Plenty of Bargains Advertised Here -Check Them! OR 2-3321. 27 Hay & Grain 34 Misc. For Sale GOOD Udina and grass hay. M ton. J. G. Bacon, Umpqua. Ph. 4J ' Sutherlla. i 1 HAY, clover and (raM, 45c bale Oscar I Wecka, Myrtle CrMk. L N J-J734 noon i Kour. I ALT ALT A 3-6423. or oat bay. K Conn. OR CARTER TIRE Used Appliance Sale 2ND CUTTING alfalfa MS. Clem Tav. nnr, CanyonvUle. JE 8-4245 RTRAW for sale. OB 3-3860 HAY. Reasonable. Call 39J3, Oakland. Ct automatic w-FilMr flow I Norg automatic Washers GUESS WHO... 28 Poultry & Rabbits Baby trucks i NEW Hamp . Permenter Red, WMte Ixghorn and Golden Broad. Order I early avoid delay. Ponton Hatch ry. 971 W. Harvard Ave OR 3-342. DAILY freih brown eggs. 35c and 45c per doi. large 50c. 693 N. E. I Neuner Drive between Chestnut St, and Snack Shack. OR 3-3188. POULTRY, wool, bark. Receiving Tun- day only, ror rancn pickup, can us B-&043 or en Tuesday OR 3-433L Roee burg Poultry Corneal! BABY chicks, fryer and layer types. AAD Feed Store.Riddla.Ph. 1421. PURINA fresh eggs. Iveraon Feed Store. GK eonvenUonal Maytag eonv'tn'l square Norge tern 1 -automatic Dryers GE deluxe Hotpolnt deluxe Kenmore cuatom Frlgidaire deluxe 29 Pets BED POMERANIAN male. $ OR S- 4881 or aee at Ru 4, Box 1J00, Look- ingglaas. SIAMESE kittens, atud service. OR 3- 10 14. DOUGLAS COUNTY HUMANE Society A nimal ShelterOR 3-3907. BABY Parakeets. 3 miles south. Bur ton's. OR 3-8123. PUTMAN'S Toy Fox Terrier Kennels. Wilbur. OregonOR 3-8804. BEAUTIFUL Red factor canaries and cages. Putman'a. OR 3-8804. CHIHUAHUA stud service. Puppies later. OR 3-3694. CANARY hena. 872 N. E. Alameda. Arthur Nelson. PART Bloodhound and part Red bone pupaJllSOR 3-3955 BELGIAN SC HIP PERK E puppies, small breed. Nicehouae pets. OR 3-4978. CHIHUAHUA male puppies, registered. OR 3-3641 FOR SALE, female English bulldog. OR 3-4840. GLENGARY Beagle Kennels. OR 3-3793. Weatinghouae 40 Electro attar 40" Ranges Refrigerators 31 Sporting Equipment UMPQUA MARINA ir SKAGIT BOATS ir MERCURY MOTORS ir BOAT ACCESSORIES ic MOTOR REPAIRING 6.9 S. E. Rose SI. OR 3-5574 12' BOAT 98" beam, open center cowel steering. Alito iport boat, windshield, liov. compartment, steering. OS 8 8fi23. SMALL 12 ft. plywood boat and trailer, 5', hora. Johnson and stand, extin guisher, cushions, oars, anchor, 1199. OR 3-621B. 22' INBOARD double ended wood cabin boat, 4 brass ourdies, blocks, comm. aesr. SUM). Ph. WH J-MJS, Coils, e Grove. TCLESCOPE RIFLE SIGHTS It bought from us. w. install fre. if run ia I.c tory drilled. Umpqua Gun Store. 101T 1190 1099 lilt 1U2 0 30 1951 I 09 1050 9 JO 1050 09 1051 70 1111 $ TO 1951 49 IMS I T5 1M1 19 IMS U 1948 59 1U I 13 114T 33 nr.. - ' her husband. Gibson T cu. ft. Norg. delux. I cu. UW T eu. ft. All th. above appliances ar. de livered, installed and guaranteed. Th. guarantee includea all pans and labor. For added savings, pickup and deliver, ouraelf. LOWEST OF TERMS AVAILABLE. 266 S. E. Stephens OR 2-3393 34 Misc. For Sale Bargain Appliance Center Motorola 21" TV act with new picture tube 8U9.50 . Fowler dryer. $73 M Rebuilt Maytag wringer wanner. like new. 8125.00 1958 Portable Westinghouse dish washer (168.95 Used refrigerators. 133. ft up Late model Maytag Gas range 899 M Gaa room heater. no 00 Frlgidaire range. 875 00 Apt size range. 125 00 Frigidalre washer. fttt 95 631 S. E, Rose . OR 3- 5525 Auction Sunday 1 P.M. Westside Furniture Sales 045 W Harvard 1 block west Community Hi Furniture and misc. Consignments welcome Used Appliances Taken In on trades. Ranaea. .efrls.r. atora, ate. Com. out and mak. a deal. RAINBOW N. Hywy M at Winchester Bridge MODEL 70-300 magnum with scope, tM. Kenneth Jones. S. Myrtle Rl. Myrtle Creek. FISHING tackle you will like at Pow- - f1.1', V ploclc wtPost Office. WILL SELL equity in 14' Ariato-Craft, cheap, call OR 2-4688. 18 TT. Cabin cruiser inboard; new 12x14 wall tent. OR 3-7694 after5:30. STEEL traps; 22 Marlin; sleeping bag. OR 3-4878. GOOD cedar boat. $50. OR 3-5902. 32 Produce & Plants STRAWBERRY plants, 4o each, $3.30 hundred. OS 8-5473. REE STARK id undr "Personals. For Auctioneering Services CONTACT Col. V. M union. We bur. and trade. It pays to buy and sell a ay. v f m. the auction way. Auction every Frl- Roseburg Auction Ph. OR 34 Misc. For Sale Good Selection Used Power Mowers $19.95 & up Umpqua Valley Hardware Must Be Hazed And Property Cleared Seven cabins and misc. furniture and fixtures, wood ranges, refrigerators, etc. Make Us An Offer John J, and Let Zenor 1743 N E. Diamond Lake Blvd. OR 3-8372 HOUSEHOLD FURNISHINGS: Oak dm. in set (built-in extensions seats 18) $135; gunmetal breakfast set, 4 chairs, $:i5; 40" double oven Hotpolnt electric range. $65; brown daveno, $40; nearly new mimeograph,. $125; 17" Silvertone TV, $65. OR 3-5017 evenings; daytime OR 3-33W. RED C EDA R posts.OR 3-4974. RAWLEIGH PRODUCTS OR 3-4954. 35 Wanted Misc. BEAUTIFUL Frigidalre Imperial washer and dryer pair, ucd short while. $658 value, now only $399.95. Terms. Ump qua Vallev Appliance 648 ERose. GOOD-used "Frlgidaire automatic wash er, all porcelain. Only 869. Terms. I'mpqua Valley Appliance, 648 8 E. Rose. WINSTONSand and Gravel, "-crushed rock, reject gravel, bar run and top soil. OS 9-849X CERAMICS greenware. glaxes. fin ished pieces. Free lessons. OR 3-4573, 1208SE.Mill. NEW and used tillers, lawn mowers, chain uwi Winston Chain Saw YourMcCullochDealer' OS 9-5641 . EQUITY in 55, 34" Spence-Crsft lbed room trailer, modern, excellent con dition. US P-MiJ. MORE PEOPLE buy World Book En cyclopedia than any other. Why? OR 2- 3597. RENT A TV. Daily or weekly rates. Kier Croocta Plumbing Aoplianc OR J-3384. LIGHT garden tractor, complete with plow, disc and mower, $73 cash. OR 3- 6790. SCRIPTURE TEXT greeting cards and stationery. Sacred records. Bible Book Center. 413 1 E. Jackson. WESTINGHOUSE automatic " dishwasJver. Only $79. Terms. Umpqua Valley Ap pliance, 648 S I. Rose. CALL "Family- Finance, OR 3-5277, who will help yois buy the article., you want . ALL material from wrecked house, clean lumber, plumbing complete with fit tings and kitchen sinks. OR 3-6846 TWO NEARLY new mud and snow tires, 7 10x15. OR 3-8800. ; NON-AUTOMATIC Easy washer, 1850 , model with spinner, $50. OR 3-8M j CANOPY- for-Chevrolet pickup. OR J- 2410 ALL CHANNEL UHF converters. $205. Call OR 2-4650 STANXEV HOME Products OR 3-3692. VIVIANTRAVE3S. ANYONE wanting Walk ins Products, 3168 N. E. Freemont OR 3-3607- I STANLEY Home Products. Bemlce Ehert. 15W N E Vljie OR 1M126 j UED GUNS, bought sold and traded Umpqua Gun Store. ' I TWO-whetirtra iters, ill stock and 'lutmty. OR 3-5040. j LESTER Betsy Ross piano, ma-' hngany finish, like new Call GY 6-3234 19.V 17- ZENITH porta We TV, 1130 OR J-723T LIGHT t-heel trailer, $27 30. Phone 451 Camaa Valley. SEWING machines picked up bv Finance Ce, Smai' - 'nce OR 3-6XU6. USED BUILDING MATERIALS Wreck ing old Catholic church, Roeeburg. 2X4. 2x8. 3x12. 540 per M. U-haUl. Doors $4 each, broken concrete free loaded) U-haul. Contact workmen at site. TOP SOIL Genuine heavy river loam. No rocks easy to handle. For the best, call Charles Keely. OS 9-3117. NICE, modem, A-room house with at tached aaraee. $2000. Must be moved off lot on Garden Valley Road. OH 3..73A7 rtf nn .t.AOOA . . wan rr.u ru but Quality Furnishers Maytaf. $49 f 3 and up. 113 00 and up. used I73 Olhr makes Dryer. 30" ranie. WW New Hotpolnt washer Was fci9 3 now 1279 3 Hotpolnt dryer. 970 off I1W9S dlvana I1H.3 9s trad. In allowance on bed room acta., at)", all on 1931 Hotpolnt refn, cratora. 59 fallon Hotpolnt water heater 989 89 ONE WEEK ONLY WHILE THEY LAST. 644 S. E. Stephens Phone OR 2-1821 VACUUM SPECIALS Service Parts - Paper Bags AU Makes 39 Timber & Sawmills 40 House Trailers Peelers Cr Peelable Mill LOGS WANTED Delivered at Nordic Veneers pond en North I'mpqua Highway, 3 miles eait of Rosebutg. Lug lengths: 9' 0 . 17 8": 26' 8"; 35 0". Diameter limits. Maximum 75 inches, minimum IB inches For m format ion call OR 3-4531. Sutherlin 22J2 or OR 3-4069 evenings. Logs Wanted All Species Top market prices paid Green Valley Lumber Co Phone Mjrtle Creek. UN ion 3-3181 North Mirtle Road. Myrtle Creek. Ore. Logs Wanted Will buy all species CLEVELAND LUMBER Oial!a Road - OS 9-51(4 SENSATIONAL i BILTMORE i i The People's Choice I New In Roseburg S and 10 Wide j 40 45 50 ft. Outstanding in beauty and quality. We invite you to see these trailers and compare prices. Shady Point Trailer Sales I MILE SOI TH ON OLD II WV M 43 Autos & Motorcycles Fn., Mar. 13, 19S9 The News-Review, Roseburg, Ore. 13 43 Autos & Motorcycles NEW 1959 Henslee High Style Plainsman Casa Manana WANTED Loggf-re to log email tim ber, either with horses or small cats. Can iue several sides. Contact D. K Crowe, Cottafe Grove, WHiinev 2-3344 or everuni. bprintneld Kiversiae , 6-3078. NOW IS THE TIME for all small SAW MILL operators to come in and talk over their sprinf operation. CONSOL IDATED MILLING, old highway 88 South, Roseburg. DOUGLAS FIR and cedar slud logs GOOD SELECTION of tted trailers and Jfi'-ia R-wida 1-2 bedrooms j 10 -wide to 30'. 1-2-3 bedrooms COMPLETE LINE or and 1 parts in stock hitches, butane equip-i me nt, awning, stove, refers, toilns, windows. Water heaters and heating, bands, top coatings, tc. ' wanted. Pfeiffer Lumber Co., Voncal- la. OregonPh Victor 8-2111. FOR SALE Lath and strip mill. will include ! ton GMC. $330. 748 S E. Jackson.Apt , 1. WANTED Cordwood, eight fool 816 per cord- Lee Preston Lumber Co. Riddle 2231. furniture taken in 40 House Trailers Earl E. Smith Trailer Homes Co. 1980 N. K. Sttphsns OR 3-3:iM Rebuilt Motor Exchange All Malcaa 1 Year Guarantee $17.50 $43.80 For Your Old Cleaner On A New KIRBY Like new Lux-E Brown $;i5 G E. cord reel, 1 H P. motor 834.50 Filter Queen, many extras, one-half newt price. Eureka Roto-O-Matie $27.30 Hoovers $13 to ?33 Singers ..- $13 to $27.30 20 good cleaners at $10 to $1$ Trade & Terms Reconditioned and guaranteed 1 year by KIRBY CO. Of Roseburg 2181 HE. Stephens Roseburg, Oregon Call OR 3-8358 ar OR 3-2214 I SUITABLE for a boat trailer, widened Model A axle, 3 good wheels, tires andtubes.$150R 3-3613. NEW rebuilt '33 Chev. V-8 motor, com plete, $230. OR 2-2387. TOR SALE House to be wrecked. OR3-3444 orafter 3 OR3-3fl 1838 MONTGOMERY WARD dryer, like new, $80.OR 3-3437 BEDROOM SUITE: 8 year crib. Good condition. OR 2-2468. GREEN tweed daveno and chair: 9x12 A x mineter ru g.A 11 for 3100. OR 3-8529. 15 FT. Vacation trailer. Phone OS 9- 8922. BEDROOM suite, 3-piece sectional, Ash ley wooa neater, utt a-oMi. RABBIT fertillter. CaU OR 3-414 GAS RANGE. Cheap. OR 2-2912. FULLER BRUSH. OR 2-1391 SPRING TIME TRAILER TIME BUY NOW Rainbow Trailer Sales Winchester OR 3-7272 10 Wide 50 ft. 2 Bdrm Spocemaster '59 Model 10 Wide 50 f. 3 Bdrm Spacemaster '59 Model 10 Wide 45 ft. 1 Bdrm Rex 10 Wide 45 ft. 1 Bdrm Kit 8 Wide 36 ft. 1 Bdrm Pacemaker . 8 Wide 30 ft. 1 Bdrm Mayflower These and many more values Come in ond see the DELUXE FEATURES AND LOW COST KENSKILLi KENCRAFT JEWEL NASHUA ABC UNIVERSAL TERRA . CRUISER NEW MOON Jim McKee Trailer Sales 162 NR. Stephens OR 2-41:21 Rod & Reel Trailer & Boat Sales 1143 W. Hsrvard 27 FT. trailer house, very reasonable 4'j miles south in Green district, near Pearl's Grocery- behind sink house 38 CHEV. Imp la Spt I pe 10.000 miles, IfKdl. like new. Big eng. Pow er steering. . 21 38 VAl'XH ALL 4 dr. SJn Low mileage, local. Very clean Economy plus. ... 1 58 FORI) Cuatom Ranrheio Radio, healer. 1-ow mileage. Lo cal, above average. . . .2 37 CHEV V-8 Station Wagon Standard transmission. RAN Local, ona owner. . JW5 38 CHEV V-8 4 dr Sdn. Local buMnrs man's car. Clean R It II. PowcrgUde. 1395 J 38 PONTIAC 1 dr Sdn. Recent! ovei hauled eng. Re- aucea pure. . . l.raj 33 CHEV Bel Air Spt H dtop The hottest rsr on today 's mar keL It s sharp 1493 33 FORD 8 Customtine t dr. R St H and Ford-O-Matic. Local i and clean. Reduced price, . 1193 '33 CHEV Bel Air 4 dr A low cost, ideal family car. Re duced to only . 393 '31 ST! IDE 3 dr. Sdn. Runs verv good. Radio, heater and overdrive, only .... 230 EASY G. M. A. C. OR BANK TERMS "BIG WHEEL" Used Cars Piinne OR 2-1041 348 SE Stephens 42 Trucks 37 GMC S ton 4 ipffd V8 pickup. Sell or trade for dual wheel light pickup or flatbed. AUo 1949 Willjt panel. V8, automatic transmission. OR 3-3813. 1934 CHEVROLET ton pickup, 3 speed transmission, A-l in ape wttn canopy, $095, will take trade as down pay ment. UN 3-4a79 FOR SALE 1942 International 1 o g truck with slakes, or trade for camp trailer. Phone 2973 Sutherlin. 1940 CHEV panel, runa good. See at Texaco Station, 468 Garden Valley Blvd. SELL 'SB Ford 8 'a ton panel, or trade for myequity.Ph. Sutherlin 2603 FORD 8. A speed pickup, good condi tion. $S. OR 3-.1204. LIGHTWEIGHT Page trailer, air brak es, hydraulic scales. $400. OR 2-2;i.t0. 1940 INTERNATIONAL pickup, rebuilt engine, good condition. OR 3-6tuo. 34 Misc. For Sale WE PAY HIGHEST cash prices for uvd xurmture. Moaeourg rurniture ex. ChangJ438.E.JackBon;OR 3-3104. WANTED TO BUY Good used furni ture. BOSEBURG AUCTION. OR 3-3028. WE ALWAYS HAVE a fine selection of meat available for your locker or deep freeze at wholesale prices. Winston Lockcn.OS 9-3133 TOP SOIL from new location. The-best u have ever seen no roots or weeds. Ralph Ftshsr, Wlnatoo. OS 9 849 J. TREVA'S CERAMICS Free lessons. Large assortment green ware, paints, glares. Next to Winstan Lockers. OS 8-3133. FOR the best Job of custom cutting. wrapping ana quiCK freezing, brin your meat to Winston Lockers. OS Old china. ilas- ware, furniture. Jewel'v. Priscilla'a Anliques.247 S E. Jackson. OR 2-1421. NEW 2nd hand storeTHE TRADING POST, will buy what have you? 228 N. E.Jackson.OR 2-1921. READY CASH for good" used furniture, and misc. Weetslde Auction. Ph. OR 2-2501. SCRAP IRON, radiators, batteries, cop per, brass, and aluminum. OR 3-7202. Luxurious Living Melody Home Front or Center Kitchen 2 or 3 Bedrooms Washers and Dryers Good Used Trailers 'M Flamingo t8'8" "32 Customcraft 2V '32 Westcralt 28'8" 36 Great Lakes 27' '33 Roadmaster, 35' 2-Bdrm !U Pan Amrtrtn. 27' with TV wt ! '32 Kit Renal. 33' 2-Bdrm '33 Columbia, 33' 3-Bdrra 34 Spartan. 37 1-Bdrm '34 Jewel. 13', 8693 '33 National. 2-Bdrm. 30 ft. 34 Fleetwood. 33' 1-Bdrm '49 Spartan 1-Bdrm. 3:C '.VI Biltmore. 42'. S.U93 18' Sportscraft 8493 Check Our Used Furniture Dept. Doyle's Mobile Homes Roseburg 1844 S.E- Stephens OR 2-37M or J. W Doyla OR 2-2924 Coqullle Highway 101 B641 mm QD(D '. 36 For Trade ELEVEN room house Including 3 bed room apt, completely turnithed, 18 acre of land equipped. Trailer house and ntckuo for eaultv. OS 9-8878. Kl? .5lfnHShS lTi9 nver" boat." for good " electric Chlatlut rmn- OR S"fl43 GOOD used Fridlgalre dryer. Only m terms. Umpqua Valley Appliance, 848 1 SC. Rose. USED Whirlpool automatic washer, good - xsuSXsr 1 38 Logging Equipment COMBINATION 21" lawn mower and garden cultivator, 873; preseuri can-j WANTTD .r.lJ.Ph.OakUndja72. I CRAWLER TRACTORS TO WRECK CORONA DO refrigerator, large crows-1 Universal Equipment. Ine top freezer. Only 889 93. Terms. Ump- 4190 Franklin Blvd. Diamond 8-0334 qua ValleyApplianc.848 8 E. Roae. j Eugene. Oregon HAVE FOR SALE Silvertone 21" ma- FOR SALE Heel boom for to 1 hoganjr console TV, reasonable. IN. yard shovel, Timken bearing, fair 3-4J;. lead Dale Ackland. Rt 1, Bo 240, LOGGERS boots wuTaIkaaiMlI. . MvrtleCrk.lJN3-4433. Worn only 1 day. 820. CaU OR 3-3491 TD 14 1M model. Cable dozer. Med orOR 2-4034. ford cab, winch. Excellent condition, COIL SPRINGSandSnVspr!ngmatJ 88.300 OS 8-5212.Cal evenings. trei. $13, 833 BE. Orcutt Ave. OR , BU 30 donkey, very good condition. Ph. 2-8010. 1 341 Camaa Valley. JUMPING Jehoshaphat! You'll really be a mat ed at the convenience of modern mobile home living. Tners s even a place to keep your pet FROG and the place to find the finest mo bile homes Is MrKEE TRAILER RALES, 1182 NE Stephens Street. When you coma here our salesmen never REFUSES t (iva you th tnformetinn voti need to mak up your mind. When ou call, we ar ready TO JUMP! 39 Timber & Sawmills Drain Plywood Company Drain, Oregon We Buy Logs Ph. TEmple 6-9144 Days TEmple 6-9886 Eve's ONE BEDROOM 1948 Trailercralt. 27' trailer. Modern kitchen, no balh. Lights, electric brake. Good shape, $300. OR 3-3898. FOR SALE or "trade 1 bedroom 3 ft. '38 trailer. Bill Trailer Court, Suth erlin. Ph.2847. EQUITY in '33. 34 SpenoeCraft-!-bedroom, modern, in excellent condition OS9-3333. FOR SALE OR TRADE -l bedroom 33' ' trailer. Bill s Trailer Court, Suth erlin. Oregon Phon 284T. FOR SALE or trad for furniture equityin4. 0' trailer. OR 3-41 ff EQUITY in '37 40' trailer house trade or sell Call after 3, OS 9-8897 CAMP TRAILER, $200. OR 1-1427. Mttl goes a kmg way. For a fe cents. mt ran rearh thousands with a News-Review classified ai OR 8-332L 1937 FORD Ranch Wagon. V-8 wilh overdrive and heater. Eaiv-Upkeep light green finish. Excel lent condition. 1798 1937 PONTIAC 4-door sedan. Super Chief series with 25.0(0 actual miles. R dc H, Hvdra , power steer., power brakes, like new .. 1998 1937 CHEVROLET Bel Air 4-dr. Spark ling Inside and out. Beautiful bronr 2-tone finish. Extra Inw miles. Full equipment 1H9H 1938 MERCURY Monterey 4 - dr. hardtop. R At H. Merr-O-Matir. Tip - Ton condition inside and out 1598 1938 FORD 8-pasaenger Country Se dan. Popular Ford-O-M a t I c, heater, Thunderhird perform- ance. Very clean - let s trade. .. 1898 1953 DeSOTO Club sedan. R if H, Fluid drive. Extra nice condi tion, .... 1931 BEL AIR 4-door, RAH Power glide. A real sharpie. Take a look at this today 798 Trucks & Pickups 1933 FORD ton pickup. Custom rah, heavy-duty tires and trans, Guar anteed good 1098 1931 H D 5 Allli Chalmers rat, blade and drum, and canoijy. Terms. .... 4230 1930 FORD 4 ton pickup. 4 speed transmission, V-8 motor recent ly replaced 1947 FORD tfc ton, I speed eyl- ... 228 Lockwood Motors 2igLots Oak & Rose OR 3 6334 H.'iO S. K. Stephen OK 2-1441 CLEAN 1933 Plymouth 4 door sedan Will sell or trade book price. OR 2- 1K21 LATE MODEL USED CARS WANTED cash or trad for equity. Keel Mo tors, 831 S E Stephens. '32 PLYMOUTH station "wagon; rlean excellent condition. RdcH. $493. OR 2 1038 BY school teacher. 1933 Chevrolet A door sedan. Clean, good condition, $S. OR 3-7733. 30 MERCURY 1 door RAM Good me rhanical condition, $273. 125 S E. Hoov er after . CALL Family Finance, who ran make it possible to buy the motor vehicle of your choice. OR 3-3277. 19M DODGE 2-door, low mileage, rlean Have gone into a vice. My quity. tVM OR 2-3Q74 '4? CHEV S new tires and battery Runs good. $100OR 3-3134 '$8 FORD Ranch Wagnn. Fordomatie. BAH. $1343. OS 9-3310 after 3 -30. '38 OLDS station wagon,lik new.. Cow mileage, $.(3MOR 3-10D9 MOTORCYCIS New, usedTBeckwith Cvcle OR 3-8120. 30 CHEVROLET coupe.08 8-W2 40 BUfCK 4 door aedan. 9S. OR 3-83Ri. LOOK! Now You Can Buy These Like-New DeSotos at Big Savings 58 DeSoto ? ? ? Flredome 2 door Sportsman, full pow er, loaded with all extras. '58 DcSotO ? ? ? Firesweep 2 door Sporteman, full pow er, loaded with all extraa. '.SS DeSoto $3145 Kirefllte 4 door sedan, power steer ing, power brakes, R a H. New car condition. 55 Chevrolet $139.1 V8 4 door station wagon. Standard transudation, overdrive. Very clean. 56 Plymouth $1395 Vft Savoy 2 door. RAH. 21,000 miles. On owner. Like new. 55 riymoulh $1295 Belvedere 2 door hardtop. Automatic transnuaaion. RAH. New tires. Red and black. Real sharp. '54 Chevrolet , $895 4 Door. One owner. New tires. R H. 29.000 miles. '52 Mercury $445 4 Door. Overdrive. R is H. New tires. 55 Willys $1595 Station wagon. New V8 motor, new paint. A-l oondition. '55 Buick $1545 Tudor hardtop Century. Full power. Two tone green, nylon tires. One own er. Slick. 54 Chevrolet $895 Suburban. 4 speed transmission. R&H. Clean. 51 Buick $295 Special. R4tH. Ona owner. Very clean. Bill Stock Motors DeSolo Plymouth GMC Dealer 1358 S.E. Stephens OR 34391 BARCUS .CHOICE, J7 PLYMOUTH V- ..dsn. Push, button drlva. ft&H. Tod condi tion throughout nM 17M M DODGE VI rlub eoup. RAH. Jet black with whltowall tlrss. Famou. D-500 ngin with strsicht stick. Unconditionally guar.ntMd 141 '34 PONTIAC V-l Station Wafon, Hydra., HAH, shsrp I 'M PLYMOUTH V fliut. RAH. 1391 U PLYMOUTH VI R.lvwlw. hard. too Pnw.rtllt.. HAH. Only 11.- 0O0 mil.a. - 13M 13 FORD VII Mdan. o'drlv.. PAH, real .harp M HUDSON club soup.. Ovwdrlv. tM 51 PACKARD swlsn. (Iltramatlr, RAH, 3O0 motor. On. ownr c.r '50 PACKARD kdan. RAH , 50 BUICK Spttl.1 wdan. RAH... Trucks & Pickups '51 DsSotn Carry-All, Catr, food condition 9M ' WnXYI ton pickup UM '55 FORD V I pickup, spMlal iM to CHIV. ton pickup 1M MP BARCUS ft. itepheni it Garden Valla Sean rn, un -zm Kasv Bank Terms 'il CHtVROLET ' loo pickup. 4 apee3, IT" tire new paint, turn signals. IS. OR 8-3818. 1 uir CARS AND TRUCKS Immediate Delivery-Most Models HANSEN CHEVROLET USED CARS We Must Make Room For More SEVERAL MORE TO CHOOSE FROM '55 Chevrolet 2 door sedan. Pow erglid. Radio ond heater. Only 1 O Q Q 26,000 milei I .7 0 '55 Hudson Hornet Custom 4 dr. Power steering, Hydramatic. only inoR 26,000 miles I U70 '55 Ford V8 Fairlon, 4 Hoor A real dondy HOOR for only I Z. 7 O '56 Chevrolet V8 4 door sedan. Overdrive. Radio JlOR and heater I T 7 O '57 Ford station wogon '57 Dodge Coronet hardtop coup. Only ?f)Qa 22,000 miles Z.U 7 0 '57 Chevrolet 2 door V8 power glide. Rodio and heatpr. 20,000 lQOQ actual miles. .... I O 7 O '56 Chevrolet Delray coupe. VS. Powerghde. Continental tir, kit. Spoke lAi4R wheels. Low miles. ' vJtO '52 Plymouth station wogon. Runs lik, a clock. Very JAQO aood tires. Only .... 070 ard transmission. Stand- 170Q it j '54 Chevrolet Vi ton pickup. 4 speed transmission. Heavy duty 700-15 wheels Q A Q ond tires 040 '49 Studebaker Champion 2 door sedan with 1 .4 R overdrive. Clean. .. . IO '55 Chevrolet 6 cyl. Vi ton pick up, 4 speed transmission. Fore-it $ 1 green M048 CEKH3S QH35) QflB (3SEG3 Spring Inventory Clearance nALL NEW 'SVsir Above Book Trades! Liberal Terms! '59 MERCURYS MONTCLAW 3-DR, Hardtop. 32J HP. motor, multi-delve transmission, white wall tlrea, pushbutton radio, healer, defroster, rear seat epetker, 2-tona paint, dual exhaust, power steering, power brakes, back panel reflectors. $4033.43. ft PAB5IFNGER 4-DR. Station Wagon. Mum-anva trans., w-w tires, push button radio, heater, defroster, f u 1 1 wheel covers, padded dash, 3-tone paint, el ec trie clock, foam rubber cushions, power steering, power brakes, power rear window, courtesy light group. f41B319. MONTEREY 4 - DR. Merc-O-Matle trans., w-w ttres, push button radio, heater, defroster, full wheel covers, padded dash, 1-tone paint, alectrle clock, foam rubber cushions, visual aid group, courtesy light group, Mon terey optional trim, 1644.70. MONTCLAIR 4-DR. Multi-drive trana. pushbutton radio, heater, defroster. rear seat speaker, dual exhaust, pow er steering, power brakes, visual aid group. S.1B7U B3. 9 PASSENGER 4-DR Station Wagon. Multi-drive trans., backup lights, push button radio, heater, defroster , full wheel covers, w-s washers, padded dash, electric clock, foam rubber cuahions, courtesy light group, S4091.35 MONTEREY S-DR. Multf-drive trana., pushbutton radio, backup light, heat er, defroetar, full wheel covers, pad ded dash, two-tone paint, electric clock, foam rubber cushions, 380 H.P. motor, courtesy light group. $3373.45. MONTEREY 4-DR. Hardtop. Multi drive trans., push button radio, heat er, defroster, backup light, padded dash, 3-tone paint, elec. clock, dual exhaust, foam rubber cushions. 280 h p. motor, Solarshteld group, courtesy light group. Monterey optional trim, whlta wall tires. $3817.00. MONTEREY 3-DR. Hardtop. Radio, heater, multi-drive trans., 380 h p, motor, power steering, Solsmhleld Vis ual Aid group, courtesy light group, Monterey optional trim, w-w tires, full wheel covers, padded dash, foam rub ber cushions. $378460. '59 EDSELS EDSEL RANGER 3-DR. White wall tires, heater, defroster, pushbut ton radio, two-ton paint, safety group. vtsinuity group, standard trans. $J837.03. EDSEL RANGER 4-DR Mile-O- Matlc drive, whlta wall tires, heat er, defroster, 3-ton paint. Safety group. Visibility group. 4J202.03. EDSEL "B" 3-DR. Hardtop. Dual pow er drive, w-w tires, heater, defroster, Ruah button radio, dual exhaust, OTI p. motor, Safety group. Visibility group. $3409.78. EDSEL RANGER "" 4-DR. Mlle-O-Matie trana., w-w tlrea, heater, de froster, pushbutton radio. 1-ton paint. Safety group. Visibility group. $314.7.33. '59 ENGLISH FORDS ENGLISH TOftn W.ion INOMSH FORD l-Dft ldsn. Hr.t .r, whit, wall ttr, turn signal. whit, w.U 1 1 r . ,, turn ignLa. II7M00. 1171 J 00. Your Best New Car Deal Is At SI DILLARD MOTOR CO. MERCURY EDSEL LINCOLN ENGLISH F0R0S Solei & Service Corn,r Stephen, and Douglas OR 3-6625 Jalopy Junction 1360 N. E. Stephens OR I-4M1 $10 Down Specials Priced Below Mirket U PLYMOUTH 4 door 145 1 DODGI 4-door Ml 'II MERCURY 4 door IIS M BUICK Tudor 1M JO CHEVROLET 4 door 1 ' TORO 4 door IT EORD ,ickup - $10 Down Open Sundays Riverside Motors '44 DODGE W ton plfkua I 3 '11 JEEP ptckua I 745 i roRo r too v. too S JEEP pickup , 1JM M FORO r.lrlan, 4 dr. VI .. 11 S3 CHEV 110 4 dr. It., Waf. M FORO CiutomllM 4 dr. VI $ Wt '90 wnj.YS 4 whMl drtv. .Ution wagon 11108 Studebiker Salei & Service OS, HI 8thMl 10V) PONTIAC door, n.w Ur. R H inrougnous. uooa motor. m tak. gun, ss part, 2M. OR M41I, or M .t 000 S.E. (upturns. J5 CHEV. 4-loor R.I Air wdan. full, .oulptwd V.rr us apprMt. ai., OIJOS. OR l-Jwtli. 10M NASH R.mblrr ot.tlon wagon, nr. Iglnal owr..r, low mile.,., Immioi Ut. Must ft., to appncLat.. OR 1-1MO .fl.r 9 pm. IBM CHTV Bol-Alr. ii.rt.ot condition. 1224 S. . R.swvolr ntning. or phono OR 3-9574; .viininglOR 3025.3. LATk MODEL USED CARS WANTEH Cash or trado lor sonny. ATEN di PHII.Lrps. JUU0 S.E. swahwis. 1091 WILLYS J..O. 4 n.w 0 lTtli. and rooullt ,ngiso with 10 houro. OS