Not eats' in Waiting-Lei ave You Money. OR 2-332' n If t nn km wani Real Estate ONE BEDROOM HOME tith an extra large, room la bawmenl, end 2 era lots. St r iweisment paid. Price $4,008 at ViQO down, balance $60 month, J BEDROOM HOME WITH FIREPLACE, ! mahogany paneled office or dent extra' lro utility With lott of storage, Buiif-iif mahoaany wardrobe an natrhinti hs.! room t in Master bedroom. Covered pa- lie wen iinescaptn greynat. $i,5Gfl. 7,5M buys a neat 7 bedroom ham en Ehftood Drive In Winston. Near new school. Only 7 years old ana hat had extra good care. Additional lot 45 x US' included, Sawer assessment paid. MEMBER, ROSEBURG MULTIPLE LISTING BUREAU Roseburg Realty Gr Insurance UMPQUA HOTEL LOBBY OR 2-3344 QUR SERVICE DOESN'T COSf IT PAYS1 Town & Country Real Estate 1344 S. E. Stephens Of? 3-448! THREE ACRES, 1 bedroom hem all mod ern. Good well electric pump, plenty of wafer for Irrigation, Good, free soil, 7h water alone li worth the pries. AH for 14500, $1000 down and $50 per month. Restart area. West Side TWO bedroom home, hardwood floors, all modem, sawer paid. Kftchen-dinefte area, utilities. Also 3-room apt. rents for $30 mo. All this for ta?5S, $2000 down and 7S mo. Why pay high rent when you can buy on these easy terms and be secure. Paul H, Krueger CALL EVENINGS Delberf Nelson OR M31S OR 3-40?2 WE NEED MORE LISTINGS FuIIerton Realty Close In LOVELY 3-bedroom home, large ll-dln room fireplace, nice bath, handy kit-nook. Gar age and storage, patio, outdoor fireplace, fenced yard, garden and fruit. Sprinkling system. Priced right $14,?O0, terms. $750 Down IMMEDIATE possession. Neaf 2-bedroom home, near school. City water and sewer. $7500 balance US mo. FuIIerton Realty & Insurance 123 N.E. Stephens Evenings Call; Die Wilson Dial OR S-3173 s Strout Realty Special No. 1058 10S acres, some timber. 2-rm. llvabla home, new roof. Well and new pr, pump. S2,5Q0 with $5 down. Exclusive Glide Area Ho. 104? New pumice blk house, and approx 1 acre, aft irrig. ft. umpqua river, Ex. Irg rooms, 2-bedrcoms, 14x15 ea. This home is on river ana Hwy. $11,900, Melrose District No. 1002 Real too home, with 3 ac. fine soli, Irrlg, well, 2-bdrms, trg tiv rm, fireplace, baseboard heat, Ufli rm, gar., carport, frt rm, shop, cone fdn for sm barn. A dream $15,500- Gi loan 4".a, Strout Realty 8R South OR 3-72S2 John C, Porter Mack Ford Morris CherrlcK S Bus'ess Opportunities Shell Oil Company Has Service Station For Lease In DILLARD, OREGON For Information, Phone OR 3-8653 OR WRITE R. . WILSON P.O. BOX 23, EUGENE, OREGON FIVE bedroom home, full basements alsa 3 bedroom home and ens 2 room apt. plus 9485 sq, ff, of ground. Located an South Stephens Street on S? business route, 3 blocks from old P. O,, S blocks tism bank and business center. Ideal location tor city motet, doctor's offices or dental clinic. Priced to sell. Good investment, OR 3-653J of OR 2-2283. CAFE IN SMALL TOWN with good payroll. Has good steady incom Busy hunting season just ahead: Pius $90 month duplex rental. Living quarters in cafe. Will ac cept some trade, RorCurg or vicinity. Write: Wagon Whee! Cafe, White Swan, Washington, Box 378. Call OR 3-437, Rose burg for further information. Service station property, leased to major oil company. Equity can be purchased 1or $1,900 cash. 1Ss relurrs. GuaranlePd rental pays balance ot mortage. Roseburg Realty & Insurance. OR 2-3344. FOR LEASE Stgreritation, trailer" space, cabins. Highway 99, excellent locaNon, Outnes CreeK Road, Aiaiea, Ph. TErraca 4-5334. WltL BUY real estate contract. Pay part with income property, balance cash. QH 5-4S2S. ARE YOU tooMns for ' a' oood'DUSinss- th imall inveitmenf? Soma financing, OR S-J33i, FOR SALE OR LEASE equipped beayiy sfxsp wJfft living quarten. In thrivia com mufiity nesr Roseburg. C?'i OS 9-S4S3. FOR SALEWag'sH FurnTturiansPWtns'tos Trailer Sales OS S-513!. 6 Loans & Financial FAMILY FINANCE Ham Owned n5 Oc?ated Laanj UO to S3503 On motor vehicles and furnifyr T SE Wasftingtoo OS 3-5551 PACIFIC FINANCE 644 S. E. Stephens GENS McCOY OR REAL ESTATE LOANS fa .S0O. Autan bile, furmfure anil sanafure taans. Conv merclsl lnsfus!r!( Corpcrahan. li 5E Oafc. O R JMJ. WILL 1UY smait WHer'a contract i at s'-f count ImmesJiata catfu Ca.i OR 3-tin or OS 3-aC9t Ut Newt Review Went Adi 9 Sleep, Beard, Rooms CLEAN, fyra::hed haws sleeping room for m g e mjn. ymnes psifl, 45 meats, 1451 i Snort Street. OR DEtiCiGUS name tscfcmg, mce roams. j Ann's &2&r$mg Hsyse, OS ROOMS o" sfinrksngTcfia in, 1341 Coyrt, SLEEPING ROOM, 732 5. . Jackson ne( cesr to Penney's. C ROOM and " hoard. QR2-ims ROOMS, OR2-23S2, 10 Apartments Todd Apartments OakhHI, Vista Homes, Winchester Court, Westvue Coyet, Terrace Apfs, t, 2, 3 Uedroom lurmsheS and imfyrnsshed. Nest ed pool. Rents frcm S?S up. Call OR OR 3-5431 ST OR 24503. Kohlhogen Apts, Jackson St. at Lane Ave, Modern, reassnasis rent AOULTS OR 3-324 "A GKrf P, fa Live" MOTEL UNITS ait electric with kitchens. Linens, utilities furnished, Winchester Mo tel, sold Hwy. s? NoJ at Winchester Bridge, UPSTAiRSturnUhedupie. Adults baby OK, Walking distance tram town, $50 ms, tm&re 124 Masher, OS 3-85H. ONEBEDROOM"COURT APTS, furnished, water and garbage service fymished. In quire Garden Valley iwksi, ONE-BDROOMapt,at biklhlli Apts. Heat and hot wafer furnished. $S? me OS 3-4340. UNFURNISHED APARTMENT three rooms and bath, carport. Ranga and refrigerator. Adults' Call OR3-707I. CLEAN, furnished apt,, all utilities included in renf, S45 mo. Suitable for bachelor only, - QRl'7m- SMALL furnished apartment In private home. Private entrance and semi-private bath. Women only. OR 2-4179 FURNISHED apart tffenf , adult s only, $50, Brockway Apis. 846 SE Brockway. OS ONE BEDROOM parity furnished apartment 3 miles north of town, OH OR 3-4311 or OR 3-4MI. FURNISHED, 1 bedroom duplex in Winston. Redecorated, clean. Water, gas and gar bage service paid, OS y-at aner a P-m. THREE ROOM apartment, close In, Reason able. Ail utilities furnished. 1038 S. E. Ful terlon. ONE 8EDROQM,furnhned apt., close In. Storage, Clean. Adults, 115? S, E. Doug las atfer S. THREE ROOM furnished apartment, $5$, OR 3-8235. TWO BEDROOM oupiex Mnfurnished apart ment. Nice and clean. OR 2-24?3. GLIDE-- furnished ! -bed room duplex. OR 3-3374. FURNISHED APT, for I er I persons. Close In. $45, Phone OR 3-3423 er OR 2-1245. FURNISHED l-bedrss s apsrtment; ASuiH oniy, $58. OR FOUR ROOM furnished, ypstalrs apartment. t5S? SE Hamilton ATTRACTIVE, furnished apartment far cou ple, ciose in. References. 1332 SE Douglas, TWO BEDROOM apartment, unfurnished, OH heat. 1556 ss. copp, can oh 3-36?g. room apartment with ONE BEDROOM furnished apt All utilities paid. Westhill Apts., 281? W, Harvard. 3 ONE BEDROOM duplex, OR 2-4053, 11 Houses UNFURNISHED 1 bedroom modern cottage with carport. No water to pay. Near Joseph tana School, $40 per mo. William son Real Estate, 115? N Stephens, OR OK d-4Ji, BETTER RANCH-STYLE home for rent or lease, 3 bedrooms, den, fireplace, patio, wall-to-wall carpet, utility room; paved parKing, west Kosebur? location, call LSt lie We$t,QR 2-3512, to S;30, MODERN, unfurnished 3-bfdroom house; targe rooms, excellent condition and loca tion. Fenced backyard. Not more than 3 .smalt children, Hsterencas requires, ssw. OR 2-3S33 alter 5, TWO ROOM modern cabin, gas range and heating, 7 ff. refrigerator. Good bed etc. Wafer and qarbags disposal furnished, Hartj Cabins. 2485 N.E. Diamond Lake Blvd. OR 3-3348, TWO BEDROOM suburban hams with inside ytility nd carport. OH heater, range and refrigerator H desired $55 per monm. Adults, OR 2-1a14;even;i gs, OR 3-8744. TWO BEDROOMS Wall" to wsil carpet ing, garage, corner lot. Adults perter red, per monih. Consider year lease. ?43 W, Nebo. Call Bill Evans, OR 3-8480, I, i, 3 and 4 bedrsum hsmas, incama lim its. Families, alsa single, elderly a5 sr over accepted. 902 W. Stantan St. oa 3-6S48, CLEAN 3 room house. Garden, modern, $52, Will sell m easy terms, t47 SE Eddy, OR 3-5321, FURNISHED, f-bedroorrs hoyse, Adylts, no psis. Call OR 2-111? after 5 p.m. 442 W, Kenwood, FURNISHE D CABINS BY WEES $10 and up, ail utilities Included. Pacific Msfef, Old !?, 3 miles north, rtvjne OR 3-??39, 5100 FURNISHED 2-bedr Mm "duple, avail able utll January 1st, Waiting distance te dovnfo-n, OR M534 FOUR ROOM house," fireplace," fenced yard! Some furniture, wafer furnished, $45, OR 2-4534. TWO BEDROOM furnished house. Electric heat. No small children. 5H S, E. Doug las. Phone OR 3-52SS. SMALL, modem 1 -bedroom furnished house, couple oniy. OR 3-453. UNFURNISHED 2-bedrosm duplex, redecor ated; water paid, OS 333$ Castle St. TWO BEDROOM unfyrnisbsd house, OR 3 7m. TWO BEDROOM furnisfted tisuse, I5S3 SE Douglas. TWO BEDROOM, unfurnished" house. Inquire at ?30 W. Bailf. ONE BEDRN30MFUSMtSHED cettagel Adults, no pets, OR 3-?4?4. TWO BEDROOM renlat OR i-U72. 1 2 Trlr. Parks & Rentals TIMBER TOWN TRAiLFR PARK: New sps ciss tests lor big trailers. 1043 concrete patio with pag for frailer, 223 veil ttpc inert? availafeie. Individual gat meters. OS 3-85??- WE ARE NO' landscaping lots to your in dividual tafe. Beaut Jut lawns and flow ers combined with t&nq 56 tf. bxcK from highway maes yoy tniof life it Ttmfeer Ismvi Trailer Parfe, OS 3-S579. W INC HESTER "TRAILER 'HARKrn&3em soaces, Paed gs-ounds, shade tres. Higr way 9 Na. at Winchester Sridge. ALA.V.EOA TRAILER COURT has psved streeti and cement psrchej, Reasabla rats. 531 Hf Aimda, CR fRAlLER" SPACET Walkng dblance la fo!t, Si SE SNsrt Street, OS 3-?tSS. 13 Misc. Rentals SIHTE OF S ts 1 rooms. Ofe room 14'x23 strert wvH on jaciiofi St., 300 It. fa court- hsye. Utra moSsrn Prscfc and glass; front, Air cs-idifening H desired, ftiit re mo2BI to su-t. Rents wtnsn reawn, pus: parting. CaiS OR 3-S1t3 or OR 3-I ee- R35- j OFFICE SPACE, cenit-r. Automatic heat; parking, f cr mare offices. Street level. Pnon annwerinq srvke aaslabs. Phone tehan Real Estate, OR er OR 3-66?! evemns?. PARKING LOT RENTALS I'avatiatJlt at Kohi h?tn Pjt sfsa Lot sf SS jscon ana ?.ner S. 0iiy per month. OS 3-134. . iLLNT OFFICE SPACE avaarJe na, ; U, S. Bants Sdg. PaaiaOR ltl' ftsrSTON" "Bayty shap. Ne eqipmsnf: in pDod location OS ? WSJ. STORE SLDO. gxx5 Njcatian tor mt eusmtfs, on Sfc Stepnens, OS 3-6134, 14 Help Wanted ATTENTION Hospital and A.&H, Agents We have a fabulous ne agents contract offering ynheard at commissions, up fa 50, with high renewals. Unlimited op portunity for advancement. Call OR 34153 TIME a,m, ts 1 jm. Assistant Shop Foreman And service order writer. Must know eats mecnanics, uood salary LOCKWOOD MOTORS INTERVIEWER wsnfd" (or ut timtele' phsne survey In October. Give phase number. Prefer private lint. Not selling Ob. Airmail tetter including education, wort? experience and names of rsterences to: American Research Bureau, Fteid Staff Department, Beifsville, Maryland. HAVE PERMANENT position ar eapasie Mm rnecnanic. Experienced tn alt phases of Chev, and Corvair maintenance. See or call Mr, Telford, Chev, - Olds Corvair Garage, Cotfags Grove, Calf WHitney 2 2H, LOCAL STORE has opening for sytside saies pespse maie or temaw tyii er part time. Car needed. Better than average earnings. Call OR 23311 bsimm :30 A.M. and 5:33 P.M WEST COAST Distributors need i men for new asverming sies program, m week guaranteed while in irsinim; then salary or commission. Call Mr, Hov, Damsmd 3-S271, collect. WANTED Experienced dieset toa tryck driver, alsa choker setJer. Appy house across from sosfoffice in CanysrsviHe, attsr WANTED at mice man sr smafj with car or Kawmgn eosmsii nearby. Boy m fime. Writs Rawieighs, 30i Adeline, Oakland, Caiif, MAN OR LAD wifh'aVttmeV vlnsT Myrtle Creels sr Canyonvlife srss, for Sunday Oregonian route. Write Sax W2. News Review, CHR1 ST1AN P ION EE RrkefsrSndynday School teachers wanted. Neiqhborhosd Foursquare Church, isa Rifle Range Road, Phona OR 3-m7 15 Work Wonted CONTRACTING, remodijilng, earporfs, cab inets, consfrucfion. at! types. Prse Es timates, Workmanship guaranteed. Phone OR 2-133 or OR 3-35. BABY SITTING, my home days. Reason able, OR 2-3??, CHILD CARE 3-5409, days. Reasonable, OR BABY SITTING My homa Day sr evenings, OR 3-g144. CARPENTER woflt. Reasonable. Smith. OR 3-8411, SHORT LOG hauling, Mule train sf sslo. Franco Trycking. OS 2-5343, NEW CONSTRUCTION and remodeling. Free estimates, rmne os 3-7334 er OS 3-?Sla, CAT WORK wanted. Oearlig, leveling. By hmr or contract, OR 3-411. IRONING Light mending tree. OR g-IOIS, ALTERATIONS. OR 334l SEWING, all PSS. euaranteed OR IRONING Rlversdale area." OR3-?i?sC 18 Instruction MEN WANTED TO TRAIN FOR HEAVY - - EQUIPMENT OPERATORS ANO MECHANICS U,S, Government spending billions for highways and construction. Tremendous need for qualified men. ; WE TRAIN YOU - - - Fill in Coupon NOW! News-Review, Bsn 199 West Coast Training Service Nama ... Ags ...... Address Phona City ... Stats Hrs, 1 work a.m, p,m, HANDS TIED? No High School diploma? American Schools, Our 43rd year. All texts and study guides furnished. For Informa tion wife: Southern Oregon Registrar, Ray Burtcett H Butte, reka, Calif, GUI! AS "TEACHER "steel" srstandsrd lead, ryihm or Boogie-Voogia. OS 3-4525, John E, Jones. SPANISH "OUlTAR "LESSONsTPiaW accom- paniment. Call afferS P.M. OR 3-3409, PRIVATE" DRtViNGnsfrucImns.sen OH- derman, OR 3-744?, PIANO LESSGNSTbR 3-4873 20 Services SMALL Appliance repair. Best stock sf small appliance parts In Douoias Coynty, Trowbridge glsctric, 11 S Oaic St. OR 35521. ROOFING New and repair. Free esti mates work guaranteed. Fisher Thorssn Paint Co. Call L, E, Baiiijv, OR W. E. Saum, OR 515?1. MOTOR revrtndlng"rspairingr" Ail" maiTesBnd sizes, Esqserienced, competent motor man, Jimmie's Eiectric motor Shss, 3 N Garden Vaiiey Bvd, OS t-3t2. CARRENTR Remodel InaTc lot he seiiseFs. party rooms., kitchens, patios, hsyse level- mg. tan strer 4 f.M.f OR 3-3354, KfcsfK ALL viASCS domestic oil or gas heating systems. Msmsan HeaMng, WH NE Stephens, OS 3-5SO, JONES PIANO SERVICE OR 3WS Players and raed srsans fes. Tuning mi rspairs. CARPENTER Csilractfng hgys imsh Ing faunjjatlana, Any typa csRSfryc lion, OR 329. SRAD1MO and tevetlng; team and rocKs ftvered. Call Paul Caay, OR 3-4tl S N. E. Stephens St HAVE OU a parch, garaos, carport, housa' ar anyfWng ts byfW sr repair? phsna! John Sanborn, OS 9-W. j FOR FAST efficient plumbing repair Sirvsce, call icisr Creech Ptymtsiing Co, lug w. Harvard. OR SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED np miiesg j frea sstimafes, Rosebyrg Sanlfaftofl prv Ice. fv NE Sepheni. Ph, OR CASTL AVE", MACHINETsHOPT'Ptow 'nd mower snarpeninsj, wetding and gerseral ) repair, gB2 S.W. CasfIa Avenue OR 344? ) Do'iNOf leveNng; aisssnal"-irocKr3vsV i losm and roaS material Chat, Keee. ' OS muz. I SHALE rscit for rssd? and drsv?ays, (m-1 me-Siat delivery, Ph, C. P, Tahss OR 3-403. I BOB'S FC00SFSfssTlarriHhma- teriat. We isstai Phm OS 3-S443, j CARPENT sy and cabinet maitfci Harry I E. yoag, OR PLANS Reienial "Designer. Sob OiS I man, OR 232?4. J NOR TH ROSE B URG K t N D C RGA PTE N H J N E. St- OR sr OR 3-7S, i MOHR VELL ORfttING Jsci whrt PQ3I festh. GR sr OR J-iMJ. og. OR 3-4302 sr. CARPENTER ByiW, remodel, repair cab inets. J'h&ne OS -S14. SHSET ROCK FIfltSH(N&TsastersiiCco'f crrnt, patching and repairing. OR 3-4511. WEE WtSDOM"Kmd5rgrfar5a ""Ntwten Creek Sosd. OR f-121&. SR PAINTING""- itriifnF"trifini spray. Free Eslsmatea. OR 3-?M. CAS (NET Kjrli an3 rns4ttff OR J-3431 20 Services CHILD CARE Mother Goose Nursery BICYCLE REPAIRING ORVILLE'S FIXtT SHOP 1 .E, Garden Vatia 8td, OR 2-4SU Bikes Repaired Saws Fifed RebyH t&km it HsnS prkB City Cvele Center FOUNDAfiON5Miements tmm ranstni, feveilng, rrpalf, WarK FN awrsve, Ce menf, block war. P-nac-ng avaiiabl. Free eshmafes, OR ii cr OS 3$$u, 21 Building Material Fibrgtass paes Fsr patis awnings, elc 13 calsrs, Ressi- )3f price ?2C ft, 8 SZ, iS5 33t tt. Parses Pioneer trickbyH 3-1 shngtes R9ularly $11.35 rmw $f,9S. Regular nm Seal Tab, $W5, Hot Wafer heaters Fawler glass-lined electric, really nice. Rf?g, $mn now $?3, Washers, Dryers, Freeiers Admiral $175 each, Plyscd, hldsj. fcsarsl, Psrwt, ctapbsard i Z3M sheej U it & rcg, SM, Walpaper U price Paint First qitallfy Schorn, ms'U by Dutch Boy, Reg, S.n now $3 9$, First puaiity Insifle rubbersa paint, reg, S5.99 S3.m Aluminum windows Get your toest price then sea m. Wood wmdaws marts ts ti, wt& mtrs csst. fhertto, Oregon Osm Sun, Closed Sat. Ph. 2U2 Bargain Lumber Studs Dimension Boards Utility Grade Economy Grade m M $23 M Umpqua Mfg, Co, fFarmerly Consolidated Milling) Hwy 99BR Sout1, OR 3-7411 Good Usable Lumber I I and 8M shetflnff. ? s S and V CM, 1m sus-floorlng Soards Shipisp Ryslic Dimension 2 x 4s and wider, as low as $25, LUMBER SALES CO. OR 3-7362 Garden vawy near R R. tracks, USED LUMBER '2xnelkl2 2s, 4s, TRo8EI 4-245 gJddfe. 23 Fael SAWDUST Blswer er Oyf?np WOOD Dale Wood Peeler Cora Planer Ends iW or ' Slalj Wood qreen or oty ROSEBURG LUMBER CO, Ph. OS -W4t WOOD Blocfc ami slab mlssd Peeler ceres green or dry. Sawdust Blower or Dump Guy & Frances Gill Fuel 2S1 N. E, Douglas OR 24524 WOOD Peeler Core Hardwood Dry PJair ands Red Diamond Fuel Co OR 3-S0 OAK WOOD cit to order dry" greeni aisa oak posts Will deliver, OR HARDWOOD Cut to order nt.m cord sJeiivereoU Phone OS -5443 sr OS -5?o?. pl R EWdOD"' Oak," Madrone, Old growth Fir. Heater and ttrepiaee, TRoan 4VM or Sam m, Humphrey, RL 1 Bm St, Riddle, OSCFUEL- CO,Dry "oaksand 14'. also, fir heater b'ocks, OS -3304, LAUREL and,ik30l"s?a5rbs T5m4, HARDWOOD" cyt ts order." OR3-?SS0r 25 Firm Iqylpment Meyers Wafer Systems tpooiey torn 3 yrs, s psy appred CfedNt CsmpWs )5t3ssn srt repairs, UMPOU TRACTOB COMPANY SIK ft. Ipteroalieal emm env d(sct OS S-m 26 Livestock Douglas Livestock Market Wilbur Oregon EARLY CONSIGNMENTS Far Thursday, Sept. timi lot good whttefate stacker ca! 1 Inl af stesrs and heHers 1 load yearimg steers and heWars 1 isad fat heavy calves Yoy will ahe find feeder lasrbs, breeding es, -iter and leeder psg$ aad day sIS cala, SALE EVERY THURSDAY I For turther (ntarmsts, call: OR 7-mn sr Myrtle Cfsec, UM wn Airplane Seeding Call George Felt OR 3-6743 jreus iurpon tira nuau I : I WANTED TO BUY feeder and weaner Pfps BEAUTIFUL ifMta Whh and artrr hers. Vel trained riderial for chil dren, OR 3-120. WAMIEO pasfua tm t 'saddle" horsest OR HOHSESHOt IN& r tefia ifsaMng. jack Adam?, Of a-3Ji. FOLLEDHreforsf barStlan COltS. E. L. Paris, OR WANTED 'shssp ot s(t "kinds, also wool TEmp'e Drain. At Srot. AT STUD Aopass wi marked. Aens Western Ooms, ? mes oyth Diilafd. WANR )GS for sate. OS Uli J GENTLE "ief5 cs- OR 3-4??,' 27 Kay Grain LtP. PEtLET LL Csiom rmtes est a OiHnd o-i thead Soad. L. C. Perrin. Fnone inn. j SALED ALFALFA. R. Cwmt DR 3-s23 ms?n- ' NAY FOR SALE n OR 3-SM 23 Poultry & Rohbifs WE SUY LE jlr, Pz'-.t$r fjny sr evsnwig irfion OS No Syn- dy ras. MEAVV "COLORChcrr'i Si iftOR ROASTING ffwipg fie"s"n )rT""l ch, 5VfOf tales. Cm GUESS WHO,,; GROCER . 11 - will run infs an sld bsy friend, REGISTERED Dachsh ptWHft. SuHwan1 3 - , j Hfcj, mmiaiiira DsjtewM pppNes j 3-SJit. j SOLDEH HAMPSTERS, phone" J48 st: ummmi, REG, Ch'hahas puppies,- sss sfil iylce, Oraln, Orran, TEmpie MKft AKC REO. iiermal Shepherd' piiKiiiEiei- len berf Ones, CaII OR S SMfl. NELNSPamersntan "Kanngii, a73i Ai ameda. DOUGLAS COUNTY HilMAMS SiClity Ani mal Shelter. OR -3W?. PUT WAN'S Toy Fss Trer Kawwis, Wil bur, Oregon. OS p6meSan(an u'ppir"iS-fVi5 kSJHS, North Unqs. OR aid. Have hud sftss. MM, 3ACR)FiCEtVm3le coi)sa SiK "oS3-?l, THOROUGH Bft ED BgaglesTOR "feMr"" S(A,V.ESEICITJENSr OS -. CUFE Cscfcer "Wepfes, fir'OR2-IW, DACHSHONO SI UD SERVICE QjR Zm$, GXIMGARyBertqi KeWisuOR3-iTW; CHIHUAHUA'S iud service, OR3-Mfl, COCKE R"pUPSriWfcTPR " POODLES, cm VHim "3-Mj'f Myrtla Creek. PAPPiLfONS tef 'iaN! 'm each," OR3-tW& CANARIES m4 "cag. OS 31 Sparfing Equipment UMPQUA MARINA Skagit ooat Mercury matsri Boat acc?5!0'j5 Wssr repairing 643 S, E, Rose OR 2-1616 ROD & REEL Evinrudo motors Boat accessories Interfax paints Boat trailer tires 1145 W. Harvard OR 2-2242 Hunter Specials New camping trailers In stcck, mm 10 off. Can te ffnaices Wag's Trailer Sates, WiiMiOH US Hiifi, FOR SALE or tratie r Cllppercratt Mon terey iuii canyas, twin Johnsons, dyai remote cantrais, ev-y mim. My tojty NICK'S BOAT "WORKS 'SsWttm m$ '2 bi?era fesaN. Mtmralu iafr reHniihbn. mi 2 a. KeHw's Kanw.i OR IS FT- SKagrt Ftosrplass ryosbsyf, corryMota tf upholstered. Mi ri Mercy ry hp, rfislsr. Mass efer. Cad OR 3-iA TELESCOPE RIFLE SIGHTS iff iUDht aboyf. Lss af aIras. 35 HP, mcrfgri fralt- ar,PrEd rtghf, OR i-SSW alter S;, M s 'ft 'WOOD RUNABOUT BOAT art raK- ar ?5,0 er fratfe far gssd shstgysi m Har.OR SOAT and frailer At csiraIars3s ?-rtseal irairtr cwareds CaM JE GUNS- dear rifles shrtgus. Ctose-strf prices at Ptt 4 S.E, Cass St CUSTOM Savage "with 4 pswir scapi O 1-3M3, avenlsat. CMPfRAtLalatO."o'RrTi' j p.m. M FT GLASSPAR bmt, 3S mslsr isl ewtpmeot OS fM$, 1S T GLASS BOAT" h'ariwmrjfe 35 slJrfc Estoruda trair, OS imW WANTED LiqM car-fop boalTCasfiTciH OS WiOS attar S P.M. W FT, Tsi iIar, MS? No, Sehe, 32 Produce & Plants - DELICIOUS Improved ElbcrU peaches, canning corn, iocai waicrmcions ana cantaloups, also, tomatoes and beans, FSED SURK$ SLUE FSU1T ST4N0 ON OLD Hwy. to PlHarsS, FREEflMS CORN canalng pmape to- mafoe yeJ pick. Pears, cants, aer mzmm. Other frtiiti errt vegetaWaa. Har- canning" TOttATOES st hmrVhrnciam, 7c m for d(s ffc to er assets, Canta isypss ang waferrse;ori$. OR j-wh tv. nings essss? FnSa aa Saturday. CANTS. SWEET CORN sflyash, othar vg;. jsses. -?ssn pncas oatty, i-ccn Ranctfc BAhTLET r PEARS. $t and p, MariA ancn, eosggHass. GRAFES7many knds, Sc Lss inoo wss-S rack SLOE LAKE fteans, Vm pick. Sc lb; pick. ; e?ssr, k io. ari sma, us s-314o, ii$r-nk&&&mhmriiz, FOR HEW APPLE COMtCE pears, S. A, ajr.tsrt, SQX OP JBO, Car, cymserfc feets. Scftrnfdf'fc Ssrsias Vally, l i T Vrr 29 Pets ELECTRO -MART Used Specials $15 and Up Washers Dryers Refrigerators Stoves 20 Discount on the new applionces (Nome BrondsJ of your choice. Used reeomJisned cuum $10 spJ up Repairs parfs trades and terms ELECTRO -MART & Kirby Co. of Roseburg It 41 N, E, 5wn OR 3-6354 or OR 2-2214 32 Prodyte & Plants 'KrOEi.ssfi?iCis--22:'34 Misc. For Sale i Section, i mdes ssuth lurn Imi n Wmmm i Br,dg. Rsy m?mt. TOMATOES " yoy pkhCaOS WI. 33A Musical ENT A NEW HAMMOND srganr s& sm-i mmm' (airffme Plan tor mf Yti m s'umg ttm ksss, QnMs Kmmcf H St iasm OU -3 OUALT guseher a(to HiTm mm P LESSORS. lriMt tercfS-iby $m w. htfvfc mm in m mmm c ' t-s IMS TRUfctE WS tm lSa&iiii"taS Sres OR 3-3KJ, Aer J; call OR l-jWJES SE JackB IMANU "rtEMTALS Wurittm ne?s, ay ard, OR l-WI s? OR CONCERT SNAElsnriiip?artIS iiSd otos"TRUA.pTirf"ca mi co. mad Frae S.OR 1-i-U, VT?i" toy 'BuHaf cttr, "ROSELLrissrtlii-aiM'"iaf USED PIANO S1-Sras"iiu5e7if Jsckon, OR wai. USED TV'S, S aJ 4 JSJscsiR usep PIANOS asi orpii Grais MaSi. 5iaSE Jack. ORWf, S F I. A f C L AR i N BTwmZf MWl 1, 1M Bass accorpta, ?hm OR, OLDS CLARINET." i7S."ORW14. ' 34 Misc. For Sole BIG SALE Used Furniture & Appliances RAINBOW TRAILER SALES Old Highway 99 N Winchester ELECTOLUK vcom cleamrs sates, isr ice and suppllsm Frea damanrtrathm. ca j, is, wgwoerry oh s-w w or 3-35H, 5TRATO LOUNGER wirh vibrator, w leather and iyrqytf ika mr S Gym SiSi, OR WEDGE WOOD os ranoej; BTU gas trnace? ot mmmm mm, mw Motor Sarvice TBola 4H, Rlddla, Cr, FOR SALE pr (rafla ptwooS mmp&r s 3 cr iw pjosup, rrssria or 3IW OR PLAYHOUSE, hartfgrosrt fls-srjs electric over head Hams and watt ptis m 4 S.E. KEMAHJftE atirtmatlc washer with ju Jj saver, geconrtttleped and Byaranfisatf, Ji, terms, J-SM?, TR EVA'S CERAMICS. Free lessons. Gnm ware, paints, fl(a?es, tMHm firing Nt lo Winston Lockers. OS f-SlM. FOR fhs Best (os zmmm cutting, wrap pWfl aM treeimg, brmg pyr iiMrt to Weston Locfcers, OS f-SIKT, BfLt-S BETTER Boards BIW BOis? B ins. West Cosst oyiwinfl Supply, a ptorts wsr si Greyhound Ufpsf. OBrtara I4, tete. Just like new, $, TrWrtd9 Etsc - tr, ii uas m u k Wt: SSTON Sarrt ana OraI, .mm4 rsrt rstscf grat, bar mi a 1 05 Ml OS? f . TV SALES afl EHTALSs &m srwSiM ratas, call Kter Crsoch Pteturtfeg ,4ii W, Harvard, m rOP SOIL frem IscsMoa, TJ tsi' ym haa a? san no rash sr ve-ed galpft Fhiisr, Wtortan OS Mfl WINSTON REAOY MIX, Coocife te tour spcWlC3pns, OS itiU sr OH -i??f WSTIHGMOOSE ,nnv. Vary cteas Potass teaWres, Only TrwbrWH Eitctrlc GENUINE taw riar tes mm Jo hand). For fhs call Cwrls JfiatSfs 1 OS V-SI17 HOLLYWOOD liss wm sng mMWztit immrsrlm mattrmzi Kirbf ctesesr MAHOGANY-5iisiililii"jSEt is Wi ?pash)sa sMf Crtfss toto fabl tarr, OR 3-4rt, i mrnsmsmmsi mV?m Ileum Fhwst CS Left hand door. SIS. TrowfcrXSQ lcirc. S S m EAT CO, Hereford tocr bsf cytttat a rmmmbi pries, OS S-IWB, EFg)GE?ATO, $j a?t w Ittf s- STATION WAGON pad, Iu99e rack imaii baby bed, WHlfrad, or TO WESTlRdWUSE Laynwwfc m'twuMt, OR CANOPY, 'Wrifcair m S H Farti Narga rafrtgarsta-j $S ndt. OR SM, ELECTRtrftANfiEf iaa matchTr rpc ar, a washsrsj wsset h?aar, OR 7-'Vj7, LOCAL REPRESENTATIVE Minnesota Waef- ep MII( Call tor apprtterf OR -W USES SUNS, boutf mm sn$ trjjrs, Ump- CSfeO CHAIN J-A'.VS. WfwNW WaMl law OS -M41. FASHION FROCKS LINCTN llm. RMOf ysEO TVss, mgm m accardlasv raw tosK sia se jasssa j-tt. POOL TABLE slw, A-l cadttto, Sterea mi Wabear President OR 1-314. PACKARD BELL 14 contelc tV, MS. Ttw Jsrfdoa ElactricTn SEOafcSt, OR J49, S YEAR SABY CWS, WW ItaMtWl, IJJ OS -4HJ, FULL SIZE AA7TRESS ilk s, OR 2-3SM, UTAH KWLEN (Hs cfafhas Fow ysur wecNOni pja os v-v'-.t. NEW,"ia gaswatr dssur, attta tor ?J, OR t-3449, FOUR pool tabtefa tlfigMsacfc OS FLASH ca'i J? OS Mfft SOY'S tWs, cs- Ofe J-tf, FULLER SHUSC Oft5rt USED"ASHLEY -5y heater, OS -$tW. CE DAS- POST S OR 3-WI I SAWLEOM Frpi H$wfM OS HOT fiABY SU5CY cs(t cjgjtftttas. S-tH MANOmAM (aiAs. OR 3-SfC'J- Many late models to choose from 1 Tub,, Sep, 20, I960 The Now Save $40 On a la Cu. ft, Kefnsvratur Krrexcr 103 Lb True Frc?er Only $229,95 This werk only ai SEARS I ROEBUCK CO. i 0tt 3 s-"3 USED TV's Bady to a, Viry ReosMobiy priced MONTGOMERY WARD 443 SE Jackson OR 3-5553 Beckw Schwmn & E! New. Usetf As mi W. Harvard USEO"mffl BTJ C! nace o( red sad sr mwc s, ch-chss, gra strfc mt r IlaCK and grcj Ey terms ' 3-WIi J FORD (iki drHs orates, Ca antennae. 1 h drap ady- f ma, UM 3-; HUNTER SPEC AL ripM trmw Phll'a Arttocs as HAVg PURCHA-E3' va nr ajrt t Inpimii wsher i; dtttat, remmmsB WESTINOOLIE L Threa oaa 153? S' 50. Tr; a; - t ; O' ft: ca 3 i gsM dresja 'c tor hM Sfsphsnt, ii' 5W"6aLLC 0 JTANE ; 1 . 7;. . WilS 7 5 MP. a rsr58. A 1 rcc: !" Dimmm4 t&m FULLY AL"TGVT c spar pcf ? r 2 'rt and ctw - ami pa-ps : UCEHSEH Nurseries a SftmttSs fcare, SJ21 affr i 2- , "3 nj tpf J WESJINGS Stops, Lor p; WH ALWAVS Hi aaiiasrs F::" v wm ASHLEY vtiM 1 MX 35 Veiled Mist. AY HGHEST Cf5i S'-O'S iar W tomStorfc gstotfrg Family Eschanfl WANTED TO aUYTrtW SsrtiTTillWsSaA w. ":s t ?-i'v( tandala, Ormun T E i:? tre3 TO BUY - Gwmf immfmS Vi2 MHO AyCTlOW, SR ASTD WNDOLPM ar"hrtlar wawfe ; fc-atfor OR tWO ATeo ysrt awtesd iaragiid v 'hi Nrflii?s Call OR tmt. T ttrsjOj-jm WDPLS HORE. fcsrt-esfl tadar. lifm toi tmm mh utiim jste Dse TWO HOEI SB sss tor pita 0m UWJ aJJtr 3F MceMnery S-f CAT Uiit wrf esy egs $iW8t to Fsrt ifmim am i UN aSftf, Mfrlt Cratk. FJS-3-y m OS -K-J- 38 Lcfpng Equipment HD 0 CT. qSBsesI to fagBtaj, El as Valtoy, 39 Timber & Sawmills Logs Wanted Peelera 4 PeeiobiB Mill i v (! ' m ir M ci' a n v n f ' i ps-ifl ai w b-'''"i Umpfl g f J rr m Sis' t B Fj' r i".-' - I ? t CR jTe.rr,-n ?7j? or c? rvf- SE.L OR T- J'"" 5 X. M a h r5g mr e li Tcr no " a o . t 1 : of- -n vu. E "rs Ot W Bi-r B C f -1 n WANTED W;-; a U r'F g - gr - p o i 43 Hou:s Trr' '(!'. 'C'B-MJ, it;, -i.C'I ' 5', fr' i( fcg d lIvif CR i ift e tpa ll - r c i i - - i A ifir tiri, r,a, b; KIT ,j-E i AE t 1 i ' p - I S l 1 - c, v 1 C-a wi . 7 S I t A i- r Ca W M 1 i . v " a .is" x I ' ; co-c ,;fr-., ea1. i ." i. t:-,i WW 35'lr "a tr, $cj:i m .', s- 1 r a i e r Par, EVERY VVEE IS THRIFT EE IN WANT ADS - Reiew, Roscburf, O 11 40 I'yjts Tr::!:rs tr. our Why Nt Drive Out RAINBOW Trailer Sales Let us make you a deal on ona of our quality MOBILE HOMES We will fake your furniture and appliances in trade. G've you ronf-Iike bank terms, and up to 1 years to pay. Good used ones too, both Sand 10 wide. 5ws us for raSwWs TOWING or - r: Where Else But At JIM McKEE'S Could You Purchase ' A New 10x50 Fully Warranted Mobile Home For $3995 . Yoj will imAf oto of Jim k :Kee's oil cosh prices mo pasted for four approyah Easy terms can be arranged if desired, 1 0SS N, E StopJwm OR 2-422 J & j TRAILER SALES 10 WIDES Angclus Great Lakes 1, i il Bc-iraoms AUtSTHEAU ARROWHEAD . TRAVEI.K2E If USED TRAILERS Heewiitlonesl 4 CuaniiMiTd ffmwnt Brutr mmiM Xmmm OB )M EARL SMITH TRAILER HOMES CO. M-J Bedrooms. IS to SS" UODEBM AND PROVENCiAL HOD AND HEEL Htnslee High Style and Plainsman VENUS ROLLAWAY SEB TMS AU. ELECTRIC OOEL IS Kitap MatB by Hensles tmimmB LINE Tll.F SUPPLIES IM NB SIEPHEMS OB W Shady Point Trailer Soles CgWfc Tirwrt rrj;taffs tfittto Hmim Trucks 43 A'jlos f,:t3ftycc3 ' -' - n taiamca. Ta MBsra i s .A i n '""."nil, R". s r i' WMVENSM. MlKT