '57 FORD 6 pickup. LWB, new paint. Only 30,000 miles. Never oh pavement. New camper. $1395. 2nd house south of Win chester on old 99. . 1960NtERNATIONAL 'V T. pickup; ' V-9, -3j speed, Posllractlon rear axie, wide box, radio and heater. $1,750. JSIferson ii-2-437. '51 GMC pickup, $495. 1061 NE Newton Creek Road O.R 2-2995. No Saturday calls please. 1950 " TON 'Chev. ' pickup, new paint and tires. 1951 Vi ton Chev. pickup, new motor. CallOR 3.3441. 1947 '4 CYL JEEP pickup, 4-whsel drive. Excellent mechanical condlt.on. Good tires $500. Phone OR 3-4803. '52 WILLYS STATION WAGON, 4 wheel drive. good condition, box i, Gienoaie VErnon 2-5150. ' 5 INTERNATIONAL V ton heater, mir rors and posiiraction rear ana. uooa Duy. OR 3-7724. 1950 FORO "pickup, $3O0.tlarta" Machinery wynie creetc. 0 FORD H ton with canopy, $375. OR 3-3443. 1951 GMC pickup. 4 speed, a bargain. OR 2-3873. '50 FORD i ton pickup, $350. OR 3-7181. 1W TON stake bed truck. GY 6-3510. )9 WILLY'S pickup. OR 3-MI5. 1961 WILLYS Jaep pickup. Rt. 3, Box 630. 43 Autos & Motorcycles 1958 CHEV. 6 Fordor sta. wagon, 11300. Ntce, no iraaes. Nomina, aown on gooa credit. Also 1957 Chev 6. 310 Fordo. Finan cing available. OR 3-5244 9 to 5 P. Mi weekdays. D E A UT IFUL'J5-Ford Victoria Town Sedan, oeriect condition, sb.oqq mues, Dougnt ana "serviced In Rosoburg. By owner. OR 3-7162. 1953 CHEVROLET COUPE. Engine and run ning gear good. Need. Ilttlo body work. As Is, 1225. Royal Tlra Center, Myrtle Creek. 941 bODOE coupe, good work car, el so )6 ft. camp trailer, sleeps 5. Good con dlllon. Phone 3401 Sutherlln yr4p.m, 6 U R EQU IT Y i'n I960" Rambler. Less than 6.000 miles. Fully equipped. W.W. tires. OR 208 n . . . '57 FAIRLANE lown sedan' " clofin, gooi condition. One owner. OR 3-4452 or OR 3'33J6. WoPed MOTOR BIKE. Excellent condition. Call OR 3-6255 before I P.M. OR 2-233 afler; LATE MOOFI USED CARS WANTED Cash or trade for equity. ATEN & PHIL LIPS.132B SE SfflDhnna. 1955OLDSMbBILE "Fordor ."50 'motor needl work. Body okay. OR 3-5244 9 to 3 week days. WANTED, 1955 car for' my automatic wash er, dryer or relrlgeralor 2 sectlonalj, TV and coffee table. 102 Maple, Myrtla Creek. WILLSFLL OR TRADE equlIy in I960 Am bassador Station Wagon. Can finance bal nea". 702 Madrone, My rite Creek. TakEOVER payments on Lambrella motor scooter OR 3-392B. EQUITY for sale or trade In "'if Flat 500 Sport. OR3-7293. 1940 FORD Starllner, tow mileage. Real biiy. OR 3-4944. 1960 LARK HARDTOP, for u Call OR 20246 or OR 3-9701. tradew MOTORCYCLES new used. Deck wit H Cycle. OR 3-1120- DELUXE '56 FORD pickup, low mileage, rx cellent. Call OR 3-5621 after 3. SELL OR TRADE acuity 1956 Dodge sta tion wagon. OR 3-5656. i9M-MODELA"2 runso'ood:OR760l If 55" NASH, S800. Myrtle Creek, UM 3-K39.