House Cleaning Time Finds Things You'll Want To Sell-Try A Want Ad -OR 2-3321 15 Work Wanted SEWING and alterations of all kinds. Mrs. W. E- Curtis. 732 N. L Crt. Phone OR 3-7 io 4- EXPERIENCED carpenter need- any kind o( work. Fell Ourand. OR 3- 5098. WANT WOHK yarding and loading logi. Phone Sutton Loaning, Canjonville, JE 2-469X GARDNER, i lulled. i.50 per hr. OR 3-33CB. WASHING, rough dry; also Ironing. OR CONG, ihort" leg and lumber hauling. Franco Trucking. OR 3-6967. SEWING. All types. Guaranteed. OR 3-2766. IRONING In my home. Will pickup and deliver. OR 2-3924. SEWING and mending. Mrs. J. S. Marr. OR 2-37. IHONINGln nihonerjj-4005 ALTERATIONS. OR 3-3-92 after 9:30. 1 8 Instruction LESSONS on guitar, mandolin, banjo, violin, uke. John E- Joncs. OR 8-652.-. rbriiRlviNG-Uutructlona, phone OR 3-7447. . SPANISH guitar lcuona for beginners. OR ii uTjuuirviniij nry r i - 20 Services Sonya White's Income Tax Service Prompt Courteous Dependable 1625 W. Harvard Ave. NEXT DOOR TO FAIRHAVEN MKT. FREE PARKING Phone OR 2-4261 EXPERT INCOME TAX SERVICE OR 3-6077 U. of O. Graduate HARRY HATCHER Income Tox ond Accounting Service Phone Office OR 2-2461 Home OR 2-1304 ' 959 S.E. Stephens Street OPPOSITE GREYHOUND BUS DEPOT MONOG RAMMING, dressmaking, alter atloni. Buttonholea and self fabric belts. Hemstitching and spacielty .tw in,. The Sew Shop NEW LOCATION SOS S. I. Cat, Av. OR 2-4391 Horn of the Adlermatlo Sewing Machine Roseburg Garden Service Holotllllng. landscaping, all types, of mall excavations. OS 9-5263 Between 8-10 a m. and 5-7 p.m. ROTOTILLING Reasonable Jack Myers OR 2-3904 CHILD CARE Mother Goose Nursery OR 3-0381 ROTOTILLING Ferguson Tractor and blade New Equipment Rehet Bowman OR 3-3738 WHY PAY MORE? $2.50 hour will get expert carpenter work done for you. OR 3-8652. James Morgan, Rt 4, Box 1 AT. 1 ELECTRIC APPLIANCE repairs from hand irons and razors to ranges and dryers. All Makes. Bargain Appliance Center. 631 S. E. Rose OR 3-5525. SEPTICTANKS CLEANED no mile age; free estimates. Roseburg Sani tation Service, 1980 NE Stephens. Ph. OR 3-3356. MOWER SHARPENING, trailer-hitches, welding, woodwork and general repair. Green District. 2352 S. W. Castle St. P h. OR 3-4687 STEAM CLEANING mooilo unit, we go anywhere. Motors or Industrial equipment. Payless Service Station, 711 S.E. Stephens StPh.OR9032. SHALE rock for roads and driveways. Immediate delivery. Ph. C. P. Tallon, OR 3-4040. CARPENTER, any type construction We help arrange financing. Free esti mates. Kwaki:OR3-8020. GRADING' and leveling: loam and rock delivered. Call Paul Casey, OR 3-4018. 2231 N. E. Stephens St. HARRIS HOME IMPROVEMENTS Roofing, siding, foundations. FHA tc rm.v O R3-6123. DOZING, reveling; also shale rock, river loam and road materials. Chas. Keele OS 9-5117 CARPENTER work. New construction or remodeling.' Free estimates. OR 3-7234. RIDENOUR Electric wiring job and installation electric heaters. OR 3 7303. CERAMIC tile drainboards. tubbacks. showers. Free estimates. Kelley Tile. OR 3-5631. FLOOR sanding-finishlng. old or new, repair, floor laying. Free estimate. OR 2-4026. MOHR WELL DRILLING Jacuzzi whirlpool bath. OR 2-2321 or OR 2- 3043. ROOFING. Fisher Thorjcn Paint"" o. Portland. W. E. Daum. Local Agent, Ph. OR 2-137L , LET us upholster your boat, car or fur- niture. OR 3-3666. I NORTH ROSEBURG Kindergarten. OR 3- 7649. OR 2-1011 ELECTRIC" CONTRACTORS, Lanaing'". Oliver. OR 3-6636. CARPENTRY. Reasonable. Small Jobs preferred. Smith. UK 3-8411. flANO tuning. rertUtlng, repairs, strings, etc John E. Jones. OR 8-633$. BRTck,- block and cement contractor. Norman RIcharcHon. OR 1-2071 . PaTntER, carpenter, roofing. OR 2- 8747. WALLBOARD FINISHING, nailing. Up- ing. texturinit. pamtmg.Glre-3538. HE LI-ARC welding." Wins ton Chain Saw OS 9-5641. INVISIBLE mending or general mend- ing. OR 3-3552. fROXING In "my home OR "-244fl. PRUNING. Call Wright. OR 3-8747. INCOME TAX. OR 3-4668 after 3 p mT SEPTIC tanks er OB 1-770. 20 Services Berkeley Pumps Domestic-Irrlgation-lndustrial Sales Cr Service Specializing in complete REPAIR SERVICE All Makes .11 Yean Experience In Sales, Repairs at Maintenance. New And Used Pumps .Tor Sal at all units Gerretsen Bldg. Supply Co. Oak St. at R R. Track,. OR 2-20:1 Bill Whites INCOME TAX SERVICE 727 W. Harvard Ave. (ACROSS FROM COMMUNITY HOSPITAL "FREE PARKING" 15 Years Experience DEPENDABLE, EFFICIENT SERVICE. NO APPOINTMENT NECESSARY. OFFICE HOURS 8 AM TO 8 PM Phone OR 2-4041 APPLIANCE repairs. Fast, efficient service, all brands, ranges, refrigera tors, freezers, washers and dryers and all small appliances. Call Kier Crooch Plumbing & Appliance, 628 S. E. Stephens. OR 2-3364. MOTOR rewinding, repairing. All makes and sizes. Experienced, competent, motor man. Jiramie's Electric Motor Shop. 350 NE Garden Valley Blvd. OR :t-3162. PUMP REPAIRS. 24 hour service- Mil ler & Cox Sales and Service, OR 2 35B1: nights call OR 3-3759. 21 Building Material BARGAINS utility and economy lum ber. Also shiplap 2 and better di mensions. See us and save Consolidated Milling Old Highway south. OR 3-7411 Shiplap; low grade boards, lxf and wider, 2x4 and wider. Also plenty of utility and better. Lumber Sales Co. OR 3-7362 Garden Valley near RR tracks GOOD used doora and windows. OS 6-8537, evenings. 23 Fuel SAWDUST Blower Service or Dump WOOD Oak. alab, planer end, and peeler cor. Roseburg Lumber Co. SAWDUST Blower and Dump MILL ENDS, dry or green peeler core. GUY AND FRANCES GILL. B'UEL 2A14 NE. Douglas OR 2-1324 DRY oak, laurel or fir wood, fireplace or furnace. OR 3-7893 days; OR 3-3604 evenings. OAK, Madrone and fir body wood. Im mediate delivery. Phone Riddle 3679 or 3782. S. T. Humphrey. PLANER ENDS. Hub Lumber Co. OR 2-3386. RED DIAMOND Fuel Co. Kiln dried planer ends; oak wood. OR 3-M32. DRY OAK and laurel. OS 9-3311. 25 Farm Equipment D-2 CAT, blade, drum, canopy and guarded. See to appreciate. OR 2-4591 or OR 3-4167. 2 - 14" P'LOWS. 1 - 7V tandem disc used one season, $400. 736 W. Alla-mont- 8FT. TANDEM disc, two bottom 16" plow. OR 2-3991. 26 Livestock FOR SALE Registered and grade Guernsey cows and heifers freshen ing soon. Ravenswood Dairy, Myrtle Creek,Ore. WELSH MOUNTAIN ponies. Shetland ponies. Registered stallions at itud. Silver Star Pony Ranch, Williams, Oregon. PRovolt 2332. BEAUTIFUli-young saddle mare Arabian-quarter horse cross. Suitable for experienced rider, $250. OR 3-3fK)2. REGISTERED poll Hereford bull. 6 yrs Also unregistered yearling bull, R. Jones. JU 4-3793, Elkton. WANTED Sheep and cattle, all kinds W. A. Blacker., Ph. Myrtle Creek UN 3-4315. ATTENTION poriy breeders! At " stud, registered Hackney pony. Phone Oak- land 3120. WEANER pigs. Call 692 Camas Valley. H. A. Denn. MILK COWS and baby calves for sale. R. E. Camp. OS 9-3283. WANTED 2 or 3 Hereford feeder calves. Cail OR 3-6141 after 3 p.m. WOOL received dally. Nichols' Store, Brockway.OS 8-8907. FOR SALE yearling Hereford bulls. F. D. Coon. Dlllard. OS 9-3788. NEW and used saddles and bridles. 2844 N. E. Douglas. W ALLY'S horse shoeing, call OR 3- 4149. FOR SALE 2 milk cows, several to choose from. OS 9-8912. COWS and calves. OS 9-8626, evenings. 27 Hay & Grain HAY, clover and grass, 43c bale. 0nr Weeks, Myrtle Creek. UN 3-3756 noon hour. OA T hay. R"Conn. OR 3-6423 2ND CUTTING alfalfa $25. Clem fav enner, Canyonvllle. JE 2-4245. HAY. Resonable. Call 33, Oakland. 28 Poultry & Rabbits Baby Chicks NEW Hamp., Parmenter Red, White Leghorn and Golden Broad. Order early avoid delay. Ponton Hatch ery. 874 W. Harvard Ave. OR 3-3526. 5a"iXy fresh brown eggs. 33c and 45c per doz. large 50c. 663 N. E. Neuner Drive between Chestnut St. end Snack Shack. OR 3-3 IB. POULTRliTVooL berk. Receiving fu day only, 'or ranch pickup, call OS 9-A663 or on Tuesday OR 3-4331. Roee burg Poultry Coirir' FREE BABY chicks. lftto each custom er. Come In and sign up. Iverson's Feed Store. PURINA fresh eggs. Iverson Teed Store. EAltER bunnies.ORa-3915. EASTER rabbits, all sizes. OR 3-6158 PUTMANS Toy Fojt Terrier Kennels. Wil bu r. Ore gon. O R 3-6B04. BEAUTIFUL Red factor canaries and cages. Putman i. OR 3-8804. CHIHUAHUA male puppies,-registered. OR 3-3694. FOR SALE, ferns I English bulldog. OR Pets 1 TERRIER, female. 1 WIItKHAIR and Boston Bull, male 1 SHEPHERD and Samoyede. male. 1 LABRADOR, male, registered. 1 COLLIE and Shepherd, female. 1 BORDER Collie and Australian Shep herd puppies. 2 SHEPHERD and Cocker puppies. 1 COCKER and Terrier pup. Douglas County Humane Society. OR 2-3907. A K C Reg. Norwefgian E llThou nd pu pa", $25, 1194 W. Lookinggluss St. Phone OR2-4608; CANARIES. All Colon. Also cages. 672 n.t. Aieineaa. BELGIAN SchipperkeT puppies,$13your choice. OR 3-4978. SIAMESE kittens, itud service. OR J 1014. DOUGLAS COUNTY HUMANE Society Animal Shelter. OR 2-3907. BABY Parakeets. 3 miles south. Bur ton's. OR 3-8122. GLENGARY Beagle Kennels. OR 3-3783. 31 Sporting Equipment UMPQUA MARINA it SKAGIT BOATS it MERCURY MOTORS it BOAT ACCESSORIES it MOTOR REPAIRING 659 S. E. Rose St. OR 3-5574 Ml Rod & Reel Trailer & Boat Sales "Quiet" Evinrude motors P-14, Seaswirl, Larson fiberglass boats Starcraft aluminum boats Mastercraft boat trailers Paints, accessories, tires, etc. Gold Bond Stamps 1145 W. Harvard FOR SALE Troller. "Susie" length 28 3'. beam 0 ft., draft 3 ft., S to S radio, electric Gurdies, lota of new equipment, complete salmon gear. Now fishing out of Depoe Bay. Write Glenn Wheeler, Box 893, Cool Bay, Ore. TELESCOPE RIFLE SIGHTS if bought from us, we Install free If gun is fac tory drilled. Umpqua Gun Store. MODEL 70-300 magnum with scope, $150. Kenneth Jones, out 16 miles S. Myrtle Rt. Myrtle Creek. ONE YEAR old half-cabin 14 foot boat and Seima trailer if wanted, oh 3-3340 after 5. IS FT, Cabin cruiser inboard; new 12x14 wall tent. OR 3-7694 after 3:30. FOR SALE 14 ft plywood boat. Call OS B-6826 after f p.m. GOOD 16 ft. cedar boat, $50. OR 3-5002. S130 BOAT for $65. OR 2-3991. 32 Produce & Plants SEE STARK ad under "Personals." 33 Sewing Machines Repossession ROUND bobbin portable; has forward reverse stitch, floating foot and auto matic bobbin winder, will make Dut tonholes and zig-zag with attachments. Balance $29.80 on CABINET sewing machine with attach- tion $75, terms. OR 3-3793. 34 Misc. For Sale COMPLETE oak dining room set, $135: nearly new mimeograph. $125; 17" Silver-tone TV. $65. OR 3-3340 dkys; OR 3-3017 evenings. EASTER-RABBITST OR 36858. 29 33 Sewing Machines SINGER SALE BARGAIN PRICES! EXCEPTIONALLY FINE MACHINES To make room for the display of our marvelous SInt-0-Malic and olhcr new machines we are clearing out a limited number of floor and demonstrator models. ' This" is a wonderful chance to own a beautifully smooth operating machine that has been kept in "better than new" condition by our own experts. Prices ire substantially be low list when new. Here is a partial listing of 1-15-76 Straight need't comolt 1- 221 Featherweight portable 3-306 Swing needle portoble 2- 401 Slant -0-mot ic console 2-15-125 Straight needle console ONE WEEK ONLY Mak Your Choice Now I ATTACHMENTS. FAMOUS SINGER SEWING COURSE INCLUDED WITHOUT CHARGE. LOW DOWN PAYMENT PAY AS LITTLE AS $1.32 PER WEEK SINGER SEWING MACHINE COMPANY 558 S. E. Jackson OR 3-734 34 Misc. For Sale USED FURNISTURE. Wood ranges, fair to good, your choice $15. Iron bed steads and spring. $2 30. Two Only, apartment sise refrigerators. $13 each. Misc. chairs and tables. 1743 N.E. Dia mond Lake Blvd. OR 3-8372. TREVA'S" "CERAMICS Free lessons. Liirge assortment tree n ware, paints, glaces. Next to Winston Lockers. OS 9-3133. TOP SOIL from new location. The best you have ever seen no roots or weeds. Ralph Fisher, Winston. 08 8- ; FOR the best job of custom cutting, wrapping and quick freezing, bring your meat to Winston Lockers. OS 8- 3133. HOTPOINT automatic washer. 1 Very good condition, only $69, terms. V nip qua Valley Appliance, 4S SC Rose, Roseburg, Ore. FRIG IDA I RE automatic washer. A fl porcelain, only $58 93. terms. Umpqua Valley Appliance, 64$ SE Rosa, Rose burg, Ore. TOP SOIL Genuine heavy river loam. No rocks easy to handle For the best, call Charles Keely, OS 9- 3117. DOUBLE oven Hotpoint range. Has ev erything, only $199, terms. Umpqua Valley Appliance, 648 SE Rose, Rose burg, Ore. i ARGEAdmlraI combination freezer refrigerator. Dual temp. like new, ! only $219, terms. Umpqua Valley Ap pliance. 648 SE Rose. Roseburg. Ore. WE ALWAYS HAVE a fine selection of meat available for your locker or deep freeze at wholesale prices. Winston Lockers. OS 0-3i:i3 IT'' MOTOROLA TV. Very good condi tion, only $79.93, terms. Umpqua Val ley Appliance, 648 SE Rose, Roseburg, Ore. LARGE Norge combination re frlgerator- iroezer. ine new, only ii, lernn. Umpqua Valley Appliance, 648 SE Rose. Roseburg, Ore. NICE, modern. 5-room house with at tached garage. $2000. Must he moved off lot on Garden Valley Road. OR 2- 327or OR 3-6084. 16 FT. V BOTTOM cabin boat. Mark 55 motor with custom trailer. '49 Jeep! panel, VB motor, automatic transmit.-1 ion. Also 2 bedroom 'eta. OR 3-8039. j 1956 MODEL G.E. 12 cu. ft. refrigerator and freezer. Double door. Cail OR 3- 4300 after 6. WEST1NGHOUSE automatic washer. only $89, terms, Umpqua Valley Ap pliance. 618 SE Rose, Roseburg. Ore. RANGE, refrigerator, dryer, convention al washer, power mower, 'Md and misc. items. OR 3-4095. j COMBINATION 21" lawn mower and, garden cultivator. $75; pressure can-1 ner, $12. Ph. Oakland 3272. CERAMICS green ware, glazes, fin-1 - ished pieces, tree lessons. OR 3-4572.1 1206 S.E. Mill. MORE PEOPLE buy World Book En-1 cyclopedia than any other. Why? OR 2-:.97. CALU Family Finance, OR 3-3277, who wui neip you ouy ine article you want . ANTIQUE blrdseye maple secretary. Needs refinishing. Reasonable. Also chest of drawers. OR 3-39U7. O'KEEFE Ac MERRITT gas range, ex cellent condition, very reasonable, or 3-3132. KEN'S Rock Shop, lapidary equipment and supplies. OR 3-3409. 246 N. E. Chestnut. WINSTON Sand and Gravel. ?. -crushed rock, reject gravel, bar run .and top soil.OS 9-8493. RENT A TV," Dally or weekly rates. Kier Crooch Plumbing A Aoplianc" OR 2-3384. SCRIPTURE TEXT greeting cards and stationery. Sacred records. Bible Book Center, 413 S.E. Jackson, TOYS Tricycles, wagon, Irish Mall, scooter. OR 3-5440. CRIB and innersprlng mattress, like new. $25. OR 3-6814. GROUND cow or sheep fertilizer 100 lb saCKS, SI. 3D, UK 3-3041. ALL CHANNEL UHF converters, $24.93. Call OR 2-4630. STANLEY HOME Products. OR 3-3692. VIVIAN TRAVESS. ANYONE wanting Watktns Products, 2 1 68 N. E. Freemont OR 2-3607. USED GUNS, bought sold and traded. Umpqua Gun Store. 5H.prC-ARDENtractor, plow, cuTtiva"- tor anddisc. $125. OR 2-39H6. CHROME dinette set, like new OR 2-3850. RABBIT fertilizer. Call OR 3-4149. FULLER BRUSH. OR 2-1301 RED CEDAR poa Is. OR 3-4974. RAWLEIGH PRODUCTS OR 3-4934. CEDAR fence posts. OR 3-5789. FERTILIZER-for-sale. OR 8-4662."" the values available: LIST WHEN NEW $189.50 $149 50 $279.50 $399 50 $209.50 SAVP UP TO $30,00 $20.00 $80.00 $4000 . $30.00 ..sort rijasi GUESS WHO... -, -. S JS - '"'' . . . inherited some money 34 Misc. For Sale Quality Furnishers Maytag. S49 9S and up. Oth.r makea ,15 00 and up. Dryers u..d ,79 09 30" ranges $99. 9S New Hntpnint washer Was : 95 now $279. 95 Hotpoint dryers 1169 93 divans 170 off 1119 95 $75 trad, in allowanr. on bed room sets. 30r. off on 1958 Hotpoint refrig erators. 52 gallon Hotpoint water heater ONE WEEK ONLY WHILE THEY LAST. 644 S. E. Stephens Phone OR 2-1821 Annual Clearance Sale Odd Sizes, Samples, Remnants Venetian blinds Mj regular pric. Klrsch budg.t rods Extending to 4H" SI 15 Extending lo 86" ,1.95 Drapery remnant, ,1.0(1 yd. Drapery sample, .15 ea. Aluminum screens. Bamboo roller ahadea. Cornicea. All reduced to clear. BRING YOUR WINDOW SIZES FOR BARGAINS Roseburg Venetians 214 8.C. Jackson OR 3-3491 Auction Sunday 1 P.M. Westside Furniture Sales 945 W. Harvard 1 block west Community H.ptl. Furniture and mlir. Consignment, welcome Used Appliances Taken In on trades. Ranges, refriger ators, etc. torn, out and male, a deal. RAINBOW TRAILER SALES N. Hywy 9!) at Winchester Bridge Repossession ELNA Zig-Zag portable. Has open arm for darning. Make, buttonholes, sews on buttons, monograms and bllndstltches. Save $100 Trade and terms. OR 3-6323 LOLLIPOP Super vitamin. One a day Lollipops. Children love the delirious full fruit flavors. 14 for SI. Send cash, check or money order lo M. Slelnerl, Dial., 2511 W. Lorraine, Rose burg. WALNUT table, buffet, B chairs, ,40. Mcmi bedstead and coil springs, S7. Fashioncraft wardrobe, $12. Blue wing rocker, SI 7.50. Other articles. OR 3-7673. SELL or trade for cow or calves. Home. lite chainsaw, good condition. S1H0. Ray H. Morrow, RL 1, Box 196, Suth erlin. Ph. 3474. FINE VIOLIN, sell. trad, for chainsaw P O, Box 343, Dillard. 35 Wanted Misc. WE PAY HIGHEST cash prires for used furniture. HOseuurg Furniture ex change. 243 S.E. Jackson. OR 3-5104. WANTED TO BUY Good used furni ture. ROSEBURG AUCTION. OR 3 5026. WANTED TO BUY Old china, glass ware, furniture. Jewelry. Prlscilla s Antiques. 347 S.E. Jackson. OR 2-14-1, NEW 2nd hand store THE TRADING POST, will buy what have you? 220 N. E. Jackson. OR 3-1B2L READY CASH for good Used furniture. and misc. westside Auction, vn. OR 2-2601. WANTED to buy or trade. Model T rnra lanterns, gal cap, ana seats, uit .1-3053. SCRAP IRON, bfttries, radiators, cop per, brail. WIN pik UpOR 3-7202. TRAILER house, 8 ft. wide, 15 "to 35 ft. long. OS 9-6004 after B p.m. WANTED Boy's 20" to 24" bicycle. OR 2-3506. WANTED 16" sidewalk bike. OR 3-:t029. WANTED Hanfplo"w. OS 9-5379 WANTED baby crib. Phone OR 3-6040. 36 For Trade rOR SALE or trade 2 7 acres, large building 58x48 ft., for trailer house, logging truck, rental property or what have youTjOSJI-8004. 1955 FORD 1-ton stake truck, good con dition, low mileage, for pickup. Call OS 8-8770 after 3:.i0. GIBSON refrigerator for chain saw. In quire at Bloom's Chevron Station. 39 Timber Drain Plywood Company Drain, Oregon We Buy Logs Ph. TEmple 6-9144 Days TEmple 6-9886 Eve's f 1.0 rrirr-trv r-' - r 1 $m0met-Wi&-if-A.r &p&iVtl?.l'vrit-,''' 36 For Trade EQUITY in 1 bedroom home and fur nishings, automatic washer and dry er included, for trall.r house. OR after 5. TRADE new :10 LK carbine, model 94. for good model 12. li (uag. shotgun, j w a-ow.o alter o p m. 38 Logging Equipment IBM FORD F-6 truck and trailer, new rubber on truck and fair rubber on trailer, Also HD-5 cat in verv good condition. Call Oakland 3417 after 3, JO p m SKAGIT y a fd e r7"B UlM77sOC ummtn s , heel boom. BU 33 Skagit loader. Mj r tle Creek. UN 3-3291. D-2 CAT, blade, drum, canopy and guarded. See to appreciate. OR 2-4391 or OR 3-4167. FIRE EQUIPMENT mounted on good pickup. Complete. OR 2-1323. 39 Timber & Sawmills Peelers Gr Peelable Mill LOGS WANTED Delivered at Nordic Veneers pond en North Umpqua Highway, 3 miles east of Roseburg. Log lengths: 9' 0"; 17' 8 "; 26 8"; 33" 0". Diameter limits. Maximum 73 Inehes. minimum 18 inches. For information call OR 2-4331, Sutherlin 2ZM or OR 3-4069 eve nings. Logs Wanted All Species Top market prices paid Green Valley Lumber Co Phone Myrtle Creek. UNion 3-3181 North Myrtle Road. M.rtle Creek, Ore WANTED Logs-rough lumber-cants Will buy timber HUB LUMBER CO. OR 2-3.183 Garden Valley at RR tracks WEST & JONES Cutting Contractors Desire cutting contracts, large or small. CjiJlGY6-3203 jr GY 0j33A Logs Wanted Will buy all species CLEVELAND LUMBER Olalla Road - OS 9-5234 TRADE EQUITY in $12,300 Roseburg 3 netiroom nome ror property or wnat have you in Spokane, Washington. Pa menl S77. with 8'i'i G.L, Loan. Write News-Review box 913. NOW IS THE TIM-Tfor all small SAW MILL operators to come In and talk over their spring operation. CONSOL IDATED MILLING, old highway 99 South. Roseburg. DOUGLAS FIR and c.dar stud logs wanted. Pfeirf.r Lumbar Co., Yonoal la. Oregon. Ph. Victor 9-2111. WANTED Cordivood. etghtfoot SIS per cord. Lee Preston Lumbar Co. Riddle 2231. 40 House Trailers DAM up those tears. If you're worrying about the high coat of living. Gel a modern mobile home from McKee TRAILER SALES, 1162 N.E. Staph ens Street. They BREAK all records in lining up deal that'll mike your payments just like rent or less. And you ccn get away FROM it all anytime you get ready in move. Just hook up to your mubile home and go , . . you'll be safe and snug even In A Downpour! SENSATIONAL BILTMORE Yhe People's Choice New In Roseburg 8 and 10 Wide 40 45 50 ft. Outstanding In beauty and quality. We Invite you lo see these trailers and compare prices. Shady Point Trailer Sales 1 MILE SOUTH ON OLD HWY. M Henslee High Style Plainsman Casa Manona Sfl'-IS1 fl-wld. 1-2 bedrooms 10'-wldt to 30', 1-2-3 bedrooms COMPLETE LINE nt acc.saorlF. and parts in stork hltrh.s, butan. equip ment, awnings, atoves, refers, toilets, windows, water heater, and heating bands, top ooatinga, t GOOD SELECTION of used trailers and all kinds of house furnltur. taken in on trade. Earl E. Smith Trailer Homes Co. N. E. -.Stephens OR 1-3334 KF.NSKILL KENCRAFT JEWEL NASHUA ABC UNIVERSAL TERRA . CRUISER NEW MOON Jim McKee Trailer Sales 1ISS NE. Stephens Rod & Reel Trailer 4 Boat Sales 1143 W. Hsrvard FOR SALE or trade for furnltur. equity in '3. 40' trailer. OR 2-4140. EQUITY In 'S7 40' Ireller hsuae tradeor ja Call after S. OS 0-S90T. 1937 4.V, 2 bedroom. Priced Is Mil New awnings. OR 3-09S7. & Sawmills IMon., Mar. 23, 1959 Th 40 House Trailers Out Of This World NEW Spacermster & Rex JOIN The Space Age SEE Luxurious Interiors COMPARE Styles, Shapes, Size . BUY A Model Mobile Home NOW CiU us for dependable towing ervice if you ire moving your trailer anywhere. RAINBOW TRAILER SALES OR 3-7272 Winchester Luxurious Living Melody Home Front or Center Kitchen 2 or 3 Bedrooms Washers and Dryers Good Used Trailers M Flamingo aa s" Ms Customcr.ft 31' '32 We.tcraft 28 6" 'J6 Great Lakes IV 'M Roadmaster, 3d' S-Bdrm 33 Pan American, 37" with TV Mt 33 Kit Regal, 33' 2-Bdrm '33 Columbia, 33' 2-Bdrm '34 Spartan, 37' l-Bdrm '34 Jewel. IS', SS9S '33 National, l-Bdrm, 30 ft. 34 Fleetwood, 33' l-Bdrm '49 Spartan l-Bdrm. 3:f '33 Blltmore, 43', S319S IS' Sportscraft S493 Check Our Used Furniture Dept. Doyle's Mobile Homes Roseburg 1644 S.E Stephens OR 2.3736 or J. W. Doyl. OR 3-2924 Coqullle Highway 101 9661 BRADY'S Mobile Homes Ph. CR 2-3441 Brand new mobile homes Great Lakes Now made in Idaho to save you freight. The Fabulous Angelus Coronet By Angelus Complete line of travel trailers. Oasis Traveleze Airstream Late model used trailers All reconditioned And ready to live in. IPS. - 40 ft. Roycrafl 1933 40 fl. Roadcraft and others RENTALS BY THE WEEK Part. 'Si S-Ppliee - Complete line of hltchee. Complett repair, paint ing At aervice work. Open Evenings & Sundays Garden Valley & N. Stephens Airstream Special 22' Used-Like new Save IK) On This Bur NEW 2ft' Land Yarht All self contained 22' riylng Cloud Brady's Mobile Homes till N.E. Oarden VaUajr OR 2-3441 FORSAL or trede" 1 bedroom 3S ft. an trener. Bill'. Trailer court, Suth- erllnPhSBtt; is' rf. factory built house trall.r, 230, IlNlon 3-44SS, Myrtle Creek. 42 Trucks Dump Truck 1930 GMC 5M wltb 7-t yd dump kox. In top condition, S0300, OR S-744S. FOR IALI Used truck tanu amd tank, various capacities. Wire, phone or write Beall Pipe and Tenk Corporation, 1200S N. Burgard St., Portland 3, Oreson. Telephone AV 6- 30.n. FOR SALE - 1 Volkswagen panel de livery, low mileage. Can b Men at Rt. 2, Box 727-A, aerosa front Rose burg Country club. OR S-4733 after 3 I .M . 1952 FORD panel. Needs' rebuilt engine. Beit offer wiU Uke. OR 2-3331, A.M. toS P.M. 1049 INTERNATIONAL pickup. Otfl- 3170. fOR SALE 1940 fiodge pickup. Oood mechanlcat eondition, 03.-13. or 1-300. 43 Autos & Motorcycles LATK MODEL USED CARS WANTED Cash or trade for equity, A TEN PHILLIPS, Uit .E. Stephens. CALLFamily Finance, who can make it possible to buy th. motor vehicle of your choice. OR 3277. 1932 MERCURY 2 dr. Very good tires, overdrive, radio, heater. Reasonable. OR 2-1:123. CLEAN 1933 Plymouth 4 door sedan. Will eell or trade book price. OR 2- 1S21; LATE MODEL USED CAM WANTlb csstt or trade fpr equity. Keel Mo tors, rVlS fi.E. Stephens. 1930 MODEL A Ford coupe. Some extra parte. Runs food, S30. Phone Suther- lln 2300 efter S P.M. iota CHEVR"(5tlfciub coupe. Runs good, good Urea, RaiH, S7, OR 2-4130 'Sis otbSPatafion wagon, like new, low mileage. Sell or trade. OR S-1009. 1M7 CHEvHbLET i dr. eedan: new""bat- t.ry, SIS3. Call after 4 p.m. OR S-40W MOtSRCYCLH Now, ueed. Beckwlth Cycle. OR S-01SO. 1031 BSA Gold Star single. Phone OR 3-7771. 1031 FORD station wagon, (223. OR 3- eaeej aner 7. l0.vt"ot.DSWlt tradeTfor elder model OK S-3441. Nc - wi - Rc - view, Roieburg, Ore. 13 43 Autos & Motorcycles BARCUS '37 FORD rairlane 300 Victoria Coupe. RVH, automatic. Thunder bird motor, low miles. 1 vear guarantee. Hurry on this on .. 30M 57 PLYMOUTH V I sedan. Push, button drive, R&H. Top condi tion throughout 1701 '56 DODGE VI club coupe R&H. Jet black with white wall tires. Famous D-500 engine with straight stick. Unconditionally guaranteed. .. 14PI 56 PLYMOUTH VB sedan. Power- fitle. Rskll. 130t 'M CHRYSLER hardtop. 36.000 act ual miles. One owner 189 55 PLYMOUTH Vi Belvedere hard ton. Powerflite, R&H. Oniy !, 000 miles. 139a 54 DeSOTO 4-door. RiH, sutoms tic. A sharp car. Oniy 80S '53 CADILLAC 4 door. R&H, automa tic, Why not drive General Mo tor's best for only 1291 '53 HUDSON club coupe. Overdrive 301 '51 PACKARD sedan. Ultramatlc. R&H. 300 motor. One owner ear sen 50 PACKARD Sedan, R&H. . fit '50 BUICK Special sedan. RAH 9 '50 HUDSON club rpe. Runs good. . M Trucks & Pickups "51 DeSoto Carry-All. Extra good condition 398 '58 FORD V-l pickup, special 891 BARCUS N. Stephens at Gardes Vallay Riiar) Ph. OR 3-556 Easy Bank Terms 1097 FORD Ranch Wagon, V-S wllh overdrive and heeter. Easy-to- . keep light green flnlth. Excel lent condition 1708 1937 PONTIAC 4-door sedan. Super Chief lerles with 23.UO0 actual miles. R Js H, Hydra., power eteer., power brakes, like new 1998 1937 CHEVROLET Bel Air 4-dr. Spark ling inside and out. Beautiful bronze 3-tono finish. Extra low miles. Full equipment 1898 1930 MERCURY Monterey 4 - dr. hardtop. RAH. Merc-O-Metlc. Tip . Top condition Inside and out . 1398 10S0 FORD 0-pasaenger Country Se dan, Popular Ford-O-M a 1 1 c, heater, Thunderblrd perform ance. Very clean - let's trade. .. 1899 1933 De.SOTO Club aeden. R . H. Fluid drive. Extra nice condi tion 308 1033 BEL AIR t-door. niH, Power glide. A reel sharpie. Take a look at this today. 70S Trucks & Pickups 19SS FORD ton pickup. Custom cab, heavy-duty tlree and trane. Guar anteed good ........m 1098 1031 H D. Allie Chalmers eal, blade and drum, and canopy. Terms - 4230 1030 FORD H ton pickup. 4 speed transmission, V-S motor recent ly replaced. .. 408 1047 FORD H ton, 1 ipeed cyl. .. 228 Lock wood Motors 2 Big Lots Oak it Rose OR 3 6334 1430 S. E. Stephens OR 24441 Jalopy Junction 1 360 N. E. Stephens OR 1-4-81 $10 Down Specials Priced Below Market 'S3 PLYMOUTH door , 3 'SI DODGE 4-door '01 MERCURY 4 door 'SI BUICK hardtop, sharp SO BUICK Tudor '30 CHEVROLET 4 door '37 FORD pickup $10 Down Open Sundays 39S 129 '30 CHEVROLET Brookwood 8 passen ger station wagon. VS engine. Turbo, glide transmission. RAH. Power ateer. ing, power brakea. 0000 mile. Will trade equity for clean, older oar. OR 1-3478 befora a p.m. 1990 PONTIAC S door, new tlree. R&H. Clean throughout. Good motor. Will take guns as part payment, 8230. OR 3-8413. or eee at too S.E. Stephens. '32 NASH station wagon, excellent con. dltlon. Double Eagle Urea, gOOO. Phona 463 Comae Valley. '33 CHEV. 4-door Bel Air eedan. fullr equipped. Very clean. Sea to appreci ate, 8130J. OR t-2903. 1M3 CHIV.!el-Alr, perfect condition. 1224 8. T. Reservoir evening, or phone OR 3-3374: evenings OR 3-8232. 1948F6RD 4dooe eenati. 1030 Bulrai 4 door. Beat offer tak one or both. or a-aaoa. ' mm VCHOICE I . limp fig? mm