House Cleaning Time Finds Things You'll Want To Sell-Try A Want Ad -OR 2-3321 20 Services CHILD CARE Mother Goos Nursery OR Willi . lEPfiC" uStt (Uahcd. OR J-7470. 21 Building Material TMvZly-"A "X m.n.loni. See u and eave Con.olidated M '""? . .... Old HUhw.y eoulh. 0R ' ilTo. low trade board., lx and S1d.Pr'. M d wld.r. AUo plU- ol ulllity and better. Lumber Sales Co. OR S-7:i6J G.rd.n V.n.v..r RR GOOD ued door, nd window.. OS B-88S7, evening.. Fuel 23 SAWDUST Blower lervtee or Dump WOOD Oik. .lab, planar and. and pa.ler coia. Roseburg Lumber Co. OS 8141 SAWDUST Blowar and Dump MILL ENDS, dry or rn pealer cor,. GUV AND rl-" OR Vis24 M14 N.E. Douglai OR SIM evening.. - . , I.. v.nnH m OAK. Madrono ana Jir ""-- Hit medial, delivery. Phono Riddl. 361 or .1782- S. T.Jlurnohrey. PLANEbTeNDS. Hub Lumber Co. OR RED DIAMOND FuelTCo planer enda:oak wood.OR3-50m Wnv-riZvTinh laurel. OS S-S.111. 25 Farm Equipment FREEMAN etrlng baler, "otrio atari er: Cunningham hay conditioner. New Holland aldo delivery rake, 20 horTe motor and pump combination Jo . prink tor IrriMtion Tha. equh ment la In top condition. Webster bT,...'j mile. np"h"J'h vine on Gaaley Road.Ph;JE 3-488B. international ituw, tandem. W. rnRDTR ACTOR, plow arid dlac. Good rcondltlon.ORj?orRJl-aOJJL MINNEAPOLIS Mollne tractor and dlac. SBOO. Ph. a Pak'ano. 26 Livestock Schricker & Inda Livestock Auction Sutherlin, Oregon Ph. Sutherlin 2148 Oakland 2834 For the eels Saturday, March 28, 12:30 Butcher cows, bulla, atcera and heifers. Milk cows, (eeder steers, hellers and calves. Veal and baby calves. Sheep and hogs. Registered 3 year old filly, sire "Row River." dam. a permanent registered quarter mare. SCHRICKER INDA, ManaKere SCHRICKER i SON. Auctioneer G A. BROWN, Welghmaater GOOD SADDLE horse, genlle for ehll , dren. Sell or trade for good milk ow. OR S-oBlW. . HORSESHOEING and trimming, any where, alnce 143. All work guaran. teed. Joe Young, ORa-889. WANTED Sheep and cattle, all kinds. W. A. Blaokort. Ph. Myrtle Creek UN a-4S15. ATTENTION pony breeder! At stud, registered Hackney pony. Phon Oak land 3120. ' WANTED small, gentle aaddlo horse. PO. Bo 88, Eugene, or phono Dla mondSW20evcnlnga. WEANER pig". Call M Camaa Valley. H. A. Denn. MILK COWS and baby calvea for aal. R E. Camp, OS 8-2BH. WOOL received dally Nlciula- Stork. BrockwayOSJ-aW". NEW and used aaddlea and" brldiee. 2844 N.TS. Douglas. WALLY-S horse ahoeing. call OR 3- WANT GOOD, family milk cow. OR J- . COWS "and calvea. OS -88a6, evenings. 27 Hay & Grain ND CUTTING alfalfa 25. Clem Tav- enner, Canyonvllle. JE 2-434.1. OAT hay.H. Conn. OR 3-842.1. 28 Poultry & Rabbits Baby Chicks NEW rl.rrtD.. Parmenter Red, White Leghorn and Golden Broad. Order early avoid tie lay. imuon uaicn ery, 874 W, Harvard Ava. OR 3-;t326. fiAll.Y fresh brown eggs, 35 and 43c per dot. large 30c. 6H.1 Ti. E. Neuner Drive between Chettnut St. and Snack Shark. OR 3-318S. POULTRY, wool" bark. AecelvUifl Tuea- day only. For ranch pickup, oall OS B-BSns or on rueaday un a-VKiu Jtoee- burg Poultry Conioaru'j FFVER rabbi til, drenacd and wrapped for freener. W deliver avfry Wednea- day and Saturday. Call OR 3-460B. EASTER BUNNIES for aalt. OR 3-0O7 aftgr 4 p.m. E A ST ERra bb I ta. a ll i .dR38BB8 . EASTER bunntea. OR 2-;t91.V 29 Pets PITTMAN'S Toy Tor Terrtfr Kenneli, WtJbur. Oregon. OR 3-HH04. BEAUTIFUL Red factor canarlea and raar Putman i.OR 3-WHM. CHITIUAHUA mala pupptea, regUtertd, OR 3-;tflIM. FOR SALE or trade. A month old (rtrman Shepherd. OR a-flr2l. GLENGARY Beaffls Kennel. OR "fl-iiirKI. VACUUM SALE New Vacuums Used Vacuums DISCOUNT SALE New BCA. WHIRI-POOl-Ref. B ,.Vi0O HOOVIR-Model 31 R. 94 WO 00 Attachments extra GF.NKRAL KI.KCTR1C - VU-7, 1 H.p. motor, Bei. 70 . , o4 50 rn.Tr.R QIIItr.M Model 900 extras . R.I. 1 90 .... W 90 Parts and Repairs - All Makes All Reconditioned and Guaranteed 1 year by KIRBY CO. OF ROSEBURG 2161 N. E. Stephens OR 3-6356 r OR 2-2214 Pets AKC Heg. Norwegian Etkhjpunet pupi. ta. 1194 W. LookUWIaee 81. Phone OR J-400A DACHSHUND Allen. Rd Hill," be tween Oakland and Yoncalla. VI 8. 24M1. CANARIES. All Colon. Alio Cain, ill N.E. Alameda. SIAMESE klltena, afud aarvlca. OR 1 1014. DOUGLAS COUNTY HUMAN! Society Animal Shelter.OR 3-3B07. BAHY Parakeete. 3 mile eouth. Bur ton's. OR . 3-8112. 31 Sporting Equipment MARINA k SKAGIT BOATS ic MERCURY MOTORS ir BOAT ACCESSORIES MOTOR REPAIRING 659 S. E. Rose St. OR 3-5574 Rod & Reel Trailer & Boat Sales "Quiet" Evlnrude molori P-14, Seaiwirl, Larson fiberglass boale Stareraft aluminum boat alaatercraft boat trailera Palnta, accessories, tltea, ate. Gold Bond Stamps J 145 W. Harvard For Sale or Trade 26 FT. oabin cruiser with 0 cyl. dleael engine, altip to ahore radio, depth finder, automatic pilot and extra gear. IB ft. utility outboard with as Ji Evln- rude, 7'a H. Johnaon and commercial . fishing gear. JC. L. laeatar, Roseburg Realty & Inn. Co. Umpqua Hotel Lob- oy. en. uk x-.i;tH. BOATS 1' UNPAfNTED, trade for Dickuo. lo . you finisn construction $185. 3 un pain ted ' hydroplanes, $50 each, for mora inro. call ok 3-ixw, TELESCOPE RIFLE SIGHTS if bought from un, we Install free Jf gun M fac tory drilled. Umpqua Gun Store. TRADE OR SELL new 14' plywood runabout. Want car topper, prefer aluminum, oh a-aam. 14 FT. half oabin boat, 1 year old and selma trailer, uh 3-3.140 alter o. 18 FT. Cabin cruiser inboard; new 12x14 wall tent. OH 3-7084 after a:w. SI. 10 BOAT for $65. OR 3-3901. 32 Produce & Plants Fruit and shade tree, g rape vines. logan and nectar oerrlea. Conifers aiid flowering shruba. Free delivery, Moore's Nursery. Big Bend Boad, Garden Valley. Ph. OR 3-3910. EASTER lilies, azaleas, gloxinias, hy drangeas and cut nowera, orenraa, rosea, carnations and stocks, panslea and bedding plants. Jackson Florists. 2090 SW Landers Ave. OR 3-3994. SEE STARK ad under "Personals.'1 33 Sewing Machines Repossession ROUND bobbin portable; hat forward reverse atttoh, floating foot and auto matic bobbin winder. Will make but tonholes and tig-sag with attaohmenta. Balance $29.80 OR 3-832A "Repossess Etna automatic aig-Rag portable. Has open arm for darning. Low baianoe. OR 3-8.13.1. 34 Misc. For Sale Used Appliances Taken In on trade, Ranges, refrlger atora, etc. Come out and make a deal. RAINBOW TRAILER SALES N. Hywy fi at Winchester Bridge PIANO. High climbing rigging. Nails. 10c lb. Combination electric and wood range. 3 apt. size ranges, om sat and one electric. Washing ma chines. Bunk beds. Garden tools and tractor. Electric portable sewing ma chine. Double sink, complete, 19.90. Crossbow. Wag'aFurniture, Winston. KEN'S Rock Shop, lapidary equipment and supplies. OR 3-9409. 348 N, X. Cheatnul. WINSTON Sand and Gravel, ?4-eruched rock, reject gravel, bar run and top soil. o.s 9-4fl:i. RBNTAtV. DaTly or weekly ratee. Kler Croooh Plumbing JU Appllano OR 2-3a64. SCRIPTURE TEXT rreeting carda and stationery. Sacred records. Bible Book Center, 415 S.E. Jackson. GROUND cow or sheep fertilizes 100 lbeackl, gl.SO, OR 3-SQ41. ALL CHANNEL UHF convertert, $14.SSl Call OH 3-4690. STANLEY HOME ProdurU. OR 3-3693. VIVIAN TRAVESS. ANYONE wanting Watkins Products, 3168 N, E. Freemont. uk j-mwj. USED GUNS, bought aold and traded. Umpqua uun store. FINE VIOLIN, sell, trade for chatnaaw. P.O. Box 343, U It lard RED redar and yew wood posts. OR :i-4974; OR 3-7337. OVERSTUFFED davenport ami " chair. ttiV Ph. 3865 Oakland RECONDITIONED electric clothea dry er. .W.152 S.E.Ijine.OR JI-40M.. RABBIT fertiUter. CaU OR 34149" ' FULLER BRUSH. OR 3-1391 RAWLEIGH PRObUCTS OR 3-4934. CEDAR fence postaORa-STBff; EASTER RABBITS. OR 3-8838 J 10 FT. deepfreete. $73. OR 3-8118. FERTILIZER for aale. OR 3-4fi!l. ON E wheel' trailer. OR'b-SIOI. Used r.l,r.CTB KJ Roll- CKXKKAl. K...V K.V00 KKNMORK - On earl aM.OO AIRWAY SA.Mm7.OR I.ateet Msnv extras S49 t HOOVERS MJ 90 9'Jti.M Bealee typ 10 ClOOD used varlHims . . til) ea 10 GOOO ti.rel vacuum . ... ,19 ea 29 34 Misc. For Sole Quality Furnishers Maytan 99 M and Mo. Other makes 919 00 and up. Dryer Used 979 99 SO" ranges M M New Hoipnint waehec Was 93M 99 now 9979 99 Hotpolnt dryers 1S9 99 divana 970 oH 9119 99 979 trade 1st allowance en bed room sets. 90 off on 1099 Hotpoml relrlg erators. 99 falloo Hotpolnt water heater 9B8.89 ONE WEEK ONLY WHILE THEY LAST. 644 S. E. Stephens Phone OR 2-1821 Auction Sunday 1 P.M. Westside Furniture Sales 949 W. Harvard 1 block wet Community HsptL Furniture and misc. Consignments welcome For Auctioneering Services CONTACT Col. V. Munion. We buy, aeu and trade. It paya to buy and aell the auction way. Auction every tr day, 7 P.M. Roseburg Auction Ph. OR S-502 USED FURNISTURE. Wood ramea, fair to rood, your choice .ll. iron bed- ateada and aprlnga. 93.50. Two only. apartment ai7.e reirifferaiora, sl each. misc. cnaira and taniea, 174 n.k. Uia niond Lake Blvd. OR 3-8:t72. LOLLIPOP Super vitamin. One a day Lollipope. Children love the dalloloua full fruit flavor. 14 for 1. Send cash, check or money order to M Ste inert, DUt., 3511 W. Lorraine, Jtoae burg. 90 GALLON flaitR lined table top water heater. 30 year warranty. New but a lightly damaged- Save 40. Horn's Appliance, 434 S.I. Jackson. OR 3- INNERSPRINC mattreaa and box apriivf, good condition 13. Innenprinf maureaa and con aprinf tji. call uk 3-;i77 arter a p.m. COMPLETE oak dining room aet. S1.15; neanv new mimeograph, i-ia; 17 Silvertone TV, ffiA. OR 3-40 daya; OR 3-5017 evening. TREVA'S CERAMICS Free Assona. Large aaaortment green ware, palnta. glaze a. Next to Wlmston Locken. OS s-si:,:i. TOP SOIL from new location. The beat you have ever aeen no root or weed. .Ralph fisher, Win ton. OS & 49... FOR the beat job of custom cutting. wrapping and quick freezing, Dring your meat to Winston Lockera, OS S-513.1. TOP SOIL Genuine heavy river loam. No rocka easy to handle. For the beat, call Charlea Keely. OS WE ALWAYS HAVE a fine selection of meat available for your locker or deep freeze at wholesale prices. Winston Locken. OS 9-M.'t NICE, modern. S-room house with at- tacneo garage, fauuu. Must be moved off lot on Garden Valley Road. OR a-;jzo7 or ok 3-eu4. BLUE platform rocker, flfl; coll spring ana meiai oea, so: nat-top denk, ga; sewing machine, flff; upright vacuum, $8 0. OR 3-7673. HANDSAW, Craftaman, 12 inch 3 wheel. Like new. complete with motor and stand. $50. Phone OR 3-5737 after a p.m. M. O M. soil conditioner for best re sult. Winchester St. Nursery at Rose burg Natural roods. 508 N. E. Win cheater. REPOSSESSED 1999 Bendlx Duomatlc. like new. Was gflSOns. now $:i9fl.95. Hom'a Appliance, 424 S.E. Jackson. OR 3-5518. KELVIN A TOR automatic washer, $40. Matching Kelvlnator dryer, $65. Horn's Appliance, 4W S.E. Jackson. OR 3-5518. ALMOST new geiger counter with ear phones. Cost gl.w.30, will sacrifice for ;i,V Perfect condition. OR 2-316(1. 8'i CU. FT. Kelvlnator refrigerator. Koomy ana clean, sus. Horn Appli ance, 424 S-E. Jackson, OR 3-.151B. HAVE PURCHASED Ken more range. have for sale, electric range In good condition. OR 3-1035. 1058 MODEL Q.E. 13 cu. ft. refrigerator and freexer. Double door. Call OR ;i-4aoo after a. VERY good'"Thrifty .TO"" rrlgidaire range. $85. Horn's Appliance, 424 S.E. Jackson. OR .1-5518. BLOCK.Winger washer, $30. Hotpolnt dryer, $33. Horn's Appliance, 424 S.E. Jackson. OR 3-5M8. RANGE, refrigerator, dryer, convent'on al washer, power mower, bed and misc. Items. OR 3-40B5. COMBINATION 31" lawnmower and garden cultivator. 175; preaaure can ner, $13. Ph. Oakland 3273. CERAMICS green ware, glazes, fin ished pieces. Free leasona. OR 3-4573, 130R S.E. Mill. MORE PEOPLE buy World Book En cyclopedia than any other. Why? or CALL JPamily Finance, OR 3-5277. who will help you ouy tne article you want . ANTIQUE birdfleye maple secretary. Needs reftnishtng, Heasonanie, a s o chest of drawera OR 3-:U)R7. 35 Wanted Misc. WK PAY HIG11T5ST cash pricea for used furniture. Hosebuig Furniture Ex change, 243S K.Jackon. OR 3-M04. WANTEDtO BUY Good ued furni ture. .ROSEBURG AUCTION. OR 3 B0.W. im WANTEDTOBt)V Oldchina, gfawi ware, furniture. Jewelry. Priacllla's Autiquea;a47S.B.Jackon.OR 2-1421. NEW3nd hand atore THE TRADING POST, will bur what have you? 228 N. E. Jackaon. OR READY CASH for good used furniture, and misc. Weal side Auction. Ph OR J-2.W1. WANTED to buy or trade Model T Ford lanterns, gat cap, and seats. OR 3-5053 SCRAP IRON, batteries, radiators, cop per. brasa.Wlll ptek up.OR -7202. WANTED Blonde 'dining room aet. OR 3-328fl. WANTED gl"rr'a 24" bicyele. OR 3 3776. 39 Timber Drain Plywood Company Drain, Oregon We Buy Logs Ph. TEmple 6-9144 Days TEmple 6-9886 Eve's GUESS WHO.:: rj 7-1 . . . hasn't worked for months. 36 For Trade WILL TAKE good used oar or trailer house in trade on 3 bedroom home in Roxeburg, 3 bedroom in Trl City, or 1 bedroom in Winston. OR 2-3279 be fore 7 p.m. TRADE EQUITY ln$l"2,5ubBeburg3 bedroom home for property or whal have you in Spokane. Washington. Pay ment $77. with 5'a G.I. Loan. Write Newa-Hevle w box 915. EQUITY in 2 bedroom home Vndfur n linings, automatic washer and dry er included, for clear trailer house. OR 2-2864after S. 1955 FORD 1-ton stake truck, good con dition, low mileage, for pickup. Call OS 9-8770 after5:;. , 300 SAVAGE with 4 power scope," $100 or trade for pickup of equal value. OR3-3947. $2,400 EQUITY in 2 bedr oorrT for lar Rer home, or part oaah, vacation trailer, boat, motor, piano etc. OR .1-7904, GOOD 1950 Ford pickup for sale"or trade for oar with bed. 1451 S.E. Short St. Apartment 3-after 5 p.m. 38 Logging Equipment WANTED Logs-rough lumber-cants Will buy timber RUB LUMBER CO, OR 3-3385 Garden Valley atRR tracks FOR SALE "short log truckand "trail, er. Kenworth with Cummins, OR 3 3142. USED LOGGING rigging. BrUBh blocks, fall blocks, lota of shackles, tree plates, low of eXtras.OH3-60n. FOR SALE or trade, small cat, blade and drum. OS 9-5350. FIRE EQUIPMENT mounted on food pickup, (jompieie. un FOR SALE 1S51-L-190 Tntei-nalional log truck with bunks, OR 34520. 39 Timber & Sawmills Peelers & Peelable Mill LOGS WANTED Delivered at Nordic Veneera pond on North Umpqua Highway, 3 miles east of Roseburg. Log lengths: 9' 0"; 17' 8"; 2' 8"; 35' 0". Diameter limit. Maximum 75 inches, minimum . 18 inches. For information call OR 2-4551, Sutherlin 2332 or OR 3-4069 eve nings. Logs Wanted All Species Top market prices paid Green Valley Lumber Co Phone Myrtle Creek, ITNion 3-3181 North Myrtle Road. Myrtle Creek, Ore Logs Wanted Will buy all specie CLEVELAND LUMBER OlaUaJRoad OR 9-5234 NOW IS THE TIME for all small SAW MILL operators to come in and talk over their spring operation. CONSOL IDATED MILLING, old highway 9 South. Roseburg. DOUGLAS FIR. and cedTrtudl logs wanted. Pfefffer Lumber Co., Yancal la , Oregon. Ph. Victor 9-21 11. WANTED Cordwood, eight foot $1 per cord. Lee Preston Lumber Co. Ridde 2-!3J. WILL PAY $25 or 30 stumpage for good merchantable timber lo log this yenr. Write News-Review Box 923, 40 House Trailers SENSATIONAL BILTMORE The People's Choice New In Roseburg 8 ond 10 Wide 40 45 50 ft. Outstanding in beauty and quality. We invite you to see these trailers and compare prices. Shady Point Trailer Sales 1 Mll.t SOUTH ON OLD HWY. Ml Henslee High Style Plainsman Casa Manona a-wide 1-1 bedrooms lo'-wide to 50', 1-2-3 bedrooma COMF1. KIT LINK of accessories and part In stock 'hitchss, butsna equip ment, awninits. stoves, refers, toilets, windows, water heaters and heatlns bands, top coatings, etc. GOOD SFI.BCTION of tlix-d trsilei. and all kinds of house furniture taken in on trade. Earl E. Smith Trailer Homes Co. 1M0 N. K. Stephana OR 1-33M FOR SALE or trade for furniture equity in 'M, 40' treiler. OR 3-418. Low Cotr and quick remit Try Wont Ads! & Sawmills 40 House Trailers Luxurious Living Melody Home Front 2 or Center Kitchen or 1 fiedroomg Washers and Dryers Good Used Trailers '58 Flamingo 28'8" '52 Cuslomcraft 2.V 51 Westcraft 28 8" '50 Great likaa 27' '53 Roadmaiter, 35' 3-Bdrm '53 Pan American, 37' with TV aet T3 Kit Regal, 35' 3-Bdrm '33 Columbia, 35' 3-Bdrm '34 Spartan. 37' 1-Bdrm '04 Jewel. 15', $69.-, '.')3 National, 2-Bdrm, 30 ft, 54 Fleetwood. 35' 1-Bdim '49 Spartan 1-Bdrm. 33' '.13 Biltmore, 42'. $3195 18' Sportacraft $495 Check Our Used Furniture. Dept. Doyle's Mobile Homes Roseburg 1844 S.E. Stephana OR 3-3758 or J. W. Doyle OR 22024 Coquille Highway lot gem BRADY'S Mobile Homes Ph. OR 2-3441 Brand new mobile homes Great Lakes ' Now made in Idaho to save you freight. The Fabulous Angelas Coronet By Angelus Complete line of travel trailers, Oasis Troveleze Airstreom , Late model used trailers All reconditioned And ready to live in. 1994 - 0 ft. Hoycraft 1955 - 40 ft. Roadcraft and others RENTALS BY THE WEEK Parts 4c Supplies - Complete Una of hitches. Complete repair, paint ing ac aervlee work. Opan Evenings & Sundays Garden Valley & N. Stephens DAM up those tears, if you're worrying about the high cost of living. Get a modern mobile home from MrKee TRAILER SALES, 1163 N.E. Steph ens Street. They BREAK all records tn lining up a deal that'll make your payments just like rent or less. And you can get away FROM It all anytime you get ready to move. Just hook up to your mobile home and go . . , you'll be safe and anug even in a Downpour! KENSKILU ABC UNIVERSAL TERRA CRUISER NEW MOON KENCRAFT JEWEL NASHUA j'Jim McKee Trailer Sales : 1192 N.E. Stephen. OR 2-42il FOR SALE or trade for farm equip. ment 1958, 15 ft. Fiesta vacation trailer. Phone OR 3-9701 after 6 jMn. EQUITY in '57 40' trailer house trade aen.CaU after5. OS 9-B997 loft 27' AMERICAN trailer"," $400 oash. OR 36953. NEW CARS AND TRUCKS . Immediate Delivery-Most Models HANSEN CHEVROLET USED CARS We Must Make Room For More SEVERAL MORE TO CHOOSE FROM '55 BU1CK Century A door. Full power steering, 1 A A O whit ond vellow. I O '56 CHEVROLET V8 Delroy cpe. Wire wheels. Continental tire Low mi le. . '1648 '57 FORD Motion wogon Very ll, M798 '51 PLYMOUTH Belvedere ho,d- to0 "50Q coupe J O '54 MERCURY 2 door ud,, Radio, heater, Mercomotic. A real too 7QQ quality cor O '59 CHEVROLET ton pickuo '2.187 40 House Trailers Out Of This World NEW Spocemoster & Rex JOIN The Space Age SEE Luxurious Interiors COMPARE Styles, Shapes, Size BUY A Model Mobile Home NOW Call us for dependable towing service if you are moving your trailer - anywhere. RAINBOW TRAILER SALES OR 3-7272 Winchester Lakewood Vacationers Are Here 15'. 17(4', 11' They are tops. The price la right. See Them Now From $945 up. Shady Point Trailer Sales 1 Mile south on Old Highway 96 OR 1-H.tfl Rod & Reel Trailer & Boat Sales 1 1 W W. Harvard TOR SALE or trade Equity-iiPl938, 50', 10 wide, 3 bedroom mobile home. Trade for equity in house. OR 3-5944, 42 Trucks 194f FORD 6- 3!a ton pickup. 4 speed transmission. Excellent condition. OR 3-62S4, 1936-F600 log truck. Single axle-truck and trailer. See at Swing-In Service Myrtle Creek. 2 SH0R"T LOGGER trucks for sn le. With or without jobs. OR 3-84S9 eve nings. FOR SALE 1 948Dod ge p i C k u pGn"od mechanical condition. $.135. OR 2-3869 SHORTLOGGER, $700. OR 3-5944. 43 Autos & Motorcycles 1057 FORD FAIRLAN& "500" two-door paint, radio, heater, whltewalls. Ex cellent condition. Will sell equity. CallOR 3-3353 after6 p.m. LATfij MODEL USED CARS WANTED Cash or trade for equity. A TEN fc PHILLIPS. 132B S.E. Stephens. LATE MODEL USED CARS WANTED cash or trade for equity. Keel Mo tors, 835 S.E. Stephens '57CKSAGON.30 MPG. R & H. real good condition. Beat offer takes. OR 2-2513. 1056 FORD 4 door station wagon. Ford omatfc, power steering, good rubber. Priced reasonably. 1602 S.E. Jackson. FORSALE "ort7ad, equity In' 195H Renault. 40 miles to gallon. Take clear car.OR 2-2B09: MOTORCYCLES New, used. Beckwith Cycle. OR 3-8120. 1951 FORD station wagon, $225. OR 3 6866 after 7. 1958 OLDS. Will trade for older model. OR j5442. '53 FORD V8 door, RAft. OR 3-5610. 1959 '57 CHEVROLET V8 $1 OOQ station wagon ...... ' ' ' - '54 PONTIAC V8 door sedan. U. S. Royol Master white- wan 448 tires 1 '53 PLYMOUTH $A'48 station wogon (J t U '51 STU0EBAKER Champion 4 door sedan. A real slick. Low pnc. S398 '54 CHEVROLET ton pick up. I cyl. 3 J104p soeed. Exceotionol. ' ' '55 CHEVR VOLET Vi ton pickup. 4 speed transmission. ft.-;". '1048 (33wiID Thur. Mar. 26, 1959 th 43 Autos & Motorcycles BARCUS CHOICE, 31 PLYMOUTH V-Jt tdan. Putih button drivi. R&cH. Tap condi tion throughout 1T96 DODGE V8 club coup. Pi K. Jel bUck with whitewatl tirei. Fimou D-500 engine with straight stick. Unconditionally furnted. 1488 M PLYMOUTH V8 sedan. Power itito. BtfcH 13M M CHRYSLER hardtop. .16.000 act ual miles. One owner. IBM '51 PLYMOUTH" V8 Belvedere hard top Powerflite, BthH. Only Xi. 000 miles. 1398 51 DeSOTO 4-door. R4H, automa tic. A sharp car. Only 888 '53 CADILLAC 4 door. R4H, automa tic. Why not driv General Mo tor's best lor only 1208 '53 HUDSON club coupe. Overdrive .. OttB '51 PACKARD sedan. Ultramstic, RiH, ,100 motor. On owner " ' car 398 -50 PACKARD Sedan, RiH 98 '30 BUICK Special sedan. RAH. .. 98 '50 HUDSON club cpe. Runs good. 98 Trucks & Pickups '51 DeSoto Carry-Alt Extra good condition . 308 '31 FORD V-8 pickup, special 898 BARCUS N. Stephens at Garden Vail)1 Roan Ph, OR 3-3568 Kasy Bank Terms Jaiopy Junction 1360 N. E. Stephens OR 2-4661 $10 Down Specials Priced Below , Market '33 PLYMOUTH 4 door 343 '31 DODGE 4-door ............... 265 51 MERCURY 4 door- 195 '50 BUICK Tudor 125 '50 CHEVROLET 4 door 145 '37 PORD pickup 3 $10 Down Open Sundays '52 NASH station wagon, excellent con dition. Double Eagle tires, S600. Phone 463 Caman Valley. '55 CHEV. 4-door Bel Air sedan, fully equipped. Very clean. See to appreci ate. SIMS. OR 2-2993. 1933 CHKV. Bel-Air, perfect condition. vim a. tu. reservoir evenings or phone OR 3-3374: evenings OR 3-6253. CALL Family Finance, who can make it possible to buy the motor vehicle ofyour choice. OR3-5277. 1948 FORD 4door sedan! f930 Buick 4 door. Best offer takes one or both. OR 2-2268 CLEAN 1933"Ty mouth 4 door sedan. Will sell or trade book price. OR 2- 182L Speed equipment for late model V8 OldHmobile, used. OSft-5023, 47 PONTIAC 2 door. Good rurTnin g. Reasonable for quick sale. OR 3-H2:i. ifl51ILLY'SstaUon wagon, 4" wheel Ri45A0- '38 OLDS station wagon, like new. law mileage. Sell or trade. OR 2-100fl. 1B30 PONTIAC. 2 door, good tires, recent overhaul. 1602 SB Jackson. 1934 FORD station wagon, good condi tion. OR 3-3846. A FEW OF OUR -EXTRA FINE CARS 38 CHEV IMPALA HT. 2 DR. 38 EDS EL CITATION HT. SED Just broken in, run only 8000 miles. Looks and runs just as good as new. Practically new car at tremendous Run only 9000 miles. Beautiful 2 tone savings. New car financing, reduced red and black. All power, steering, from new price. brakes, seat. RiH. New car appear ance and service at great savings. "37 FORD CLUB VIC. 38 payments. A yellow and white beauty. RiH. Power steering. Tires, paint and in- w CHEV WAGON 4 DR V8 tenor like new. The style leader for Go)d and white and shines like a new 12048 top. Low mileage. R&H. Powerghd. ... . . , . Hurry to see it. A real solid value '37 PONTIAC 4 DR. SBD. sin nil Two tone green and shines like a new dime. Low mileage also. Hydramatic. ut,Qr,DV, ' power steering, power brakes. R&H. k . , . , On Osk & Rose lot. Hurry! Hurry' A ..beau,,i'ul 1 on nd ,nM SIOOS Wltn la,her uph. Loaded with extra. See it, it's a car you'd like to own. VI BUICK SPEC UT. CPE Extra sharp outside and Inside. Beau- '38 FORD CTY. SED tiful coral original paint with black Clean as a pin and economical to run and white inside trim. The best look- Overdrive. RAH. Kxtrs iharp. Good ing '3 Buick in town. 81898 solid value. . 7QS GOOD ECONOMICAL TRANSPORTATION '34 FORD CUST. Dr. CYL. 34 CHEV FOR DOR. RAH Standard New reconditioned motor just insiaM- trans. New paint and tires SRftA d. Tires, paint, uph. Extra good. $908 '58 PONTIAC WAGON. Extra good, 'SCl FORD S DR. RAtH. Overdrive. elean as a '57 model $7pn Original paint Kxtra good 8748 '51 NASH RAMBLER WAGON 31 CHEV FORDOR. We have several thousands of mile of economical run 51 Cheva. This one extra, for 8398 mng. It's a bargain at rtftfl WORK CARS PICKUPS "40 FORD ' rORD ' T. Pkup iMa M BUICK - 00 VI a, T. pk. I1M 51 PONTIAC ' DODCI T. pk 'ja SO CHRYSLER ' CHEV I, T. pk 4011 L0CKW00D MOTORS 2 Big Lots Oak & Rose OR 3-6334 1430 S. E. Stephens OR 2-1441 Newt - Rtview, Roicburg, 0rt. 13 43 Autos & Motorcycles High Quality Cars 37 CHEV 4 dr. Slawag. V-8. Local, one owner, new car trade v 600 dn. '56 OLDS 88 4 dr. Nice and clean, straight stick, w-w tires. R H 480 dn. '36 CHRYSLER New Yorker Stawga. You can expeot good trade on this one, sharp 700 dn. '38 CHEV 4 dr. Sdn. '2 of these! Local Business man's car. Above average clean , 400 dn. '55 CHEV Bel Air Hdtop Low mileage. Very sharp. RAH and Power Glide 400 dn. "56 FORD V-8 Custom 2 dr. Runs and looks good, R At H and Ford O-matic 350 dn. '34 CHEV 4 dr. Sdn. Clean, well kept. Automatic trans. See it first 280 dn. '58 CHEV 4 dr. Sdn. .Economy plus is yours. Com in and see for yourself ' 180 dn. '47 WILLYS Jeep 4x4 (converted Wheel base lengthened, More like a stawag 135 dn. '53 CHEV. Suburban 4 spd. trans. R At H. Runs like a new one 240 dn. KASY G. M. A. C. OR BANK TERM "BIG WHEEL"' Used Cars Phone OR 2-1041 348 SE Stephen. LOOK! Week-End' Specials! '58 DeSoto $3195 Ftredome. 2 door hardtop. Full power. 11,000 miles. New car condition. '56 Olds 98 $2095 Holiday 4 door. Full power. A-l condi tion. Must see this one to appreciate. '56 Plymouth $1395 Savoy 2 door. BAH. One owner. All black. Slick. '55 Plymouti ' 1295 Belvedere 2 door hardtop. New tire.. R&H. Beautiful red and black finish. '55 Willys $1595 Station wagon, 4x4. New paint, new V8 Ford motor. '54 Chevrolet Sub. $895 4 Speed transmission. A-l condition. very clean. '55 Dodge $1095 Coronet 4 door. Nylon tires, R&H. Low mileage. Real sharp. '52 Plymouth $395 Cranbrook 4 door. RAtH. Overdrive. Good tires. Very sharp. '51 Buick $295 Special 4 door. Standard transmission. R&H. Good family car. Your downtown Plymouth dealer. Bill Stock Motors DeSoto - Plymouth - GMC 1358 S.E. Stephens OR 3-6301 1941 Studebaker, good tires; 1940 Stude baker. excellent tires. Both for $125. OR 3-8006.