Plenty of Bargains Advertised Here -Check Them! OR 2-3321. 23 Fuel SAWDUST Blower Service or Dump WOOD Oak, ales, planer enda and peeler core Roseburg Lumber Co. 34 Misc. For Sale 39 Timber & Sawmills ,40 House Trailers 43 Autos & Motorcycles OAK. Madron and fir body wood, tm mediaie delivery. Phone Riddle 3678 or 3763. 8. T. Humphrey. 25 Farm Equipment FORD five) iwmp side-delivery rake I tied very little. For tale or trade lor sioi-K auo new Douom in piow i .1,- nw Lux-E Brown VACUUM SPECIALS Service . Partt - Paper Bag! All VikM Rebuilt Motor Exchange All Makee 1 Year Guarantee $17 SO $43.80 For Your Old Cleaner On A New KIRBY Drain Plywood Company Drain, Oregon We Buy Logs Ph. TEmple 6-9144 Days TEmple 6-9886 Eve's kenskill kencraf t jewel NASHUA ABC UNIVERSAL rtRR V . CRUISER NEW MOON Jim McKee Trailer Sales 1163 N K. Stephen. OR J-i23 42 Trucks panel do-1 ... SjJ. OR J-307S 4-BOrTOM 1" John Deera plow; A C. ' G E. cord rati, t H P. motor UrTtRUirir l.rnw pami nlnlr " a 32)9. Eureka Roto-O-Matle OLIVER crawler In new condition. Wai-; Hoovers . ter CoU, Oakland- Phone 2811. 26 Livestock Schricker & Inda Livestock Auction price. ..- ... 137 SO 113 lo S33 ! Slniere lis lo 137 30 1 20 food cleanera at 10 to til I Trade & Terms Reconditioned and guaranteed 1 year by 1 KIRBY CO. I'M Dr-U. Ph Sulherlln 1e Oakland U54 W I IXUOCUUI U t Sulherlln. Oregon i ,,, N t gl,pl,,n, Roeebun. Oregon Call OR 3-4334 or OR I-a31t Sat. March 14, 12.30 2 loads of Blocker and feeder cowa, : lean and he if are. Several large bulla j Alio butcher oows, milk cows, veal and baby calves. Horses, hoia and sheep. Bring In your feeder ptfi for a good market price. Commission 34 over $500, 4" under. SCHRICKER t INDA, Managers SCHRICKER 8c SONS, Auctioneers G. A. BROWN, Weighmasler Peelers & Peelable Mill LOGS WANTED Delivered at Nordie Veneers pond on' North Umpqua Highway, 3 miles east of Roeeburg. Log lengths: 9 0"; 17' $ ': 26' B"; 35" 0". Diameter ; limits. Maximum 75 Inches, minimum i 18 inches. For tn formation call OR 2-4551, SutherUn 22J2 or OR 3-4069 eve-! nings- i Logs Wanted I Will bur all species 1 CLEVELAND LUMBER Olalla Road - OS 9-6X14 DOUGLAS FIR and cedar stud logs wanted Pfeiffer Lumber Co., Yoncal-I la Oregon. Ph. Victor 9-2111. I I hmmmLmt Selection Sot., Mar. 14, 1959 The News-Review, Roseburg, Or. 9 43 Autos & Motorcycles NEW 1959 ffnL 7 Quality Furnishers Maytags $48 05 and up. $ 13 00 and up. WANTED Sheep and cattle, all kinds W A. Blackert. Ph. Myrtle Creek UN 3-4513 r ATTENTION pony breeders! At stud, registered Hackney pony. Phone Oak land 3120. WANTED 3 or 3 Hereford feeder calves. Call OR3-141jsfter na. ALBINO MARE, trained by lady for drllls. games. OR 3-8763, WOOL received daily. Nichols' Store. Brock way. OS 9-6907. WANTED Live toe k of all kinds. R. E-CmP- OS8-S2831 NEW and wed saddles and bridles. 2844 N. EDoug'sa. WALLY'S"horsi shoeing, call OR 2 4148. EIGHT year old gelding, gentle for woman rrMldrenJOR2-4624. FOR SALE 2 milk cows, several to choose from. OS 9-8912. COWS and-calves. OS 9-8626, evenings. j-ui,njTj-ijAAJ'irurM-irirYi-r 27 Hay & Grain HAY. clover and fraai, 4Sc bale Oaear wecke, Myrtle creek, un J-J noon hour. ALFALFA or oat hay. R. Conn. OR 3-0423. 1ND CUTTING alfalfa 125. Clem Tav enner. Canronvtlle. JE J-424V STRAW for tale. OR 3-38B0. HAY. Reaaonable. Call 2933, Oakland Other makea 30" range New Hotpnlnt washer Wat H 5 Hotpoint dryer, tl9S divan. $73 trade tn allowance on bed room mU. . SO", off on 1954 Hotpoint refrig erator,. ' S3 gallon Hotpoint water heater tag u ONE WEEK ONLY WHILE THEY LAST. 6 14 S. E. Stephens Pnone OR 2-1821 Good Selection Used Power Mowers $19.95 & up Umpqua Valley Hardware 28 Poultry & Rabbits Baby Chicks Auction Sunday 1 P.M.- Westside Furniture Sales 943 W Harvard 1 block we it Community Hsptl. Furniture and misc. Consignments welcome Used Applionces NEW Hamp. Psrmenter Red. White hv .void deley. Ponton Hatch-1 Taken !n on trades. Ranges, refriger- ery. 974 W. Harvard Ave. OR 3-3526. DAILY--Afresh brown eggs. 35c and 45c per dot large 50c. 663 N. E Neuner Drive between Chestnut St. and Snack Shack. OR 3-3188. POULTRY, wool, bark. Receiving Tues dav only. For ranch pickup, call OS 9-8663 or on Tuesday OR 3-4331. Rose- burg Poultry Comcarw BABY chicks, fryer and avd reed store. ators, ete. Come out and make a deal. RAINBOW TRAILER SALES N. Hywy 09 at Winchester Bridge Logs Wanted All Species Top market prices paid Green Valley Lumber Co Phone Myrtle Creek. UN ion 3-3181 North Myrtle Road. Myrtle Creek. Ota rED Loggers to log small tlnv , either with horses or small cats 40 House Trailers WANTEl ber. Can um aeveral sides. Contact D E I Crowe, Cottage Grove, WHitney 2-3:144 or evenings, Springfield, Riverside 6-3079 NOW IS THE TIME for all small SAW MILL operators to come tn and talk I over their spring operation. CONSOL-1 I DA TED MILLING, old highway 99 1 South. Roseburg. rOR SALE Lath and strip mill.! will include I' ton UMC. 8330, 748 1 S E. Jackson. Apt. 1. WANTED Cord wood, eight foot S16 per cord. Lea Preston Lumber i.o. Riddle 2231. GUESS WHO... ' j i ' . the collection is for. 34 Misc. For Sale' Must Be Razed And Property Cleared Seven cabins and misc. furniture and fixtures, wood ranges, refrigerators, etc. Make Us An Offer John J. and Lee Zenor 1745 N.I. Diamond Lake Blvd. OR 3-8372 SPRING TIME TRAILER TIME BUY NOW Rainbow Trailer Sales Winchester OR 3-7272 10 Wide 50 ft. 2 Bdrm Spacemaster '59 Model 10 Wide 50 ff. 3 Bdrm Spacemaster '59 Model 10 Wide 45 ft. 1 Bdrm Rex 10 Wide 45 ft. 1 Bdrm Kit 8 Wide 36 ft. 1 Bdrm Pacemaker 8 Wide 30 ft. 1 Bdrm Mayflower These and many more values Come in and see the DELUXE FEATURES AND LOW COST FOR SALE 1 Volki ltver, low mileage. Rt. 2, B. 727 A. arrow from H.'e burg Country Club. OR 3-47.15 alter S P M 1954 CHEVROLET ton pukup.'a speed tranamisaiun. A-1 shape with canopy, 9HU5, v.-M take trade as down p -nicnt. I N 3-4J78 FOR SALE 1H42 International log '58 CHE V luipala Spt Cne truck with stakes, or trade (or camp 10 UoO niilra, local, like new trailer Phone 2H7:i 'jutherlin eng. Pouer steering 1S40 CHEV panel, run. good. See at Texaco Station, 4S8 Garden Vallev ' Al amai.l rtr actn Blvd. ' i ',w "caK'. local. Ve-y clean TOR SALE '52 Chevrolet V tmi truk.: or will trade for pukap. OK l-iM.tti. , -53 rORD Custom Ranchers SELL '58 Ford 6 ' ton panel, or trade! Radio, heater. lw mileage, l-o- for my equity. Ph. Suthrrlin 2ou5. j cal, above average. . 3195 FORU 6. 4 sreed pickup, good cotidl-... I lion. 4O0 OK 2-3204. 57 1 HtV v" s,ll" Viagon air brak- Local, one owner. . . 1905 U4T 295 1795 LIGHTWEIGHT Pane trailer. es. hydraulic tea let 9400 Oli t-2,LH) : ltf0 INTERNATIONAL pickup, rebuilt "56 CHEV V-8 4 dr Rdn engine, good condition. OK J-tiii.iU. 43 Autos & Motorcycles mm 1 Lo'al bu'tiifM man s car. Clea t. ' R at H. Powerglide. H95 56 PONTIAC 2 dr Sdn Hecentl v overhauled eng. R- duced price. 1393 55 CHEV Bel Air Spt H'dtop The hotted car on lodaj s mar- I kaU It s sharp 1495 I "55 FORD 8 Cuitomlme 2 dr. RAM and I d -O-Mat ic. Loral and clean. Reduced price. 1195 13 CHEV Bel Air 4 dr A low cut, ideal family car. Re duced to only 305 51 STTDB 2 dr. Rdn Huns verv g,xHi Radio, heater atd overdrive, only . 250 CARS AND TRUCKS Immediate Delivery-Most Models HANSEN CHEVROLET USED CARS We Must Make Room For More SEVERAL MORE TO CHOOSE FROM (1298 FASY 0. M. A C. OR BANK TERMS BIG WHEEL" Used Cars Phone OR 2-1041 548 SE Steuben. BARCUS layer types. Riddle. Ph. 2421. PURINA fresh eggs. Iverson Feed Store. 29 Pets RED POMERANIAN male. 8 OR 3 4R61 or see at Rt. 4, Box 1J00, Look inggls: SIAMESE kittens, btud service. OR 2-iOlA- DOUGLAS COUNTY HUMANE Society Animal Shelter. OR 2-3907. BABY Parakeet! 3 niiles south. Bur tons. OK 3-H.23. USED BUILDING MATERIALS Wreck-1 tng old Catholic church, Roseburg. 2x4, 2x8, 2x12, 940 per M. U-hsul. Doom 94 each, broken concrete free (loaded) U-hsul. Contact workmen at site. I TOP SOIL Genuine heavy river loam. No rocka -ay to handle. For the beat, call Charles Keely. OS 9-5117. WE ALWAYS HAVE a fine selection of meat available for your locker or deep freeze at wholesale prices. Winston Lockers. OS 9-5133 COMPLETE oak dining room set, 9,135; breakfast set. 4 chairs. 35; nearly new mimeogriph. 91 25; 17" Silvertone TV, S65. OR 3-5340 dajs; OR 3-5017 evenings. ith at- moved Luxurious Living Melody Home Front or Center Kitchen 2 or 3 Bedrooms Washers and Dryers Good Used Trailers 58 Flamingo 28-r' 52 Customcraft 2!t '52 Wratcraft 28'6'' '56 Great Lakes 27' '53 Roadmaster. 35' 2-Bdrm '53 Pan American, 27' with TV act 7,2 Kit Regal, 35 2-Bdrm 'M Columbia. 33' 2-Bdrm '54 Spartan, 37' 1-Bdrm '54 Jewel. 13', $895 5.1 National. 2-Bdrm. 30 ft. "34 Fleetwood. :i5' 1-Bdirn '49 Spartan 1-Bdrm, .TV '53 Biltmore, 42', S.1195 18' Sportacraft 9495 195T FORD Ranch Wagon, V-8 with overdrive and heater. E-ts -tn-keep light green finlih. Excel lent condition 1796 1957 PONTIAC 4-door sedan. Super Chief Merles with 25.0)0 actual mill. R a H, Hvdra , power steer.. power brakes, like new . 11)98 1 1957 CHEVROLET Bel Air 4-dr Spsrk ling initide and out. Beautiful bronze 2-tone finish Etia low miles. Full equipment 1BHH I 1958 MERCURY Monterev 4-dr. hardtop. R 8c H. Merrr-O-Matic. I Tip - Top condition inaide and t out 1398 j 1956 VCRD e-panenger Country Se dan Popular Eord-O-M itlc, heater, Thunderbtrd perform- ' ance. Very clean - let's trade. ... 1698 '55 Chevrolet 2 door &edon. Pow rghdt. Radio ond heater. Only $ 1 26.000 miles. '55 Hudson Hornet Custom 4 dr. Power steering, Hvdromottc. omv inoR 26,000 milet. . I U 7 O '55 Ford V8 Foirlone 4 door. A '1898 real dandy for only .... '56 Chevrolet V8 A Overdrive. Radio ond heater M298 door sfdan, 1498 '57 Ford station wagon. Stand- a'd M798 transmission I x w '54 Chevrolet Vz ton pickup. A speed transmission. Heavy duty 700-15 wheels $Q A Q ond tires OHO '57 Dodge Coronet hordtop coupe Only OnOQ 22,000 m.lei U70 '57 Chevrolet 2 door V8 power- g'tde. Radio ond heate 20,000 $1 ocrual milet, '56 Chevrolet Delroy coupe. V8. Powerglide. Continental tire k.t. Spok, $1 LAQ wheel. Low miles. 'U"0 '52 Plymouth station wogort. Runt like o clock. Very $QQ good tires. Only .... OzO '49 Studeboker Champion 2 door sedan with $1 A Q overdrive. Clean I r O '55 Chevrolet 6 cyt. Vj ton pick up, 4 speed transmission. rorest $ green M048 1953 DeSOTO Club sedsn. Fluid drive. Extra ni Uon , R A- H, e condi- TREVA S CERAMICS Free lessons. Large aortment green ware, painta, glazes. Next to Winston Lockers. OS 9-5133. NICE." modern. 5-room houae ichM earatre 82000. Mult off lot on harden valley Road, or check Our Used Furniture Dept rl inn AU 1 aUaaal F TOP SOIL from new location. The beat you have ever seen no root or weeds. Ralph Fisher, Winston. OS 9 8493. FOR "the best Job of custom cutting, wrapping and quick freezing, bring 1953 BEL AIR 4-door. RAH. Power glide. A real aharpie. Take a look at thia today 798 Trucks & Pickups 1955 FORD i ton pickup. CuMom cab, neavy-auty urea and trans, anteed good 1951 H D 9 Allis Chalmcr rat. blade and drum, and canopy. Terms. 1950 FORD "V ton pi-kup. 4 speed trsnnnmiuon, V-8 motor recent ly replaced. . . 1947 FORD s ton, 3 speed 6 eyl. .. 228 Lockwood Motors '57 PLYMOUTH V-8 sedan. Push button drive. R8cH. Top condi tion throughout 1798 36 DODGE V8 club coup R&H. Jet black with whttcwall tirea. Fammia D-.MW engine with mtraisht stick. Unconditionally guaranteed. . . 1498 56 PONTIAC V-8 Station Wagon, Hydra.. Haiti, aharp M PLYMOUTH VI till.. UtH eedan. Power '53 PI.YMOUTK V8 Belvedere hard top Pnwerflite. HAH. Only 23.- 000 mllea. 13M e'drlse. RAH. M TORD VII aedan. real aharp .. . S3 HUDSON club coupe. Overdrive 288 Spring Inventory Clearance HALL NEW 'WOT Vifr i "1 PACKARD ned.n. RAH. car 300 motor. tntramatle. On. owner UM I SO PACKARD Sedan. R at H j '90 BUICK Special ledan. It It H. 4iw Trucks & Pickups Above Book Trades! Liberal Terms! '59 MERCURYS and drier Dalr. uvd .horl while. iM 1 GOOD UMd mudalr. automatic wah- PUTMAN'S Toy Tox Terrier K.nnela. value, now only MOT M. Term,. Ump-I f,r. P?,rc'1,in' on1ly " Wllbr:(on;OR3;8804. I qua Valley Appliance. 4 S I Roee. V,Uy APP"nc. 8 BEAUTIFUL. Red factor canarlea and SUITABLE for a boat trailer, widened . . -. . c.iei. Putman'.. OR 3-8MH. I Model A axle, .1 aood wheel., Urea DAVID-BRADLEY larden tractor with " i. .nrf inSe. ai OR t lam D ow, d ac, harrow and cu tivator, very CHIHUAHUA atud eervio. Pupplea later. and tule.15 OR WI J OR ,.290, OR 3-3G84. GOOD used Trldislre dryer. Only MB :, ..,., . . - . , . - fAVRV-hSa"Hr-I.ATanVd.. terms. Umpqua Valley Appliance. 648 u5 rL "5 m""- W Doyle's Mobile Homes your meat to M Lockers M,fj. Koteburg-W44 8.E Mepheng OR j.jjM Arthur Nelson. S E Rom. condition. Only 879 terms. Umpqua Val ley Appliance, 648 se no PART Bloodhouna ana pari nMDCn'i ,nH .3- OR ikM itf N , COMBINATION 21" lawnmower and DUDl. jn J-iMf JJ. . -- BELGIAN SCHIPPERKE puppies, small breed. Nice house pets. OR 3-978. CHIHUAHUA male puppies, registered. OR 3-3694. FOR SALE, female English bulldog. OR 3-4840. GLENGARY Beagle Kennels. OR 3-3793. Chetnut. CORONADO refrigerator, large rrose top . freezer. Only 989 93. Terms. Ump qua VaneyAppllance 8S E. Roe. innr-vnn hnni.- fiih iira .m nr Worn only I day, 820. Call OR 3-3491 CERAMICS or OH 3-4054. garden cultivator, 875; pressure can ner, 912. Ph. Oakland 3272 COIL SPRINGS and lnnerspring mat-1 treM. 1S. 9J2 SE. Orcutt Ave. OR 3-6010. ' reenwsre. elars, fin ished pieces. Free lessons. OR 3-4372.! 31 Sporting Equipment , 1 room tra UMPQUA MARI-NA WINSTON Sand and Gravel. '.-crushed - j t, v - ' rock, reject eravel. bar run and too MORE PEOPLE buy World otn-' son. oa iwj9.i. '55. 34 Spence-Crsft 1 bed- iler. modern, excellent con dition. OS 9-5.153 RENT A TV. Daily or weekly rates. Kier Crnoob Plumbing Applianc OR 9-3364. SCRIPTURE TEXT greeting cards and oclopedia than any other. Why? OR 2-3597. j ir SKAGIT BOATS MERCURY MOTORS ir BOAT ACCESSORIES MOTOR REPAIRING LIGHT garden tractor, complete with plow, disc and mower, 875 cah. OR 3-8790. WESTrNOHOUSE automatic dlhwaher. Only $79 Terms. Umpqua Valley Ap pliance. 648 S E. Rose itationery. Sacred record.! Bible Al-U material rrom wrecaea nou-e c.e-n Book Center. 415 S E Jackson lumorr. piummB wnp.r., ' " nrtr-r i.ri.,1,,.. iik. ! tmga .no nwnen sin. un Half price. OR 2-2620. JUMPING JehoshaphaU You'll really be amaz ed at the convenience of modern mobile home living. There's even place to keep our pet FROG and the place to find the finest mo bile home ia MrKEE TRAILER SALES, llft2 NE Stephens SireeL When you coma here eur aaleamen never REFUSES to giv you the Information vou need to make up your mind. When ou call, we are ready TO JUMP! 2 Big Lots Oak & Rose OR 3-6334 1430 S. E. Stephen OK 2-1441 '51 DeSotn Carry-AM. Extra I condition V j'48 WILLYS 'i ton pickup 55 rORD V-8 pickup, special CHEV. A ton pickup 19.58 FORD Ranchwagon k & h, padded dash WS washers, nylon tirea. HI tie and Ivory. Low offer, aell or trade our OK 3-4854. CLEAN 1953 Plymouth 4 door vedan. Will sell or trade book pi ice. OK 2- 121 LATK MODEL USED CARS WANTED rann or trade for equity. Keel Mo- ., torn, 8.IS S E. Stephana. . BY school" teacher," 19M Chevrnlet4 ( donr aedan. Clean, good condition, 8'afiV OR 3-7735. yn. Economlrl. tvf-riVft . backup light. Ja cPril iree, e:)0 .-.ule. jU? ff r payments. Bentj 1 A V N ' ur $1400 equity. Vy07 BARCUS Stephens at Garden Valley loan Ph. OR 3-5588 i Easy Bank Terms ; '56 FORD Ranch Wagon. FordomaUc, rhanical condlUon, $275. 125 St Hoov-'8 OLDS itallon wagon. l(k nsw Low er aitr o. miiricv uh -w. CALL Family FmVnce. whorT'make MOTORCYCLES - New, used. Beckwith it poftlble to buv the motor vehicle Cycle, on 3-8120. of your choice. OR .V5277. 1 40 BUICK 4 door sedan. 8fW. OR 3-8381 MONTCLAIR 2-DR. Hardtop 322 HP. motor, multi-drive transmission, white wsll tires, pushbutton radio, heater, defroster, rear seat epesker, 2 -lone paint, dual exhauat, power steering, power brakes, back panel reflectors. $4033.45. 6 PASSENGER 4-DR. Station Wagon. Multi-drive trans., w-w tires, push button radio, heater, defroster, full wheel covers, padded dash, 2-tone paint, electric clock, foam rubber rufthlona, power steering. power brakes, power rar window, courtesy light group. 9 4193. 15. MONTEREY 4 - DR. Merc-O-Matla trans., w-w tiren, push button radio, heater, defroster, fuU wheel covers, padded dash, 2-tone paint, electric clock, foam rubber cushions, visual aid group, courtesy light group, Mon terey optional trim. $J644.70. MONTCLAIR 4-DR, Multi-drive trans , pushbutton radio, heater. Defroster, rear seat speaker, dual exhaust, pow er steering, power brakes, visual aid group. $.1970 65. PASSENGER 4-DR Station Wagon. Multt-drive trans., backup lights, push button radio, heater, defroster, full wheel covers, w-s wathers, padded dash, electric clock, foam rubber cushions, courtesy light group. 84091.35 MONTEREY 2-DR. Multi-drive trana . pushbutton radio, backup light, heat, er, defroster, full wheel covers, pad. ded dasii, two-tone patnt, electrie clock, foam rubber cushions, 280 H P. motor, courtesy light group, $3372.45. MONTEREY DR. Hardtop. MulH drive trans., push button radio, heat er, defroster, backup light, padded dash, 2-tone paint, else, clock, dual exhauat, foam rubber cushion, 280 h p, motor. Solarshleld group, courtesy He hi group. Monterey optional trim, white wall tires. $3817.60. MONTEREY 2-DR Hardtop Radio, heater, multi-drive trans., 280 h p. motor, power eteertng, Solarshield Vis ual Aid group, courtesy light group. Monterey optional trim, w-w tires, full wheel covers, padded dash, foam rub ber cushions. 83784 80. '59 EDSELS ! SMALL, table model cream separator. 25. OR 3-8633. TWO NEARLY new mud and tnowtires, 7:10x15 OR 3-8800 CANOPY for Chevrolet pickup. OR 2- I 2410. i ALL CHANNEL UHF converters $24.95. j Call OR2-450 STANLEY HOME Products. OR 3-3692. VIVIAN TRAVESS 1 ANYONE wanting Wat kins Products. 12' BOAT 58" beam, open center cowel 2168 N. T. Free ont OR 1-3607. steering Alo sport boat, windameia. I oe compartment, steering. OS 8- M2J ----.--w - z USED GUNS, bought sold and traded SMALL 12 ft. plywood boat and trailer, Umpqua Gun Store. CALL Family Finance, OR 3-5277, who will help you buy the article you want . 35 Wanted Misc. 6.i9 S. E. Rase SI. OR 3 5574 STANLEY Horn. Product,. Bernice Ebert. !M3 N E. Vine OR 1-11M gear! $1130. P,. WH 2-366, Cottage 1959 17" ZENITH portable TV, (130 Henslee High Style 1 Plainsman ,Casa Manana 29'-36' 8-mine 1-2 bedrooms 10 -wide to 50', 1-2-3 bedrooms COMPLETE LINE of accessories and parts in stork hitches, bulsne equip ment, awnings, stoves, refers, toilets, windows, water heaters and heating bands, top coatings, etc. BETTER BUY BUICK CHOICE USED CAR BUYS '57 Buick in I T double-ender. perfect for com- LlGHT t-wheel trailer, 827.50. Phone 451 gcRAPIRON. radiators, batteries, cop WE PAY HIGHEST cash prices for used furniture. Roseburg Furniture Ex Chan geC S E Jackaon.Q t 5-5 104 WANTED TO BUY Good used furni ture. ROSEBURG AUCTION. OR 3-5026. WANTED TO BUY Old China, glass- GOOD SELECTION of used trailers and ware. lurnuufir, j wviry. ritviii-.. Antiques 247 S E Jack son. OR 2-1421. NEW 2nd hand store THE TRADING ' POST, will bur what have you? iM N. E Jackson.OR 2-1921 j READY "CASH for good used furniture ( and misc. Weatside Auction. Ph. OR 2-2501. ! WANTED old Edison phonogrsph for: parts on s-ei. I all kinds el house furniture taken in I on trade. Earl E. Smith Trailer Homes Co. j 1M0 K r Stephana OH S-ttM '58 Buick ??? Station wagon. Custom estsie Wagon. The popular Century Csballero lead ed with extras. Full power Including 6 way seal Finished tn metallic cop per Look at the hue aavings offered and agree the best buy is this Bunk. $228 4 Door hardtop. A real heautv. Verv low mileage 2 tone finish. This ape. rial tops for rondition and value. New Premium tires to boot. '53 Buick 4 Door aedan A nire clean car with lots of trouble fre miles left A dream to drive and pleasure to own. Guar anteed OK. '55 Buick $1398 4 Door Century. White and yellow. New plastic covers. Radio, heater, power steering, whltewal) tires. A real nice car at a small ear price. '54 Buick $998 4 Door sedan. A real clean ear In the heat rondition 2 lone finish. Radio, heater Dy nf low, rutnm rovers and good tires. Drive In and get this good deal. $693 '56 Buick ??? Hardtop coupe Here Is the car. Load ed with extras, completely power equipped and tn Up-top condition. You will Jove the value in thia custom ear. per. brass, and a.uaninura. OR 2-7202 j i-ial or soort fish in. 9.100: 12 ft. j Camas Valley. 6'4 hp motor. $W Sulherlln 2143. , Sr. v TNO ma oh i nee picked up bv rinancs TELESCOPE RIFLE SIGHTS if bought Co. Small tMlance. OR 3-6325 from u. we install free if gun ta fa-;NEW rebuilt "55 Chev V- motor, eonv tory drilled Umpqua Gun Store j pite. $250. OR 2-2367. if ODE L 70-300 magnum with scope, ,-or SALE Houae to be wrecked-' 1 81j0 Kenneth Jones, out If mite OR 3.44 a,. arter 5 OR 2-3993. 1 ELEVEN room house Including 9 bed S Mvrtle Rt Myrtle Creek unvTr.mrmv vmn sn.t "uh rttnm apt. completely furni.hed 19 rill like at Pow-, e-o OR 9-34JT arree of land equipped Trailer houae 136 For Trade FISHING tackle you 13 1 Vacation trailer. Phone OS 9- eii i. ' block west Post Office 18 FT. Cabin cruiser inboard, new 12x14 mail tent. OR 3-7IW4 after 5 10 STEEL-traps; 22 Marhn, sleeping bag OR 3-4878 GOOD 18 ft. cedar boat, $30. OR 3-3902. 22 WLrtAiviAJ jiuu j-1-n-n.r .n.r n --rr BEDROOM suite. 3-p'cs isectloni, Ash I 1 ley wqoq niiw, un j-iju. Produce & pionts i"ABBrt '-r6-5"' GAS RANGE. Cheap. OR 2-2912 FI LLER BRUSH OR 21391 1 "I " , . . . . : - . and pickup for equity. OS 8-e87$. Dr.unuuM bl 1 1 c: ear eric wooa condition. OR 2-2468. juuujuuuuuuuu GREEN tweed 'daveno d etalrltxll- J Q I -k-seaT-ea CMiiIniisg Axminater rug All for 9100 OR3-41JH tJJ VUUIIIU LUVIVIHCIII Rod & Reel Trailer (c Boat Sales 1148 W. Harvard 27 FT. trailer house, very reasonable 4 miles south in Green district, near Pearl's Grocery behind auik house ONE BEDROOM 1946 Trallareratl, 27' trailer. Modern kitchen, no bath Lights, electrie brake. Good shape, $VA OR 2-38M. FOR SALE 32 4c each. $.1 50 STRAWBERRY plants. hundred OS 9-547 1 SEE STARK ad under Personals. " .RED CEDAR posts OR 3-4974 RAW" LEIGH PRODUCTS UR Chev Delray coupe . . 54 Chev Bel Air 4 dr '59 Ford Victoria 58 Olds 88 2 dr. '54 Plymouth Belvedere. '52 Buick 4 dr. Special. '83 Chev elub coupe . '55 Ford Fleet line 2 dr. V8. '52 Pontiec Chieftain I dr. '55 Packard Cust. Clipper. . 58 Dodge 4 dr - "53 rord VI C us too 4 dr. . trade 1 bedroom 35 ft 58 trailer. BUI 'a Trailer Court, luth- erltn Ph.2847 EQUITY in '55. 34'Spenre.Craft "T bed room, modern, in excellent condition. : OS 9 5353 I ft., modern. OR -". 1 f"DU UM model. Cable dofer. Mecf- OR 8A1-E furniture I lord can. winch, tacellent condiuon.1 equltyjn J. W traller.OR J-tlW : UV OS -lll Call .venlnfa. tOt.'ITY In '$1 trailer houae BIT W rik. rerr ood Mndltwo. PH ! c . OS awn I Ml Camee VaUej. I CAMP TRAOXM, f J00. OK S-1U7. rOR SALC Keel boom for to 1 lead Dale Ackland. Rt 1. Boil UO. , M ROADMASTM EDS EL RANGER 'e' 2-DR. White wall tires, heater, defroster, pushbut ton radio, two-tone paint, Safety group. Visibility group, standard trans. $2937.93. EDSEL RANGER "6" 4-DR. Mile-O-Mstic drive, white wall tirea, heat er, defroater, 2-tone patnt. Safety group. Visibility group. 83202 03. EDS EL t" 2-DR Hardtop Dual pow er drive, w-w tires, heater, defroater, pushbutton radio, dual exhaust, mi h p. motor. Safety group. Visibility group. $3400 79. F.DSEL RANGER "6" 4-DR Vlle-tV-Matlc trans., w-w tires, heater, de froster, pushbutton radio. 2-tone paint. Safety group. Visibility group. $3147 33. '59 ENGLISH FORDS rNGI.ISH FORO Station Waon Heat, er, whit, wall tlrm, turn aisnala. 11703 00. ENGLISH FORD l-DR Sedan. Heal, r, whiu, wall tirea, turn eignale. 1T1100. Your Best New Car Deal Is At SI DILLARD MOTOR CO. MERCURY EDSEL LINCOLN ENGLISH FORDS ' So lei & Strvics Corner Stephen! and Dauglai OR 3 4625 Jalopy Junction 1 360 N. E. Stephens OR 1-4M1 , $10 Down Specials Priced Below Market '53 PLYMOUTH a door '51 DODGB 4-door II MERCURY door Riverside Motors W DODGE l. ton pickup I MS M JEEP pickup s ta H rORD E 100 V, ton . tat 't JEEP pickup S19M '59 FORD ralrlan dr. Vt Sins 5j'S3 CHEV 110 4 dr. 111. War M. '59 FORD Cuatoenlln 4 dr. Vi I MS '51 BUICK hardtop, iharp 'M BUICK Tudor 'JO CHEVROLET 4 door JI FORD pickup $10 Down Open Sundays JM '9 WILLYS 4 whMl drtr. .Ulloo wafon fltl Studebtker Sales It Servlc aa N.K. Stephana law PONTIAC I door, new utm. RAH Clean throughout. Good motor. Will take tuna aa part parmant. tiAO. OR Mtll, .r ae. at tot S E. Stephana ' CHEV 4-doer Bal Ale aedan. fiillr tu,pped Verv elean. la. u appracl- u, tiDss. ok i-ams. 1PM CHEV. ttel-AIr, perfect condition. 1334 S. E. Reaarvolr .vantnga or phon. OR 3-5374; vntneapR LATk MODEL USED CARS WANTED C'aah or trad, for .quit? A TEN 4, PHILLIPS. 133t Stephen,. 1MI WILLYS" Jeep. 4 new t "pljr Urea and rebuilt anain. with IS houra. OS a Mat lt.w DOt5o"tra-door. Uiw mileat. clean. Have tone Into mcvIc My .quit,, tsiio or .n. 30 CHEVROLET coupfc'oS -tl.