i They Sell! They Rent! They Find! Classified Ads. OH 2-3 321 31 Houses UNFURNISHED 1 bedroom modern cottage witn carport. No water to pay. Near Joseph Lane School. $40 per mo. William son Real Estate, 1157 NE Stephens, OR OR 3-4307. MODERN, unfurnished 3-bfdroom house; large rooms, excellent condition and loca tion. Fenced backyard. Not more than 3 small children. References required, it 00. OR3-3033 attef 5. TWO ROOM modern cabin, gas range and heating. 7 ft. refrigerator. Good bed etc. Water and garbage disposal furnished. Harlx Cabins. 2435 N.E. Diamond take Blvd. OR 3-3368. FREE RENT In exchange tor part time Im provement worK on premises. Large, cean 2-bedroom cabin on 4 acres, N. Umpque Road. OS 9-S513eves. one BEDROOM HOUSE, references re quired. Cooking stove, refrigerator and heating stove furnished or unturnisneo. OR 2-4053. TWO BEOROOMS Wall to wall carpet ing, garage, corner lot. Adults perfer . S90 Der month. Consider 1 year lease. 743 W. Nebo. Call JM EvansOR 3-B430. FIVE ROOMS AND BATH, unfurnished. Clost In, one level. Available Immediately. Full rent $65. Call Ray Lehman, OR 3-4193 or OR 3-4091 evenings. l72, 3 and 4 bedroom homes. Income lim its. Families, also single, elderly 65 or over accepted. 902 W, Stanton SI. OR 3-4548. FUR'ni'SHED, 2-bcdroom house, dose to High School. Suitable for 2 or 3 teachers, or married couple. No children or pets. OR 3-8010. UNFURNISHED 2-bedroom duplex, newly decorated. No pets, $65.,. 1607 SE Eddy. OR 3-7983 after 5. OLDER 3 bedroom house, dose to River side school, $55 per month. Williamson Real Estata OR 3-4302. " SMALL, unfurnished 2 bedroom, $45. 9B9 Willow St., Ted Smalt Real Estate. OR 2-3444. ' NICE, modern, l-bedrcom unfurnished dup lex apartment and garage, close in, W0 Call OR 2-3033 after 5. CLEAN 3 room house. Garden, modern, $52. Will sell on easy terms. 1647 SE Eddy, OR 3-5321. SMALL, unfurnished house, $60; adults only no dogs. Walking distance diy. 326 S.E. Cass St. 1V BEDROOM unfurnished house. In Myrtle Creek, $55. N. Myrtle Rd. 11, Myrtle TWO BEDROOM, unfurnished house in Green. Adults preferred. $50 month. OR 3-7836. )NE BEDROOM unfurnished house. US month. Calkins Road. Doyle. OR 2-2924. THREE bedroom house. OR 3-7925. 12Trlr. Parks & Rentals TIMBER TOWN TRAILER PARK: New spa cious lots for big trailers. 10x40' concrete patio with pad for trailer. 220 volt elec tricity available. Individual gas meters. OR 3-B579. Winchester trailer park - modern spaces. Paved grounos, snaue irees. mj.ir way 99 No. at Winchester Bridge. ALAMEDA TRAILER COURT has paved streets and cement porches. Reasonable rates. 581 NE AImeda. OR 2-2l9, ONEBEDROOM, furnished trailer. Adults only. OR 3-8579. ONE-BEDROOM modern trailer on Vi acre lot. Near Kelley's Korner. OS 9-5146 after 6. 13 Misc. Rentals PARKING LOT RENTALS available at Kohl hagen Parking Lot at SE Jackson and Mosher 5tsOnlyM oermonth. ORJ-8244, AVAILABLE OCT. .. store building on South Stephens Ave. A-l location for cafe. OR 3-4134. EXCELLENT OFFICE SPACE available now. U. S. Bank BldgJnoneRHi2 bTjsTness buTld I N G for rent, $55. 245 SE Jackson. OR 2-TJJ1. WINSTON Beauty shop. New equipment in good location. OS 9-8493. 14 Help Wanted MEN IF you ere out of work or dissatisfied with your present ob because of limited inm. fin to lav-offs or seasonal work, and, If you are Interested In future op portunities, then you owe it to yourst.ii io invesiiaciiw uu DUE to our tremendous growth and ex pansion program, we have Ings for men with ambition. All I ask is five minutes of your time, at your con venience, to show you the possibilities. For details, see JAMES SEITZ, AT 201 CARTER BUILDING Between a.m. and 1 p.m. WANTED Experienced sporting goods man capable of heading retail sporting goods department. Permanent position. Must be familiar with all sporting goods, athletic equipment, boats, motors, etc. Ex cellent opportunity. Write, giving experi ence, age, qualifications to Box 196, News- Review. VACANCY has occurred within the custodial .... -. c-hnni ni.t No. 15. Any party int,etH should contact Mr. Wm. E. Lu- ellen. Days Creek School, immediately. i oral store has opening for outside ..I-. n.nni main or female or part time. Car needed. Better than average earnings. Call OR 2-3381 between 9:30 A.M. and inv r-.w WANTED Man to work part time eve--i--. .-.. weekends. Must be Roseburg resident, married, and, have own trans portation. Call OR 2-1096 . to 7 evenings, BbOU WANT to work In television or radio in souinem uit" , fornia? Write Mr. Hessi, P.O. Box 297, Roseburg, Oregon, .., . ,- r i.hu tn wnrtc In home tor agea, piMriin.e oreferred. Must be able to live ln.Call OR 2-4667 after 8 p.f. HOUSEKEEPER "and' care of children. Live In. Salary open. Call OR 2-1334 between 2 and 4 or alter 7 p.m. DEPENDABLE "and permanent sitter for year old baby, my home days. Phone aft er 5, UK Z-10T. REAlT'ESTATE salesman or saleslady, FULL TIME.CallOR2-3444-anytime. WANTED 5 salesmen or factory control led advertising program.OR2-4261. SCHOOL-GIRL or adult for baby sitting and 15 Work Wanted CONTRACTING, remodeling, carports, cab inets, construction, all types. Fret Es timates. Workmanship guaranteed. Phone OR 2-1359orOR3-a725: EXCHANGEE carpentry,' cement, sheetrock and painting or what havi you, work for pickuptruck.OR 3-4643. HANDY MAN. Sober, clean habits; prefer to live In. WriteBox197. News-Review. CHILD "CARE days. Reasonable. OR 3-5409 BABY SITTING My home Day or evenings, ok CARPENTER work. 3-8411. Reasonable. Smith. OR SHORT LOG hauling. Mule tram or soiu. Franco Trucking. OR 2-2343. NEW CONSTRUCTION and remodeling. Free estimates, PhoneOj3;72M3roR3. CAT WORK wanted. Clearing, leveling. By hour or contract. 0R3-4119. Self LOADING short log truck tor hire, OR 3-4647. LAWN LEVELING, plowing and grading. OR 3-4732. CHRISTIAN LADY desires day work. Refer ences. OR 3-5903. PduSEWORK by day. OR2-3S30. IRONING Ltgh"trhenqln'g fre". OR MP15, CHU-Dcare, reasonable OP 3-8344. ALTERATIONS. 6 R 3-3488. FrONTNG and sewing. OR SEWING, ail types. Guaranteed OR 2-3764. IRONING Riversdale area. OR 3-7879. 18 Instruction GUITAR TEACHE R sf-el or stsndird lead, rythm or Boogn-Woog it. OR 652A John E. Jones. PRIVATE DRIVING instructions, Ktn Lire derman, OR :s-ir. PIANO LESSONS. OR 3-417. 18 Instruction MEN WANTED TO TRAIN FOR HEAVY EQUIPMENT OPERATORS AND MECHANICS U.S. Government spending billions for highways ana construction. Tremendous need for qualified men. WE TRAIN YOU - - - Fill in Coupon NOW! News-Review, Box 19. West Cms! Training Servict ... Agt Phone . State , p.m. City Hrs. I work AIRLINES CAREERS! look to the future ' YOUNG men and women ... An Air line Career offers a rewarding future for you I PREPARE now for your future. Increasing air travel demands trainee, personnel. FLY TO AIRLINE SCHOOL In Hollywood at no extra cost, after basic training, OUR graduates hold many Important air line positions sucn as aianon ana upero tions Agents, Traffic Control, Ticketing, Reservations ana many omen. BEGIN YOUR TRAINING TODAYI Budget terms can be arranged. High School Grads 19 to 35 Mall Coupon for full In formation. Al RL IN E CA REER DI vTs 1 0 N Northwest Schools Dept. A9-155, Box 198, co News-Review Name - Address City Slate Educ -. Hrs. Wkd: from Age . Ph. to HANDS TIED? No High School diploma? American Schools. Our 63rd year. All texts and study guides furnished. For Informa tion write: Southern Oregon Registrar, Ray Burkett, 416 Butte, Yreka, Calif. 20 Services CHILD CARE Mother Goose Nursery OR 3-6361 BICYCLE REPAIRING ORVILLE'S FIXIT SHOP 531 N.E. Garden Valley Blvd. OR 2-4511 Bikes Repaired Saws Filed "Rebuilt bikes at 2nd hand prices" City Cycle Center 424 Winchester St. FOUNDATIONS, basements house raising, leveling, repair. Work F.H.A. approved. Ce ment, block work. Financing available. Free estimates. OR 2-4345 or OR 3-8844. ROOFING New and repair. Free esti mates work guaranteed. Fisher Thorsen Paint Co. Call L. E. Bailey. OR 3-6042; W. E. Daum, OR 2-1571 SMALL Appliance repair. Best stock of small appliance parts In Douglas County. Trowbridge Electric, 721 SE Oak St. OR 3-5521. MOTOR rewinding, repairing. All makes and sizes. Experienced, compeieni moior man. Jimmle's Electric Motor Shop, 355 NE Garden Valley Blvd. OR 3-3162. PAY LESS PAINTERS and Decorators. "work lauaranieeo. Locauy uwucu ou operated. Free estimates anytime. OR 2 2524. C A R P E NTRY Remodeling, clothes closets, party rooms, kitchens, patios, house level-lng-C5"a!ler4 P,M" OR-3'3-L REPATr ALL MAKES domestic oil or gas heating systems. Munion Heating, 1098 NE Stephens, OR 3-5460. JONES PIANO SERVICE OR 3-6525. Players and reed organs too. Tuning and repairs. CARPENTER Contracting house level ing foundations. Any type construe tion. OR 3-B020 GRADING and leveling; loam and rock de livered. Call Paul Casey. OR 3-4018, 2231 N. E. Stephens St. HAVE YOU a porch, garage, carport, house or anything to build or repair? Phone John Sanborn, 05 ?-sjb. FOR FAST efficient plumbing repair Sirvlce, call Kiel Crooch Plumbiing Co. 2448 W, Harvard. OR 2-3364. SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED no mileage; free estimates. Roseburg Sanitation Serv Ice. 1980 NE Stephens. Ph. OR 3-3356. CASTLE AVE. MACHINE SHOP. Plow and mower sharpening, welding and general repair. 2352 S.W. Castle Avenue. OR 3-46B7 DOZING, leveling; also shale rock, river loam and road materials. Chas. Keeley, OS 9-5117. SHALE rock for roads and driveways. mediate delivery, rn. i. r. lanon, 3-4040. WEE WISDOM Kindergarten. 562 Newton Creek Road. OR a-uiu. MODERN and antique furniture reflnlshing, OS 9-8921. M&R PAINTING nt?rior, exterior and spray. Free Estimates. OR 3-8774. BOB''S FLOOR SERVICE. You furnish ma terial. We Install. Phone ok 3-M6U. CARPENTRY and cabinet making. Harry . Young. OK 3-41V. PLANS Residential Designer. Bob Dish- man, OR 2-3294. NORTH ROSEBURG KINDERGARTEN. 1553 N.E. Vine St. OR 2-3C63 or uk j-bv. FOR NEW lawns and Turtco sprinkler sys tems, call Jeff Stringfeiiow, ok i-iui. ELECTRIC CONTRACTORS. Lansing & Ol iver, OR 3-6636. MOHR WELL DRILLING Jacuill whirl pool bath. OR 2-232' or OK Z-JUM. WELL DRILLING. Cecil Slorey. OR 3-872S or OR 3-4738. ALUMINUM welding. Winston Chain Saw OS 9-5641. ROTOTILLING and leveling. OR 3-4302 or OR 2-3857. CARPENTER Build, remodel, repair cab inets. Phone05 9-5814. SHEET ROCK FINISHING, plaster, stucco, cement, patching and repalringOR2-45U. CABINETworKand' remcde'tng. OR 2-3425. 21 Building Material Fiberglass panels For patio awnings, etc. 13 colors. Regu lar price 72c ft, 8 or. now 33c ft. pabco 8, Pioneer thickbutt 3-1 shingles Regularly 811.25 now $9.95. Regular 812,95 Seal Tab, 810 95. Hot Water heaters Fowler gfass-iined electric, realty nice. Reg. $109.95 now $73. Wasners, Dryers, Freenrs Admiral S17S each. Lumber Plywood, b'dg. board, Purwoed, daphnurd 3 4 H.5Q $n?i; i iu reg. kj.u. Waloaper i prict Pa.nt Fir?t Quality Schorn, made by Dutch Boy. R;g. 85 99 now 13.99. First qualify Inside rubber-bast paint, reg. $5.99 83 99. A'uminum windows Get your lowest price then see us. Wood w ndows naae to fit, no extra cost, ft oo i r, ion Building Supply Sutherlin, Oregon Opn Sun, Closed Sat. Ph. 2112 21 Building Material House Insulation Pour In Cuts Heating Costs Cooler In Summer THIS WEEK 1.39PerSack Cash & Carry GERRETSEN Building Supply Odell & Casper St. Good Usable Lumber 1 X 6 and 8" sheeting. J and 8" CM. for sub-floorlno Boards Shiplap V Rustic Dimension 2 x 4's and wider, as low as $25. LUMBER SALES CO. OR 3-7362 iaroen vat ley, near R. R. tracks. Bargain Lumber Studs Dimension Boards Utility Grade Economy Grade $15 M $25 M Umpqua Mfg, Co. (Formerly Consolidated Milling) Hwy 99BR South OR 3-7411 Gerretsen Bldg.SplyCo. Located In The Flegel Bldg. Odeli & Casper St. 1 Blk off Diamond Lake Blvd. Low Overhead Low Prices 23 Fuel SAWDUST Blower or Dump WOOD Oak Wood Peeler Core Planer Ends (16" or !') Slab Wood (green or dry) ROSEBURG LUMBER CO. Ph. OS 9-8741 WOOD Block and stab mixed. ( Peeler cores green or dry. Sawdust Blower or Dump Guy & Frances Gill Fuel 281 N. E. Douglas OR 2-1524 WOOD Peeler Cort Hardwood Blxkwoon Dry Ptaner nds Red Diamond Fuel Co. OR 3-5062 OAK WOOD cut to order dry or green; also oak posts. Will deliver. OR 3-5498. HARDWOOD Cut to order $22.50 cord delivered. Phone OS 9-5443 or OS 9-5709. FIREWOOD Oak, Madrone, Old growth Fir. Heater and fireplace. TRo.an 4-2534 or Sam M. Humphrey, Rt. 1 Box 58, Riddle. O&C FUEL CO. Dry oakT l47iand 24". also, fir heater blocks. OR 2-3304. LAUREL and oak wooo for sale. OR 3-3404. OAK WOOD $14 cord. You haul, b if 2-3804, 25 Farm Equipment 26 Livestock Airplane Seeding Call George Felt OR 3-6743 Felt's Airport Calkins Road 2 SHETLAND MARES Both bred. 1 to foal soon; gentle for ch-ldren. Jersey and Holsfein heifers, breeding age. OR 3-3419 OT OR3-S547. Rf2-Box935. , WANTED TO BUY ' Clutch bra"cketfor sheep shearing machine; power grinder for combs and cutters and Burdino emat culator. Write Box 200, News Review. WANTED TO BU Y feeder and wearier pigs. Isadoro Inda, General Delivery, Bandon, Oregon. Call FMmore 7-7444. REGISTERED Guernsey wll,16mon!hs-ofd for sale or trade for whiteface. Ph. 1R 4-2727, or Rt. l. Box 21, Riddle. SELL OR TRADE i-Baymare73 years old; 1 brown horse, 2 years old; 1 gentle burro. OR3-3845. GUERNSEY cow, gentle, easy milker.-OR 3-8555 mornings. HORSESHOEING; hor it br takl ng. JaTk Adams, GY 4-3349. WANT TO RENT Winter pasture for horse. OR 3-8013, after 6 WANTED sheep of (("kinds, also wool. TEmple 4-9470 Drain. Al Bron. AT STUD Apoaloosa, well marked. A i ten's Western Good, 2 miles ;outh Dillard, REGISTERED SUFFOLK buck, large lamb bucks. OR 3-W62. CALVES" 1 heifer and 1 sleer. 1 sow and 1 butcher hog. OR 3-73. EXCELLENT child's horse OR 3-470. I HORSESHOEING. Joe Young, OR 27 Hay & Grain GET OUT OF THAT RUT try some Bemls grass in your pesturs mix. aeea lor sale. Eugene R. Holcomb, Kellogg Star Rt. Oakland.Ore.Phone27l: L.C.PPELLET MiLL custom pelleting. miles cast of Oakland on Elkhead Road. L. C. Perrin, prion 2833. BALE"dALFALFA: R. Conn," OR 3-4423 mornings or evenings. 28 Poultry & Rabbits WE BUY LIVE poultry. Roseburg Poultry d3y or evening phone OS 9-5400. No Sun day calls. PULLETS OR 3-7925. 29 Pets ONE CHESAPEAKE Retriever, male ONE LABRADOR, male ONE SPRINGER Spaniel, female TWO COCKER Spaniels, male ONE BEAGLE, male ONE ?j BEAGLE, male ONE BOXER, male ONE PART Boxer, soaved female ONE PART Chow and part shepherd, spayed female TWO PART Cockers, malt ONE PART Cairn Terrier, male ONE COLLIE and shepherd, malt TWO COLLIES, female MIXED Breed puppies and kittens Douglas County Humana Society OR 2-3907 ONE REGISTERED 3 month female Samoyed pup. 3-5024. Sacrlflct prce, $25. OR REG. Chihuahua puppies; also stud service. Drain, Oregon. TEmple 6-9500. FOR-SALE Registered male Pekingese puppy. OR 3-51B0. . ONE PART" English bull dog and part boxer, male AKC REG. German Shepherd puppies. Excel lent blood lines. Call OR 3-8800. DOUGLAS COUNTY HUMANE Society Anl m a I Shelter. O R 2-3?i TAMEmale and female skunks "with pens, alMor $35. UNIonjl-4456. PUREBREDSiamese kittens, reasonable. OS 9-5549. SMALL, part Fox terrier puppies, $3. OR 3-7909. PUTMAN'S Toy Fox Terrier Kennels, Wll- bur, Oregon. OR 3-8804. CUTE Cocker puppies, ?5.'OR "2-4189. BOSTON TERRIER stud service. OS 9-8895. DACHSHUND STUD SERVICE, OR 1-7268. GLHMGARY Beagle Kennels. OR 3-6757. CHIHUAHUA'S stud service. OR3-3694, COCKER PUPS, 5 weeks OR 3-3066.. POODLES, Call UN ion 3-3638 Myrtle Creek. PUPPIES, iS each. Mixed breed. OR 3-8177. 31 Sporting Equipment ROD & REEL Evinrudo motors Boat accessories Interlux paints Boat trailer tires 1145 W. Harvard OR 2-2242 , UMPQUA MARINA Skagit boats Mercury motors Boat accessories Motor repairing 643 S. E. Rose OR 2-1616 One Only 1959 Skagit Sportster. Close out. first come, first serve. Umpqua yaUey,648 SE Jtosc.ORJ-lf.16. CAMPERS, HUNTERS, Fishermen and radio Hams see the Bendix Portable electric generator. The most compa t 110 volt, 750 watt, 40 cycle A.C. generator known, weighs 50 lbs. For a demonstration, call William R. Hlrt, Repr., OR 3-8394. NICK'S BOAT WORKS Satellite and Mo- bilcraft boats, fiberglass boat repairs and reflnlshing. Vi mi. So. Kelley't Korner, OR 3-7444. IS FT. Skagit Fiberglass runabout, complete ly upholstered. Mark 75 Mercury 40 h.p. motor. Make offer. Cail OR 3-4040. TELESCOPE RIFLE SIGHTS if bought from us, we Install tree If gun Is factory drilled. Umpqua Gun Store. FOR SALE or trade for shot gun, 3030 rifle, also large 2 wheel trailer. Phone OR 3-4737. 22 MARLIN repealing rifle, 14 ga. single barrel Winchester, Salmon rod. Ocean City reel. Alt like new, SE.sper WANT'ECT" Gsed5or5VH.P. outboard motor, reasonable. OR 2-2541. EASY TERMS on new and used guns. Trade-ins accepted. Umpqua Gun Store. 14 FT GLASSPAR boat. 35 HP motor and equipment. OS 9-5005. 12VSEMI-Vbottorn boat trailer and 5 horse motor, $135. Phone OR 3-7593. '51 LAWSON outboard, 7Vj horse, $40. 2 MoeW A windshields $5. OR 22730 15 FT GLASS BOAT, hardware, 35 electric Evlnrude, trailer. OR3-822G. NEW WINCHESTER, 12 ga. auto, model" 50. OR 3-8187. NEW SLIDE ACTION, model 41, Winches ter 22, OR 3-8187. SLIGHTLY used 300 deluxe Savage with scope. Aticr s, ok j-Bisr. DEER RIFLE Winchester Model 94, 32 spe cial. Excellent condition. Phone OR 2-4382. E X C ELL E N f JO: 05 forsa le7OS9-53 s7" FINE, Model 94 30-30 rifle. OR 2-1053. 32 Produce & Plants DELICIOUS Improved Elberta pcachcs( canning corn, local watermelons and cantaloupes, also, tomatoes and beans. FREO BURK'S BLUE FRUIT STAND ON OLD Hwy. 99 In Dillard. Hercher's Dillard Market IMPROVED Elberta Elbertai, New Hales, ready (or canning. Bring con tainers. IMPROVED HALES, and Elbert, Halbert . as; canning beans. Local tomstoes, lb. S's 81 for 20 lb. lug. Bring contain ers, please. 6 miles Sou'h Roseburg, cross green bridge, turn lett, go Uj mile STRAWBERRIES you pick. Marshals, 2nd crop, excellent quality Atso, canta loupes and tomatoes, Cleveland Rapid Road, Garden Valley. Clilt Hess. OR 3-8685. FREEZING CORN canning tomatoes, to matoes you pick. pear, cams, waiei melons. Other fruits 'nd vegetables. Har vard Avenue Fruit Stand CANNING TOMATOES, 'sweet corn and I -,, rail .nnrliu nr uninn Un Ff-Jrlav! w-ninM - c.i.w -.ii. irr't. no 2.295e" ' TOMATOES, corn, cucumbers. You pick. Please bring containers. Suttoni, 5 miles out Melrose Road. CANNfNG" PEACHES, Elbert as. Improved Elbertas and Hales. Forrest Falracres, OS 9 8663. TOMATOES you pick. Wmston Section,' 6 miles south, turn left at Winston Bridge. Ray Brosi. CORN, cucumber sr beets." Schmidt's,"" Garden Valley. BLUE Va EnVns7mji p7ck75c lb; pick ed on order, 8c lb. Carl Arola, OR 2-380. FREEZING and-or canning corn. 1 sack. We pick. OR 3-598.. BLUE LAKE canning Deans and cucumbers. Tomatoes and sweet corn, Charles Hig bee, OR 2-2936. BARTLETT PCARS, SI. SO ar.d up. Marsh' Ranch, LOokingglass. BARTLETT PEARS last chance, iL and S2. F. 5. Ewens, Oar.'en alley. 1 Plronin Ntwi-Rivi,w Adv.rtlt.rl GUESS WHO... , aidn't enjoy himself. 33A Musical PIANO LE5SONS. Private Instruction by Mrs. Wayne Wagner at Roseburg music 1 2441 W. Harvard and In the Newton Creek area. Phone OR 2-3691 or OR 2-3461. BAND INSTRUMENTS for beginning band students. New and used. 3 monins mai period for as low as S3 mo Rlcketts Music Store, OR 3-3202. After 5:30 call OR, 3-6629. PIANO RENTALS Wumtier spinets, any style or finish. 510 monin including Tree lessons. ROSEBURG MUSIC, 2J41 W. Har vard. OR 2-3ivl or ORa-246l. KING ALTO SAXAPHONE, good condition. 1125. An Accordion UK new, oniy ussa a lew months. Cost $500 will sell for SI 75. 531 W. Maple St. Phone OR 3-3558. RENT A NEW HAMMOND organ on Ham mond's Playtime fian tor oniy ui.w eluding free lessons. Graves Music, 516 SE Jackson, OR -2461 OLDS TRUMPET and cast! V75; Holton cor net and case $65; Lianner jean Kevan, made In France, $65. OR 2-3J44. HAYNES" FLUTE, $125. Box 5, Old Hwy. 99, Glendale, Oregon. USEDPIANO, $100. Grave: Music, 516SE Jackson, OR 2-1631. USED HAMMOND SPINET. Graves Music, 516 SE Jackson, OR 2-1621. USED TV'S, 515 and up Graves Music, 516 SE Jackson, OR-i621. PAN-AMERICAN cornet, excellent condition, $75. OR 3-3587. USED PIANOS and organs Graves Music. 516 SE Jackson. OR 2-1621. E-FLAT aitb saxophone, excellent condition. OR 2352. t HOLTON TRUMPET. 424 Winchester. No Sat urday calls. LEBLANCcVarJnetS80. OR 3-6996. CORNET S35.OR 3-4734. B FlAT CIarinat $50 "OR 2-1052. URjGHTj'piayer 'plnno M. Cali'OR 2-4644. BUFFETB Jlat "C1a'rjne. OR 3-4B33 'after 5. B FLAT CLARINET, 'wood,' 540. OR 2-1017. 34 Misc. For Sa!e USED TV's Reconditioned and Ready to go. Very Reasonably priced Satisfaction Guaranteed MONTGOMERY WARD 443 SE Jackson OR 3-5553 All Stock - WALLPAPER 20 Off Colorcraft Paint & Wallpaper 721 SE Stephens OR 2-2252 SACR IFICE complete set of Encyclopedia Americana, also new edition of Popular Science, Including bookcase. $25 cash and assume small monthly paymsnt.- OR ,3-4731.. KENMORE automatic washer with suds saver. Reconditioned and guaranteed. $45, Terms. OR 3-6549. ZENITH REFRIGERATOR, 7 Cu. Ft., $80, Trowbridge Electric, 721 5E oak St., ok 3-5521. TREVA'S CERAMICS. Free lessons. Green ware, paints, glazes, outside tiring dona Next to Winston Lockers, OS 9-5133. t'OR the best job ol custom cutting, wrap ping and quicK freezing, onng your m-di to Winston Lockers, OS 9-513.. BILL'S BETTER Boards Build Beller Build ings. West Coast Building Supply, 2 blocks west of Greyhound d?pot. ORchard 3-6414. f2 x"l4'MOHAWK" rug, " with pad." Casn. GYpsy 6-3257, or coma to West E Stella, white house on right. CLOTHES DRYtKS,"aiirirafces. Your choice from $59.95. Guaranteed. Umpqua Valloy Appliance1 435 SE Stephens, 0R2-14I4. 8" TABLE SAW All accessories. 2 extra blades. Va" jointer, R. 3. Dean, Rt, 1, Box 47A, Sutherlin. Jhona3734. TWIN BED coll spring $10; 3 fables $2 each; walnut corner table $12; twin coll spring $4. OR 2-2540. ADMIRAL 14" portable TV. New picture tube. Just like new, $90. Trowbridge Elec tric, 721 SE OakSt., OR 3-5521. REFRIGERATORS, all" makes Your choice, $49. Umpqua Valley Appliance, 435 SE Stephens, OR 2-1415. LIKE NEW, HOTPOINT rcfrigerator-frecrer comDinanon, $ny. umpqua vauey Appli ance, 435 SE Stephens, OR 2-14l4. FRIGIDAIRE IMPERIAL aulomaNc washer, $89. Umpqua Valley ApoilertCfi, 435 SE Stephens, OR 21414. GIBSON upright freezer. Excellent condi tion, $125. OR 3-6014. ELECTRIC RANGE, daveno, matching rock er, 2 wasncrs, wood neater. OR z-3537. LOCAL REP RESE N T AT I V E " M i inn t sot a "Wool en Mills. Call lor appointment, OR 3-4813. USED GUNS, bought, sold and traded. Ump qua Gun Store. USED CHAIN SAWS. OS 9-5641. Winston Chain Saw UTAH WOOLEN Mills clolhs Four your selection phone OS 9-S509. ELECTRIC " STOVE 6rdrcfrl3orafor", good working condition, 12S eaach. OR 2-3444. FASHION FROCKS LINE, all siics. Reason able. OR 3mi. USED TV's, Crgans and accordinns. Graves MUSIC, 516 5E Jackon, OR 2 l62t. POOL TABLE "a4'slie-."condition. Stereo set W-bcor President. OR 2-2M. ! PACKARD BELL 14" consoie TV. 845. Irow 1 bridge Electric, 731 SE Oak St., OR 3-5521, APARTMENT size electric range. Oakland ONE FULL GLASS and 1 g ats showceie. J195 for both. P.it's Sho, Sutnerlln 2VV2. j T YEAR BABY CR IS, new " mattress,' 825. ' OR 3-4748. i FURNITURE "H54 SE Stephens, Apt. f Upstairs. No phone RCA TV., reasonable. OR 2-4CS6. 1238 Pine. CElJAR PoYfsTOR 3-381) RIFLES-Nearly Kew OR2 28? RAWLEIGH Products. Bowles. OS HANDYVAN acC OR 3-S103. FULLER BRU$H,OR 11391 RED dinette set, 125. "OR "3jU3J SHEEP MANUPETOR 2-J88L OIL HEATER J25." OR 2;10S2. EVERY WEEK IS THRIFT WEEK IN WANT ADS 34 Misc. For Sale Your Big Chance To Save! A $2 merchandise certificate will bis given for every $22 worth of merchandise pur chased from the xeneral Scars, Roebuck catalogue. This offer Rood in Roseburg during the week of Sept. S through Sept. 12. In Addition offer applies to Lady Kenmore Washer - dryer combination listed at $:)37 and the 17 cu. ft. chest freezer at $229 95, both shown in the Sears An niversary sale catalogue. Merchandise) certificates will be issued to you when you pick up your order and may be redeemed on your next or der, placed before Nov. 15, 10! SEARS ROEBUCK CO. 526 S.E. Jackson OR 3-6673, BIG SALE Used Furniture & Appliances RAINBOW TRAILER SALES Old Highway 99 N. Winchester OR 3-7271 Beckwith Cycle Co. Schwinn & Evans Bicycles New. Used. Also Motorcycles. 3928 W. Harvard OR 3-8120 MOVING INTO trailer house, will sell fur niture: '58 Frigtdalre elect 1c dryer; '51 M.ivtao automatic washer; oedroom suite. near new. Desk and lamp; dining room table and cnairi. 12 cu. tt. romgeraiorj fiberglass drapes, rocker, floor lamp, col fee table, end table. Fr!q!daira stove, new. 524 ite St., Myrtle reex SAVE $70 on'ncw 1960 model 15 cu. ff. Phllco freezer, scratched In shipment, 5 year warranty. Horn's Appliance, 424 SE Jackson. OR 2-5518 or OR 3-5216 after 4 p.m. II CU. FT. double door Hotpolnt refrigera tor with cross-top freezer. No down pay mont, $8.52 per month. Horn's Appliance, 424 SE Jackson. OR 2-551R or OR 3-5216 alter4 p.m. USED FUHNlf URE Sofa beds, $19. 50 and up. Dinette Sets. Mattress and spring's. Easy terms free delivery. Judda Fur nilura Company. 435 SE Jackson. OR 3-5415. LEAVING Must sell houseful of good turnnure, appliances, oisnes, ioois, an tiques, etc. Reasonably priced, 324 W. Bradford Dr. OR 3-7339. WESTINGHOUSE dryer. Vory clean. New elements. Ready for years of service, $90. Trowbridge Electric, 721 SE Oak St., OR 3-5521. SADDLES, bridles, bits, spurs, whips, pack equipment, saddle pads and blankets, etc. also moccasins, belts and buckles. Allen's Western Goods, 2 miles south Dillard. VERY GOOD usedBendlx dryer, guaran teed. Budoet terms. $69. horn's ApdII- ance. 424 SE Jackson. OR 2-5518 or OR 3-5216 after 6 p.m. 500 GALLON BUTANE tank; hay chopper on wheels, 25 H.P. air-cooled engine; electric range. All good shape. OR 3-8512, 2464 Diamond Lake Blvd. CLOSING OUT 1 960 P hi fco washers' and-dry ers at big savings. Budget Terms. Horn's Appliance. 424 E Jackson. OR 2-5518 or OR 3-5214 after 6 p.m. 4 BURNER apartment ranges, gas or elec tric, uood condition, $55, Horn's Appli ance. 424 SE Jackson OR 2-5518 or OR 3-5214. ELECTR'bLUX vacuum cleaners sales, serv ice and supplies. Free home demonstration. Call J. E. Newberry, OR 3-7010 or OR 3-3591. REPOSSESSED 1960 Merry Tiller garden tractor with slcklo bar and attachments, 3 HP. Run only 1 hour. Sea at Lansing Oliver Tool Rental. LICENSED REPRESENTATIVE Stark Bros. Nurseries. Home and commercial orchards. Shrubs, berries, Queries welcome. OR 3- 5321 after 5 or weekends. 24" BLONDE wood consolflTV. Goodplc- ture. $10 per month. Horn's Appliance. 424 SE Jackson. OR 2-5518 or OR 3-5216 after 4 p.m. WESTINGHOUSE True - Temp refrigerator. Twin crispers, meat keeper. Very oood shape. Low price, $85. Trowbridge Elec tric, 721 SE Oak St., OR 3-5521. WE ALWAYS HAVE a tine selection of meat available for your locker or deep freeze at wholesale prices. Winston Lockert. OS 9-5133. RANGES, all makes. Som at less than cost of repairing your old one. Umpqua Volley Appliance, 6J5 SE Slephens, OR 2-1614. WESTINGHOUSE SPACEMATE auto wash cr In boautitul pink. 1958 model In very gnod sltnpa, $125. Trowbridge Electric, 721 SEOnkSf., OR J-5S21 FURNACE (Mueller) for" 4 - ft. wood, tin c.islng, hat ducts, smckj pipe, and 16 ft. of water colls. Call Ncwland, OR 3-4IB2. WINSTON Sand and Graved i!i-crushedrock, reject gravel, bar run and lop toll. OS 9-0493. f V SATES "andRl7itALS, ri?y or weekly rates, call Kier Crooch Plumbing Co. 2448 W. Harvard. OR 2-3364. TOP SOIL from new location. The best you have ever seen no roots or weeds. Ralph Flsh!r. Winston OS 9-8493. WINSTON READY MIX. Concrete to your specifications. OS 9-5881, or OR 3-8759, i evenings. WtlST iNC HOUSE rano. Very clean. Deluxe features. Only $84 50. Trjwbridae Electric, 721 SE Oak St. OR 3-5521. GENUINE heavy river lonm. No rfic, rasy to handle. For the best call Charles Knely, 0S9.S117. TV SALES and rentals. Ren. may apply on down payment. Horn's Appliance, 424 S.E. Jackson. OR 3-5518 HOTPOINT 8 Cu. It. refrigerator. Very clean Lett hand door, $95. Trowbridge Eleclric, 721 SE OakSt.,OR 3-5521. Gf WASHER AND DR VER, 1125. Wlakikl motor scooter, $250. OR 3-5819 after 6:30 P.M. 35 Wanted Misc. WANTED OLD GUNS especially want Winchesters, Colls, Smith & Wessons, Ren Ingtons, Henrys, early m'Ntary guns mark ed U.S. Also want old powder flasks, molds, loading tools and sights. Umpqua Gun Store. WE PA Y HIGHEST cash prices for usea furniture. Rosotjurg Furniture Exchange, M35. E. Jackson OR 315104J WANT EO TO BUY Old china, giasiwarf, furniture, jewelry. prisc"la's Antiques. 247 SC. J,ickon. OR U2. yVANTf-D "Old coins, Quns and marble too furn. Pricllla's Antiques, 247 S.E. Jackson OR 2-1421. WANTED TO BUY Good used fgrnllurt, ROSE BURG AUCTION. r.O J-5026. WANTED "WINDOLPH or similar crawler garden tractor. OR 2-2W3. WANT E D Corns. 0 R V-IIM. Fcr Trode SADDLE HORSE, fronted loader, farm tractor, ne boat and tra'lr, antique din ing room set, 3-ection John Deere har row. Trade any or an lor came, uk i-iw. TRADE'" Oakland wood heater" forsmall deep freeze, or, trad small refrigerator aid wood heater for larg freezer-refrigerator combination. OS 9 S145. 'J9 FORD Fairlane WO town sedan, loadH. SMI, or trad for good older car. OR 3-4344. FOR SALE or trade ojr equity 2-twd- room home for trailer, js n. or over. OR 7-1244. TRADE MOSFBURG HOMF, 114, S00 value for Salem properly Rt, I Box 94, Jefferson, uregon. Mon., Sept. 12, 1960 The News 37 Machinery HAVE FOR SALE 1t HP. 1 PH. high head Irrigation pump complete witn con. ; tro!s and card. N?w winding. Alio, 200 i AMP. DC welder. Can M ued on power! take-off. 2 shallow wall pumoj: 1 l'i HP deip well pump with tnk and let. I I" Skiluw, 1 10" Skllsaw. New and used mo tort. See at Jimmies Electric Motor Serv ice, 330 NS harden Valley a.vd. OR J-3 142. 39 Timber & Sawmills Logs Wanted Peelers & Pcelable Mill Oellvered at Nordle Veneers pond on North Umpqua Highway, 3 milt eait of Rose burg. For information oil I OR 2-4iSl, Signer I in 2?J? or OR 3-4069 evemnov LOGGtNGi ROADSbuiit-nd rocKed-.oader cat and S and 10 y.ird dump trucks for rent by hour, contract or cost plus. OR 3-4119. NEW 4 YARD Unit jhovef'for Vent. Can. yonville, JEfferson 2-4o4. 40 House Trailers To the thousands who saw our exhibit at the fair, we say "THANK YOU", Why' Not Drive Out RAINBOW Trailer Sales Old Hwy 99 North, Winchester Let us make you a deal on one of our 'quality MOBILE HOMES We will take your furniture and appliances in trade. Give you rent-like bank terms, and up to 7 years to pay. Good used ones too, both 8 and 10 wide. See us for reliable TOWING OR 3-7272 WHETHER 1 Winter, Summer, Fall or Spring Rain, Sunshino or Hurricane One Fact Remains The Same AT JIM McKEE Trailer Sales The Lowest Prices and Terms Still Provail. 1028 NE Stephens OR 2-4221 J & J TRAILER SALES 10 WIDES Angelus Great Lakes 1, 2 & 3 Bedrooms AIRSTUEAM ARROWHEAD TRAVELEZE r io w USED TRAILERS Reconditioned & Guaranteed (Formerly Brady's Mobil. Homl) OR EARL SMITH TRAILER HOMES CO. 1-2-3 Bedrooms. 15' to 55' MODERN AND TROVENCiAL ROD AND REEL ! Hcnslcc High Style and Plainsman VENUS ROLLAWAY SEE THE ALL ELECTRIC MODELS 15' Kamp Mate by Hcnslce COMPLETE LINE TRAILER SUPPLIES I9S0 NE STEPHENS OR 3-3354 Shody Point Trailer Sales Complet. Unfit New and Used trailer,, Camper., Travel Trailer. Mobil. Horn.. 1 Ml. So. Hwy 99BR OR 2-1438. Rod & Reel Trailer Boat Sales IMS W. Harvard lV6u 17'. 7' CAMP frailer. Gas and electric equipped. Provincial Inlortor. Will sell equity at big discount. OR 2-1082 or OR 3-B..4. Klf"GOLDEN STATE, 1956, 34' .'bedroom trailer. Priced at 32.B00. Will take In trade an older trailer, Iccp, pickup or car. OR 2-3756 or OR 2-2924. Dovlis Mobllo Homos Cash or trade for equity. ATEN & PHIL 14 FT VACATION trailer Electric brakes,1 LIPS. 1328 SE Strshona. water tank. Sleeps 5, Nsw paint, OR 2-1324 195B CHEVROLET Olscoyne, V-8, Power or OR 2-2618. glide. B-ilaneo $1308 tako $100 for WILL SELL my equity In '54 Brentwood Ji x r. fcxceiiem condition, can uk 3-6789, 1958 37 FT., mod wrTi -bedroom. Reasonably priced. See at Sulhsrlin Hotu, Sulhcriln, Oregon. 1956 35x8 1 -bedroom -tr al iw. Space H-7, Nbo Trailer Park. '55. I x 38, 2-bedr&om, Terra Cruiser $2,200. OR a-4878. 1949 ANDERSON TRAILER, 30', excellent condition, si, 400. Call Sutherlin, 4296. 42 Trucks write Beall Plot and Tank Corporation, 12005 N. Burqard St., Portland, X Oregon. Telephone tf 6-3631. 1948 FORD SHORT LOGGERweilwrcin- dltion. OR 3-IOC6. FOR SALE OR TRADE llTi. Ctwvy truck with rack, OR 3-77SI, EVERY WEEK IS THRIFT WEEK IN WANT ADS - Review, Roseburg, Ore. 13 42 Trucks '51 CMC pickup, tm. I0s2 NE Newton Creek Rom O R 2-2m. N Saturday call Ple.ise. . 19i0 '4 TON Chev. pickup, new paint and tires. 1951 ' ion Chev pickup, new motor. Call OR 2-W41. 1957 ' j lon fOKD pickup, 4 cylinder, cus tom cab. lc miicago. S'2C0. Call Oft 2-2910 or OR ?-4Ql . PICKUP, CHEV. IV50. Excellent condition, S3S0. 1441 NE Sttpht-ni. OR2-457L FOUR "WHEEL drive Ooslge" pickup, $395. See at Aiiir's Flymq A Staon. 'TrGWCpicku, A speed OR 2-2873. 43 Autos & JVlctorcyc!es BARCUS Used Cars 58 DODGE V-8 4-dr H'dtop, pushbutton drive, R it H, D-500 engine. Top condi tion throughout. Uncondi tionally guaranteed $1798 '58 PLYMOUTH V8 club cpe, fiushbutton drive, H&H, a ustrous black finish with spotless interior. One own er car with low mileage. Only $1493 '57 BUICK Century, 4 door, hdtp, power steering, R&H one owner $1698 '56 PLYMOUTH Belvedere II. T., R&H, Auto. Trans. New nylon tires $ 993 54 CHEV. 4 dr, wagon, R&H new paint and scat covers, really sharp $ 698 '53 FORD V8 sdn, R&H, stand trans $ 498 52 BUICK Super. 2 door H.T., Dynaflow, R&H. Sharp. .. $ 398 '52 OLDS 88 sdn $ 198 '55 FORD V-8 Vi ton pickup custom cab, II. D. bump er, canopy. Ideal for that hunting trip $ 798 '51 DODGE V4 ton pickup. 4 speed trans $ 393 '50 CHEV. 1 ton pickup, 4 speed trans, heavy duty tires and bumper $ 398 '47 STUDE. pickup with camper. Has bunks, stove and butane tank. Only 20 days until hunting season. $ 298 Imports '60 SIMCA Super Deluxe sdn, only 6000 miles. New car guarantee $1598 '59 SIMCA Wagon, like new $1498 '59 SIMCA Plcin Ceil sports car, sold new for $3150, now only $1998 '59 SIMCA Super Deluxe Sdn. $1198 '58 RENAULT Dauphine sed. $ 898 BARCUS N. Stephens at Garden Valley Rd. OR 3-S566 Open evenings 'til 8. Sundays 10 to 4, Jalopy Junction One mile South on old Hwy 99 Phone OR 2-4661 53 FOItD V-8, straight stick. $245 52 FORD V-8 . $195 '53 DODGE $315 50 PONTIAC sedan $110 '53 PONTIAC - $215 '54 FOHD V-8 Vi ton pickup. 4 speed $495 Also USED PARTS AND WRECKING YAPxD 1952 BUICK 4-door sedan, good rubber, tight bo:iy. Motor A-l condition, $275. Terms. Horn's Appliance 424 SE Jackson CR 2-5518 or OR 3-5216 after p.m. T55 PONTIAC V-3 solid litters, 4 barrel $150. '57 Chevrolet V-8 291, Duntov cam, 3 carbs,pollshfjd ports St50.OR 3-5851. '56 FORD VICTORIA "Hardtop. Has "stick; with o'drive. Sell or trad equity for old tr car. OS 9-5369. 57 FORD FAIRLANE, Io n sedan, black, one owner. Consider trade In. Can finance. See 435 SE Ktne. OR 3-4452 or OR 3-3336. LATE MODEL UBD CARS WANTED- .e.u.ty. UN 3-3794, Myrtle creek. 1957 CHEVROLET siphon w.iqon VB, very nice condition. Like new Sell or trade. ' Phono OR 2-2253 aftor 4P M. 59 FIAT MULTIPLA, radio and power I booster. SMI $1200 equity for $300. UN ; ?' ynie Ve3K WILL SELL OR TRADE equity In 1960 Amoassauor biaiion wjgon. can finance balance. 702 Madrone, Myrtle Creek. '49 FORD fjiod tires and motor. Chea"p, Pjiono OR 3-4579. , 53 CHEVROLET 2 door, Radfo and heater. Very sharp, $75 down. OR 3-3231. MUSTSELL 1951 MG$5OR3M079 or OR 3-6309 MOTORCYCLES - new, used. BecKwitli I Cyc IO. OR 3-8129. 32 FORD 4 door. WHf seif with 'hot motor . OS 9-WTO. '52 'MERCURY' st a" fior wTdon New tires good running condition. 177: Klamath. l"956 " CADILLAC" Coupe "Oe Vlio7f Virpbwer . Clean, excellent condition OS 9-8427. '58 MERCEDES-BENZ, 4 door Btautilurcon- dltion, S3,050.OR 3-30)4 JEEP Call OR" 3-78B4 evenlnqs. " '51 "CHEVROLET, il75 OR 2-4628. . "S9VOLVOwlth "low mlleaoeOR"Mb74, 193 MODEL A 'Fordr 175," ORT 2-4178.'" s i,'1 '