r THIS OFFER REPEATED BY POPULAR V V..-' plus... 7-DAY MEAT KEEPER Keept meaM store fresh (or 7 days. hull-width. Full-depth Shelves 1960 Model RE A 13 No need to buy a refrigerator and a freezer when you have all the conveniences of both in one! Come in. See all the extra conveniences of this Westinghouse today. REG. $429.95 you can Hi SURE...IF iT'sAcstinghousc 721 S. E. 6 wppr. fft'Tr 15 Open Your I n BOYS IMPORTED 4 Dashing pluid shirts with that "upper classman" look! Carefully to i I o red and finished In easy care, quality cotton flannel with double yoke, one pocket, convertible collar. Choice ef colors. Size 6-16. Reg. 99c. Hooded Jackets Each completely washable, with full hood and lipper-closing. Long-wearing cotton sateen, nylon quilted lin ing, 2 pockets. Antelope, Red, Char cool. Sizes 4-12. Reg. 4 98 NOW YOU CAN "CHARGE IT" AT NEWBERRY'S WHERE YOUR DOLLAR BUYS THE MOST 2 DAYS ONLY WITH THIS 13 CU. FT. WESTINGHOUSE I "Cold Injector" I 101 lb. separate Refrigerator J - Food Freezer i ... Lift off Egg -- i. V Shelves fJ3GSi' klsiS&a'i-'TJ j ' Butter and LTM-J I O1 r- . ! Oak OR 3-5521 eei Hei A r m et k J IJATj UNLT FRIDAYS 'TIL 9 P.M. Charge Accounr . . . For Back-To-School Savings!! Ask any salesperson for complete information. lit, i i. 3-PIECE LUGGAGE SET 1395 Pius tax New tapered style with dur able vinyl covering, welted bindings. 21" overnite case, 26" pullman, train case. Rich linings with pockets. Train case has mirror and tray. Tan, blue or ivory. FLANNEL SHIRTS - Special Purchase DEMAND Twin Vegetable Crispers ,1 AUG.2M7 ONLY 95 With trod in working order '2'0U minimum purchase t Adnir'i or Sclv-Ur-ScH Lot TODAY!! t i f i ii' 'i ' 1 : i ' mm? TRIPLE ROLL BOBBY SOX Carefully knit for fine fit in sturdy cotton White and pastel colors. Siies 8V2 - 11. Reg. 1.00, 4 Pr. WASHABLE CAR COATS With quilt lining. Made of 1st quality gabardine, with cozy hoods, warm linings, front zippers. Red, Turquoise, Blue, Brown. Sizes 7-14. Reg. 3.98 BRIEFPANTY Eiderlon combed cotton and rayon, OS sorted prints, double crotch and elastic leg. Sizet 2-14. Special buy 39? SLACKS AND SHIRT SET Flannel-lined corduroy slocks with boxer waist, one pocket. Matching flannel 1 QO shirt. Sizes 3 to 8. Reg. 2.49 00 200 FILLER SHEETS Collegion fillers 3 hole, sheets. 200 in poly-wrapped package. Reg. 77c. wide LUNCH KIT & THERMOS Attractive tweed pottern, 1 0-oz. bottle, specially priced. Reg. 2.79 VACUUM BOTTLES 1 pint. Hot or cold. The perfect for back to school. Reg. 1.29 BOYS & GIRLS SHOES Special purchose of our reguler 3.49 shoes, sizes 8!'x to 3. Only T FT: h if Pr " 5 I - - ss v tf. . ... . tra r r 'i DON'T GENERALIZE Sign on West 10th Street in New York's Greenwich Village lets the reader supply nis own ending. Ii may be a pica againsi playing ball or posting buls or lean ing against the wall or anything else that comes to mind. Just so long as you don't. Death Of Vaudeville Spells Like Fate For Succeeding Entertainment, Singer Says By JAMES BACON AP Movie-TV Writer HOLLYWOOD (AP) Singer- actress Pearl Bailey believes the entertainment business has been slowly devouring itself since the death of vaudeville. "We're the only industry in die world without apprentices," be moans Pearlie .May. The sepia star, one of the top draws in the Dlusn saloon circuit, got. ner sian: in shows that played throughout, inR cver kulod vaudeville but lazv Pennsylvania in the thirties. performers. The people want live "Young performers have no.cntcrtajnlllcnt." place to be lousy anymore," saysi Pearl. "How can you become a headline act if you don't start as an opening or second act?" It's become a crusade with Pearl a crusade that her agent estimates cost her S300.000 last year. Fortunately, her work in such movies as "Porgy and Bess" and "All the Fine Young Canni bals," kept the grocery hills paid. A year ago. the cocoanut (trove i here signed Pearl for a solo en gagement at her regular price. She showed up with a whole show employing 40 people, all of whom she paid out of her own salary. The show was such a success Ihat the Grove brought it back this year and this time is paying ( the freight. Pearl's show is in for six weeks at the Grove, about 781 cotton cord and cotton sheen BRIEF PANTY Assorted colors and styles, acetate print ed panty, double crotch, elastic leg. Sixes 2-14. 39? it's easy to CHARGE IT - ruled lO'jxa" 57c it's easy to CHARGE' " 1.77 thing 88c it's easy to) CHARGE line . " 2.57 I f t I double the usual time for attrac tions, nvl shn nl:ins fo l.iL-n thn slinw . a complete musical revue to I theaters "We plaved one theater in the : South Side of Chicago that had! been closed for 24 years. Since we played there, it's opened up with live entertainment and has been going strong ever since. .Maybe old I'earhc can bring i,,i. ,.a,i,.,ii ' ci, c,i,i "v..,i. Pfltflftfttl I AffVOC ClViaUIl LCUlC) Agriculture Post WASHINGTON (APi The resignation of E. L. Peterson us assistant U. S. secretary of agri culture was accepted by Presi dent Kisenhower. Peterson is a native of North Bend. Ore., and before becoming a federal official served for sev eral years as Oregon Director of Agriculture. Peterson, who has been assist ant secretary of agriculture for nearly six years, is quitting us of Sept. 16. 11a told President Eisenhower in his letter of resignation that ho plans to go into private in dustry, but lie gave no additional information. Kennedy Fund Aided 31 Cribbing Cadets WASHINGTON (AP)-A spokes man said here the Joseph P. Kcnnely Jr. Foundation supplied funds to continue the education of 31 West Point cadets expelled nine years ago in a cribbing scandal. Pierre Salinger, press secretary for Democratic presidential nom inee John F. Kennedy, said in re sponse to inquiries that the mon ey was supplied anonymously to Ihe cadels. several of whom en rolled at Notre Dame University. He pointed out Ihat not all of the 90 students who were expelled had cheated. The academy dis missed some because they knew of the cribbing and did not re port it. The foundation was created 14 years ago by Joseph P. Kennedy Sr., father of the presidential nominee, in memory of his eldest son who was killed in a Navy plane explosion over the English Channel in 1944. Adenauer Foe Chosen BONN. Germany (AP) Lead ers of West Germany s Socialist; Ihe Portland Naval Reserve train party today chose Mayor Willy I ing cenler at Swan Island. Lt. Brandt of West Berlin to lead the! Stan Marks, actiniz commander. party's challenge to Chancellor! Konrad Adenauer in next year's general election. have you - ' seen Aunt Frieda's Antimacassar?' With police permission, she'll display it at the fair along with all kinds of fancy embroidery and needlework (sorry, no tattooed ladies). You shouldn't miss a bit. rides e prizes races displays "surprises judging AUGUST' 25 Appling Sees Lower Local Property Tax MONMOUTH (AP) Secretary of Slate Howell Appling Jr. said Tuesday the anticipated slate sur plus paves Hie way for reduction of local property taxes by the llltll Lc'IS alliro. He predicted the surplus would total $10 million at the end of the bienniiim next July 1. Appling told a political meet ing here that high property taxes discourage home ownership and are a severe burden on those with low or fixed incomes. "Helief to the homeowner is a priority of the highest order," he said. Appling, a Republican candi date to succeed himself, also said the slate budget could be balanced without additional state taxes. He also said the state has saved millions of dollars by adopt ing modern management prac tices and eliminating waste. Transcript Ordered On Powers Spy Trial WASHINGTON fAPl-Sen. Ken neth H. Keating (R-NY) has railed on the Stale Department to make public a full English text of the trial of U2 pilot Francis Garv Powers, along with comment by experts on Soviet affairs. Keating said in a statement he has written Secretary of State Christian A. llerler suggesting the text, commentary and an analy sis would he "informative to the general public" and invaluable to Soviet specialists. The senator contended the trial was "a political rather than a per sonal show" and that the motiva tion for it was "propaganda not justice." He suggested Ihat for this very reason Ihe text of what was said at the trial would be a valuable cold war document, and might re veal new implications in Soviet political and judicial thinking. Teen-Aqe Camper Killed When Flag Pole Snaps HOMESTEAD, Fla. (AP) A teen-age camper was killed when a flag pole snapped and fell on him during a prank. Officials at Camp Owaissa Bauer said Charles J. Devaul Jr. '., of Miami was killed Monday when the pole toppled as he and three other hoys were trying to recover a pair of shorts that had been hoisted to the top of the pole as a joke. Commander Named PORTLAND (AP) Capt. H. M. Bashinski. former executive officer on Ihe CSS Tulare, has ! been named new commanncr of will remain as commander of Ihe USS Loggerhead, training sub- I marine. , !l il S ,V f -'l DOUGLAS: C UNTY 2 8 jThur., Aug. 25, 1960 The Newi-Review, Roieburg, Ore. 11 Step To Ease Business Borrowing Taken By Country's Top Banks NEW YORK (AP) How far and as a whole have more money Ihev how fast will the trend toward , can lend. It has twice cut the easier money spread? 'costs of Borrowing such money Short term interest rates turned from its banks, once in June nad downward months ago. The first again this month. signs of easier mortsjaee terms' have been reported But it was mil, mis nee ui.h me oanhs iook hank reserve requirements so the first step toward making bust- lha, in au some tjOO million dol ness borrowing cheaper. ,.irs mre wlll be matje avail- lhe stock market greeted the a0c. Thcse ari(iPIi reserves could cut in basic interest charges by he llscrt t0 swoll ioans by about many top U.S. banks as a promise 3,, bllhon doiars. Ihat easier money woo d need e a , ,. , lj sluggish economy. The hulls saw .This should come in handy it as inspired by government fi-1 slm'e ,fman1 fnr buHs'""?hiTll nancial agencies and aimed at : normally turns .upward in the fall getting business on the go again. , as factories borrow to produce . But many brokers aren't so sure a1nd rolailrrs to carry stocks for that the easier money trend will lne Christmas trade. spread to all bank borrowers . i soon. The cut to 4' j per cent from I C f A t 5 per cent was in the prune rate. LEU AL And that is afforded onlv to a relatively few of the biggest cor- notice of expiration porations with the best credit N01Kef,s7BV0l. th. ratings. These are the ones that : period for redemption from foreclosure telet an saiH in suffer least u-hpn ! tor delinouent Mxes ol ell propert.ei jrtow money is light and dear. The majority of bank loans are made at higher rales. And each bank with an eye on what his competitor is doing determines how prime a customer is and how much he should pay for whatever money the bank is able and will ing to lend him. Even the charmed circle ,of those enjoying the prime, or low est, interest charge is subject to contraction in times of tight mon ey, or to expansion when the hanks havo idle money on their hands they need to put to work. Many banks complain that they are loaned up at present. This is especially true in some booming sections, such as the Pacific Coast, where bankers are saying there's no slackening in demand for loans and no reason for them to cut interest charges. And lend ing conditions and rales are often quite different in the big cities and the smaller ones. While these banks may drop the prime rate, they can prune the prime list. And some say they may. The Federal Reserve Board has taken pains to see that the banks Portland Markets Wednesday PORTLAND PRODUCE PORTLAND (AP) Butlerfat Tentative, subject to immediate change Premium quality, de livered in Portland, 65 cents lb; first quality, 60; second quality, 55. Butter Prints, per lb to retail ers Grade A A, !M score, tH; A grade, 92 score, 68; B grade, 90 score, 66. Cheese To retailers S ingle daisies, 44-51; processed American 41W-42V-1. Eggs To retailers Grade AA, extra large, 53-56; AA large, 50 53;. A large, 47-51; AA mediums, 44-46; AA small, 33-36. Cartons 1-3 cents additional. Eggs T producers, at farm AA extra large, 44-48',-j; AA large 42-46Vs; A large, 34-40; A A mcdi urns. 33-37V4; AA small. 23-26',i. Live poultry No. 1 fryers, 214-4 lb, at farm, 18'i-22; light hens, at farm; heavy hens, unquoted. Rabbits Average to growers Live whites, 334-4'j lb, 19-24; col ored pelts, 5 cents less; fresh killed fryers t o retailers, 56-58; cut up, 60-62. Wholesale Dressed Meats Beef cuts (choice steers) Hind quarters. 52.00-56.00; rounds 50.00 53.00; full loins, trimmed, 75.00 79.00; forequarlers, 35.00 - 37.00; chucks, 39.00-42.00; ribs, 52.00 55.00. Pork cuts Loins, 1218 lb, 50.00 54.50; shoulders, 16 lb down, 2.00 36.00; sparcribs, 49.00-53.00; fresh hams, 12-16 II), 46 00-48.00. Spring lambs Choice, 45-55 lb, 37.00-41.00; good, 36.0O-39.0O. Pork carcasses Shippers style, 30.00-32.00. Veal Choice, 90 150 lbs, 45.00 49.00; good, 43.00-47.00; standard, 40.00-43.00. Produce Pol aloes Ore. -Wash. Russels, No. 1A, 10 lb, 4.50; bakers, 5.00. Hay No. 2 green alfalfa, f.o.b. Portland and Seattle. 36.00 38.00 a ton, some 42.00 at Portland. Portland Llvittock PORTLAND (AP) - (USDA) Cattle salable 250; supply mostly grass steers; trade moderately ac- ' live, mostly steady; 10-head lots low lo average-choice 1027 lb fed slrers around 25 lower at 26.50: with one at 25.25; utility cows h.uu -l&.uu; canners and CUttcrS mostly 10.50-12.50; Holstein cutlers uMpQUA savings & loan asso- to 14.00; Shells down to 8.00; nolciATlON, A Mutual Savings and Loan early sales bulls; medium and ak'"ov Rood 765-1005 lb feeder steers vt. Piaint.tf- 19 00 23,00; common 930 lb Hoi- carl m. wolf and bernice m. wolf, steins 16.50. i husband and wile, tt ai. Calves salable 100; large thare Bl v,rlu of an -cution issuediut" or ot supply slock calves; early sales th above entitled court m the above en slaughter calves and vealers about I ,,Me cau" 10 m dfectwl nd dated th .(early; .lock calve, mostly un-! ?rJ'!,r? aolfl; Rood and choice ealcrsion the 5lh day 01 Auguit. 10, In favor of 24.00-27.UO; utility and standard ,M "m.wa savingi i Loan wiiioo. (.... ' j -i . lfl w. An I a mulua lavlngi and loan aiocielion, com. calve and vcalers 16.00 2J.00; i man0ln, m, t," i, i. of in. following CUll down to 11.00. deicrlbod real properly, towit: Hoi! salable 300' trade slow Bioc 1 01 Lavona Heignfi I., .,l. ' .. I . Til Addition 10 Ihe Town ol MyrlH Creek, early sales about steady with Dougi.ii county, Oregon. Tuesday's average; TI. S. No. 1 1 lo satttiy the ium of w,as?.7, tooeiher with and 2 hlllchers 1R0 2M Ih 1!15S In 1 Inlernl tnereon at Ihe rale ol IK per cent M,..il.. men. iiux i-m iu J6 00-16.50; 3B.ri-450 lb 14.50-15.00. Sheep salable 600; increased sup- ."''" "II T , ii, i. . i , 'and for Ihe further ium ol SJOO.OO al a rea- ply Slaughter ewes, but limited tonablo attorneyl lee. and lor Plainllll'l offering slaughter lambs tarlv;coil and duounementi herein Incurred In opening sales about steady; small ; JJ 'J,01 "' ,h "'" 01 ml upon lot choice with few prime 90 lb i now'Vmerefore. by virtue of laid ex. spring slaughter lambs 17.25; few Kite mntllv rhrnr-n 17 fin- fniu rai,l and choice 16 50; good and choice 6.182 lb feeders 14 25-15 50; cull and utility ewes 1.75-3.50; good and choice ewes mostly 4.00-4.50. Tax Receipts Drop CA ru r ipi n,..n. .t,i . ' :. ' t i 7 j . tax receipts in July totaled $9,- 137.050 or S795.706 less than in July of last year, the t t e Tax Commission said It said most of the decrease was caused by heavy wilhholdinu tax refunds. An, between today and next Thursday it is relaxing various on me uouguii i.ouniy itjh roimuwif List end included in trie decree foreclosing lint as shown bv svd list entered oi Iht lOth day of September. 1959, in th Circuit Court of the Stat of Oreqnn, lor Douglas County, will expr September 10, I960, and that any property not redeemed by laid date which was included in said decree and order of sate will be deeded to Douglas County Immediately upon the expir ation of wch period of redemption, and that every right or Interest of any person In ucn property will be forfeited forever to Douglas County. IRA C. BYRD Sheriff and Tax Collector Published August 25th and September 1. 1463. NOTICE OP FINAL ACCOUNT Notice is hereby given that the under signed, as Administrator of the estate of Leslie Robert Steward, deceased, has filed his tinal Account In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Douglas County, and th.it Friday, the 30th day of September, I960, at the hour of 10:00 o'clock in the forenoon of said day In the Courtroom of in id Court have been appointed by said Court as the time and place for the hearing of objections thereto and the settlement thereof. Dalfd and first published, August 75. 190. Dale of last publication, September 22, 1960. CLARENCE H. STEWARD Administrator BOCCt a, RRANDENFELS Attorneys for Administrator 1385 Oak Street Eugene, Orpqon Diamond 3-9761 CASE NO. 43M NOTICE OF GUARDIAN'S SALB OF REAL PROPERTY IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OP THE STATE Op OREGON FOR THE COUNTY OF DOUGLAS PROBATE DEPARTMENT In tut Manor of tha Guardianship of DORA I. SCHLATTER, an Incompctenl. NOTICE IS HERE DY GIVEN thai pur. suanl to and by virtue of an order made and entered In the above-entilled court and cause on the 16ln day of August, I960, siqned by Ihe Honorable Eldon F. Caley, Judge of the said Court, the undersigned as guardian ol the estate ol DORA I. SCHLATTER, an Incompetent person, will on and after Ihe 19th day of September, 1960, at the hour of 10:00 o'clock A.M. pro ceed to sell real properly of laid estate at private sale for casn or for part cash and part credit as to the guardian may seem advisable, subject to the confirmation of the above-entitled Court, said real proo erty being situated In Douglas County, state ol Oregon, and being more particularly de- scrlhea ai follows, to-wil: TRACT I. Lot3 11 and 12, Block 29, Kenney'j Improved Plat to the City ol Roseburg, as the same Is platted and on file In the ollice of the Coun ty Clerk ol Douglas County, Oregon, EXCEPTING THEREFROM Ihe south lllly (501 tent thereof. TRACT II. Tha south fifty (50) leef of Lofs 11 and 12 of Block !9 of Kenney's Improved Plat to the City of Roseburg, Douglas County, Oregon. Bids will be received by Ihe undersigned guardian at 420 S.E. Jackson Street, Rose burg, Oregon. HENRY A. SCHLATTER Guardian ol Ihe Estate of DORA I. SCHLATTER, an Incompetent person. Date of First Publication: August II, 1960. Data of Last Publication: September 0, I960. STATE TIMBER SALB Oral bids will tw received by Iht Slats Forester at the old Library Building, 5tti and B Streeti. Grants Pass. Oregon, starting at 2 p.m., SeotembtM- 9, I960 tor curtain designated timber located on two (2) sals areas, to wit: Trapper's Cabin Timber Sad No. 1, Con tract No. P-10140-Ji. Portions ol Sections 34, J12S, R9W, W.M., Douglas County, Oregon. The timber sale area Is estimated to con tain 968 MBP of Douglas tlr and 34t MBP ol sugar pine. The minimum price that will be considered Is S30.490. Purchaser shall bo required to construct approximately 4,000 teat ot secondary road and furnish and Install three (3) culverts. A field trip over the sale area will commence at 10 a.m . Tuesday, August 23, 1960, starting from tha Union 76 Gas Station at the junction ol High way 99 and the road to Glendale, Oregon, Windy Creek Timber Sale, Contract No. P-201.40-5T. Portions ol Sections A and 1$ T3IS, RSW, W.M., Douglas County, Oregon. The sale area Is estimated to contain 4,919 MBP ol Douglas tir. 160 MBP of Incense cedar, 142 MBP of while tir, 46 MBP of hemlock and 40 MBP of sugar pine. The minimum prlct that wlll ba considered is $IM9 per MBP net seals tor No. 3 sawmill and belter grades ot Douglas fir logs, JI.OO per MBP gross scale lor Douglas fir cull logs and 1 JO per M8F- net scale for other species. Purchaser shall ba required to con slruct approximately lour nvlet of road and (urnlih And inttall 34 culverts. A field trip over the sale area wlll commence at 10 a.m., Monday, August u. siarung Irom the Union 7a Gas Station at the unc lion of Highway 99 and the road to Glendale. Oreqon. Prospective bidders should examine form of the limber sale contract and road usa Information at th office ol the Stale For e.ter at Salem, Eugene, or at the State Flra Patrol Headquarters, Grants Pass, Oregon. Tht State Forester reserves tha right to waive minor technicalities snd th right to relief any or all bids. Publication dates: August 11, II nd 25, 1960. Case No. 3 NOTICE OP SALB ' IN THB CIRCUIT COURT OF THB STATR Pr ennum from February 1, 19: I9S9, until paid, and lor the furlner ium of S25.0O for a flue report, together with Inlereit thereon eeution and decree and In compliance with 1 command! ol laid writ. I will on tn. 3nd day ot September, i960, al 10:00 o'clock a m. at tha south front door of the Douglas County Courthouse in Roseburg, Dougias County, Oregon, sell at public auction and subiecl to redemption where provided by Ibm and lo the highest bidder for cash In hAnd, all the right, fill and Interest which Ih above named Carl M. Wolf and Bernlce M. Wolf, husband and wife, and Craig Heath and AMIne Heath had on tha 17th day of October. 193, and ot which any of laid defendants had on th 5th day of August. "w- " " ld decree, and thereafter had In and to the above described property 1 or any parlor portion thereof to satisfy said ! ."icTruin coTs" ""' c" I DATEO at Roseburg, Oregon, this inn " ol August, i9to. i"; 5rv" ,h,rlH " 0o"l gyi Belly Miller, Deputy.