hey Sell! They Rent! They lre Si S rifECil 0 asslfie si Ads. OR 2-332! 10 Apartments Todd Apartments Oakhill, Visla Homes, Winchester Court, Wtstvue Court, Terrace Apt. I, t. 3 bedroom furnishW and imtyrnisfied. Heat ed pool. Rents from $70 up. Call OR 3-4340, OR 3-543) or OR 3-1503. Kohlhagen Apts. Jackson St. at Lane Ave. Modern, riaioneQle rent ADULT J OR 3-8344 "A Good Place To Live" FIVE ROOM and bath. Wired washer and dryer. Street level. City center apartment with parking. Unturniihed, $68.50 per month. Call Ray Lehman OR J-6193 or, OR 609I evenings. MOTEL UNITS all electric with kitchens. Linens, utilities furnished. Winchester Mo tel. (Old Hwy. 99 No.) el Winchester Bridge. FURNISHED apartment, adults only, $50. Brockway Apts. 846 SE Brock way. OR 2-90J9. ONE BEDROOM partly furnished apartment 3 miles north ot town. CV OR 3-4331 or OR 3-4741. UNFURNISHED APARTMENT. Desirable cation. Range and refrigerator. Electric heat.Phone OR 3-7071. SMALL FURNISHED APT. in town, single person or couple. $45. Phone OR 3-34ZJ Or UK 2-1245. Two BEDROOM unfurnished apartment, near Glide. K. n. F-ranks, UK 3-?8B. CLOSE IN furnished apartment tor gentle man. 742 5 Hint. 11 Houses UNFURNISHED 1 bedroom modern cottage with carport. No water to pay. Near Joseph Lane School, $40 per mo. William son Real Estate, 1157 NE Stephens, OR OR 3-4302. FIVE ROOMS AND BATH, unfurnished. Close In, one level. Available immediately. Full rent $65. Call Ray Lehman, OR 3-6193 or OR 3-6091 evenings. t7 2, 3 and 4 bedroom homes. Income lim its. Families, also single, elderly 65 or over accepted. 902 W. Stanton St. OR 3-6546. FURNISHED, 2-bedroom house, close to High School. Suitable (or 2 or 3 teachers, or married couple. No children or pets. OR 3-8010. Burnished cabins by week sio and up, all utilities Included. Pacific Motel, Old 99, 3 miles north. Phone OR 3-7931. NlCfT modern, 1 -bedroom unfurnished dup lex apartment and garage, close In, $60 Call OR 2-3033 after 5. GREEN DISTRICT Unfurnished, newly decorated 1-bedroom house, $50. 2574 Oak land. CLEAN 3 room house. Garden, modern, $53, Will sell on easy terms. 1647 SE Eddy, OR 3-5321 . fwO BEDROOM, unfurnished house. $65. 1129 N. E. Crescent. OR 3-7249. ONE BEDROOM house, modern, furnished. Looklngglass, SZS OR 3-7803. UNFURNISHED 2 bedroom modern house. OR 3-6B61. TWO BEDROOM unfurnished house in Green. Couple preferred. $50 mo. OR 3-7636. SMALL partly furnished house. Inquire 1559 SE Hamilton. fW0 BEDROOM unfurnished house, In Myr tle CreeK. $55. UNion 3-435. CLEAN, 3 room furnished house. Adults. OR 2-3270. 1263 S.E. Stephens. $70 MONTH, 2 bedroom house. 1731 So. Main Street. OS 9-8612. FIVE ROOM house, 3-6190. Douglas. OR TWO BEDROOM rental. OR 3-3672. 1 2 Trlr. Parks & Rentals TIMBER TOWN TRAILER PARK: New spa- clous lots for big trailer. 10x40' concrete patio with pad for trailer. 220 volt elec tricity available. Individual gas meters. OR 3-8579. WINCHESTER TRAILER PARK modern spaces. Paved grounds, shade trees. High way 99 No. at Winchester Bridge. ALAMEDA TRAILER COURT has paved streets and cement porches. Reasonable rates. 581 NE Alameda. OR 2-2343. MODERN trailer house, adults only, pets. Call in afternoon. OR 3-5005. No ONE BEDROOM, furnished trailer. Adults only OR 3-8579. FOR RENT trailer space on private lot. OR 2-3718. 13 Misc. Rentals PARKING LOT RENTALS available at Kohl hagen Parking Lot at SE Jackson and Mosher Sts. Only S6 per month. OR 3-8244. EXCELLENT OFFICE SPACE available now. U. S. Bank Bldg. Phone OR 3-2U2. Bu"SlNE"s"SBljlLDINirfor rent, $55, 245 SE Jackson. OR 2-1421. WINSTON Beauty shop. New equipment In good location. OS 98493. 14 Help Wanted Man Wanted We will have a company per sonnel representative at the i Oregon State Employment Office Roseburg, Oregon Wednesday, Sept. 7th From 9:30 A.M. to 1 P.M. to interview men for a position that requires traveling in this area of the state from Monday morning to Friday night each week. Weekends and all holidays off. We require all applicants to be of legal age and have a good automobile. Guaranteed salary of $105 per week plus a Rood weekly bonus. Complete training on full pay. EXPERIENCED COMBINATION ill fin-sher and alterations lady. Inquire Honn's Cleaners, 1019 SE Douglas. No phone calls WANTED-- Experienced milker to milk in milk parlor single man preferred. Also would like a person around 17 cr 19 to help do chores and qener,-' farm. Board and room furnished. OR 3-5978 or OR 3 6963. WANTED Ambitious ml estate and In surance salesman tor ail phases of real estate business and Insurance. Plenty of prospects. Lonq established. Cill Ry Lehman, at Lehman Real Estate & Insur ance. i QXAL S'rORE has ODer.ing fc" outsile sales people male or fema'- full or part time. Car needed. Retfer than average earnings. Call OR 2-3381 between 9:30 A.M. andJ-30PV 56 YOU WANT to work in televis or, or rtio In Soutnern Oreaon or Northern Cali fornia? Write Mr. Hessr, P-O. Box 797, Rooburg, Oregoi. BIT. QUS reliable family man ti sell Fuller Bruh products n well estau:ish"d territory. $'00 W'?f guarantee 10 start. Prone Claude Butler, OR 2-131. A R E NE E D E D(or 2 boys 7 and I years o'd 2 hours alter achoo1. Eistwood vic inity. OR 3-5197. l-BY "SITTER,- my-home, 5 days per tek. ORt-3052 after S.3C JtE AL ESTATE salesman or saleslady, FULL TIME. Call OR 7-34J4 anytime. WNTD hogep'irt9 live "in. Call Oft 2-345X 15 Work Wanted CONTRACTING, remodolirtg, carport), cab in ts, construction, ail type Free Es timates. Workmanship guaranteed. Phone OR 3-359orOR 3-3725. RESIDENT, male, age 60 non drinmer. needs employment. Experiences varied Hotel, retail or ? Write care ot News Review, Box 189. LADY wishes to do house cleaning by the hour. Experience and references it desired. Call between5and 7 P.M. OR 2-1847. CHILD CARE.Hjyday'or-hour-Nice play room, big yard. Dependable care. In Win ston. OS 9-5066. CHILD-CASE" by dayrweeir My" home". Himi!e$ S. Sutherlin. Phone 3900. BABY SITTING rny home,-days. OR 2-4556. WANTED f reVlrInTfrrtnQ and topping. 2922, Oakland. SHORT LOG hauling. Mule train or so!t Franco Trucking. OR 2-2343. NEW CONSTRUC TION an.Tr emodellng." Free estimates. Phone OR 3-7234 or OR 3-7516. CAT WORK wanted. cYearnj, leveling." By hour or contract. OR 3-4119. plowing and grading. HOUSEWORK artd-or Ironing OR 2-13H4. IRONING Light mendirigfree. OR-2-10IS. mending tret. OR 3-4557. CHILD care, reasonable. OH 3-8344. IRONING Green area. OR 3-8652. ALTERATIONS. OR 3-3433. IRONING and sewing. OR 2-721$. SEWING, all types. Guaranteed OR 2-2766. IRONING Riversdale area, OR 3-7879 18 Instruction HANDS TIED? No High School diploma? American schools. Our 63rd year. All texts and study guides furnished. For Informa tion write: Southern Oreqon Registrar, Ray Burkett, 416 Butte, Yreka, Calif. GUITAR TEACHER steel or standard lead. rythm or Boogie-woogie. OR 3-6525. John E. Jones. PRIVATE DRIVING Instructinns. Ken Lin- derman, OR 3-7447. PIANO LESSONS. OR 3-4E7. 20 Services WELDING Sleam Cleaning BRASS, aluminum, steel, cast Iron, pot metal. Truck farm, mill and logging shop exper ience. No Job too small no minimum charge. Turn West 200 ft. af Curtis Furni ture on North Stephens. General Service Center, 615-N. E. Chestnut. CHILD CARE Mother Goose Nursery OR 3-8361 BICYCLE REPAIRING ORVILLE'S FIXIT SHOP S3I N.E. Garden Valley Blvd. OR 2-4511 Bikes Repaired Saws Filed "Rebuilt bikes at 2nd hand prices" Citv Cycle Center 424 Winchester St. FOUNDATIONS, basements, house raising, leveling, repair. Work F.H.A. approved. Ce ment block work. Financing available. Free estimates. OR 2-4345 cr OR 3-8844. BY HOUR OR CONTRACT Lawn care, mowing. Floor cleaning, waxing, buffing. Go anywhere. Free- estimates. Phone OR 2-3089 days, OS 9-5843 evenings. ROOFING New and repair. Free est! mates work guaranteed. Fisher Thorscn Kamr to. can l. e. Bane, OR 3-6042; w. t. uaum, or 2-151. SMALL Appliance repair. Best stock ol small appliance parts in Douqlas County. Trowbridge Electric, 721 SE Oak St. OR 3-5521. MOTOR rewinding, repairing. Ail makes and sues. Experienced, competent motor man. Jimmle's Electric Motor Shop, 350 NE Garden Valley Blvd. OR 3-3162. PAY LESS PAINTERS and Decorators. "Work Guaranteed." Locally owned and operated. Free estimates anytime. OR 2 2524. REPAIR ALL MAKSomMtiroinrFgal heating systems. Munlon Heating, 1098 NE Stephens, OR 3-5460. JONES PIANO SERVICE OR 3-6525. Players and reed organs too. Tuning and repairs. CARPENTER Contracting house level ing foundations. Any typa construe tlon. OR 3-8020. GRADING and leveling; loam and rock do livered. Call Paul Casey. OR 3-4018, 22.1 N. E. Stephens St. HAVE YOU a porch, garage, carport, house or anythinq to build or repair? Phone John Sanborn, OS 9-5387. FOR FAST efficient plumbing renair sjrvice, can iier (.roocn KiumDiing (o. .448 W. Harvard. OR 2-2364. SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED no mileage; free estimates. Roseburg Sanitation Serv ice. 19B0 NE Stephens. Ph. OR 3-3356. CASTLE AVE. MACHINE SHOP. Plow and mower sharpening, welding and genr?rt-l repair.2352 S.W. Castle Avenue OR 3-4687 DOZING, leveling; also shale rocE river loam and road materials. Chas. Keeley, OS 9-5117 or, OS 9-5851. SHALE rock for roads and driveways, mediate delivery. Ph. C. P. Tailon, 3-4040. CEMENT Slabs, walks, drivrways, retaining walls. Free estimates. Call OR 4-4646. VcE WISDOM Kindergarten. Creek Road. OR 2-1210. M8.R PAINTING Inferior, exterior and spray. Free Estimates.OR 3-8774. BOB'S FLOOR SERVICE. Youfurnishm"- tcrial. We Install. Phone OR 3-5460. CARPENTRY and cabinet makTrigHar7y E. Young. OR 3-419. PLANS Residential Designer. Bob Dish man, OR 2-3294. REMODELING repairing, cabinet work. OR 3-3254. NORTH ROSE BUR g""KINDE" RG AR TNTiS3 N.E. Vine St. OR 2-3C63 jar OR 3-7349. FOR NEW lawns and Turfco sprinkler sys tems, call Jeff Strlngfellow, OR 2-3122. ELECTRIC CONTRACT dRSLanjlng4 "Ol iver, OR 3-6636. MOHR WELL OR ILLING - Jacuiii whirl pool bath. OR 2-2321 or OR 2-3043. Siding. Winston Cnain Saw OR 2-4302 or! CARPENTER Build, remodel, inets. Phone OS 9-5814. , CABINET work and remcde'infl. OR 2-3425. 21 Building Mcifericil Bargain Lumber Studs Dimension Boards t'tilily Grartp $15 M Economy Grade $25 M Umpqua Mfg. Co. (Formerly Consolidated Milling) Hwy 93BR South OR 3 7411 Good Usable Lumber 1 k 6 and 8" shet.no. 3x4 and " CM. for sub-flooring Boards Shiplap V Ruslic Dimension 2 x 4 s and wiucr, as low as $25. LUMIiKR SALES CO. OR 3-73C2I Garden Valley, near R. R. tracks. j Use Newt Review Want Ads I 21 Building Material The Weeks BEST BUYS Exterior, all-purpose HOUSE PAINT Reg. prlct $5 7 This Week $3.7 Per gal. Roofing 12 Discounts 215 lb. thick Butts $9.61 90 lb. Mineral 4 22 45 lb. Roofing 2.56 Dutch IaD shirHps ner sn 6 76 Nick s boat works - satellite and mo uuilii i.dp mn0iis pir sq o.iu hj!rra), ha... ,,b-raja m.. repairs and Galvanized Eave Trough 10 ft. lengths 1.45 You Haul Gerretsen Building Supply Co. Flegel Bldg. Casper & Odell St. 1 block off Diamond Lake Blvd. 23 Fuel SAWDUST Blower or Dump WOOD Oak Wood Peeler Core Planer Ends (16" or 2'1 Slab Wood (green or dry) ROSEBURG LUMBER CO. Ph. OS 9-3741 WOOD Block and sl.ih mixed. Peeler ceres green or dry. . Sawdust Blower or Dump Guv & Frances Gill Fuel 281 N. E. Douslas OR 2-1524 WOOD Peeler Core Hardwood Block wo 0.1 Dry Planer ends Red Diamond Fuel Co. OR 2-5082 OAK WOOD cut to order dry green; also oaK posts. Wtil deliver. 3-5698. OR HARDWOOD Cut to order $22 50 cord delivered. Phone 05 9-564J or ub 9-5709. FIREWOOD Oak, Madrone, Old qrowth Fir. Heater and fireplace. TRojan 4-2534 or Sam M. Humphrey,Rt. t3ox Jfl, Riddle. O&C-FUEL- CO.Dryoiik, 16" and 24,". a 1 so - fir ncal er blocks. OR 2-3304. LAUREL and oak wood forjta1e.OR 3-3604. OAK" WOOD" $14 "cord. You haul. OR 2-3804. 25 Farm Equipment PRESSURE tank $15; 75 ft. double plastic well pipe and root vaive, lau UNion 3-3639 Myrtla Creek. TWO T iX-L E R s, priced $100 and $150 res pectively. Jerl combination sprayer and mower, $75. 1769 NGoefzK F"bR"SALE Caterpillar 10 just overhauled. OR 2-2700. GOOD FEED grinder, and misc. OR 3-5710. 25 Livestock Airplane Seeding Call George Felt OR 3-6743. Felt's Airport Calkins Road WANTED TO BUY feeder and weaner pigs. Isadoro Inda, General Delivery, Bandon, Oregon. Call Fllmore 7-7644. REGISTERED Guernseybull, 16 months old for sale or trade for whiteface. Ph. TR 4-2727, or Rt. lBox 21, Riddle. WANTED" sheep of "ail" 'kinds, also wool". TErnple 6-9470, Drain. Al Brown. F OU R YOUN Ggr adirbuckTs'ieep. UN 3-3869, Myrfie Creek. AT STUD Appaloosa, well marked. Allen's Western Goods, 2 miles ;outh Dillard. DOUBLE HORSE "TRAILER, In good " condi tion. Priced right. OR 2-1187. FOR SALE "OR" TRADE" HolstGin mifk cow. OS 9-8668L FOR "SALE " OR ""TRADE"" "Shsi land" pony for horse or milk cow. OS 9-8668. SIX YEAR OLD 'mare, Quarter and Arabian. Saddle and hay, etc. $400. OR 3-6508. L.C.P. PELLET MILL custom pellflMnrj. miles east ol Oakland on Elkhead Road. L. C. Perrin, phon 2933. BACED ALFALFA. R.Conn, OR 3-6423 mornings or evenings. 23 Poultry & Rabbits WE BUY LIVE poultry. Roseburg Poultry day or evening phone OS 9-5400. No Sun day calls. DR E SSE D"ribrji"f sf rsezcradyWiTTde-llC-r. OR 2-2324. GUINEA and ciuck eggs. OR 2-4950. BARRED ROCK pulletsrsf cach." 0R331M 29 Psts BORDER COLLIE and 5hrph?rd pups, nx weks old, from good parcnls, $10. Rt, 3, Box 1710. GENTLE, deodorized baby skunks, HQ, Rich' ard McDonald, Box 644, ElKton. JUniper ! AKC REG. German Shepherd pup:os. Excel' ion? uiooa lines, call OR 3-6Bjo. HALF TOY PEKE, 3-5376. 1 Toy Pom puppies. OR ONE YEAR oid reg. male Boxer," $60. OR ' 3-S-81 . I T.VO FEMALE part-Coccr pups, $3 each. OR 3-386. NE LSON'S Pomeranian-Kenneiir'iE-Al-ampda. Wl'" PUTM.AN'S Toy Fox Terner Ken bur, Ore-joi OR 3-SJ4. c!s, i 3 mc-i!M cd Ramave'i 1. Pnone OR 3-W24. Req i'ercd Dachshund pupp.es for sale". OR :-n.-,6. do-j. Any reasonable Crtfk Hatchery. j3 sc-rviceT OS " 9-83?5. j 6CHSH'u'rJD'STUD SCR'ICE. OR :-'226. i:.ARf Bc-a?'-- K?-.ie:$. OR 3-47',. H7-,rr;us i-l;9 S'AVtOI': y Itrni', rrn: CHIHUAHUA S " COC.KI-.R PUPS. S w?"i POODLTS. Call ,3a tvnui cjte puppy lo gi.e " PATRONIZE N E W S-IIEVI E W ADVERTISERS li nay & warn 31 Sporting Equipment ROD & REEL Evinrmlo motors Boat accessories Interlux paints Boat trailer tires 1145 W. Harvard OH 2-2242 UMPQUA MARINA SKagil boats Mercury motors Boat accessories Motor repairing 643 S. E. Rose OR 2-1616 One Only 1959 Skagit Sportster. Closo out. first come, tirst serve. Unipu.ua Valley, 648 SEKosc, UK :-n: retinishing. i mi. So. Keiiey .vomer. OR 3-7664. CAMPING BUS gas range, lights, and relrigcrator. Also wired tor eieonc. s-;u. or trade for pickup or good piano. OR 3-5745. . l CLfPPERCRAFT Monterey boat, like ,., cull i-3m,B. Ituln I ihntnn nut hoards: every extra. My equity $800 balance . $900. OR 3-4865. 15 Hi. SKagit Hiocrglass runabout, complete i y upnoisiereo. r.ijrn, a mercury tw motor. Make otfer. Ca.l OR 3-6040. MODEL 70 WINCHESTER 308 cal. Weaver K 4 scoDe, recoi pad, $ mg. likb new, , $135. OR 2-2541 TPI FSrriPP RIFLE SIjHTS if bought from us, wa install free it gun i laciory drilled. Umpqua Gim Store. 16FT. plywood boat and trailer; oars, anchor and life jackets, $115. 1013 N. E. Post. CAMP TRAILER for sale. OR 3-7671 after 7 P.M. L IGHT TRAILER suitable for boat. OR 3-847?. 1337NE Freemont. EASY TERMS "on new and used guns. Trade-Ins accepted. Umpqua GunStore. UTaCuMINUM" BOAT . Used very little", with small air cooled motor. OR 3-7646. lV FT" GLASSPAR boat. 35 HP motor and equipment. OS 9-5005. 14 FTrtRAILE R sleeps 2. Butane equipped. $250. PhoneEar. Carte, Myrtle Creek. 12' i' SMI-V bottom boat trailer and 5 horse motor, SI35. Phone OR 3-7593. BROWnTnG "AUTOMATIC 12 gauge, real nice, S75. Phone Earl Carte, Myrtle Cree. 270 ' REMlNGTONOS9-5654. 32 Produce & Plants Hercher's Dillard Market IMPROVED Elbertas Elbertas, New Hales, ready lor canning. Bring containers. nr'swPET CORN for canning, or freezing Please call in orders, uk -jeia. muo Blue Lake and Kentucky Wonder beans, kraut cabbage and cucumbers, m. u. Knapp, Garden Valley. CANNING PEACHES are ready. Hales, E bortas. Reasonable prices. You pick or wo pick, Bring containers. 2nd house south of Moyer's Nursery. Look for Weeping Willow. Bert Laurancc, Dillard. PROVEDHALES, aiid Elbertas, Halbert as; canning beans. Local tomatoes, 10c lb. 2's $1 for 20 lb. lug. Bring contain ers, please. 6 miles Sou't1 Roseburg, cross green bridge, turn left, go Hi mile. STRAWBERRIES you pickrMarsnalls, 2nd crop, excellent quality. Also, canta loupes and tomatoes, Cleveland Rapid Road, Garden Valley. Ciilf H ess.OR 3-8635. LOCAL CORN, Red Havn peaches, Ro rhfisipr. slaonv. Strlna beans for cannlno; cucumbers, other fruits and vegetables. Harvard Avenue Fruit StanJ. CANNING PEACHES, Improved Elbertas and Hales. Ready now. Windfalls you pick. Fred Burks' Blue Fruit sfand on old Highway 99 In Dillard. RARTi ETT PEARS. Bring containers, please. No Sunday sales. This week only. Re In ho Id Blank, Looklngglass. CANNING" PEACHES, Elbertas, Improved Elbertas and Hales. Forrest Fairacres, 05 9-8663. GOOD WINDFALL BARTLETT pears. You pick. 50c bushel. By Singleton Park. Ernost Trussell, OR JW759. FOR-NEW APPLE BOXES, phone OR 3 6724. BEANS, you pick 5c lb., picked 8c lb. Burks & Son Bean Yard, uinartx us BLUE LAKE "canning beans and cucumbers. Tomatoes and sweet corn. Charles Hlg bee, OR 2-2936. BARTLETT PEARS, $1.50 and up. Marsh Ranch, Looklngglass. PEARS Bartieils, $1 busnel, you pick $1.50 picked. Holmgren's, OR 2-3BJ. IMPROVED elbertas, and windfalls. OR 2727. BLACK-EYED peas, you pick. M. O. Knapp, Garden Valley. IMPROVED ELBERTA pesches, G.W. Larsen, Melrsoe, OR 3-7766. PEACHES at the Baker Ranch, Highway 42, Winston. SWEET CORN, you pick. Vj mile East Single ton Park. OR 3-5979. USED CORNET $45. Call OR 2-3826. See at 1255 SE Mill St. CANNING'TOMATOES, 75c"a lug. OR 2-4227, 33A , Musical STUDENT QUALITY Buscher alto sax, in very pood condition; Peddler clarinet, prof essional model, excellent condition. OR ! 3119. PIANO LESSONS. Private instruction by Mrs. Wayne Wagner at Roseburg Music, 2441 W. Harvard and In Ihe Newton Creek area. Phone OR 2-36?lor OR 2-2461. BAND "INSTRUMENTS for beginning band sludeuls. New and used. 3 months trial period for as low as $3 mo. Ricketts Musrc Sfore, OR 3-3252. After 3:30 call OR 3-6629. PIANO RLNlALb WUmizer spmers, miy Style or nnisn. iu monm hii.i.uiH lesions. ROSEBURG MUSIC, 2441 W. Har vard. OR 2-3691or OR 32461. RENTaT "PURCHASE PLAN on new Kim ball, Everett and Cable-Nelson pianos, also Hammond organs. Graves Music, 516 SE Jackson, OR 2-1621. KINO ALTO SAXAPHONE, S0O3 condition $l?5. An Accordion iiks tw, omy n fpw months. Cost $300 wi sell for $175. 521 W. Maple bt. Knons uk j-jjij. USEO"SPlNEr "ORGAN-an. speaker. Rer). SI595, row only $795. Graves Music. 5li SE Jackson. OR 2-1621. USED TV-HIFI-RADIO Combination several used TV's at oarg n prices, rot - elts Music S';re, OR 3-3?')2 PAN AMERICAN clarmet good condition, $75 c.iih, or terms. OR 3-5872. U.ED CHORD ORGANTReg. $395, no $450, Gravos .'jsic, 5I6 SE JncVson, OR 2-1421., iKPn PiAfJO. 1125. Graven MuS.C, 516 SE : 1 jacv.son, OR 2-1621. USED PIANOS and organs Graves Music. 5!6 SE JflCMOi. UKi(-iai. E r LAT a"'o saophone. excellent condition, OR 7-7752. I PAN-AMERICAN 'cornet," excellent condition,: OR 3-3597 tlOLTON TRUMPtf. 424 Winchester. No Sat urday clls. PAN AMERICAN Trumpet with case. Excel Innt condition. OS 9-5546. USED Frank trumpet for ia!e. OR ?-"; OLDS"TRUVPET and case. OR 3-4661. - FLAT CUmet. OR 2-10U. CLARINET GUITAR "for sale, $15. OR 3-6525. 34 Misc. For Sale i WATTRESS and box spring set, Hi. 3?l?. CIRCULATING heater, $35." OR ' 1 J1'0. ' . ,,CE0R POSTS. OR 3 -Mil !' i AC LTYLENE VC LDIKO " o!fil . GS' 9-$3 71. HNOYV.A'Pck. "03 S103 FULLER BRUSH, OR 2 1391 US-D FURNITURE. OR 3-5709. 34 Misc. For Sale Low Low Tire Prices Tyrex tube type DiacKwau 6.7015 $9.15 Installed Tyrex wliilewalls Installed 6.70-15 $10.45 Tube type Nvkms 6.7015 $10.45 Installed Sears Roebuck & Co. 526 SE Jackson OR 3-6673 Used Restaurant & Grocery Equipment TWO grocery display cases 8x12' waik-ii and rench-in cooler, has B doors with a compressor DAIRY display case v-th compressor .. . MEAT display case with compressor y - BOOTHS and tables LUNCH counter with 15 backed stools GAS steam table, with stainless steel Inserts LARGE gas deep fat french frer 3-BIN stainless steel sink with fixtures 20-SLOT cigarette case. Located in Beverage Shop, 731 S. E. Stephens Contact Russ Burgess at the Mayflower Slor age, across street. West Coast Auctioneers Sale Every Sunday 1 P.M. 3'a Miles So. 99 B.H. No Sales Too I.ari;e or Small CARS. . .FURNITUKb. TRUCKS HEAVY EQUIPMENT - FARM SALES . . .LIQUIDATION. . . For Auction Sales and Service See GENE LEWIN. JERRY LEWIN. LEWIS MORIN Roseburg OR 2-3501 3'.i Ml. io. 99 BR Salem EM 2-9533 2170 Lancaster Dr. NE, Res. EM 4-0377 Salem, Oregon, Beckwith Cycle Co. Schwinn & Evans Bicycles New. Used. Also Motorcycles. 392S W. Harvard OR 36120 SOFT ICE cream machines Swedens, Mills, Taylors good used ones. Sold guaranteed, terms. Large rtock cafe and market equipment. Dale's Refrigeration, 657 Highway 99 South, Grants Pass. Ph. GR 6-5196. USED FURNITURE Sofa beds, $19 SO and up. Dinette sets. MnnroM and spring s. Easy terms free delivery. Judd'st Fur niture Company, 435 5E Jackson. OR 3-5415. WE ALWAYS HAVE a fine selection ot meat available for your locker or doep treere at wholesale prices. Winston Lockers. OS 9-5133. . DINING TABLE, 4 leaves, pad, 6 chairs $50. Apartment size gas :ove, 3 burner, $25. Trailer size washing machine $15. 1209 SE Stephens. FIVE ADJOINING lots In Roseburg Memor ial Gardens Garden of Communion sec tlon, sell one or all. Write Box 194, Nows- Revlew. NEW 1960 High speed 3-temperature dryer, scrafched In shipping. Regularly $189.95 now $158. Full warranty. Terms. Horn's Appliance, OR 3-5518. FOR SALE OR TRADE tor Oakland wood heater, GE range In good condition, OR 3-46P7. REPOSSESSED I960 11 cu. ft. Phllco refrig erator, for balance owing. Horn's Appli ance, OR 3-5518. WINSTON Sand end Gravel, -crushed rock, reject gravel, bar run and top soil. OS V-04VJ, RECONDITIONED Bendlx washer, match ing Quick-Dry dryer, $125 for both. Terms, Horn's Appliance, OR 3-551B, TV SALES and RENTALS, day or weekly rates, call Kler Crooch Plumbing Co. 2443 w. Harvard, ok z-jjm. PHtLCO Stereosllghtly damaged, mahog any cabinet, At a big saving. Horn's Ap pliance, OR 3-5518, TOP SOIL from new location. The best you have ever seen no roots or weeds. Ralph Fisher. Winston OS 9-B493. WINSTON READY MIX. Concrete to your specifications. OS 9-5881, or or 3-8759, evenings. WHIRLPOOL AUTOMATIC washor. Late model. $50. Trowbridge Electric, 721 5E Oak St., OR 3-5521. B. D. Cletrac and logging contract for sale, $2,000. Camp house trailer, factory built, $350. Glide, GY 6-3310. CHOSLE Y automatic range, very good con dition, $89. Terms. Horn's Appliance OR 3-5518. WESTiNGHOUSE range. Very clean. Deluxe fcafures. Only $84.50. Trowbridge Electric i 721 JE OakStOR 3-5M, GENUINE heavy river loam. No rfiCi, easy to handle. For the bnt call Charles K?ely, OS 9-5117. or OS 9-5S5V TV SALES and rentals. Rent may apply on down payment. Horn's Appliance, 424 5.E.Jackson. OR 3-5518 ZENITH REFRIGERATOR, J Cu. Ft., $80, Trowbridge Electric. 721 SE Oak St., OR 3-5521. TREVA'S CERAMICS. Froe lessons. Green ware, paints, glazes. Outside firing done Next to Winston Lockers OS9-5l31 FRIGIDAIRE refrigerator, good condition, $30. May be seen at 845 SE Glenn or call OR 3-5016. , 2 pj aluminum boat with trailer, $150; refrigerator, 8 cu. ft. si.e, $50. Phone OR3-i9i2. r'OR trie best job of custom cutting, wrap ping and quick freezing, bring your meat to Winston Lockers, OS 9-513.1. BILL'S BETTER Boards Build Belter Build ings. Woil Cont Building Supply, 2 blocks west of Greyhound d3POt. ORchard 3-6614. TRACTOR, all accessories, double transmis sion, sjuu c.isn, u. -Jrtvi. USED ZENITH TV, early model, "falrplc- turf, $75. Horn's Appliance, OR 3-5518. 16' HOUSE frailer; shotgun. 325? N. Sle- ph--ns. OR 3-8924. 1 st AH5, onvniional w-iining machine, Good running cmdiliort. OR 3-3876. BABY basfJnttfo with pad and new llnor, $8. OR 3-4925. O'Keeis .cTrltPgoT7ange deluxa'fe- fur, 135. OR 3-3795. hi nFP 'UPRIGHT PIAN1 Tnrf dinner Irea- j qio sewing machine. OR 3-7646, GIRL'S 76" bicycle," $20; snare drum $15. OR 2-2Q9. frigidaire iRONrR, gjod ai"new. ea- sonable. OR 2-1 $87. XELe.COPE SIGHTS, termsTUmpqua Gun S1or ELECTRIC RANGE, daveno, matching rock er, 2 w.isheri, wood heater. OR 2-3537. LOCAL" REPRESENTATIVE Minnesota Woof on Wills. Call for eooointment, OR 3-413. Y:7VOOD and"cV-!ar pbiis "torTaOR 3-7737 or OR 3-372. UjF.0 GUIiS. to.jgnl, said .r. traJcd. Ump aua Gun Store. G:D CHAIN SA.'S. Wir.$lon Chain" law OS 9-5441. USED TV'S, organs ni accorfli.nl. Gr.vcl .'-sic. 516 St; J-ckson, OR 7-1631. 40 Ft. f.c 9n Lm. yor; 'I masonry 1 mixer. Baby stroller, vi " rew. oft" 3 .3437 or s?e af 1:14 ii. CLOTHFS DRfER $i0. N"!. thermoitat, OR 33915. ELECTHIC SlOVEr'4 b-jr-i'srVgo-jJ Ovn,"$25; Cotdsotif rftlger.tor,$W. OP 3 loS4. POOL" 1AULE U ' ;o' A-i"ro'i1if,o'n. ter Mf WtKor Prti tlmt. OR 3-2M. 194 CHEVROLET picuo. $3X; B-jtane rangr?, $30 Ph. VErr.on 2 63V,, bltrntji .e. COWPLFTt hed .vid chei', nd misc. R8 ionnble. OR 3-S10. TWO 2 rh-f trailer. OR 3 1H0, No Safwr da cal. GUESS WHO... I i ihm I ill n just came in to lie down. 34 Misc. For Sale Special Signature Automatic wood circulating heater. Larse 24" fire box Porcelain finish Only $99.95 $5.00 down free delivery Montgomery Ward 443 SE Jackson OR 3-5353 BIG SALE Used Furniture & Appliances RAINBOW TRAILER SALES Old Highway 99 N. Winchester OR 3-7273 DEARBORN 44,000 BTU automatic gas heat nr. tiwmrnlAtic fan. excellent condition, $125, also, GE 220 heater with fan, 2000 watt enclosed element; GE 1-3 horse motor, I practically new. txnausi tan, i . urs 3-5802. FrtlGIDAIRE IMPERIAL washer and dryer pair. 1957 models, txceiium shoijit. wmj.hi ally sold for $680. Used 14 months. Yours for only $325. Trowbridge Electric, 721 5E Oak, OR 3-5521. ELECTROLUX vacuum cleaners sales, serv ice and supplies, l-ree noma ai-inunsM diium, Call J. E. Newberry, OR 3-7010 or OR 3-3591. 500 GALLON BUTANE tank; hiiy chopper on ivnon l H.t-1. air-COOico en iirie, cium i rnnne. All flood shape. OR 3-8512, 2666 Diamond Lake Blvd. LICENSED" REPRESENTATIVE Slark "Bros, Nurseries. Home and commercial orchards. Shrubs, berries, Queries welcome. OR 3 5321 after 5 or weekends. SADDLES, bridles, bits, spurs, whips, pack equipment, saddle pads and DianKois, eic, also moccasins, belts and buckles. Allen's Western Goods, 2 miles south Dillard. 35 Wcsjtfed Misc. WANTED OLD GUNS especially want Winchesters, Coifs, Smith 8. Wessons, Rem ingtons, Honrys, early m'Htary guns mark, ed U.S. Also want old powder flasks, molds, loading tools and sights. Umpqua Gun Store.' WE"PAY HIGHEST cash prices for usoa furniture. Roseburg Furniture Exchange, 343 S. E, Jackson OR 3-5104. . WANTED TO BUY Old china, glassware, (urnlturw, (ewelry. Prlscllla's Antiques, 247 S E. Jackson. OR 8-1421. 55 ANT ED Old colns.guns and marble top turn. Prlcllla's Antiques, 2-17 S.E. Jackson OR2-1421: . wantTto Buy Good used furniture. ROSEBURG AUCTION.P 3-5026. WANTED Coins. OR Z-J390. 36 For Trade EXCHANGE EMPIRE for Roseburg. Equal value, $7,000. 1 room house, 2-bedroom house. Lot 216 x 45'. City sewor, water, well, electric pump. Creek through prop erty. Fenced. Title Insurance, no Indebt edness. 499 N. Morrison, Empire. TRADE" ROSE BURG "HOME, $14,500 value for Solum property, Rt. 1 Box 94, Jefferson, Oregon TRADE equity In '56 model 2-bodroom 46' trailer tor good furniture. OR 2-315S. HEATERan"trash "burnor for calf. OR 3-6995 or GYpsy 6-3363 atter 4 p.m. 37 Machinery HAVE FOR SALE - 7V HP, 1 PH. high hrnd Irrioation Dump complete with con trols and cord. NfW winding. Also, 200 AMP. DC welder. Cm be usatl on power take-off. See at Jimmle's Electric Motor Service, 350 NE Garden vaney divo. uk 3-3162. 38 Lotjgina Equipment 1955 CHEVROLET logging truck and trailer. 3 speed transmission, 4 spend main. Isaac ion trailer. $2,180 complete. See at Jim Byrd's Flying A Station at Stephens and Brockway. LOG CHAINS, aiuminum"chee5 blocks, bind ers, fuel-lank pump, tow hooks, other misc. $75 takes nil, sell separately. Sea at 545 Chestnut St. WANTED D7 or TD 18" cat for torj'ging, by hour or contract. OR 2-3411 between 6 and 8 p.m. TD 6 Infcrtntlonol" tractor, doer and wlnrh. In good shape; will sell cheap. Call TR 4-255, Riddle. f-9 "international tractor. 1950 Ford truck, short logger, BU 50 mobile yarder. Sell seoarately or as unit. Celt 3778 Sutherlm, 1954 D o CAT ust recond'iloned, Call OS 9-6302 or OS9-94-l8 Jning 1957" 05 MACK "loq'fruck Piuico trailer and equipment. Canyonville, JE 2-4S92. wevwsivvsseevvte'weeMAA 39 Timber & Savmilis Logs Wanted Peelers & Pcelabla Mill Del1ver.il tit Nordic Vene.rs pond on North Umpou. Hloh.vsy. 3 miles cost of Rose burn. For mlorm.tiol poll OR 7-4551. Sutherlin or OR 3-40 .veninov LOO'ilNG ROAUS huili'at'd io-.'.ed. cOodcr cot ond 5 nnd 10 ysrd dymo true. t-,r rent by ho-r, co.itract or cost plus. OR 3-.1 1 5. Nli 4 YARD Unit stioyel lor rent. Cort. yonvllle, JEfterson 2-4664. 40 I'oasa Trailers 1949 17' ' CAv P tM 'er Oai an-1 electric eq-jippd. Provincial fntr or. W.ll i'll roi'ly at bin duco-nt OR 2-1082 or OR 3-80J4. . V,il MiUkfiSiU RAILER, 30', xtHlent coil lion, $l.00. Cdtl luthtrlln. 4296 10 40' Ui Iri.a tquify for furnitwre. OR 3-231 - WANTED ' U'.cd trailer houie. UNioft 3 30' i, Myrtl Crrok. - f 17 F T , 1 -bedroom Vonile"Momi traiitr. $7i0. 1 Call OS 9Mj2 tler p.m. Sot., Sept. 3, 1960 The News-Review, Roseburg, Ore. 9 40 House Trailers To tlia thousands who saw our exhibit at the fair, wfl soy "THANK YOU". Why Not Drive Out RAINBOW Trailer Sales Oid Hwy 99 North, Winchester Let us make you a deal on one of our quality MOBILE HOMES We will take your furniture and appliances in trade. Give you rent-like bank terms, and up to 7 years to pay. Good used ones too, both 8 and 1 0 wide. See us for reliable TOWING OR 3-727? WHETHER Winter, Summer, Fall or Spring Rain, Sunshine or Ilurricano One Fact Remains Tho Samo AT JIM McKEE Trailer Sales Tll6 Lowest Pl'lCCS and Terms Still Prevail. 1028 NE Stephens OR 2-4221 J & J TRAILER SALES 10 WIDES Angelus Great Lakes 1, 2 4 3 Bedrooms AIRSTREA.M ARROWHEAD TRAVELEZE r io if USED TRAILERS Reconditioned & Guaranteed (Formerly Brady's Mobil. Horn.) OR 3-3441 EARL SMITH TRAILER HOMES CO. 1-2-3 Bedrooms. 15' to 55' MODERN AND PROVENCiAL ROD AND REEL Hcn.sleo High Style and Plainsman VENUS ROLLAWAY SEE THE ALL ELECTRIC MODELS 1j Kamp Malo by Hcnslce COMPLETE LINE TRAILER SUPPLIES 1980 NE STEPHEN." OR 3-3356 1959 50 FT 10 WIDE MOBILE home, 2 bedroom, wasner ana aryer, w.uvs, small down payment to good credit or will trade tor 06 or 07 catarplllar tractor of equal value. Phone OR 2-3756 or OR 2-2924. PRICED TO SELL modern '49 Shoults trail er house, $650 cash. 2966 Parker Road, OR 2-4240. WILL SELL my equity In '56 Brentwood 35' x 8 . Excellent condition, tan ok 3-678 1959 CAS A MANANA 35'x8' 1 -bedroom trail err automatic washer. $1800 our equity 11000 balance. Riddle, TRoian 4-1409. '55, 8 x 33, 2-bedroom, Terra Cruiser 12,500, OR 3-4678. BARCUS '55 CimYSI.ER V-8 Windsor deluxe 4 door. Radio, heat er. Automatic. White-wall tires. Original paint, low miles, 1 owner. Sharp, only $ 998 '58 1)01)0 B V8 4-dr H'dlop, piishnutton drive, K & H, D-5 500 eni'inc, Top condi tion throuKbout. Uncondi tionally guaranteed $1798 '53 FOItD V8 sdn, Hill, stand trans $198 '53 FORD V8 Victoria, Special $298 '51 NASH RAMBLER 2 door, hdtp 193 ..9 rjT DS 88 idn " Jt'"a 00 $ 198 ; '55 FORI) V-8 H ton pickup j custom cab, II. V. bump- er, canopy. Ideal for that hunting trip vjis Imports 60 SIMCA Super Deluxe sdn, '59 SIMCA Plcin Cell sports onlv (ifioo milt'. New car car, sold new for $3150, guarantee; . $1598 now only . $1998 53 SIMCA Wagon, liko new. $1198 '59 SIMCA Super Deluxe Sdn. $1198 '58 RENAULT Dauphino sed. $898 BARCUS North Stephens Al Gorders Valley Road OR 3-5566 Open Evenings 'Til 8; Sundays 10 to 4 40 House Trailers Shady Point Trailer Sales Complete Hies New end Used trailers. Campers. Travel Trailers r,oOII Homes Ml. So. Hav 99BR OR M418. Rod & Reel CUSTOM. Provincial J-bed-'oom rnobi home 19i, Id x 50', Completely furnishW. Our equity priced for quick sale at great re dud ion. space C-U, Trailer Haven. 499 Sterling Drive. Call OR 2-1 IS? tor appoint ment. 42 Trucks TRADE WILL TRADE Posi-tractlon no ipln rear end even up for regular rear end for 'S7 Chev. U ton plctiup. Call ve ningj OR 2-39?u. f?50 i i TON FORD pickup 6 cyl.. 4 speed. In good shape, S-iQO. Call evenings or week. ends, OR -3300. lfiO DODGE pickup.' 4 spd. tram.. $90. OR 3-3210. ;u W. 19-iB FORD SHORT LOGGER- excellent con dltlon. OR3-8Mi. 1943 "JEEP, now motor, custom cab. OS 9-8411. 'jroVsC '.j ton pickup. 4-speed. $400. OR 2-2873. 194; CHEVROLET pickup, giod tires and body. Runs real good, $275. Call OR 2-311 S. 1951 CHEV. 'i T. pickup, good shape. Trades considered. OR 2-4CQ4, 43 Autos & Motorcycles Jalopy Junction One mile South on old Hwy 99 Phono OR 2-4661 49 STUDEBAKER $ 45 '53 FORD V-8. straight stick. $245 52 FORD V-8 $195 53 DODGE $345 '50 PONTIAC sedan $110 '51 PLYMOUTH $ 95 53 PONTIAC $245 Also USED PARTS AND VRECKING YAKD 1946 WILLYS JEEP. Four wheel drive, good condition, new motor block. Address; Ted Chancy, DFPA Office Canyonvllle. Phona JE 2-4611. FOR "SALE My S200 equity In 1958 Ford retractable hardtop convertible bslanca $1985. Call Myrtle Crcek,UN 3-3519. 'if FORD "FAIRLANE, to m Kdttn, black, one owner. Consider trade in. Can finance. See 435 SE Kane. OR 3-4452 or OR 3-3336. '59FORD Hair lane 500 town s?dan, loaded. Sell, or trada for flood older car. OK 3-4844; LAf MODEL USED CARS WANTED-. Cash or trade for equity. ATEN t PHIL L IPS, 1328 SE Stexihsn-. SELL OR TRADE forChev or Rambler Sta tion Wagon 1958 Loyd Station Waflon or 1 9A0WiJJVS pickup. Ph. OR 3-5805. .5 MERC, 2 door haTdtop. Will cell or take tn older car (or equity. OR 3-3056, Rose burg. '49 MERCURY 4 door sodan, goad condition. 50,000 milos.$100. OR 3-6145; 52 MERCURY Vfatlop wiDoh New tires, good running condition. 177J Klamath. '57 CHEVROLET Bel Air hardlop, white, lots of extras. Sharp. OR 3-5602; 920Q"cc Ducat I cycle. 1,700 miles. Excel lent shapo. Extras. GY 6-3373. 1949 FORD "CUSTOM"rd'D7R.Hron owner, good condition. OR 2-3570. '48 MER C. (uli load, completely rebuilt, $125. OS9-5640. 1958 AUSTIN-HEALEY 2-place roadstor-hard- top. OR 2-4251 after 6 P.M. MUST SELL -1951 MCi., $550. OR 2-1079 orOR 3-6308 1956 FORD VICTORIA, excellent condition, new tires. See at Melrose Store. OR 3497?. FULL RACE 1954 Ford, excellent. MakTTf- fer. OR 3-3354. MOTORCYCLES Cycle. OR 3-8120. new, used. Beckwltrt 1956 CADILLAC Coupo DeV lie, (uli power. Clean, excellent condition OS 9-8427; 1959 VOLVO with "low mileage OR 2.1074. Used Cars '58 PLYMOUTH V8 club cpe, pushbutton drive, Rill, a lustrous black finish with spotless Interior. Ono own er car with low mileage. Only $1498 57 I1UICK Century, 4 door, 5 dtp, power steering, R1I ne owner. S1633 '58 PLYMOUTH Bclvedeie H. T., ItII, Auto. Trans. New nylon tires. $ 993 "51 CHEV. 4 dr, wagon, Rill, new paint and scat covers, really sharp $098 '52 FORD V8 Club cpo :. $ 298 '4B CADILLAC sdn $ 138 '50 CHEV. 1 ton pickup 4 speed transmirsion $ 398 1 V ! Vs.