i House Cleaning Time Finds Things You'll Want To Sell-Try A Want Ad -OR 2-3321 10 Apartments Choice Apartments Oakhill . Vista Homes Winchester Court Westvue Court - Terrace Apts. rilPNISHED and unfurnished. Soma nav. heat, hot water provided. All hava water, garbaga and yard serv. lea furntahed. Hems from 960 up FAIRHAVEN APTS 1843 YY. Harvard NEW LOW WINTER RATES 139 to 1117 JO VERY NICE, clean, desirable 1-bed. room. Eurnlahed or unfurmihed. On city bua. Shopping and postoffics ctoaa by. OR 3-6022. Kohlhagen Apts. lane & jackson sts,. modern. reasonable rent adults or 3-824 "a good place to live MOTEL UNITS All electric". With kitchent, $16 and $23 week. Llneni utiUtlea furnished. Winchester Motel . (Old Highway 98 N. at Winchester Bridge! LARGE, cozy. 3-room furnished, down aUira apartment. Close in ideal for working couple. 1157 S C. Douglas. aflei-3. UPSTAIRS APT, 2-roomTartTfu7. nished. Water and garbage removal furnished. Garage If needed, 140-month 57fl Nash. Call OR 3-8479. LARGE, newly decorated2bedrooni un furnished apt, range included. Walk ing distance of town. Utilities paid. 1774 N.E. Klamath. OR 3-1964. FURNISHED, small. attractivebachelor apt. Very private. Automatic washing facilities. 3 blocks from US Bank. OR 2-1438. ONE 2-room furnished apartment. 1-3 room unfurnished apartment, close In and clean. Call OR 3-8461 or OR 3 7016. THREE BEDROOM furnished upstairs apartment. UtiliUei paid, $55 mo. OS 0-8378, CLEAN, furnished duplex for rent. 1 block west of business section. OS 9-8434. ONE BEDROOM apartment. Refrigera tor and slove, eleotric heat Phone OR 3-3785. FURNISHED 2 or 3 room apts. Utilities paid. $10 to $1S week. OS 8-8919. Ba ker's Motel, Winston. NEWLY decorated 3 room apt, ground floor. Low rent, permanent adulL 1612 S C. Jackson. WALKING distance 2 bedroom fur nished apt. $53. OR 3-7384. 11 Houses MODERN 1-2 bedroom cabins. Good beds, nearly new refrigerators, gas range and heating. Tables, chairs, etc. . Water and garbage disposal furnished. S:i5 and $45 month. Hartx Cabins, 2486 Diamond Lake Blvd., behind Dale's Cafe. OR 3-3368. 6NE BEDROOM, modern, newly decor ated furnished house, on city bus, one block from school. No objection to one child, $40 per month. Phone OR 3-7432. DUPLEX 2 bedroom unfurnished, i Basement garage, electric heat. 1735 N. E. Klamath Ave. Contact A. M. Land, 304 Bailey Lane, Eugene. Ore. Xl23. and 4 bedroom homes. Income limits. Families, also tingle elderly 65 or over accepted. 902 W. Stanton St OR 3-6548. WESTS IDE duplex, 1 bedroom, large living room, kitchen and 'utility. Gas range and floor heater in. S14 Center St. OR 3-3282, or OS 9-8929. TWO BEDROOM, unfurnished house, near Kelley's Korner. OS 9-8908 after 4 P .M. . CUTE 3 room house, modern, clean, unfurnished. Adults. After p.m. and Sunday, OR 3-7232. FOR RENT or sale in Winston. Clean 2-bedroom unfurnished house, OS 9 R456. TWO bedroom side by side duplex. Au tomatic oil heat 1607 S.E. Eddy St s55 month. OR 3-7983. FURNISHED CABINS by week. $10 and up. all utilities furnished. Old 98, 3 milcsnorth Pacific Motel. UNFURNISHED 1 bedroom duplex apt Electric heat. Very neat and clean. Inquire 1019 S. E. Roberts. CLEAN, furnished, modern 3-room cab in near Glide. Water furnished $45 Mo. OR 3-6988. WINSTON small, clean, furnished house. 1 block west of business sec-' tion. Phone OS 9-8434. I LARGE modern 1 bedroom house with range and refrigerator. Beautiful yard I and view. OS 9-8874. OR 2-3614. 5NE ROOM, modern, furnished cot-1 tags. Utilities furnished, '"lose in. 1038 S.E. Fullerton. COTTAGE for rent Suitable for 2. Wa-1 ter paid. 2919 W. Harvard. Call OR; 3-7 4(i . WINSTON 2 bedroom downstairs du plex. Carport, utility room, electric heat. $50 month. OS9-5135. ONE-BEDROOM house. 955 N.E. Cedar. Phone OR2-4614. FURNISHED 1-bedroom duplex. Win ston. Tower St OS 9-5700. THREE BEDROOM house in Green dle- trlct. 868. OR 2-2771. TWO 1-bedroom housea. Stovea furnish ed. OR 3-7041. ONE BEDROOM unfurnished house, $451 mo. Phona OR 3-7237. : CLEAN, 4-room furnished house. 12631 S. E. Stephens. OR 2-3270. TWO bedroom home, unfurnished. 730 ' Ball I FIVE ROOM cottage. Close in. AdulU. 1324 S.E. Douglas NICE, 2-bedroom house, free water, $35 OR 2-2721. ONE BEDROOM house. 4831 N. Steph ens. $35 1 BEDROOM furnished house 624ChcstnUt OR 3-7249. FIVE miles south, 2 bedroom home, 890. OR 2-2741 after 6 p.m. ONE BEDROOM house, modern, fur nished, $35. OR 3-7803. 1 2 Trlr. Parks & Rentals ALAMEDA TRAILER COURT has paved streets and cement porches. Reason able rates. 581 N. E. Alameda. OR 2-2348 WINCHESTER TRAILER PARK Mod ern spaces. Paved grounds. Shade I reel. $18 month. Highway 99 N. at Winchester Bridge. TRAILER SITE" 4 miles south. H2o. electricity and seplic. Garden ard storag building. OS 9-5509. 14 Help Wanted AGGRESSIVE DEALER WANTED To Sell S0NORA Electronic Organs From $380 to $695 an Mi.i. I...- ai Wva. full S octave. For further Information write to Bea ver Appliance Co. 7B28 S.E. SUrk SI ,Portland 15, Oregon. MAN with ambition and some selling experience to sell Frlgidalre appli ancea. Good potential for an aggrea aiva man who wanta to get ahead. Apply In person. Umpoua Valley Ap pliance. 648 S.E. Rosa. BEAUTICIAN, new shop, latest equip ment Unlimited opportunity for good operator. Apply in person. Winston Beauty Salon. 14 Help Wanted .AUTO SALES MEN . WILL, hire 1 qualified mtn to Mil rord cers and trucks. Excellent opportun ity. Good salary and commission com pcntation. LOCKWOOD MOTORS EST. FOOD ROUTE 800 FAMILY Watkini route now avail able. 90 year reputation. A top-grade one-man business, and no experience or money required. Write for full in formation to The J. R. Watktns Com pany, 3901 Brooklyn Avenue, Seattle 9, Washington, Men -Women Prepare For CIVIL SERVICE JOBS No experience necessary. Grammar school education usually sufficient. Ex cellent starting wages. We prepare men and women, agel 18-52. Civil Service offers security, good pay, ad vancement and retirement. Write News-Review Box 630, give name, ad dress, phone, and houra you work. SALESMAN WANTED Need one more man to round out sales crew. Sell the world's most popular automobile. Experience preferred. HANSEN CHEVROLET HOUSEWIVES Relax at home with an income. Need ksdiea In Roseburtf. Winston, Canyonville. Drain, Myrtle Creek, Oakland, Sutherlin, for tele phone survey. Salary and commis sion. Write P.O. Box 683, Hoseburg, 15 Work Wanted MAN AND WIFE capable of managing . Motel. Hotel. Ants. 10 years exoeri- ence. References. Writ Box 932 News- Review. SEWING and alterations of all kinds. Mrs. W. E. Curtis, 733 N. E. Erie. Phone OR 3-7434. EXPERIENCED carpenter needs any kind of work. Felix Durand. OR 3- 5098. WANT WORK yarding and loading logs. Phone Sutton Logging, Canyonville JE 2-4693. DAY WORK. Experienced and efficient, SI 25 hour, own transportation. Ph. 241, Camas Valley, after 6. EXPERIENCED child care in my home. Meals included, $10 weekly or $2 daily. References. OR 3-8152. CHILD CARE days, my home. Fenced yard. OR 3-8562. CARPENTER and cabinet work by hour or contract.OS 8-867B. CHIXD CARE, days, my" hone, Diliard OS 8-5034. WASHING, rough dry: also Ironing. OR LONG, short leg and lumber hauling. " Franco Trucking. OR 3-6967. SEWING. AU types. Guaranteed. OR 3-27 OB. IRONING In my home. Will pickup and aenver. uk a-ay-si. A LTERATIONS. OR 3-3393 after 530. DRESSMAKING, alterations. OR 2-1275. ROTOTILLING. Beebe. OR 3-3738. ROTOTILLER for rent. OH 3-8064. 18 ' Instruction ? LEARN , ' Engineering Design 1 DRAFTING . MANY OPPORTUNITIES Your gateway to engineering If you missed college. Work with designers and engineers and advance by learn ing as. you work. If you have com pleted nigh school, you may qualify. 160 more draftsmen needed by I960 for the defense effort according1 to the Secretary of Labor. Train now for one of these well paying positions. WRITE TODAY News-Review Box 919 Please rush Information on how I may become an engineering design drafts man. NAME CITY ZONE ....... AGE .. . . STATE .. .. PHONE LESSONS on guitar, mandolin, banjo, violin, uke. John K. Jones. OR S-6529. FORDRlviNG-liutructlona, phone OR .1-7447. SPANISH guitar lessons for beginnera. cm 2-39.12. 20 Services MONOGRAMMING. dressmaking, alter ations. Buttonholes and aelf fabric belts. Hemstitching and specially sew ing. The Sew Shop I NEW LOCATION 806 S. E. Case Ave. OR 2-4391 Home of the Adlermatie Sewin. Machine CHILD CARE Mother Goose Nursery OR 3-8381 MOTOR rewinding, repairing. All makes and sizes. Experienced, competent, motor man. Jimmie's Electric Motor Shop, 330 NE Garden Valley Blvd. OR 3-3182. CARPENTER work. New construction or remodeling. Fret estimates. OR 3-7234. SEWING machine and vacuum cleaner repaira, all makes and modela. Work guaranteed. OR 3-6323. RIDENOUR Electric wiring Jobs and Installation electric heaters. OR 3 7303. CERAMIC tile dralnboards. tubbacka, showers. Free .alimatee. Kelley Tile. OR 3-5631. FLOOR Banding-finishing, old or new repair, floor laying. Free estlmau. OR jl-4026. MOHR WELL DRILLING JacuirJ whirlpool bath. OR 2-2321 or OR 2- 3043. . ROOFING. Flaher Thoraen Paint Co. Portland. W. E. Daum. Local Agent. PhOR 2-1571. NORTH ROSEBURG Kindergarten. OR 3- 7849, OR 2-1014. ELECTRIC CONTRACTORS, Lansing Oliver. OR 3-6636. CARPENTRY. Reasonable. Small Jobs prefejedmJlhJORlll; PIANO tuning, regulating, repairs, slrlngsL2tc1 John E. Jonea. OR 3-6525. PaTntER. earpenwr. roofing. OR 1- 6747. WALLBOARD FINISHING, nailing, tap ing, texturing, paJnUng.GY -333. HELI-ARC welding. Winston Chain Saw OS 8-9641 INVISIBLE mending or general mend- Ing. OR i-3552 LET ui uphoister your boat, ear or fur niture. OR 3-5666. lRONlj3Jmy home. OR 2-2441. PRUN ING. Call Wright. OR 2g74T. INCOME TAX. OR 2-4666 after 8 p a. SEPTIC tanks cleaned. OR 3-7470 U Newt Review Wont Aril 20 Services Berkeley Pumps Domestic-Irrigation. Indus trial Sales Cr Service Specialising in complete REPAIR SERVICE AU Makes SI Years Experience In Sales, Repairs 6t Maintenance. New And Used Pumps For Sale at all times Gerretsen Bldq. Supply Co. Oak St. at R.R. Track. OR 3-383 Bill White's INCOME TAX SERVICE 727 W. Harvard Ave. (ACROSS FROM COMMUNITY HOSPITALI TREE PARKING1 15 Years Experience DEPENDABLE, EFFICIENT SERVICE. U APPOINTMENT NECESSARY. OFFICE HOURS 9 AM TO 9 PM Phone OR 2-4041 Sonya White's Income Tax Service Prompt Courteous Dependable 1625 W. Harvard Ave. NEXT DOOR TO FAIRHAVEN MKT. FREE PARKING Phone OR 2-4261 EXPERT INCOME TAX SERVICE OR 3-6077 U. of 0. Graduate HARRY HATCHER Income Tax and Accounting Service Phon Office; OR 1-2461 Home OR 2-1304 959 S.E. Stephens Street OPPOSITE GREYHOUND BUS DEPOT Let Us Help You With Your Income Tax & Accounting Accountant trained by the International Accountant Society. Will work In your homo or our office. OR 3-7905 daya; OR 3-6654 after 5 p.m. ROTOTILLING Reasonable Jack Myara OR 2-3904 , ROTOTILLING Ferguson Tractor and blad New Equipment Beebe St Bowman OR 3-3738 GARDEN ROTOTILLING 1030 N. W. Garden Valley Rd.. OR call OR 2-1432 APPLIANCE repairs. Fast, efficient service, all brands, ranges, refrigera tors, freezers, washers and dryers and all small appliances. Call Kler Crooch Plumbing & Appliance, 528 s. e. Stephens, or 2-33B4. MOWER SHARPENING, trailer-hitches, welding, woodwork and general repair, Green District. 2352 S. W. Caitle St. Ph. OR 3-4887 ELECTRIC APPLIANCE repaira from hand irons and razors to ranges and dryers. AU Makes. Bsrgaln Appliance "-enter, o.ti a. c. nose un j-s. SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED no mile age; free (tfmates. Roseburg Sani tation servce, w ins Stephens. Ph. UK J-JJ"W. STEAM CLEANING mobilo unit, we go anywhere. Motors or Industrial equipment, fayiess service Station, 711 a.E. aiepnens at. rn. vn z-auaz. PLAYER PIANOS repaired, any make or condition. Free estimate. auaran teed work, reasonable. Writ E. Per ry, News Review Box 923. PUMP REPAIRS. 24 hour service. Mil ler At Cox Sales and Service, OR 2- a.Mj; n ignis can un -j-t3H. SHALE rock for roads and driveways. immediate delivery. Ph. C. P. Tallon, OR 3-4040. CARPENTER, any type construction We help arrange financing. Fre stl mates. Kowalewski. OR 3-8020. GRADING and leveling; loam and rock delivered. Call Paul Casey, OR 3-4018. 2231 N. E. Stephens St. HARRIS HOME IMPROVEMENTS Rooftnf, aiding, foundations. FHA terms. OR 3-6123. DOZING, leveling; also shale rock, river loam ana roaa materials, unas, Keeie US W-3117. BRICK, block and cement eon tractor. Norman Richirdson, OR 3-4563. 21 Building Material BARGAINS utility and economy lum- ter. aim aniptap a and better dl mansions. See us and sava Consolidated Milling Old Highway south. OR 1-7411 Shiplao: low rrade boards. 1x8 and wider, 2x4 and wider. Also plenty of utiutjr ana Miier. Lumber Soles Co. OR S-7382 Garden Villivour RR tracks GOOD used door and windows. OS 9-4A5T, evenings. 23 Fuel . SAWDUST Blower Servioe or Dump WOOD Oak, tub, planer ends and peeler eore. Roseburg Lumber Co. Fuel SAWDUST Blower and Duma MILL ENDS, dry or green peeler core. GUY AND FRANCES GILL. FUEL 2814 N.E. Douglas OR 2-1524 DRY oak. laurel or fir wood, fireplace or rurnacs. utt Kitttta aa)i; on j-jwh evenings. OAK, Madrone and fir body wood, lm- meaiate aeiivery. rnone Riddle 3679 or 3782. S- T. Humphrey. PLANER ENDS. Hub Lumber Co. OR 2-33H6. RED DIAMOND Fuel Co. Kiln dried planer ends; oak wood. U?H 3-5082. DRY OAK and iaureL OS 8-5-11. 25 Farm Equipment rREEMAN atring baler, alcetric elarti cr: Cunningham nay conditioner; New Holland aide delivery rake: 23 horte motor and pump combination for aprlnkler irrigation. Thta equip ment la In top condition. Webater Briggs. 3 milea northeait of Canyon ville on Gazley Road. Ph. JE 2-4o98. FARM-ALL-A traotor, recently overhaul ed. Plow, diac, mowing machine and cultivator $650. 2-ipeed truck rear end. I1. ton or 1 ton. 7S. UN 3-3833. FOR SALE John Deer, crawler with blade, 8790. Will take pickup, farm machinery or livealock for parL OR -882B. DRILL for aa'te. Mack E. Brown. Glide. Next to Chevron Station. International disc, 8 ft. tandem, $90. FORD TRACTOR, plow and disc. Good condition, uk 2-l2l or OK 3-S022. 1955 NEW HOLLAND 66 baler. OR 3- 6254 before 9 p.m. 26 Livestock STOCKMEN! Cattle to sell? Call Midway Auction Yard Medford, Oregon W. J. "Bill" Bray, owner and auction eer. Ph. Central Point, NUrmandy 4-2213 days or Eagle Point, Hlllcrest 8-3874 evenings. GOOD DAIRY cow for sat. Fresh in a few daya. F. G. Ewens, Garden Val ley. OR 3-7601. HORSESHOEING and trimming, any where, since 1043. All work guaran teed. Joe Young, OR 2-6869. WANTED Sheep and cattle, all kinds. W. A. Blacker t. Ph. Myrtle Creek UN 3-4513. ATTENTION pony breeders! At stud, registered tiacxney pony. rnone oait. land 3120. WEANER pigs. Call 692 Camaa Valley. . a. uenn. MILK COW gives 4Vi gallons. OR f-aiifue. MILK COWS and baby calve tor sale. . g. camp, us 9-5283. WOOL received dally. Nichols1 Store, Brockway. OS 9-B907. NEW and u;ed saddles and 2844 N. E. DOUglaS. WALLYS horse shoeing. caU OR 3- 41 4. COWS and calves. OS 9-8626, vnings. 27 Hay & Grain 2ND CUTTINO alfalfa S2S. Clem Tav enner, Canyonville. JE 2-4245. OAT hay. R. Conn. OR 3-8423. 28 Poultry & Rabbits Baby Chicks NEW Hamp., Parmenter Red, White Liegnorn and uolden Broad. Order arly avoid delay. Ponton Hatch ery, 874 W. Harvard Ave. OR 3-3926. DAILY fresh brown eggs, 33c and 4ac per doc large soc. 663 N. E. Neuner Drive between Chestnut St. and Snack Shack. OR 3-3188. POULTRY, wool. bark. Receiving Tues day oniy. for rancn picicup, can US 9-8663 or on Tuesday OR 3-433L Rote- ourg .Poultry comianjr- FRYER rabbits, dressed and wraooed zor ireeser. w deliver every Wednes day ana aaiuraay. call OK 3-4681 29 Pets BREEDING STOCK and nunnles. Res'. rugs, acnipperKC, weitn corgis. Fox Terriers. Hills Kennels. TE 6-9368, AKC Reg. NorwelfJan Elkhound duos. iiu w. jjOOKingglaia su Phone UK .--lHUS. DACHSHUND Allen. Red Hill, be tween Oakland and Yoncall. VI 9 CANARIES. All Colors. Also cages. 672 SIAMESE kittens, atud service. OR 3 DOUGLAS COUNTY HUMANE Society a-inuiia. snciier, un d-juui. BABY Parakeets. 3 miles south, ton's. OR 3-8122. PUTMAN'S Toy Fox Terrier Kennels, tt nour, uregon. un j-ohui. BEAUTIFUL Red factor canaries and cages, ruimans, un 3-BH04. CHIHUAHUA male puppies, registered. un ai-tiDtr. YEAR old Pomeranian male, 830. Reg. : 5 inciuoen. un J-Oairo. GLENGARY BeTglelCenneli. OR 3-3783 31 Sporting Equipment Rod & Reel Trailer & Boat Sales "Quiet" Evinrude motors P-14, Seaswirl, Larson fiberglass boats Starcraft aluminum boats' Mastercraft boat trailers Paints, accessories, tires, etc. Gold Bond Stamps 1145 W. Harvard 14 FT. half cabin boat, I year old and aeim trailer. OH 3-3340 after 0. 18 FT. Cabin cruiser Inboard; new 12x14 wan tent. OR 3-7694 after B:30. 14' NEW SEMI-V plywood, with trailer i at oompieie, or trade, un --mh. 23 VACUUM SALE New Vacuums Used Vacuums DISCOUNT SALE New RCA WHIRLPOOL-Re,. .... . DO HOOVER Model Jl Re,. MM-IMOOO Attachment, extra CENTRAL ELECTRIC VII-T7, 1 H P. motor, Re(. I7 M JO rn.TER otmnN vod.i sno Many extra. - Reg. $169.90 S79.M Parts and Repairs - All Makes All Reconditioned and Guaranteed 1 year by KIRBY CO. OF ROSEBURG 2161 N. OR 3-6356 ) GUESS WHO... ... is on a diet. 31 Sporting Equipment UMPQUA MARINA SKAGIT BOATS it MERCURY MOTORS BOAT ACCESSORIES it MOTOR REPAIRING 659 S. E. Rose St. OR 3-5574 For Sale or Trade 28 FT. cabin cruiser with 6 cyl. dlesel engine, snip to snore -adlo, depth finder, automatic pilot and extra gear. 16 ft. utility outboard with 23 H Evin rude, 7!t H. Johnson and commercial fishing gear. E. L. Lester, Roseburg Realty St Ins. Co. Umpqua Hotel Lob by. Ph. OR 2-3344. SMALL 12 ft. plywood boat, flat bottom. irauer witn directionaia. Extinguish er, cushion, oars, anchor. S'j H. John son, 1936 model with stand, 8190. OR 3-G218. TELESCOPE RIFLE SIGHTS if hought irom us, w install free if gun Is fac tory drilled. Umpqua Gun Store. 32 Produce & Plants Fruit and shad trees, grape vinea, logan and nectar berries. Conifers and flowering shrubs; Free delivery. Moore's Nursery. Big Bend Road, Garden Valley. Ph. OR 2-2910. SEE STARK ad under "Personals." 34 Misc. For Sale .f - Auction , Sunday 1 P.M. Westside Furniture Sales 943 W. Harvard 1 block West Community HsptL Furniture- and misc. Consignments welcome Used Appliances Taken In on trades. Ranges, refriger ators, etc Com out and mak a deal. RAINBOW TRAILER SALES N. Hywy 99 at Winchester Bridge Johnnie s Second Hand Store OPEN. FOR BUSINESS WE BUY. SELL AND TRADE. MYRTLE CREEK, OREGON So. City limits next to Market Grocery. LOLLIPOP Super vitamin. One a day Lollipops. Children love the delicious run iruit flavors. 14 lor si. send cash, check or money order to M. Steinert, DisL, 2311 W. Lorraine, Rose. burg. SALVAGE" Doors, windows' lumber. bathroom fixtures, hot water heater, isunory iuos ana piumoing. iat w. Catherine. COMPLETE oak dining room set, 913.1; nearly new mimeograph, 8125; 17" Silvertone TV, 863. OR 3-3340 days; uk J-5U17 evenings. TREVAS CERAMICS Free lessons. Largs assortment green ware, paints glazes. Next to Winston Lockers. OS 8-5133. TOP SOIL from new location. The best you have ever seen no roots or weeds. Ralph Fisher, Winston. OS 9- 8493. FOR the best job of custom cutting. wrapping and quick freezing, bring your meat to Winston Lockers., OS B-31.13. TOP SOIL Genuine heavy river loam. No rocks easy to handle. For the best, call Charles Keely. OS V-3117. WE ALWAYS HAVE a fin selection of meat available for your locker or deep freeze at wholesale prices. Winston Leocxers. ua h-aiia M.O.M. soil conditioner for best re sults. Winchester St. Nursery at Rose burg Natural Foods. 508 N. E. Win- chester1 LOGGERS ATTENTION. 1 pair Currlna, spring heel, caulks, size 8, Uk new, used 2 weeks. Bargain. OR 3-4009; UK J-4UU1. ROCK HOUNDS 2 good agate turn biers, 923 each, complete. UNlon 3- 3254. COMBINATION 21" Iswnmower and garden cultivator, $73; pressure can ner, 812. Ph. Oakland 3272. CERAMICS greenwarc, glazes, fin ished pieces. Free lessons. OH 3-4372, 1206 S EL MI1L MORE PEOPLE buy World Book En cyclopedia than any other. Why? OR 2-3387. CALL Family Finance, OR 3-3277, who - will help you buy the articlt you want . KEN'S Rock Shop, lapidary equipment and supplies, uk -awn. ih n. c. Chestnut. WINSTON Sand and Gravel. VcruuhM rock, reject gravel, bar run and top son. OS H-IW.I. Used GUNERAL ELECTRIC Roll- Easv M3 0O KENMORE On earl .33 00 AIRWAY SANITIZOR Latest Many extra. . .. $ .W HOOVERS ta.M a. MS 90 Beater type 10 GOOD used vaeuuma 910 ea 10 GOOD used vaeuuma $11 a E. Stephen or OR 2-22 U 34 Misc. For Sale RENT A TV, pally or wecklv rates Kier Crooch Plumbing JU Aoohano OR 2-.l3ti4. SCRIPTURE TEXT greeting cards and stationery, sacred records. blDls Book Center. 413 S E. Jackson. WASHER, dryer, range, refrigerator. 1 bed, 4 dressers, platform rocker, misc. Items. OR 2-4647. 1936 WARD'S electric range, standard mooei. M) men oven, sou. un 3-d.iib 21 Inch. RCA Victor table model TV and table. $60. OR 3-8331. OLDS 3-carb manifold; other speed equipment. OS 9-3023. ONE PAIR lined drapes and traverse rod. UK 3-J4WH. GOOD uted desk and stool, 925. OR 3-7064 HEAVY duty garden tractor. 93. OR 3-407V. GOOD USED piano. 8 ft r,E deep freeze, ironrit ironer, uk z-iueT. 3 HP GARDEN tractor, plow, cultiva tor and disc. 9123. OR 2-31)89. GROUND cow or sheep fertilizer 100 lb aaCKB, SI. 30. UK 3-3041. ALL CHANNEL UHF converters, 924.95. can uk a-43U. STANLEY HOME Products. OR 3-3692. VIVIAN TRAVESS. ANYONE wanting Watkins Products, 3168 N. c freemonu UKa-atWT. USED GUNS, bought sold and traded. umpqua Gun store. RED cedar and yew wood posts. OR 3-4974: OK 3-7237. GAS RANGE, $40. OR 2-1360. RABBIT fertilizer. Call OR 3-4149 FULLRRUSH. OR 2-1391 RAWLEIGH PRODUCTS OR 3-4934. GAS RANGE. 923. OR 2-2333. 35 Wanted Misc. WE PAY HIGHEST cash prlcea for used furniture. Hoseburg rurnlture a.x. Change. 243 S.E. Jarkaon. OR 3-9104. WANTED TO BUY Good used furni ture. ROSEBURO AUCTION. OR - 5026. WANTED TO BUY Old china, data ware, furniture. Jewelry. Prlsciua. Antiques. 247 S.E. Jackson. OR 2-1421. NEW 2nd hand store THE TRADING POST, win buy what hava vouT 228 N. E. Jackaon. OR 2-1921 READY CASH for food used furniture. and misc. wcalsld. Auction. Pa. OR 2-2901. SCRAP IRON, batteries, radlatora, cop per, brasa. Will pick up. OR 3-7202. WANTED firla 24" bicycle. OR J- 3778. WANTED 1 story house to b. movd to my lot. Newa Review Box ,28. 36 For Trade THREE BEDROOM house, trad for SaUgen property, nearly new, nicety iandscaped. Choice shrubbery, view overlooking river and valley. Illinois Heights. Winston. OS 9-3484 after 6 p.m. for appointment. EQUITY in 2 bedroom home and fur. nlshlngs, automatic washer and dry er Included; for claar trailer house. OR 2-2(164 after 8. 1933 FORD 1-ton stake truck, good con dition, low mileage, for pickup, can OS 9-8770 after 3:30. 300 SAVAGE with 4 power scope, 9100- or trade for pick up oi equal vaiue. OR 3-3947. D8 CAT for sale or trade. Complete engine overnaui, new ro tiers, rn, OR 3-4271. MODERN 2 bedroom house with roman brick fireplace. For sale or trade. Phone OR '3-8912. THOR AUTOMAGIC Glad Iron for daven port or 9x12 rug. OR 2-1B90. 37 Machinery BUM SKAGIT winch, truck mounted includes 360 degree turntable, full air. trice tu.uuu. lau neysione ma chine Works, or Flury Supply. 38 Logging Equipment POR SALE Heel boom for ' to 1 yard shovel. Timken bearing, fair lead. Will rig for grafflea. Dale Ack land. Route 1, Box 240 Myrtle Creek. UN 3-4456 . . LOGGING equlment with logging con tract. Write Box 929 News Review. FOR SALE - 1051 -L-190 International log truck with bunks, uk 3-432U. 39 Timber & Sawmills Peelers Cr feelable Mill LOGS WANTED ' Delivered at Nordic Veneers pond on North Umpqua Highway, 3 miles cast of Roseburg. Lo lengths: 9' 0": 17 8"; 26" i"; 33' 0". Diameter limits. Maximum 73 Inches, minimum 18 inches. For information call OR 2-4331, Sutherlin 2232 or OR 3-4069 eve nings. Logs Wanted All Species Top market prlcea paid Green Valley Lumber Co Phone Myrtl. Craek, UNlon 3-311 North Mvnle Road. Myrtl Craek, Or. WANTED Logs-rough lumber-canta Will buy limber HUB LUMBER CO. OR 2-3.189 Garden Valley at RR traeka Logs Wanted Will buy .11 specie, CLEVELAND LUMBER Olalla Roed OS 9-92:14 NOW IS THE TIME for ail small SAW MILL operators to coma In and talk over their spring operation. CONSOL IDATED millinu, oia nignway w south, Hoseburg. WILL PAY $29 or 904 atumpaga for good merchantable timber to log thla year, write Newa-Revlaw Box 922. DOUGLAS riR and cedar stud logs wanted. Pfelffer Lumber Co., Yoncal la. Oregon. Ph. Victor 9-2111. WANTED Cordwood. eight font $18 per cord. Le. Preston Lumber Co. Riddle 22.11. 40 House Trailers Henslee High Style Plainsman Caso Manana ao'-M1 g-wlrte 1-1 bedrooms J0'-wid. to SO', 1-3-3 bedroom. , COMPLETE LINK of geeeesnrlee and parta In stock hitchea, buun. equip ment, awnings, atovea, refera, toilets, windows, water heatera and heating band., top co.tlnga, ale. GOOD SELECTION at uaad trailers and all kinda ot bouea furnltura taken la on trade. Earl E. Smith Trailer Homes Co. 1980 N. K. Stephana OR -! Rod & Reel Trailer It Boat Salci 1145 W. Harvard FOR SALE or trade for farm equip ment iwoa, ia it. rieata vacation trailer. Phona OR 3-0701 after $ p.m. EQUITY In '97 40' trailer houea trade or Bell. Call after S, OS 9-8S0T 32 IT. TRAILER house. Cheap. 3733 w. snarp Ave. fnn MALE or trad, for fumltur. equity la 'H, 40' trailer. OR 2-414.. Tusi. Mar. 31, 1959 Th Ntwi-Reviw( Roseburg, Ore. 11 40 House Trailers Out Of This World NEW Spacemaster & Rex JOIN The Space Age SEE Luxurious Interiors COMPARE Styles, Shapes, Size BUY A Model Mobile Home NOW Call us for dependable towing gervice if you are moving your trailer - anywhere. RAINBOW TRAILER SALES OR 3-7272 Winchester DISASTERS are awful to hear about, and lt'd h awful If you don't get a modern mobile horn that suits you. W want you to know about McKEE HITS very has to assure that you get in moDii nome mat is right for your family. So asy to own. . .just a little down and th payments are as . SMALL or smaller than rent. 5 year Bank Fi nancing helpa, too. See McKEE TRAIL ER sales, ubx n.e. Stephens Street, for the very beat deal in TOWN! Luxurious Living Melody home Front or Center Kitchen 2 or S Bedrooms Washers and Dryers Good Used Trailers '98 flamingo 28'8" '92 Cuatomcraft 29 91 westcralt an 0" '00 oreat Lakea 27' '93 Pan American, 37' with TV set -cu Happy Home, 29 l-bdrm '93 Kit Regal, 39' 3-Bdrm '9.1 Columbia, 39' 3-Bdrm '34 Spartan, 37' 1-Bdrm '93 National, 3-Bdrm. .10 ft '34 Fleetwood. 39' 1-Bdrm '49 Spartan 1-Bdrm. 33' 18' Sportecraft 99 '99 Chev. 4 dr. adn, atralght atlck, 6 '94 CHEV. Bel Air, 1 dr., RAH. '98 GMC pickup '90 GMC pickup 13 ft. plywood boat, factory built Uaed Gibson riding tractor, ataerlng wneei, diac; blade, plow and aprlng loom. Check Our Used Furniture Dept. Doyle's Mobile Homes Roseburg 1M4 S.E. Steohens OR 2-CTM or j. w. ooyte on 1-2924 BRADY'S Mobile Homes Ph. OR 2-3441 Brand new mobile homes Great Lakes Now made In Idaho to save you freight. The Fabulous Angelus Coronet By Angelus Complete line of travel trailers Oasis Traveleze Airstream Late model used trailers All reconditioned And ready to live in. 1934 40 ft. Royeraft 1999 40 ft. Roadcraft and othcra RENTALS BY THE WEEK Parta it 8uppllea - Compleut Una ot hitches. Complete repair, paint ing aervlc. work. Opan Evenings & Sundays Garden Valley It N. Stephens Lake wood Vacationers Are Here 18', 17"V, 11 They ar. tops. Th. prle. 11 right. See Them Now From $945 up. Shady Point Trailer Sales 1 Mil. south on Old Highway 99 OR 1-14,'lg KENCRAET UNIVERSAL TERRA - CRUISER ABC JEWEL KENSKILL NASHUA NEW MOON Jim McKee Trailer Sales 1181 N.E Stephana OR 2-4231 POR SALE or trad, for furnltura or what. 13900 equity In ten wld. so root S bedroom Melody Horn, trailer houM, 8 month, old. Also 1947 Mj ton Chevrolet pan.l, 4 epeed transmiselon, T tire, good condition. Phone) GY BJ-3339 OUd-s, 40 House Trailers SENSATIONAL BILTM0RE The People's Choice New In Roseburg 8 and 10 Wide 40 45 50 ft. Outstanding: in beauty and quality., We invite you to ee these trailer! and compare prices. Shady Point Trailer Sales I MILE SOUTH ON OLD MWY. 99 EOUITY In '98 1 bedroom trailer, sell or trade for furniture. OR 3-46:10. 42 Trucks 1936-F600 log truck. Single axle truck ana trailer. see at Swing-In Sarvtce Myrtle Creek. 41 FORD ton pickup, 4 speed trans mission. na is r. siau. or 2-2M9 after 4 p.m. '30 CHEV. ton 4-speed pickup. Mrs. H. Woeter, So. Myrtle Road, Myrtle Creek. 47 Btudebaker !i ton flat-rack, 1200. OR 3-7UOJ. 43 Autos & Motorcycles BARCUS 38 DODGE Lancer hardtop. Tor queiuie trans, r & h. Power steering. Famoua D-300 engine 2WI '3T PLYMOUTH V-8 sedan. Push button drive, R&H. Top condi tion throughout 1794 '38 DODGE V8 club coupe. R&H. .lei oibck wun wmtewail tires. Famoua D-300 engine with straight stick. Unconditionally guaranteed. , 1498 38 PLYMOUTH VS sedan. Power- Illie. Hfl. .'.. 1398 38 CHRYSLER hardtop, 36.000 act ual mnes, une owner. 1898 33 PLYMOUTH VB Belvedere hard- ton- Fowerillte, K&tH. Only 23. 000 miles. .. 1398 '34 DeSOTO 4-door. R&H, automa tic. A sharp car. Only 898 33 HUDSON club coupe. Overdrive . 298 '83 FORD V8 4 door, 0 passenger wagon 498 HI PACKARD sedan. Ultramatie. R&H, 300 motor. One owner car 208 30 PACKARD Sedan, RAH. 98 '30 BUICK Special sedan. R H. 98 '50 HUDSON club cpe. Runs good. - 98 Trucks Cr Pickups '81 DeSnto Carry-All. Extra , good ivutiuiwin jhb 33 FORD V-8 pickup, special . 898 BARCUS N. 'Stephens at Garden Valley Basil rn. un joaoi Easy Bank Terms Jalopy Junction 1360 N. E. Stephens OR 3-4W1 $10 Down Specials Priced Below Market 93 PLYMOUTH 4 door 295 '90 OLDS S3 4 door. New green and wniie paini, gooo tiree, power .leer ing, tinted glass. R&H. Automatlo tranamiaslon and .11 the other UtU. goodiea. '81 DODGE 4-door 91 MERCURY 4 door '80 BUICK Tudor 383 19J 12S SO CHEVROLET 4 door 145 '37 FORD pickup 93 Several Repossessions $ You Can Make A Good Buy On $10 Down Open Sundays FOR SALE, REPOSSESSIONS. 1936 Fort -is ton pickup. 4 speed trans irlisaiona, good shape. 1950 Olds 4 door, good shape. Both for 8930. Phone OR 3-4494 between 9 and 3. EXCEPTIONALLY clean 1953 Ford 9- pass. Country Sedan, fully equipped. Excellent mechanical condition. 81493. -OR 2-2015, except Friday evening or Saturday. 1937 FORD FAIRLANE "300" two-door paint, radio, heater, whitewalls. Ex cellent condition. Will sell equity. Call OR 3-3333 after 8 p.m. 1933 CHEVROLET Bel-Air 4-door. Good condition. Fully equipped. 8630. Fi nancing available. 1430 N. W. Eden Lane. OR 2-4089. WILL TRADE S2000 equity In '38 Pon tlac for older car or will telL OB 2-3427. LATE MODEL USED CARS WANTED Cash or trade for equity. A TEN M PHILLIPS. 1J28 S.E. Stephens. LATE MODEL USED CARS WANTED cash or trade for equity. Keel Mo tors, 833 S.E. Stephens 1940FORD 4 door sedan. 1930 Bufck 4 door. Rett offer takes one or both. OR 2-2288. '35 CHEV. 4-door Bel Air sedan, fully equipped. Very clean. See to appreci ate 81393. OR 2-2993. 1933 CHEV. Bel-Air. perfect condition. 1224 8. E. Reservoir evenings or phone OR 3-3374; evenings OR 3-6232. CALL Family Finance, who can mak it possiDie to ouy ine motor venicie of your choice. OR3-3277. WILL TRADE equity In 1939 Chev. t passenger station wagon for older model car. OR 2-4624. '56 OLDS station wagon, like new, low mileage. Sell or trade. OR 2-1009. MOTORCYCLES New, used. Beck with Cycle. OR 3-6120. 194MERCURY, 9190. OR 3-7518 after 8, Thu First Lesson To Learn In Selling Is To Use Classified Ads CH0ICE k f .-Vr i -T ff I-.-