House Cleaning Time Finds Things You'll Want To Sell-Try A Want Ad -OR 2-3321 Houses MODERN 1-3 bedroom cabins- Good' t-da. nearly new refrigerators, gas runs and heating. Tables, chain, itc. IV ate r and garbage disposal furnuhed. 1 ( 5 and 15 month, llaru Cabina, 2S Piamond Lake Blvd., behind Dale's I Cats OR 3-3J68. DUPLEX 2 bedroom unfurnished. Basement garage, electric heat. 17:iS K E. Klamath Ave. Contact A. M. Land. 30 Bailey Lane, Eugene, Ore. 12 Trlr. Parks & Rentals ALAMEDA TRAILER COURT ha paved atreeta and cement porches. Reason able ratea, Ml N. E. Alameda. OR 1-2H48. WINCHESTER TRAILER PARK "Mod ern spaces. Paved grounds. Shade trees. $18 month. Highway 09 N. at Winchester Bridge. 14 Help Wanted A NATIONAL ORGANIZATION WITH millions of dollars behind it need men lor the uouglas county trade rea. THIS is not Just a Job, it is a profession. We do not care what line of work you have done aince you are trained by . men that know this business thorough ly. Your Income should be far above a)veage the lirst year. Qualifications I 'MUST BE 31 OR OLDER HAVE CAR . HONEST NEAT APPEARANCE FURNISH REFERENCES LIVE IN THE ROSEBURC. 1 CANYONVILLE. YONCALLA. DRAIN, OAKLAND. SUTHERLIN OR NEARBY AREA. In this business there are no lay-offs, and no alack, season. We are a young Organization so this la a ground-floor opportunity. To the men who qualify , after a short training program, we of far salary, commission and bonuses. PERSONAL inierviewa will he held on Monday evening. March 30 at 7:30 i sharp, wives may accompany nus bands. Come to Umpqua Hole, Room 331. ' AGGRESSIVE DEALER WANTED To' Sell I SONORA ,; Electronic Organs From ..? $380 to $695 ' All models have 61 keys, full 5 octave For further information write to Bea ver Appliance Co.. 7828 S.E. Stark , St., Portland IS, Oregon. AUTO SALES MEN WILL hire 2 qualified men to sell Ford car and trucks. Excellent opportun ity. Good salary and commission com pensation. LOCKWOOD MOTORS cct ennn cm itp ano FAMILY Watltina route now avail- able- 90 year reputation. A top-grade ' one-man DUiin, ana na AptuciiLB or money required. Write for full m formatinn to The J. R. Watkfna Com pany, 3903 Brooklyn Avenue, Seattle 0, Washington. Men -Women . , Prepare For CIVIL SERVICE JOBS No experience necessary. Grammar school education usually sufficient. Ex cellent starting wages. We prepare men and women, ages 18-S2. Civil Service offers security, good pay. ad vancement and retirement Write News-Review Box 920. give name, ad dress, phone, and hours you work. SALESMAN WANTED Need one more man lo round out sales crew. Sell the world's most popular automobile. Experience preferred. HANSEN CHEVROLET EARN BIG COMMISSION full or part time. Build profitable business of your own selling America's largest line low priced business printing. 360 page catalog samples hundreds of items used daily by business people. . Advertising Specialty line features im printed ball pens low as $9.95 for 100. . Calendar low as $5.93 for 100. FREE SALES KIT. NATIONAL PRESS, Dept. 2. NORTH CHICAGO, ILL. UNUSUAL opportunity for successful man who wishes to better himself. Large established concern can place a qualified man in Roseburg. Must be alert, ambitious and have at least a High School education. Bookkeeping and sales experience required. Phone 1 Mr. Tonneson. OR 3-3357 Tuesday a.m. only forlnterviewappointment. MAN-ltlTamWtion and some selling experience to sell Frigidaire appli ances. Good potential for an aggres aive man who wants to get ahead. Apply in person. Umpqua Valley Ap pliance. 648 Rose. HOUSEWIVES Relax at homa with an income. Need ladies In Roseburg. Winston. Canyonviile. Drain. Myrtle Creek, Oakland. Sutherlin. for tele phone survey. Salary and commls s.on. Write P. 0.BoxM3. Roseburg. BEAUTICIANT"new hop. latest equip ment. Unlimited opportunity for good operator. Apply in person, Beauty Salon. , . WANTED Man and wife to raise calvea on ranch, home furnished. OR 3-3159 evening. COG TRUCK driver for gas rig. OR 2-3477 evenings. 15 Work Wanted IEWTNG and alteration of all kinds. Mrs. w. K. uurtii, n. . .. ' Phone OR 3-7434. EXPERIENCED carpenter needs any , kind of work. Felix Durand. OR 3- .WP8. Vt A NT-WORK yarding and loading logs. Phone Sutton Logging. Canyonviile. JE2-4fl3. DAY WORK. Experienced and efficient. . SI 23 hour, own transportation. Ph. 241.amasValley.after 6. I CHILD CARE, days, my hone, Dtllard. i OS 9-3034. WASHING, rough dry; also Ironing. OR i 2-Wljl. ' CONG, short leg and lumber hauling. t Franco Tracking. OR 3-6967. SEWING. All" types. Guaranteed. OR 2-2766. IRONING in my home. Will pickup and it deliver. OR 2-3fl34. SEWING and mending. Mrs. J. S. Marr y OR 2-34 VT. 'ALTERATIONS. OR 3-3202 tfter S-.10. '-PRESSs'KING i'leration. OR JVIJW. ROTOTILLING. Beene. JR .V3738. ROTOTILLER for rent. OR 3-WW4 ,18 Instruction .LESSONS on guitar, mandolin. hrJ 1 3 vlohn. uke. John K JonesOR J-MSY FOR bRIVINGlnstructtoni, phone OR I 3-7447 SRPANISH rmir lemaon" for" beg.nnef. n 18 Instruction LEARN Engineering Design DRAFTING MANY OPPORTUNITIES Your gatewey to engineering If you missed college. Work with designers and engineer, and advance by learn ing you work. If you have com pleted high school, you may qualify. 160 more draftimen needed by I860 for the defenic effort according to the Secretary of Labor. Train now for one of lhee well paying position.. WRITE TODAY News-Review Box Sit Please rush Information on how I may become an engineering design drafts man. NAME ADDRESS CITY ZONE 20 Services HARRY HATCHER Income Tox and Accounting Service Fhone Office OR 2-2461 Home OR 2-1304 959 S.E. Stephens Street OPPOSITE GREYHOUND BUS DEPOT MONOGRAMMING, dresamaklnf, alter, ations. Buttonholes and self fabric belts. Hemstitching and specialty sew ing. The Sew Shop NEW LOCATION 8M S. E. Cass Ave. OR 2-4591 Home of the Adlermatie Sewing Mach'ne Roseburg Garden Service Rototilltng, landscaping, all type oi small excavations. OS 9-5263 Between 1-10 a.m. and 3-7 p.m. Let Us Help You With Your Income Tax & Accounting V Accountant trained bv the International Accountant Society. Will work In your home or our office. OR 3-7995 days; OR 3-8834 after S p.m. ROTOTILLING Reaaonibi OR 2-3904 CHILD CARE Mother Goose Nursery OR 2-e3ai ROTOTILLING Ferguson Tractor and ' blade ' New Equipment Beebe Bowman. OR 3-3738 GARDEN ROTOTILLING 1030 N. W. Garden Valley Rd. OR call OR 2-14.12 APPLIANCE repairs. Tast, efficient service, all brands, ranges, refrigera tors, freeiers. washers and dryers and all small appliances. Call Kter Crooch Plumbing fc Appliance, 528 S. E. Stephens. OR 2-3364. MOTOR rewinding, repairing. All makes and sizes. Experienced, competent, motor man. Jimmie's Electric Motor Shop, 350 NE Garden Valley Blvd. OR 3-3162. ELECTRIC APPLIANCE repairs from hand irons and razor to ranges and dryers. All Makes. Bargain Appliance Center. 631 S. K. Rote OR 3-3523. SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED no mile age: free estimates. Roseburg Sani tation Service, 1980 NS Stephens. Ph. OR 3-3356. MOWER SHARPENING, trailer-hitches, welding, woodwork and general repair. Green District. 2332 S. W. Castle St. Ph. OR 3-4087 STEAM CLEANING mobilo unit, wa go anywhere. Motors or Industrial equipment. Payleis Service Station, 711 a.E. stepnens i. rn un PLAYER PIANOS repaired, any make or condition. Free estimate, guaran teed work, reasonable Write X. Par ry, News Review Box92B. SHALE-rock for roads and driveway. Immediate delivery. Ph. C. P. Tallon, OR3-4040. CARPENTER, any type construction We help arrange financing. Free eeli matea. Kowalewsk 1. OR 3-8020. GRADING and leveling: loam and rock delivered. Call Paul Casey,. OR 3-4018. 2231 N. E. Stephens St. HARRIS HOME IMPROVEMENTS Roofing, siding, foundations. riiA trrmj. OR 3-61 23 . fjOZING. leveling: also shale rock, river loam and road materials. Chat, Keclej OS 9-3117. CARPENTER work. New construction or remodeling. Free estimates. OR .1-7234. SEWING machine and vacuum cleaner repairs, all mane ana moaeu. Work guaranteed. OR 3-6323. I RIDENOUR Electrie wiring Jobs and i installation electrie beaters. OR 3- 7303 I CERAMIC rtll draTnboardi. tubbacks, shower. Free estimates. Kelley Til. OR 3-5831. FLOOR sanding-finishlng. old or new repair, floor laying. Free estimate. OR jr-4026 MOHR WELL DRILLING Jacuxzt whirlpool bath. OR 2-2321 or OR 2-3043 ROOFING Fisher Thorsen Paint Co. Portland. W. E. Daum. Local Agent, Ph OR 2-1371. NORTH ROSEBURG Kindergarten. OR 3-7849. OR 2-1014. ELECTRIC CONTRACTORS. Lansing A Oliver, OR 3.0636. CARPENTRY. Reasonsble. Small Jobs preferred. Smith. OR 3-8411. PIANO tuning, fegulitinft repairs, strings, etc. John E. Jones. OR 3-6323. BRICK-block and cement contractor. NormanSichardsonOR 2-2971. PAINTER, carpenter, roofing. OR 3- 8747 WALLBOARD FlNlSHfNG, nailing, tap ing, texturing, painting. GY 6-3338. HFI.I-ARC welding. Winston Chain Saw OR -.Vl4t. INVISIBLE mending or general mend ing. OB J-.WM- LET ut upholster your boat, ear or fur niture. OR 3-306. a fT10NINOin"n.yhom. OR J-2448. m pB1NtN(i:CU Wright, OR 3-8747. INCOME TX. OR 3-46 after 8 p m" gtrtIC "Unk cleaned. OR 3-7470. 20 Services Berkeley Pumps Domestfc-Irrigation-Industrial Sales & Service Specializing in complete REPAIR SERVICE AU Make St Yeara Experience In Sales, Repairs V Maintenance. New And Used Pumps For Sale at all limes Gerretsen Bldg. Supply Co. Oak St. at R R. Tracks. OR 2-26.1 Bill White's INCOME TAX SERVICE 727 W. Harvard Ave. (ACROSS moil COMMUNITY HOSPITAL) TREE PARKING" IS Years Experience DEPENDABLE. EFFICIENT SERVICE. NO APPOINTMENT NECESSARY. office hours a am to pm Phone OR 2-4041 Sonya White's Income Tax Service Prompt Courteous Dependable 1625 W. Harvard Ave. NEXT DOOR TO FAIRHAVEN MKT. FREE PARKING Phone OR 2-4261 EXPERT INCOME TAX SERVICE OR 3-6077 U. of 0. Graduate PUMP REPAIRS. 24 hour service. Mil ler it Cox Sales and Service, OR 2- 3581; night, call OR 3-3,58. 21 Building Material BARGAINS utility and economy lum ber. Also ahipiap 2 and better di mensions. 2e u and save Consolidated Millinc Old Highway south. OR S-7411 Shlolan: low trade boards. 1x6 and wider, 2x4 and wider. Also plenty of uumy ana oeiter. Lumber Sales Co. OR 3-7362 Garden Vallev near RR tracks GOOD used door and window. OS 9-8657, evenings. 23 Fuel SAWDUST Blower Service or Dump WOOD Oak, .lab, planer ends and peeler core. Roseburg Lumber Co. OS 9-9741 SAWDUST Blower and Dump MILL ENDS, dry or green peeler core. GUY AND FRANCES GILL. FUEL 2814 N E. Douglas OR 2-1524 DRY oak. laurel or fir wood, fir enlace or furnace. OR 3-7995 days; OR 3-3604 evenings. OAK, Madrons and fir body wood. Im mediate delivery. Phone Riddle 3679 or 3782. 8. T. Humphrey, PLANER ENDS. Hub Lumber Co. OR 2-3386. RED DIAMOND Fuel Co. Kiln dried planer ends: oak wood. OR 3-5082. DRY OAK and laurel. OS 9-3311. 25 Farm Equipment FREEMAN string baler, electric start er; Cunningham1 hay conditioner; New Holland aid delivery rake; 23 horse motor and pump combination for sprinkler Irrigation. This equip ment Is in top condition. Webster Briggs, 2 miles northeast of Canyon v llle on Parley Road. Ph. JE 3-4698. FARM-ALL-A traotor, recently overhaul ed. Plow, disc, mowing machine and cultivator 8630. 2-speed truck rear end, mton or 2 ton, $78. UN 3-3833. 8' DRILL for sal. Mack E. Brown, Glide. Next to ChevronStatlon. international disc, ft. tandem, $90. OR 2-3940. FORD TRACTOR, plow and disc. Good jwndttlon. OR 2-1222 or OR 3-3022. 1933 N E W-ITOLLAND 68 baler. OR 3 6234 before 9 p.m. 26 Livestock MILK COWS and baby calve for sale. R. E Camp. OS 9-3283. WOOL received dally. Nichols' Store. Brockway OS 0-8007. NEW and tiled saddles and bridles. 2844 N. E. Douglas. WALlV'S horse shoeing, call OR 3 4149! COWS and calves. OS 9-8626. evening. VACUUM SALE New yacuums Used Vacuums DISCOUNT SALE New RCA WHIRLPOOL Reg. S89 .- 833 00 HOOVER Model 31 Reg 899 99-890 00 Attachments extra GENFRAL ELECTRIC VII-97, 1 H P. motor, Reg. 879 . 834 30 FILTER QUEEN Model 500 Many extras - Reg. 9189. 90 ... 978 90 Parts and Repairs - All Makes All Reconditioned and Guaranteed 1 year by KIRBY CO. OF ROSEBURG 2161 N. OR 3-6356 26 Livestock GOOD DAIRY cow for sale. Fresh in a few das. F. G. En-ens, Garden Val ley. OR 3-7601 HORSESHOEING and trimming, any where, since 1943. All work guaran teed. Joe Young, OR 3-6669. WANTED Sheep and cattle, all kinds' W. A. Blacken. Ph. Myrtle Creek UN 3-4315. ATTENTION pony breeders! At Stud. registered Hackney pony, rnone oak land 3120. WEANER pigs. Call 091 Camas Valley. i. a. uenn. 27 Hay & Grain 2ND CUTTING alfalfa 2J. Clem Taw enner. Canyonviile. JE 3-4243. OAT hay. R. Conn. OR 3-423. . 28 Poultry & Rabbits Baby Chicks NEW Hamp . Parmenter Red, White Lgnorn and uo:aen Broad, uraer early avoid delay. Ponton Hatch ery. A74 W. Harvard Ave. OR 3-3328. DAILY fresh brown eggs, 35c and 4oc per doz. large sac. ea. N. s. Neuner Drive between Chestnut St and Snack Shack. OR 3-3188. POULTRY, wpol, bark. Receiving Tues- day only, ror ranch pickup, call us 9-866.1 or on Tuesday OR 3-4331. Rose burg Poultry Comoatur FRYER rabbits, dressed and wrapped for freezer. We deliver every Wednes day and Saturday. Call OR 3-4688. 29 Pets BREEDING STOCK and puppies. Reg. fugs, scmpperke. weisn lorgis. tox Terrier. Hill Kennels. TE 6-9368, Drain. AKC Reg. Norwelgian Elkhound pups. U94 w. lxiokinggiasa St. Phone OR 2-4608. DACHSHUND Allen. Red Hill, be tween Oakland and Yoncalla. VI 9 2469. CANARIES. All Colors. Also cages. 872 is.c.. Alameda. SIAMESE kittens, stud service. OR 2- 1014. DOUGLAS COUNTY HUMANE Society Anlma 1 Sbe lter. OH ,2-3907. BABY Parakeets. 3 miles south. Bur- ton'. OR 3-8122. PUTMAN'S Toy Fox Terrier Kennel. Wilbur. Oregon. OR 3-8804. BEAUTIFUL Red factor canaries and cages. Putman's, OR 3-8A04. CHIHUAHUA male puppies,, registered. UK 3-3t4. YEAR old Pomeranian male, ISO. Reg- laierea papers included. OR 3-BZ76. GLENGARY Beagle Kennel. OR 3-3703. 31 Sporting Equipment UMPQUA MARINA SKAGIT BOATS MERCURY MOTORS ir BOAT ACCESSORIES MOTOR REPAIRING 659 S. E. Rose St. OR 3-5574 Rod & Reel Trailer & Boat Sales "Quiet" Evinrude motors P-14, Seaswirl, Larson fiberglass boats " Star era ft aluminum boat Mastercraft boat trailer Paint, accessories, tires, etc. Gold Bond Stamps 1145 W. Harvard For Sale or Trade 1H FT cabin cruiser with 8 cvl. dlesel engine, ship to shore -adio, depth finder, automatic pilot and extra gear, 18 rt. utility outboard with 23 H Evin rude. 7l H. Johnson and commercial fishing gear. E. L. Lester, Roseburg Realty it Ins. Co. Umpqua Hotel Lob by. Ph. OR 2-3344. SMALL 12 ft. plywood boat, flat bottom. Trailer with directlonals. Extinguish er, cushion, oars, anchor. B'fc H. John son, 1958 model with stand, SI 90. OR 3-8218. TELESCOPE RIFLE sfbHTS if bought from us, we Install free if gun is fac tory drilled. Umpqua Gun Store. 14 FT. half cabin boat. 1 year old and Selma trailer. OR 3-3340 after 5. 18 FT. Cabin cruiser Inboard; new 12x14 wall tent. OR 3-761)4 after a:;.u. 32 Produce & Plants Fruit and ahada trees, araoe vines, logan and nectar berries. Conifers and flowering shrubs. Free delivery. Moore's Nursery. Big Bend Road, Garden Valley. Ph. OR 2-2910. SEE STARK ad under "Personals." 34 Misc. For Sale GOOD USED piano, 8 ft GI daep freeae. Ironrlte Ironcr, OR 2M987. S HP" GARDEN tractor, plow, cultiva tor and disc, 8129. OR S-3998. GROUND cow or sheep fertilizer 100 lb sacks, 91.80. OR 3-3041. ALL CHANNEL VHT converters, 924.98. Call OR 2-4050. STANLEY HOME Products. OR 3-3991 VIVIAN TRAVESB. ANYONE wanting "TVatk Ins Products, 2168 N. E. Freemont- OR 2-3007. USED GUNS, bought sold and traded. Umpqua Gun Store. RED cedar and yew wood posts. OR 3-4974; OR 3-7237. RECONDITIONED electric clothes dry er, 950. 152 S.E. 1 ei.e. OR 2-4659. GAS RANGE, 840. OR "3 ,9. RABBIT fertilizer. Csfl OR 3-4) 40. FULLER BRUSH. OR2-1391 RAWLEIGH PRODUCTS UR 3-4994. Used GENERAL ELECTRIC Roll- Essy 923.00 KENMORE On rsrt 929 00 AIRWAY SANITIZOR Lstest Many extras .... 949 50 HOOVERS 922 30 at 929 30 Beater type 10 GOOD used vscuums 910 ea 10 GOOD used vacuums 919 ea E. Stephens or OR 2-221 ft GUESS WHO... I mm . . just got his allowance. 34 Misc. For Sale Quality Furnishers Maytaes $49.93 and up. Other makes $13.00 and up. Dryers Used $79 03 30" ranges 999.93 New Hotpnlnt wisher Was S399.S5 now S279 93 Rotpoltit dryers 1S9 93 dlvana $70 oft $119.93 $73 trade In allowance en bed room seta. tO'i off on 1958 Hotpolnt refrig erators. 82 gallon Hotpolnt water heater msa ONE WEEK ONLY WHILE THEY LAST. 644 S. E. Stephens Phone OR 2-1821 Auction Sunday 1 P.M. Westside Furniture Sales 943 W. Harvard 1 block west Community Hsptt furniture and misc. Consignments welcome Used Appliances Taken In on trades. Ranges, retrlgsr. alors, etc. come out and make a deal. RAINBOW TRAILER SALES N. Hywy 99 at Winchester Bridge Johnnie s Second Hand Store OPEN FOR BUSINESS WE BUY. SELL AND TRADE. MYRTLE CREEK, OREGON So. City limits next to Market Grocery, PIANO. High' climbing rigging. Nails. 10c lb. Combination electric and wood range. 2 apt. aire ranges, one gas and one electric. Washing ma chine. Bunk beds, oarden tools and tractor. Electric portable sewing ma chine. Double sink, complete, $39.90. Crossbow. Wag's Furniture. Winston. LOLLIPOP Super vitamin. One a day Lollipops. Children love the delicious full fruit flavors. 14 for $1. Send cash, check or money order to M. Sleinert. Oist., 2311 W. Lorraine, Rose burg. SALVAGE. Doors, windows, lumber, bathroom fixtures, hot water heater, laundry tubs and plumbing. 1622 W. Catherine. mNERSPRING mattress and box apring, good condition 535. Innerspring mattress and coil spring SI 5. Call OR 3-3779 after S p.m. COMPLETE oak dining room aet, $13.1; nearly new mimeograph, $125; 17" Silvertone TV, $69. OR 3-5340 days; OR 3-9017 evenings. TREVA'S CERAMICS Free lessons. Large assortment green ware, paints, glazes. Next to Winston Lockers. OS 8-3133. TOP SOIL from new location. The best you have ever seen no roots or weeds. Ralph Fisher, Winston. OS 8 B493. FOR the best Job of custom cutting, wrapping and quick freezing, bring your meat to Winston Lockers. OS 9-5133. TOP SOIL Genuine heavy river loam. No rocks easy to handle. For the best, call Charles Keely. OS 9-5117. WE ALWAYS HAVE a fine selection of meat available for' your locker or deep freeze at wholesale prices. Winston Lockers. OS 8-5133 M-OM. soil conditioner for best re sults. Winchester St. Nursery at Roae burg Natural Foods. 508 N. E. Win chester. LOGGERS ATTENTION. 1 pair Currins. spring heel, caulks, size 8, like new, used 2 weeks. Bargain. OR 3-4009; OR 3-4091. COMBINATION 21" lawnmower and garden cultivator, 475; pressure can ner, $12. Ph. Oakland 3272. CERAMICS - greenware, glazes, fin ished pieces, Free lessons. OR 3-4572. 120(1 S.E. Mill. MORE PEOPLE buy World Book En cyclopedia than any other. Why? OR 2-35S7. CALL Family Finance, OR 3-5277. who , will help you buy the article you want . KEN'S Rock Shop, lapidary equipment and supplies. OR 3-5409. 249 N. E. C hes tn u t WINSTON Sand and Gravel, -crushed rock, reject gravel, bar run and top soil. OS 8-6463. RENT A TV, Dally or weekly ratea. Kier Crooch Plumbing Apollano OR 2-3364. SCRIPTURE TEXT creetfna cards and stationery. Sacred records. ' Bible Book Center, 413 a.E. Jackson. WASHER, dryer, range, refrigerator, 1 bed, 4 dressers, platform rocker, misc item.OR 2-4647. 195 WARD'S electric" range, standard model. 30 inch ovn. 88- OR 3-6218. 2Tlnch. RCA" Victor table model TV and table. M0.OR 3-85.11. FERTILIZER for sale. OR 3-4682. 35 Wanted Misc. WE PAY HIGHEST cash prices for used furniture. Ro.eburg Furniture Ex. Change.2 8 E. JacksonOR 3-9104. WANTED TO BUY Good used furni ture. ROSEBURG AUCTION. OR 3 5029. WANTED TO BUY Old china, glass ware, furniture. Jewelry. Prlscllla's Antiques. 147 B E. acksonOR 2-1421. NEW 2nd hand store THE TRADING POST, will buy what have you? 229 N E Jackson. OR 2-1921. READY CASH for good used" furniture, and misc. Westside AucUon, Ph. OR 2-2501. SCRAP IRON, bstterles, radiators, cop per, bressWHl plckllp. UIl3-7202. WANTED" girl's 24" bicycle. OR 3779. WANTED 1 story houie to be moved to my lot. News Review Box 028. 36 For Trade MODERN 1 bedroom houae with rumen hrirk fireplace ror sale or trade. 1 Phone OR 2-9812. 36 For Trade THHEE BKDKOOM house, trade for Eugene property. Nearly new. nicely landacap-d. Choice shrubbery, view overlooking river and valley. Illinois Heights. Winaton. OS 9-3484 after 6 pin. for appointment. EQUITY in 2 bedroom home and fur nishings, automatic washer and dry er included, for clear trailer house. OR 2-2U04 after 5. WM FORD 1-ton stake" truck, good-condition, low mileage, for pickup. Call OS 9-8770 after S.10. 300 SAVAGE with 4 power scope, SlOfl. or traae tor pickup of equal value. OR 3-3!)47 D8 CAT for aaleor "trade-Complete engine overhaul, new rollers. Ph. OR 3-4271 THOR AUTOMAGIC Gladlron for daven port or vxvi rug. On 2-1890. 37 Machinery lt'30 SKAGIT winch, truck mounted, include 360 degree turntable, full air. Price $6,000. Call Keystone Ma chine Works, or Flury Supply. 38 Logging Equipment WANTED Logs-rough lumber-cants Will buy timber HUB LUMBER CO. OR 2-33B5 Garden Valley at RR tracks FOR SALE short log truck and trail er. Kenworth with Cummins, OR 3 3142. USED LOGGING rigging. Brush blocks. rail blocks, lots oi n acmes, tree plates, lota of extras. OR 3-5011. LOGGING equlment with logging eon- tract, write BOX H.W NewsKeview. FOR SALE 1991-L-190 International log truck with bunks. OR 3-45W. 39 Timber & Sawmills Peelers & Peelable Mill LOGS WANTED Delivered at Nordic Veneers pond en North Umpqua Highway. 3 miles east of Rosebursr. Los lenirthi: 9' 0": 17' 8"; 26' 35 0". Diameter limits. Maximum 75 inches, minimum 18 inches. For information call OR 2-4551, Sutherlin 2232 or OR 3-4069 eve nings. Logs Wanted All Species Top market prices paid Green Valley Lumber Co Phone Myrtle Creek. UN ion 3-3181 North Myrtle Road. Myrtle Creek. Ore Logs Wanted Will buy all species CLEVELAND LUMBER Olalla Road - OS 9-5234 NOW IS THE TIME for all small SAW MILL operators to come in and talk over their spring operation. CONSOL IDATED MILLING, old highway 99 South, Roseburg. WILL PAY $23 or 50 stumpage for good merchantable timber to log this year, write Newa-neviaw box vvt DOUGLAS FIR and cedar stud logs wanted. Pteifler Lumber lo., xoncai la, Oregon. Ph. VIcUr 9-2U1. WANTED Cordwood, eight foot $16 per cord. Lee Preston Lumber Co. HlOdlO 2231. 40 House Trailers DISASTERS are awrui to hear about, and lt'd be awful If you don't get a modern mobile home that auita you. Wa want you to know about McKEE HITS every base to assure that you get the mobile home that la right for your family. So easy to own. . .just a little down and the payments are a SMALL or smaller than rent 3 year Bank Fi nancing helps, too. See McKEE TRAIL ER SALES, 1162 N.E. Stephens Street, for the very best deal in TOWN! SENSATIONAL BILTMORE The People's Choice New In Roseburg 8 ond 10 Wide 1 40 45 50 ft. Outstanding in beauty and quality. We invite you to see these trailer) and compare prices. Shady Point Trailer Solas 1 MILE SOUTH ON OLD HWY. 84) Henslee High Style Plainsman Casa Manana 2R'-3A S-wlde 1-2 bedrooms lO'-wlde to 30', 1-2-3 bedrooms COMPLETE LINE of accessories and parts In stock hitches, butsne equip ment, awnings, stoves, refers, toilets, windows, water heaters and heating bands, top coatings, etc. COOD SELECTION of used trailers and all klnda of house furniture teken in on trade. Earl E. Smith Trailer Homes Co. 1990 N. E. Stephens OR 9-3.159 KENCRAFT JEWEL KENSKILL NASHUA UNIVERSAL TERRA CRUISER ABC NEW MOON Jim McKee Trailer Sales 1192 NR. Stephens Rod & Reel Trailer & Boat Salcl 1143 W. Hervard FOR SALE or trade for furniture or what. 92500 equity In ten wide 50 foot 2 bedroom Melody Home trailer house, s months old. Also 1947 e ton Chevrolet nanel. 4 speed transmission 7 tlree good condition. Phono GY n-xciii uiide. FOR SALE or trade Equity In 199) 90', 10 wide, 3 bedroom mobile home Trade for equity lo house. OR S-9944 EQUITY in '97 40' trailer house trade or sell. Cell after 9, OS 9-9997 1949 21' AMERICAN frailer, 1400 cs.n. urt a.orM. 22 FT. TRAILER house. Cheap. 2733 w. anarp Ave. FOR SALE or trade for furniture equity In '39, 40' trailer. OR 2-4149. EQUITY In '99 2 bedroom trailer. Mil or traae lor furniture. UK '.-wxi. Mon. Mar. 30, 1959 The News-Review, Roseburg, Ore. 11 40 House Trailers Out Of This World NEW Spocennster & Rex JOIN Tht Space Age SEE Luxurious Interiors COMPARE Styles, Shapes, Size BUY A Model Mobile Home NOW Call us for dependable towing ervice if you are moving your trailer - anywhere. RAINBOW TRAILER SALES OR 3-7272 Winchester Luxurious Living Melody Home Front or Center Kitchen 2 or 3 Bedrooms Washers and Dryers Good Used Trailers M riamlnm 28 6" MI Customcraft 15" '92 Wsstcrsft 28 " 'M Great Lakes 17' '53 Pan American, 27" with TV Bel Happy Home. 2V lbdrm '.11 Kit Reial, 33' l-Bdrm '33 Columbia, 33' l-Bdrm '31 Spartan. 37 l-Bdrm '33 National, 2-Bdrm. .10 II. '94 Fleetwood, 39' l-Bdrm '49 Spartan l-Bdrm. 33' 18' Sporlscralt (499 93 Chev. 4 dr. sdn, etralfht slick, S CH. '94 CHEV. Bel Air, 1 dr., RAH. '99 OMC pickup '50 CMC pickup 12 ft. plywood boat, factory built Used Gibson rldlnc tractor, steering wneei, aisc, piaae, plow and spring Check Our Used Furniture Dept. Doyle's Mobile Homes Roseburg 1344 S.E. Stephens OR 2-37.H or J. W. Doyle OR 2-2924 BRADY'S Mobile Homes Ph. OR 2-3441 Brand new mobile homes Great Lakes Now made in Idaho to save you freight. The Fabulous Angelus Coronet By Angelus Complete line of travel trailers. Oasis Traveleze Airstream Late model used trailers AU reconditioned And ready to live in, 1994 40 ft. Roy ere It 1939 - 40 ft. Roadcraft nd othere RENTALS BY THE WEEK Parte as Supplies - Complete line of hitches. Complete repair, paint Ing e. service work. Open Evenings & Sundays Garden Valley k N. Stephens Lakewood Vacationers Are Here 13', 17'V. 31' They ere tops. The price Is right See Them Now From $945 up. Shady Point ' Trailer Sales 1 Mile south on Old Highway t OR 2-1439 FOR SALE or trade for farm equip ment 1939.. 19 rt. Fleata vacation trailer. Phone OR 3-C701 after 0 p.m. 42 Trucks FOR SALI Used truck Units and tank trailers, various capacities. Wire, ohone or write Real I Pioe and Tank Corporation. 1200.1 N. BurgartJ St., Portland 3, Oregon. Telephone AV 1849 rORD 6- ' ton pickup. A apeed transmission. Excellent condition. OR 3-62B4. 10M-reoo log truok. Single axle truck and trailer. See at Swing-In Service Myrtle Creek. 3 SHORT LOGGER trucks for sale With or without Job. OR 3-8469 eve- nine, '41 FORD li ton plrkup, 4 speed trans mission. Heater. 1W. OR 2-2365 after 4 pm. SHORTLOOOER. 9700. OR 3-3044. 43 Autos & Motorcycles 1959 CHEVROLET Bel-Air 4-door. Oood condition. Fully equipped. 650. Fi nancing available, 1430 N. W. Eden Lsaneun kww. WILL TRADE 12000 eauity In 'M Pon tlae for elder car or will aelL OR 2-3427. Cat model used cars wanted Cash or trade for equity. ATEN It PHILLIPS. 1129 IX Stephens. AfTlMonnrub carswantsd cash or trada for equity. Keel Mo tors, 630 B E. tepnana 1949 rOR"D 4 door sedan. 1950 Bulck 4 door. Rest offer takes one or both. OR 2-2266. 1049 MERC U ft?, 150. OR 3-7319 afteFJ, 43 Autos & Motorcycles BARCUS '3i DODGE Lsncr hsrdtnp. Tor Quelllte trsns. R H. Power steering. Famous D-5O0 engine Meg '37 PLYMOUTH V- sadan. Push button drive, rtOiH. Top condi tion throughout 179S '38 DODGE VS club coupe RAjH. Jet black With whitewall tires. Famous D-300 engine with straight stick. Unconditionally guaranteed. 149s M PLYMOUTH V3 ssdan. Power fllte. MtH. 139S M CHRYSLER hsrdlop. 34,000 act ual miles. One owner 1199 '33 PLYMOUTH V Belvedere hard top. Powerflite, R&H. Only 23,. 000 miles. 139a '34 DsSOTO 4-door. R&H, automa tic. A sharp car. Only S9S 'S3 HUDSON club coupe. Overdrive 20 '32 rORD Vg 4 door, passenger wagon 40g 31 PACKARD sedsn. Ultramatlr. R&H, 300 motor, One owner r 209 50 PACKARD Sedan, R It H. 99 'SO BUICK Special sedan. R St H 91 '30 HUDSON club cpe. Runs .good. . 9S Trucks & Pickups '31 DeSoto Carry-AIL Extra good condition . 399 '53 FORD V-l pickup, special 898 BARCUS N. Stephana at Garden Valley Road rn. uk a-oaeo Easy Bank Term! SI DILLARD'S ONE YEAR Mechanical Insured BONDED CARS '57 MERCURY $2395 Montclair 3 door hardtop. PS, PB, Mercomatlc, whttewalls. Meny other extras, 55 HUDSON $1095 2-door hardtop Hollywood. RetH, PS, PB, auto trans, very nloe. '55 PLYMOUTH $1195 2-door hardtop Hollywood. RerH, trana, whttewalls. '55 CADILLAC $2295 63 4-door. RetH, auto trans, ps, pb. '55 MERCURY $1395 Hardtop a-dr. RetH, Mercomatlc, 55 MERCURY $1495 ' Sport 4-door. RetH, Mercomatle, PS, PB, Whltewalls. low mile age. We Have A Good Selection Of Low Priced Cars '31 FORD 4 dr 30 FORD 9199 1199 '31 MERCURY 4-dr. 9193 '90 BUICK l-dr. .... 193 Many Mor To Choose From SI DILLARD MOTOR CO. Mercury, Edsel, Lincoln Borgward. . Sales & Service Stephens at Douglas OR 3-6825 Jalopy Junction 1 360 N. E. Stephens OR 24991 $10 Down Specials Priced Below Market 33 PLYMOUTH 4 door 399 '59 OLDS 99 4 door. New green and white paint, good tires, power steer ing, tinted glsss. R&H. Automatic transmission and all the other little goodies. '91 DODGI 4-door 295 '91 MKRCURY 4 door 195 90 BUICK Tudor . 125 '90 CHEVROLET 4 door 145 37 FORD pickup t Several Repossessions You Can Make A Oood Buy On $10 Down Open Sundays 1937 FORD FAIR LA NC "300" two-door paint, radio, heater, whttewalle. Ex callent condition. Will sell equity. CallOR 3-3333 alter 6 p.m. FOR SALE. REPOSSESSIONS. 1953 Ford 4 ton pickup. 4 epeed trana mlssions, good shspe. 1950 Olds 4 door, good shape. Both for 9990. Phone OR 3-4494 between and t. FOR SALE or trade, equlti In 1939 Reneult, 40 miles to gellon. Take deer car. OR 2-2909. '33 CHEV. 4-door Bel Air sedan, fully equipped. Very clean. See to .appreci ate 399JJjrJ-2l93. 1935 CHEV, Bel-Air. perfect condition. 1234 S. E. Reservoir evenings or phone OR 3-5374; evenings OR 3-9232. CLEANT933 Plymouth 4 door sede'n. Will sell or trade book price. OR 2- 192L . , CALL Family Finance, who cen make It possible to buy the motor vehicle of your choice. OR 3-3977. 1949 PA"CKARD station wagon, rune good first 9100 offered tekea Itl Al Radcllffe. OR 2-3797. '99 OLDS station wagon, Mko new, low mileage. Sell or trade. OR 9-1004. MOTORCYCLES New, used. BeckwTtoi Cycle OR3-9120. '47 FRAZER, 923. DependebTe transpor tation. OR J12394. gVFORir V a door7TfiHl"6h 1-Mli. Vmoik f?.r-' if ' if','-