Plenty of Bargains Advertised Here -Check Them! OR 2-3321. 14 Help Wanted Invoice Clerk LUMBER. PUnt near Eugene. Lite In Eugene. Better than average earnings. Write, ivlnf experience, references, etc., Box 913, Newi-Revlew, AUTO SALES MEN WILL hire 1 qualified men to tell Ford cart and truck i. Excellent opportun ity. Good salary and commmion com pensation. LOCJWqODMOTORS SALES representative, previoua sales experience helpful but not required. Must be neat appearing. Prefer man 20 to 35. Salary plus commission, car furnished. See Mr. Phillips, 6-10 a.m.. Singer Sewing Machine Company, 558 S. E. Jackson. APPLIANCE talesman wanted. Must have aome selling experience. Apply in person. Kier Crooch Plumbing St Appliance, 528 S. K. Stephens. 15 Work Wanted SEWING ind alterations ' of III kind. Mn. W. E. Curlla, 731 N. E. Erie Phone OH 3-7434. EXPERIENCED carpenter needs any kind of work. Felix Durand. OR 3- 5098. j WASHING, rough dry; alio Ironing. OR 2-3693. LONG, ahort leg and lumber hauling. Franco Trucking. OR 3-6967. SEWING. All type. Guaranteed. OR 2-2766. V IRONING In my home. Will pickup and de liver. OR 2-3924. SEWING and mending. Mre. 3. S. Marr. OR 2-3437. IRONING In my home. OR 3-4093. ALTERATIONS. OR 3-3392 after 330. DRESSMAKING, alterations. OR 2-1273. ROTOTILLING. Beebe. OR 3-3738. ROTOTILLER for rent. OR 3-8064. 18 Instruction LESSONS on guitar, mandolin, banjo, violin, uke. John E. Jones. OR 3-652. rORRlV!Nr"lnstructions, phone 0 R 3-7447. SPANISH guitar lessons for beginners. OR 2-3032. 20 Services HARRY HATCHER Income Tax and Accounting Service ' rhoni Office OR 2-2461 Home OR 2-1304 959 S.E. Stephens Street OPPOSITE GREYHOUND BUS DEPOT MONOG RAMMING, dressmaking, alter ations. Buttonholes and self fsbrie belts. Hemstitching and specialty sew ing. The Sew Shop NEW LOCATION 806 S. I. Casa Ave. OR 2-4391 Home of the Adlermatle Sewing Machine Roseburg Garden Service Bototilling. landscaping, all typee of small excavations. OS 9-5263 Between 8-10 a.m. and 3-7 p.m. CHILD CARE Mother Goose Nursery Rototilling OR 2-3904 ROTOTILLING Ferguson Tractor and blade New Equipment Beebe & Bowman OR 3-3738 MOTOR rewinding, repairing. All makes and sixes. Experienced, competent, mnini- man. Jimmle'i Electric Motor Shop, 350 NE Garden Valley Blvd. OR 3-3 162. ' APPLIANCE repairs. Fast, efficient service, all brands, ranges, refrigera tors, freezers, washers and dryers and all small appliances. Call Kier Crooch Plumbing St Appliance, 528 S. E. Stephens. OR 2-3364. ELECTRIC APPLIANCE repairs from hand irons and razors to ranges and dryers. All Makes. Bargain Appliance Center. 631 S. E. Rose OR 3-5525. WARD'S TV St Appliance Repair. Free pickup and delivery on small appli ances. OS 9-5032; after 6 p.m., OR 2-1853. SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED no mile age: free estimates. Roseburg Sani tation Service, 1960 NK Stephens. Ph. OR 3-3356. MOWER SHARPENING, tratler-hitches. welding, woodwork and general repair. nreen District. ZJJit a. w. casue ai Ph. OR 3-4687 6 TEAM CLEANING mobile unit, we go anywhere. Motora or lndustris) equipment. Payless Service Station, 711 S.E. Stephens St. Ph. OR 2-9032. PUMP REPAIRS. 24 hour service. Mil ler St Cox Sales and Service, On 2- 3381: nights call OR 3-3759. SHALE rock for roads and driveway. Immediate delivery. Ph. C. P. Tallon. OR 3-4040. CARPENTER, any type construction We help arrange financing. Free eatl- matea. Kowalewski. OR 3-8020. GRADING and leveling: loam and rock delivered. Call Paul Casey, OR 3-4018. 2231 N. E. Stephens St. HARRIS HOME IMPROVEMENTS Roofing, siding, foundations. THA terms. OR 3-6123. DOZING, leveling;" also shale rock, river loam and road materials. Chaa. Kee)e OS 9-5117 CARPENTER work. New construction or remodeling. Free estimates. OR 3-7234. RIDENOUR Electric wiring Job and installation electric beaters. OR 3 7303. CERAMIC tile dralnboards, fubbacks, showers. Free estimates. Kelley Tile. OR 3-5651. FLOOR sanding-finish lng. old or new, repsir, floor laying. Free estimate. OR 2-4Q26. LET us upholster your boat, car or fur niture. OR 3-5666. NoHTH ROSEnnRG Kindergarten. OR 3-7849, OR 2-1014. ELECTRIC CONTRACTORS, Lansing & Oliver. OR 3-6636. CARPENTRY. Reasonable. Small jobs preferred. Smith. OR 3-8411. PIANO tuning, regulating, repairs, strings, etc. John E. Jones. OR 3-6323. BRICK, block and cement contractor. Norman Richardson. OR 2-297, PAINTER, carpenter, roofing. OR 3- 8747. WALLBOARD FINISHING, nstllng. tap ing, texturing, painting. UY e-35.iv. HEL1-ARC welding. Winston Chain Saw, US W-J041. fRONINQ In my home. OR 2-2440. PRUNING. Call Wright. OR 3-8747. INCOME TAXTR "34868 after" p m. SEPTIC tanks cleaned. OR 9-7470. 20 Services Berkeley Pumps Domeatle-Irrigatton-Industrial Sales & Service Speciallilng in complete REPAIR SERVICE All Makes 31 Years Experience In Sales, Repairs it Maintenance. NVw And Used Pumps tor Sal at all times Gerretsen Bldg. Supply Co. Oak St. at R R, Trarki. OR 2-263 Bill Whites INCOME TAX SERVICE 7?7 W. Harvard Ave. (A, ROSS PROM COMMUNITY HOSPITALI TREE PARKING" 15 Years Experience DEPENDABLE, EFFICIENT SERVICE. NO APPOINTMENT NECESSARY. OFFICE HOURS I AM TO I PM Phone OR 2-4041 ' Sonya White's Income Tax Service Prompt Courteous Dependable 1625 W. Harvard Ave. NEXT DOOR TO FAIRHAVEN MKT. FREE PARKING Phone OR 2-4261 WHY PAY MORE? $2.50 hour will get expert carpenter work done for you. OR 3-8632. James Morgan. Rt 4. Box 1H7. MOHR WELL DRILLING whirlpool bath. OR 2-2321 2-3043. Jacur.zi or OR ROOFING, risher Thorsen Paint Co. Portland. W. E. Daum. Local Agent, fn. UK 3-1371. INVISIBLE mending or general mend lng. OR 2-3332. 21 Building Material SPRING Clean Up Sale ONE LINEN cabinet ZV x 24" X 80' iM. Our mistake we goofed on the measurements. Take it away for S25. ONE ROOM divider closet. Custom made but the customer never came for it. Size 40" x 16" x 72". Yours for 922.50. ONE FIBERGLASS sliding door tub In cisure. iist was smus our ust, io. ONE 32" model "S" Heatform fireplace unit. List, $80. We have had this one too long, price $10, TWO WINDOW and frame units with balances installed. Primed white. 32" x 18" glass measure. Double hung. List, each complete, $24.50. Take them at $45 each. CONCRETE patio barbecue units. These bolt together can be moved. Stain less steel ledges and stainless steel rills. One listed for $40.93, you fire it up for $30. Two that listed for (56.95 each, now smi.mj eacn. Also Several Other Items On Our Bargain Counter Don't Miss These City Lumber & Builders Supply Diamond Lake Blvd. at Patterson St, BARGAINS utility and economy lum ber. Also snipiap a ana oeiter ai mentions. See us and save Consolidated Old Highway south. Milling OR 3-7411 Shinlao: low grade boards, 1x8 and wider, 2x4 and wider. Also plenty of utility and better. Lumber Sales Co. OR 3-7362 Garden Valiey nearRRJracks lxBFIR SIDING, V-Rustlc, kiln dried. Special $93 per M. West Coast Build ing Material, Mill St Woodward Streets OR 3-6614. GOOD used doors and windows. OS 9-8657, evenings. HEAVY TIMBERS 12X12 and 8X12 in 8 ft. to 40 ft lengths. Os 0-8834. 23 Fuel SAWDUST Blower Service or Dump WOOD Oak, slab, planer ends and peeler core. Roseburg Lumber Co. SAWDUST Blower and Dump MILL ENDS, dry or green peeler core. GUY AND FRANCES GILL. FUEL 2814 N.E. Douglas OR 1-1524 DRY oak, laurel or fir wood, fireplace or furnace. OR 3-7995 days; OR 3-3604 evenings. mi OAK Madrone and fir body wood. 1m mediate delivery. jnone niaaie jam or 3782. S. T. Humphrey. PL A NT. R ENDS. Hub Lumber Co. OR 2-3386. BED DIAMOND fuel Co. Kiln dried planer ends; oalc wood, uk a-aua. DRY OAK and laurel. OS 9-5311. 25 Farm Equipment D-2 CAT, blade, drum, canopy and guarded. See to appreciate, uk 3-4u or OR 3-4167. OLIVER crawler in new condition. Wal ter Cota, Oakland, rnone mil. 26 Livestock ATTENTION ponr breeders! At stud, registered Hackney pony. Phone Oak land 3120. WANTED 2 or 3 Hereford feeder calves. CallOR 3-6141 after p m. WOOL received dally. Nichols1 Store, Brockway. OS 9-A907. im WANTED Livestock of all kind. R. E. Camp. OS 9-32B3 NEW and u?ed saddle and bridles. 2844 N T. Douglas. W ALLY'S horse hoeing, call OR - 4149. FOR SALE a milk cowi, OS 9-6912 several to choose from. FOR .LF yearling Hereford bulla, F. D. Coon. OiUard. OS 9-57M. COWI and calves. Ol Mm, evenings. 26 Livestock Schricker & Inda Livestock Auction Pa Sutherlln 2146 Oakland 2834 sutherlln, Oregon Sat. March 14, 12:30 3 loads of stocker'and feeder cows. leer and heifers. Several large bulla Also butcher cows, milk cows, veal and baby calves. Hortes, hogs and sheep. Bring In your feeder pigs for a good market price. Commission 31 over $500. 4r4 under. SCHRICKER St INDA. Managers SCHRICKER St SONS, Auctioneers G. A. BROWN. Weighmaster Douglas Livestock Market Wilbur, Ore. EARLY CONSIGNMENTS for Thursday March 19th: 1 load white fare cowa 1 load cows with calves 1 load mixed feeder aleers and heif ers 1 yearling Angus bull 1 Red polled bull Several head apringer cowa and heif ers. Sole Every Thursday 1 P.M. Ph. OR 2-4071 or Sutherlln 3380 FOR SALE Registered and grade Guernsey cowa and helfera freshen ing aoon. Ravenswood Dairy, Myrtle Creek. Ore. WANTED Sheep and cattle, all kinds W. A. Blackert. Ph. Myrtle Creek UN 3-4315 THREE 9 month oldTcaivea, kfeach. OR 3-3791. 27 Hay & Grain HAY, clover and grata, 45c bale. Oscar Weeks, Myrtle Creek. UN 3-3758 noon nour. OAT hay. R. Conn. OR 3-6423. 2ND CUTTING alfalfa $25. Clem fav- enner. Canyonville. JE 2-4245. STRAW for sale.OR "-3860. HAY. Reasonable. Call 2933, Oakland. 28 Poultry & Rabbits Baby Chicks NEW Ham p.. Parmenter Red, White Leghorn and Golden Broad. Order early avoid delay. Ponton Hatch- ery. 974 W. Harvard Ave. OR 3-3326. DAILY fresh brown eggs, 35c and 45c per doz. large 50c. 683 N. E. Neuner Drive between Chestnut St, ana &nacK Shack. OR 3-3188, POULTRY, wool. bark. Receiving Tum. day only. For ranch plckuo. call OS 9-8663 or on Tuesday OR 3-4331. Rose burg Poultry Comsaiur. FREE BABY chicks. 15 to each custom er. Come In and sign up. Iversona Feed Store. PURINA fresh eggs. Ivarson Feed Store. 29 Pets AKC Reg. Norwelgian Eikhound duos, $23. 1194 W. Lookingglasa St. Phone UK 2-4608. FOR SALE On year old male box er. Myrtle creek, tm 3-3U. BELGIAN Schipperke puppies, $15 your cnoice. uk ttud service. OR 2- DOUGLAS COUNTY HUMANE Society Animal Shelter. OR 2-3907. BABY Parakeets. 3 miles south. Bur ton's. OR 3-8122. PUTMAN'S Toy Fox Terrier Kennels. Wilbur, Oregon. OR 3-8804. BEAUTIFUL Red factor canaries and cages. Putman's, OR 3-8804. CHIHUAHUA stud service. Puppies later. OR 3-3694. PART Bloodhound and part Red bone pups. 915. OR 3-3955. CHIHUAHUA male puppies, registered. OR 3-3694. FOR SALE, female English bulldog. OR 3-4840. GLENGARY Beagle Kennels. OR 3-3793. 31 Sporting Equipment UMPQUA MARINA ir SKAGIT BOATS ir MERCURY MOTORS ic BOAT ACCESSORIES MOTOR REPAIRING 639 S. E. Rose St. OR 3-5574 Rod & Reel Trailer'Cr Boat Sales "Quiet" Evinrud. motora P-14, Seaswirl, Larson fiberglass boats Starcraft aluminum boats Maetercraft boat trailers Paints, accessories, tires, etc. Gold Bond Stamps 1145 W. Harvard FOR SALE TroUer. "Susie" lenarth 28'S'. beam 9 ft-, draft 3 ft, 8 to S radio, electric Curdles, lots of new a moment, com Die te salmon gear. Now fishing out of Depne Bay. Write Glenn Wheeler, Box 993, Coos Bay, Ore. 13 BOAT 58" beam, open center cowel steering. Also sport boat, windshield, glove compartment, steering. OS 8- 86X1. SMALL 12 ft. plywood boat and trailer, eVi norse J on n son ana etsna, extin guisher, cushions, oars, anchor, $195. OR 3-8218. 22' INBOARD double ended wood cabin boat. 4 bras gurdies. blocks, comm. gear, $1150. Ph. WH 3-3936, Cottage urove. 20 FT. double-ender. perfect for com mercial or sport fishing. wo; 12 ft, boat, 6'i hp motor, 990. Sutherlln 2143, TELESCOPE RIFLE SIGHTS If bought from us, we Install free if gun Is fac tc-v dr.lled. umpqua uun More. MODtflt 70-300 magnum with scope. 150. Kenneth Jones, out Iff miles S. Myrtle Rt Myrtle Creek. FISHING tackle you will l!k at Pow- ell's, V block west Post Office. 18 FT. Cabin cruiser Inboard; new 12x14 wall tent OR 3-7694 after 9:30. FOR SALE 14 ft. plywood boat Call OS 9-8926 after fl p.m. GOOD 19 ft. cedar boat. 930. OR 3-5902. 32 Produce & Plants SEE STARK ad under "Personals.1 33 Sewing Machines CABINET sewing machine with attach mente. Terms. Phone Oft 3-8793. 34 Misc. For Sale CARTER TIRE Used Appliance Sale Washers ' GE automatic w-ruur flow 1937 11,20 Norge automatic 1933 SI 10 GE conventional 1931 I 30 Maytag eonv'tn'l square tub 1932 S 63 Norge semt-automatit Dryers GE deluxe Hotpolnt deluxe Kenmore custom Frigidaire deluxe 1930 t 30 1958 $ 95 1953 70 1B53 9 70 1951 9 45 1953 9 7 5 1951 f 95 Ranges Westlnghouse 40" Electron, a iter 40" Refrigerators Crosley Shelvador 11 cu. ft. 1950 9 85 Gibson 7 cu. ft. 1943 9 S3 Norge deluxe 8 cu. ft. 198 9 75 MW 7 CU. ft. 1947 9 33 All the above appliances are de livered, installed and guaranteed. The guarantee Includes all parts and labor. For added savings, pickup and deliver, yourself. LOWEST Or TERMS AVAILABLE. 266 S. E. Stephens OR 2-3393 Must Be Razed And Property Cleared Seven cabins and misc. furniture and fixtures, wood ranges, refrigerators, etc. Make Us An Offer . John J. and Lee Zenor 1743 N.E. Diamond Lake Blvd. OR 3-6372 For Auctioneering Services CONTACT Col. V. M union. We buy, sell and trade. It pays to buy and sell day, 7 P.M. the auction way. Auction every Frl- Roseburg Auction Ph. OR 3-3026 COMPLETE oak dining room set, 9135; breakfast set. 4 chairs, xia: neany new mimeograph, $125; 17" Silvertone TV, $65. OR 3-5340 days; OR 3-5017 evenings. 1936 CUSTOM Bendix Duomatlc, like new condition. Tented and guaranteed. $299 includes installation ana demon stration. Horn's Appliance. 424 S.E. Jackson. OR 3-5318. 1 BUICK radio, excellent condition, 913. 3 HP David Bradley garden tract or, disc, plow, and cultivator $125. Phone OR 3-5431 or tee at 1237 S.E. Cobb. CHROME dinette set with 6 chairs; Westlnghouse automatic roaster, tame lamps; rose frieze swing rocker. OR 3-3216 after 6 p.m. OR 3-5518 days. TOP SOIL Genuine heavy river loam, no rocks easy to nanaie. For the best, call Charles Keely. OS 9-5117. REPOSSESSED 30" range with broil Horn's Appliance, OR 3-5518. deluxe automatic tinder glass. $197. 424 SE. Jackson. WE ALWAYS HAVE a fine selection of meat available for your loetter or aeep freeze at wholesale prices. Winston Lockers. OS 9-3133 REPOSSESSED 6,j cu. ft custom freez er, used 3 months, save siaa. terms. Horn's Appliance, 424 S.E. Jackson. OR 3-5518. NICE, modern, 5-room house with at tached garage. $2000. Must te movca off lot on Garden Valley Road. OR 2-3267 or OR 3-6094. USED Shop-checked automatic washers. 920 and up. use a aryers, ju ana up. Horn's Appliance, 424 S.E. Jackson. OR 3-5518. TREVA'S CERAMICS Free lessons. Large assortment greenware, paint, glazes. Next to Winston Lockers. OS 9-5133. CLEAN and neat 7 cu. ft. Coronado re frigerator, only 25 ' wide. $GS. Terms. Horn's Appliance, 424 S.E. Jackson. OR 3-931B. TOP SOIL from new location. The best you have ever seen no roots or weeds. Ralph Fisher, Winston. OS 9 8493. FOR the best Job of custom cutting, wrapping ana quick freezing, oring your meat to Winston Lockers. OS 9-3133. POLOROID camera, case, light me ter, flash attachment, 975. Call OK 3-8193. DAVID-BRADLEY garden tractor with plow, disc, harrow and cultivator, very good condition. OR 2-2906. COMBINATION 21" lawnmower and garden cultivator, 975. pressure can ner, 912. Ph. Oakland 3272. CERAMICS greenware, glazes, fin ished pieces. Free lesions. UK 3-4572, 1206 S.E. Mill. , MORE PEOPLE bur World Book En cyclopedia Uun any other. Why 7. UK 2-3397. CALL Family Finance, OR 3-5277, who win neip you buy ine article you want . KEN'S Rock Shop, lapidary equipment and supplies, uh 9-swh, i n. Mi. Chestnut. WINSTON Sand and Gravel, -crushed rock, reject gravel, bar run and top soil. OS D-6403. RENT A TV. Daily or weekly rates. Kier Crooch Plumbing A Apoltane OR 2-3364. SCRIPTURE TEXT greetlnf cards and stationery. Sacred records. Bible Rook Center, 413 g.E. Jackson. SMALL, table model cream aeparator. 25. OR 3-6633. CANOPY for Chevrolet pickup. OR 2 2410. ALL CHANNEL UHr converters, 124.69. Call OR 2-4630. STANLEY HOME Products. VIVIAN TRAVESS. ANYONE 2168 N. wantlnf Watklna Producta, I. FreemonL OR 2-3607. STANLEY Home Producta. Bernlce Ebert, 1382 N.E. Vine. ORJ-1126. USED GUNS, bought sold and traded. Umpqua Gun Store. WANTED Boy'i 20" to 24" bicycle. OR 2-3608. GUN-TYPE oil burner for furnace, 23. see at old calhollo Church. RABBIT fertilizer. Call OR 3-414D. FULLER BRUSH. OR 2-1301 RED CEDAR posts. OR 3-4074. RAWLEIOH PRODUCTS UR 3-4634. CEDAR fence posts. OR 3.57B0. Drain Plywood Company Drain, Oregon We Buy Logs Ph. TEmple 6-9144 Days TEmple 6-9886 Eve's GUESS WHO... iVtt -a- vtv , was demonstrating how 34 Misc. For Sale Quality Furnishers Maytag 949.93 and up. Other makes $13.00 and up. Dryers used $79 9ft 30" ranges 999.95 New Hotpomt washer Was $399.95 now 9219.93 Hotpolnt drers 9169.95 divans 970 Off $119.95 973 trade in allowance on bed room sets. 20 off on 1958 Hotpoint refrig erators. 52 gallon Hotpoint water healer $38.88 ONE WEEK ONLY WHILE THEY LAST. 644 S. E. Stephens Phone OR 2-1821 Auction .Sunday 1 P.M. Westside Furniture Sales 945 W. Harvard 1 block west Community Hptl. Furniture and mLse. Consignments welcome Used Appliances Taken In on trades. Ranges, refrlger ators, etc. Come out and make a deal. RAINBOW TRAILER SALES N Hywy 99 at Winchester Bridie 3 H.P. GARDEN tractor, plow, cultlva- tor and disc, $125. OH 2-3966. 35 Wanted Misc. WE PAY HIGHEST cash prices for used furniture. KoseDurg rurnuure tx. Change.243 S.E. Jackson.OR 3-3104. WANTED TO BUY Good used furni ture. ROSEBURG AUCTION. OR 3- 5026. WANTED TO BUY Old china. gla;s- ware, furniture. Jewelry. Priscllla s Antiques. 247 S.E. Jackson.OR 2-1421. NEW 2nd hand store THE TRADING POST, will buy what nave your za N. E. Jackson. OR 2-1921. READY CASH for good used furniture. and misc. west side Auction, rn. OR 2-2501. WANTED Hand plow. OS 9-5378. 36 For Trade ELEVEN room 'house including 3 bed room apt, completely furmtned. is acres of land equipped. Trailer house and pickup for equity. OS 9-8678. TRADE new 30:30 carbine, model 94, for good model 12, 12 guage shotgun. OS 9-8926 after 6 p.m. 1953 FORD 1-ton stake truck, good con dition, low mileage, for pickup, call OS 9-8770 after 5:30. GIBSON refrlgeaator for chain saw. In quire at Bloom s cnevron station. 38 Logging Equipment 1951 FORD F-8 truck and trailer, new rubber on truck and fair rubber on trailer. Also HD-S cat In very good condition. Call Oakland 3417 after 5:30 p.m. TRACK type logging arch suitable for D-7 Cat. CUlNaOLflDA i EU IYUIjIjUNU. OR 3-7411. SKAGIT yarder. BU ISA. ISO Cummins, heel boom. BU 35 Skagit loader. Myr tie Creek, UN 3-3291. D-2 CAT. blade, dru m , canop y and guarded. See to appreciate. OR 2-4591 or OR 3-4167. 39 Timber & Sawmills Logs Wanted All Species Top market prices paid Green Valley Lumber Co Phone Myrtle Creek. UNIon 3-3181 North Myrtle Road. Myrtle Creek, Ore. Logs Wanted Will buy all species CLEVELAND LUMBER Olalla Road - OS 9-5234 WANTED Loggers to log small tim ber, either with hornet or small cats. Tan us several sides. Contact D. E. Crowe, Cottage Grove, WHitney 2-&I44 or evenings, Springfield, Riverside 6-3079. WANTED Logs-rough lumber-cants Will buy timber HUB LUMBER CO. OR 2-3385 Garden Valley at RR tracks NOW IS THE TIME for all small SAW MILL operators to come In and talk over their spring operation. CONSOL IDATED MILLING, old highway W South. Roseburg. WANTED Cord wood, eight foot $16 per eoro iea rreston Lumwr .o. Riddle 2X11. Vja-aVW I 39 Timber & Sawmills Peelers & Peelable Mill LOGS WANTED Delivered at Nordic Veneers pond on North Umpqua liighwa, 3 mile can) of Roseburg. Log lengths: 9' 0": 17' 8": 36' 8". 3.V 0". Diameter limits. Maximum 75 inches, minimum 18 inche. For information r.ill Olt 2-4551, Sutherlln 2232 or OK 3-40ot) eve nings. DOUGLAS FIR and cedar stud logs wanted. Plciffer Lumber Co., Yoncal U. Uregon. Ph. Vlclur 9-2111. FOR SALE Lath and strip mill, will include l' ton CMC. S350. 748 S E. Jackkon, Apt. 1. 40 House Trailers BRADY'S Mobile Homes Ph. OR 2-3441 Brand new mobile honici Great Lakes Now made in Idaho to save you freight. The Fabulous Angelus Coronet By Angelus Complete line of travel trailers. Oasis Traveleze Airstream Late model used trailer All reconditioned And ready to live in. 19.14 - 40 ft. Hoy era rt 1933 - 40 ft. ltosflcraft and others RENTALS BY THE WEEK Parts St Supplies - Complete line of hitches. Complete repair, paint ing St service work. Open Evenings & Sundays Garden Valley & N. Stephens NURSERY stories dun'l mention McKEE TRA1I. ER SALES, 1162 N.E. Stephens Street, but when some wise guy RAISES this point, we lust tell him every child knows his parents save MONEY by buying a modern mobile home ' at McKEK'S, Their parents really appreciate It, too, because they know that money doesn't really grow on TREES! Henslee High Style Plainsman Casa Manana 2!'-3R 8-wlde 1-3 bedrooms lO'-wide to 50. 1-2-3 bedrooms COMPLETE LINE of accessories and parts In stock hitches, butane equip ment, awnings, stoves, refers, toilets. windows, water heaters and heating Danas, top coatings, etc. GOOD SELECTfON of Used trailers and all kinds of house furniture taken In on trade. Earl E. Smith Trailer Homes Co. 1980 N. E. Stephens OR 3-3336 Airstream Special 22' Used-Like new -Save Slooo On This Buy NEW M' Land Yacht All aelf contained ' 22' Flylnf Cloud Brady's Mobile Homes 41)1 N.E. Garden Valley OR 2-3441 ONE BEDROOM 10411 Trailercralt, IT trailer. Modern kitchen, no bath. Lights, electric brake. Good shape, $.100. OR 2-38U6. FOR SALE or trade 1 bedroom 35 ft. '98 trailer. Blll'a Trailer Court, Suth erlln. Ph. 2847. 40 FT. 1-bedroom Kit trailer. Will take aome furniture, call JE 2-449U, can- yonvllle. '52 ROADMASTER 20 II., 2-42.17. modern. OR FOR SALE or trade for furniture equity In '56. 40' trailer. OR 2-4146. EQUITY In 'S7 40' trailer house trade or aell. call after o, OS h-hhrt. BETTER BUY BUICK CHOICE USED CAR BUYS '58 Buick ??? Station wagon. Custom estate wagon. The popular Century Caballero. Load ed with extras. Full power Including A way seat. Finished In metallic cop per. Look at the huge savings offered and agree the best buy is this Buick. '57 Buick $2298 4 Door hardtop. A real beauty. Very low mileage. 2 tone nnisn. i nis spe cial a tops for rondltlon and value. New Premium tlrea to boot. '53 Buick $698 4 Door sedsn. A nice clean car with lots of trouble free miles left. A dream to drive and a pleasure to own. Guar anteed OK. '36 Chev Deiray coupe. $1498 34 Chev Bel Air dr. 08 '31 ford Victoria 1308 '36 Olda $8 1 dr 1398 '84 Plymouth Belvedere. 398 '31 Buick 4 dr. RpeMI. 108 n'r.sV Wed. Mar. 18, 1959 The Newi-Review, Roseburg, Ore. 11 40 House Trailers SPRING TIME TRAILER TIME BUY NOW Rainbow Trailer Sales Winchester OR 3-7272 10 Wide 50 ft. 2 Bdrm Spacemaster '59 Model 10 Wide 50 ft. 3 Bdrm Spacemaster '59 Model 10 Wide 45 ft. 1 Bdrm Rex 10 Wide 45 ft. 1 Bdrm Kit 8 Wide 36 ft. 1 Bdrm Pacemaker 8 Wide 30 ft. 1 Bdrm Mayflower These and many more values Come in and see the DELUXE FEATURES AND LOW COST Luxurious Living Melody home Front or Center Kitchen 2 or 3 Bedrooms Washers and Dryers Good Used Trailers '56 Flamingo 28 6" '32 Customcraft 25' '32 Westcruft 28'6" '56 Great Lakes 27 5;t Roadmaster. 35' 2-Bdnn '53 Pan American, 27' with TV set '52 Kit Regal, .13 2-Bilrm 33 Columbia, 33' 2-Bdrm '54 Spartan, 37' 1-Bdrm '34 Jewel, 15', $893 '33 National, 2-Bdrm, rtn ft '34 Fleetwood, 33' 1-Bdnn '49 huurtan l-Bdrm. M , '33 Blltmore, 42'. $3195 18' Sporlscraft S495 Check Our Used Furniture Dept. Doyle's Mobile Homes Coqutlle Highway 101 9861 KENSKll.L ABC KENCRAIT UNIVERSAL JEWEL TERRA - CRUISER NASHUA NEW MOON SE Jim McKee Trailer Sales 1162 N.E. Stephens OR 2-422 Rod & Reel Trailer & Boat Salci 1143 W Harvard iM7 4V, 2 "bedroom? Priced to sell. New awnlnga. OR 3-6087. 42 Trucks FOR SALE 1 Volkswagen panel de livery, low mileage. Can be seen at Rt. 2, Box 727-A, across from Rose burg Country Club. OR 3-4733 after 3 P.M. 1952 FORD panel. Needs rebuilt engine. Best offer wiU take. OR 2-3331, 8 A.M. to3 P.MJ 1910 CHEV. panel, runs good. See at Texaco Station, 468 Garden Valley Blvd. FOR SALE '52 Chevrolet 1 ton truck, or will trade for oickuo. OR 2-2936. 43 Autos & Motorcycles CLEAN 1953 Plymouth 4 door sedan. Win sell or trade book price. OR a 1821. LATE MODEL USED CARS WANTED cash or trade for equity. Keal Mo. tors, 833 S.E. Stephens. '5T OLDS hardtop. Good condition. New pajnt. $300. OR 2-3222. 1047 CHEVROLET 4 dr. sedan; new bat tery, $123. Call after 4 p.m. OR 3-40H0. '55 Buick $1398 4 Door Century. WhIU and yellow. New plastic covers. Radio, heater, power steering, whltewall tires. A real nice car at a smaU car price. '54 Buick $998 4 Door sedan. A real clean ear In the best condition. 2 tone finish. Radio, heater. Dynaflow, custom covers and good tires, Drive In and get thla good deal. '56 Buick ??? Hardtop coupe. Hera le the ear. Load ed with extraa, completely power equipped and In tip-top condition. You will love the value In thla custom car. 'S3 Chev club coupe. . 'S3 Ford Fleetllne 1 dr. VI. '32 Fontiao Chieftain 1 dr. 'S3 Packard Cuat. Clipper. '33 Dodge 4 dr. !. . '33 rord VI Cuaton 4 dr. . $ 9M 119$ 408 - 1298 36$ 43 Autos & Motorcycles Mil 1937 FORD Ranch Wagon. V-8 with overdrive and heater, tasy-to-keep light green finish. Excel lent condition 1798 1957 PONTIAC 4-door sedan. Super Chief series with 23,000 actual miles. R a H, Hydra., power steer , power brakes, like new 1998 1957 CHEVROLET Bet Air 4-dr. Spark ling uuide and out Beautiful bronze 2-tone finish. Extra low miles. Full equipment 1898 1936 MERCURY Monterev 4 - dr. hardtop. R St H. Merc-O-Matic. Tip - Top condition inside and OUt 1398 1956 FORD 8-passenger Country Se dan Popular Ford-O-M a 1 1 c. heater. Thundcrbird perform ance. Very clean - let's trade. . 1698 1933 DeSOTO Club sedan. R St H. Fluid drive. Extra nice condi tion 598 1933 BEL AIR 4 door. R&H.Powrr glide. A real sharpie. Take a look at this today. 7:3 Trucks & Pickups 1955 FORD 3 ton pickup. Custom cab, heavy-duty tires and trans. Guar anteed good 10'J3 1031 HP 5 AUis Chalmers rat, blade and drum, and canopy. Terms. .. , .. . 42-0 1930 FORD ' ton pickup. 4 speed transmission, V-8 motor recent ly replaced. 493 1947 FORD i ton. 3 speed 6 cyl. ...223 Lock wood Motors 2 Big Lots Oak Sc Hose OR 3-6n3l 1430 S. E. Stephens OR 2 1441 BARCUS 37 PLYMOUTH V- sedan. Push button drive. R&H. Top condi tion throughout 1793 '36 DODGE V8 club coupe. R&H. Jet black with whltewall tires. Famous D-500 engine with straight stick. Unconditionally guaranteed u . 1408 36 PLYMOUTH V8 aedan. Power, flite. R&H 13a 33 PLYMOUTH V8 Belvedere hard top. Powerfllte. R&H. Only 23, 000 mllea. 1398 '33 FORD V8 aedan. real aharp o drive. R&H, 33 HUDSON club coupe. Overdrive . 298 '31 PACKARD sedan. R&H, 300 motor, car Ultramatlc. One owner - 208 30 PACKARD Sedan, R&H '30 BUICK Special sedan. R&H. Trucks & Pickups 31 DeSoto Carry-AIL Extra goo condition 398 268 89$ 48 WILLYS 14 ton pickup S3 FORD V-8 pickup, special BARCUS N. Stephens at Garden Valley Boait FIT. UK J-31 Easy Bank Trml Jalopy Junction 1 360 N. E. Stephens OR 2-4661 $10 Down Specials Priced Below Market M PLYMOUTH door 51 X30DGB 4-door 31 MERCURY 4 door 31 BUICK hardtop, aharp '30 BUICK Tudor .... 393 123 ... 143 $3 30 CHEVROLET 4 door JT FORD pickup $10 Down Open Sundays 1930 PONTIAC S door, new tlrea. R At H. Clean throughout. Good motor. Will take guna aa part payment. $230. OR 3-8413, or see at 909 S.E. Stephens. 35 CHEV. 4-door Bel Air aedan, fully equippeid. Very clean. See to apprect. Me 31303. OR 2-2993. I'dMCHEV. Bel-Air, perfect condition. 1224 8. K. Reservoir or phone OR 3-3374: evenings OR 3-6232. LATK MODEL USED CARS WANTED Cash or trade for equity. A TEN It PH ILLIP8. 1378 S.E. Stephens. AXLramlly Finance, who 'can "make It posalble to buy the motor vehicle of your choice. OR 3-3277. 'STbLDS atatlon wagon. Ilk new.. Low mileage, 83.W0, OR 2-1000. MOTORCYCLES New, lieed. Beckwlth Cycle. OR 3-8120. 4) T r-ffi .-'J-