Pkntyof Bargains Advertised Here -Check Them! OR 2-3321. 20 Services Bill White's" INCOME TAX SERVICE 727 W. Harvard Ave. 'ACROSS FROM COMMUNITY HOSPITAL' TREE PARKING" 15 Years Experience DEPENDABLE. EPnCEXT SERVICE NO APPOINTMENT NECESSARY. OrriCE HOURS 9 AM TO PM Phone OR 2-4041 CHILD CARE Mother Goose Nursery 26 livestock Schricker Or Inda ! Livestock Auction ' Sutherlln. Oregon Ph Sulherli. 3148 Oakland 3834 Sat. March 14, 12.30 3 loads of Blocker and feeder cowl Several Urge bulla Alio butcher ton, muk costs, veal and baby calvee. Horses, ho,s and .harp Brine In your feeder pip lor food i market prioa. Commission 3 ovar 3300. f undar t gSflSJ1 INDA, (SCHRICKER a, SONS. Auctioneer, (G. A. BROWN, Weujhms.ter 34 Misc. For Sale GUESS WHO .. . '39 Timber 4 Sawmills 40 House Trailers ' m9Th '"i'joJj i ROTOTILLING Ferguson Tractor and blade New Equipment Beeb A Bownun OR 3-37,18 MOTOR rtwindinf. repairing. All mikn nd eizes. Experienced, competent, motor man. Jimmies Electric Motor Shop, 350 NC Garden Valley Blvd. OR 3-3 iea. APPLIANCE repairs" Part, efficient, all brands, ranges, refrigera tors, freezers, washers and dryers and alt small appliances. Call Kier Crooch Plumbing A Appliance. 328 S. E. Stephens. OR 2-3;Hi4. ELECTRIC APPLIANCE " repairs from hand irons and razors to ranges and dryer. All Makes. Bargain Appliance Center.31 S. E. Rose OR 3-5525. WARD'S TV it Appliance RepetrFre pickup and delivery on small apoli- ances. OS 0-5012; after p.m., OR FOR SALE 3 milk cows, several to choose from. OS 9-81412 COWS and calves. "OS 9-862revenings Bargain Appliance Center Motorola IV TV set with new picture tube. 899 50 rowler dryer. 171.50 Rebuilt Maytag wringer washer. like new am 00 1958 Portable Wesunghouse dish washer 8100 85 Ised refrigerators 823. A up Late model Maytag tia range no vt Gaa room heater. 8-iO 00 Frigidair range. 875 00 Apt siie range. 323 oo Frigidair washer. g69 Bl 631 S. E. Rose OR 3- 5525 2-18.U. SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED no mile age: free timates. Roseburg Sani tation Service, 1080 NE Stephens. Ph. OR 3-3350. 27 Hay & Grain jGOOD Udino and grass hay. 820 ton. Sutherlln. HA.Y' ,clover ndgrass, 45c bale Oscar Weeks, Myrtle Creek. L'N 3-3750 noon hour. A3?M23A ' lh R.ConnI OR R277GRASfi' clovr hVOakUnd 2NDCUTTINalfkUr"825Cle7 enner, Canyonville. JE 2-4245. STRAW for sale.OnTj-3860. HAY. Reasonable. Call 2933, Oakland. 28 Poultry & Rabbits Auction Sunday 1 P.M. Westside Furniture Sales 843 W Harvard block watt Community Hsptl. Furniture and miac. Conaiinmanta walcoma 1 -3 1 V " '- wdtr jty ' . . . had on argument with i i Peelers & Peelable Mill LOGS WANTED Delivered at Nordie Veneer pond on North I'mpqua Higha. J miles east of Roseburg. Lo lenatha 9' 0' : 17" 8"; 2r 8". 33' 0'. Diameter limits- Maximum 75 inches, minimum 18 inches ror information call OR 3-4551. Sutherlln 2X12 or OR 3-4068 evenings i KEN SKILL, j KENCRAFT JEWEL N ASH L A ABC UNIVERSAL TfcRRA . CRUISER NEW MOON i Jim McKee Trailer Sales 1183 N E. Stephens OR 3-4J21 Logs Wanted All Species Top market pi ices paid Green Valley Lumber Co Phone Mrlla Creek I'Mmn vim 1 North Mvrtta Rnsrl. MOWER SHARPENING, trailer-tiitchei. welding, woodwork and general repair. Green District. 2352 S. W. Castle St. Ph. OR 3-4687 STEAM CLEANING mobile unit, we go anywhere. Motors or industrial equipment. Pay lets Service 3talirn, 711 S E. Stephens St.Ph. jOR7-9032. WHY PAY MORE? 82 50 hour-will-get expert csrpenter work done for you. OR 3-8632. James Morgan, Rt. 4, Box 187. GRADING and leveling: loam and rock delivered. Call Paul Casey, OR 3-4018. Ti ll N. E Stephens St. karris home improvements Roofing, siding, foundations. PHA terms. OR 3-6123. boZING. levellngf also shale rockT river loam and road materials, Chaa. Keele OS 0-5117. CARPENTER work New construction or remodeling. Free estimates. OR 3-7234. RIDENOUR Electric wiring jobs and installation electrle heaters. OR 3 7303. CERAMIC ttle drain boards, tubbacks, showers. Free estimates. Kelley Tile. OR 3-5651. MOHR WELL DRILLING Jacuzzi whirlpool bath. OR 2-2331 or OR 2-3043. ROOFING. Fisher fhorsen Patnt Co. Portland. W E. Daum. Local Agent, Ph.ORS-371: SHALE rock for roads and drlvewava. Immediate delivery. Ph. C. P. Tallon, OR 3-4040. Baby Chicks NEW Hamp.. Parmenter Red, White Leghorn and Golden Broad. Order "rlyn,T .!,,vold dlty- Ponton Hatch ery, 974 W. Harvard Av. nn t DILY fresh brown" eggs, 35c and Neuner Drive between Chestnut St andSnack Shack. OR 3-3188. POULTRY, wool. barKTeceivingTTuVi-i-?nly- FoL ranch P'up, call OS 8-8663 or on Tuesday OR 3-433L Boae burgPoultry Comsarw BJiB.Yn .hlckB- " and layer types. AAD Feed Store. Riddle. Ph. 2421 WANTED Black Bantam-rooeteT m"t be Cochin. OS 8-8954. PURINA fresh eggs. Iverson PeedStore. Used Appliances ; Taken In on trades. Ranees. rfn..i.. a tors, etc. Come out and make a deal. RAINBOW TRAILER SALES N. Hywy al r Bndia For Auctioneering Services CONTACT Col V. Munlon. Wa buv iai, and trada It paa to bu and .all day, 7 P M. tha auction way. Auction avary Erl- Rosebur Auction Ph. OR Must Be Razed And Property Cleared savan cabina and mlac. furnitnra iixiuraa, wood raiigef, tc. Maka U, An Offar John J. and Lee Zenor 173 N E. Diamond Lak Blvd. OR 3-8.172 34 Misc. For Sale Quality Furnishers Mataga $4995 and up. Other makea Drjers 30" ranges New Motpoint waher Was 8JtfH5 Hotpoint drers 8169 93 divans 815 00 and up. used 879 9S 8M03 now 8279 93 70 off 1119 93 allowance on bed- 29 Pets CARPENTER, any type construction We help arrange financing. Free esti mates. Kowalewski. OR 3-8020. Pl.'MP REPAIRS 24 hour service. Mil ler at Cox Sales and Service OR 2 3581; nights call OR 3-3750. LET us upholster your boat, car or fur- I nnure. uk j-whj. RED POMERANIAN male. 850 OR 3 61 or see at Ru 4. Box 1300, Look-ingglais. DOUGLAS COUNTY HUMANESoleto Animal Shelter. OR 2-3M7 BABY pakeu 3 miles aoutBur ton's. OR 3-8122. PtuT(M,AN"S toy" PoxTr7je7-K.Meli. Wilbur.Oregon:OR 3-8804. BEAUTIFUL Red factoFcanaries and ca gesPutm an;i OR 3-8804. Coi?UiA121 tUd ,"'c- P"PpieTTate7. ELECTRIC CONTRACTORS, Lansing gs Oliver. OR3-8638. CARPFvTn. Reasonable. Small jobs prei erred. S mith. O R 3-841 L PIANO tuning, regulating, repalra. strings, e tc. John E. Jones.OR 3-6323. BRICK, block and cement contractor. Norman Richardson. OR 2-2971. PAINTER, carpenter, roofing. OR J- 8747. 21 Building Material BARGAINS utility and economy lum ber. AIM ahiplap 3 and better di mensions. See us and save Consolidated Milling Old Highway south. OR 3-7411 Shiplap; low grade board, 1x6 tnd wider. 2x4 and wider. Also plenty of utility and better. Lumber Sales Co. OR 3-7362 Garden Valley near RR tracks GOOD used doors and windows. OS 9-8657, evenings. HEAVY-TIMBERS 12X12 and 8X12 in 8 ft to 40 ft lengths. Os 9-8834. PApuP.,B,ir1oRt19s' Mrt Riiiio Bbr?,SCHIPPERKE1,'i'" bread. Nica houaa pata OR 3-4A78. GLENGARY Btagla Kennall. bTHlfl .MMI...I - - I-.-.-,,-,,- .IIJIIIJ 31 Sporting Equipment and refrigerators, $73 trade in room sets. 20 off on 1958 Hotpoint refrig erators. 32 gallon Hotpoint water heater tail. 88 ONE WEEK ONLY WHILE THEY LAST. 644 S. E. Stephens Phone OR 2-1821 irtle Creek. Logs Wanted Will buy all species CLEVELANO I.L.MBKK Olalla Road - OS 9-52J4 WANTED Loggers to log small tim ber, either with horsee or small cats. Can ue several sidrs. Con tat-1 D E Crowe. Cottage Grove. WHitnev 2-3.144 or evenings, Springfield, 8-3079. DOUG LA S FIR and ced ari tud "logs wanted. Pfeitfer Lumber Co, Yoncal la. Oregon. Ph. VlcUr 9-2111. Rod & Reel Trailer 1 Boat Sales 1145 W. H.rvard FOR SALE OR TRADE 1 bedroom 33" 1 uailer Bill Trailer Court, Suth- i lin. Oregon. Phone 2U47 , FOR SALE or trade for furniture j equity in '56, 40' trailer. OR 2-4146. EQUITY in '37 45" trailer" houe - tradeor sell. Call after 5, OS 9-8997. jl3 FT. vacation trailer. OS 8-3101. 43 Autos & Motorcycles 34 Misc. For Sale LOOK! j BARCUS" Now You Can Buy These' Like-New DeSotos at Big Savings '58 Dt'Soto ? ? ? Firedom 2 door Siortn,an, full pow er, loaded with all extras ,S8 DeSoto ? ? Firctweep 2 dvr Sportsman, full pow er, loaded with all extras. V, PeSoto $3145 Fireflite 4 door sedan, power steer ing, prtwer brakes, R a H New car condition. .CHOICE, 42 Trucks 40 House Trailers HOUSEHOLD FURNISHINGS: Oak din In, aat 'built-in extentloni aeata IB i $1.13; lunmatal breakfait let. 4 chain' i3; 40"' double oven Hotpoint electric range, $65; brown daveno. 140; nearly new mimeo,raph. 12.V 17" Silvertone TV. $65 OR 3-301J evenin,,, daytime OR 3-5340. VACUUM SPECIALS Service Parts - Taper Bags All Make, UMPQUA MARINA SKAGIT BOATS MERCURY MOTORS BOAT ACCESSORIES MOTOR REPAIRING 659 S. E. Rose St. OR 3-5574 23 Fuel SAWDUST Blower Service or Dump WOOD Oak, slab, planer ends and peeler cor. Roseburg Lumber Co. OS 9-8741 12 BOAT 58" beam, open center cowel steering. Alo sport boat, windahieid, 8623 COmp,rtm'nt trinf. OS 8- SMALL 12 ft. plywrboaTndUailer, 5'a horse Johnson and stand, sfxtin guisher. cushions, oars, anchor, 8190. 22" INBOARDdouble- ended wood cabin boat, 4 brass gurdies, blocks, comm. gear. 81150. Ph. WH 2-3838, Cottage Grove. TELESCOPE RIFLE SIGHTS-lbought from us. we Install free If gun it fac tory drilled. Umpqua Gun Store. MODEL 70-300 magnum"- Wlth acopi. 1150. Kenneth Jones, S. Myrtle Hu Myrtle Creek. FISHING UckleToii-wllPlike atPow ell'B, " block west Post l.ff.a. USED BUILDING MATERIALS Wreck ing old Catholic church, Roseburg 2x4. 2x8, 2x12, 840 per M, U-haul. Doors $4 each, broken concrete free iloadedj U-haul. Contact workmen at stte. LARGE-SIZE; baby carriage. 820; bahv feeding table, brand new. $10; used baby car bed, 82. Inquire Robert New man, Rock Creek Hatchery, Jdleyld , Jark, Oregon TOP SOIL GerIuinehflvv"rK ."r loam No rocks asy to handle. I G.E. cord reel, l" can t naries -Keely. OS 9-5117. NICE, modern, 8-room houAt with it- tar bed garage. 62000. Must be moved Eureka Roto-O-Matit off lot on Garden Valley Road OR 3-3267 or OR 3-6004. . Hoovers Rebuilt Molor Exchange All Makes 1 Year Guarantee $17.50 $43.80 For Your Old Cleaner On A New KIRBY Like new Lux-E Brown $.,3 I HP. motor 854.50 I Filter Queen, many extras, one-half new ' price. I 827.50 813 to 8351 813 to 827.50 813 rurnuure, WE ALWAYS HAVE a f;n wTTTif . 1 . BUNK beds, dresters, Siealer oil kitch-1 Singere upewnier, portaDle aewlnv mar-hma. K" intn, I ... Ing 20 lood clcanera at S1Q in Winston. I rade j erms TOP SOIL from new locatlon7he"beiit you hava aver aeen no rooli or J49' "lhar, Wlnaton. OS - f R EVA'S CERAMICS Frea IeMona. i-arfe aiMrtment greenwara, painu f "f-u' 10 w'l,,t',, Lockera. OS FOR the best Job of cuitom cuiTiVT wrappln, and quick ireezin(. brlna I " t Wlniton Lockara. OS SPRING TIME TRAILER TIME BUY NOW ' s Rainbow Trailer Sales Winchester OR 3-7272 10 Wide 50 ft. 2 Bdrm Spacemaster '59 Model 10 Wide-50 ft. 3 Bdrm Spacemaster '59 Model 10 Wide 45 ft. 1 Bdrm Rex 10 Wide 45 ft. 1 Bdrm Kit 8 Wide 36 ft. 1 Bdrm Pacemaker 8 Wide 30 ft. 1 Bdrm Mayflower These and many more values Come in and see the DELUXE FEATURES AND LOW COST 57 GMC ' ton 4 speed V8 pickup Sell or trade for dual wjiee! light pickup or I flatbed Also li4t WUlvr. panel. VS, , automatic transmission. OR 3-3613. 1 1954 CHEVROLET ' ton pickup. 3 speed tranmimion, A-l shape with caiiop , I 8itt43. will take trade as down p- ment. UN 3-4379 i FOR SALE 1942 International "1 o g truck with stakes, or trade for camp trailer. Phone 2U73 Sutherlin SELL "58 Ford 6 j ton panel, or trade for my equity. Ph Sutherlin 2ti05. FORD 6. 4 speed p irk up, good condi tion. S4l, OR 2-3204 LIGHTWEIGHT Page trailer, air brak es.hdraulic wales. $400 OR 2-2.CU) 1940 INTKRN ATION AL pickup, rebuilt engine, good condition. OR 3-68:10 "'.VS Chevrolet V8 4 door station transmitmun, overdm $1395 gon Standard 1. Very clean. 43 Autos & Motorcycles 56 Plymouth $1395 V8 Savoy 2 dor. RAH 31.000 miles. One owner. Like new. V Plymouth $1295 Belvedere 2 door hardtop Automatic transmission RAH New tire. Red and black. Real sharp. '54 Chevrolet $895 4 Door. One owner. New tires R it H 29.0(10 miles. "37 PLYMOUTH V I stdsn. push, button drive. R&U. Top condi tion throughout '53 DODGE V8 club coupe RAH. Jet black with whitewsll tires. Famous D-VW engine with straight stick. Unconditional!) guaranteed .. 38 PONTIAC V-8 Station Wagon, Hydra . RAH, sharp 58 PLYMOUTH V8 flite, RAH. sedan. Power '55 PLYMOUTH V8 Belvedere hard top PowerfUie, RAH. Only 23 000 miles. 53 FORD V8 Station wagon. drive, excellent condition '52 Mercury 4 Door. Overdrive. R A $(45 H , New lires. 53 FORD V8 sedan, real eharp o drive. RAH '53 HUDSON club coupe. Overdrive 3f)S '38 CHEV. Itnpala Spt Cpe. 10.000 miles, local, like new. Big I eng. rower steering. 158 VAUXHALL 4 dr. Sdn. Low nuleaite, local. Very clean j Economy plus. '58 FORD Custom Rant hero Radio, heater. Low m lease. I.o cal, above average. '55 Willys $1595 Station wagon New V8 motor, new paint. A-l condition. '55 Buick $1545 Tudor hardtop Century. Full power. Two tone green, njlon tires. One own er, suck. '54 Chevrolet $895 Suburban. 4 speed tiansmiasion. HAH. Clean. '51 Buick $295 Special RAH. On owner. Very clean. Bill Stock Motors DeSoto - Plymouth 13S8 S.E. Stephen 'SI PACKARD aedan. RAH. alio motor, car Ultramalie. Ona owner CMC Dealer OR 3-6391 50 PACKARD Sedan. R It H. . 'SO BUICK Special aedan. R at H Trucks & Pickups '31 DeSolo Carr-AII. Extra food condition 3!H '48 WILLYS 'a ton pickup 28 '55 FORD V-8 pickup, apacial 898 CHEV. i, ton pickup in. Riverside Motors l DODGE H Ion pickup '31 JEEP pickup 35 '55 FORD T 100 'a ton ..... '38 JEEP pickup '55 FORD ralrlane 4 dr. V8 .. j '53 CHEV 310 4 dr. Sla Waf. 2155! '5,1 FORD Cuitomllna 4 dr. V8 .. 8245 . 8745 .. 8949 81395 BARCUS Stephens at Garden Valley Ph. OR 3-5568 Easy Bank Ttrnti . KIRBY CO. Of Roseburg 2181 NB. Stephen Roseburg. Oregon Call OR 3-6358 or OR 2-2214 NEW rebuilt "53 Chev. V-8 motor, com plete, $250. OR 2-2367. rOR SALE House to be wrecked OR 3-3444 or after 3 OR 3-3993. Luxurious Living Melody Home front or Center Kitchen 2 or 3 Bedrooms Washers and Dryers Good Used Trailers GOOD uaan Fri jWlH..- ' 1958 MONTGOMERY WARD drver. Ilk i '3" Flamingo 2'" term, Umpoua Vallav An.;. iTi I . OR 2-3437. '32 Wealcraft 28 '' '38 Great E. Roae. SAWDUST Blower and Dump MrLL ENDS, dry or green peeler cor. GUY AND FRANCES GILL. FUEL 2814 NE.DouglB OR2-1324 OAK. Madron e and fir body wood. Im mediate delivery. Phone Riddle 3679 or 3782. S.T. Humphrey. DRY oak, laurel or fir wood, fireplace or furnace. OR 3-7993 days, OR 3-3004 evenings. PLANER ENDSTHub Lumber"" CoTOR 2-3JtJO RED DIAMOND-fuel Co Kiln dried' planer ends:oak wood. OR 3-5082- j DRY OAK and laurel. OS 8-5311. WILL SELL equity in 14' " ArLsto-Craft cheap, call OR 3-4688. FOR SALE lBft. plyVtiod boatr50 JohnHan. OR 3-8740. IB FT. Cabin cruiser Inboard; newl2xl4 waUtent.OR 3-7894after 3:30 GOOD 16 ft. cedar boat, 850.-OR 33902. iVii-r-innAjWLii 32 Produce & Plants SEE STARK ad undr "Personals.1 34 Misc. For Sale 25 Farm Equipment FORD five sweep si de-deli very rske. Ued very Ultle. For sale or trade; for stock Also new 2 bottom 16" plow, OR 2-3978. ' 4-BOTTOM 14" JohnDeerplowAC. t 10' double disc on rubber, used 1 sea-' on. Both 3850. Phone 3982, Sutherlln. iMcCORMICK 2-row corn planter. OS 8- 5259. OLIVER crawierin new'conditinnTWal ter Cota, Oakland. Phone 2811. 26 Livestock . Good Selection Used Power Mowers $19.95 & up Umpqua Valley Hardware KEN S Rock Shop, lapidary eou.pment and auppliea. OR 3-309. 248 N E Cheatnut. ' USED WhlrlpoolTGtornatlc-wa,nerrood ley AppliancejBaSS E. Rosa. COMBINATION 31" lawnmowerand cardan cultivator. 873: preuur, can nery $12. Ph. Oakland 3272. CORONADO retrlferalorr lama-croaa. top freeier. Only ms 93. Terma. Ump- quaValley Appliance. 848 SE Roaa. HAVE FOR SALE Sllverton ai-mal nn,any conaole TV, roaaonabla. UN GIS-Sootawrthciilki7"alia-12F Worn only 1 day. 820. Call On 2-5491 oaOR 3-4034. COIL SPRINGS and innrrlnmat. treaa. 815. 038 S.E. Orcutt Avo. OR 3-0010, aiurTUKI TEXT greetlnf tarda and atationery. Sacred records. B 1 b 1 Book Canter. 413 S.E. Jackaon WESTINGHOUSE automatic dUhwaanir Only 379. Terma. Umpqua Valley Ap pllance.48s E. Roae. CfALL Family Finance, OR 3-3277Twho will help you buy tha article you want . ALL material from wrackednouMclean lumber, plumbing complete with lu tings and kitchen jtlnka. OR 3-8848. 32'' FRENCH DOORraiorplaypen wfth 2 2-34 5' bU,,y arKl ,trollr OR TWO NEARLY new mud and snow tires 7:10x15. OR 3-3800. NON-AUTOMATIC Easy"wa.herr"l930 model wtthepinner, 850. OR 3-8635. CANOPY for Chevrolet pIckupT OR i". 2410 ALL CrlANNELTuHF convene rsT$24.95" CallOR2-430 SX!'Ei OMC PructTl5S389i VIVIAN TRAVESS ANYONE wantlni Watklns ProdTSt;, 21118 N. E. Freemont. OR 3-3807. STANLEY Home' Products. Bernice "OR SALE ""j.". a., vine, uk z-1125. USED CUNS. bou,htaoidanortradJ BEDROOM SUITE: 8 year arlb. Go condition. OR 3-2468. 35 Wanted Misc. WE PAY HIGHEST cash prices for used furniture. Roseburg Furniture Ex- Change;243 S E.Jackson.OR 3-5104. WANTED TO BUY Good ued furni ture. ROSEBURG AUCTION. OR 3-5026. WANTED TO BUY Old china. gUw war. furniture. Jewelry. Prlsclllas Antlquea. 247 S.E. Jackson. OR 2-1421. NEW 2nd hand atore THE-TRADING POST, will buy what have you? 228 E Jackson.OR J-1921. READY CASH for good used furniture, and misc. Weetslde Auction. Ph. OR 3-2501. SCRAP IRON, radiators. bat"te7iT7op. per, brass, and aluminum. OR 3-7202 8sisl..a...... -8-i-y--M--f--ri.-Jljlll-WJl 36 For Trade SMALL equity In furnished, new du plex, for modem house trailer of equal value or will sell for cash. Call OS -B64S after 3 TRADE child's ward robVwlthm at chin g chest for two chests nf drawers. Or will sell for 840. 3421 W. Harvard. OH it FT. river boat, for good electric range. OR 3-6430 GRANTS PASS hometradfor Kose- '52 Customeraft 2V '56 Great Lakes 27' 53 Roadmaster. 33' 2-Bdrm '.VI Pan American, 27 with TV aet '52 Kit Regal, 35' 2-Bdrm 53 Columbia, 35 2-Bdrm 54 Spartan. 37 1-Bdrm '54 Jewel, 15', $6f)5 53 National. 2-Bdrm. 30 ft 54 Fleetwood. 35 1-Bdrm 49 Spartan 1-Bdrm. 31 "53 Biltmore. 42', 93193 16' Snortscraft 3493 Check Our Used Furniture Dept. Doyle's Mobile Homes Roseburg 1644 S.E Stephens OR 2-3758 or J. W Doyle OR 2-2-m Coquille Highway 101 9661 "57 CHEV V-8 Station Wag Standard transmission, Local, one owner. 56 CHEV V-8 4 dr Sdn. Local bu'lness mini car. Clean HAH. Powcrglide. 1 '56 PONTIAC 3 dr. Sdn. Rerenlly overhauled eng Re duced price. 1393 '33 CHEV Bel Air Spt H'dtnp i ne noiiem car on touay s mar ket. It'a sharp. ... 1493 33 FORD 8 Cuslomllne 2 dr. RAH and Ford-O-Mattc. Local and clean- Reduced price. . 1193 '33 CHEV Bel Air 4 dr A low cost. Ideal family car. Rf duced to only 51 STWDE 2 dr Sdn. Runs very good Radio, and overdrive, only . EASY G. 350 OR BANK TERMS I '56 WILLYS 4 wheel drive H ! station wagon (11 988 N E. Stephens Studehaker c Willys Sales & Service FOR SALE OR TRADE for older I car. '.Vt Plymouth VB, automatic trans-1 mission, radio and healer. Phone OR 3-741)3 after 3 p.m. 1954 NASH R ambler atationwagonrir 1 iglnal owner, low mtleaae. immacu late. Must sea to appreciate. OR 2-1540 f I after o p.m. 1953 CHEV. Bel-Air, perfect condition.' 12 Ji a. E. Heservoir evenings phone OR 3-3574: evenings OR 3-62.12. LATE MODEL USED CARS WANTED) - Cash or trade for eauitv A TEN A I PHILLIPS. 1328 SE. Stephens. .937 LINCOLN h.rd.opr.urqu.i-r.o.dU i5" ffc "Z. ea. new urea uk a-.'t.vii divi: iihi . 2-4027 evenings. WmM inn s-s f "i j -x. 4 U 3 DM iv-y cvu)Ul I -WkJ -St 8 in i I BIG WHEEL" Used Cars Phone OR2-1041 548 SE Stetthens '58 FORD Ranch Waaon. FordoniaUc, RAH, 81545. 0S 0-5310after 5:30. 38 OLDS station wagon, like new.. Low mileage. 835.V)OR 2-1009. MOTOHCYCLES - New, used Beck with Cycle. OR 3-8120. 1951 WILLYS Jeep. 4 new 6 ply tires ana reDuut engine wun l hours, ut 8-5467. '50 MERCURY 2 door R4H. Goodm. chanical condlUorf, 8273. 123 S t. Hoov er after 6. CALL Family Finance, who can make It poisible to buy the motor vehicle or your choice. OR 3-3277. 1958 DODGE a-door, low mileage, clean. Have gone into service. My equity, $200 OR 2-3074 '32 PLYMOUTH S door, good rubber. good condition. OR 3-6914. '30 CHEVROLET coup. OS 9-8829. NEW 1959 burg home. OR 2-3550. 38 Logging Equipment REGISTERED Suf folks 1 to 4 ears. 19 ewes. IS lambs. 6 ewes yet to lamb. 1 ram $1000 1st houe on Richardson Road off Clark a Branch Road. Myrtle Creek WANTED Sheep and rattle, all' kindV W A. Blackerl. Ph. MrtJ Creek L'N 3-4513 ATTENTION-po"n breeder ' At stud, registered Hackney pony. Phon Oak land 3120. WANTED 2 ornrHe7efordfeedercalves Ca.l OR 3-6141 alter 3 m ALBINO MARE, trained by lady for diills. game OR 3-8783 W'OOL received dath Nichols' Store. Brr.ckway OS 9-5107 WANTED -: " Live trwk of ail kinds R t Camo L5 9-jJSJ NfW a;d ufj aiiles and bridges. t4 N E Dr.uglas WALLY'S hori shoeing " call" OR 3 414:' EIGHT . r oil "gelding gcnH for orrn cr ctIt'i OR 2-4f?4 BEAUTIFUL Frigidair Imperial washer mu uijn pi)r, u-i snort while. 8h50i value, now only 8TI99 93 Term. Ump qua Valley Appliance. 848 S E Rose. I GOOD used Fngidaire automatic wash er, ail pnrrelain. Only Terms I mrxjua Valley Appliance, 648 SE I Rose. j WINSTdN-Sand and-Gravel4-cnaihed rock, reject gravel, bar run and too, 1 soil. OS 88493. . CERAMICS -greenwTreglaesTIn-1 ished pieces. Free lessons. OR 3-4572 1 12068 EMill. NEW and used tMlersUwnmowers I chain saws Winston Chain Saw, j "Your McCulloch Dealer." OS 9-5641 j lEQI'ITY'tn '53, .14' Spence-Crsft 1 bed-' I room trailer, modern, excellent con- dition OS 9-3353 MORE PEOPLE buy WnrJdBookFn . ' RENT A TV. Daily or weekly rates Kier Croocb Plumbing AoDltane , I OR 2-.!M , LIGHT garden tractor, cimpiele sv ih p.o. disc and mower, IT 3 cah OR :i-To 18.-4 - i?" ZENITH poriaoi TV. 11)0 , OR 3-7H7 LIGHT 3-wheel trailer, 827 50. Phone 451 Csms Valiev. , Umpqua Gun Store. TWO 2 wheel trailers, (1 stock and 'H utility. OR 3-3040. LESTER Betsy Rnst splnet""piano7ma- hogany finish. Lke new. Call GY 6-3234. AUTOMATIC washer, electric stove and refrigerator, small couch. OR 3-1742 "aS VC,tWm trai1'"- PhonOS 8- BEDR60Mkult3-plecesectional7Ash-ley wood heater. OR 3-6730. RA BBITjfertllur.CalPOR 3-4148 GAS R ANGE.Cheap! OR 2-2812. FULLER BRUSH OR J-1391 RED CEDAR posts. OR 3-497 4 RAWLEIGH PRODUCTS-uRSl WANTED CRAWI.ER TRACTORS TO WRECK Universal Equipment, Inc 4190 Franklin Blvd. Dlemond 3-0534 aiugen. uregon Heel boom foe 1 tv 1 yard shovel. Tlmken bearing, fair lead Dale Ackland, Rt 1, Box 340, -reea. vn 3-4433. TU14 1956 model-Cable doterTMed ford cab. winch. Excellent condition, 88.500. OS -5218.Call evenings BU 30 donkey, very good condition.' Ph 241 Camaa Valley. 39 Timber & Sawmills NOW IS THE TIME for all small A W M1LL operators to come In end talk over their spring operation CONSOL- ua 1 B.u mil,l,inu, old highway South. Roseburg WANTED Cordwnod eight foot 916 Riddii 2231. Dr STWING machine picked ud hr Finance Co Small balantc OR 3-6 1 M 'rain Plywood Company Drain, Oregon We Buy Logs Ph. TEjnple 6-9144 Days TEmple 6-9886 Eve's JUMPING Jehoahaphatl You'll really be amaz ed at the convenience of modern mobile home living. There's even a place to keep your pet FROG and the plac to find the finest mo bile homes Is McKEE TRAILER SALES. U82 NE Stephens Street. Wheryou come her our salesmen never REFUSES t give you the Information .oti need to make up your mind. When you fall, w r ready TO JUMP! Henslee High Style Ploi nsrTion Coso Manono t8'-M' 8-wlde 11 liedroom 10 -wide to 30 , 1-3-3 bedrooms COMPLITB LINK of accessories and paru in stock hitches, butan equip-j ment, awnings, stoves, refers, toilets windows, watet heater and beating bands, top coatings, etc j GOOD SELECTION of used trailers and ail kinds of boua furniture taken in on trade. Earl E. Smith Trailer Homes Co. I0 N. I. Stephana OR 3-3158 iL4r CARS AND TRUCKS Immediate Delivery-Most Models HANSEN CHEVROLET CARS We Must Make Room For More SEVERAL MORE TO CHOOSE FROM '55 Chevrolet 2 door sedan. Pow frglide. Radio onrl Hooter. Only $1 9QQ 26,000 m.l .7 O '55 Hudson Hornet Custom 4 dr. Power stetnng, Hvdromotic. 26,000 m.1,4 KJ7 0 '55 Ford V8 Foirlont 4 door A M298 "a fiarur. M898 real dandy lor only .... ONE BEDROOM 1948 Treilerrratt, 27' trailer. Modern kitchen, no haih. l.ilhu, electrle brake. Good ehape. 3VI0 0R 3-3IW0. 27 FT. trailer houa. Terjrreaaonable 4', mliee south In Green district, near Pearl a Grocer, behind -Ink house FOR SALE or trade I bedroom 33 ft '38 trailer. Bill, Trailer Court, Suth erlln Ph. 2847. EOI'ITY In So, 34Spenre-Craft f bed room, modern. In excellent condition. f 8-S15.I CAMP TRAILER, 3300 OR 3-l4: Th First Lesson To Leorn In Selling Is To Us Clossified Ads '56 Chavroltr V8 4 door teHon. Overdrive. Rodio 11QQ ond haoter I 7 O '57 Ford iiotion wagon Stond- M798 '54 Chevrolet Vi ton pickup. 4 ed tronmiision. Heavy duty 700-15 wheel, JQQ and tirei OtO ard transmistion. '57 Dodge Coronet hardtop coupe 22,000 miles 2098 .'57 Chevrolet 2 door V8 powr- glidt. Radio ond heater. 20,000 S actual miles. '56 CHevroler Delray coupe. V8, Powerglide. Continental tirt kit Spoke $1 ft o wheelt. Low miles. I OtO '52 Plymouth station wagon. Runs like o clock. Very $ZQO good tires. Only .... OO '4? Studeboker Champion 2 door sedan with $ 1 A Q overdrive. Clean ' O '55 Chevrolet 6 cyl. H ton pick up, 4 speed trontmition. ;r M048 Gaili .rr7T (iDtrn, ,, .jmj miles. R ft H. Hydra . oowae steer power brakes, Uk new lifts 1937 FORD Skyllner Retractable hard top. A 1 -owner beauty with all the equipment. Com In and see the moat unusual car In Um world. r- - 25U8 1937 CHEVROLET Bel Air 4-dr Spark ling Inside and out Beautiful bronx 3-ton finish. Extra low miles. Pull equipment ......... 1898 1D36 MERCURY Monterey 4 - dr. hardtop. R H, Merc-O-Mstic. Tip . Top condition inside and out - , - 139S 1938 FORD a-passenger Country Se dan. Popular Ford-O-M a 1 1 e, heater. Thunderbird perform ance. Vry clean - let s trad. ... 1808 1933 BEL AIR 4-door. H&ff.Pnwer tlid. A real sharp!. Take e look, at this today. r 798 1933 FORD 4-door aedan. RsVH. Pord-O-Mauc. Lik new Insid and out. 799 1953 FORD Ranch wagon, RAH, over drlv. Excellent condition . 698 1931 BUICK Special t-dr. RAH. etrlaght trans., good work car 3l8 Trucks & Pickups 1935 WILLYS 4-wh. drive pickup. Has not been abused. Topnotcb mechan ically UM 1938 FORD ton pickup. Custom rah, heavy-duty tires and trane. Guar anteed good 1098 194T FORD i ton, 1 speed cyl. 228 Lockwood Motors 2 Big Lots Oak It Rose OR 3-6331 1430 S. E. Stephma OR 2-1441 Jalopy Junction 1360 N. E. Stephens Oft 8-4S81 $10 Down Specials Triced BeloV Market 'S3 PLYMOUTH door 343 31 DODGE 4-door ZM 31 MERCURY 4 door 10 80 BUICK Tudor . 123 SO CHEVROLET 4 door 149 4 rORD 4 door el 37 FORD pickup es $10 Down Open Sundays 1830 PONTIAC door, new Urea. R ft 74. Clean throuahout- Good motor. Will take ffuna aa part payment, 8230, OR 8-8413, or sea al 800 a.E. Stephana. '30 CHEV. 4-door Bal Air aedan. fullr equipped. Very clean. See to appreat. ate, 8l:w3.OR3-29vS: CLEAN 1833 Plymouth 4 door sedant Will aell or trade book price. OR 3- 1821. LATEMODEL U1EO CARS WANTTrs cash or trada for equita. Keal Mo tors, 833 8 E Stephens. 33 PLYMOUTH station waft-on: clean, excellent condition. RAH. 8483. OR 2- 1038. BY echoot teacher, 19A.1 Chevrolet 4 door eeaert. Clean, food condition. 8303. OR 3-7733. 47 CHEV. 8 new tires and natter. Runs Odd, 8100. OR 3-3134. I.I ft' .: in . V t r 17I1J w V f '.' 14D8 y H ia -1398 i i 1238 208 . i 88 .... 83 e