No 'Cents' in Waiting-Let WANT ADS Save You Money. OR 2-3321. 11 Houses UNFURNISHED 1 bedroom modern cottage with ctrport. No water to pay. Near Joieph Lane School. WO par mo. William ton Real Eitate, 115' NE Stephens. OR OR 3-m MODERN, unfurnished 3-brdroom house; Ursa rooms, txceilent condition and loca tion. Fenced backyard. Not more than 3 smell children. Reference required. $100. OR 3-3033 atler $. TWO ROOM modern cabin, gas range and heating. 7 ft. refrigerator. Good bed etc. Water and garbage disposal furnished. Hem Cabins. 2U N.E. Diamond Lake Blvd. OR 3-J3AI. TWO BEDROOMS Wall to wall carpet lng, garage, corner lot. Adults perler red. $90 per month. Cons' der ) year lease. 741 W. Nebo. Call Bill Evans. OR 3-WW. C2 3 and 4 bedroom homes, income lim its. Families, also single, elderly 45 or ever accepted. 902 W. Stanton St. OR 3-S. U N FUR NISHEO. la rge 2-bedroom home, small living room, lirepta'-.e and electric heat. $7$ mo. J 144 N.W. Highland. OR ?-4344. ONE, could be 2, bedroom house in 1700 block on South Hamilton St. ISS per month, unfurnished. Williamson Real Es tate, OR 34303. UNFURNISHED 2-bedroom duplex, newly decorated. No pels, MS. 1607 SE Eddy. OR 3-7983 alter 5. SMALL, unfurnished 7 oedroom, S45. 98 Willow si., iw anane Keai csiaie. uk 2-344. CLEAN 3 room house. Garden, moderA, SSJ. Will sell on easy terms. 1647 SE Eddy, OR 3-5M1. TWO BEDROOM rental. OR 3-3672. 1 2 Trlr. Parks & Rentals TIMBER TOWN TRAILER PARK: New spa clout lots for big trailers. 10x40 concrete pnlio with pad for trailer. 220 voir elec tricity available. Individual gas meters. OR M579. Winchester trailer park modern spaces. Paved grounds, shade trees. High way rt No. ai wincnesier linage. ALAMEDA TRAILER COURT has paved street and cement porches. Reasonable rales. 581 Nc Aiameoa. uk i-tn. TRA fLERSPAC e7 Walking distance' to town. 1451 SE Short Street, OR 3-7105. 13 Misc. Rentals SUITE OF 5 to 7 rooms. One room U'xzT street level on Jackson St., 300 ft. to court house. Ultra modern brick and glass front. Air conditioning If desired. Will re model to suit. Rents wltnin reason, plus parking. Call OR 3-6193 or OR 3-6091 eve nings. parkingTot RENTALS available at kohl- hagen Parking Lot at SE Jackson and mosner Sis. umy oer monm, j-o". AVAILABLE OCT. 1, "store building on South Stephens Ave. A-1 location for cafe. OR 36134. EXCELLENT OFFICE SPACE available now. U. S. Bank Btdg. Piione OR 2-24J2. BUSINESS BUILDING tor rent, S55. 245 SE Jackson, ok WINSTON Beauty shop. New equipment in good location, us v-aj. 14 Help Wanted Assistant Shop Foreman And service order writer. Must know auto mechanics. 000a salary. LOCKWOOD MOTORS WANT a business of your own? Dependable man or woman needed to supply consum ers with Rawleigh Products. Buy on credit pay as you sell. For oerans wrue kbw leigh's, 306 Adeline. Oakland, Calif. CHRISTIAN PIONEER workers, and Sunday School teachers wanted. Neighborhood Foursquare Church, 152 Rifle Range Hoaa, Phone OR 3-7297. VACANCY has occurred within the custodial staff of School Dist. No. 15. Any party Interested snouia coniaci wr. wm. c. u ellen. Days Creek Schoot, Immediately. LOCAL STORE has opening for outside sales people maie or temaie iun t,r nart time. Car needed. Better than average earnings. Call OR 2-3381 between 9:30 A.M. and s:30P.w . VniiNfi-WOMAN-No experience necessary Will train. No phone calls. Honn's Clean ers. 1019 5.6. Douglas. WANTED woman lor ct.lld care, my home days. In Winston section. o -y5. RIGGING MEN, cat skinner. Phone Gypsy a-3271. REAL ESTATE salesman or saleslady, FULL TIME. Call OR 2-3444anytime EXPERIENCED salvage cutter. Call after 7 P.M. OR 3-7859. 15 Work Wanted CONTRACTING, remodeling, carports, cab Ineti, construction, all types. Free Es timates. Workmanship guaranteed. Phone OR 2-13S9 or OR 3-3725. EXCHANGE carpentry, cement, sheetrock and painting or what hav. you, work tor pickup Jruck. OR 3-4643 Will do baby sitting In my home, also Ironing. OR 3-5114. BABY SITTING, my home days. Reason ablt.OR S-3767. YOUNG MARRIED MAN wants work of any klnd.OR 3-B314. CHILO CARE days. Reasonable. OR 3-540 BABY SITTING My homa Day or evenings. OR 3-8144. CARPENTER work. Reasonable. Smith. OR S-MIK ; SHORT LOG hauling. Mule train or solo. Franco Trucking. OR 2-3343. NEW CONSTRUCTION and remodeling. Free estimates. Phone OR 3-7234 or OR 3-7516. CAT WORK wanted. Ctearhg, leveling. By hour or contract. OR 3-4119. SELF" LODmG-short log truck tor hire. OR 3-4647. LAWN LEVELING, plowing Wid grading". OR 3-4732. HOUSEWORK by day. OR 2-3S30. IRONING Light mending tree. OR M01S. CHILD care, reasonable. OR 3-8344. ALTERATIONS. O R 3-3488. SEWING, all types. Guaranteed OR 2-2766. I R O NIN G ft We r sd ale area. OR 3-7879. WILL-DO day'work. OR 3-7793. 1 8 Instruction HANDS TIED? No High School diploma? American Schools. Our 63rd year. All texts and study guides furnished. For informa tion write: Southern Oregon Reqistrar, Ray Burkett, 416 Butte, Yreka. Calif. GUITAR"fEACHER "steel orstand.irdTiM0, rythm or BoogieAVoogie. OR 3-i5Ii John 6. Jones. SPANISH GUITAR LESSONS. Piano accom paniment. Call after S P.M. OR 2-3409. PRIVATE DRIVINGinstructirns. Ken-Lin derman, OR 3-7447. PIANO LESSOlis7OR"3-4ir7 20 Services M4.R PAINTING Intv or, eif or and spray. Free Estimates. OR 3-8774. BOB S "FLOOR-SERVICE-Youturniihma- terlal. We jnstall. PhoneOR 3-S460. , CARPENTRY and cabinet making. Marry j E. Young. OR 3-7419. PLANS Residential Designer. Boa Dish man, OR 2-3294. ! NORTH- ROSE B U R G- K INDERGVrtEN.- 1SS1 N.E. Vlne St. OR 2-K63 or OR 3-7849. I FOR NEW lawns and fi-rfco'sprlnklfr jys- tems, call Jeff StringfeHow, OR 2-3172. I ELECTRIC CONTRACTORS. Lansing 8. Oh Iver, OR 3-6636. I WOHR WELL DRILLING Jacu;ii whirl pool bath. OR 2-2331 or OR 2-3043. WELL DRILLING. Cecil Storey. OR 3-872S or OR3-4738. ALUMINUM welding. Wmifon Chan Saw OS 9-S641. ROTOTILLING and kvehng. OR 2-0:1 or OR2-3857. CARPENTER Build, remodel, repair cab ictt. Phooe OS 9-5814 SHEET ROCK FINISHING, piaster, stucco, cement, patching and repairing. OR 2-411. CABINET" worK end remcde'irg. OR 2-342S. 20 Services CHILD CARE Mother Goose Nursery OR 3-8J61 BICYCLE REPAIRING ORVILLE'S FIXIT SHOP 531 N.E. Garden Valley fii'd. Bikes Repaired Saws Filed "Rebuilt bikes at 2nd hand prices" City Cycle Center U4 Winchester St. FOUNDATIONS, basements house raising. leveling, repair, worn r .M A. approved, ce ment, block work. Financing available. Free estimates. OR 2-4345 er OR 3-8844. tfoOFING - New and repair. Free esti mates work guaranteed. Fuher Thorsen Paint Co. Call L. E Baile. OR 3-4042; W. E. Daum, OR 2-1571. SMALL Appliance repair. Best stock of small appliance parts in Douglas County. Trowbridge Electric 721 SE Oak St. OR 3-5521. MOTOR rewinding, repairing. All makes and sues, bxpenenced, competent motor man. Jimmie's Electric Motor Shop, 353 NE GardenVatleyBlvd. OR3-3162. CARPENTRY Remodeling, clothes closets, party rooms, kitchens, patios, house levei--Iln9CaJlai!eri P-M., OR3-3254. REPAIR ALL MAKES domestic oil or gas heating systems. Munlon Heating, 1098 NE Stephens, OR 3-5460. JONES PIANO SERVICE OR 3-6525. Players and reed organs too. Tuning and repairs. CARPENTER Contracting house level ing foundations. Any type construe tion. OR 3-8020. GRADING and leveling; loam and rock de livered. Call Paul Casey. OR 3-4018, 2231 N.E. Stephens St. HAVE YOU a porch, garage, carport, house or anything to build or repair? Phone jonn ianDorn, OS v-5387. FOR FAST efficient ptumblng repair a.'rvice, call Kier Crooch Plumbling Co. 2448 W. narvoro. uk -i-JJM. SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED no mileage; free estimates. Roseburg Sanitation Serv Ice. 1960 NE Stephens. Ph. OR 3-3356. CASTLE AVE. MACHINE SHOP. Plow and mower sharpening, welding and general repair. 2352 S-W. Castle Avenue OR 3-4687 DOZING, leveling; also shale rock, river loam and road materials. Chas. Keeley, OS 9-5117. SHALE rock for roads and driveways. Im mediate delivery. Ph. C. P. Tallon OR 3-4040. WEE WISDOM Kindergarlen. 562 Newton (.reek Koad. OR 2-1 210. 21 Building Material House Insulation ;, Pour In Cuts Heating Costs Cooler In Summer THIS WEEK $1.39 Per Sack Cash & Carry GERRETSEN Building Supply Ode! I &Casper St. Fiberglass panels For patio awnings, etc. 13 colors. Regu lar price 72c tt, 8 or. now 33c ft. Pabco & Pioneer tl-ickbu't 3-1 shingles Regularly 511.25 now $9.95. Regular S12.9S Seal Tab, $10 93. Hot Water heaters Fowler glass-lined electric, really nice. Req. $109.95 now $73. Washers, Dryers, Freeiers Admiral $175 each. Lumber Plywood, bldq. board, Prwood, clapboard $3.50 sheet; ',, $2 50 reg. $3.20. Walpaper la price Paint First quality Schorn, main by Dutch Boy. Reg. $5.99 now $3.99. First quality Inside rubber-base paint, reg. $5.99 $3.99. Aluminum windows Get your lowest price then see us.' Wood windows made to fit, no extra cost. Robinson Building Supply Sutherlln, Oregon Open Sun. Closed Sat. Ph. 2182 Bargain Lumber Studs Dimension Boards Utility Grade Economy Grade $45 M $25 M Umpqua Mfg. Co. (Formerly Consolidated Milling) Itwy 99BR South OR 3-7411 Good Usable Lumber 1 x 6 and B" sheeting. 7x6 and 8" CM. for sub-flooring Boards Shtplap v Rustic Dimension 2 x 4's and wider, as tow as $25. LUMBER SALES CO. OR 3-7362 Garden Valley, near R. Ft. tracks. 23 Fuel SAWDUST Blower or Dump WOOD Oak Wood - Peeler Core Planer Ends (16" or 2') Slab Wood (green or ary) ROSEBURG LUMBER CO. Ph. OS 9-8741 WOOD Block and slab mted. Peeler cores green or dry. Sawdust Blower or Dump Guy & Fronces Gill Fuel 231 N. E. Douglas OR 2-1524 WOOD Peeler Core Dry Planer ends Red Diomond Fuel Co. OR 3-S08? OAK WOOD cut to order dry"-or j riARDiVOOD Cut to order $72 50 cord delivered. Phone OS 9-543 or OS j 9-5709. 'FIREWOOD Oak, Madron-. O'd-g'owth ( Fir. Heater and fireplace. TRoien 4-7il or, Sam M. Mi-fnonrfy, Rt. t 3ox SI. R3dle. j OIC FUEL CO. Dfy oak, U" and M". I ano, tir heater b'ocfci. OR 2-3X4. j la u R fc L ad oafc rood 'for OR 334C4. HARDWOOD Cjf to order. OR 3-7150. Use Ncwi Review Wont Ads 25 Farm Equipment Meyers Water Systems 0 money down. 3 vrs. to pay on approved credit. Complete Installation end repairs. UMPQUA TRACTOR COMPANY 21 Diamond Lake 8lvd OR 3-4547 26 Livestock Schricker & Son Livestock Auction Ph. Sutherlln !14 Sutherlln. Ore For The Sale Sat., Sept. 17th Remember Poultry and Farm Tools at 11 A.M. We start selling sheep it 13 noon. Bring mem in. Hienly ol divers for twes end lambs, bucks and welncrs. Always hogSf horses, veal and baby calves. All kinds of feeder and butcher cattle. Bulls and cows. Remember The Furniture Sale starts at 7 P.M. SCHRICKER . SONS, Owners and Managers I G. A. BROWN, Welghmaslar I Dr. Don Rone, Veterinarian Airplane Seeding Call George Felt OR 3-6743 Felt's Airport Calkins Road Selling At The Schricker Auction SAT. SEPT. 17 20 HEAD of good Angus cows and calves. Schricker & Son Sutherlin, Oregon 2 SHETLAND MARES Both bred, 1 to foal soon; gentle (or ch'ldren, Jersey and Holstein heifers, breeding age. OR 3-319 Or OR 3-5547. Rt. 2. BOA 935. WANTED TO BUY feeder and weaner pigs. Isadoro tnda, General Delivery, Bandon, Oregon. Call Fllmore 7-7644. REGISTERED Guernsey bull, 16 months old lor sale or trade for whltetace. Ph. TR 4-2727, or Rt. 1. Box 21. Riddle. BEAUTIFUL little black Welsh and Quarter horse. Well trained wonderful lor chil dren. OR 3-J400. OLD HORSES Befort disposing of that old horse call OR 1-2901 . WANTED pasture for 2 saddle horses. OR 3-7910. 60 GOOD 3-year-otd black faced ewes. $13 head, victor 9-2435, Yoncalla. HORSESHOEING; horse breaking. Jack Aaams, OT b-llM. GUERNSEY cow, gentle, easy milker. OR 3-8555 mornings. POLLED Hereford bulls. 2 Shetland colts. E. L. Paris, OR 2-4235. WANTED sheep of all kinds, also wool. TEmple 6-9470, Drain. AI Brown. FOUR YOUNG grade buck Sheep. UN 3-3869, Myrtle c;reek. AT STUD Appaloosa, well marked. Allen's Western Goods, 2 miles south Dillard. REGISTERED SUFFOLK" puck; large lamb bucks. OR 3-8862 LOGGING HORSE and harness, milk cow, 2 calves. OS 9-5392.' HORSES FOR SALE. GY 6-3510. GENTLE Palomino saddle mara. OS 9-5318. MILK COW, geese. OR 3-8386 SAANAN milk goal. OR 3-7930. 27 Hay & Grain L.C.P. PELLET MILL CUMom pelleting. 5 miles east of Oakland on Elkrtead Road. L. C. Perrln, Phone 2U3. BALED ALFALFA. R. Conn, OR 34423 morn ings or evenings. HAYi FORSALE -ifTanTbRTun. 23 Poultry & Rabbits WE BUY LIVE poultry. Roseburg Poultry day or evening phone OS 9-S4O0. No Sun day calls. PHEASANT FRYERS, $2 each. Clark Smith, OR37920J ROASTING, stewing hens and layers, SI each. No Saturday sales. OR 24638. 29 Pets TWO MALE Peklnqese pups, 6 weeks old, $25. each. 1042 W. Yale, OR 2-1204, alter 4 P. Ni. FOR SALE Registered male Pekingese pup- pyR 3-5180. ' AKC REG. miniature Dachshund puppies $50 each GYpsy 6-3213. GOLDEN HAMPSTERS, phone OR 3-822?. 348 SE Lane, Roseburg, REG. Chihuahua puppies; also stud service. Drain, Oregon. TEmple 6-9500. AKC REG. German Shepherd puppies.-Excel- lent Jjlood lines. Call OR 3-8800. NELSON'S Pomeranian Kennels. 672 NE A I ameda. DOUGLAS COUNTY HUMANE Society Anl mal Snelter. OR 2-3907. PUTMAN'S Toy Fax Terrier Kennels, Wil bur, Oregon. OR 3-8804. POMERANIAN puppies. Lu-EI-ln Kennels, North Umpqua. OR 2-2903. SIAMESE kittens . 0 R 3-6944, or OR 2-250 1 . CUTE Cocker puppies, ?5. OR 2-4199. BOSTON TERRIER stud service. OS 9-889S. DACHSHUND STUD SERVICE, OR 2-226B, GLriNGARY Beagle Kennels. OR 3-671. CHIHUAHUA'S "-tudSf rvTce.0 R"3-3694. COCKER PUPS, 5 weeks OR 3-3066. POODLES, Call UN Ion 3-3638 Myrtle Creek. 31 Sportino. Equipment Hunter Specials New camping trailers In stock, now 10 o'f. Can be financed. Wag's Trailer Sales, Winston, OS 9-5101. FOR SALE or trade i CflppercrafWUon- terey full canvas, twin Johnsons, dual remote controls, every extra. My equity JBSO balance MSOOR 3-4K5. ; NICK'S BOAT WORKS "Satellite and Mo bHcraft boats, fiberglass boat repairs and refiniihing. la mi. So. Kelley's Korner, OR 3-7664. IS FT. SHagtt Fiberglass runabout, complete ly upholstered. Mark 75 Mercury 60 h.p. motor. Make offer. CailOR3-4040J TELE SCO PERI FLE 5TG H TS If bought from us, we install tree It gun Is factory drilled. Umpqua Gun Store. 14 FT. COMBINATION liihinga"ndkPrun about. Lois of evtras. 25 HP. motor; trail er. Pr.ced right. OR J-8597 after 5:30. 14' i ft. WOOD RUNABOUT BOAT end" trail er 75.00 or trade for good shotgun or guitar. OR 3-11 91. BOAT and trailer, $150. Also-txtrlrge 2-whel trailer, covered, $140. Call JE 2-9320. CUSTOM 300 Savage with 4 power scope 1100. OR3-39i3, evenings. WANTED Uied5"er 5 iH.P. outboard motor, reasonable. OR 2-2541. 3-7671 afle 14 FT GLASSPAR boat. 35 HP motor and equipment. OS 9-SOOS. IS" FT" GLASS BOAT, hardware,-3S "electric ! Evinrude, trailer OR 3-I72C. I DiSWANTLEO JPtraller houie.Cn"re-! build for hunting. OR 3-117 1. i PATRONIZE NEWS-REVIEW ADVERTISERS 31 Sporting Equipment Sale Used Deer Rifles X-M Win. mod. M carb, S" SO, Salt 123 30-J0 Win. Mod. 4 34" bbl., ITT 50. Salt $15 3HS Sav. mod. 9t, peep. sjf. Salt 415 W Rem. mod. 740 auto, load, S'5, Salt ss Xt Rem. mod. 740 agio.. J5, Salt S 250 Sav. mod. . pad, S7, Salt U9 359 Sav. mod. t, tike new, IS!, Salt S7t 270 Rem. mod. 7W, pad, S7S, Salt Set XJ Win. Mod. 70, Excellent SM, Salt S75 241 Win mod. 70, K 1.1 scope. SI 1 5, Sale l 50 M-OS Enlleld, K 3.5 scope, SS5, Salt S 300 Sav. Mod. 732 Rem. US. Salt S5 30-0 Win. mod. 70 super grade, 4 X scope, swing mount, sling, 1145, Salt lltt I 30-M Deluxe Mauser sporter, Alaskan scope 1125, sale si 10 Check us first! Thest rifles art uncondltlon ally guaranteed. Umpqua Gun Store 929 SE Stephens OR 3-8415 ROD & REEL Evinrudo motors Boat accessories Interlux paints Boat trailer tires 1145 W. Harvard OR 2-2242 UMPQUA MARINA Skagit boats Mercury motors Boat accessories Motor repairing 643 S. E. Rose OR 2-1616 September Sale Ski Boat Reg. S 450 Now t 15'Mobllcralt Reg. S 699 Now S M 17' Cabin Cruiser Reg, S1M7 Now J149S Nick's Welding & Boat Works 5205 S.w. Dlllard Highway Roseburg JIFFYTOP'or'canopy"for pickup, S20 each. OR 1-tOM. 32 Produce & Plants DELICIOUS Improved Elberta peaches, canning corn, local watermelons and cantaloupes, also, tomatoes and beans. FRED BURK'S BLUE FRUIT STAND ON OLD Hwy. 99 In Dillard. FREEZING CORN canning tomatoes, to matoes you pick. Pear, cants, water melons. Other fruits and vegetables. Har vard Avenue Fruit Stand CANNING TOMATOES SI lug; pickling cukes. 7c lb for dills, 10c lb for sweets. Canta loupes and watermelons. OR 2-2958 eve nings except Friday and Saturday. TOMATOES, you plckj andcorn. Winston Section, 6 miles south turn lett at Winston Bridge. Ray BrosL CANNING CORN $1 per sack, you pick. Canning tomatoes. Call after 4 p.m. James conn, uk CANTS, SWEET CORN, squash, other vege tables. Fresh picked daily. Scott Ranch, OR 3-5986. GRAPES, many kinds, 5c lb. Dale Zeller, Look Ingg lass-Brock way Road. CORN, cucumbers. beetsSchmldt's7Garclen Valley. BLUE LAKE beans, you pick, 5c lb; pick ed on order. Be lb. Carl Arola, OR 2-3840, FOR NEW APPLE BOXES, phOTe0R3 6724. BLUE LAKE canning beans and cucumbers. Tomatoes and sweet corn. Charles Hig bee, OR 2-2936. BARTLETT PEARS, $1.50 and up. Marsh Ranch, Look ingg lass. - CONCORD GRAPES,8c lb. OR 2-3927. TOMATOES you pick. Call OS 9-5211. 33A Musical RENT A NEW HAMMOND organ on Ham mond's Playtime Plan for only $25.00 In cluding free lessons. Graves Music, 516 SE Jackson, OR -2461 STUDENT "QUALITY Butcher alto sax, In very good condition; Peddler clarinet, pro fessional model- excellent condition. OR 2-3139. PIANO LESSONS. Private instTuctlon by Mrs. Wayne Wagner at Roseburg Music, 3441 W. Harvard and in the Newton Creek areaPhone OR 2-3691 or OR 2-2461. BAND INSTRUMENTS for beginning band students. New and used. 3 months trial period for as low as $3 mo Ricketts Music Store, OR 3-3202JAtter 5:30 call OR 3-6629. PIANO RENTALS WiirlitVer spmetsreny style or finish. $10 month Including free lessons. ROS5BURG MUSIC, 2441 W. Har vard OR 2-3191or OR3-2461. OLDS TRUMPET andcase WSfHolton cor riet and case $65; Clarinet Jean Revan, made In France, $65. OR 2-3444. E N R ICO-ROSE LL laccordio7randMseT" 1 20 bassnotes, SI'S or best offer. OR 3-8944. HAYNES FLUTE,$125rBox S, Old Hwy. ??, Glendale, Oregon. USED" PIANO," J106r7aveTMuslc7S1 SE Jackson, OR 2-1621. USED""TV'S,$15and up Graves-Music, 516 SE Jackson, OR M621. HOLTON TRUMPET. 424 Winchester. No S"at urday calls. LEBLANC clarinet $80. OR 3-6996. B LATCLARINET. wood$40O R 2-f6l7. 120 Bass accordion. Phone OR 3-7543. 34 Misc. For Sale WESTINOHOUSE range. Very clean. Deluxe features. Only $84.50. Trowbridge Electric, 721 SE Oak5t. OR 3-5521. GENUINE heavy river loam. Mo rric, faiy to handle. For the best call Charles Keely, OS WHT TV SALES and rentals. Ren? may apply on down payment. Horn's Appliance, 424 S E. Jackson. OR3-S51l; ELECTRIC RANGE, daveno, matching rock er, 7 washers, wood heater. OR 2-3537. LOCAL REPRESENTATIVE Minnesota Wool en Mills. Call for appointment, OR 3-48)3. YEW- WOOD and cedar poititor sefeT" OR 3-7237 or OR 3-3672. UStD GUNS? bought, sold and" traded. Ump qua Gun Store. USED CHa7nSAWS. Winston Cham- Saw OS S4L ELECTRIC STOVE "and refrigerator, good working condition, $25 eaach. OR 2-3444. FASH 10 NF ROCKsTl NEa irlies."" Reason- l,,9R3""J, USED TV'S, Organs and accordians. Graves Music, 51 SEJaeksoru OR2-162L POOL TABLE' i Slie. A-f condition. Stereo set Wetxor President. OR 3-2766. PACKARD BELL 14" console TV," $45T row bridge Electric, 721 SE Oak St., OR 3-5521. 5 YEAR BABY CRIB, new mattress, $20. OR 3-47U. LARGE2-wheel trailer. Phone OR 3-4737. CEDAR POSTSOR3 -Slfi RAWLEtGHProducls. Bowtes. OS 9-543 HANDYMAN tacksTOR 3-5 tOJ. FULLER BRUSH. OR : 1391 I CLEAN bd daveno. Make orerTOR2:3977. 21" GENERAL ELECTRIC TV. OR 3-44J9. I USED ASHLEY wood h-iter. OS 9-5101. I SUB ZERO vprgrt deep freeie. OR 2-31 J GUESS WHO... will run through tht red light. 34 Misc. For Sale West Coast Auctioneers Sale Every Sunday 1 P.M. 314 Miles So. 99 B.R. No Sales Too Large or Small CARS. . .FURNITURE. TRUCKS HEAVY EQUIPMENT - FARM SALES . . .LIQUIDATION. . . For Auction Sales and Scrvico Sat GENE LEWIN JERRY LEWIN. LEWIS MORIN ROKtxire OR 2-2501 3'i Ml. 60. W B R. Salem EM ?-9SU 1170 LancnsW Dr. NE. Res. EM 4-0371 Salem. OltQon. All Stock WALLPAPER 20 Off Colorcraft Paint i Wallpaper 721 SE Stephen! OR 2-3232 BIG SALE Used Furniture & Appliances RAINBOW TRAILER SALES Old Highway 99 N. Winchester OR 3-7372 For Auctioneering Services CONTACT Col. V. Munlon. V. buy. sell and trade. It pays to buy and sell the auction way. Auction every Friday. 7 p.m. Roseburg Auction OR 3-SOJ6 Beckwith Cycle Co. Schwinn & Evans Bicycles New. used. Also Motorcycles. 3928 W. Harvard OR 3-B1 30 FOR SALE Maytag washer, conventional type, Just like new Westinohouse dryer In oood shape Kelvlnator, runs like new, In good condition Dinette set and 4 chairs Ready tor use PAUL H. KRUEGER Day Phone OR 3-448? Eves OR 2-1 31 6 ELECTRO-WATT OIL FURNACE," without tank, In good condition, complete with ducts and fan. sioo.uu you remove. Dia mond 5-2097 Eugene. 1993 Jefferson, Eu gene. USED FURNITURE Sofa beds, 119 SQ and up. Dinette Sets. Mattress end spring's. Easy terms tree aeiivery. juaae fur niture Company. 435 SE Jackson. OR 3-5415. $75 OZ. gold coming soon. Have a complete gold dredge lor deep and shallow water for sale. See Jerry at Jerry's Cafe, 1542 Stephens. OR 2-9157. SADDLES, bridles, bits, spurs, whips, pack eauipment, saddle pads and oianKeti, etc. also moccasins, belts and buckles. Allen's Western Goods, 2 mi!t south Dillard. 500 GALLON BUTANE tank; hay chopper on wheels, 25 H.P. air-cooled engine; electric range. All good shape. OR 3-8512, 2666 Diamond Lake Blvd. ELECTROLUX vacuum cleaners sales, serv ice end supplies. Free home demonstration. Call J, E. Newberry, OR 3-7010 or OR 3-3591. LICENSED REPRESENT A VlVE Stark Bros. Nurseries. Home and commercial orchards. Shrubs, berries, Queries welcome. OR 3- 5321 after 5 or weekends. WESTINGHOUSE True - Temp refrigerator. Twin crlspcrs, meat keoper. Very good snape. low price, su. i rowDnage fciec trie, 721 SE Oak St., OR 3-5521. WE ALWAYS HAVE a fine selection of meat available for your locker or deep freeze at wholesale prices. Winston Lockers. OS 9-5133. WfJOGEWOOD gas range; 400 BTlfoVs furnace; 300 gallon propane tank. Oilman Motor Service, TRoan 4-2612, Riddle, Ore. PLAYHOUSE. hardwood Moors," electric "over, head lights and wall plugs, $200. 430 S.E. Leland. K E N MO RE automatic washer with suds saverv Reconditioned and guaranteed. $45. Terms. OR 3-6549. TREVA'S CERAMICS. Free lessons. Green ware paints, glazes. Outside firing done Next to Wlnston Lockers. OS 9-5133. FOR the best ob of custom cutting, trap ping and quick freezing, bring your moat fo Winston Lockers, OS t-ilj. BILL'S BETTER Boards Build Belter Build ings. West Coast Building Supply, 2 blocks west of Greyhound depot. OR chard 3-6614. ADMIRAL 14" portable TV. New picture tube. Just like new, $70. Trowbridge Elec tric, 721 SE Oak SL, OR 3-5521. WINSTON Sand'and Gravel, '-crusned' rock", reecf gravel, bar run end top toil. OS 9-8493. fv SALES and RENTALS, day or weekfy rates, call Kier Crooch Plumbing Co. 2441 JrV. Harvard. OR 2-3364. fop SOIL from new location. The best you have ever seen no roots or weeds. Ralph Fisher. Winston OS 9-8493. WINSTON READY MIX. Concrete to your specifications. OS 9-5811, or OR 3-8759, evenings. APARTMENT SIZEapVar7?gasrangefb gallon butane tank, 25 gallon butane lank. Frtgidaire refrigerator. OR 3-8878. AMATEUR RADIO SX100 general coverage communications receiver, like new. OR 3-3170. ; MAHOGANY dining tabic, can scat 10; 6 I matcninq chairs. Lottee taoie, lebie lamp. OR 3-6529. APPLIANCES, living room, bedroom end miscellaneous household items. Phone OR ' 3-606J. 1240 SE Cass. HOTPOINT 8 Cu. ft. refrlgratir. Very clean Lett hand door. $?$. Trowbridge Electric, 72I SE Oak St., OR 3-5S21. 8 4 M MEAT" CO? Hereford" locker Iwef 39c lb. Cut end wrapped fre. Custom cutting st reasonable price. OR 3-5141. CANOPY, herdboard, fits 'V" to '55 Ford"; Norge refrigerator, '55 node1. OR 3-5892. FULL SIZE MATTRESS like " new. OR 2-2518. ONE FULL GLASS and i glass showcase. ivs tor DOtn. wai t snoo, su'nernn iwz UTAH WOOLEN Mills clothes Four your seiecnon pnone os v-swr. PERMAGLASS 20 gallon gas"hotwater heater. 652 Parrott Street. See alter 5 p.m. USED KEN WORE automatic washer, $40. OR J-4071. GIBSON upright treeier Excellent condi tion, im. OR 3-HI4. BEDROOM furniture, plattormrocker, other Items. Reasonable. OR 2-444. j GOOD Ecent oil crculehng healer, " Phone OR 303M. J i os t-ii ii. I 34 Misc. For Sale Completely Automatic 30 inch Konmore Electric Hanse Just set it! Korset it! Only $143.88 $5 Down 24 inch oven-60 minute timer 7 heat selector switches Super oven preheat Sears Roebuck & Co. 526 SE Jackson OR 3-6G73 35 Wanted Misc. WE PAY HIGHEST cash prices for useo furniture. ROieburg t-urmture Exchange, J43 E. JacksonOR J-5IQ4. WANTED TO BUY Old china, glassware, furniture, iewelry. Priscl'la's Anlinues, 27 S.E. Jackson. OR 2-U21. WANTED Old coins, guns and marble top turn. PnciUa's Antiques, 247 S.E. Jackson OR 2-142K WANTED TO BUY Good used turniture. ROSEBURG AUCTION. DO 3-5026. WANTED WlNDOLPHorlmNar crawler garden tractor. OR 2-if9i!3. WANTED---CoinsTbRV-4390. WANTED -. Used7ruiMars."0R 3-7963. 36 For Trade SADDLE HORSE, front-end loader, farm tractor, new boat and tra'ler, antique din ing room set, 3-sectlon John Deere har row. Trade any or all tor cattle. OR 2-1694. WILL 'TRADE extra nlce3 bedroom home In Grants Pass for 1, 2 or 3 bedroom house In Roseburg area. Write care of Box ZQi News Review. WILL-TRADEor sell equity" Jn i black"1 ' Ford. Exceptionally clean. Inquire HI j nouse on leu, rage ki.i vincnesier. '59 FORD Fairlane 503 townscdnn, loaded. Sell, or trade for good older car. OR 3-4844. TWO HOMES on ten acres for smaller place. OR 2-3941 alter 4:30. 37 Machinery HAVE FOR SALE 7' i HP, 1 PH. high head Irrigation pump complete with con trols and cord. Nrw winding. Also. 200 amp. DC welder, (.an tie used on power take-olf. 2 shallow well pumps; 1 IVi HP deep well pump with lank and let. 1 8" Skllsaw, 1 10" Skilsaw. New and used mo tors. See at Jimmies Electric Motor Serv ice, 350 NE Garden Valley Blvd. OR 3-3162. D-2 CAT, blade and canopy, good condition. $1700, or trade for Ford tractor and tools. UN 3-4569. Myrtle Creek. 38 Logging Equipment HD 20 CAT. equipped for loaning. Excel- lent condition. Will consider property or ? for my equity. Jones Bros. Logging, Lam as Valley. 39 Timber & Sawmills Logs Wanted Peelers & Peelable Mill Delivered at Nordic Vcnoers pond on North Umpqua Highway, 3 miles east of Rose burg. For information can uk z-4in, Sutherlln 2232 or OR 3-4Q69 evenings. 40 House Trailers To the thousands who saw our exhibit at the fair, we say "THANK YOU". Why Not Drive Out RAINBOW Trailer Sales Old Hwy 99 North, Winchesler Let us make you a deal on one of our quality MOBILE HOMES We will take your furniture and appliances in trade. Give you rent-like bank terms, and up to 7 years to pay. Good used ones too, both 8 and 10 wide. See us for reliable TOWING OR 3-727? J & J TRAILER SALES 10. WIDES Angelus Great Lakes 1, 2 & 3 Bedroom! AIHSTREAM ARROWIIKAD TRAVELKZE ir io iv USED TRAILERS Reeonrlltinnrfl & friiarantpfd (Formerly Brady's Mobile Homes) OR 7-3441 EARL SMITH TRAILER HOMES CO. 1-2-3 Bedrooms. 13' to 55' MODERN AND I'ROVENClAL ROD AND REEL Hcnslce High Style and Plainsman VENUS ROIXAWAY SEE THE ALL ELECTRIC MODELS "J5' Kamp Malo by Hcnslco COMPLETE LINE TRAILER SUPPLIES lMNE STEPHIN' 09 H1H W ILL SELL fqulty 1959 2-bedroom 0 I 44' Heisitc High Styl. Spc All Nebo Trail er Court. SELL-OR TRADE rqutty, 10 40' 2 bedroom treiler. for car or furniture. OR 2-1041. 1,4, ANDERSON "TRAILER. excrtlint fond'tiot. It. 400 rtl r.'ittivlln. 4796 I9M Irl' l-brdroont triler. S4dL H-7, Nebo Trailer Perk. Fri.( Sept. 16, 1960 The Newt-Review, Roseburg, Ore. 15 40 House Trailers Where Else But At JIM McKEE'S Could You Purchase A New 10x50 Fully Warranted Mobile Home For $3995 You will find, also at Jim McKee's oil cash prices are posted for your approval. Easy terms can be arranged if desired. 1028 N. E. Stephens OR 2-4221 Shady Point Trailer Sales Comolela lines New and UsJ trailers. Campers. Travel Trailers Mobile Homes 1 Ml. So. Hoy 990R OR 2 U34. Rod & Reel Trailer Boat Sales II4S W. Harvard I960 17'i' CAMP trailer Las and electric equipped. Provincial Inter. or. Will sell equity at big discount OR 2-1082 or OR 3-8S34. KIT GOLDEN STATE, 1956, 36' 1 -bedroom trailer Priced at $1,800. Will take In trade an older trailer, eep, pickup or car. OR 2-3756 or OR 2-2924. Dot-U's Mobile Homes. 14 FT. vacation trailer " 1573. 1058 W. Fair haven. 55. x 38, 2-bedroom, Terra Cruiser 12,200, OR 3-4378. 42 Trucks 5t JEEP PICKUP Clean, almost new rebuilt StudPbaker rntjine; turn lights and canopy. 4 wheel drive. All ready to go hunting, S700. Curlln Garage, at Curtin Truck Slop. WHItney2-394 '51 GMC pickup. J495. 1062 NE Newt on Creek Road O.R 2-2995. No Saturday calls please. 1950 4 TON Criev. pickup, new paint and tires. 1951 Vt ion cnev. pickup, new moior. Call OR 2-3441. METAL CANOPY"" Chevy box 6x8'. Cheap. OR 2-3409. pTckUPr CHEV. 1950. Excellent condition, $350. 1641 NE Stephens. OR 2-4571. FOUR WHEEL drive" Dodge pickup, S395. Ste at Adalr's Hying A Stalion. 1948 FORD SHORT LOGGER, excellent con dition. OR 3-B0O4. '56 JEEP Stalion wagon, 4 wheel drive. Warn hubs, excellent condition. OR 3-3959. 1954 "CHEVROLET 1 "lon.'j-tlTbcx, excellent condition, $650, 117 Mill St., Myrtle Creek. 1951 i FORD i Ion pickup, 4-speed, exceplion- lly clean throughout. $450. OR 3-8014. UiTon "slake'bed'lruck. GY e-3510. 43 Autos & Motorcycles lotc rwFV. Rnl Air. excellent condition. R & H, Powergtide. Mutt sell before I return to college. $875. OR 3-7501 before 8 P.M. 1953 Plymouth Club Coupe. Rebuilt engine, stick and overdrive, R&H. Good tires, Phone OR 3-7543. WILL TRADE equity In '59 Volkswagen for $100 or older car. Myriie Creek, 3-3638. '57 FAIRLANE town ledan; clean, good condition. One owner- OR .3-4452 or OR 3-3336. 1955 CHEVROLET Bel Air 2 door hardtop. Excellent condition. See to appreciate. OS 9-5848 after 4 p.m. 1956" V-fl FORD' 2 "door wagon. Straight slick, R.H. 33,000 miles. Nice 9300 (or equity. OR 2-1210. JEEP, excellent condition. See lo appreciate. OS 9-5848 alter 4 p.m. 19S9H DUCATTI motorcycle, excellent condi tion. OR3-4738. n ;SSFORO FAIRLANE Club sedan, $795. OR3-5154. MUST SELL -1951 MG $550. OR 2-1079 or OR 3-6309 t I960 MOTOR SCOOTER. Nebo Trailer Park, Space A-20. MOTORCYCLES new, used, Beckwith Cycle. OR 3-8U0- 1956 CADiLLAC Coupe OeV lie, full power. Clean, excellent condition OS 9-8427 1937 FORD 4 door7flood tlrei, original motor and paint. OR 2-4617. 1959 FIAT "600" low mileage 1775, Phone O R 3-S4 75. 1931 MODEL A Ford, 175 OR 2-4178. h I H 1 WAN HILL UP in' uU.UjiMatJiifi Nmm if IiMm rr FALL SPECIALS BUY NOW AND SAVE! '57 Plymouth Horrltop Coup R. H. & Push button drive. Cleon and sharp through and through. Fully guaranteed $1 1Q7 Fall cleorance price 117 '55 Ford Fairlane Club Sdn. V-8 with overdrive trans. Runs and drives good, buy it now at our fall reduction RQ7 price of only sJ7 I '55 Buiek Special Hordtoo R. H. & Dynaflo. Sharp as a pin. Tires like new all around. Foil clean up $QQV price of just 0 7 '54 Plymouth Fordor Sdn. Nylon tires. Original paint. Straight trans. A real Fall M Q7 buy at just 7 '53 Plymouth Club Coupe You won't find a better cheap car In town. Take it XA"7 home for Just OH '52 Pontiac Hardtop Coupe Fully equipped. Very clean. Your gain our J47 loss now (ust yJT r '54 Ford Station Wagon If you've been looking for that lillle red warjon to haul momma and the kids on those fun trips this is it and at a price you Con afford 697 '51 Chev. Fordor Sedan $007 A good one 7 Hill Top Motors MANY LATE MODELS TO CHOOSE FROM with 1 00 written guorantee. See Hill Top Motori for the best buvs in town. 988 N. E. Stephens OR 2-1649 Open Evenings and Sundays iivijjJLijj-ii 43 Autos & Motorcycles Is For Particular People '59 Impala 2 dr. Hdtop. New car trade-in, local low $0 A.A mileage, like new '58 Ford Fairlane 2 dr. club cpe. Straight transmission, radio, heater. One 1 40 R owner, sharp I"' '57 Pontiac Catalina H'dtop Rated os one oi the best on the) road. Exception- $ 1 A Q C ally clean Ir7j '56 Oldsmobile "88" Holiday H'dtop. Only Napier Auto Sale con sell so much J11QC lor so little I 1 J 55 Mercury Monterey H'dtop. Solid black, leopard interior, truly a beautiful 995 '54 Mercury Monterey H'dtop. Special price on this JCQ C one. Only JJ '51 Chevrolet Yi ton, 4 spd. pick up. Deluxe cab com- $ A i C mercial wheels, Just rTeJ '49 G.M.C. H ton, 4 spd. pick up. This pick up Is far J"3QC superior to most .... O J Many More To Choose From Pncu tsnnlr Napier Auto Sales nnimon sunbeam dealer 1240 S. E. Stephens OR 2-2243 BARCUS Used Cars '58 DODGE V-8 4-dr H'dtop, pushbutton drive, R&H, D-500 engine. Top condi tion throughout. Uncondi tionally guaranteed. .. $1798 ,'58 PLYMOUTH V8 club cpe, Iiushbutton drive, R&H, a tistrous black finish with , spotless interior. One own er car with low mileage. Only . J98 '58 FORD V-8 Ranch Wagon. Fordomatic, extra nice $1598 '57 BUICK Century, 4 d o o r, hdtp, power steering, R&H one owner. $1898 '58 PLYMOUTH Belvedere H. T., R&H, Auto. Trans. New nylon tires. $ 998 55 FORD V-8 W ton pickup custom cab, H. D. bump er, canopy. Ideal for that hunting trip $ 798 '54 CHEV. 4 dr, wagon, R&H new paint and seat covers, really tjharp $ 898 53 PONTIAC sedan, Hydro mafic, R&H, good tires. Sharp $ 298 '53 FORD V8 sdn, R&H, stand trans. $ 498 '52 BUICK Super. 2 door H.T., ' Dynaflow, R&H. Sharp. .. $ 398 '52 OLDS 88 sdn. $ 198 '51 DODGE V ton pickup. 4 speed trans $ 398 '50 CHEV. 1 ton pickup, 4 speed trans, heavy duty tires and bumper. . $ 398 '47 STUDE. pickup with camper. Has bunks, stove and butane tank. Only 20 days until hunting season. $ 298 Imports ' '60 SIMCA Super Deluxe sdn, only 6000 miles. New car guarantee $1598 '59 SIMCA Wagon, like new $1498 '59 SIMCA Plein Ceil sports car, sold new for $3150, now only $1998 '59 SIMCA Super Deluxe Sdn. $1198 '58 RENAULT Dauphlne sed. $ 898 BARCUS N. Stephens at Oerden Valley RJ. OR 3-5544 Open evenings 'til l. Sundays 10 to 4. ml CHEVROLET station wagon VI, very nice condition. Like new. Sell or trade. Phone OR 2-JJSS after 6 P.M. Ts PONTIAC VI iolld litters. 4 barret SIM. 'J7 Chevrolet V-S 2S3, Ountov cem, 3 carbs. poliihed twrti 13V). ne i.4it ' LATE MODEL USED CARS WANTtfD-I ....... v. nauv iui vijuiir mCIV S KtllLl LJPS. I3!S SE Stephen.. ' FIAT "mulTipla, radio and power booster. Sell S1I0O equity lor S300. UN 4J4. Mvrtle Creek. WILL SELL OR TRADEeciulty In t60 ....u0",wur 'non wagon, can finance balance. TMMadrone, Myrtle Creek. W4 Oldsmobile IS hardroconveTFlbierover heulfd engine. In excellent condition, oood rubber, easy terme. OR J-9034. "ww.0"1 ""m """" . JEEP -T4.4. J5OT. or will trade tor trailer house. Phor.. Oakland mi .Her .