Mo tents' in Waiting-Let WANT ADS Save You Money. OR 2-3321. Houses UNFURNISHED ) bedroom modern collage witn carport. No aler to pa. Near Joseph Lane School, 140 per mo. William son Real Estate, 1137 NE Stephana, OR OR MODERN, unfurnished 3-owroom house; large rooms, excellent condition and loca tion. Fenced backyard. Not more than 3 small children. R:lerencee required. 1100. OR2-3033atter 5. TWO ROOM modern cabin, gas i range" and heating. 7 ft, refrigerator. Good bed etc. Water and garbage disposal furnished. Hartx Cabins. 245 N E. Diamond Lake blVO. UK 3-3361. ONE-BEDROOM HOUSC reterences" re quired. Cooking stove, refrigerator and heating stove furnished or unfurnished. OR2-40S3. fwO BEDROOMS Walt to wall carpet ing, garage, corner lot. Adults perter red. $90 per month. Consider I year lease. 743 W. Mebo.CaH Bill Evans, OR 3-S4S0. FIVE ROOMS AND BATH, unfurnished. Cbse in, one level. Available Immediately. Ft.ll rent $65. Call Ray Lehman, OR J-6l93Of ORJWOTl evenings. 1, 2, 3 and 4 bedroom homes. Income lim its. Families, also single, elderly 65 or over accepted. 902 W. Stanton St. OR 3-651. UNFURNISHED 2-bedroom duplex, newly decorated. No pels, $65. 1607 SE Eddy. OR 3-7983 atler 5. SMALL, unfurnished 2 Dedroom. $45. 98? Willow St., Ted S ma lie Real Estate. OR 2-3444. NICE, modern, I -bedroom unfurnished dup lex apartment and garage, close in, $60 Call OR 2-3033 after 5. CLEAN 3 room house. Garden, modern, $52. Will sell on easy terms, 1M7 SE Eddy, OR 3-532K SMALL, unfurnished nous, M0; adults only no dogs. Walking distance cl.y. 32. S.E. Caw St. FURNISHED, 1-bed room house. Adults, no pets. Call OR 2-1119 after 5 p.m. 642 W. Kenwood. FURNISHED CABINS BY WEEK $10 and up, all utilities Included. Pacific Motel, Old 99, 3 miles north.Fhone OR3-7939. $100 FURNISHED 2-bedrx.rn duplex, avail able until January 1st. Walking distance to downtown. OR 9-1534 FU R N ISHED 1 bed room-home","' $65 month! OR3-73. PARTLY FURNISHED 4 room house, OR 2-4534. TWO BEDROOM rental. OR 3-3672. 12Tr!r. Parks & Rentals TIMBER TOWN TRAILER PARK: New spa cious lots tor big trailers. 1040' concrete patio with pad for trailer. 220 volt elec tricity available. Individual gas meters. OR 3-8579. WINCHESTER TRAILER PARK modern spaces. Paved grounds, shade trees. High way 99 No. at Winchester Bridge. ALAMEDA TRAILER COURT has paved streets and cement porches. Reasonable rates. 581 NE Alameda. OR 2-2343. ONE BEDROOM modern trailer on Vt acre lot. Near KelleyKorne tOS 9-5144 afterji. f RAILERSPACE. Walking distance to town. 1451 SE Short Street. OR 37105. 13 Misc. Rentals PARKING LOT RENTALS available at Kohl hagen Parking Lot at SE Jackson and Mosher Sts. Only s& per mon1h.OR 3-8244. AVAILABLE-dCTTrtore-building on South Stephens Ave. A-l location for cafe. OR 3-6134. EXCELLENT OFFICE SPACE available now. U. S. Bank Bldg. Phone OR 2-2432. BUSINESS BUILDING for rent, S55. 245 s EJckson o R2-u r WINSTON Beauty shop. New equipment in good location. OS 9-8493. 14 Help Wanted IF you are out of work or dissatisfied with your present ob because of limited Income due to lay-offs or seasonal work, and, it you are Interested In future op portunities, then you owe it to yourself . to Investigate this ad. DUE to our tremendous growth end ex pansion program, we have several open ings for men with ambition. All I ask Is live minutes of your time, at your con venience, to show you the possibilities. For details, see - - JAMES SEITZ, AT 201 CARTER BUILDING Between 9 a.m. and 1 p.m. WANTED Experienced sporting goods man capable of heading retail sporting goods department. Permanent position. Must be familiar with all sporting goods, athletic equipment, boats, molors, etc. Ex cellent opportunity. Write, giving experi ence, age, qualifications to Box 196, News Review. ' WANT a business of your own? Dependable man or woman needed to supply consum ers with Rawleigh Products. Buy on credit pay as you sell. For details write Raw leigh's, 306 Adeline. Oakland. Calif. VACANCYhas "occurred within the custodial staff of School Dist. No. 15. Anf party Interested should contact Mr. Wm. E. Lu ellen. Days Creek School, Immediately. LOCAL STOREhasapening for outside sales people male or female full or part time. Car needed. Better than average earnings. Call OR 2-3381 between 9:30 A.M. and 5:30 P.M DO YOU WANT to work in television or radio in Southern Oregon or Norlhern Cali fornia? Write Mr. Hess, P.O. Box 297, Roseburg, Oregon. WANTED- Experienced chocolate dipper for local candy shop. tate age and exper ience. Write POBox 901, Roseburg, Oregon. WANT E DCatT choker -setter. OR 2-3411 between 4 and 8 p.m. REAL ESTATE salesman or saleslady, FULL TIME. Call OR 2-3444 any lime. SCHOOL GIRL or adult for baby sitting and light Housework. Keierences. uk -ih. EXPERIENCED salvage cutter. Call after J P.M. OR 3-7BSV. CAR HOPS part time work. Apply Larry's Drive in. 15 Work Wanted CONTRACTING, remodaling, carports, cab inets, construction, al! types. Free tlmates. Workmanship guaranteed. Phone OR 2-1359 or OR 3-3725. EXCHANGE carpentry, cement, sheetrock and painting or what hav you, work for pickup truck. OR 3-4643 BABY SITTING" my home days. Reason' able. OR 2-3767. 90UNG MARRIED MAN waits work, ot any kind. OR 3-8316. CHILD CARE days. Reasonable. OR 3-5409. BABY SITTING My horns Day or evenings. OR 3-8144. CARPENTER work. Reasonable. Smith. OR 3-8411. SHORT LOG hauling. Mule train or sol. Franco Trucking. OB 2-2343. NEW CONSTRUCTION and remodeling. Free estimates. Phone OR 3-7234 or OR 3-7516. at WO"RKwanted ."Clear; 13. leveling. By hour or contract. CR 3-41.9. JeTf-i LOADING- short tog" truck for hire. OR 3-4647. LAWN LEVELING, plowing and grading. OR 3-4732. CHRISTIAN LADY desires day work. Refer- ences. OR 3-5903. .HOUSEWORK by'day. OR 2-3530. IRONING Light mending Irrt. OR 2-1015. CHILD care, reasonable. Off 3-B344. ALTRATJONSORJIOiM. iRONINGand sewing. QP 2-:j?8. SEWING, all types. Guaranteed OR 2-3764. IRONING RWrsdale area. OR 3-7879. 18 Instruction HANDS TIED No High Scnool diploma American Schools. Our 63rd year. AH texts nS study guides furnished. For Informa tion write: Southern Oregon Poiitrer, Ray Burkeft, 416 Butte. Yka, Calif. OUlT AR TEACHERitpei orsfaivJard leid, rvthm or Boogie-Voogie. OR 3-SJZS. John E. Jones. RIVATEDRIVING " initriictrnns. Ken Lin derman, OR 3-7447. PIANO LESSONSTOR 2-4171. 11 18 Instruction MEN WANTED TO TRAIN FOR HEAVY EQUIPMENT OPERATORS AND MECHANICS U.S. Government spending billions for highways and construction. Tremendous need for qualified men. WE TRAIN YOU - - - Kill in Coupon NOW! News.Revlew, Box 199 West Coast Training Service Nama Address . City Hrs. I work a.n ... Asa Phona . Slalt 20 Services CHILD CARE Mother Goose Nursery OR 3-S361 BICYCLE REPAIRING ORVILLE'S FIXIT SHOP S3I H E. Garden valley Blvd. OR !-'51) Bikes Repaired Saws Filed "Rebuilt bikes at 2nd hand prices" City Cycle Center iU Winchester St. FOUNDATIONS, basements, pause raising, leveling, repair. Work F.H.A. approved. Ce ment, - block work. F'nancing available. Free estimates. OR 2-4345 cr OR 3-8844. ROOFING New and repair. Free esti mates work guaranteed. Fisher Thorsen Paint Co. Call L. E. Bailey, OR 3-6042; W. E. Daum, OR 2-1571. SMALL Appliance repair. Best stock of small appliance Darts In Douglas County. Trowbridge Electric, 721 SE Oak SI. OR 3-5S2 K MOTOR rewinding, repairing. All makes and sizes. Experienced, competent motor man. Jimmie's Electric Motor Shop, 359 NE Garden Valley Blvd. OR 3-3162. CARPENTRY Remodeling, clothes closets, party rooms, kitchens, patios, house level ing. CIaner4P1M.,OR3-3254. REPAIR ALL MAKES domestic oil or gas heating systems. Munion Heating, 1098 NE Stephens. OR3-S460. JONES PIANO SERVICE OR 3-6525. Players and reed organs too. Tuning and repairs. CARPENTER Contracting house level fng foundations. Any type construe lion. OR 3-8020. GRADING and leveling; loam and rock ae liver ed. Call Paul Casey. OR 3-4018, 2231 N. E. Stephens St. HAVE YOU a porch, garage, carport, house or anything to build or repair? Phone John Sanborn, OS 9-5387. FOR FAST efficient plumbing repair s.'rvtce, call Kier Crooch Plumbiing Co, 2448 W. Harvard. OR 2-3364. SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED no mileage; free estimates. Roseburg Sanitation Serv Ice. 1980 NE Stephens. Ph. OR 3-3356. CASTLE AVE. MACHINE SHOP. Plow and mower sharpening, welding and general repair. ?352 S.W.CastleA venue OR3-4687 DOZING, leveling; also shale rock, river loam and road materials. Chat. Keeleyi OS 9-5117. SHALE rock tor roads and driveways. Im mediate delivery. Ph. C. P. Tallon, OR 3-4040. WEE WISDOM Kindergarten. 562 Newton Creek Road. OR 2-1210. MODERN and antique furniture red n lining OS 9-8921. M8.R PAINTING Inf-rior, exterior and spray. Free Estimates. OR 3-8774. BOB'S FLOOR SERVICE. You furnish ma terial. We Install. Phone OR 3-5460. CARPENTRY and cabinet making. Harry b. Young. OK 3-41?. PLANS Residential Designer. Bob Dish- man, OR 1-1294. NORTH ROSEBURG KINDERGARTEN. 1553 N.E. Vine St. OR 2-3C63 or OR 3-7849. FOR NEW lawns and Turfco sprinkler sys tems, call Jeff Stringfellow, OR 2-3122. ELECTRIC CONTRACTORS. Lansing & Ol iver, OR 3-6636. MOHR WELL DRILLING Jacuzzi whirl pool bath. OR 2-2321 or OR 2-3043. ALUMINUM welding. Winston Chain Saw D5 95641. ROTOTILLING and leveling. OR 2-4302 or OR 2-3357. CARPENTER Build, remodel, repair cab inets. Phone OS 9-5814. SHEET ROCK FINISHING, plaster, stucco. cement, patching and repairing. OR2-45il. CABINEtworkandremcde'i-ig. OR 2-3425. 21 Building Material House Insulation Pour in Cuts Heating Costs Cooler In Summer THIS WEEK $1.39PerSack Cash Cr Carry GERRETSEN Building Supply Odell Gr Casper St. Fiberglass panels For patio awnings, etc. 13 colors. Regu lar price 72c ft, a or. now 31c ft. Pabco & Pioneer trickbutt 3-1 shingles Regularly fil.IS new t?.9J. Regular SI 3.95 Seal Tab. S1095. Hoi Water heaters Fowler giass-tined electric, really nice. R-g. I1W.95 now $7J. Washers, Dryers, Freeiers Admiral 1175 each. Lumper P.ywood, bldg. board, Psrwood, clapboard $3 50 sht; , H reg. SJ.2Q. Wa'paper Vj price Paint First Quality Schorn, ma-fe by Dutch Boy. R?a. 15.99 now First quality inside rubber-bast paint, reg. W.99 $3 99. Aluminum wlndowi Gt your lowest U'lct tttn set us. Wood w'Mows mide to fit, no extra tost. Robinson Builoing Supply Suiherlin, Oregon Orn Sun. Closed Sat. Ph. 2182 Good Usable Lumber 1x4 and I" sheeting. ) 1 i and " C M. for Sub-flsorlpg Boards Snip'ap V Rulc Dimension 2 x 4's and wider, as low as $25. LUMBER SAI.FS CO. OR 3 7362 Girdtfl Vailey, near R. R. tracks. 21 Building Material Gerretsen Bldg.SplyCo. Located' In The Flegel Bldg. Odell & Casper St. 1 Blk off Diamond Lake Blvd. Low Overhead Low Prices Bargain Lumber Studs Dimension Boards Utility Grade Economy Grado $45 M $25 M Umpqua Mfg. Co. (Formerly Consolidated Milling) Hwy 99BR South OR 3-7411 23 Fuel SAWDUST Blower or Dump WOOD Oak Wood - Peeler Core Planer Ends (16" or 2') Slab Wood (green or dry) ROSEBURG LUMBER CO. Ph. OS 9-8741 WOOD Block and slab mixed. Peeler ceres green or dry. Sawdust Blower or Dump Guy & Fronces Gill Fuel 281 N. E. Douglas OR 2-1524 WOOD Peeler Cora Hardwood Block woo Dry Planer ends Red Diamond Fuel Co. OR 3-5082 OAK WOOD cut to order dry green; also oak posts. Will deliver. 3-5698. OR HARDWOOD Cut to order $22.50 cord delivered. Phone OS 9-5643 or OS 9-5709. FIREWOOD Oak, Madrone, Old growth Fir. Heater and fireplace. TRojan 4-2534 or Sam M. Humphrey, Rt. 1 Box 58, Riddle. O&C FUEL CO. Dry oak, 16" and 24". aiso, tir neater diocks, ok 2-jju4. LAUREL and oak wood lor iale. OR 3-3604. OAK WOOD S!4 cord. You ha U I. J) R "2 -3804 HARDWOOD cut to order. OR 3-7850. 25 Farm Equipment Meyers Water Systems No money down. 3 yrs. to pay on approved credit. Complete Installation and repairs. UMPQUA TRACTOR COMPANY 2916 Diamond Lake Blvd OR 3-4567 26 Livestock Douglas Livestock Market Wilbur Oregon EARLY CONSIGNMENTS For Thursday, Sept. 15lh: 1 lot good whiteface sfocker calves 1 lot fat steers and hellers 1 load yearling steers and heifers 2 good Hereford bulls 1 load fat heavy calves You will also find feeder lambs, breeding ewes, wearier and feeder pigs and day qio caives. SALE EVERY THURSDAY 1 P. M. For further Information, call: OR 2-4071 or Myrtle Creek, UN 3-: Airplane Seeding Call George Felt OR 3-6743 Felt's Airport Calkins Road 2 SHETLAND MARES Both bred, 1 to foal soon; gentle for ctvldren. Jersey and Holstein heifers, breeding age. OR 3-3619 or UK 3-ii4. ki. , uo VJ5. WANTED TO BUY Clutch' bracket for sheep shearing machine; power grinder tor comos ana cutters ana Burdizzo emas culates. Write Box 200, News Review. WANTED TO BUY feeder and weaner pigs. Isadoro Inda, General Delivery, Bandon, Oregon. Call Fllmore 7-7644. REGISTERED Guernsey bull, 16 months old tor sale or traae tor wnneiace. rn. ir 4-2727, or Rt. 1, Box 2l.Rlddle. FIRST CALF Guernsey heifer, fresh; 2 Jer sey heifers and 1 Holstein heifer all coming fresh in about 10 days. OR 3-7628. BEAUTIFUL little black Welsh and Quarter horse. Well trained wonderful tor chil dren. OR 3-3400. 60 GOOD 3-y ear-old black faced ewes, S13 head. Victor 9-2435, Yoncella. i HORSESHOEING; horse jreaking. Jack Adams, GY 6-3369. G U E R NSEYcow,genHerasymi lker7OR 3-8555 mornings. POLLED Hereford bulls. 2 SheHandcoltY E. L. Paris, OR 2-4735. WANTED sheep of all kinds, also wool. TEmple 4-9470, Drain. Al Brown. , FOUR YOUNG grade buck ih p. UN 3-3869, Myrtle Creek. 'AT STUD Apoafoosa, weM marked-Allen1! Western Goods, 2 miles -xwth Dillard. LOGGING HORSE and harness, milk cow, 2 calves. OS 9-5392. HORSES FOR 5ALE. GY 6-3510. SAANAN milk goat. OR 3-7930. GET OUT OF THAT RUT fry some Bemis QTBis fn your pastur? mi. Sed for sale. Eugene R. Hoicomb, Kellogg Star Rt. Oakland, Ore. Phone 2716. L . C P ELLE T W I L Lus:om pelleting . miles eat of Oakland on Elkhead Road. L. C. Perrin, phon 2113. 28 Poultry & Rabbits WE BUY LIVE poultry. Rosefturg PojHry djy or evening pnone OS 9-5400. ho Sun day calls. ROASTING, stewing hens and layers, each. No Saturday sales. OR 2-4631. Pets SHELTIE malt pups. One family dog. Very good around cni.oren. tasity iramea. pa per if oesired. S45-S50. OR 3-5804. GOLDEN HAMPSTERS, phone OR 3-0229. 348 56 Lane, Kose-HJig. REG. Chihuahua puppies; also stud service. Drain, Oregon. Ttmpie -. AKC REG. German Shepherd pupoies. Excel lent blood lines. Call OR 3-1300. NELSON'S Pomeranian Kennels. 672 NE Al ameda. DOUGLAS COUNTY HUMANE Society Ani- al Shelter. OR 7-290. PUTMAN S Toy Fax Terrier Kennels, Wil- bur, Oregon. OR j-mu. REGISTERED Dachshund pupp'es 10 weeks old. Have had shots. OR 20 106. SIAMESE kittens. OR3-49w, orOR a-25C1. CUTE Cocker" puppies, S. OR 2-4H9. BOSTON TERRIER Jtud service OS 9-M95. DACHSHUND STUD SERVICE, OR --7261 GLHHGARY Beagle Kennels. OR 3-6757. CHIHUAHUA'S stud service. OR 3-3694. COCKER PUP575weeks OR33C6&" POOOLESCall UNion3-33 MyrtleCreek. PUPPIES, each.Mixeir breed. OR M177. 31 Sporting Equipment ROD Gr REEL Evinrudo motors Boat accessories fritcrlux paints Boat trailer tires 1145 W. Harvard OR 2-2242 UMPQUA MARINA Skagit boats Mercury motors Boat accessories Motor repairing 643 S. E.Rose OR 2-1616 September Sale Ski Boat IVMobilcraft 17' Cabin Cruiser Reg. S 650 Now t 499 Reg. t 99 Now S 149 Reg, 11627 Now S149S Nick's Welding & Boat Works 5205 S.W. D! I lard Highway Roseburg Hunter Specials New camping trailers In stock, now 10. off. Can be financed. Wag's Trailer Sales, Winston,OS 9-5101. CAMPERS, HUNTERS, Fishermen and radio Hams see the Bendix Portable electric generator. The most compa t 110 volt, 750 watt, 60 cycle A.C. generator known, weighs 50 lbs. For a demonstration, call William R. Hrt, Repr., OR 3-8394. NICK'S BOAT WORKS Satellite and Mo bllcralt boats, fiberglass boat repairs and rellnishlng. Vi ml. So. Kelley's Korner, OR 3-7664. 15 FT. Skagit Fiberglass runabout, complete ly upholstered. Mark 75 Mercury 60 h.p. motor. Make offer. Cail OR 3-6040. f E L E SCOP E R I F IJE S IGH TS If bought from us, we install tree If gun Is factory drilled. Umpqua Gun Store. lVFT. COMBINAfTbNtlshinfT"and ski run about. Lots of extras. 25 HP. motor; trail er. Priced right. OR 3-8597 after 5:30. 14' i ft. WOOD RUNABOUT BOAT and trail er 75.00 or trade for good shotgun or guitar. OR 3-8198. CUSTOM 300 Savage with power scops sioo. ok 3-3953, evenings. WANTED Used S or 5"i H.P, outboard motor, reasonable. OR 2-2541. CAMP TRAILER for sale. OR 3-7671 alter J P.M. 14 FT GLASSPAR boat. 35 HP motor and equipment, os ?-5O05. IS FT GLASS BOAT, hardware, 35 electric tvinruae, Trailer, or 3-8230. NEW SLIDE ACTION, tcr 72, OR 3-8187. model 61, Winches SLIGHTLY used 300 deluxe Savage scope. Alter S, OR 0-8187. 32 Produce & Plants DELICIOUS Improved Elberta peaches, canning corn, local watermelons and cantaloupes, also, tomatoes and beans. FRED BURK'S BLUE FRUIT STAND ON OLD Hwy. 99 in Dillard. FREEZING CORN canning tomatoes, to- maiocs you pick, pear, cams, water melons. Other fruits rnd vegetables. Har vard Avenue Fruit Stand CANNING TOMATOES, sweet corn and cukes. Call Sunday or evenings. No Friday evening or Saturday calls. K ruse's. OR 2-2JS. LAT E " ELTbE RfAS""and Clings. James Gar- dens. 6 mi South Roseburg. cross green bridge, turn left, go IV mnes. TOMATOES" "you pick.-WinstonSecl Ion, A miles south, turn left at Winston Bridge. Ray Brosi. CANNING CORN $1 per-sackTOu" pick! Canning tomatoes. Call after 4 p.m. James Conn.OR 3-6902. CANTS, SWEET CORN, squash, other vege- tables. Fresh picked daily. Scott Ranch, OR 3-5984. GRAPES, "many kinds, 5c lb. Dale Zelrtr, Look ingg lass-Brock way Road. CORN, cucumbers, beels. Schmidl 'sTGarden Valley. BLUELAKEeans you-pkkTlc-IbTTick". ed on order, 8c lb. Carl Arola, OR 2-3840. BLUE LAKE canning beans and cucumbers. Tomatoes and sweet corn. Charles Hlg- bee, OR2-2936. BARTLETT PEARS, $1.50 and up. Marsh Ranch, Looklngglass. CONCORD GRAPES, 8cTb7bR2-392f 33A Musical RENT A NEW HAMMOND organ on Ham mond's Playtime Plan for only $25.00 In. eluding free lessons. Graves Music, 511 SE Jackson, OR -2461 STUDENT QUALITY Buscher alto sax, In very good condition; Peddler clarinet, PJ"0 fessonal model, excellent condition. OR PIANO LES50NS. Private Instruction by 29 2441 W. Harvard and In the Newton Creek i GIBSON upright freezer. Excellent condl- area Phone OR 2-3491 or OR 2-2461. OR 3-8014. BAND INSTRUMENTS for" beginning band ELECT RiC RANGE, daveno, matching rock students. New and used. 1 months trial I whers, wood heater. OR 2-3537 period for as low as $3 mo Ricketls Music aioreOR 2-3107. After 5:30 can O R 3-662?. PIANO RENTALS Wuriitier spinets, any style or finish. $10 month including free lessons, roseburg music, mt w. Har vard. OR 2-:'-'l or OR 3-?461. KING ALTO SAXAPHONE, yVt condition, $125. An Accordion lle nr, oily used a few months. Cost $300 will sell for $175. 521 W. Maple St. Phons OR 3-3SS8. OLDS" TRUMPET and caso S75;Holfon cor- net and case $65; C'arinef Jean Revan, made In France, $65. OR 2-3444. C" FLUTE with case, $50. Phone 30liOalt. land. HAYNES FLUTE, ;'.25. BaiTS, Old" Hwy. 9?, Glendale, Oregon. USED "PIANO, IW-Grev;Music JltSE Jackson, OR 2-1671. USED HAMMOND SPINET Graves Music, 516 SE Jackson OR2-162t. USED'TV'S, ill end ud Graves Music, 516 SE Jackson, ORM6I1. PA N - AM E R l C A Ncornet, excellent condition, $S. OR 3-3SI7. USEDPIANOS" end t:ga'ns Graves Music. 516 SE Jeck50n. OR 2-'21. HOLTON T PUMP ET424 Winchester. No Sat urday calls. LE BLANC 'clarinet-$80 OR 3-6976. CORNET, $35. OR 3-4734 B flat cii .el $59 OS 2-I0S2. b flat clarinlt, wood, $40. or 2-idi7. 120 Bass'actordionrphone OR 3-7541." Via Newi Roview Wont Ads GUESS WHO... will vhangt the tubject. 34 Misc. For Sale Special Signature Automalic wood circulating heater. Large 24" fire box Porcelain finish Only $99.95 $5.00 down free delivery Montgomery Ward 443 SE Jackson OR 3-5553 All Stock WALLPAPER 20 Off Colorcraft Paint It Wallpaper 731 SE Slephenl OR 2-2152 SACRIFICE complete set ol Encyclopedia Americana, also new edition ol Popular 1 Science, including bookcase.- $25 cash and . assume small monthly paym-nt. OR 3-6731.. r.Ct,CCr. OCDQCCCWTATIWK QlVrl7 B. I Nurseries. Home and commercial orchards! I. snrubs, berries, uuencs welcome. u j-' 5321 alter S or weekends. 24" BLONDE wood console TV. Good pic ture. S10 per montn. Horn's Appliance. 424 SE Jackson. OR 2-5518 or OR 3-52161 after 6 p.m. WESTINGHOUSE True - Temp relrlgerator. Twin crispers, meal keeper, very good shape. Low price, S85. Trowbrlrige Elec tric, 721 SE Oak St., OR 3-5521. WE ALWAYS HAVE a fms selection of meat available for your locker or deep freeze at wholesale prices. Winston Lockers. OS 9-5133. RANGES, ail makes. Some at less than cost ol repairing your old one. Umpqua Valley Appliance, 635 E Stephens, OR 2-1616. PLAYER PIANO, lounge chair, bedroom furniture, olher Hems. Reasonable. OR 2-4644. WEDGEWOOD gas range) 400 BTU gas furnace; 300 gallon Dropano tank, Gllman Motor Service, TRoan 4-Sil2. PLAYHOUSE, hardwood floors, electric over head lights and wail plugs, uw. w a.t Letand. CAMPING TRAILER, 1 wheel; steel frame, wood deck and sides $25, Ph. JEllerson 2-4366. Canyonvllle. GE WASHER-AND DRYER, $125. Wlakikl motor scooter, (250. OR 3-5819 alter 6:30 P.M. . KENMORE automatic washer with suds saver. Reconditioned tnd guaranteed. $45. Terms. OR 3-6549. TREVA'S CERAMICS. Free lessons. Green ware, paints, glazes. Outside firing done Next to Winston Lockers. OS 9.5133. FOR-the best ob of'custom cul'tlng, wrap ping and quick freezinq, bring your mgal to Wlnsfon Lockers, OS 9-513.. BILL'S BETTER Boards Build Better Build ings. West Coast Building Supply, 2 blocks west ol Greyhound dspot. ORchard 3-6614. CLOTHES DRYERS, all makes. Your choice from Ssv.95. Ouaranieeo. umpqua vaney Appliance, 635 SE Stephens, OR 2-1616. 8" TALE SAW All accessories. 2 extra blades. W jointer. R. 3. Dean, Rt. I, Box 67A, Sutherlin. Phone 3734. ADMIRAL 14" portable TV. New picture tub. Just like new, $90. Trowbridge fciec trie, 721 SE Oak St., OR 3-5521. REFRIGERATORS, all makes Your choice, $49. Umpqua Valley Appliance, 635 SE Stephens, OR 2-1616. LIKE NEW, HOTPOINT relrigerator-freczer combination, $129. Umpqua Valley Appli ance, 635 SE Stephens, OR 2-1616 FRIGIDAIRE "IMPERIAL automatic washer, $69. Umpqua Valley Apollance, 635 SE aicpnens. uk i-ioio. WINSTON 5an0 and Itrevei, '4-crusneo tock, reject gravel, bar run and lop sou. os 9-8493. rV SALES and RENTALS- day or w"V rates, call Kier Crooch Plumbing Co. 2441 w. Harvard. OR 2-J36. lOP'SOIL-from"newlocallon. the best you' have ever seen no rools or weeds. Ralph Fisher. WnitonOS 9-8493: WINSTON READY mTx" Concrete to your specifications. OS 9-5381, or OR 3-8759, evenings. WESTINGHOUSE range. Very dean. Deluxe features. Only $B4 50. Trowbridge Electric, 721 SE Oak St;OR 3-5521. GENUINE heavy river loam. No roci', easy, to handle. For the best call Charles Kealy, OS 9-5117 TV SALES and rentals. Ren? may apply on down payment. Horn's Appliance, 424 S.E.Jackson.OR3-55ll HOTPOIfVTVCu. It. refrigerator. Very clean Left hand door. 95. Trovtiridge Electric, 721 SE Oak St., OR 3-5121. PERMAGLASS 20 oallon gas hoi water healer. 652 Parrot! Street. See alter 5 p.m. NEW, $122 gas water heater," Medallion, . (,- $75, OR 2-3440. L U S fc L Kt NMUKt luiomai ic wasner, w, OR 3-4078. ! LOCAL REPRESENTATIVE Minnesota Wool- en Mills. Call lor appointment, ok 3-4SI3. 1 YEW-wbdDand "cdar posts for sale. OR i 3-7237 or OR 3-3672. USED GUNS, bought, sold and traded. Ump qua Gun S'ort. USCD-CMa""inSAAS. Winston Cham Saw OS 95641. ELECTRIC S'fOVE and refrigerator, good working condition, $75 eaain. 7-34(4. FA5HlON"FROCKS"LINE," ell sites. Reason able. OR 3-7153. accord'.inv. Graves OR 2-1621. POOL TABLE - T A-l condiLon. Stereo st WetKor PresHent. OR2-?766. PACKARD 8FCl 14" eonscleTV,"i4S. Trow- bridge Electric, 721 SE Oflk St , OR 3-5.2l. j" YEAR 8ABY" CRIB, ne mattress, $20. OR 3-448. BOY$20" bicycle, feVn"enl confliiion, $?0. Double bod, coif springs, $10. OR 3-7871. FOR SALE Supercold, glass front meat d'Spiav case, $50. OS 9-65. 'LARGE 2-whel trailer, pho-J OR J-737. $150 man's Diamond ring OR 2-2350. CEDAR OiTSOR"jt:19n RAWL6IOMProducts. Bowles. OS -541? HANDYMAN acks.""0R 3-M 3. FULLER BRUSH. OR" ! 1391 SMEr WAHURE. OR J-1MI. OIL HEATER l?S. OR MO!?" CLEAN bed daveio. Wlke of lr. OR 1-m7. USE0 ashler wood iur. 01 mioi. 34 Misc. For Sale Completely Automatic 30 inch Kenmore Klectric Range set il! Forget it! Only $143.88 $5 Down 24 inch oven-60 minute timer 7 heat selector switches Super oven preheat Sears Roebuck & Co. 526 SE Jackson OR 3-6673 USED TV's Reconditioned and Ready to go. Very Reasonably priced Satisfaction Guaranteed MONTGOMERY WARD 443 SE Jackson OR 3-5553 BIG SALE Used Furniture & Appliances RAINBOW TRAILER SALES Old Highway 99 N. Winchester For Auctioneering Services CONTACT Col. V. Munion. w buy, tell and trada. II pays to buy and tell tna auction way. Auction avtry Friday, 7 p.m. Roseburg Auction Beckwith Cycle Co. Schwinn it Evans Bicycles Now. Used. Also Motorcycles. tt W. Harvard OR 34120 FOR SALE Maytag washer conventional type, just Ilk nciv Wcjtlnghouse dryer In good shapt Kelvlnator, runs ilki new. In gooJ condition Dinette set and 4 chairs Ready lor use PAUL H. KRUEGER PV onlO?3.'44. Ewe1.9?.,lL3U save q on new i?w moaei is cu. it. Phltco freezer, scratched in shipment, 5 year warranty. Horn's Appliance, 424 SE Jackson. OR 2-5518 or OR 3-5216 altar 6 p.m. 12 CU. FT. double door Hotpolnt refrigera tor with cross-top freezer, no down pay ment, $8.52 per month. Horn's Appliance, 424 SE Jackson. OR 2-551A or OR 3-5216 alter 4 p.m. USED FURNITURE Sofa beds, $19.50 and up. Dinette Sets. Mattreis and soring s. Easy terms free delivery. Judd's Fur niture Company. 435 SE Jackson. OR 3-5415. SADDLES, bridles, bits, spurs, whips, pack equipment, saddle pads and oianKeis, eic. also moccasins, bells and buckles, Allen's Western Goods, 2 miles south Dillard. VERY"g6od" used Bendlx dryer," guaran leed. Budget terms. $69. horn's Appli ance. 4Z4 5t jackson. uw 3-5S18 or OR 3-5216 after 6 p.m. 500 GALLON BUTANE tank; hay chopper on wheels, 25 H.P. air-cooled engine; olectric range. All good shape. OR 3-8512, 2666 Diamond Lake Blvd. CXdSING'bUT"l9fiOhircoshernddrv- ers at big savings. Budget Terms. Horn's Appliance, 44 t jactson. uk zona OR 3-5216 alter 6 p.m. 4 BURNER apartment range?, gas or elec tric. Good condition, $$ Horn's Appli ance. 424 SE Jackson OR 2-5518 or OR 3-5216, ELECTROLUX vacuum cleaners sales, serv Ice and supplies. Free home demon lira 1 1 on. Call J. E. Newberry, OR 3-7010 or OR 3-3591. REPOSSESSED 1960 Merry Tiller qardan tractor wnn iickio oar ana enactments, 3 HP. Run only 1 hour. See at Lansing unver iooi Kemai. FURNITURE 1654 SE Stephens, Apt. I Upstairs. No phone calls ONE FULL-GLASS and rlassshowcase, $195 lor both. Pat's Shoo, Sutherlln 2992. UTAH "woolen' Mills" clothes " Four y o u r selection pnone us vtyjv. 35 Wanted Misc. WE PAY HIGHEST cash prices for usoo furniture. Roicburg Furniture Exchange. 243 S. E. Jackson OR 3-S104. WANTED TO BUY Old china, qtasswart, furniture, jewelry. Prise! I la's Antiques. 247 5.t. JRCKSOn. UK 2-1421. WANTED Old coins, guns And marble top turn. Pncilia's Antiques, 24 ft.fc. Jack ton OR 2-1421. I WANTED TO BUY - Good used furniture. ROSEBURG AUCTION. OB 3-5076. . wanted wiNDOLPH or similar crawler oarden tractor. OR 2-29U3. ! WANTED---C0rnTOR "v.4390T WANTED Used fruit ars. OR 3-7963. 36 For Trade SADDLE HORSE, front -end loader, firm tractor, new boat and tra'ler, antique din ing room set, 3-secllon John Deere har row. Trade any or an for cattle, or 7-2694. WILL TRADE or sell cqullv In black '56 Ford. Exceptionally clean. Inquire 1st nouse on leir, page Rd,, Winchester. 1940 FORD 'a ton, 4-sooed plckuo for sale or Trade for welder or power wood work ing TOOlS, UK Z'JftU. "59 FORD Fairlane 500 t'rrTedaTiTTjaded. Sell, or trade tor good older car. OR 3-4844. FOR SALE or trade - our-equffy5Mad-room home for trailer, 35 fl. or over. OR 2-1246. TRADE ROSEBURG HOME, $14,500 value for saiem properly, Rt, 1 Box 94, Jelfersoa Oregon. 37 Machinery HAVE FOR SALE 7' t HP, I PM. high mad irrigation pump comoieie witn con- i trols and cord. New winding. Also, 200 AMP. DC wolrter. Can be used on power take-otf. 2 shallow well pumpt; 1 Hi HP d'p well pump with rank erd let. 1 8" Skitjaw, 1 10" SHHW. Nov and mo tori. See at Jimmies Electric Motor Serv ice, 350- NE Garden Valley Blvd. OR 3-3162. cnorcr. .ai c in II tractors. 55 and 54 modcll. Bind, and drums. condition H.t! otl.r. Ona t or both. Demonstrations available. O. K.I 39 Timber & Sawmills Logs Wanted Peelers & Peeloble Mill Delivered at Nordic Veneers p-vd on Norttl Umpqua Hignwey, 3 miles east 01 Hose bijrq. Pot Informelion cell OR ? 4S5I, Solherlln 772) or OR 3-404? avsnlnqv 40 House Trailers 1C56 3Sr 1-bJfoom trailer. Spaca H-7. Netxj Hark. '5S. 8 x 3,"2-bdrtwfni Titra Cruller" $3,200. 0 3-4SB. 1949 ANDERSON TRAILER. 30'. aVcliimt condition, MOO. Call Mhtrlin, 421. Wed., Sept. 14, 1960 The Newt-Review, Roseburg, Ore. 13 40 House Trailers To the thousands who saw our exhibit at the fair, ve say "THANK YOU". Why Not Drive Out RAINBOW Trailer Sales Old Hwy 99 North, Winchester Let us make you a deal on one of our quality MOBILE HOMES We will take your furniture and appliances in trade. Give you rent-like bank terms, and up to 7 years to pay. Good used ones too, both 8 and 10 wide. See us for reliable TOWING OR 3-7272 Where Else But At JIM McKEE'S Could You Purchase A New 10x50 Fully Warranted Mobile Home For $3995 You will find, also at Jim McKee s all cash prices are posted for your approvol. Easy terms can be arranged if desired. 1028 N. E. Stephens OR 2-4221 J & J TRAILER SALES 10 WIDES Angelus Great Lakes 1, 2 & 3 Bedrooms AirtSTUEAM ARROWHEAD TRAVELEZE lr to 2" USED TRAILERS Reconditioned & Guaranloed (Formarly Brady's Mobila Homat) OR J0441 - EARL SMITH TRAILER HOMES CO. 1-2-3 Bedrooms. 15' to 55' MODERN AND TROVENClAL ROD AND REEL Hcnslcc High Stylo and Plainsman VENUS ROLLAWAY SEE THE ALL ELECTRIC MODELS 15' Kamp Male by Ucnslco COMPLETE LINE TRAILER SUPPLIES 1980 NE STEPHENS OR 3-3354 Shady Point Trailer Sales Complete lines New end Uied trailers Camperi, Travel Trailers Mobile Hornet 1 Ml. So. Hwy 993R OR 1-1434. Rod & Reel Trailer Boat Satet I US W. Harvard I960 Mi' CAMP trailer Cis and electric equipped. Provincial Inlunor. Will it 1 1 equity at big discount. OR 2-1082 or OR 3-8834. Ki TGd LO E"N5TATE, 1956, Mbedroorn trailer. Priced al t2,900. Will takt In trade an older trailer, eep. pickup or car. OR 7-3754 or OR 2-2924. Dot Mobile Homes. WILL SELL my eqully ""ln '54 Brentwood jj x . txceiieni condition, tall ok 3-4789 1958 37 FT. i modern l-bed76omTkeaionabiy priced. Sea at Sutherlin Hole, Sutherlln. Oregon. 42 Trucks '51 CMC pickup, $495. 1062 NE Newton Creek Road O.R 2-2995. No Saturday calls please. 1950 4 "TON-Chcv.' pickup,"-now "paint" and tires. 1951 Vi ton Chev. pickup, new molor. Call OR 2-3441. PICKUP, CHEV. 1950. Excellent condition, S350. 1(41 NE Stephens. OR 2-4571. FOUR WHEEL drive Dodge pickup See at Adair's Flying A Stel'on. S39S. 1948 FORD SHORT LOGGER, excellent con- Ollion. UK J-BU06. '5 lGMC"pkkup, 4 ' speed O R2-2873." V.i TON stak bed truck. GY a-3510. 43 Autos & Motorcycles CHEV. Bui Air, e.crllcnl cond'tioo. R H. Powfrolidp. Mut i.M Iwlor. I return lo coiioq. U7i. OR 3-501 balora r.w. 1953 Plymouth Cfub Coupe Rebuilt angina, Hck and ov.rdrlva. R1H. Good Ural, Phona OR 3-7543. WILL TRADE equity In '5? Volrssvaqen for 1730 or older cor. Myrtlt Creek, UN i '57 FAIRLANE town sedn; clean, good condition. Ona owner. OR 1-4.S3 or OR 3 31M. T MOTORSCOOTER.Nbo trailer"ar. Space A-?o. MOTORCYCLES-ne. lised. BccKmth Cycle. OR 3-1170. MUST SELL or trede $Ey) equily in !93f ioerin tor siJ. us y-5isy atler 5. fe CADILLAC CouDe"DeV"i'e, lull power. Clean, excellent co-idltlon OS -34?7. JELP" Call OR 3 7aa'eveninqs. '51 CHEVROU:T!75OR 7 4629. r'jVv6LVOwltn" low mlleaqt OR2.107i. 1931 MODEL A Fordri75 OR"a-4!7l. PATRONIZE NEWS-REVIKW ADVERTISE It S 43 Autos & Motorcycles mm For Particular People 59 Impola 2 dr. Hdtop. New car trade-in, local low SOfCl mileage, like new -HJT J '58 Ford Fairlane 2 dr. club cpe. Straight transmission, radio, heater. One $ 1 AQ C owner, sharp I T Z J '57 Pontiac Catalina H'dtop Rated as one ot the best on the road. Exception- $1QR ally clean '"'J '56 Oldsmobile "88" Holiday H'dtop. Only Napier Auto Soles can sell so much 1 Q C for so little I I J 55 Mercury Monterey H'dtop. Solid diock, leopard interior, truly a beautiful 995 54 Mercury Monterey H'dtop. Special price on this $1 $595 one. Only '51 Chevrolet Vz ton, 4 spd. pick up. Deluxe cob com- AA R mercial wheels, just '49 G.M.C. H ton, 4 spd. pick up. This pick up is far $0 Q C superior to most .... w7 J. Many More To Choose From Easy bonk terms Napier Auto Sales Htllman - Sunbeam dealer 1240 S. E. Stephens OR 2-2243 BARCUS Used Cars '58 DODGE V-8 4-dr H'dtop, pushbutton drive, R & H, D-500 engine. Top condi tion throughout. Uncondi tionally guaranteed $1701 58 PLYMOUTH V8 club cpe, pushbutton drive, R&H, a lustrous black finish with spotless interior. One own er car with low mileage. Only $1498 '57 BUICK Century, 4 d o o r, hdlp, power steering, R&H one owner $1C98 '56 PLYMOUTH Belvedere H. T., R&H, Auto. Trans. New nylon tires. $ 998 '54 CHEV. 4 dr, wagon, R&H new paint and scat covers, really sharp $ 698 '53 FORD V8 sdn, H&H, stand trans 498 '52 RUICK Super. 2 door H.T., Dynaflow, R&H. Sharp. .. $ 398 '52 OLDS 88 sdn. $ 198 '55 FORD V-8 W ton pickup custom cab, H. D. bump er, canopy. Ideal for that hunting trip $ 798 '51 DODGE V4 ton pickup. 4 speed trans, $ 398 '50 CHEV. 1 ton pickup, 4 speed trans, heavy duty tires and bumper $ 398 '47 STUDE. pickup with camper. Has bunks, stove and butane tank. Only 20 duys until hunting season. $ 298 Imports '60 SIMCA Super Deluxe sdn, only 6000 miles. New car guarantee $1598 '59 SIMCA Wagon, like new $1498 '59 SIMCA Plcin Ceil sports car, sold new for $3150, now only $1998 '59 SIMCA Super Deluxe Sdn. $1198 '58 RENAULT Dauphine scd.. $ 898 BARCUS N. Sleprwm at Garden Valley Rl OR 3-5564 Open tvanlngs 'til I. Sundays 10 lo 4. 1953 BUICK 4 -door ted an, good rubber. tight borly. Molor A-l condition, $275. Termj. Horn' Appliance 424 SE Jack ton. OR 2-Jiil or OR 3-S2laalter 6 p.m. i?57 CHEVROLET ttalion wagonV$verV nice condition. Like new. Sell or trade. Phone OR 2-22S8alter 6 P.M. r33 PONTIAC v-l toifd lllleri, 4 barrel $1. '57 Chevrolet V- 281, Duntov cam, 3 carbi, polnnrd porta 13SOOR 3-5351, LATE ODEi, USEO CARS WANTED- Cash or trade tor eouity ATEN & PHIL LIPS. 1339 SE Strxhsn. 1951 CHEVROLET" 6 nca ynt . &f, P o Wer- glide. BiJ.ince $103 tke $100 tor equit. UN 3-3794, Myrtle CreeV. r59 FIAT MULTIPLA, radio and power - booilcr. Srll $1200 equity for $300. UN 3-4774, Myrtle Cre;k. WILL SELL OR TRADE "equity In i960 Ambnuador station waqon. Can flnanci balance. 7u2 Madrono, Myrtle Creek. WILL SKLL'iVIO equVlvn40Corvlrfor $2.i0 cflh good uwd freeier or older ear. oR 2-45 alter 5. JEEP" 4x4, $m"orwiiTt?ade for trailer houte. Phone Oakland W01 fter 4. '49 fORD good tire 'lindmoior,'" Cheap. Phone OR 2-4379. MUST SELL -.931 MO., WSOToR Jeep", ;ii sb parronT i