No 'Cents' in Waiting-Let WANT ADS Save You Money. OR 2-3321. 10 Apartments Unfurnished Apt. WEST SIDE 3-fOOm and bain, ground floor, OuUfdi tntrtnct. largi closets, slovt ind rtfrffltritor. VS month. OR 2-1577 Todd Apartments Oakhlll, Vfsta Homes, Winchester Court. Westvue Court, Terrace Apis. I, 3, 3 bedroom furnished and unfurnished. Heat ed pool. Rents from $70 up. Call OR 3-430. OR J-5631 or OR 2-1 SOX Kohlhogen Apts. Jackson St. at Lane Ave. Modern, reasonable rent AUULTS OR ycoo piace jo Live" MOTEL UNITS alfilKtricwltti kitchens Linens, utilities furnished. Winchester Mo tel. tOld Hwy. n No.) at Winchester Bridge. ONE BEDROOM apt. at OaMhill Apts. Heat and hot water furnished. W mo. OR PARTLY FURNISHED, 2 room upstairs apartment. Adults only. No pell, no par ties. OR 2-1793. FURNISHED APARTMENT for employed lady walking distance to town, OR 11 Houses UNFURNISHED 1 bedroom modern cottage with carport. No water to pay. Near Joseph Lane School, WO per mo. William son Real Estate, 1157 NE Stephens, OR MODERN, unfurnished 3-bedroom house; large rooms, excellent condition and loca tion. Fenced backyard. Nat more than 3 small cnuaren. KQterencea required. $100. OR 2-3033 after S. TWO ROOM modern cabin, gas range and noaung, 11. reirigeraior. 000a bed etc. Water end garbage disposal furnished. Hard Cabins. 2485 N.E. Diamond Lake Blvd. OK ONE BEDROOM HOUSE, references re quired. lOOKing stove, refrigerator and heating stove , furnished or unfurnished. UK 2-4053. TWO BEDROOMS Wall to wall carpet Ing, garage, corner lot. Adults per (er red, $90 per month. Consider 1 year lease. 743 W. Nebo. Call Bill Evans, OR 3-890, FIVE ROOMS AND BATH, unfurnished. Close In, one level. Available Immediately. Full rent $65. Call Ray Lehman, OR 3-6IV3 or ok 3-6091 evenings. 1. 2, 3 and 4 bedroom homes. Income Hm- Its. Families, - also single, elderly 65 or over accepieg. vim w. bianion 51. or 3-6SU. UNFURNISHED, large 2-bedroom home, small living room, fireplace and electric heat. $75 mo. 1244 N.W. Highland. OR ONE, could be 2, bedroom house in 1700 block on South Hamilton St. $55 per monin, uniurnisned. Williamson Kcai es tate, OR 3-4302. UNFURNISHED 2-bedroom duplex, newly decorated, no pen, i. 160 5fc Eddy, OR 3-7983 after 5. SMALL, unfurnished 2 bedroom, $45. 9S9 wuiow St., Ted smaiit Real Estate. OR 2-3444. . CLEAN 3 room house. Garden, modern, $5?. Will sell on easy terms. 1647 SE Eddy, OR 3-532K , SMALL, unfurnished house, $60; adults only no dogs. Walking distance ci.y. 326 S.E. Cass St. FURNISHED, t-bedroom house. Adults, no pets. Call OR 2-1119 after 5 p.m. 642 W. Kenwood. FURNISH ED CA8INSBY WEEK $10 and up, all utilities included. Pacific Motel, Old 99, 3 miles north. Fhone OR 3-7939. $100 FURNISHED 2-bedrDom duplex, avail - able until January 1st. walking distance to downtown. OR 2-1 534 MYRTLE CREEK 2bedroom house. Rent or For. ,de)alls cail QR 2-3615. FURNISHED 1 bedroom home, $65 month. OR 3-7243. NICELY furnished house for lady. Utilities included, $55. OR 3-5710. LARGE 2 bedroom house with utilities, Tille north of Winston, $66.50. OS 9-5414. TWO BEDROOM furnished house. 1583 SE Douglas. CLEAN, 3 room furnished house. Adults. OR 2-3270. 1263 S.E. Stephens. E. Douglas. OR TWO BEDROOM, unfurnished house. Inquire at 730 WBallf. j ONE BEDROOM house. Adults only. OR 3-7910. HOUSE and apartment's for rent. Call Roll ing Hills Motel. TWO BEDROOM rental. OR 3-3672. 1 2 Trlr. Parks & Rentals TIMBER TOWN TRAILER PARK: New spa clous lots for big trailers. 10x40' concrete palio with pad for trailer. 220 volt elec tricity available. Individual gas meters. OR 3-8579. WINCHESTER TRAILER PARK mtklern spaces. Paved grounds, shade trees. High way 99 No. at Winchester Bridge. ALAMEDA TRAILER COURT has paved streets and cement porches. Reasonable rates. 581 NE Alameda. OR 2-2348. fRAILER 'SPACE. Walking distance to" town, 1451 SE Short Street, OR 3-7105. 13 Misc. Rentals PARKING LOT RENTALS available at Kohl higen Parking Lot at SE Jackson and Mosher Sts. Only $6 per month. OR 3-3J44. AVAILABLE-6cfTrrstorebullding"on South Stephens Ave. A-l location for cafe. OR 3-6134. EXCELLENT OFFICE SPACE available now. U. S. Bank Bldg. Phone OR 2-24JJ. BUSINESS BUILDING for rent, $55. 245 SE Jackson. OR 2-1431. WINSTON Beauty shop. New equipment In good location. OS 9-8493. 14 Help Wanted MEN IF you arc out of work or dissatisfied with your present fob because of limited Income due to lay-offs or seasonal work, and, If you are interested In future op portunities, then you owe It to yourself to Investigate this ad. DUE to our tremendous growth and ex pansion program, we have several open ings for men with ambition. All I ask Is flva minutes of your time, at your con venlence, to show you the possibilities. For details, set - JAMES SEITZ, AT 201 CARTER BUILDING Between a.rr. and 1 p.m. Assistant Shop Foreman And service order writer. Must know aulo mechanics. Good salary. LOCKWOOD MOTORS WANT a business of "your own? Dependable men or woman needed to supply consum ers with Rawleigh Products. Buy on credit pay as you sell. For details write Raw teigh's, 306 Adeline. Oakland, Calif. VACANCY- hasoccurred within the custodial staff of School Dist. No. 15. Any party interested should contact Mr. Wm. E. Lu llen. Days Creek Schoo.. immediately. LOCAL"STOREhasopening tor outside sales people male or femate full or part time. Car needed. Better than average earnings. Call OR 2-3391 between f.ju a.m. ano y.w k.w. WANTED- "Experienced chocolate dipper for local candy shop. tate age and exper ience. Write POBox 901, Roseburg, Oregon. WA7iTba choker setter. OR 2-1411 between and I p.m. REAL ESTATE salesman V saleslady, FULL TIME. Call OR 2-3444 anytime. EXPERIENCEDsVtvag "cutler.' Call-after 7 P.M. OR 3-7859. CAR MOPS part time work. Apply Larry's Drive In. U$ Newi Review Wanf Ad 14 Help Wanted WANTED Experienced sporting goods man capable of heading retail soorling goods department. Permanent position. Must be with all sporting goods, atnletic equipment, boats, molurs, etc. Ex cellent opportunity. vVriie, giving experi ence, age, quai. Nations to Box 196, News Review. MAN to do part time workMust haven7s own car. Ph. Claude Butler, OR 2-1391. 15 Work Wanted CONTRACTING, remodeling, carports, cab inets, construction, all types. Free Es timates. Wornmanship guaranteed. Phone ORM359jir OR 3-3735. EXCHANGE carpentry,ment, sheVfrock and painting or what hivi you, work for picuptruck.OR 3-46J3 Will do baby sitting " innvtr homeTaisb ironing. OR 3-5 11 4. BABY 5ITTI NG myhomedaysrl Reason able. OR 2-3767. YOUNG MAR R IE DM ANwai t swor k oFany kind.OR 3-8316. CHILO CARE daysi Reasonable OR 3-5409 BAB Y SITTI NG My horn a Dayor evenings. OR 3-8144. CARPENTER work. Reasonable. Smith. OR 3-8411. SHORT LOG hauling. Mule train or solu. Franco Trucking. OR 2-2343. NEW CONSTRUCTION ancOemodeling. Free estimates. Phone OR 3-7234 or OR 3-7516. CAT WORK wanted. Clearlig, levelingBy hour or contract. OR 3-4119. SELF LOADING snortlog 'truckfor hire. OR 3-4647. LAWN LEVELING, plowing and grading. OR 3-4732. HOUSEWORKbyday.OR2-3"530 IRONING Light mending tree" OR 21015. CHILD care, reasonableTbP3-834T ALTERATIONS. OR 33438 " " S EWING, all typesGu"araniecd OR 2-2764. IRONING Riversdale arear6R3-7l9l 18 Instruction HANDS TIED? No High School diploma? American Schools. Our 63rd year. All texts and study guides furnisrtPd. For informa tion write: Southern Oregon Registrar, Ray Burkett1 416 Butte, Yreka, Calif. GUITAR tEACHERsteeior standard" Tead, rythm or Boogie-Woogie. OR 3-5525. John E. Jones. SPANISH-GUlf AR LESSbNSPianVaccom panlmen Call after 5 P.M. OR 2-3409. P R I VAT E DRIVING "instruct ions Ken "Cin derman, OR 3-7447. PIANO LESSONS. OR4B7l 20 Services CHILD CARE Mother Goose Nursery OR 3-6361 B CYCLE REPAIRING ORVILLE'S FIXIT SHOP 531 N.E. Garden Valley Blvd. OR 2-4S11 Bikes Repaired Saws Filed "Rebuilt bikes at 2nd hand prices" City Cycle Center 424 Winchester St. FOUNDATIONS, basements hyuse raising", leveling, repair. Work F.H.A. approved. Ce ment, block work. Financing available. Free estimates. OR 2-4345 cr OR 3-8844. ROOFING New" and rcpa irTF roe esti mates work guaranteed. Fisher Thorson Paint Co. Call L. E. Bailey, OR 3-6042; W. E. Daum, OR 2-1571. SMALL Appliance repair. Best block of small appliance parts in Douglas County. Trowbridge Electric, 721 SE Oak St. OR 3-5521. MOTOR rewinding, repairing. All makes and sties, Experienced, competent motor man. Jimmle's Electric Motor Shop, 350 NE Jr'L Va'ey Blvd. or 3-3162. CATpNTRY RemodelingTclothescloseTs, parly rooms, kitchens, patios, house level- ing. Laiianer4; 'OR3-f54- REPAIR ALL MAKES domestic oil or-gas heating systems. Munion Heating, 1098 NE Stephens, OR 3-5460. JONES PIANO SERVICE OR 3-652S. Playert and reed organs too. Tuning and repairs. CARPENTER Contracting houso level ing foundations. Any type construe tion. OR 3-8020. GRADING and leveling; loam and rock oe- nve red. can Paul Casey. OR 3-4013, 2231 N. E. Stephens St. HAVE YOU a porch, garage, carport, house or anything to build or repair? Phone John Sanborn, OS 9-5387. FOR FAST efficient plumbing repair service, can Mer t-roocn Miumuung 10. 2448 w. Harvard. OR 2-3364. SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED - no mileage; tree esiimates. Koseuurg sanitation Serv ice. 1980 NE Stephens. Ph. OR 3-3356. CASTLE AVE. MACHINE SHOP. Plow and mower sharpening, welding and general repair. 2352 S.W. Castle Avenue OR 3-4687 DOZING, leveling; also shale rock, river 10am and road materials. Chas. Keeley, OS 9-5117. SHALE rock for roads and driveways. Im mediate delivery. Ph. C. P. Tallon, OR 3-4040. . M&R PAINTING Interior, exterior and spray. Free Estimates. OR 3-3774. BOB'S FLOOR SERVICE. You furnish ma terial, we Install. Phone OR 3-5460. CARPENTRY and cabinet making. Harry t. roung. uk NORTH ROSEBURG KINDERGARTEN. 1553 N.E. Vine St. OR 2-3C63 or OR3-7849. FOR NEW lawns and furfco sprinkler sys terns, call Jeff Slrlngfellow, OR 2-3122. ELECTRIC CONTRACTORS. Lansing Wa iver, OR 3-6636. MOHR WELL DRILLING Jacuzzi whirl pool bath. OR 2-2321 or OR 2-3043. WELL DRILLING. CeclT Storey. OR 3-8725 or OR 3-4738. CARPENTER Build, remodel, repair cab- inets.Phone OS 9-5814. SHEET ROCK F I N ISH lNGpTaster7stucco, cement, patching and repairing. OR 2-4511. CABINET" work "and remcdr1r.g;OR2-3425. 21 Building Material Fiberglass panels For patio awnings, etc. 13 colors. Pegu lar pnee zc fi, s oi. now jx . Pabco & Pioneer tMckbutf 3-1 shingles Regularly $1125 new 19.95. Regular' JI2.9S SMl Tab, S10 55. I Hot Water heaters Fowler glass-lined electric, really nice. Reg. 1109.95 now 173 Washers, Dryers, Freezers Admiral $175! each. : Lumber I Plywood, blda board, Prwood, clapboard 3j $3 50 Shef; U, $2 50 reg. $3.20. Walpaper '.i price Paint j First Quality Schorn, ma-lf. by Dutch Boy. R?Q. $5.99 now $3.99. i F""$t quality Inside rubber-bas paint, reg. ; $5.99 $3.99. j Aluminum windows Crff your lowest price thn se us. Wood windows marie to fit. no extra cost.) Robinson Building Supply j Sutherlin, Oregon Oon Sun. Closed Sat. ; t rn. uti Bargain Lumber Studs Dimension Boards Vtilily Grade Economy Grade SIS M $25 M Umpqua Mfg. - Co. (formerly Consolidated Milling) Hwy 99BU South OR 3 7411 21 Building Material Gerretsen Bldg.SplyCo. Located In The Flegel Bldg. Odell & Casper St. 1 Blk off Diamond Lake Blvd. Low Overhead Low Prices Fiberglass Insulation A 3-inch (hick blanket costs but 7'-ic per sq. ft. (average home will cost only $75) A 2-inch thick blanket costs but 6c per sq. ft. (average ceiling only $60) Nothing does it like Fiberglass! For a few cents, you can insulate with the best quality product available! It's completely fireproof and will last a lifetime. Prices cash and carry, but terms and delivery can be arranged. Of fer good for all day Friday and aaiuraay unm noon. City Lumber & Bldrs. Supply Co. 3005 NE Diamond Lk Blvd. 3-5248 Good Usable Lumber T x A and 8" sheeting. ? X a end 8" CM. lor sub-flooring Boards Shiplap V Rustic Dimension 2 x 4's and wider, as low as $25. LUMBER SALES CO. OR 3-7362 Garden Valley, near R. R. tracks. 23 Fuel SAWDUST Blower or Dump WOOD Oak Wood - Peeler Core Planer Ends (16" or 2') Slab Wood (green or dry) ROSEBURG LUMBER CO. Ph. OS 9-8741 WOOD Block and slab mixed. .Peeler ceres green or dry. Sawdust Blower or Dump Guy & Frances Gill Fuel 281 N. E. Douglas - - OR 2-1524 WOOD Peeler Core Hardwood Block woo,-' . Dry Planer ends Red Diamond Fuel Co. OR 3-5082 OAK WOOD cut to order dry or green; also oak posts Will deliver. OR 3-598. HARDWOOD Cut to order 522.50 cord delivered. Phone OS 9-5643 or OS 9-5709. FIREWOOD Oak, Madrone, Old growth Fir. Heater and fireplace. TRoan 4-2534 or Sam M. Humphrey, Rt. 1 Box 58, Riddle. O 8, C FUEL CO. Dr yoa kT 1 6' ' and-" 24 ". also, fir heater b'ocks. OR 2-3304. LAUREL and oak wood tor sale. OR" 3 3604. HARDWOOD cut to orderbR3-7850! 25 Farm Equipment Meyers Water Systems No money down. 3 yrs. to pay on approved credit. Complete Installation and repairs. UMPQUA TRACTOR COMPANY 2916 Diamond Lake Blvrt OR 3-6567 25 Livestock Douglas Livestock Market Wilbur Oregon EARLY CONSIGNMENTS For Thursday, Sept. 15th; 1 lot good whlteface stocker calves 1 lot fat steers and heifers 1 load yt-arling steers and heifers 2 good Hereford bulls 1 load fat heavy calves You will a ho find feeder larrbs, breeding ewes, weaner and feeder pigs and day old calves. SALE EVERY THURSDAY 1 P. M. For further Information, call: OR 2-4071 or Myrtle Creek, UN 3-3033 Airplane Seeding Call . George Felt OR 3-6743 Felt's Airport Calkins Road REGISTERED Guernsey bull, 16 months old for sale or trade tor whitelace. Hh. 1R 4-7727, or Rt. 1. Box 21, Riddle. BEAUTIFUL little black Welsh and 6uarte horse. Well trained wonderful for chil dren. OR 3-3400. ' OLD HORSES Bore deposing of thai old horse, call OR 2-2901. 60 GOOD 3-year-old black faced ewes, 113 head. Victor 9-2435, Yor.calle. Jack GUERNSEY cow, gentle, easv milhar. OR 3-3555 mornings. I POLLED Hereford buifs2Shetlandcolts. E. L. PaHs, OR 7-4235. want'e b" "sheso"of" ait "kTndsaisowool. ' JEmple 6-9470, Oram. AIBron. j FOUR YOUNG" graae buck sheprilN 3-3M9, Myrtle Cre-sk. AT STUD AwoVloosa, wefii marked-Allen's J Western Goa-U, 3 miles vouth Dillard. MORSES FOR SALE. GY 4-3510. SAANAN" goaf. OR 3-79W. " PATRONIZE NEWS-REVIEW ADVERTISERS 26 Livestock Schricker Cr Son Livestock Auction Ph. Sutherlin 114 Sutherlin, Ort For The Sale Sat., Sept. 17th Remember Poultry and Farm Tools at 11 A.M. We start selling sheep at 1? noon. Bring them in. Plenty of buyers tor ewes and lambs, bucks and weiners. Always hogs, horses, veal and baby calves. All kinds of feeder and butcher cattle. Bulls and cows. Remember The Furniture Sale starts at 7 P.M. SCHRICKER & SONS, Owners and Managers G. A. BROWN, Welghmaster Dr. Don Rone, Veterinarian 2 SHETLAND MARES Both bred. 1 to foal soon; oentla tor ch'ldren. Jersey and Holstein heifers, breeding age. OR 3-3619 OT UK Kl, i, O0 935. WANTED TO BUY Clutch bracket for sheep shearing machine; power grinder tor comos ana cuners ana Burauio ernes culator. Write Box 200, News Review. WANTED TO BUY' neederndweaner pigs. Isadoro Inda, General Delivery, Bandon, Oregon. Call Fllmore 7-7444. FIRST CALF Guernsey heifer, fresh; 2 Jer sey heifers and 1 Holstein heiier alt coming fresh in about 10 days. OR 3-7A20. 27 Hay & Grain GET OUT OF THAT RUT try some Bemls grass In your pastura mix. Seed tor sale. Eugene R. Holcomb, Kellogg Star Rt. Oakland. Ore. Phone 2716. L.C-P. PELLET MILL cur. torn pelleting. 5 miles east of Oakland on Elkhead Road. L. C. Perrln, Phone 2633. HAY FOR SALE "$25 ton. OR 3-5698. 28 Poultry & Rabbits WE BUY LIVE poultry. Roseburg Poultry day or evening phone OS 9-5400. No Sun day calls. PHEASANT FRYERS, S3 each. Clark Smith, OR 3-7920. ROASTING, stewing hens and layers' $1 each. No Saturday sales. OR 2-4638. 29 Pets SHELTIE male pups. One family dog. Very good around children. Easily trained. Pa pers if deslred. S45-$50. OR 3-5804. TWO MALE Pekingese pups, 6 weeks old, $25. each. 1042 W. Yale, OR 2-1204, after 4 P.M. FOR SALE Registered mala Pekingese pup py.OR 3-51 ao. AKC REG. miniature Dachshund puppies $50 each. GYpsy 6-3213. GOLOEN HAMPSTERS, pho.10 OR 3-8229. 34B SELane, Roseburc,. REG. ChlhuahuaH puppies; also "stud service. Drain, Oregon. TEmple 6-9500. AKC REG. GermanThepherd" "puppies. Excel- lent blood lines. Call OR 3-8B00. DOUGLAS COUNTY HUMANE Society Ani mal Shelter. OR 2-3907. PUTMAN'S Toy Fox Terrier Kennels, Wil bur, Oregon. OR 3-8B04. REGISTERED Dachshund puppies 10 weeks oio. nave naa snois. UK 2-1106. SIAMESE kittens. OR 3-6944, or OR 2-2501. CUTE Cocker puppies, 5. OR 2-41; BOSTON TERRIER stud service. OS 9-8895. DACHSHUND STUD SERVICE, OR 2-?2Mt GLffNGARY Beagle Kennels, OR 3-67.57. CHIHUAHUA'S stud service. OR 3-3694. COCKER PUPS, S weeks OR 33066. POODLES, Call UN Ion 3-3638 Myrtle Creek. PUPPIES, $5 ea"ch. Mixed breed. OR38177. 31 Sporting Equipment ROD & REEL Kvinrudo motors Boat accessories . Interlux paints Boat trailer tires 1145 W. Harvard OR 2-2242 UMPQUA MARINA Skagit boats Mercury motors Boat accessories Motor repairing 643 S. E. Rose OR 2-1616 September Sale Ski Boat Reg. S 650 Now $ 499 IS'Mobilcraft Reg. $ 699 Now $ 649 17' Cabin Cruiser Reg, $1627 Now $1495 Nick's Welding & Boat Works 5205 S.W. Dillard Highway Roseburg Hunter Specials New camping trailers in stock, now 10eo off. Can be financed. Wag's Trailer Sales, Winston, OS 9-5101. CAMPERS, HUNTERS. Fishermen and radio Hams see the Bendix Portable electric generator. The most compa t 110 volt, 750 watt, 60 cycle A.C. generator known, weighs 50 lbs. For a demonstration, call William R.Hirf,Repr., OR3-Bj94. NICK'S BOAT WORKS Satellite and Mo bilcraft boats, fiberglass boat repairs and reflnishing. Vi ml. So, Kelley's Korner, OR3-7664. 15 FT. Skagit Fiberglass runabout, complete ly upholstered. Mark 75 Mercury u h,p. motor. Make offer. Cail OR 3-6040. TELESCOPE RIFLE SIGHTS tf bought from us, we Install tree If gun Is factory drilled. Umpqua Gun Store. 14 FTCOMBINATION fishing and skf run about. Lots of extras. 25 HP. motor; trail er, priced right. OR J-8597 after j:30. U'i ft. WOOD RUNABOUT BOAT and trall er 75.00 or trade for good shotgun or guitar. OR 3-S19B. BOAT and trailer, St 50. ''Also extra large 2-wheel trailer, covered, S140. Call JE 2-9320. CUSTOM-300 " Savagewlth"'"4 "power" scope $100. ORy953,evenlngs. WANTED Used 5 or" S'.j H.P. outboard motor, reasonable. OR 2-2541. CAMPTRAILE R" iorsalrOR 3-771 aHer JL p 14 FT G LA'S SPAR boat. 3S HP motor arid equipment. OS 9-5005. 15 FT GLASS BOAT, hardware, 35 tleclric Evinruae, trailer. OR 3-B22C. 32 Produce & Plants FREEZING CORN canning tomatoes, to matoes you pick. Pftr, cants, water melons. 0hr fruits rnd vegetables. Har vard Avenue Fruit Stand CANNING TOMATOES, Sweet cornand cukes. Call Sunday or evenings. No Friday! evening or Saturday calls. K ruse's, OR : CANTS, SWEET COR N, wuash, other vege"-! tables. Fresh picked daily. Scott Ranch, I OR 3-5986. j GRAPES, many kindi, 5c lb. Dale Zeller, ' Look ingg lass-Brock way Road. i CORN, cucumbers, bee 17 Schmidt's, Garden Valley. , BLUE LAKE beans, you pick, 5c Tb; pIciT- edon order, lc Ib Carl Arola, OR J-3840. FOR NEW APPLE'BOXES," phonaOR'a-l 6724. BLUE LAKE canning beans and cucumbers. Tomato's and sweet corn, Charles Hig t,OR 2;29J4. BART LETT PEARS, $1. awl up. Marsh Ranch, Looklngolass. Concord grapes, c rb.OR ""mwt."" GUESS WHO..: J i FCOND mNB .f t , . it having the bott to dinner. 32 Produce & Plants DELICIOUS Improved Elberta peaches, canning corn, local watermelons and cantaloupes, also, tomatoes and beans. FRED BURK'S BLUE FRUIT STAND ON OLD Hwy. 99 In Dillard. LATE ELBERTAS and Clings. Jamai Gar dens, o mi aouin KOSeourg, cross graen bridge, turn left, go Ui mnes. CANNING"CORN$lpersackrvbvr-pick. Canning tomatoes. Call atttr 4 p.m. James Conn. OR 3-tm. 33A Musical RENT A NEW HAMMOND organ on Ham mond's Playtime Plan for only $25.00 In eluding frea lessons. Graves Music, 516 SE Jackson, OR 2461 STUDENTQUALITY Bus'cher alto sax, In very good condition; Peddler clarinet, pro fessional model, excellent condition. OR 2-3139. PIANO LESSONS. Private Instruction by Mrs. Wayne Wagner at Roseburg Music, 2441 W. Harvard and In the Newton Creek area. Phone OR 2-3691 or OR 2-3461 BAND INSTRUMENTS for beginning band students. New and used. 3 months Irlal period lor as low as $3 mo Ricketts Music ?,or?!OR 3'3202Ai!er 5:30J??!L.OR 3;662. PIANO RENTALS WurTltzar spinets, any slyle or finish, $10 month Including tree lessons. ROSEBURG MUSIC, 2441 W. Har vard OR K191 or OR 3-2461. OLDS TRUMPET and case 75; Hofton cor net and case S65; Clarinet Jean Revan, made In Franca, $65. OR 2-3444. ENRICO ROSELLI accordion and case, 120 bass notes, $175 or best offer. OR 3-8044. C FLUTE" With "case, $50. Phone 3016"Oak- land. ' HAYNES FLUTE, $125. Box 5, Old Hwy. 99, Glendale, Oregon. USEb"plAN6r"si00TG?averMusfc, 516SE Jackson, OR 2-1621. USED HAMMOND SPINET. Graves Music, 516 J5E Jackson, OR 2-16.11. USED TV'S, $15 and up Graves Music, 516 SE Jackson, OR 2-1621. USED PIANOS and organs Graves Music. S16SE Jackson. OR 2-1621. HOLT ON TRUMPET. 424 Winchester. No Sat- urdaycalls. ' LEfi LA N Cclafln"et SBO. OR 3-6996. BFLATCiar!net $50 QR 2-1052. B FLAT CLARINET, wood, $40. OR 2-1017. 120 Bass accordion. Phone OR 3-7543. 33 Sewing Machines VIGORELLI automatic sewing machine, re conditioned. New portable case, only $49.50. Can be mounted In a new cabinet of your choice. Umpqua Valley, 635 SE Stephens, OR 2-1616. 34 Misc. For Sale LICENSED REPRESENTATIVE Stark Bros. Nurseries. Horns and commercial orchards. Shrubs, berries, Queries welcome, OR 3- 5321 alter 5 or weekends. WESTTNGHdUSEfrueTemprefrlgirato7. Twin crlsoers, meat kecoer. Verv oood Shape. Low price, $S5. Trowbridge Elec iriCii i at uax uk 3-sj.m. WE ALWAYS HAVE a fine selection of meat available tor your locker or deep freeze at wholesale prices. Winston Lockers. OS 9-5133. PLAYER PIANO, lounga chair, bedroom furniture other Hems Reasonable. OR 2-4644. ' WEDGE WOOD gas range; 400 BTU gas furnace; 300 gallon propane tank. Gllman Motor Service, TRolan 4-ia12. PLAYHOUSE, hardwood floors, electric over head lights and wall plugs, $200. 430 S.E. Leland. KENMORE automatic washer with suds saver. Reconditioned and guaranteed. $45. Terms. OR 3-6549. TREVA'S CERAMICS. Free lesson s75reen ware, paints, glazes. Outside firing dona Next to Winston Lockers. OS 9-5133. r'OR the best job of custom cutting, wrap ping ana quick freezing, bring your mast to Winston Lockers, OS 9-5 131', BILL'S BETTER Boards Build Better Build Ings. West Coast Building Supply, 2 blocks west of Greyhound d?pot. ORchard 3-6614. ADMIRAL 14" portable TV. New picture tube, just llkt new. $90. Trowbridge Elec tric, 721 SE Oak St., OR 3-5521. WINSTON Sand and Gravel, 3i -crushed rock, refect gravel, bar run and top toll. OS TV SALES and RENTALS, day or weekly rates, call Kler Crooch Plumbing Co. 244S w. i-iarvaro. uk z-um- TOP SOIL from new location. The best you have ever seen no roots or weeds. Kaipn Fisner. winsron PS 9-B493. WINSTON READY MIX. Concrete to your specifications. OS 9-5881, or OR 3-8759, evenings. WESTINGHOUSE range. Very clean. Deluxe features. Only $84.50. Trvwbrldga Eltclrlc ll 5C UaK 91. UK J-SH1. GENUINE heavy river loam. No rciC, easy io nanoie. r-or ine Dest can inanea Keeiy, OS 9-5117. TV SALES and rentals. Rent may apply on down payment. Horn's Appliance, 424 a.e. jaexson. ok a-ssis. ELECTRIC RANGEaveno7"matchrng7ock er, 2 washers, wood healer. OR 2-3537. LOCAL REPRESENTATIVE Minnesota Wool- en Mills. Call for appointment, OR 3-4813. YEW WOOD and cedar posts for sale. OR 3-7337 or OR 1-3672. USED GUNS, bought sold and traded. Ump qua Gun Store. USED CHAIN SAWS. Winston Chain Saw OS 9-564 L ELECTRIC ST O V E and ret r igere tor, good working condition, $35 eaach. OR 2-3444. FASHION FROCKS LINE, all" sun. Reason able. OR 3-7153. USED TV's, crgans end accordlans. Craves music, si 5t jacKson, or 2-167I. POOL TABLE i size! A-l "condi"fiofV Sfereo set Webcor President. OR ?-2766, PACKARD BELL 14'" console TV, $45. Trow- orioge fciectric, 731 SE Oak St., OR 3-SSii. S YEAR BABY CRIB, new maltress, $20. ' 0R i'4741 BOYS' 20" "blcVcleecelientcondlllon7"$. Double bed, coll springs, $10L OR 3-7871. FOR SALE Supercold7 glass front maat dispiaycase, jso. OS 9-S65. LARGE 2-wheel trailer."" phone OR 3-4737' $350 man7! Diamond ring $15-37 OR "M3M. CEDAR P0VTS. 0R3OI1l7"" RAWLEIGH Products. Bowies. OS 9-5437 HANDYMAN ack7OR "3-5I03. FULLER BRUSHOR 2-1391 SHEEP MANURE. Oft 2-3881. " OIL HEATER " $25. OR 2-lCiJ CLEAN bed daveno. Make of r. OR 2-3977. 21" GENERAL ELECTRIC TV. OR 3-4849. USED ASHLEY wood he iter. OS 9-5101. SUB 2ERO upright deep (ret it, OR 1-3134. iv I; Hi 1 34 Misc. For Sale Completely Automatic 30 inch Kenmore Electric Range Just set it! Forget it! Only $148.88 $5 Down 24 inch ovcn-60 minute timer 7 beat selector switches Super oven preheat Sears Roebuck & Co. 526 SE Jackson OR 3-6673 BIG SALE Used Furniture 8. Appliances RAINBOW TRAILER SALES Old Highway 99 N. Winchester OR 3-7373 For Auctioneering Services CONTACT Col. V. Munion. we buy, tell and trade. It pays to buy and sell the auction way. Auction tvary Friday. 7 p.m. Roseburg Auction OR 3-5026 Beckwith Cycle Co. Schwinn St Evans Bicycles Naw. Usad. Also Motorcycles.. m w. Harvard aa 3-81 JO FOR SALE Maytag washer, conventional type, ust like new Westinghousa dryer In good shape Kelvlnator, runs like new, in good condition Dinette set and 4 chairs Ready for use PAUL H. KRUEGER Day Phone OR 3-4489 Eves OR 2-1316 USED FURNITURE Sofa beds, $19.50 and up. Dinette Sets. Mattress and soring s. Easy terms tree delivery. Judda Fur niture Company. 435 SE Jackson. OR 3-5415. SADDLES, bridles, bits, spurs, whips, pack equipment1, saddle pads and blankets, etc also moccasins, belts and buckles. Allen's Western Goods, 2 miles south Dillard. 500 GALLON BUTANE tank; hay chopper on wneeis, as m.k. eir-cooiea engine; electric range. All good shape. OR 3-8512, 2666 Diamond Lake Blvd. ELECTROLUX vacuum cleaners sales, serv ice and supplies. Free home demonstration. Call J. E. Newberry, OR 3-7010 or OR 3-3591. REPOSSESSED 1960 Merry Tiller garden tractor with sickle bar and attachments, 3 HP. Run only I hour. Seo at Lansing Oliver Tool Rental. MAHOGANY dining table, can seat 10; 6 matching chairs, coffee table, table lamp. OR 3-6529. APPLIANCES, living room, bedroom and miscellaneous household Items. Phona OR 3-6063. 1240 SE Cass. HOTPOINT 6 Cu. It. refrigerator. Very clean Left hand door. $95. Trowbridge Electric, ll bt UaK 51., OR 3-5521. B & M MEAT CO. Hereford locker beef 39c lb. Cut and wrapped free. Custom cuinngBT reasonable price. OR 3-5 no. CANOPY, hadboard7""llsS0tb'5VFod'J Norge refrigerator, '55 model. OR 3-5892 FULL SIZE MATTRESS, ilka hew. OR 2-2516. ONE FULL GLASS and -a glass showcase. iw ror Dom. pai'i anop, iumemn 2V?2. UTAH WOOLEN Mills clothes Four your scietTion pnone y-wuv. PERMAGLASS 20 gallon gas hot water npaier. tyi Karrori street, see alter s p.m. NEW, $122 gas water heater. Medallion, ror 3. UK 2-J44U. USED KENMORE automatic washer, $40, OR 3-4078. GIBSON upright freeiar. Excellent condi tion, $125. OR 3-8014. 35 Wanted Misc. WE PAY HIGHEST cash prices for usea Tumiiure. Kosoourg mrnitura Exchange( S. E. Jackson OR 3-5104. WANTED TO BUY Old china, glasswari, furniture, jewelry. Prlscilla's Antiques. 247 S.E. Jackson. OR 3-1421. WANTED Old coins, guns and marble (op turn, rncitia-s Antiques, 24 5-E. Jackson OR 2-1421. WANTED TO BUY Good "used ' furniture. KUStBUKU AULTIDN. OH 3-5026. WANTED WINDOLPH or ilmllar crawler garaen tractor. OR 2-2903. WANTED - Coins. OR 7-4390. WANTED Used fruit a'rs. OR 7963T 36 For Trade SADDLE HORSE, front-end loader, farm tractor, new boat and trailer, antlqua din ing room set, 3-sectlon John Deera har row.Trade any or all for cattle, OR 2-2694. WILL TRADE or selPoqultynblack " '56 Ford. Exceptionally clean. Inquire 1st house on left, Page RdWlnchester. 1940 FORD Vt ton, 4-speed pickup for" Va la or trade for welder or power wood work Ing tools. OR2-3620. '59 FORD Falrlane500" "town sedan, loaded. Sell, or tradt for good older car, OR 3"4!lf TWO HOMES on tan acres " for " imaTlar plact. OR 2-394t after 4:30. 37 Machinery HAVE FOR SALE m HP, I PH. high head Irrigation oumo comotete with con trols and cord. New winding. Also, 200 ami", uk. weiaer. tan m used on power fake-off. 2 shallow well pumps; 1 IW HP deep well pump with tank and let. t 8" Skllsaw, 1 10" Skllsaw. New and used mo tors, see ai Jimmies Electric Motor Serv ice, 350 NE Garden Valley Blvd. OR 3-3167. FORCED SALE Bankruptcy stock, 2 TD 18 tractors. 55 and 56 models. Bladt and drums. Excellent condition. Best offer. One or both. Demonstrations available. O. K, Tittle, Custodian. 2504 7th St., Tillamook, Victor 2-2260. 39 Timber & Sawmills Logs Wanted Peelers & Peelable Mill Delivered at Nordic Veneers pond on North Umpqua Highway, 3 miles east of Rosa burg. For Information call OR 2-4551, Sutherlin 2232 or OR 3-4069 evenings. 40 House Trailers Shady Point Trailer Sales Complrt. lines N.w and Us-d Irallnrs. Campers. Traval Trailers Mobile Hamas I Ml. So. Hwy WB OR 1-WI. Rod & Reel Trailer Boat Sales ) 145 W. Harvard 1960 17' ' CAMP trailer Gas and electric equipped. Provincial intr.or. Will sell equity at big discount. OR 2-1082 or OR 3 8834. KiT GOLOFN STATED "j 9S67Mr"l -Dadroom trailer Priced at $7,800. Will take in trade an older trailer, iep, pickup er car, OR 2-1756 or OR 2-7924, Dftvlis Moblle Homes 14 FT. vacation trailer $575."", 058 wrpalr. haven. ' '5. x 39. 2-bedroom, Terra Cruiser "2,2O0. OR 9-4871. Thur., Sept. 15, 1960 The New-Reiew, Roseburg, Ore. 13 40 House Trailers To the) thousonds who sow our exhibit at tht fair, wt soy "THANK YOU", Why Not Drive Out RAINBOW Trailer Sales Old Hwy 99 North, Winchester Let us make you a deal on one of our quality MOBILE HOMES We will take your furniture and appliances in trade. Give you rent-like bank terms, and up to 7 years to pay. Good used ones too, both 8 and 10 wide. See us for relioble- TOWING OR 3-727? Where Else But At JIM McKEE'S Could You Purchase A New 10x50 Fully Warranted Mobile Home For $3995 You will find, also at Jim McKee's all cash prices are posted for your approval. Easy terms can be arranged if desired. 1028 N. E. Stephens OR 2-4221 J & J TRAILER SALES 10 WIDES Angelus Great Lakes 1, 2 Si 3 Bedrooms AIRSTREAM ARROWHEAD TRAVELEZE ir to ! USED TRAILERS Reconditioned Sc Guaranteed (Formerly Brady's Mobile Homes) OR 2-3441 EARL SMITH TRAI LER HOMES CO. 1-2-3 Bedrooms. 15' to 55' MODERN AND PROVENCiAL ROD AND REEL Hensleo High Style and Plainsman VENUS ROLLAWAY SEE THE ALL ELECTRIC MODELS 15' Kamp Mate by Hensleo ' COMPLETE LINE TRAILER SUPPLIES 1980 NE STEPHENS OR J-33S ! ANOERSON TRAILER, 30', excellent condition, 11,400. call Sutherlin, 4296. 42 Trucks '51 JEEP PICKUP Clean, almost new rebuilt Studebaker engine; turn lights and canopy. 4 wheel drive. All ready to go hunting, S700. Curlln Garage, at Curtln Truck Stop. WHIIney2-3947. '51 GMC pickup, $495. 1062 NE Newton Creek Road O.R 2-2995. No Saturday calls please, 1950 H TON Chev. pickup, now paint and tires. 1951 Vi ton Chev. pickup naw motor. Call OR 2-3441. METAL CANOPY Chevy box 6x8'. Cheap. UK 2-34UV, PICKUP, CHEV. 1950. Excellent condition, $350. 1641 NE Stephens. OR 2-4571. FOUR WHEEL drive Dodge plcfcupnit. Seo at Adair's Flying A stai'on. '54 JEEP Station wagon, 4 wheel drive. Warn hubs, excellent condition, OR 3-3959, '51 GMC pickup, 4 Speed OR 2-2b73. IVi TON stakt bed truck.' GY 6-3510. 43 Autos & Motorcycles 1955 CHEV. Bel Air, excellent condition. R fc H, Powergllde. Must sell bafort I return to college. $175. OR 3-7501 btfore I P.M. 1953 Plymouth Club Coupe, Rebuilt angina. suck ana overanvt, KOrr. woog iires. Phont OR 3-7543. WILL TRAOE equity In '59 Volkswagen tor nog or oioer car. wyriia creek, UN 1-363$. r!7 FAIRLANE town sedan j clean, good condition. One owner. OR .1-4452 or OR 3-3334. 1951 CHEVROLET Bel Air 2 door hardtop. txceiient condition, sea to apprtciata, OS 9-5B4I after 4 p.m. 195$ V-$ FORD 2 door wagon. Straight stick, R.H. 23.000 miles. Nka $300 tor equity. Oft 2-1210. 1954 Oldsmoblle $$ hardtop convertible over named angina, in excellent condition good rubber, easy terms. OR 2-9034. 194), 2-DOOR Ford sedan with 1949 angina. tTpiy a-joj. JEEP, excellent condition. Sea to appreciate. us y-iH aner a p.m. 1959 DUCATTl motorcycle, excellent condi tion, uk j-irju, 49 FORD good tires and motor. Cheap. Phona OR 2-4579. MUST SELL -1951 AAO., $553. OR2O07f or OR 3-430$ 1940 MOTOR" SCOOTER. NaboT7alTtrParlt, Space A-20. MOTORCYCLES - new, Cycle. OR J$I20. used. Btckwith MUST SELL or trade $850 equity In 1959 Fiat Abarth tor $300. OS 9-5269 after 5. l"956CADlLLAt Coupe "beV MertuTl power. Clean, excellent condition OS 9-$437. JEEP Call OR "i-7M4avenlngsr" SI CHE VROLE T, J$175OR2-442$. i959V0LV0jvilh tow mlleaoe OR 2-1074. 1931 MODEL A Ford, $75 OR3-4i7$r jTeTTTiFU p-afTotT. ' 43 Autos & Motorcycles For Particular People '59 Impala 2 dr. Hdtop. New car trade-in, local low mileage, like new OT J '58 Ford Fairlane 2 dr. club cpe. Straight transmission, radio, heater. One $11 OR . owner, sharp IJ '57 Pontioc Catalina H'dtop Rated as one of the best on the road. Exception- i A Q C ally clean It1 J '56 Oldsmobile "88" Holiday H'dtop. Only Nopier Auto Sales can sell so much UIQC for so little I I 7 '55 Mercury Monterey H'dtop. Solid black, leopard interior, truly a beautiful . 995 '54 Mercury Monterey H'dtop. Special price on this $CQC one. Only J7 J '51 Chevrolet 'j ton, 4 spd. pick up. Deluxe cab com- $ A A C mercial wheels, lust J '49 G.M.C. V4 ton, 4 spd. pick up. This pick up is far $0 Q C superior to most 07J Many More To Choose From Easy bank terms Napier Auto Sales Hillman -.Sunbeam dealer 1240 S. E. Stephens OR 2-2243 BARCUS Used Cars 58 DODGE V-8 4-dr H'dtop, uslibutton drive, R & U, 500 engine. Top condi tion throughout. Uncondi tionally guaranteed $1791 '58 PLYMOUTH V8 club cpe, pushbutton drive, R&H, a lustrous black finish with spotless interior. One own er car with low mileage. Only J $149 58 FORD V-8 Ranch Wacon. Fordomatic, extra nice $1598 '57 BUICK Century, 4 d o o r. hdtp, power steering, R&H .one owner $1698 '56 PLYMOUTH Belvedere H. T., R&H, Auto. Trans. New nylon tires $ 998 55 FORD V-8 ',i ton pickup CUSInm Pflh. H fi lmmn. . cr, canopy. Ideal for that hunting trip $ 798 '54 CHEV. 4 dr, wagon, R&H new paint and scat covers, really sharp $ 698 53 PONTIAC sedan, Hydro matic, R&H, good tires. Sharp $s298 '53 FORD V8 sdn, R&H, stand trans. . $ 498 "52 BUICK Super. 2 door H.T., Dynaflow, R&H. Sharp. ,. $ 398 52 OLDS 88 sdn 4 $ 198 '51 DODGE W ton pickup. 4 speed trans. $ 398 50 CHEV. 1 ton pickup. 4 speed trans, heavy duty tires and bumper $ 398 47 STUDE. pickup with camper. Has bunks, stove and butane tank. Only 20 days. until hunting season. $ 298 Imports '60 SIMCA Super Deluxe sdn, only 6000 miles. New car guarantee $1598 ' '59 SIMCA Wagon, like new $1498 '59 SIMCA Plein Ceil snorts car, sold new for $3150, now only $1998 '59 SIMCA Super Deluxe Sdn. $1198 '58 RENAULT Dauphine sed. $ 898 BARCUS N. at Garden Valley Hi. OR 3-5564 Own evenings 'III I. Sundays la to 4. 137 CHEVROLET station wagon VI. very nice condition. Like new. Sell or trade. Ptione OR 2 5t otter a P.M. "5! PONTIAC v' solid liners, 4 barrel 1150. 'S7 Chevrolet V-8 28J, Ountov Cam, 3 carbs, polished ports :m OR 3-sast, Late mooel used cars wanted-. Cash or tradi tor equity. ATEN a. PHIL LIPS. I3!l SE SIDhons. 1M CHEVROLET Blscayne, V-!, Power, glide. Balance Sltfa take $100 for equity. 3-3794, Mvrtle Creek. St FIAT MULTIPLA," radio" and power booster. Sell 11300 equity for S300. UN 3-42IS, Wyrtj. Creek. WILL SELL OR TRADE equity In HM Ambassador station wagon. Can finance balance. 703 Madron., MyrtleCr WILL SELL $750 equity In Corvair for .350 cash gooa" us3d irmer or ald.r car. OR J-455 alter 5. JEEP 44, $500, or 'will trade for trailer i Doun. Phona Oakland JM1 alter . f