12 Th Newi-Reviow, Roaeburg, LEGAL Css N. fllSM NO TICK or KAI.R IK THE CIRCUIT COIKT or THE STATU OP OREGON IOH IlOt'Ol'AH COUNTY THE UMPQUA SAVINGS LOAN ASSOCIATION, A Mutual Savings and Loan Association, Plaintiff, va. WILBUR A I -I .SUP and GLORIA F. AIXSUP. husband and wife, at at., Defendant. By rirtua of an execution Issued out of tha abova entitled court In tha above entitled cauaa to nta directed and dated tha 2nd day of March, 11W, based upon a decree rendered and entered In aaid Court on tha 2nd day of March, rw. In favor of tha Umpqua Saving and Loan Association, commanding ma to make tale of tha following described real property, to wit: The West Half of Lot 4, Christian Tract, ta shown on the recorded plat on file in the office of tha County Clerk of Douglas County, Oregon. to eaiiitfy tha lum of $2.756 97 together M-ith interest thereon at tha rata of six per cant per annum from November 1, 13.17, until paid, and for tha further eum of S2S 00 for a title report together with tntereet on aand eum at the rate of eight per cent per annum, and for the further sum of $300 00 a a reasonable attorney's fee and for plaintiff a coat and disbursement nerein incurred in the turn of 2 74 and tha eosU of and Lnnn thl-a writ. NOW, THEREFORE, by virtue or aald execution and decree and In compliance with tha commands of said writ, I will the 3rd dav of AdHI. 1950. at 10:30 AM. at the south front door of tha JJtiugiaa County Court Houaa In Rose burg, uougia toumy, uregon, ecu ai nublio auction and subject to redemption where provided by law and to tha highest binder lor caan in nana m or in rtgni. title and interest which the above named Wilbur I. AUsup and Gloria P. Albup, husband and wife, had on tha 1st day of April, 1655, and which all of tha above named defendant had on the 2nd day of March. 1950, tha data of aald decree, and thereafter had in and to tha abova described nroDerty or any part or por tion thereof, to eatisfy aald aifeoutlon and decree and In tercet, coata and e rrutnr costs. Da led at Roseburg, Oregon, thi 4lh dav of March. 1!W. RA C. BYRD. Sheriff of Doug las County, Oregon By Nova Bales, Deputy notice or BALE Case Ne. St Kill IN THE CIRCUIT COI'RT Of THE HTATE OF OltKf.ON for norm, as county UMPQUA PLYWOOD CORPORATION, a Delawara corporation. Plaintiff, vs. EARL BELL and DAISY L. Bll, husband and wife, Defendants. Br virtue of an Execution iMued out of the abova entitled Court In the above entitled causa to me directed and dated the 8th day of March, 115(1, baaed upon a Judgment rendered and entered in aald Court on tha 6th day of March, IP.tB, In favor of the. Umpqua Plywood Corporation, a Delawara corporation, commanding ma to make aale of the following described real property, to Wit: All that part of the East One Half of the Southeast Quarter iEWSEV of Section 33. Township 2H South, Range 4 West of tha Willamette Meridian, lying Westerly and North, erly of the county road as now lo cated through aaid land and con taining SI acre mora or lens. Lea and except tha water right for domestic ue from spring on prem ises with the right of ingress and egrea to premise) to pipe nam to land Southerly and Easterly of above-described lands Including right-of-way for pipe Una reserved bv Grantor and deed recorded la Volume lf) at page 600 to satisfy the aum of 473.33, together with interest thereon at tha rate of 6 per cent per annum from tha 30th day of October, 1957, until paid; and the further aum of $150 00 attorneys fees, and for Plaintiff's coata and disburse ments incurred in the aum of $23.30, to gether with tha coata of and upon thle Writ. NOW. THEREFORE, by virtue of aald Execution and Decree and in rum-; ?liance with tha commands of said Writ, 1 will on the 0th day of April, 1)150,1 at 10:00 A. M. at tha south front door j of the Dot i gin County Court houe In I Roseburg, Douglas County, Oregon, sell at public auction and subject to redemp tion to the highest bidder for cash In hand all of the right, title, and interest which the abova named Earl Bell atd Daisy L. Bell, hurt hand and wife, had on the 6th day of March. 1959, the date of said Judgment and Decree, and thereafter had In and to the abova de scribed real orooertr or any part or portion thereof to satisfy said Execu-1 tinn and Decree and interest, cost and : accruing costs. i DATED at Roseburg, Oregon, this 11th! dsy of March. 1958. I IRA C. HYRD. Sheriff of Douglas County, Orrgos. By Nova Bales, Deputy NOTICE OP ".AMI fan N. lOHfl'J IN Till! CIKCtUT COIKT OF THE STATE OF OKKflOS FOR nOITfil.AM COI'NTT, JENE PEREZ. Plaintiff, vs. Jack Perez. Defendant. Bv virtue of an Execution Usued out of the above -entitled Court in the above- en 11 lira in nm inrwmi nu mi- ed the 10th day of September, 10 W, based upon a Judgment rendered and entered in said Court on the 10th dav of September, IW.8. in favor of Jeue Perec, which aald judgment has heen assigned in James M. McCinty. commanding me to make sal of the following described real property in Doug I a County, Ore gon. Ito-wtt: Beginning at a point which ts tha Southwest corner of lot 38. Her mann's Second Subdivision located in Section 27, Township 29 South, Range A West, Willamette Meridian, Douglas County. Oregon, thence North 100 fret along the Weol line of as Id Lot 3B. thence East ,t0 feet, thence South 100 feet to the South line of said 1-ot W, thence Went along the South line of snld lot 2H, r0 feet to the place of beginning, all in aaid Lot 2U. to satisfy the sum of $1.10 00, plus fr rued Interest on the above sum. at the rate of per annum from the 101h day of Srptember, Mm, until paid, NOW, THEREFORE, by Virtue of sa id Execution and Judgment and In compliance with tha commands of tid Writ, 1 will, on the 24th day or April. DIM), at 10 00 AM, at the South front door of the Don f Inn County Court Houam In Roseburg. Douglas County, Oregon, sell at public auction, and subject to redemption to the highest bidder for caih in hand all the right, title and interest which tha above named Jack Prrvz had on the 10th dav of Septem ber. ISt-W. th date of th said Judg ment, a,nd thereafter, had lit and to the soove aescrioeo: real property, or any execution and Judgment and accruing rnn. naien at rtoncDurg, uregon, this 2-th dav of March. lfUfl IRA C RYRD, Sheriff of Douglas County, Oretoit By -B- Nova Bales, Deputv. Americans Get Degrees In Far Eastern Schools TOKYO (AP) The University of Maryland's Par Kast Division has awarded bachelor's di'Kiees lo .16 U.S. military personnel and one American civilian at com mencement exorcises here. Honorary decrees were award ed lo U.S. Ambassador Douuals .MacArlhur 11 and Dr. Shino hot-i vntni form., t.i-A.t.l.,..! . University and tutor to Crown Prince Akihilo. The university holds lectures for some 3.000 students during olf dtity hours at 47 U.S. military posts in Japan. Korea, Okinawa, Formosa and Guam. The graduates ranged in rank from airman 2nd class to lieuten ant colonel. They averaged 37 years in axe and all hut two are married. Twenty-two are stationed! in Janan gPVPn in Okinaua in in Zearand'onem i'ormo:.;! Ore Wed. Mar. 25, 1959 LEGAL NOTICI TO CREDITOR! IN THE (IRC I 'IT COURT OF THE STATU OF ORKOON FOft TIIK COUNTY Or IIOIIOLA1 Probata Department In tha Matter of tha Estate ot BERNICK J. T.EMXN, Deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that tha undralgnd haa been appointed adnun Islrator of tha Estate of Barnlca J. Lemvn, Deceased, by tha Circuit Court of tha Stat of Oregon, for Douglas County, and haa qualified. AU persona having claim against said eat at are hereby notified to present tha tame duly verified, aa by law required, to the undersigned at 214 United State Na tional flank Building, Roaeburg, Oregon, within six months from tha data hereof DATED and first published day of March. 1A5H LAST PUBLICATION tha 1 day of April, 1950 --Randolph Siooum Administrator PETERSON, POZ,1 & LENT -- Charlea Pauleon Attorney for Administrator NOTICE TO CREDITOR! IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE Or OREGON' FOR THE COUNTY OF DOUGLAS freest Department la tha Maittr of tha EUt of CECIL L. LEMEN, Deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that tha undersigned has been appointed admin istrator of tha Eatat of Cecil L. Lemen, Deceased, by th Circuit Court of the Stata of Oregon, for Douglas County, and haa qualified. AM persona having claims against aaid estate are hereby notified to present th asm duly veri fied, am by law required, to the under signed at 214 United States National Bank Building, Roseburg, Oregon, with in six month) from the date hereof. DATED and first published 4 day of March, ltrw. LAST PUBLICATION tha 1 day of April, 1058. -- Randolph Siooum Administrator PETERSON, POZZI ov LENT -a- Ohariee Paulson Attorneys for Administrator NOTICE OF FINAL RETTLKMENT NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Circuit Court of Douglas County, Ore gon, has fixed Monday, the 30th day of April. at th hour or 10:O0 o clock A.M., as the time and Circuit Court room "A" of the Douglas County Court house In Boseburg, Oregon, aa tha place for hearing objections, if any, to the final account of tha administratrix here in. DATED this IRth day of March. Ifuo. J KAN BAIRD, Administratrix of tha Estate of Larry Gene Baird, Deceased. NOTICE OF FINAL ftETTI.EMKNT NOTICE IS HEREBY1 GIVEN that the Circuit Court of Douglas County, Ore gon, has fixed Friday, tha 17th day of April, 1069, at the hour of 1000 o'clock, A.M., as tha time and Circuit Court room "A of th Douglas County Court house In Roaeburg. Oregon, as the place for hearing objections, if any. to the rinad aoooum of tha administrator here in. DATED this lfith day of March, 1909. ROBERT G. DANIELSON. Administrator of tha Estate of Martha Mart Lao, Deceased. Paper Delivery if your poper is not delivered Coll OR 2-3321 BETWEEN 6 And 7 PM, SUBSCRIPTION RATES In Orsgoa By Mall Far Ytsr, 116. M; als tnsntha, 17. 5t thra memos, S4.M. Oataid Or gam y Mall Par Ysr, 1 1. 00; iU months, .Ui lhr mentba, 14.50. Ry Nw-KtUw Carrier Prr Yaar, $111.00 tie advance), Las than an year par month, ll.ao. Cannltr and Rsiebarg P.O. Bxes 1 Menth 11.504 Ms. fft.ttO 1 Tsar IS. 00 Per Slngl Copy A Mall Rals,s Apply Oalsld Clly Limits. Mai! SabaerlelUns Meal B Pals In AdTsaaa CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING EFFECTIVI MAY 1, 1951 Section Advertising For Bunnmii Within Roiiburi Trade Ana Set But Not Published Charge .50 Card of Thanks 1,00 Minimum Charge for any one ad ,75 1 Day, Per Word $ .10 3 Doys, Per Word 13 6 Days, Per Word . . .17 9 Days, Per Word . .21 12 Days, Per Word .25 18 Days, Per Word 29 Per Month, Per Word 33 DISPLAY CLASSIFIED First Insertion, per col. Inch ..$1.60 n . , . . , rcpcor insemon, per coi. inert .aa NATIONAL CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING Advirtliinr, For Rtiiintim Outtidt Roitturf Tridi Aril Per Line, Per Isstli .251 Minimum chorge for ony on od 1.00 ! Commniianib't to RfCOinurt Atclfi DEADLINES 11 H 1. M. Iiiimii Bit Fntr Tt P.llicilill ciii.iiiii.ii o, it ix . m. p.h.cii.h in !, Nwi fjiw rricnrii tli, ritt t. elltllfy, flit tt rfjict inr Cimiliid A6 copr. ADJUSTMENTS If jour ijvpnis,rn,nt i,p,ifi Incorrectly, notiff ui imm'dntelv. t Kill not bt rpsponnbl for root, fin on, in.-pnKt l".rtion. Sue. rt ttxmiiriilitf it limited to rrfuid ot Ilk, ptii or rofiftl liu.rtron of iflvf rh.imfot. Illalll Will Kit Haul km 111, H I 1 Lost & Found rriV - D W "T LOST Rrowu c.rtttxMrri box font. lug valuable articles and papers. OR 2 4231. Reward. U E. Miller Notices CAim OK THANKS W thnk our many friends for trhtr expression of sympathy In our re rent sorrow and for the beautiful flow ers. Wr. and Mrs 1. T. Chemhlt, Oaude, Norma, Dennis and relatives. noticr unauthorised pron toiiert- ln or rrgattng livestock on my iSSLT 'u M '"" "' c OUT OUR WAY ! i f HTIL(VEAH'A. Ydon't come tome if I ill & ?Sf .STS? THERE'S 1 VOU SWITCH OFF THE L II 1 J?5,'1'5"7 JACOOP FIGHT THERE'LL BEAM :j MB UllWW JTVRleHT WHILE WESTERM J ARGUMENT BETWEEN MOU B fll I f JfRlTE COMEPV ON WOW, J TWO AMD THAT'LL WAKE ' f i W PRAM WAS CHMK TOO.' HIM UP, AWP... NO, I'M y ' 1 1 "A HES FAIXEM J I COUU? THROUGH REFEREEING i-v ASLEEP AW X VOU. l TV TANTRUMS IK1 THIS si lifS! , Personals THIS SPRING put a fruit tree or two In your garden, yard, or orchard. $2.10 up. Stark's guaranteed atoclc. Queries welcome. OR 3-532 L after 9, or week ends. cT 6the;Toosn "Magic Couch" will slim and trim you effortlessly. Courteous, sincere at tention. Stauffer Home Plan, P. O. ! Box 693. I YOUNG WOMEN of any faith needing confidential advice may contact Cath olic j nan ties, 378 w. Broadway, Eu gene, OregonDI S-3843. ALCOHOLIC'S ANONYMOUS. a45S,E. Jackson. Tuesdays, Saturdays a P.M. OR 3-8040. Real Estate CLOSE IN THREE bedroom home. lVa baths. Spaci ous tivtng-oining room. Well planned Kticnen, utility, uayiucnt Dasemenu Purnare heat. Very nest and cozy. Just $10,250 terms. See this soon. Duplex WALKING distance of town. S bedroom apt. fireplace, dishwasher, garbage disposal. Basement. Furnace heat. 2 bedroom furnished apt. Lovely yard. $11,500. 1 ACRE.. ONLY Sfifl.W. Comfortable S bedroom boms. Wired for range and dryer. Also gas. $1000 down or lean with good ar edit. J mm ed I at possession. Fullerton Realty tr Insurance 721 N I. Strphrna Dial OR 1-3172 SUMMER CABIN ONE ACRE, 2 Bedroom, stone fireplace, ereek, trees. Best north river fishing. THREE ACRE LOT GOOD VIEW, sidehill near fairgrounds. Only $1,000. Terms. DELUXE BEAUTIFULLY landscaped two bed room home. 1150 feet of spacious liv ing area. Fireplace, double garage, surfaced street, on sewer. $16,500. WINCHESTER CHOICE HALF-ACRE lot on Page Road. $J,000 imight take less for cash WEST ROSEBURG CHARMING three bedroom. Excellent location. Owner says, "lets deal. Call Bob DLshman KEN BAILEY REAL ESTATE Office OR 3-4428 Home OR 2-3294 $1000 DOWN, 3 bedroom sparkling clean home. Fireplace. Garbage disposal, hardwood floors. Good lawns, large patio, attached garage. New pi Newton Crerk. $10,700. OR 2-.1409. FOR SALE. Ready for immediate oc cupancy, A bedroom house on Austin Road. Low down payment, $90 month ly payments. For information. Mack K Brown. 3X1 Mission St., S E. Salem. CLEAN, attractive 2-bedroom home on 1 acre rich Garden Valley soil. $590 '" car' Pku? I FOUR year old 3 bedroom home. Chry stallte construction. 2 acres. Near Wil bur. Biichelor will trade for small house of equal equity in Roseburg. OH 3-3912 COHNER LOT 2-bedroom7poMlble with unfinished upstairs. Fireplace. FHA appraisal S11.5O0. $3.0 down, plus closing coats to qualified buvvr. 812 N K Jurk'on. APPROXIMATELY 58 acres, tractor and irrigation equipment. 11 room fur nished house i3 bedroom apt). Shale pits. OS 9-H678. TWO bedroom house. cio""in. $500 down, take over state G I. loan. For information write Robert Linriley, 8854 turn Ave. S W., Seattle 8, Wash. 20 ACRES Fenced and cross fenced. 2 bedroom house, good bam and out buildings, 3 wells and pond. Good terms or may trade. OR 3-7932. r'OR SAi.EBY"6WNERrsmaU" 2 bed inV room cottage on large lot 7 17 , Ml 003 run sa i . t. or traoe. 20 acres near town 5 room house, cuy water. OR 3-4A20. NICE 2-bedroom home; plastered, fire place. HNixaw lot. low down pymt. OH I-.14.MI. NEAR NEW Jr. High in Winston 1 oedroom home, furnished or unfumlh ed P. O. Box 5at. Winston. OS 8-5561 CHOICE tract on Cary St. in Winston Ideal for subdivision. Phone OS 9- BK77 EQUITY IN modern. 3-bedroom home Klectrlo. heat, fireplace, ntre yard. gardrn. All fenced. Phone OK 3-4028. I'lVR acres, cleared. Main road. Mel roMi district. $1250, S250 down. Sa l-ehman Heal Estate. OR .1-619:1 THRFE bedroom modern house. Fenced ard. Close lo school and store $7500 Low down payment. OR 3-5778 FOR SALE or trade, corner lot, 80x100 with a bedroom modern house. OH 3 34,17. FOUR ACRE tract off'Calkms Road Term. OK 3-47US SQUARE acre fronting Catkins Road. Excavated OR 3-4173. ACREAGE on good ' road. Roseburg school distrlct. Phona OR 3-SSl.t. TWO bedroom modern hous with guest houi. OR S-02U4. The First Lesson To Leorn In Selling Is To Us Classified Ads Real Estate Oerding's Real Estate 3 BEDROOM modern ranch type home. Liv. room with fireplace, din. room, kitchen, bath. Hdw. floors. Plastered, elec. heat. Dbl. car port. 1 acre lot. Trees. Approx. 4 miles from city center. Full prica only $13,500. F.H.A. or G.I, financing. CLOSE-IN modern 2 bedroom home. Lrg. liv. room. Kitchen with din. area. Tile bath with tub and shower. Utility room. Hdw. floors. Insulated. Garage with work bench and fruit room. Covered patio, lawn, flowers. Paved street, sidewalks, sewer. Pric t aiiR74 uuio niiitv rsn refi nance, or owner will trade equity on acreage. ONE ACRE with a 2 bedroom home. Liv. room, kitchen, din. area. bath. Full basement with a 3-room and t bath apartment. Garage, storage shed ! also place for a horse or cow. Some uerrm ana iruii. a. aanay nuy at oniy sruuu. aiouo down. Bal., 75 Mo. APPROX. 7 ACRES good level land Can cultivate all. Iocaied on good black top county road about 1 mile from stor. No buildings. Phone, mail. school bus by the property. This is a wonderful buy. Priced at only $2,750. $500 down. Easy terms on balance. William A. Oerding 80.1 S.E, Main Street Phone OR .1-626 Roaeburg Wiley's For Real Estate 428 S. E. Main St. 6 Lg. Lots At Winchester SOME builder is missing m good buy. L.m are wooned. nave eitv wnter. On county road. A good buy. Special price u oougni a unit. Duplex - West Side FIREPLACE each side. Ranges and washing machines go. Large lot for expansion. Paved street snd sewer. Clone to Catholic Church and market. 9 12, M0. RANCH 149 Acres close to small town. Twelve miles from Ro.seburg. Good home with modernized kitchen. 2 bedrooms, bath, unfinished upstairs. 2 car garage, 2 barns, chicken house. $15,000. Above The Average 3 BEDROOM home. 1 bath, extra toilet. Bath Is tiled, including floor, shower , Ch"ry, .kl,cn"' l,,e nd Birch. Tile breakfast bar. Built in ; range and oven. Family room is part i of kitchen, co.y. Oil forced draft fur- n(e. 2 rar aaraam Vmi havs tn nace. 2 car gnrag. You have to see this to appreciate it $17,500. OFFICE rentals $40 00 to $75 00 Up. BUILDINGS to leas. Several River lots. Earl Wiley Real Estate PH ORchard 1-2629 Earl Wiley, Horn, OR 3-3403 Roland Sorinie, oh Helen Glenn OR 2-3903 4 SEASON HOME and now tn spring it is nicest ot all! The big yard is lush digging lonm. The well-planned 3 bed room house with perimeter furnace hrnt snd double garage adds up to a fine home for $11,200. FHA or State G I. MAY HE THIS Is too quiet for you, but It sure is nice. A really roonw 2 bed room home on a dead-end street that overlooks downtown Roseburg. Below FHA at $8,100, 10', down. GAHDKN VALLEY 2'i res with 2 bedroom, full basement, house Xh. i uma iim no ne price nas teen cut to $9,250. on good terms. ONR OF THE biggest 3 bedroom home in tha Falrhaven district. Big double garage, too. and 2 workshops The low 13,hoq price includes sewer, paved street, and sidewalks. I town and oiTtha'm.r. ! Roseburg Realty Or Insurance UMPQUA HOTEL LOBBY OR 2-;tU4 "OCR SERVUE DOKSNT COST IT PAYS" MYRTLE CREEK, 414 Johnson St. 3 bed room modern home with possibility of 3rd bedroom. Utility, attached gar- . t.0. CllV Plu 3 roomHOMs. IN CLOAKEA FERRY furnished inctuiMi cotUge Large room home; iv, bath M.ho fenced bark yard, lawn 3 blocks from ito,n rrm with fir..r,i.. Pr. " Z, r1" t down" iSSo s? Ln7 ?l quJ.ckly- hH50 See owner, W. 1wim,oc. Evans Apartments. Cedar and Wail Sts. or Mvttle Healtv. . HOME in Laurel wood . 4 bed rooms . 3 full bath. 1-arne living room with fireplace, dining room, kitchen with dishwasher and fariug disposal. In sulated. Full bacmeut. C41 ne. Cor ner lot, lovely yard with patio. OR FOR SALE or trade. imall2-hedroo"m house partly furnished. Civil Rend Avenue, Winston- Ixiw down payment terms to suit. Pickup, car or vaca tion trailer accepted aa down pay ment. OS after 4 pm fWO BEDROOM HOME. A real bareaui. OS S -M01. By J. R. Williams Rea! Estate Hard-Dollar Values W KENWOOD 1 block to MARK'S CEN TER. 2-homes on 95' lot. Good home and rental opportunity. Needs some fixin. Can movo right in. All for Terms. N. STEPHENS attractive modern 2-bedroom, garage, fenced yard. Good home-business . location. Near new SAFEWAY, Jo-Lane School. LOW PRICE is only $8,900. Reasonable terms. W. COREY at new highway approach. Nice 2-bedroom, garage. This loca tion central to high school and hoi- pitals, a good rental, and fine prem ise for Investment-speculation. It's a bargain at $7,950. with $1,500 down. ; CURRY ROAD In GARDEN VALLEY. 4-beautiful acres, fine older 3-bedroom bungalow home, 2-car garage, and many attractive features. You won t beat this at $10,500. Some terms. FOR RENT Doctor's retirement estate. . about 5 acres of young fruit trees. New mod ern 1 -bedroom home and essentia is WANT DEPENDABLE tenant that will take proper care of things. Rent S50 month. Located on Melrose-Ump-qua Rd. near Jolson Road. Lee Jones Realty 433 W. Military Ave. OR: 2-2511 Charles Mumby, Salesman. OR 3-7308. MAGNESS 1 . REAL ESTATE YOURS, FOR THE ASKING 1. 14 ACRES, an expandable 3 bdrm. home with 1 bdrm. guest home. Lots of fruit, and berries, plenty of rm. for garden, balance In pasture, creek, well and spring. $10,900. Good State CI or make an offer on contract 2. 10 ACRE truck garden. 3 bdrm. home, barn shed, irrigation, 30 walnut trees, family orchard, about 2 acres berries, some equipment. $19.R00. Will take trade or contract terms. 3. 13 ACRES bottom ground. !t bdrm. home, will take trade-in. $18,000 full price. - 2 BDRM. home, sewer, paved St., landscaped level lot. $9,750 10"; Dn FHA. no Dn. Fed GI. Ask about Oreg. Vets' loan 5. 3 BDRM. ranch style westside $12. 500. This home is extremely easy to buy. Call us now at OR 3-5340. fl. 3 BDRM. ranch style, sewer, paved St.. fireplace, elec. heat, attch-garage, pantry off kitchen, inside utility, plas tered, $13,500. This won't last call us now. Easy to finance. "WE CAN ALWAYS USE ANOTHER GOOD LISTING" I ORCHARD 3-5340 ' i 916 S. E. Washington Millard or Marion Magna OR 3-3017 Iris Reinert OR 3-8570 Romeo Lackey OR 3-3147 313 Acre Ranch LARGE LEVEL FIELDS, fenced and cross fenced. Large creek thru the meadows. Attractive .8 room home, fireplace; large barn, out bldgs. With stock and equipment, only $30,000. $10,000 down illness forces this sale. 20 Acres LIVE CREEK, two wonderful springs, lots of fruit and berries, 5 room house. A good big barn, garage and shop. Huge poultry houses. $H,500 - $3,000 down if possible. Vacant now. See it today. HIGHWAY FRONTAGE. lot 100x333. Large 3 bedroom home. Double gar- Rif and 2 rentals. Room for several more. Price SH.5O0 on terms. Will dis count for all cash. Lloyd A. Wilson Realtor Phone OR 3-P578 sio.soo furnish! $10,300 FURNISHED. NR. Comfortable 3 bedroom brick. Family sir kitcn en. flagytono fireplace, eTertne base-! board heat, hardwood floors, nawly decorated. Would sell unfurnished. l,-j Son down. $tiO mo. io responsible party. OR3-.i279. I FOR SALE OR RENT by owner l apartment income property. Upper j now rented. Downstairs, comfortable ' qutet. clean 3 bedroom unfurnished. 3 blocks from shops. Children welcome Wonderful value. OR 3-tttl0 mornings. CLOSE IN by Court Housentce3 bed room home. Large living room with fireplace and carpeted Large kitchen with dining area. difthwsher and garbage disposal. a basement. Good ie lot. Heasonanie. OK 3-7259. 3bed- ihogany panel room, kitchen and double garage. On Pvcd .treet. .Ifi.WO. 144 W. Cardinal . veninas or St nwi t,.n L S.- "! ",ld Sun-. TWO reukuum hous and acres f ground OR 3-32U1 5 Bus'ess Opportunities RETAIL NURSERY in best of location? n rt growing community. Green houses, good well, large inventory. High potent ist. Immediate possession. Inquiries answered. Bay View Gardens P.t. 3. Box 871. Cooa Bay, Oregon. f WOACRFS, eitv limits, industrial area. HMO. OR 2-.1444. CAFE FOR SALE two Good' rni..'- nesa ta good location, lal OR 5 Bus'ess Opportunities Exclusive Franchise NOW available for Klamath Fslls. Med ford. Ashland, Grant Pass and Rose burg. YOU must hav a broven record In re tail merchandising snd hav an estab lished good credit. This is a big ticket item among the top three desired items in th country, manufactured by th leader in it field. This product is advertised in all leading National magazines, YOU will agree, this Is th most enjoy able and exciting business opportunity you hav tver investigated. IF you are th right man for this busi ness, you will visit other near-by deal-' ers with th factory man, and if chosen for one of the valuable fran chises, you will be taught everything of the business by qualified factory personnel. YOUR reply, held tn confidence, must contain your business resume and must reflect an above average success pat tern. HERE is that "different" major bust ness you have been looking for and it's full of pleasant surprises, so in vestlgage today. $5000 minimum capi tal required. Writ Box 917. News- Heview. FOR SALE, lease or trade, business and residential property. 1641 N. E. Steph ens, near City Drive-In MarkL OH J -01 DO. FOR LEASE grocery store, formerly Collin's Market. 4 miles east on North Umpqua Highway. Phone OR 3-77;;6. 6 Loans & Financial COME TO PACIFIC Q3 FINANCE prompt, eowrteows pwrtn( loam nd new or tfsel ear tmftncmfl Gene McCoy, Mgr. The Second NiceKt Man In Tow., e era Mneul tmm 644 S.E. Stephen, LOANS REAL ESTATE AUTOMOBILES FURNITURE AND SALARY $50. to $2500. COMMERCIAL INDUSTRIAL FINANCE CORPORATION i 813 S. E. Oak. OR 3-4494. FAMILY FINANCE Horn owned and Operated Loans Up to 11500 On motor vehicle and furniture 729 SE Washington OR 3-3277 WILL BUY small seller's contract at discount. Immediate cash. Call OR 3-6193 or OR 4-6001. 8 Wanted To Rent BEING transferred to Roseburg need 3-bedroom unfurnished home. Will lease with option. Excellent refer ences: same employer 11 years. News Review, Box 921. Rooms Centrally Located Low Weekly Rates AU Comforts of Home Hotel Grand CLEAN, completely furnished house keeping room, private entrance. Walk to P.O. Utilities paid. $30 Mo. 1451 S.E. Short St.- FURNISHED housekeep ing7ooms U t if itiea paid. Parking space. Close In. $7 and $8 week. 525 S E. Lane. SLEEPING rooms. 605 S. Mosher. OR 3-7237. SLEEPING room. $6.50 per Week. $23 per month. OR 3-5123. SLEEPING room.732 S.E. Jaeks"onTnx"t door to Penney'. OR 3-3329. DELICIOUS meals, nice rooms. Jo Ann's Boarding House. OR 3-7947. WARM" ROOMS, close" In. Private bath 508 Spruce, at foot of Washington. ROOMS, private entrance. 1413 S. . Mill. 1 0 Apartments Choice Apartments Oakhill - Vista Homes Winchester Court Westvue Court - Terrace Apts. FURNISHED and unfurnished. Som. have heat, hot water provided. All have water, garbage and yard erv. ire furnished. Rents from SfiO up. Must be seen to appreriate. Call OR 3-4340, OR 3-58.11 or OR 2-1MV3. FAIRHAVEN APTS. 1645 W. Harvard NEW LOW WINTER RATES J3 to 167.50 VERY NICE, clean, deslrabla 1-bed-room. Furnished or unfurnished. On city bus. Shopping and postoffic. close by. OR 3-6022. Kohlhagen Apts. LANE & JACKSON STS. MODERN, REASONABLE RENT ADULTS OK 3-8244 "A GOOD PLACETO LIVE MOTEL UNITS All electric. With kitchens, $16 and ?2t week. Linens, utilities furnished. Winchester Motel (Old Highway W) N. at Winchester Bricigel UPSTAIRS APT., 2-rooiiis; partly fur nished. W;iter and gnrbnge removnl furnished. Garage if needed, $40-month 579 Nash. Call OR 3-H47H. LARGE, newly decorated 2 bedroom un furnished apt, range included. Walk ing distance of town. Utilities paid. 1774 N EKlamattu OR 2-1S64. FURNISHED, small, a ttractive "bachelor apt. Very private. Automatic washing fac ilttle. 2 blocka from US Bank. OR 2- 14.t8. ONE 3-room fumiiihed apartmenti 1-3 room unfurnished apartment, close in and clean. Call OR 3-8461 or OR 3- 7016 NICE roomy 4 room furnished apt. Front and back entrance. On bus Una. OR 3- 7 193. THREE ROOM, furnished apartment Heated. Very deairabl. Adults. 1332 S E. Douglas. cXEAfurnished duplex for rent 1 block west of business section. OS 9-84;(4. 1 FURNISHED 1 -bedroom apartment. Uttt lttes paid. Westhill Apartments, 3817 W Harvard ONE BEDROOM apartment. Refrigera tor and stove, electric heat. Pnon OR3-:i7M. FURNISHED 2 or 3 room apta. UtilAies paid. S10 to $1 week. OS 0-8919. Ba ker's Motel. Winston. NEWLY" decorated 3 room apt, ground floor. Low rent, permanent adult. 1612 S E.Jackon. CLOSE IN, unfurnished 1-bedroom du plex apt., adults.OR 3-5J74. WALKING distance 2 bedroom'fur nished aptSM.jOR 3-7:i4. FURNISHED apt. with garage. 248, Carncx Road. jOS 9-5509. UNFURNISHED 2 bedroom apt OR 2-448. BACHELOR apt," every thing furnished. OR 3-5P40 REDECORATED furnUhed apartment, uttlitiee included .OR3-8290. NICE mote units by the week 0 month. Rolling Hills Motel. tw6BEDROOM "furnished apartment. Phone OR t-VW. 10 Apartments FURNISHED 1 - bedroom apartment. close Adulta.OR3;B51 TWO R 66 AIa par trne n t 730 BalU SL FURNISHED APTS. OB 2-5050. MODERN 1-2 bedroom cabins. Good beds, nearly new refrigerators, (as rang and heating. Tables, chairs, etc. Water and earbaue diooal furnished. t:ts and $45 month. Hartz Cabins. 24H6 Diamond Lake Blvd., behind Dale's Cafe. OR 3-3368. MODERN ' 2 bedroom duplex, located near Vet's. Plumbed and wired for washer and dryer. Range and refrig erator furnished If desired. Low rent. OR 2-3207. 1, 2, 3, and 4 bedroom homes. Income limits. Families, also single elderly bS or over accepted, 902 W. S Union St OR 3-6M8. WESTS IDE duplex. 1 bedroom, large living room, kitchen and utility. Gas range and floor heater in. SI 4 Center St. OR 3-32H2, or OS 9-8929. ONE bedroom furnished duplex, electric heat. Water and garbage service fur nished. S65OR2-30l7 OR 3-6202. FOR RENT or sale in Winston. Clean 2-bedroom unfurnished house. OS 9 84S6. TWO bedroom side by side duplex. Au tomatic oil heat. 1607 S.E. Eddy St $55 monlhOR 3-7963. FURNISHED CABINS by week. $10 and up. all utilities furnished. Old 99, 3 miles north Pacific Motel. UNFURNISHED 1 bedroom duplex apt. Electric heat. Very neat and clean. Inquire 1019 S. E. Roberts. CLEAN, furnished, modern 3-room cab in near Glide. Water furnished $45 Mo. OR3-6fl8. WINSTON small, clean, furnished house. 1 block west ot business sec tion. Phone OS9-8434. CLEAN, modern, 1-bedroom furnished houe. Tenmile. $40. Eva Lakey, OS 9-8992. LARGE modern 1 bedroom house with range and refrigerator. Beautiful yard sndview. OS 9-88741OR 2-:il4J ONE ROOM, modern', furnished cotT tags. Utilities furnished. Close in. 1038 S E Fullerton. TWO bedroom house, close in. Stoves furnished, $45.1231 Fullerton St. ONE BEDROOM cottagecl'oi in.Fur nished or not Adults only. OR 3-6031. NEAR Court House. 2-bedroom house, $45. CallOR 3-7123. CLEAN 2 bedroom house. Water. gar bage paid. 2548 AlamosaCourt. TWO 1-bedroom houses. Stoves furnish ed.OR 3-7041. ONE BEDROOM house with range and garage, unj-oaii. FURNISHED 1 bed room "house," "garage Close in, $50 month. OR 3-3831. ONE" BEDROOM house 4Hblocks rom court house. $35. OS 9-5301. TWO BEDROOM duplex, westside. OR ONE BEDROOM unfurnished house, $45 mo. Phone OR 3-7237. CLEAN, 4-room furnished house. 1263 . E. Stephens. OR 2-3270. TWO bedroom home, unfurnished. 730 Ballf. FIVE ROOM cottage. Close in. Adult. 1334 S E. Douglas. CLEAN 2 bedroom house, close in. In quire 427 N E. Jackson. ONE bedroom house, 3 block south of f.U. UK J-41VU. NICE, 2-bedroom house, free water, $33 OR 2-2721. ONE BEDROOM houBe483 iN7 Step li ens. $55 BEDROOMfurnTshed house 24Chestnut OR3-7249. FIVE miles south, 2 bedroom home, $50.OR 2-2741after 6 p.m. TWO BEDROOM unfurnished house in Green near U.S. Plywood. OR 3-7836. 12T?Ir. Parks & Rentals ALAMEDA TRAILER COURT has paved streets and cement porches. Reason able rates. 681 N. E. Alameda. OR 2-2348. WINCHESTER TRAILER PARK Mod ern spaces. Paved grounds. Shade trees. $18 month. Highway 99 'N. at Winchester Bridge. 13 Misc. Rentals WAREHOUSE SPACE Phone OR 3-6628. on trackage. 14 Help Wanted WANTED GRADUATE FORESTER EXCELLENT opportunity for young graduate forester capable of cruising timber, engineering logging roads, computing logging and road costs and directing logging operations. Work in Medford, Oregon area for established plywood manufacturing concern. Write, stating education, experience, personal data and salary requirements to: FIR-PLY, INC. P. 0. Box 9 Medford, Oregon A SALARY GUARANTEE OF OVER470 Per Week YOUR formal education not as Import ant as ambition, willingness and hon esty. You must have car and be avail able very soon. Age 31 to 40. All weekends off. If interested in a good secure Job with a future and good bonus in addition to salary, write to Director, P.p. Box 5041, Aloha, Ore gon. Interview will be held in your area soon. AUTO SALESMEN WILL hire 2 qualified men to sell Ford cars and trucks. Excellent opportun ity. Good salary and commission com pensation. L0CKW00D MOTORS EXPERIENCED truck mechanics. SIG FETT International Truck Dealer 205 S E. Jackson SURVEY girls in Drain, Sutherlln. Oak land, Myrtle Creek, Canyonville to make appointments for our represen tative from your own home. Good pay, work hours to suit you. Give name, exact residence address, phone number. Box 693. Roseburg. Oregon EST.' FOOD ROUTE 8O0 FAMILY Watkins route now avail able 90 year reputation. A top-grade one-man business, and no experience or money required. Write for full in formation to The J. R. Waikins Com- ninv rmm Rmnlilvn Avmil C.tl. m. Washington ' N MAN with ambition and some selling experience to sell Frigidaire appli ances. Good potential for an aggres sive man who wants to get ahead. Apply in person. Umpqua Valley Ap pliance. 648 S E. Rose. ARE YOU looking for a job with tetter I than average earnings? if so, w are Interested in you. See Gen at 2040 NT. Stephens St. 9 : A.M. to 11 A M., Thursday. Friday or Monday. BEAUTICIAN, new shop, latest equip ment. Unlimited opportunity for good operator. Apply in person, Winston Beauty Salon. WANTED xperiertcedOTeditmajaRer. Employee discount, rnmpanv bene fits. 40 hour 5 day meek. No phone calls Sears Roebuck and Co. WANTED woman to "five with elder fv lady, do light housework Middle aged preferred. Write Box 923, News Re view SOMEONE P O Box 10 cut firewood on share 34A, D.llard COCKTAIL and dinner wutress. Apply Rice BowL ' ' 15 Work Wanted SEWING and alterations of alt kinds. Mis. W. E. Curtis, 732 N. E. Erie. Phone' OR 3-74M. EXPERIENCED carpenter needs any kind of work. Felix Durand. OR 3- 50!. WANT'WOHK arding and loading logs. Phone Sutton Logging, Canyonville, JE 2-4693. CHILD CARE, days, my hbna, DUlard. OS 9-5034. V GARDNER, skilled. $1 par nr. OR WASHING, rough dry; also ironing. OR 2-3693. LONG, short log and lumber hauling. Franco Trucking. OR 3-6067. SEWING. All types. Guaranteed. OR 2-2766 IRONING In my home. Will pickup and deliver OR 2-3921. SEWING and mending. Mrs. J. S. Mair. OR 3-3457. IRONING in my home. OR 3-4095. ALTERATIONS. OR 3-33U2 after 3.30. DRESSMAKING, alterations. OR 2-1275. ROTOTILLING. Beebe.OR 3-3738. ROTOTILLER for rent. OR 3-8064. 18 Instruction Wanted Men Age 20 - 45 Interested in training and fre nation wide placement servica aa HEAVY EQUIPMENT OPERATORS. U.S. GOVERNMENT spending billion of dollars for highway and road con struction!. Estimated 900,000 trained men by 1060 to fill these high pay Jobs, Our method to prepare you for employ ment does not Interfere with your present work. Writ West Coast TS., Heavy Equip. Div. Box 924, News-Review. . Phone LESSONS on guitar, mandolin, banjo. violin. ukeJohn E. Jones. OR 3-655. FOR DRIVING instTuVtions71phonedR 3-7447. SPANISH guitar lessonsfobe"ginners. OR 2-3932. 20 Services Roseburg ' Garden Service Rolotillinff, landscaping, all type, at small excavations. OS 9-5263 Between 8-10 a m. and 5-7 p m. Let Us Help You With. Your Income Tax & Accounting Accountant trained by the International Accountants Society. Wilt work In your home or our office. OR 3-7903 days; OR 3-86M after 5 p.m. R0T0TILLING Reasonable Jack My.ra OR 2-3904 GARDEN R0T0TILLING 1030 N. W. Garden Valley Rd. OR call OR2-I4:i2 R0T0T ILLING Ferguson Tractor and blade New Equipment Beebe & Bowman OR 3-3731. APPLIANCE repairs. Fast, efficient service, all brands, ranges, refrigera tors, freezers, washers and dryer and all small appliances. Call Kier Crooch Plumbing Appliance, 528 S. E. Stephens.jOR 2-Xl64. MOTOR rewinding, repairing. All make, and sizes. Experienced, competent, motor man. Jimmie's Electric Motor Shop. 350 NE Garden Valley Blvd. OR 3-3162. ELECTRIC APPLIANCE repairs from hand irons and razors to ranges and dryers. All Makes. Bargain Appliance Center.Ji:n S. E. Rosa OR 3-3523. SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED no mile age; free estimates. Roseburg Sani tation Service, 1980 NE Stephens. Ph. OR3-33."B. MOWER SHARPENING. trallef-'hltcheV, welding, woodwork and general repair, Green District. 2352 S. W. Castle St. Ph.OR 3-4687 STEAM CLEANING mobile unit, we go anywhere. Motors or industrial equipment. Payless Service StatU-n, 711 S.E. Stephens St. Ph. OR 2-90:i2. PLAYER PIANOS repaired, any make or condition. Free estimate, guaran teed work, reasonable. Write E. Per ry, News Review Box 82S. SHALE rock for roads and driveways. Immediate delivery. Ph. C. P. Tallon, OR 3-4040. PUMP REPAIRS. 24 hour service. Mil ler & Cox Sales and Service, OR 2 3581; nighty call OR 3-3759. CARPENTER.", any type' con.struction We help arrange financing. Free esti mates. Kowalewskl. OR3-8020. GRADING and leveling;-loam and rock delivered. Call Paul Casey, OR 3-4018. 2231 Nj E. Stephens St. HARRIS HOME IMPROVEMENTS Roofing, siding, foundations. FHA trrmji. OR 3-6123. DOZING, leveling; also shale rock, river loam and road materials. Chas. Keelej OS -5I17. CARPENTER work. New construction or remodeling. Free estimates. OR 3-72H4. RIDENOUR Electrie wiring Jobs and installation electrie heaters. OR 3- 7:t03. CERAMIC tile draTnboaTdikC tubbarVi, showers. Free estimates. Kelley Tile. OR 3-3651. FLOOR anding-finishing. oldTor-rie repair, floor laying. Free estimate. OR 2-4026. MOHR WELL D R Tt LI N G j c u z ii whirlpool bath. OR 2-2321 or OR 2- 3043. ROOFING. Fisher ThorseVPa in C0. Portland. W. E. Daum. Local Agent, Ph. OR 2-1.171. NORTH ROSEBURG Kinder garlenf OR 3- 7849. OR 2-1014. ELECTRIC CONTRACTORsTTSinstng as Oliver. OP 3-6636. CARPENTRY. Reasonable. Small Joh preferred. Smith. OR 3-8411. PIANO tuning, regulating, rep aYr s, strings, etc. John E. Jones.OR 3-852.1. BRICK, block and cement contractor. Norman Richardson. OR 2-2071. PAINTER, carpenter, roofing. OR 3 8747. WALLBOARD FiNISHINGTlmng7Tap- texturing, painting. GY 6-35.18. HELI-ARC welding. Winston Cham Saw OS 9-564! INVISIBLE mending or general mend ing. OR 2-3552. LET us upholster yourboatrcar orfur niture. OR 3-5666. IRONING In myhome. qR'2-2""448. PRUNING, C" Wj-ight. OR3-8747. INCOME TAX. OR 3-486B after 5 pm' SEPTIC tanks cleaned. OR 3-7470. t