Plenty of Bargains Advertised Here -Check Them! OR 2-3321. 10 Apartments 14 Help Wanted 20 Services 29 Pets Choice Apartments Oalthill Visti Homes Winchester Court Westvue Court Terrace Apts. ITPN1SHED 'and unfuralahad. Boni havo ha.t. hot walar providad. All) havo taalar, garb and yard aerv. Ira furnuhad. Rent. Iroro aOO up. I Hull ba aaan to appreciate Call CR J-U4S. OR 4-SU1 or UR 1-1JOJ. AUTO SALES MEN i WILL bir 1 qualified men to sell Ford cart and trucks. Ecuent o poor t tin- n. Good salary And commission cotn-pentHtiun. LOCKWOOD MOTORS GUESS WHO . . . !39 Timber 4 Sawmills Furnished Apts. ATTRACTIVE, modern, Urg closets. tii kitchen and shower. On but hn. Wceuud apt with fireplac. 43 mo; Eaataid bachelor apt $30. A dull. OR 1-1571, OR 3-1243. Manager Wanted EXPANDING life and disability eom panv socking experienced man for manager in Eugene, Coo Bay , Med ford are Offering top aalary, com missions, rtntwili, bonus. ovrwni, employe group life and hospital bene fit. Alao furnishes office and contin ent lead program. Writ PO Bo 31H4, Eugene, giving hum addrcM. tele phone, experience. confidential. FAIRHAVEN APTS. 1843 W. Harvard NEW LOW WINTER RATES 435 to $47 50 I'tRV VlrK elean riM.rahla room. Furnished or unfurnished- On sfu ana aiieraiione or en nnn APPLIANCE ealerman wanted. Mutt have tome telling experience Appiv in person. Kier Cronoh Plumbing 4 Appliance, 52a S. X. Stephen. Bill Whites INCOME TAX SERVICE 727 W. Harvard Ave. (ACROSS FROM COMMUNITY HOSPITAL' TREI PARKING 15 Years Experience DEPENDABLE. EFFICIENT SERVICE NO APPOINTMENT NECESSARY. OrriCE HOURS S AM TO PM Thone OR 2-4041 I RED POMERANIAN mat, t $50 OR S I I o4l or wf ii Rl i boat 1JU0, Look- j inggUM j ; SIAMESE kittens, stud service. OR J-1 1014. DOUGLAS COL STY HUMANE Society Animal ShelterOR 2-3JW7. ! BABY Parakeets 3 miles south. Bur- , lone. OR 3-4 1 22 I GLENGAR YBeagl Kennels. OR 3-3793 ! 31 Sporting Equipment CHILD CARE Mother Goose Nursery 15 Work Wanted ROTOTILLING Ferguson Tractor and blade enjr but. Shopping and postoiiic close by. OH OHMdU. MOTEL UNITS Alt electric. With kitchens, $14 and $22 week. Linen s. utilities furnished. Winchester Motel (Old Highway 98 N- at Winches let Bridge) Kohlhagen Apts. LANE at JACKSON STS. MOD CAN. REASON ABU RENT ADULTS OR 3-S244 "A GOOD PLACE TO LIVE" ONI BEDROOM apt. with stove, refrig erator and water furnished. Large car port and utility room. $60 no. OR 2 3410. TWO BEDROOM apartment in new tri plex. Electric heat, hardwood floors. Wired for automatic washer and dry er Unfurnished 45. West Belli. OR 3-8770 or O R 3-4020. ' LAHGE, 2 -bed room downstairs apt , un- N. E. Erie-, Bee be at Bow New Equipment Mrs. W E. Curtis. 733 ZBt r -- 1 HEU-ARC welding Winston Cham Saw. HOUSEWORK by the hour Reference. OS i-3641 Own transportation. OS S-SOZO. WASHING, rough dry; also Ironing. OR 3-3683. LONG, short leg and lumber hauling. I Franco Trucking. OR 3-6967. I SEWING. All ty pes. Guaranteed. OR ; BARGAINS utility and economy turn-2-2766. ( ber. Also ship lap 2 and better dl- rkliari.E ,h.iri r.r. H.v. .t-.rt., i mansions, ace ua ana save On 2-23 13. UMPQUA MARINA SKAGIT BOATS MERCURY MOTORS BOAT ACCESSORIES MOTOR REPAIRING 6 9 S. E. Rose St. OR 3 5571 1 'SSS1 t Peelers & Peelable Mill LOGS WANTED Delivered at Nordic Veneers pond en North Umpqua Highwa, J miles ai of RoMbur. Uug lengths ' 0"; 17' a'; 26 S". 35 0'. Diameter limit. Maximum 7 inches, minimum Id inches For in formal , on c.ll OH 3 4551. autherlin 2J2 or OH 3-u9 eve- Logs Wanted All Species ' Top market pi ices paid J Green Valley Lumber Co i Phone Mwtl Crek. UN ion 3-31B1 Ninth Myrtle Road. Mirtl Creek. Oie ' j Wad., Mar. 11, 1959 Tha Nawi-Raview, Roseburg, Ora. 13 j40 House Trailers 43 Autos & Motorcycles Logs , . has heard this story before. 21 Building Material mentions. Consolidated Milling IRONlNCTin my home. Will pickup and Old Highway south. deliver, uh 2-3UZ4. 113' BOAT M" beam, open center enwel leering. Also sport boat, windshield. gio compartment, steering. OS V S62J. SMALL 13 ft. plywood boat snd trailer, 5' hors Johnson and stand, extin guisher, cushions, oars, anchor, 1&6 OR 3-621 g. OR 1-7411 TELESCOPE RIFLE SIGHTS If bouKht 1 I from U. lntalt frm If art in la far. SEWING and mending. Mr. J. S. Marr. I Shlplap; low grade boards, lvl I and I tory drilled Umpqua Gun Store. OR 3-3457 Wldr- Sx. nd Wlder- Ala plenty of . Mnnra: TC.rtnnm..n..m " " utility ana oetter lM Knneth Joea. Myrtl Rt.' Lumber Sales Co Mrti creek. MANJS winu Saturday work, any typ. 1 OR 7W2j;ardn Vall near RR tracks FISHING tackle you will like at Pow OR 3-3711. GOOD used doors and window. OS; ell's, l block west Poet Office B-SfoTevenings. WILL SELL eouily In IV Ariato-Craft, HEAVY TIMBERS 12X12 and 8X12 cheap. caU OR 3-4636 In S ft. to 40 ft. lengths. Oa t-8834. 1 fOR SALE 18 ft nlvwood boat. t30. OR 3-874S. 34 Misc. For Sale Quality Furnishers Ua tags Other makes Drers 30" ranges $49 95 and up. 1 15 00 and up. . Ued 179 99 P0 9S RELIABLE GIRL want housekeeping or baby sitting. Liv in. On 340.u. I IRONING In my home. OR3-4093. ALTERATIONS. OR 3-3302 after S::. furnUhed. Large fenced-in backyard. DRESSMAKING, alteration. OR 2-1275. FURNISHED APTS. OB 4-5030. 11 Houses ROTOTILLING. OR 3-CT38. 18 Instruction 23 Fuel John Hani GOOD 16 ft. cedar boat. 5o. OR 3-5902 New Holpnmt washer Wat tUWfUS Hot point dryers 169 95 dltans MEN WANTED AGE 18-37 MODERN 1-1 bedroom cabins. Good To train for FUTURE AND SECURITY beds, nearly new refrigerator, gaa rang and heating. Tables, chairs, etc. Water and garbage dikpotal furnished. $15 and $5 month. Hartz Cabins. 3483 Diamond Lake Blvd., behind Dale's Cafe. OR 3-&168. SAWDUST Blower Service or Dump WOOD IN RAILROAD COMMUNICATIONS. We are unable to fill existing vacan-' , , . J . ci. G I Approved Write Box 910 Oak. slab, planer ends and peeler core this paper tor imormatton giving NAME. ADDRESS t PHONE NO. LESSONS on guitar, mandolin, banjo, violin, uke. John E. Jones. OR 3-632Y 20 Services Sonya White's Income Tax Service Prompt Courteous Dependable 1625 W. Harvard Ave. NEXT DOOR TO FAIRHAVEN MKT. FREE PARKING Phone OR 2-4261 LIVE IN THE COUNTRY Modern 2-bedroom home. Wired for ; winner and dryer; large utility; . washer and dryer; large utility; gar-1 age. Adult preferred. 3 'a miles from MyrtlCreek. Phone UNion 3-3443. . SMALL, modern 1 bedroom house Wir-1 ed for range, washer and dryer. .1 acre. 1 mile from Harvard Ave. on Lookinggraai Road. S45 month. I work I nights, plea call after p m. OR 3-3573. j TWO-BEDROOM unfurnished h o u s e. Very good location in Myrtle Creek 4 years old. Will rent or leas with! option. Call OR 2-4661 days or OR 2-24M evenings. 6NB BEDROOM house stoves and re frigerator furnished. Garden space. Couple only. East side. OR 3-4191 or OR 3-8631 Sundays and evenings. 1, 2. 3. and 4 bedroom home. Income limit. Families, also single elderly 65, or over accepted. W3 W. Stanton St i OR 3-6548. WESTS IDE duplex, 1 bedroom. large! living room, kitchen and utility. Gas j range and floor heater in. 314 Center St.OR 3-3283. or OS 8-8929. I TWO bedroom tide by tide duplex. Au tomata oil heat. 1607 S.E. Eddy SL 1 IMjnonthOR 3-7983. FURNISHED CABINS by week. $10 and up, all utilities furnished. Old 90, 3 miles north PacifieMoteL fj N FURN ISHE D 1 bedroom duplex apt Electrie heat. Very neat and clean. Inquire 1019 S. E Roberts Cl'TX-3-room house. Modern, clean, un furnished. Adult After p.m. and Sunday, OR 3-7233. J CLEAN, furnished, modern 3-room cab-1 in near uime. vt a ici iui nmiva ej Mo.OR 3-6988. TWO ROOM furnished cabin: electric range. Near Umpqua Plywood. Call OR2-44. FOR RENT or sale in Winston. Clean 2-bedroom unfurnished house. OS 9 84.W. THREE room" nliis utility room, unfur- gijaa""- m Ph- OR "m i The Sew Shop two BEDROOM homa Court; NEW LOCATION Houi.. UO. Call OR 3-7123. m l. I Caia Ava. OR I-Utl ' REDECORATED blroom unurnlhal : Ham. of tha Adlarmatla I noua. viosa in. w .um. Sawtna Machlna HARRY HATCHER Income Tax ond Accounting Service Thone Office OR 2-2461 Home OR 21304 959 S.E. Stephen! Street OPPOSITE GREYHOUND BUS DEPOT Roseburg Lumber Co. OS 1-8741 SAWD U S T Blower and Dump MILL ENDS, dry or green peeler cor. GUY AND FRANCES GILL. FUEL 2814 N E Douglas ORt-1324 OAK, Madrone and fir body wood, im mediate delivery, pnone KtOaia 3079 or 3782. S. T. Humphrey. DRY oak, laurel or fir wood, fireplace or furnace, OR 3-7993 days; OH 3-3604 evenings. PLANER ENDS. Hub Lumber Co. OR 2-3386. RED DIAMOND Fuel Co. Kiln dried planer end; oak wood. 3-5002 DRY OAK and laurel. OS 9-3311. 32 Produce & Plants SEE STARK ad under "Personals. 1 34 Misc. For Sale 25 Farm Equipment 4-BOTTOM 14" John Deer plow; AC. 10' double disc on rubber, used 1 sea- son. Both 3850. Phone 3982, Sutherlin. McCORMICK a-rbw corn' planter." OS t- 5259. I OLIVER crawler In new condition. Wal ter Cota. Oakland. Phon 2811. Bargain Appliance Center Motorola 21' TV set with new picture tube $fl so Fowler dryer. $72 SO Rebuilt Maytag wringer wither. like new. $135 00 195H Portable Weetlrt f house dish washer $169 95 Used refrigerators. $25. i up Late model Maytag Gaa rang 9 50 Gas room heater. $:t0 00 Frigid air rang. $75 00 Apt air rang. $25 00 Frigidair washer. $9 95 631 S. E. Rose OR 3- 5525 now $i7B 93 70 off $119 5 $71 trad in allowance on bed room sett, 20"' oft on 195t Hoi point refrig erators. 32 gallon Hot point water heater $88 M ONE WEEK ONLY WHILE THEY LAST. 644 S. E. Stephens Phone OR 2-1821 Wanted Will buy all species I'LKVELAND Ll'MBKR Olalla Road - OS 9-5114 NOW IS THE TIME for all small SAW MILL operaton to come in and talk: oer their spring operation CONSOL IDATED MILLING, old highway kW South. Rosebui g FOR SALE B owner, 20 0 0 acre i I limber and cut-over land loaeprnne I and Jairkwn counties, Oregon. t3 per acre Uox Outf News Heview FOR SALE or trade, portable saw mill j mounted on '41 DotUe truck. 2 sneed rear end. 3 speed gear box. Jack Wil- I i Mn. Camas Vallr . WANTED Cordwood,-eight-foot" $16 I per cord Lee Pre ion Lumber Co I Kiridt 2231 ; DOUGLAS K1R and "cedar" stud logs wanted Pfriffer Lumber Co. Yoncat I la. Oregon. Ph Victor 9-2111 40 House Trailers JUMPING Jehoshaphal' You'll really be arnei d at i he ion enieme of mnnei n nmbil homa living Theie t tin a place to keep jour pel FROG and the place to find the ftnett mn bue home is McKt'E TRAIUK SU ES. 1163 N E Stephens Rtieei. W Men ou come here uur salesmen never REFUSES to giv you tha information miu need to mak up our mind. When ou call, w aie ready TO JUMP! Rod & Reel Trailer & Boat Sales i llti W Harvard EQl 1TY In '57 ' Ir.ikr houaa -1 trad, or tall. Call aflar S. OS BKI97 ' 42 Trucks 26 Livestock MONOGRAM MING, dressmaking, alter ations. Buttonholes and self fabric belts. Hemstitching and specialty sewing. TWO bedroom horn, unfurnished. 730 Baiir. 6nE BEDROOM furnished house. 2822 W. Jay. OR 3-8177. FURNISHED cottage. 2 adults, no pats 508 Spruce at foot of Washington. TWO bedroom duplex, near Fairnaven shopping. OR 3-6522. FIVE ROOM cottage. Clos in. Adult. l t24S E Douglas. NICE, 3-bedroom hous. free water. $3$ OR 2-2721. CLEAN, 4-room furnished hous. 1263 S E. Stephens. OR 2-3370 CLEAN 2 bedroom house. Water, gar base paid. 3546 Alamosa Court. FURNISHED 1-bed room duplex; Wln- ston. Tower St. OS tyTOO. SMALL house, partly furnished $.10 month. OR 3-3330. DILLARD 1-bed room house, $40; 2- room csbin. 30. OS 9-3653. CLEAN 4-room furnished, rececoratedi houe. Phone OR 2-233A TWO 1-bedroom bouses. Stoves furnish' ed OR 3-7041. 1 HOUSE Close in. OR 3-3331. I Douglas Livestock Market Wilbur, Oregon F.ariy consign men t for Thursday March 12 100 Head good ewes with lamb 1 Load feeder steers and heifer 1 Lot cows with calve t Good Hereford bulla 1 Purebred Angus yearling bull You will also find day old calve wean er pig and milk cows. Sale Every Thursday 1 P.M. For further Information and pickup and delivery servic, call OR 2-4071 or Sutherlin 3380 Auction Sunday 1 P.M. Westside Furniture Sales 943 W. Harvard 1 block west Community HspU. Furniture and miar. Consign men ta welcome) Used Appliances Taken In on trade. Ranges, refriger ators, etc. Coma out and mak a dcaL RAINBOW TRAILER SALES N. Hywy 99 at Winchester Bridge MOTOR rewinding, repairing. All makes and sites. Experienced, competent, motor man Jimmte's Electric Motor Shop. 350 NC Garden Valley Blvd. OR 3-3102. APPLIANCE repairs. Fast, efficient service, all brands, range, refrigera tors, freezers, wathert and dryers and all small appliance Call Kter Crooch Plumbing t Appliance, 528 :S E. Stephen. OR 2-3364. ELECTRIC APPLIANCE repairs from hand Iron and raior to range and dryers. All Makes. Bargain Appliance Center. 631 S. E. Rose OR 3-552A WARD'S "TV eV Appliance Repair. Free WANTED 2 or S Hereford feeder calves DickuD and delivery on small appli ances. OS 9-3032; after p.m., OR REGISTERED Suffolk 1 to 4 years, 19 ewes, 18 lambs. 0 ewes yet to lsmb, 1 rsm. $1000. ltt house on Richardson Road off Clark's Branch Road. Myrtle Creek. WANTED Sheep and cattle, all kinds W. A. Blackert. Ph. Myrtle Creek UN 3-4515 ATTENTION pony breeders! At stud, registered Hackney pony. Phon Oak land 3120. 2-18.13. SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED no mile age; frre estimates. Roseburg Sani tation Sorvic. 1980 NS Stephens. Ph OR 3-3356. MOWER SHARPENING, tVsiler-hitches. welding, woodwork and general repair, - Green District. 2332 S. W. Castle SL Ph. OR 3-4687 Cail OR 3-6141 after 3 a ALBINO MARE, trained by lady for 1 2 Trir. Parks & Rentals ALAMEDA TRAILER COURT ha paved streets and cement porches Reason able rates. 581 N. E. Alameda. OR 2-2J48. drills, games. OR 3-876:t WOOL received dally. Nichols' Store, Brockway. OS 9-8907. WANTED LiveVtock of all kinds. R I. Camp. OS 0-3283. NEW and irtd saddle and bridles. 2844 N E DoUfla. W ALLY'S- hors "shoeing, call OR J- STEAM CLEANING mobile unit, we' i CUMHIWA i Zl co anywhere Motors r inoustnal EIGHT ar old gelding, gentl for : garden cultivator. eauiDment. Pavless Service 3Utirn. 711 I women or children. OR 2-4624 ner. $13. b E. Mepnens St. Ph. OH 7-90.12 JERSEY, coming with 2nd calf, fresh i winstun Sand and Gravel, -crushed WHY PAY MORE? $2 30 hour will get nyday. OR 3-7628 ,k'rTtIia'l,r"V"1' ""d lP expert carpenter work don for you . FOR SAIJC 2 milk cows, several to BO" OS C-M9L OR 3-8632. James Morgan, RL 4, Box I choose from. OS 9-8912 CERAMICS green were, glares, fin- For Auctioneering Services CONTACT Col. V. Munlon. W buy. sell and trade It paja to buy and sell day, 7 P.M. lh aucUon way. Auction vry Frl- Roseburg Auction Ph. OR 2-3024 USED BUILDING MATERIALS Wreck ing old Catholic church, Roseburg. 2x4. 2x8, 2x12, $40 pr M. U-haul. Doors $4 each, broken concrete free loaded) U-haul. Contact workmen at sue. LARGE-SIZE baby carriage, $20; baby feeding table, brand new. $10; used beby car bed, $2. Inquire Robert New man, Rock Creek Hatchery, Idleyld Park, Oregon. NEW and uad tillers, lawn mowers, chain saws. Winston Chain Saw 'YourMcCuIIoch Dealer. OS 0-5641. EQUITY in '55, 34 Spence-Craft" 1 bed room trailer, modern,, excellent con dition. OS 9-5353 MORE PEOPLE buy World Book En cyclopedia than any other. Why? OR 2-3597. RENT A TV, Daily or weekly rates. Kier Crooch Plumbing Jt Apohanc OR 2-3364. KEN'S Rock Shop, lapidary equipment and supplies. OR 3-5409. 244 N. K. Chestnut. lawnmower and $73. pressure can- Ph. Oakland 3272 VACUUM SPECIALS Service - Parts - Paper Bags All Makai licbuilt Motor Exchanga All Makai 1 Year Guarantee $17.50 $43.80 For Your Old Cleaner On A New KIRBY Like new Lux-E Brown $'.5 G E. cord reel, I H P. motor $54 50 Filter Queen, many extras, one-half new price. Eureka Roto-O-Matlg - .... $27.50 1 Hoovara $15 to 035 1 Slngera - $15 to $27.50 20 good cleaner at $10 to $15 Trade r Terms Reconditioned and guaranteed 1 year by KIRBY CO. Of Roseburq 2161 N E. Stephens Roseburg. Oregon Call OR 3-6356 ar OR 2-2211 HOUSEHOLD FURNISHINGS: Oak din ing set built-in extensions seals 18', $135; gunmetat breakfast set, 4 chairs. $33; 40" double oven Hot point electric range, $65; brown daveno, $40; nearly new mimeograph. $125; 17" Silvertone TV, $65 OR 3-5017 evenings; daytime OR 3-5340 TOP SOIL Genuine heavy river loam. No rocka easy to handle For th beat, call Charles Keely. OS 8-3117. NICE, modern, 8 -room house with at tached garage. $2000. Must he moved off lot on harden Valley Road. OK 2-:i2H7 or OR 3-bU04. BUNK beds, dressers. Siegler oil kitch en neater, typewriter, porta bl sewing machine. 5" Jotntr, washers. Wag s Furniture, Winston. WE ALWAYS HAVE a fine selection of meat available for your locker or deep freez at wholesale prices. Winston Lockers. OS 9-3133 FOR 5ALE or trad electrlt range. refrigerator, automatic washer, daveno and chair, and 5-piece bedroom set. Call OR 3-OWiO after 8. TOP SOIL from new location. The best you have ever seen no roots or weeds. Ralph Fisher, Winston. OS 9 8493 . TR EVA'S CERAMICS Fre leenm. Large assortment green ware, paints, glazes. Next to Winston Lockers. OS 9-3133. FOR the best Job of custom cutting. wrapping nti quirsr freezing, oring your meat to Winston Locker. OS 0-3133. SPRING TIME TRAILER TIME BUY NOW Rainbow Trailer Sales Winchester OR 3-7272 10 Wide 50 ft. 2 Bdrm Spacemoster '59 Model 10 Wide 50 ft. 3 Bdrm Spacemoster '59 Model 10 Wide 45 ft. 1 Bdrm Rex 10 45 ft. 1 Bdrm Kit 8 Wide 36 ft. 1 Bdrm Pacemaker 8 Wide 30 ft. 1 Bdrm Mayflower These and many more values Come in and see the DELUXE FEATURES AND LOW COST FOR SMX I ed truck tanks and tank I tr.iilets. various capacities. Wire, i phone or writ Beall Pip and Tank! I Corporal ion. 120O3 N Burgard St . I Portland 3, Oregon. Telephone AV I ;v;i I FOR SALE - 1 Volkswagen panel de-! livery, low mileage Can be seen at i Rt 2. Box 727-A. across from Ruse-' burg Country Club OH 3-47J5 after 5 p,H I 37 GMC ton 4 speed VS pickup Sell or trade for dual wheel lig!il pickup or flatbed Also 1H9 Willi s penel. V8, ' automatic transmission. OR 3-3615. i i 1954 CHEVROLET 't ton pickup, 3 speed I I transmission. A-l snap with ranopv.i m., will take trad as down p. nient. UN 3-4.179. I SELL '58 Ford 0 ton panel.or "trad 1 for my equity. Ph Sutherlin 2603. i FORDO, 4 apeed pickup, good condi tion, $4(10 OR 2-3204. LIGHTWEIGHT Pag trailer." air" brak- es. hdraulie scales. $100. OH 2-iIO. ' 43 Autos & Motorcycles Clearance Sale On Luxurious Living Melody Home Front or. Center Kitchen 2 or 3 Bedrooms Washers and Dryers Good Used Trailers "M Flamingo 2R 6" '52 Customcraft IV '32 Wrstcraft 2H'8" '56 Great Lakes 27' '51 Rnadmaster, 35' 2-Bdrm M Pan American, 27' wilh TV set 52 Kit Regal, 35 2-Rrirm VI Columbia. 35' 2-Bdrm '54 Spartan, 37' 1-Bdrm '54 Jewel. 15', $615 '53 National. 2-Bdrm. 30 ft '54 Fleetwood. 33' 1-Brirm 40 Spartan 1-fWrm. :t.T 'VI B i It more. 42'. 11193 14' Sport sera ft $495 Check Our Used Furniture Dept. Doyle's Mobile Homes Roseburg 144 S E Stephens OR 2-1756 or J. W Doyle OR 2 W24 Coqull) Highway 101 tMl 'SI DILLARD'S Blue Ribbon Bonded Used Cars 55 lU'DSON 2 door hardtop RtVH. P S. P B Automatic transmusion. White- wslls. 2 ton finish $lu05 '55 PLYMOUTH 2 door hardtop. RAH. Whtiewalls. Automatic tranamUinn. Red and black $1195' 55 MERCURY 2 door hardtop R ft K Straight transmission. 2 ton blue and while $1193 '57 MT.RCURY Montclair hardtop 2 I . door. R At H. PS. PB. Mereoinatlc. New whttewall tires. Many other extras . fJllts '54 FORD Ranch wagon 0. R aV H Straight tranamiawon. Red and whit finish. .. $1395 57 FORD Country sedan. 4 door, sta tion wagon. Hi radio, heater. PS. PR T-Bird motor. Fordomatlc. White walls $1093 '55 CADILLAC 82 4 door. Full power, steering, brakes, aeat, windows - $1905 '37 LINCOLN Premier 4 door hardtop, full power, steering, windows, seat. vent glass. Electric door locki, power luber. Beautiful Jet black with matching leather uiUrior. Verv low mileage. $3493 We Hove A Good Selection of Work Cars Come In Look Them Over, '31 HUDSON Hornet 4 dr. tm 31 FORD V8 2 dr. soft 4f) FORD 0 Clb. cpe 857 51 PLYMOUTH, needs mtr. 95 '50 Bl'K'K 2 dr. $145 5 CHEVROLET hdtp iim 53 CHEV Bel Air 4 dr. $005 1 1937 PONT1AC 4-door sedan Super j Thief series with 2.V000 actual miles RAH. Hvdra . power sleer , j power brakes, like new iwg 1937 FORD Sky liner Retractable hard I top A I -owner beauty with all th I equipment Come in and see th moai unusual car in the world . 2598 1957 CHEVROLET Bel Air 4-dr Spark ing inaide and out. Beautiful brnii z 2 tone finUh Extra low miles. Full equipment 1898 1954 MERCURY Monterey 4 - dr. hardtop RAH. Merc O Malic. Tip . Top condition intid and oyl 159$ 1956 FORD B-pasjtenger Country Se dan Popular r'nrd-O-M a I i e, healer. Thunderbird perform ance. Very clean - let's trade. 1494 1953 BEL AIR 4-door. RH, Power glide A real sharp,. Tk look at this today. . ... 79t 195.1 FORD 4-door sedan. R&lf. Ford-O-Mane. Like new insid and oul- - 708 1932 FORD Ranchwagon, RAH. Over, dm. Excellent condition 4f)S 1932 BUICK Special 2 dr. RAH. stnsght I trans., good work car ... aa ! Trucks & Pickups ' 1953 WILLYS 4-wh drh pickup. Hat ( not been abused- Topnotch mcchan- cF .- 1194 1B5S FORD ton pickup. Custom rah. heavy-dutv tires and Uans. Guar anteed good . 1U94 1947 FORD 's ton. 9 speed eL 224 Lockwood Motors 2 Big Lots Oak tt Rose OR 3-63M 1430 S. E. Stephin. OR 2-1441 BARCUS (W) il PLYMOUTH V-t aadaii. Puah bulton dnva. R&H. Top eoodl Uon Uirouf hout ..... 'M DODGC VI club COUpa RAH. Jat black with whllawall tlraa. 'amoua D-!W0 anflna wrtb atraifht .tick. Unconditionally ffuarantaad. . M PONTIAC V- Station Wafoa. ijui... nmn, anarp S PLYMOl'TH Vi Man. Powar. llita. RltU. M PLYMOUTH VI R.!.rt.r. bard. ton Pnarartllta. UK. Only M.. 000 mllaa. U PORO Vi luiloa aim. Ovar. drive, axcallant eondiuon 14M 19N UM SI DILLARD MOTOR CO. Mercury Kdsrl Mncoln English Ford Sales & Service Corner Stephens. & Douglas OR 3-6625 Riverside Motors 187. GRADING and leveling: loam and rock delivered. Call Paul Ca, OR 3-4018. 22J1 N. E. Stephens St wrNCHESTFR TRAILER PARK Morf.lHAHRIS HOME IMPROVEMENTS em spares. Paved grounds Shade Roofing, siding, foundations. FH A trees $18 month Hlthwav 00 N. at terms OR 3-6123. iCOWS and calves. OS 9-8626. evenings. 1 27 Hay & Grain Winchester Bridge. GOOD ladlno and grass hay. $30 ton. DOZLNO, leveling: also shale rock, river O Bacon, Umpqua. Ph. lnam and road material, (.has. Keele) I aumwim. OS 9-5117. ALFALFA or oat hay. CARPENTER work New construction I 3-6423. 13 Misc. Rentals FOR LEASE for 3 years, 66 acres. Approximately 42 acres under culti vation, mostly in lotu Irrigation equipment, buildings, 4 room modern houe OS -8B7R. W AREHOUSE" SPACE "on trackage." Ph. OR .1-6628 PARKING SPACE by "month. 5.10 S I Kan. 14 Help Wonted Automobile Salesman Wanted TO SKT.L New A Used Car Buick Pontiac Cadillac See Mr. Hansen Roseburg Motor Co. MAN-with "ambition- and some selling experience to sell Frifidaire appli ances. Good potential for an agsres- Appiv in person. Umpqua Valley Ap-, CARPENTRY. Reasonable Small Jobs p. ance. 64V SE RoJT prefrd.Smith.OR 3-4411. SALES representativeV "previous sales PWNO tuning regulating, r p a I r s. experience helpful but not required; "" Jones.OR 3-4525. Muit he appear ins Prefer man BRICK, block and cement contractor. 20 to 35 f-aliry plu communion, ear Norman Richardson. OR 2-2971. fnii.ip. a-ii m PAINTER, carpenter, rooflna. On i- HAVE FOR SALE Silverton 21" ma hogany consolo TV, reaaonabla. U S 3-4,1.16 SCRlPTUhE TEXT greettngcrd and stationery. Sacred records. Bible 4264, Book Center, 415 8 E. Jarkson Conn. OR I will help you buy' tha article you want . or remodeling. Fre estimates. OR RYE GRASS, sub clover hay. Oakland ALL material from wrecked house, clean Wat... ii7B7. i lumosr, piumDing com pie ie wun 111- RIDENOUR Electric wiring jobs and : 2NbCUtf INO" -alfalfa$25. Clem tav- tln kitchen amks.OR 3-0646. installation eiectri heaters, oit - enner, Csnyonvllle. JE 2-4245. .32" FRENCH n(K)R, $10: playpen with STRAW for saleOR 2-3860 5i utT and stroller $10. OR HAY., Reasonable. Calf 2:t3, Oakland, i ... - t - i nu ncsini.i new mua auio enow ur. 7 loali. OK 3-OiWO. 73U.1 CERAMIC tile dralnboards. tuhbarks. I showers Free e.timatea. Kellev Tile. OR 3-5651. I ' MOHR WELL DR IT. LING Jacuzzi whirlpool bath. OR 2-2321 or OR 2-3043. ROOFING. Fisher Thors n Pain t Co. Portland. W E. Dsum. Local Agent. Ph. OR 2-1571. SHALE rock for roads and dnvewsv. Immediste delivery. Ph. C. P. Tellon. OR 3-4040. CARPENTER, any t pe coMlniction We help arrange financing. Fre esti mates. Kowalewski. OR 3-4020. PUMP REPAIRS 24hour"srvtcMil W x Cox Sales and Servic, OR 3-r-Wlightscall OR 3-J7JO. LET u upholster your boat, car or fur niture. KJH 3-M66 35 Wanted Misc. WE PAY HIGHEST rash prices for used luniiiura. noirauri r urnnur r.x Change.24.1 SE Jackson. OR 3-5104. WANTED TO "BUY Good used furni ture. ROSEBURG AUCTION. OK 3 5026 WANTEDTO BUY Old""chinVg!a-"s-war. furniture, Jewelry. Prlscillas Anlqus247 SE Jackson. OR 2-1421. NEW 2nd hand store THE TRADING POST, will buy what have you? 228 H EJackson.OR 2-1921. READY CASH for good used furniture and misc. Westsld Auction. Ph. OR 2-2501. SCRAP IRON, radiator, batleri. cop. per, brass, and aluminum. OR 3-7202. Henslee High Style Platnsmon Cosa Manano 29'-16' 8 wH t-3 nedroomi 10 -wld to 50'. 1-2-3 bedroom COMPLETE LINE of accessories and parts in stock hitches, butsn equip ment, awnings, stoves, refers, toilets. windows, wster healers and heating '34 WILLY. 4 wheel drive) bands, top coatings, t. i station wagon .. '44 DODGE H ton pickup $345 52 JEEP pickup $745 '53 FORD f 100 ' ton $945 '54 JEEP pickup $13H 55 FORD Fa Irian 4 dr. VB ... . $1295 53 CHEV 110 4 dr. St Wag. '53 FORD Custom lift 4 dr. VI $505 53 FORD V$ sedan, e driv. RAH, rel sharp .. go) '53 HUDSON club coup. Ovardriv 29g 'SI PACKARD sedan. Ultramati. RAH, 300 motor. On owner SO 50 PACKARD Sdan, RAH. g 50 BUICK Special sedan. R K. 94 Trucks & Pickups '31 DeRnto Carry -All. condition Extra good tt WILLYS H ton pickup 59 FORD V I pickup, spaclal 44 CHEV. ton pickup eaw 1 buck. 3 hutches; curtains rap. Mak offer. OR 3-5197 NON-AUTOMATIC Easy wher. 1950 model with spinner. $50. OR 3-4465. 28 Poultry & Rabbits Baby Chicks NEW Ramp. Parmenter Red. Whit CANOPY for Chevrolet pickup. OR 1- Leghorn and Golden Broad. Order j.10 . . .. early avoid delay. Ponton Hatch- GAS rang and gaa drver, reasons bl. r .6j4 W. Harvard Ava OR 3-3524 Call evening OS t-520ft. DAILY freth brown egg. 35c and , ALL CHANNEL UHFconverteri.-$24 95. 4-V per do, large 50c. 643 N. E Call OR 2-4650 Neuner Driv rtween Chestnut t i fjtA.EY HOMEroducUrdRJ-5402 snd Snack Snack OR 3-3184. I VIVIAN TRAVESS POULTRYr wool. bark. Receiving Tue ANYONEwntlng Watkin " ProductJ. da v only. For ranch P'P. call OS 21M N K Freemont. OR 2-30OT sVOOOl or on Tuesday OR 3-433L Roa- wxi J bur Poultrr Comsiiu STAN!-KX "?mJ . Product. B-mic nun in nusmiHU A.inoergarien. UH AAD Feed Store. HiddM Ph. 1421 yjtx a-iuis. 36 For Trade SMALL equity In furnished, new du plex, for modern house trailer of equal value or will sell for cash. Call OS 9-ftMS after 5 j TRADE ehildV wardrobe with matching cheat for two chests of drawers. Or i i;i U for $40. 2421 W. Harvard. OR 3-11 87. 16 fT river boaf for good electric range OR 3-64.10. GRANTS PASS home, trad for Roe. burg noma. OR 3-3556. GOOD SELECTION of used trailers and all kinds of hous furmtur taken in on trade. Earl E. Smith Trailer Homes Co. IMO N. E. Rtaphana OR J-31M KINKKII.L. KENCRATT JEWEL NASHUA WANTEn - mark Bantim ELECTRIC COXTRCTORS. Lanilnf miat ba Cochin. OS -aM. Oliver. OR 3-s&t ,n ... . 87 47 fiirnifthrd Sinirr bw ing Machlna Compani . 55a -.'-.n WALLBOARO PIN1SHING. nallina Up EXPERIENCED tallar tor part tlm. uaturlnf. p. in I in, GY -Ji3 T "B.;;mC, " LBr",Ch' " IROM.NO-,n fn,-homa Jr .,, " TAXI ran r.wr. Aoplv 'tobhp'HoM PVWO.. C.U Wrth.J:Tt. lpART" B'ooahound-' part "Radoon. ' D CEDAR poata OR 3-n" Urartu. ncManyrl v. i w . a-wv. aiiar a p m. i pupa, via. UK a-.nrio. 29 Pets PITTMANS Toy Fo Terror Kennels. Wilbur. Oregon. OR 3-404 USED GUNS, bought 'sold and traded Umpqua Gun Store. TWO t wheel trailers, (ll stock arid H utility OR 3-51.40 LESTER Betsy Ross Sptnavt planorn- hogany finUh. like new Call GY 4-32J4 AUTOMATIC washer, electrie-stove and refrigerator, small couch. OR $-1742 15 FT. Vacation triilex. Phono OS 4- BVZZ 138 Logging Equipment "I",!?. ORriJSoa"' "4 BEDROOM auita-J-p, Vltul, A C O L0A '""" "'' RABBIT fartllliar CaU"OR l-aiia una nAiius. Liwip. un Mil flTLLtlt BRUSH OR Tl341 " CANARY hens. r,M Arthur Nt Jon. Alameda. RAW LEIGH PRODUCTS OR 3-4954. WANTTD CRAWT.ER TRACTORS TO WRECK t 'm versa! Equipment . Ine 4190 Franklin Blvd Diamond $-014 Eugen, Oregon FOR SATE" Heerhoom for Sto"l ard shovel, Tim ken bearing, fair lesd Dale Aekland. Rt 1, Box 240. Mrtl Creek. L N 3-4455 TO I 1004 model. Cable doter. Med- fnrd cab. winch. Excellent ronditton, $a yOSo5211:CJl evenings, jp GALLON safety ga tank: 0 gallon preseure water tank OR 2 2410 RH 30 donkey, very good condition. Ph 341 Cam Valley, ABC UNIVERSAL TERRA CRUISER NEW MOON SEB Jim McKee Trailer Sales 1143 N E. Stephens OH 8-4221 37 FT. trailer hous, very reasonable 4'i mile south in Green district, near Pearls Grocery behind ink house. ONE BEDROOM "1948 Tr alien-rat t, 27 trailer. Modern kltrhen. no bath. Lights, electric brak. Good shape, $j0. OR 2 3406. FOR SALE or trad-i"bedroom39 "ft '54 trailer Rills Trailer Court. Suth erlin. Ph, 2447. EQUITY in . 34' Spence-Craft 1 bed room, modern, tm aacellent eondltion. OS 4-5353 FOR SALE or trade for furniture equity In "54 40 trailer OR 3-4144. CAMPTRAIIJCR, $200 OR 1-1427. IS FT. vscation trslier. OS 4-5101. $44 N r Stephen Sturfebaktr k Willys Sales it Service BARCUS N. Stephens at Garden Valley o4j Ph, OR 3-5544 Easy Bank Terms 4 winner every tlma No qiieatton sdnt, H News-Review elaeaified ads a tag julch reult. Phon OR S333L FOR SALE OR TRADE for older car. '54 Plymouth VS. automatic trans mitnion, radio and heater. Phon OR 3-74H3 after 3 p m. 1954 NASH Rambler station" wagon, or iginal owner, low miieag, im ma di late Must se to appreciate. OR 2-1640 after 5 pm. 1955 CHEV."" Bel-Airperfect condition 1224 S. E Reservoir evenings or phon OR 3-5574: evenings OR 34252. LATk MODEL USED CARS WANTED Cash or trad for equity. A TEN t PHILLIPS. 1J2S S E Stephen!. 1457 LINCOLN hardtop, turquoise, load ed, new tires. OR t-3551 days: OR 2-4027 evenings. J 1951 WILLYS Jeep. 4 neWTlyttres 1 ana repuut engin with 13 hours. US 9-5467 '50 MERCURY 2 doorHR HGoodme chanical condition, $273. 125 S ft. Hoov er Jir. I It possible to buy the motor vehlca I of your choice. OR 3-5277. 1M DODGE 2-door, low mileage, clean. Hav gone into asevtc. My equity, 43O0 OR 2-3074. '54 FORD Ranch Wagon. FordomaUC, RAH. $1543. OS 4-saiO after 3 30 '54 OLDS station wsgon.Tlk ow!. Cow mileage, 4l5.M.OR 2-1004. MOTORCYCLES New, used. Beck with CyrleOR 3-4130 It BSA Onlden Flash motorcycle, $150 Phon 34H3, Oak land. 52 PLYMOUTH S door, good rubber. good condition. OR 3-4414. .7 CHEV. t new tires snd battorr. Runs good. $100. OR 3-S154. '5ft CHEVROLET coup. OS 1047 DODGE. OR 3-1940. Jalopy Junction 13630 N. E. Stephens OR 1 tMl $10 Down Specials Priced Below Market U PLYMOLTB A 'II DOOGI 4-door '31 MERCURY 4 BUICK Tudor 'M CHEVROLET 4 door a l-ORD 4 door .. IT FORD pickup " U MJ door , m - 1U Its $10 Down Open Sundays 1PM PONTIAC I door, now una. R a. H Claaa throuflhout. Good motor. Will taka fun aa part parmant. nw. 6R or aaa at W I t Itaphana. CHEV 4-door Bat Air aodan. full, aqulpped V.ry elran Sat, to apprat i ata. l.3.OR l-2WS: CLEAN 1H3 Plrmoutn 4 door ardan" Will .all or trado book pnea. OR 4 IMl CATI MODEL USED CARS WANTEn or trad, for aouitp. Krai Mo tori. 4.13 R B-Staphaiuk 41 PLYMOUTH TUtlon waion: rlaan. aarallanl andltloa. R4iH. ptta. OR S lojd. Y achool taachar. IPVt Charrolal 4 door aadan (Man, food condition, 4a4. OR 4-TT34. 1 IS: 1 aw