- Plenty of Bargains Advertised Here -Check Them! OR 2-3321. Houses UODEHN 1-2 bedroom cabins. Good beds, nearly new refrigerator!, ii rente and heeling. Tablet, chain, etc. Water and garbage disposal furnished. $35 and $43 month. Harti Cablm, 2455 Diamond Lake Blvd., behind Dale'a Cafe. OR 3-3J68. CLEAN 3 bedroom furnished home. Extra room for storage. Lota of cabi neU. Outside laundry facilities and houae la wired for washer and dryer. Water and garbage service paid. $65 month. 1460 NW Mulholland. OR 3-8421 orOR3-6179. f 3 3, and 4 bedroom homes. Income 'limits- Families, alto tingle elderly 63 or over accepted. 901 W. Stanton St OR 3-6548. 12 Trlr. Parks & Rentals ALAMEDA TRAILER COURT hat paved atreeta andrement porches. Reason able rates, ai N. E. Alameda. OR 2-2348. M WINCHESTER TRAILER PARK Mod ern spacea. Paved ground. Shade treea. $18 month. Highway 99 N. at Winchester Bridge. 13 Misc. Rentals PARKING SPACE by month. 530 SI Kane. 14 Help Waritied Clerk Invoice LUMBER. Plant near Eugene. Live In Eugene. Better then average eernlnge. Write, giving" experience, references, elc, Box 913, News-Review. AUTO SALES MEN WtLL hire 3 qualified men to aell Ford eara ana irucm. rK ity. Good salary and commission com pensation. LOCKWOOD MOTORS EST. FOOD ROUTE nA rMn,Y Watkins route now avail able. 90 year reputation. A top-grade one-man business, and no experience mnn.u rnuiif!d. Write for full in formation to the J. R. Walkina Com pany, 3903 Brooklyn Avenue, Seattle 5, Washington. a&T.ES representative, prevloui teles .vnj.rii.nr heloful but not required. u. h nest aDDearlnf. Prefer man 20 to 35. Salary plus commission, car furnished. See Mr. Phillips. 8-10 a.m.. Singer Sewing Macnine uompanj. S. E. Jackson. APPLIANCE salesman wanted. Must have some selling experience. Apply in person. Kier Crooch Plumbing it AnnlianceBJS. Stephens. MAN or woman wanted. Reliable all around kitchen helper. Must have car or live In. References. Write Newe He- lew Box 812. ACTUAL JOBS OPEN in U.S., So. Am., Europe. To $15,000. Write Employment Info. Center, Room 705 , 470 Stuart St. Boston 16 , STANLEY HOME Products needs 2 la dies 3 days a week, 2 hour! a day. Also 1 carceiMadies. OR 3-3892, HOUSEKEEPER for 3 wanted. Must live in and have drivers license. Call OS 9-8525 WAITRESS wanted. Apply in person. Phyllis' care. WANTED RELIABLE woman for house- 15 Work Wanted SEWING and alteration! i ol : all kinds. Mr,,, w. E. Curtis. 739 N. E. Erie. Phone OR 3-7454. HOUSEWORK by the hour. References. Own trarPJtatlon1J9::5020. WASHING, rough dry; alio ironing. OR 3-3693. CONG, short leg and lumber hauling. Franco irucmng. v" m- SEWTNG. 2-27S8. All types. Guaranteed. OR IRONING In my home. Will pickup and deliver, oh a-J- , SEWING and mending. Mrs. J. S. Marr. OR 2-3457. MAN 28 want Saturday work, any type. OR 3-3711. IRONING In my home. OR 3-4095. ALTERATIONS. OR 3-3392 after 3:30. dressmaking, alterations, or 2-1275. riOTOTILLINq Beebe. OR 3-3738. HOTOTILLER lor rem. un o-o-. 18 Instruction LESSONS on iruitar. mandolin, banjo. .-,itn i.u. .Tnhn E. Jones. OR 3-0-23. FOR DRIVING instructions, phone OR 1-7447 SPANISH guitar lessons for beginners On a-3;i; 20 Services WHY PAY MORE? $2 50 hour will get expert carpenter work done for you. OR 3-8652. James Morgan, Rt 4, Box 187. MOHR WELL DRILLING whirlpool balh. OR 2-2321 Jacuzzi or OR 2-3043. ROOFING. Fisher Thorsen Faint t-o. Portland. W. E. Daum. Local Agent, Ph. OR 2-157 X. SHALE rock for roads and driveways. Immediate delivery. Ph. C. P. Tallon, OR 3-4040. CARPENTER, any type construction We help arrange financing. Free esti mates. KOwaiewJKi. jn j-wv. GRADING and leveling: loam and rock delivered. Call Paul Casey, OR 3-4018. 2231 N. E. Stephens St. HARRIS HOME IMPROVEMENTS Roofing, siding, foundations. FHA terma. 0 R 3-6123. BOZING, leveling; also shale rock, river loam and road materials. Chas. Keelej OS 9-3117. CARPENTER work. New construction or remodeling. Free estimates. OR 3-7234. HIDENOUR Electric -installation elactrfe 7303. wiring Jobi and heaters. OR 3- C ERA MIC tile dralnboardi. tubbacki, showers. Free estimates. Kelley Tile. OR3-5651. . FLOOR" aan ding-finishing, old or new, repair, floor laying. Free estimate. OR 2-4028. INVISIBLE mending or general mend ing. OR 2-3552. Cet us upholster your boat, car or fur niture. OR 3-5666. , NORTH ROSEBURG Kindergarten, OR :t-784ft, OR 2-1014. FXECTRIC CONTRACTORS,' Lansing St Ol iver, or CARPENTRY. Reasonable. Small jobs preferred. Smith. OR 3-8411. PIANO tuning, regulating, repairs, strings, etc. John E. Jqnci.OR 38525. BRiCK"bioc,t and cement contractor. Norman Rlchardaon.OR 2-2871. i FAINTER, carpenter, roofing. OR J- 8747. , WALLBOARD FINISHING, nailing. tap- ing, texturing, painting GY 6-3338. HELI-AHC welding. Winston Chain Saw, OS9-3641. fRONlffd in my home. OR 2-2448. PRUNING. Call Wright, R 3-8747. INCOME TAX, OR 3-4808 after 5 p.mT EVERY WEEK IS THRIFT WEEK IN WANT ADS 11 20 Services Berkeley Pumps Domes tic-Irrigation -Indus trial Sales & Service Specializing in complete REPAIR SERVICE AU Makes 11 Years Experience In Sales, Repair & Maintenance. New And Used Pumps for Sale at all timet Gerretsen Bldq. Supply Co. Oak St. at R.R. Tracks. OR 2-263 Bill Whites INCOME TAX SERVICE 727 W. Harvard Ave. (ACROSS FROM COMMUNITY HOSPITAL! "FREE PARKING" 15 Years Experience DEPENDABLE, EFFICDENT SERVICE. NO APPOINTMENT NECESSARY. OFFICE HOURS 9 AM TO 9 PM Phone OR 2-4041 Sonya White's Income" Tax Service Prompt Courteous Dependable 1625 W. Harvard Ave. NEXT DOOR TO FAIRHAVEN MKT. FREE PARKING Phone OR 2-4261 HARRY HATCHER Income Tax and . Accounting Service Phone Office OR 2-2461 Home OR 2-1304 959 S.E. Stephens Street OPPOSITE GREYHOUND BUS DEPOT MONOGRAMMING, dressmaking, alter ations, uuttonnoles and self fabric belts. Hemstitching and specialty sew ing. The Sew Shop NEW LOCATION K) . I. Casa Ave. OR 2-4591 Heme of the Adlermatte Sewing Machine Roseburg Garden Service Rototilllng, landscaping, email excavations. alt typea of OS 9-5263 Between 8-10 a.m. and 5-7 p.m. CHILD CARE Mother Goose Nursery Rototilling Reasonable. Jack Myers OR 2-3904 ROTOTILLING Ferguson Tractor and blade New Equipment Beebe JfcBowmaii OR3-373B MOTOR rewinding, repairing. All-makes and sizes. Experienced, competent, motor cnan. Jimmie's Electric Motor Shop, 350 NX Garden Valley Blvd. OR 3-3162. APPLIANCE repairs. Fast, efficient aervice, all brands, ranges, refrigera tors, freezers, was hem and dryers and all small appliances. Call Kier Crooch Plumbing & Appliance, 528 S. E. Stephens. OR 2-3364. ELECTRIC APPUANCE repairs from hand Irons and razors to ranges and dryers. All Makes. Bargain Appliance Center. 631 S. E. Rose OR 3-5325. WARD'S TV & Appliance Repair. Free pickup and delivery on small appli ances. OS 9-5032; after 6 p.m., OR 21I853; SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED no mile age; free estimates. Roseburg Sani tation Service, 1980 NE Stephens. Ph. OR 3-3356. MOWER SHARPENING, trailer-hitches, welding, woodwork and general repair, Green District. 2352 S. W. Castle St. Ph OR 3-4687 STEAM CLEANING mobllo unit, we go anywhere. Motors or Industrial equipment. Payless Service Station, 711 S,E. Stephen St. Ph. OR $-9032. PUMP REPAIRS. 24 hour service. Mil ler St Cox Sales and Service, OR 3 3581; nights call OR 3-3759. 21 Building Material BARGAINS utility and economy lum ber. Al;o ahiplap 2 and better di mensions. See ua and save Consolidated Milling Old Highway south.' OR 1-7411 Shlplap; low grade boards, 1x6 and wider, 2x4 and wider. Also plenty of unuiy ana oeiier. Lumber Soles Co. OR 3-7362 Garden Valley near RR tracks 1x8 FIR SIDING, V-Rust'ic. kiln dried. Special $95 ner M. West Coast Build ing Material, M1U St Woodward Streeta ok a-qoi. GOOD used doors and windows. OS 9-8657, evenings. HEAVY TIMBERS 12X12 and 8X12 in 8 ft. to 40 ft lengths. Os 9-8834. 23 Fuel SAWDUST Blower Service or Dump ( WOOD Oak, slab, planer ends and peeler cor,. Roseburg Lumber Co. SAWDUST Blower and Dump MILL ENDS, dry or green peeler core. GUY AND FRANCES GILL. FUEL 2814 N.E. Douglas OR 2-1524 DRY oak, laurel or fir wood, fireplace or furnaca. OR 3-7M5 days; OR 3-3604 evenings. OAK. Madron and fir bndv wnnd. Im mediate delivery. Phone Riddle 3879 or 378. s. T. Humphrey. PLANER ENDS. Hub Lumber Co. OR RED DIAMOND Fuel Co. Kiln dried pianer enai; oak wood. OR 3-SOA2. DRY OAK and laurel. OS 9-531 L 25 Farm Equipment Mccormick J-row corn planter. OS t- . OLIVER crawler in new condition. Wal ter Lota, Oakland. Phone 2311. 26 Livestock Schricker Gr Inda Livestock Auction Ph Sutherlln II4S Oakland 2654 Sulherlm, Oregon Sat. March 14, 12.30 3 loads of storker and feeder cows, ateera and heifers. Several large bulla Alio butcher cows, milk cows, veal and baby calves. H or tret, hogs and khecp. Bring in your feeder piga for a good mantel price. Commission 31 over $300, 4 under. SCHRICKER At INDA, Managers SCHRICKER & SONS, Auctioneera G. A. BROWN, Welghmaiter STOCKMEN! Cattle to aeli? Call Midway Auction Yard Medford, Oregon W. J. "Rtll" Bray, owner and auction eer. Ph. Central Point, NOrmandv 4-2213 days or Eagle Point, Hlllcresl o-w evenings. WANTED Sheep and cattle, all kinds. w. a. Blacken. Ph. Myrtle creek UN 3-4515. ATTENTION pony breeders! At stud. registered Hackney pony, mono Oak land onu. WANTED 3 or 3 Hereford feeder calves. Call OR 3-S141 after 3 A.m. WOOL received daily. Nichols' Brockway. OS 9-6907. WANTED Livestock of all - R- E. Camp. OS 9-5283. NEW and uted saddles and 2844 N. E. Douglas. WALLY'S horse shoeing. 4149. caU OR 3- EOR SALE 2 milk cows, choose from. OS 9-8912. roR SALE yearling Hereford bulfs F. D. Coon, Dlllard. OS 9-5768. COWS and calves. OS 9-8626, evenings. 27 Hay & Grain HAY, clover and grass. 45c bale. Oscar Weeks, Myrtle Creek. UN 3-3758 noon hour. OAT hay. R. Conn. OR 3-6423. 2NJ) CUTTING alfalfa $25. Clem Tav- enner, Canyonville. JE 2-4245. STRAW for sale. HAY. Reasonable. OR 2-3860. Call 2833, Oakland 28 Poultry & Rabbits Baby Chicks NEW Hamp . Parmeoter Red, White Mgnorn ana uoiden Broad, order early avoid delay. Ponton Hatch ery, 974 W. Harvard Ave. OR 3-3326. DAILY fresh brown eggs, 35c and iac per aoz, large WJc. 663 N. E. Ne uner Drive between Chestnut St. and Snack Shack. OR 3-3188. POULTRY, wool, bark. Receiving Tues day only. For ranch pickup, call OS 9-8663 or on Tuesday OR 3-4331. Rose burg Poultry Comnaiw PURINA fresh eggs. Iverson Feed Store. 29 Pets RED POMERANIAN male. .W OR 3 4861 or see at Rt 4, Box 1300, IKk- uiggiass AKC Reg. NotwelgianEUtliound pUilt, S25. 1194 W. Looklngglua St. Ricne OR 2-4608. BELGIAN Schlpperke pupoies, 815 your choice. OR 3-4078. SIAMESE kittens, stud service, OR 2 1014. DOUGLAS COUNTY HUMANE Society Animal Shelter. OR 2-3007. BABY Parakeets. 3 miles south. Bur ton's, OR 3-8122. PUTMAN'S Toy Tox Terrier Kennels. Wilbur, Oregon. OR 3-8804. BEAUTIFUL Red factor canaries and cages. Putman's, OR 3-8804. CHIHUAHUA stud service. Puppiec later. OR 3-3694. PART Bloodhound and part Redbone pups. $18. OR 3-3953. CHIHUAHUA malepuppies, registered. OR 3-3694. FOR SALE, female English bulldog. OR 3-4840. GLENGARY Beagle Kennels. OR 3-379.1. 31 Sporting Equipment UMPQUA MARINA ir SKAGIT BOATS x ir MERCURY MOTORS BOAT ACCESSORIES MOTOR REPAIRING 6.)9 S. E. Rose St. OR 3-5574 12' BOAT 58 beam, open center cowel steering. Also sport boat, windshield glove compartment, steering. OS 9 8623. SMALL 12 ft. plywood boat and trailer, 3't none jonnson ana stana, extin guisher, cushions, oars, anchor, $195. OR 3-6218. 22' INBOARD double ended wood cabin boat. 4 brasa gurdiex. blocks, comm. gear, $1150. Ph. WH 2-3936, Cottage urove. 20 FT. double-en der, perfect for com mercial or sport fishing, $300; 12 ft. boat, 8 hp motor, $M. Sutherlin 2143. TELESCOPE RIFLE SIGHTS if bought irom ui, we install tree il gun ll iac tory armed, umpqua bun store. MODEL 70-300 magnum with scope. $150. Kenneth Jones, out IS miles S. Myrtle Rt. Myrtle Creek. FISHING tackle you will like at Pow ell s, V4 diock west fosi utiice. 18 FT. Cabin cruiser Inboard; new 12x14 wan tent, or 3-7694 after 3:30. GOOD 16 ft. cedar boat, 850. OR 3-5902. 32 Produce & Plants SEE STARK ad under "Personala.'1 33 Sewing Machines CABINET sewing machine with attach ments, icrms. rnona uk a-siv.i. 34 Misc. For Sale EQUITY In '55, 34' Spence-Craft 1 bed. room trailer, modern, excellent con dition. US 9-3353. RABBIT fertiliser. Call OR 3-4149. FULLER BRUSH. OR 2-1391 RED CEDAR posts. OR 3-4974. RAWLEIGU PRODUCTS UR 3-4954. The First Lesson To Learn In Selling Is To Use Classified Ads 34 Misc. For Sale Quality Furnishers Mai Ufa $49 95 and up. Other makes 115.00 and up. ued 879 95 99.95 30" ranges New Hntpnint washer Was tJUvDJ now 1279 95 Hotpolnt dryers $70 off 81683 divans 111995 75 trade in allowance en bed room acts. 20'; off on 1958 Hotpolnt refrig erators. 52 gallon Hotpolnt water healer WD 38 ONE WEEK ONLY WHILE THEY LAST. 644 S. E. Stephens Phone OR 2-1821 Good Selection Used Power Mowers $19.95 & up Umpqua Valley Hardware Auction Sunday 1 P.M. Westside Furniture Sales 945 W. Harvard 1 block west Community Hsptl. Furniture and misc. Consignments welcome Used Appliances Taken In on trades, Rsnges. refriger ators, etc Come out and make a deal. RAINBOW TRAILER SALES N. Hywy 99 at Winchester Bridge Must Be Razed And Property Cleared Seven eeblns and misc. furniture and fixtures, wood ranges, refrigerators, elc. Make Us An Offer John J. and Lee Zenor 1745 N.E. Diamond Lake Blvd. OR 3-8372 COMPLETE oak dining room set, $135; breakfast set, 4 chaira. $35: nearly new mimeograph. $125; 17" Silvertone TV, $65. OR 3-5340 days; OR 3-5017 veningB. 1956 CUSTOM Bendix Duomatic, like new condition. Tested and cuaranteed. $299 includes Installation and demon stration. Horn's Appliance. 424 S.E. JIOKIOI1, UK '51 BUICK radio, excellent condition. $15. 3 HP David Bradley garden tract or, msc, p.ow, ana cultivator $125. Phone OR 3-5431 or ae at 1237 S.E. Cobb. CHROME dinette set with a chairs Weatinghnuse automatic roaster; table lamps; rose frier swing rocker. OR 3-18 after 6 p.m. OR 3-5518 days. TOP SOIL Genuine heavy river loam. No rocks easv to handle. For the best, call Charles Keely. OS REPOSSESSED 30" deluxe automatic range vith broil under glass. $197, Horn's Appliance, 424 S.E. Jackson. OR 3-5518. WE ALWAYS HAVE a fine selection of meat available for your locker or deep freeze at wholesale prices. Winston Lockers. OS 9-5133 REPOSSESSED 6 cu. ft. custom freez er, used 3 months. Save $152. Terms. Horn's Appliance, 424 S.E. Jackson. OR 3-5518. NICE, modern, 5-room house with at tached garage. $2000. Must be moved off lot on Garden Valley Road. OR 2-3267 of OR 3-6094. USED Shop-checked automatic washers. z ana up. usea aryera, M and up. Horn's, Appliance, 424 S.E, Jackson. OR 3-5518. TREVA'S CERAMICS Free lensona. Large assortment greenware, paints, glazes. Next to Winston Lockers. OS 9-5133. CLEAN and neat 7 cu. ft. Coronado re frigerator, only 25" wide. $65. Terms. Horn's Appliance, 424 S.E. Jackson. OR 3-5518. TOP SOIL from new location. The best you have ever seen no roots or weeds. Ralph Fisher, Winston. OS 9 8493. . FOR the best Job of custom cutting, wrapping and quick freezing, bring your meat to Winston Lockers. OS 9-3133. DAVID-BRADLEY garden tractor with plow, disc, harrow and cultivator, very good condition. OR 2-2906. COMB IN AT ION 2 1 " lawn mower and garden cultivator, $75; pressure can ner, $12. Ph. Oakland 3272. . CERAMICS greenware, glazes, fin ished pieces. Free lessons. OR 3-4572, 1206S.E.Mill. MORE PEOPLE buy World Book En cyclopedia than any other. Why? OR 2-33B7. CALL Family Finance, OR 3-5277. who will help you buy the article you want . KEN'S Rock Shop, lapidary equipment and Supplies, UR 3-9409. 246 N, . Chestnut. WINSTON Sand and Gravel, '-crushed rock, reject gravel, bar run and top son, ua -H43. RENT A TVrDaily or weekly rates. Kier Crooch Plumbing Aoplianc OR 2-3364. SCRIPTURE TEXT greeting cards and stationery. Sacred records. Bible Book Center,415 S.E. Jackson. SMALL, Norge refrigerator, runs good, $15. OR 2-1700. DELUXE model Relax-A-Ciior, fike new". Half price. OR 2-2620. SMALL, table model cream separator. $29. Un 3-86H3. CANOPY for Chevrolet pickup. OR 2- 2410. ALL CHANNEL UHr converters, J24.9S. Call OR 2-4830. STANLEY HOME Products. OR 3-3692. VfVIAN TRAVE8S. ANYONE wanting Watkins Products, 2108 N. E. Freemont. OR 2-3607. STANLEY Home Products. Bernlce Ebert, 1562 N.E. Vine. OR J-l 126. USED GUNS, bought sold and traded. umpqua tiun atore. 15 FT. Vacation trailer. Phone OS I- 8922. BEDROOM suite. 3-piece sectional, Ash ley wooo neater, uit 3-evi. Drain Plywood Company Drain, Oregon We Buy Logs Ph. TEmple 6-9144 Days TEmple 6-9886 Eve's GUESS WHO . . . 1 n JL llf . . . soid he'd never played before. 34 Misc. For Sale CARTER TIRE Used Appliance Sale Washers GE automatic w -Filter flow 1937 $120 Norge automatle 1955 $110 GB conventional 1952 $ 50 Maytag eonv'tn'l square tub 1952 $ 65 Norge temi-aulori.it ie 1950 $ 30 Dryers GE deluxe Hotpolnt deluxe Kenmora custom Frlgldalra deluxe I!53 $ 70 1951 $ 45 Ranges Westlnghouse 40" Electron) aster 40" Refrigerators Crosley Shelvador 11 cu. (i Gibson 7 cu. ft. Norge deluxe 8 cu. ft 1950 $ 85 1943 $ 55 19 a $ 75 MW 7 cu. ft.. 1947 $ 35 All the above appliances are de livered, installed and guaranteed. The guarantee includes all parts and labor. For added savings, pickup and deliver, yourself. LOWEST OF TERMS AVAILABLE. 266 S. E. Stephens OR 2-3393 35 Wanted Misc. WE PAY HIGHEST cash nrlces for used furniture. Roseburg Furniture Ex change. 243 S.E. Jackson. OR 3-8104. WANTED TO BUY Good used furni ture. ROSEBUHQ AUCTION. OR 3 S026. WANTED TO BUY Old china, glass ware, furniture, jewelry. Priactlla's Antiques. 347 S.E. Jackson. OK 2-1421. NEW 2nd hand store THE TRADING POST, will buy what have you? 223 N. E. Jackson. OR 2-1921. READY CASH for good used furniture. ana misc. wound e Auction, rn. OR 2-2301. WANTED old Edison phonograph for parts. OR 2-9137. WANTED Hand plow. OS fi-Kl79. 36 For Trade ELEVEN room house including 3 bed room apt, completely furnished. 19 acres of land equipped. Trailer house and pickup for equity. OS 9-8676. 1955 FORD 1-ton stake truck, good con dition, low mileage, for pickup. Call OS 9-8770 after 5:30. GIBSON refrigeaator for chain saw. In quire at Blooms Chevron station. 38 Logging Equipment FOR SALE - Heel boom for to I yard shovel, Timken bearing, fair lead. Dale Acklnnd, Rt. 1, Box 240, Myrtle Creek. UN 3-4435. TRACK type logging arch suitable for U-7 cat. LUIXbULJUAlLU MlleLiinU. OR 3-7411. 39 Timber & Sawmills Peelers & Peelable Mill LOGS WANTED Delivered at Nordfe Veneers pond on North Umpqua Highway, 3 miles east of Roseburg. Los lenaths: 9' 0": 17' 8"; 28' 8"; 33' 0". Diameter limits. Maximum 73 inches, minimum 18 inches. For Information call OR 1-4551, Sutherlln 2232 or OR 3-4069 eve ning. Logs Wanted All Species Top market prices paid Green Valley Lumber Co Phone Myrtle Creek, UNion 3-3181 North Myrtle Road. Myrtle Creek, Ore. Logs Wanted Will buy all species CLEVELAND LUMBER Olalla Road - OS 9-S234 WANTED Loggers to log small tim her, either with horses or small eats. Can use several sides. Contact D. E Crowe, Cottaga Grove, WHitney 2-3344 or evenings, Springfield, Riverside 8-3079. WANTED Logs-rough lumber-canta Will buy timber HUB LUMBER CO. OR 2-3383 Garden Valley at RR tricks WANTED Cord wood, eight foot $18 per cord. Lee Preston Lumber Co. Riddle 2231. DOUGLAS riR and cedar stud logs wanted. Fie.rrer Lumber Co., Yoncai la, Oregon. Ph. VIeUr 0-2111. 39 Timber & Sawmills NOW IS THE TIME for all small SAW MILL operators to come in and talk over their ipring operation. CONSOI IUATED MILLING, old highway 99 Smith. Rnktbiirg. FOR SALE Lath and" strip mill. will include l'i ton liMC. $350. 748 S.E. Jackson, Apt. 1. 40 House Trailers BRADY'S Mobile Homes Ph. OR 2-3441 Brand new mobile homes Great Lakes Now made in Idaho to save you freight. The Fabulous Angelus Coronet By Angelus Complete line of travel trailers. Oasis Traveleze Airstream hate model used trailer! All reconditioned And ready to live in. 1'IM . 1955 40 ft. Bovcraft 40 ft. Roadcraft and others RENTALS BY THE WEEK Parts St Supplies - Complete line of hitches. Complete repair, paint ing Si service work. Optvv Evenings & Sundays Garden Valley & N. Stephens NURSERY stnriea don't mention McKEE TRAIL ER SALES, 1162 N E, Stephens Street, but when some wise guy RAISES this point, we .lust tell htm that every child knows hla parents save MONEY by buying a modern mobile home at McKEE'S. Their parents really appreciate It. too, because they know that money doesn't really grow on TREES! Henslee High Style Plainsman Casa Manana 2rV-.1l.' B-wlt!e 1-1 bedrooms 1 lO'-widc to 30', 1-2-3 bedrooms COMPLETE LINE of accessories and ' parts in atock hitches, butane equip ment, awnings, atovea, refers, tnilets, windows, water healer and heating bands, top coatings, etc. I GOOD SELECTION of used trailers end all kinds of house furniture taken in on iraae. Earl E. Smith Trailer Homes Co. 1BB0 N. E. Stephen OR 3-3.138 Airstream Special 23' Used-Like new Save Slooo On This Buy NKW 26' Land Yacht All self contained 22' Flying Cloud Brady's Mobile Homes 491 N.E. Garden Valley OR 2-3441 Rod & Reel Trailer St Boat Sales -1145 W. Harvard ONE BEDROOM 1948 Trallercralt, 27' trailer. Modern Kitchen, no bath. Lights, electric brake. Good shape, $300. OR 2-3896. FOR SALE or trade 1 bedroom .15 ft. '58 trailer. Burs Trailer Court, Suth erlln. Ph. 2847. EQUITY in '53 , 34' Spence-Craft 1 bed room, modern, in excellent condition. OS 9-3353. 40 FT. 1-bedroom Kit trailer. Will take some furniture. Call JE 2-4490, Can yonville. '32 ROADMASTER 29 It., modern. OR 2-42.17. FOR SALE or trade for furniture equity In '58, 40' trailer. OR 3-4148. EQUITY In. '57 40' trailer house trade or sell, call after 8. OS B-8997. CAMP TRAILER, 2O0, OR 2-1427. BETTER BUY BUICK CHOICE USED CAR BUYS '58 Buick ??? Station wagon, Custom estate wagon. The popular Century Caballero. Load ed with extras. Full power Including 8 way seat. Finished In metallic cop per. Look at the huge savinga offered and agree the best buy la this Bulck. '57 Buick $2298 4 Door hardtop. A real beauty. Very low mileage. 2 tone finish. Thia spe cial is tops for condition and value. New Premium tlrea to boot. '53 Buick $698 4 Door sedan. A nice clean car with lota of trouble free miles left. A dream to drive and a pleasure to own. Guar anteed OK. 'K Chev Delray eoupe . 91401 54 Chev Bel Air 4 dr. 53 Ford Victoria ... 1398 '58 Olds 88 1 dr. 13 '54 Plymouth Belvedere. w. 598 '81 Bulck 4 dr. Special SOI I H'X'- Tue,., Mar. 17, 1959 The News-Review, Roseburg, Ore. 11 40 House Trailers '43 Autos & Motorcycles SPRING TIME TRAILER TIME BUY NOW Rainbow Trailer Sales Winchester OR 3-7272 10 V,;Je 50 ft. 2 Bdrm Spacemaster '59 Model 10 Wide 50 ft. 3 Bdrm Spacemaster '59 Model 10 Wide 45 ft. 1 Bdrm Rex 10 Wide 45 ft. 1 Bdrm Kit 8 Wide 36 ft. 1 Bdrm Pacemaker 8 Wide 30 ft. 1 Bdrm Mayflower These and many more values Come in and see the DELUXE FEATURES AND LOW COST Luxurious Living Melody Home Front or Center Kitchen 2 or 3 Bedrooms Washers and Dryers Good Used Trailers '5fl Flamingo 28'T '32 Customcraft 23' '32 Westcraft 28 8" '36 Great Lakes 27' '3.1 Roadmaiter. 33' 2-Bdrm '3:i Pan American, 27' with TV set '32 Kit Regal, 33' 2-Bdrm '33 Columbia, 33 2-Bdrm '34 Spartan, 37' 1-Bdrm '34 Jewel. 13'. SGflS '3;t National, 2-Bdrm, 30 ft. '34 Fleetwood, 33' 1-Bdrm '4R Spartan 1-Bdrm. 3:i' '33 Biltmore, 42', $:iI03 18' Sportscraft $405 Check Our Used Furniture Dept. Doyle's Mobile Homes Roaeburi 1844 S.E Stephen! OR 1-3738 or J. W. Doyle OR J-202 coqume Hignway mi bob. KENSKILL KENCRAFT JEWEL NASHUA ABC UNIVERSAL TERRA CRUISER NEW MOON Jim McKee Trailer Sales 1182 N.E. Stephens OR 1-4221 42 Trucks FOR SALE 1 Volkswagen panel de livery, low mileage. Can be seen at HI. 2. Box 727-A. acrosa from ose burg Country Club. OR 3-4733 after a f. iw . 1932 FORD panel. Needs rebuilt engine. Best offer Will take. OR 2-3331, 8 A.M. to 8 P.M. 1940 CHEV. panel, runs good. See at Texaco Station, 488 Garden Valley Blvd. FOR SALE '52 Chevrolet 1'4 ton truck, or will trade for pickup, oh , 2-2011Q. PORD 8, 4 speed pickup, good condi tion, 8400. OR 2-32D4. LIGHTWEIGHT Page trailer, air brak es, hydraulic scales. g4W. uu j-kiw. 43 Autos & Motorcycles 1938 FORD Ranchwagon. Economical. R St H, padded dash, backup lights, WS washers, nylon tires. 8300 miles. Blue and Ivory. Low payments. Best offer, sell or trad our 81400 equity. OR 3-4634. CLEAN 1933 Plymouth 4 door sedan. Will sell or trad book prica. OR 2- 1831. LATE MODEL USED CARS WANTED cash or trad for equity. Keel Mo tors, 838 S.E.Stephens. 8rbLbS hardtop. Good condition. New paint. 8300. OR 2-3222. '55 Buick $1398 4 Door Century. White and yellow. New plastic covers. Radio, heater, power steering, whitawall tlrea. A real nice car at a small car price. '54 Buick $998 4 Door sedan. A real clean ear tn the best condition, 2 ton finish. Radio, heater. Dynaflow, custom covers and good tlrea. Drive In and get this good deal. '56 Buick ??? Hardtop eoupc. Her la the ear. Load ed with extras, completely power equipped and In tip-top condition. You will love the valua In this custom ear. '53 Chev elub eoupe '55 Ford Fleetline 1 dr. VI. ... '52 Pontlao Chieftain 1 dr. .... '55 Packard Cuat. Clipper. . '52 Dodf 4 dr. ... '83 Ford VI Custon dr. QiEQVIIJLi 00 &m Q0g IB37 FORD Ranch Wagon, V I with overdrive and heater. Easy-to-keep hiht green finish. Excel lent condition 17M 1937 PONTIAC 4-door sedan. Super Chief series with 23,000 actual miles. R St H, Hydra . power steer , power brakes, like new 1993 1937 CHEVROLET Bet Air 4-dr. Spark ling inside and out. Beautiful bronze 2-tone finish. Extra low miles. Full equipment 1898 1956 MERCURY Monterey 4 - dr. hardtop. R St H, Merc-O-Matic. Tip - Top condition inside and out 1398 1956 FORD 6-passenger Country Se dan. Popular Ford-O-M a 1 1 c, heater, Thunderbird perform ance. Very clean - let's trade. ... 1698 1953 DeSOTO Club sedan. RAH. Fluid drive. Extra nice condi tion 398 1933 BEL AIR 4-door. R&H.Power glide. A real sharpie. Take a look at this today. 798 Trucks & Pickups 1953 FORD 3i ton pickup. Custom cab, heavy-duty Urea and trans. Guar anteed good 1098 1951 H D. 3 AIM Chalmers cat, blade and drum, and canopy. Terms 42; 1950 FORD S ton pickup, 4 speed transmission, V-8 motor recent ly replaced 498 1947 FORD i ton, 3 speed 6 eyl .228 Lockwood Motors 2 Big Lots Oak Si Rose OR 3-6331 1430 S. E. Stephens OR 21441 BARCUS '57 PLYMOUTH V-8 sedan. Push button drive. R&H. Top condi tion throughout ... 1798 '36 DODGE V8 club coupe. R&H. Jet black with white wall tires. Famous D-300 engine with straight stick. Unconditionally guaranteed. 1498 59 PONTIAC V-8 Station Wagon, Hydra., R&H, sharp 1698 '38 PLYMOUTH VS flit. fl&H. sedan. Power- '33 PLYMOUTH V8 Belvedere hard top. Powerflite, R&H, Only 23, 000 miles. 1398 '33 FORD VA sedan, o'driva. R&H, real harp . 698 'S3 HUDSON club coupe. Overdrive .. 298 '51 PACKARD sedan. Uttramatle, R&H, 300 motor. One owner car 298 50 PACKARD Sedan, R&H 98 '50 BUICK Special sedan, R&H. 98 Trucks 6 Pickups 81 DeSoto Carry-All. Extra good condition 398 '48 WILLYS k ton pickup 2flfl S3 FORD V-8 pickup, special 898 ' '48 CHEV. Vi ton pickup 198 BARCUS Stephens at Garden Valley Ph. OR 3-5368 Easy Bank Term. Jalopy Junction 1 360 N. E. Stephens OR 2-4681 $10 Down Specials Priced Below Market 33 PLYMOUTH door 541 31 DODGE 4-door 16) 51 MERCURY 4 door ', 1M 51 BUICK hardtop, ehar 1M 50 BUICK Tudor 12 'SO CHEVROLET 4 door 14 37 FORD pickup - J $10 Down Open Sundays (W) 1850 PONTIAC 9 door, new tires. R It H. Clean throufhout. Good motor. Will take guna as part payment. 8230. OR 3-8415, or see at SOS S.E. Stephens. '53 CHEV. 4-door Bel Air sedan, fully equipped. Very clean. See to apprect atolisa OR 2-2893. 1B35"CHEV. Bel-Air, perfect condition. 1224 S. E. Reservoir evenings or phono OR 3-5574; evenings OR 3-6232. LAETiiODEL USED CARS WANTED Cash or trad for equity. A TEN 4s PHILLIPS. 1328 S.E. Stephens. 1S58 DODGE 9-door, low 'mileage, etVnn. Have gone Into service. My equity, 9200. OR 3-3074. CALL Family Finance, who can make It poMlble to buy the motor vehicle of your choico. OR 3-997T. a6 FORD Ranch Wagoni fordomatlc, RAH, 91545. Og 8-5310 after 6:30. 58 OLD9 station wagon, like new.. Low mileage, 93330. OR 3-100B. MOTORCYCLES New, used. BeckwTtn Cvete. OR S-8120. - 1 t