QtjC 3lCWS'HeMeW I In The Day's News Published by N.wa Rvlw C. In., S4S I.I. M.ln II., Resaburf, Or. Charles V. Stanton Editor and Managar Georct Castillo Addyt Wright ily FRANK JENKINS. uigton some thre weeks ago. It lot us start at t se rvic flub meet- Business Manager i ". "er th members listened . , u lw rousing iprpcn on lovrmmrni Press. Oregon Newspaper Publisher ,n(i u, , .. ... Association, th Audit Bureau of Circulation ; .finer afterward and derided to da Entered second elan mitler May 7, 1920. at th post ome 1 something about it. Roeeburg, Oregon, under act of itaren z, la.J Subscription Rates on Classified Advertising Pag I suppose you'v read about (he When government reaches into nonpartisan taipayers' revolt that 1 his pocket and lakes out a dollar, got going up in in state of Wash-1 that dollar is no looser thera for th taipayer to spend. Hal Boylt Average American Steers His Life In Three Major Channels NEW YORK (AP) Things a lo ZS. And a lodi Elk. if be does columnist might never know if be not grata too long at th bar, to didn t open bis mail: V or more 142 To Assistant Bditr Member of tha Associated EDITORIAL PAGE 4 Tha) Newt-Review, Roseburg, Ore. Moei., Mr, LOOK OUT FOR REDSKINS! By Charles V. Stanton But let's get back to FORM let ters. As a means of letting th gov ern.ng authorities know how peo nl. f.l ahotit what ia eoine on. So thee drafted a form letter ,hPt ar better than nothing. But and started out to get signatures. the' have their shortcomings. They Tha movement snowballed and at i are open to the suspicion that some last aCCOUnta BOma 10 OM l.tt.ra t... aAm.lhin. nit hia al..v. had landed on th desks of state and ia trying to put something i JiTi ' l'I,l,or t Olympia, wher the over on somebody. i, Washington legislature is in ses- .-r,v . , i... t w.. ter. 1 sion. and Governor Rossellini says n oas received 134a of them. The letters ar in th form of a petition to th Washington legisla ture to adopt a no-new-services, no newlaxes program to check tha Some of our modern politician have exposed wide- u"- oread wast amor"; our military aervicea. .viany mater it was found. are aimilar in nature, but with minor difference.", makinir larjre and numerous purchase neces- Is it good Or is it bad? It could b a little of both. But it does dramatire th important aarr. Br unifying specifications, treat sums of money 'TitkXlchM r onuM V saved. It was even found that one service nan by government are to go on exoand-1 Pon t i Lei's put it this way: I If you feel strongly about some-, thing that ia going on in govern-1 ment, sit down and writ a letter about it to your senatora and your : congressman if it ia a national mat-! ter. If it ia a stst matter, wnt to vour stat senators and your atat representatives. Or to your tha could be saved. It was even iouno mat nn errvu. unu by government are to go on expand more hamburjrer than it could consume in years. Some- wg taxes will have to go one apparently went crazy ordering pants buttons. We had OR.s.NG. scandal on headirear. - . J Services cost money. W hen govern- It hag been shown time and ajrain that the overlapping , mrnt p,y for tnem it hl , relcn and duplication in military orders has added greatly to into th pockets of th taxpayers the burden on taxpayers. jto get th money. Ther. is no- TA'e seem to feel that the situation Is something new. 'or it to torn, from. But Mrs W. G. Shn.rt at 142r.SE Cobb St. in Rosebur,. j th7orDOn " has proof that criticism or military waste ism anyiiung Among her keepsakes is an item published Feb. 17, 1879. It savs: Th cavalry hoes at Part Mead, w era told, ar all a smooth shod aa t render them absolutely unfit t leave their stables a long aa th enow and lc ar on th (.round. In cat f an Indian raid Into this section It would tak th commander about n week to got his animals In shsp t a ut and gather In th redskins. I'll bet the military commander answered that the Red skins wouldn't fiprht in snow and ice. , I Something els : should ponder: Pon't worry that it will b thrown in th wast basket. If it ia a sin-1 cere, honest letter, expressing a sincere, honest personal opinion, it will GET READ. If more people Mavb hundreds of them Maybe MILLION'S of them Would writ such letters to the officiate who represent them in gov- I ernmental matters GO ERNMENT taxpayer iron. D BE BROUGHT BACK ILLObl-.K TO IMC i-fcUKLE. Teams Seek Invitations 4 Tourneys This Week By THI ASSOCIATED PRESS .tonight, with contenders Bradley Colleg basketball soes into the 10-2 1 and St. Louis 19-31 (till to I By th time he is 70. th aver-; lb Lnitad Slates, growing ever unai ween ot tne regular season r piavea. inner oracaeis tinea aga American has spent 20 years more crowded, ia already worried today with 42 teams needed to fill by Texas Christian. Southweu in sleeping. 20 veara at work, and about a water shortage. But more the brackets in the four major post tonlerenie winner: Kansas State, i't veara in eating, smoking and than half of all th fresh water in seasoo tournaments. Big Eieht titlist with a 22 1 over chewing gum. th world lies in neighboring There are 12 spots left for the all mark, and two at-larse selec Babies should b bora with Canada. boys eight in the NCAA 23- lions Portland tore.) and De pocketbooks. It now costs about I Parental advice: W like thia "m university division and four Paul, til worth of soaps and powders I observation bv Homer Phillips: '" 12-team National Invitation ISC, Gaels Tabbed to keep an infant sweet and clean i -The time to atart correcting the Tournament starting March 12 at I AH WKST-only Idaho Stat the first year of its life. I children is before they start cor- New " Madison Square Gar- and St. Marys Calif., are definite. I Quick quip: Dan Frohman. th reeling you!" , d'J- ... . , . , Border Conference is tied with veteran producer, one consented King Henry VII. on of the in niM aiso naa sour luiiiiieu -vew Mexico to listen to a young stage-struck sternest of British monarchs. was bracketa for lis 32-team small col- Stat each 7-2. They wind up th girl sing. After she had finished generoua in some wavs. Th. ale le. championship, winding up season tonight. California (13-21 she asked Krohman: "What do allowanc of th maids ot honor 1,n, ,h eight regions winners clinched at least a tie ui the Pa- you think I should do now?" Froh-ial hi. court was fixed at eight "j"'1" . r,E"n"u'"L, '"Ij S1 n" LS!.'"TUK 'i"" man replied: "Get mameu!" gallons a day. But if the gals were n n Gm" ,Mo"d,y, ,"? ,V 'J"?f " Saturday. taAaw:!'?.' famUy: A million I T .h;'.U''?h. lV"n?L """"""i- wivea devote 23 per cent of their or more trailera now serve as " ?2, ml'lJ I'.r.rsTn Tf k, i ih. vit fnM i'r. , v ..i.. a rr..r,n. m..i. 1 .,,.,,.H hm.. , tk- week-long ourney starting in Xan-; In the NIT fold are four New is Z -.-i t ..h-..hm. a.,,;.V. " M,rc" has 2 York teams - New York Lniver- 13 per cent to dishwashing. . million Americans , Tn , d , , n,nh,ttan. St. John's and Th. ordinary I S family aow household hint: Paint a ring of poffs thii week. Tennessee Ail. Eordham-St. Bonaventure, Vi'la uses M cans of food a year. luminous paint around your flash-, ... .u. i ., ,i...jj m.i.k. -.... j n. ' " What is horn, without a can light, and it will be easy for you h ,cpd lnv,t..ion. 1 denee. Three of the remaining" "P"1"- to local, it in the dark. i He u how the NCAA mljor spot, are pK.,e(i ,0 h fiiiod hv avity varies oeujamua rr.nwm wmm mnrta championship shapes up in the1 the second and third teams in th not: A wild elk lives to .ni ,lme m.". JjfVjV?-' four regions, from which will come Missouri Valley and the runnerup 10 years old, a roo elk Pld you kn0,w .tn,t 111 Philadelphia tne wlnners for the championship in the Skyline. No. 12 still ia up - - semuinais ana impia at lyjuisviue ior siaus street cleaning service? i March 20-21: i Vuoiaoie notaoies: A person, EASTERN West Virginia, win seldom gets his head above the er of th Southern Conference crowd." says chanteuse Rosina tournament for the fifth straight Pagan, "without sucking his neck velr; St. Joseph's of Philadelphia, out!" best in the Middle Atlantic Confer- In Iowa 96 1 per cent of the , nce, and Navy, an at-large en population ia native-bom. Born to try. are in. the com, and proud of it. Still to be named are winners Easter ia March 29. and if Elka Longevity Varies Nature be about Lenten Devotions James Marlow Attitude Of Khrushchev Thought Way To See Ike Goal Tended, Claims Celts After Loss By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Ked Auerbaeh, strong - willed aster ia March 29. and if you of the Atlantic Coast Conference -oa.h , ,h. R" r.,,;,. ,!.. ,k this seems a bit early, you tournament starting at Raleigh. , ybf bZ i mi ih.J right. It . th. earliest Easter N.C. Thursday, the Ivy League oNationaT BasketoaU Assn bu eight year,. ! and Yankee Conference represen-; ,L 1 ,o,l tendmg ' ImtHmk in Din m 1 tatives and an at-laree team. ; ....i..r ..I..?' , . ; Danua. ancient Persian king, neetoy tai 1 Dartmouth are tied .nTTToZr "coaches' to WASHINGTON (AP) There is to war. the Western Big Three a simpler view than soma of the proposed to seek a peaceful solu. TEXT. MATT It 11. IS What made the faith of this worn- lhlnk an so remarkable? Ir The woman of Canaan had much ' m against her in her original circum-1 Perfectien In Dining stances. In th eyes ot th Jews ; she belonged to the most hated of all -Genlile races Vet this racial Dunne a lone hanoue narner aid not keep ner irom lind-i have his slaves utt mm in his "" charied wilh th. nffenc. l.i h,. ng her way to the great Teacher golden chair, dip him in per- ha, clinched l at least a ,7Lb0"'h; know. return in ine i anKre .oniere:ice. c .-j t, j t 7 . return . . .n . . ...... Sundav. He mad. a format k.,,t MiutAsi r.astern iventueKV ot . - - guesses on why Premier Nikita Khrushchev gave British Prime Minister Macmillan a rude, fast brushoff when he went to Moscow to discuss the Berlin crisis. The guesses range from thinking Hon by talking. But their idea of who talks and Khrushchev's idea are not the same. The Big Three following what has become a kind of reflex action any time trouble arises suggested more effort to intimidate the West (hat their three foreign m.nisters ARE THE RUSSIANS SUPERIOR? C. E. Younfr, w r i t i n jc from Glendale. expresses thoutrht I have previously tised in this column. Are the Russians actually superior in engineering" tou0 Ving he was impatient with1"" together with the Soviet for th United States? MarjnUlan for not bringing solid n minister to talk things over. auiil lurngn miniaicis iiicciiiik in the past, as Khrushchev later emphasized, can be time-consuming. They can be and often have been, unproductive. Before the Soviet) could give an official answer to the proposal about foreign ministers. Macmil lan decided to go to Moscow, see Khrushchev, and try to lay the of th Jewish nation. I fumed bath water, then She received little or no help! him still in his chair to the table from His disciples. In fact it was : for the next course. Trv this on their desire to send her away.VOur guests at vour next dinner. And yet in spite of these reverses i thev'll never forget your thought she exercised great faith. fulness. H see in this woman real pray- Ain't-it the truth dept.: A the Ohio Valley Conference; Ken- Vj?'?1- V?.1', "!e "i tuckv. named SEC reore'eniative " "w. -'' "ugBie io me when conference winner Mississip- St. Louis Hawks. pi Stat declined because it doesn't1 ,ne meeting 01 ivisionai eham play against Negroes; Michigan P'on? went,.ngh' down ,0 ,h 'n') T"n,a"V"' r"l- Ain t-ittnetrutn dept.: A man K -f. rZ. Sundav with the issue in doubt ?".'u",c.u '" ."I . hfthday by Uking ' T.a'x..ZKT'. ' But it took a last-second shot hv auu ,SiHdc w,"'"", i- a , . D. .. . --' Mr. Yoiine nnints out Russia's false claims, her false solutions with him to Moscow. assertions concerning; past discoveries and inventions. He The simpler view is that the asks if her present boasts about achievement aren't equally TtTZ TbT. false? m I the muscle. He has shown he un- Manv of our political leaders are in a tizzy because derstands what power means bv Russia sent uo a bietrer satellite than ours. We hear wild rid of. " h". riv!l ln lhe I .aj w . at,, uiit.il iiutt J1C BtdllUS U- t all th expressions of Christian ; the day off. A woman celebrates me prayer is tne roremost. it pre-; ber birthday by taking a year off ceaes ana accompanies every otn- n. flr5t riroad in America rr. 11 is ine oreaming or tne sou,; the palpitation of thi large entries, have qualified.' Se-; Bos'on " Bob Cotisy to cause the lection of the Mid-American rep- outbreak of a heated discussion. i-.; 11 . i I Atlrhai-h rnnt anAarl Ipia Ui.a.l ne or ine soil ... h,,.u nn rmi. i,i.t.tiAiiiT"eni"Vf w romnirie ine1 " ".c nhj e hem of the T.",1 ?.rgi.?,I,i"" I bracket Miami of Ohio leads with were guilty of goaltending on the inward man. A Christian cannot drewnand ."."roropereted Bow"n8 Gr"n wllh Cec," lot'aClhen !5e live without communion with Cod. ; V-.V -3- 1 1051 ,in,e Same when the i ins Ainu ui prayer is m ipiniuai awlti im tViaf T7 n.siiei im as? t ifa t i nir mnrtl lontlt VIA. inn umi ti.-.-n gr nuivnvina, ssiw,D . . v . . . a. a preme. Puf last' vistf 4trrre tVifaf In Piiaci'a atiirl.onta r 1nv ; .tl: u .i a juv irvo ii. rt, ivinti nits as. . . . . ....... (n in in wuria ine i wo most DOW- i , ' . . of the government. All Russian scientific approach is to-'erful forces are th Soviet I nion 1 srounuwora ior pe.ceru. ,o.uun.. ward military uses. Here in the United States we design nd the United States They dom. : M """" Offw L rfel new automobile,, new telephones, new household applianc 7 ! nyet w"ing to go "th es and (radpets. Our architectural desifjners appear to be according to this view. idea of a ministers' meeting, Mac- in a race to see which can build the jroofiest dwellinpr or Th two leaders of the two dom-i lm"an couldn't carry with him to Anrl.h oifiVa. Ftininun to.t- hiivino- nrni-ti'ro. and Vinriita inant powers are Khrushchev and ! Moscow any proposals that went and rin,,n. packa.es for Roods on 'our supermarkets. Ik.lrr-irSw Russians, themselves, say it will take, them twelve Khrushchev and Eisenhow- vears to catch lip with United States production. That is, If . er are a gumbeatmg wast, of MIDWEST Complete except referees ruled that Cousy's shot. una nave tied it, hit the lhn U' hatt.,1 .ir... wardiy on the course of things; , r V. Ltiii , . b ting North Texas State f ln oth(''' names Sunday, Syr a Inr it hnth mir hart ssnH I ' . " 6 i . . . 1 3i unr.ai i,un d fie prPDi ....i. power. It not onlv reacts udoo our-i. " L " T' for Missouri Villev represenlative nlh would have tied it r nmoui ii b rrnir. wnn r- . ... -. --j .i t-ln,.r..H- "Th.,. i. a .r. a,;.. na V''U . Clinen "'" 'e, selves, it also acts from us out- for it both eases our heart and! influences God! As the drowning people from bad. If a smile im-i we stand still. I'm afraid concern Is more political than real. NEUBERGER PRAISES ELLSWORTH Senator Richard Nenberfrer of Oregon time. If thia view is accepted, then that would explain why Khrush chev treated Macmillan like a messenger boy. dismissed the idea of a foreign ministers mee'ing as I further than that. Khrushchev during a recess in his conversations with Macmillan made a fare of th talks by delivering, in a manner that seemed completely contemptuous of th prim minister, a speech on the very subject they were dis cussing: Berlin. H warned that Western efforts inuences uoa: as ine arownmg . t,. v. ;. . j A l .an attache, himself to th. s.v- fi "'. good AxeiUS n JV FlVC hold, so'the soul attaches itself1' . , , Nine Tl"!hp Oumfr to the hand of Jesu. through pr.-j National Revolt " VtJUinT shaken off. . Jesus is the conqueror! He is the one who has overcome th world, the flesh and the deviL The woman of Canaan knew .her only hope was in Christ. So by faith she seized Him and obtained her heart's desire. Wa too must seek Jesus. Nor cuse upended New York 140-115 and kept the Knicks from clinch ing second place in the Eastern Division: Detroit defeated Cincin nati 117-101 and Minneapolis edged Philadelphia J99-98. Th. V... T .1 J a u: . . . ..; -" win., mr i..ari5 uron- -i o.g idji-quar.er euuri ny ine ped ,n. Varf or, 4,2 Roseburg J s Saturday night fell of Syracuse and just about ruined on point short as they lost a 4b- lheir chanc o Jmak, w I h,.,?,,TnThJ' offs sin ,hev have lv 'ven In that last quarter. Art Thomp- oa . c..- SPOKANE (AP) - A coast-to- 'on' f,v hlt,'orJ 12 P0'"1' whlle six. ." coast revolt against higher ZTt iV' Th' Ro8, st- has been urged here by the city ,r ,J"V ': e,H ,'h. i ! 124122 ' overtime Saturday while Against Higher Taxes Proposed too must seek Jesus. Xor,msnager of a town in South Car-, rvi' , ,hl flp,i Arnt tni.i lh Laker' dr(TPed a 112 107 rie "a"' AVji "!nJ 'V"!l? " "with "hVCkVgoS. '.hen 'i.X!-rt Surd.y', iim..iihn nH aim.rf at ahai to pusn military supplies tnrougn is among' those. he has sought more than a year: w" Ber1'" "r il,T -l couli H. goes away, follow Him: if Hel d !,h.S ? ! u."bl ." ' ' ' 'ZJ0,bSJl':a- ? I of Kingstree, S.C.'. made hi. aug-l''rimen JV. led at all rest ey were head of only other game. ..Via liana nnluul tlarria ITIlau-ni-lh nf Pnaohnrir five nia a summit meetinl with Eisenhow-! mf,n r; he mocked uie idea ot , ..i. . -loir.-- , er - I foreign ministers meeting; and work with the Civil Sen-Ice Commission. said onlv th heads of government Ellsworth was a former memner of Conjrress. He was i Junior Sum m if Meetin nlve ,uff,cient power to negotiate beaten for reelection. Eisenhower named him to the Civil! His meeting with Macmillan was 'on th German problem. Service Commission of which he was made chairman. Sen-1 k,i ?' iun'?I '""""'V "1 Sunday, ,ust before Mac- .... i r, ... t, . n, He showed what he thought of mil an set out for home. British ator Netlbersrer, a member of the Committee on Tost Of-. Macnullan s importance bv the sources said he was coming back f ice and Civil Service, supported the Ellsworth appointment, way he treated the British 'prime determined to urge th United iiro.nt- if U. hlt.. Ui. ' ' . B ......... .. ... gesuon in a telegram to -ormin ,.. ..a ., ,h. j .i,. ,.,, It is tru. w. deserve none of ' ?' h, ! J?:quartVr: 27-23 at the intermission thm thin0 i nrav far hut Ui kn . . ... . ,.8,ina Jl .... ... r.. v sliern wasninsion tax revolt. Portland State Grabs Casaba Title With Win enough and to spare for all; and alter th children are filled. He '33 at the third-quarter mark. Srorinff hnnnn in the eame went Bishop said th telegram read: to Mike Brundage as he collected! jusi receivea Associaiea rress , jg points. He hit on seven field despite the fact they were on opposite sides of the political minister, who was his guest. fence. "I feel that his performance has vindicated mv or iginal decision," says Neuberprer who reports he was under pressure to protest confirmation. In CnitrrcMioiini Rtcnrd, Sen. Netibercer says of Ells worth that "he has been a Rood Commission chairman. He Khrushchev has given the Vnit- ed States. Britain and France un til May 27 to get their troops out of Berlin. If they don't, he has threatened to. let the East German Communists block any supplies !,. i 1.1 :. i. c... -j u: ir. -i 'me Big mre attempt to send im.i ifiuuKiu iirini, in uui pmio auu nnnani. ne muih.jr Berlin troops says: "As Mr. Ellsworth retires .... I desire to wish him I Sine this situation could lead food fortune and good health during; the years ahead." He includes as a part of tha Rrcord a feature article by Jerry Kluttz ln tha U'asAino-fnn i"osf- and Timm-Htrald praisinR the Roseburp; man for his work. Mr. and Mrs. Ellsworth are en route home after he had declined to accept another appointment. Thev will re open their Roseburp; residence ln Laurelwood in March. States and France into a summit meeting with Khrushchev. Mac millan long has favored such a meeting, but the official Allied stand has been for adequate ad vance preparation. So Khrushchev moved one step closer to what he has wanted all along a meeting with Eisenhower. Oregon Collegia! Conference Final Standings W L Pet 13 3 .813 Oregon 12 4 .750 Oregon 8 g .Son town in America to reduce taxes six field goals and three for six at Oregon College 4 12 .2.v in i5. ; the charity stripe. uregon iccn 313 .iss A return teleeram welcoming! leadine the imn JVt Saturday results: Portland Stat shall hi a.ii.ftlH i i.st n,-- i Kmgstre to th growing chain of, baseball pitcher. Steve Dune, with "l- Eastern Oregon 55, ; Oregon a. ... SI ! lltoM I thi nail pnnT.1'" P'"1'" wlU dPtched. 13. Another Axeman hurler in the ' of Education 56, Oregon Diiiufi a.m. 1 uuruiu sr.wu uuiiiiiik, M.iJ - - ran affnrH In ,,,( . -f .u.; "u" numuira aioa,ls points. H nil On SCVen Held Jratnbi to th. do. I ' h.v. W rport of yoaT Py' "be'-lgoalVand four out of nine from the Portend Slate S " IV , ,t Ji, " ,,!. .! 1,on' C,n we m,ke ' 1 '- free throw line. Bunner up honors Southern Orego, sn.H Z h,nv ..n.f.i ' '," organisation. From th only went to Hink with 15 counters- Eastern Oregon snail oe ruuy satislted. i. im.r.a in r.riu-. iav. ... ;.m ...1. .j ,1 ... .1. Ore son Colleoe Remember, His grave it suffi eient. If we ar not allowed to rest on His breast like John, we Reader Opinions in His hands. What does such faith bring? Hear the words of the Master! "Be it unto thee, even as thou wilt " This is th faith that overcomes th world. C. O. Ross, pastor First Assembly of God Kingstree is 75 miles north of Liston. bagged eight points Charleston and has 1 population of 3.621. Th Washington protest has re sulted in thousands of letters and The loss for the Tribe JYs end- ed its season with an 11-11 mark Scoring (by quarters): S. Eugene JVs 18 9 10 By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Portland State, which won 13 games and lost 3. is the Oreaon i46 Collegiate Conference basketball 12 45 cnampion. .-'J;. ii. -. Rosebur. JVs 15 g 10 FiaTiiinnsi Tinnnin a an 1 1 rsaix mm as 1 a--- - 1 . r,i.V. I South Eugene: Toby 10, Dune 13, souinern Oregon is runnerup Olympia. Cirttr'g Appointment Mtata Commendation Brace Biossat Compromise Thrown Out In Dealings With Reds ! then w will have to sacrifice a I hundred million American lives so I th few Chines left on Formosa t,j . . . 1. ca be free. Impossible you think! To Th. Editor - In recent weeks Ytt tod w. t on tn, brlnk o( I have read with interest th. var-:dolng tn. m, thlnf( ,0 ,wo ml,. " "'""' 'v- i,on Berliners, who stood noblv bv pointment ot Spr.gu. Carter of ,nd wche1 ,,,, ,' ta I riiuiriuo as uiimui WL oit-iii. million Jews, ran be free. Joseph B. Hulse ! Star Rout Box 14 1 Winston, Ore. Service I would praise hia appointment on the basis that he is 1 1 ) a civilian 1 .n1 191 that h. haa hat nrine .v. Flexibility is lhe heart of human al market fresh, imaginative ideas penence on th I'matilla County ii-aims, Cain-dan; in puuues. ana programs, h may atwava 1 draft board mat a why politics often Is called hop that some of these will catch 1 My husband was lhe State Di me an ot compromise. Hut wnen on, will draw behind them the tor of Selective Service durin Inil ra 1.alint urilll lh. Dn.aiana 1 fnu. ( u U . .. . ,Vi .......... n ...,PI.,, mu, ui wiiiiu opinion, ana exert vears ot woria war ii, ana i oe- lerms like these ran ln some ot heavy pressure upon th Russians, j iiev 1 hav a better thsn-average ririlf A I ftllHSHaH But it is not our dutv to b flex- acquaintanceship wilh th prob- kVI I T C kUUIIVVIICU ihle nist for th sake of beini lf "1t ni functions of thst office, j flexible. Rigidity firmness is s I personally feel thst this selee-l WASHINGTON fAP) Leaders i less emotionally toned word can ,10n of a civilian director was wise, or the .Nstional Grang opened a be virtu if it ia th course of ,rjurln early days of selective drive last week to get Congress- ! policy and action necessarr to th service some of our finest cituens lonai approval of Its new farm Editorial Comment ANOTHER. BAD BILL Bens! Bulletin Twice in recent weeks The Bui- Oregonians Pay Top Price For Idaho Bull I.EWISTON, Idaho fAP Kil mer Horm 4 Sons of Pilot Rock. Ore. paid th top price of S2.&50 for the champion bull her at th annual show and sal ot the Lewiston Hereford Assn. Guske 11, Robertson 2, Liston 8, lnd ,hen comes Eastern Oregon, Brooks 2. Rubenstein. 'Oregon Colleg of Education and Roseburg: Brundsse 18. Paulson. , Oregon Tech. Honn 2. Withnell. Miller 3. Hink 15, 1 Portland State won the title Davis 7, Fenn, Gilbert, Lake, Todd, Saturday by -defeating Eastern Burgess. PREP SCORES Oregon Prep Basketball By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS .ounty . ; Wheat Program Th sal of th bull consigned ' letin has protested a bill in the B A R Cochran of Colfax. Wash., Clatskani 66, F.stacada 4 Oregon legislature which would toiiowea spirited mooing oy cattle- nermision n. taer si i prohibit anv dentist in the stat m'n from three states. Inlands I Astoria 63. David Douglas 50 from letting the publie know Coata of Prosser, Wash , paid the Serra iSalem) "9. Monmouth 47 throueh advertisini his name second hiehest price. S1.5J0 for a Brookings 44. Bandon 32 address and th hours he ia open bull owned by F. P. Feenan of Col- Milton Kreewater 64. Madras 51 their usual significance. It Is obvious to all nf us that give and take has to be a two sided affair. Yet we know very well that , in greatest part of the tim the hitssiana give nothing. hy common definition, they ar for business. fax. Th bill now reposes ln th files of th House Committee on nary Affairs, where it it de.d, de.d. WollC.avrall.el i It ll alWIpilljU Cottage Grave 50, North Eugene l0 w Oregon 61-55 in the final confer ence game for both schools. Oregon College of Education won the other conference gam Saturday, downing Oregon Tech 56 51. Eastern Oregon put up a stiff battle and the score was tied 48 48 with 7'j minutes to play in the game at Portland. Then Tom Ferguson put Portland State ahead to stay by scoring seven points. At Monmouth, in the battle for the cellar. OCE broke away from a 23 23 halftime tie and went on Foreign Nations Now another group has come with I similar type of prohibitory measure. Some Oregon banks and WASHINGTON" (AP) 45 Marshfield 61. North Bend 50 Florence 60. Reedsport 42 l a Grande 72. The Dalles 57 Gold Beach 74. I.anglois 52 Newport 66, Waldport 57 A House Yamhill 31. Dayton 2' in. I Southern Oregon, which com. pleted its ' conference schedule earlier in the week, was hesten H2-57 hy Humboldt State in a non league game at Areata, Calif. rigid. They usually yield in a par- well-being. preservation of our liberty and v. nil need is not to he cap tivated by persuasive terms but to he fully intent upon all the realities in our dealings with th Russians and everybody else. Farm Prices Cut In Last Month tictilar area of control ersy only wnen tne issues at stake are no longer of paramount impn.-tanre to lliein. and they see a propaganda ' Victory to be gained hy yielding.! Thus there ran be no ordinary "flexibility" in dealing with the i Kremlin. For when flexibility is! placed opposite an almost contin uous rigidity, the result can only be a series of surrenders. Rigidity unfortunately begets rig idity. When a man is at your door wun a gun, you are not iikrty to cu,ure )rp,rt.nt nave your valuables by inviting ih,i farm nnvii,r nun ui in i.i. it oirr at iiinnrr. You flash your gun and bark the threats that will hold him off. MANY WILL A ROUE that since someone must relax h rigid pos tur if til world is to he saved from rum, why should it not be us: Certainly w ha a duty to keep lower and crop prices wer high sleadily alert so we shall not over- er. look one aingi opportunity lor leg itimate giv and tak with th. So viet t'nion. It if out responsihiliw. too to throw Into th international politic- served on th countv boards. Mr. program for wheat. Carter, like all th. others, served Members of th. farm organira without pay. If this makes a man tion s advisory committee on a "politician." 1 am in favor of wheat met to consider wavs of mor "politicians" in government, winning support of legislators for aim. timrr i. v. ooioa i tne Plan. measure, somi uregon ua n ai ana .... . u c- . . . a group of bank emploves have "ubcommitte report, much wast. WiUamina M S.lem Ac.demy 52 asked th. legislature to force all " American military aid over- LJ, rf,. w banks in th. stat. to clos. on Sat- " """'' " 5?.' .,hg rii. -i Medfnrt a? urH,T involved, th. subcommittee, head- Klamath Falls il, Medfnrd 67 . . ... ed bv Rep. Thomas E. Morgan ."rt.V;.T-n,D.-p ,. Clip Duck Matmen 1048 Bellevu. Street Salem, Oregon Both Hatfield. Paarson Considered Necessary To Th Fditor Mr. Stanton's editorial "Political Flunky" is i reel laugh. I agre Mr. Hatfield was elected governor, but Pearson wss also elected to his office. Seems the during the month ended Feb 15. 1 people thought both of them neces- I'nces paid by farmers went down sary. It is reasonable to think no hoer uiiriiiiiu in i prr crni curing uie .one inuuani iney looivea at wings same period. 'the same way. with few exceptions, lnestock! It ia good to remember Mr. Hal- WASHINGTON (APl-Th Agri has reported prices de clined four tenths of 1 per cent 1 Called rh domesti parity or certification plan, the proposal would assur producers a rela tively high price for wheat used for food in this country, but the remainer of the production would hav to find whatever other mar kets it could find at home and abroad at lower prices. Non. would move into government sur plus storks as is now the case. This plan was passed in ss a part of broad farm bill, but was vetoed by President E'sen- 1 fane ennntrv liseH 1 S facili-l lies, earmarked for military pur-' PORTLAND fAP - Portland poses, to build private planes for Stat. College upended the I'niver its officers. of Oregon 1713 in a wrestling a. Uaiatiaiinn hal iss-.ar meet her. Saturday. Singi. item Of am- was uregon s urn loss in six matches. and lieslock product prices were The lesel of farm prices in Feb ruary was about 1 per cent below a year earlier and about 23 per cent below th. record set in Feb ruary 1951. field was not hired lo run our state. He has the help of the legis lature. Th. fart is. if th. legis lature sas 'ses and he savs Grange leaders estimate their plan would hav. -,aved tax payers at least a billion dollars sine, that time. But the administration savs the plan would raise bread pners and would creat. bad relations with ;;no".( the legislature still, ran say 0,,r , ,xportlrt ritlon, yes and "jes it will be Red China in the next few ves cause of the possibility of low orired American when taaina- wiU hs th hydrogen bomb and over world markets. Saturd so. If a bank doesn t want to stay open on Saturday, it likewise, should be allowed the freedom of i its own choice. , But is is wrong for the state to fore a bank to clos oo any upply of a given day. It would be nut as munition. , wrong to tore a bank to stay open 3. A foreign motor pool received any given day. enough I S. tires one year to put This newspaper, like every other 44 tires on each truck it operated. dailv in the state loses money on I j .is Saturday edition But the Sat- Action Haltt On Mora 1 urday edition is a service we pro- , , D. vide to our readers, knowing in Dams For 5nakt River advance it is profitless. It would , . 1 not be right, regardless of the SALEM "Ar m Oregon profit or loss picture, to have the Water Resources Board decided , state tell ua w. cannot publish on here to take no formal action Saturdavs. at this time on a proposal for Because it is class legislation barring additional dams in the designed to help a few some Snak River. I banks and their employes at Th board had announced the ; the expense or many the other proposal earlier and wss expect banks and their customers this ed to tak final action. However, latest proposal is bad busmen a last minute reversal ot a p re It should be buried for the ses- vious stand favoring the em sion. as was the bill desired by bsrgo from the fate Game Cora some of th state dentists. auviion, resulted in a delay. Pro Basketball NATIONAL BASKETBALL ASSN. By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Sunday Results Minneapolis luO. Philadelphia H Syracu.e 140. New York 115 St. Louis 104. Boston 102 Detroit 117. Cincinnati 101 Saturday Results New York 112. Minneapolis 107 Cincinnati 124, St. Louis 122 lot) Science Shrinks Piles New Way Without Surgery btops Itch Relieves Pain Tawfc. a. T. ie.uit - far tha flrat timt kit fo.nd ttv.nff t a tt ?.- "h th atto ithiif tbiliir to nhrifth kni9r rhs.di. i'o itch nf. tiel r.i" witftftjt turrrjr. ! ft.r ta-t, hi1 rftt? r1imr f tal Mductiaa ..nriptar, ttvk piac. Mvt amaimr f al,-tisi1tf war aa traufll tkat tutfarart ataoa atoBiit.if.,r afatatnafiti 1-ka "P11i aa cat4 la ta a arobiem" Tha aerrt i a naw aa).nr anh atanca ' B a-I-vna' -tt arsrT f A w-rid fifnoysj raaarra taat tDtt. Th t i.h'aaca 11 nn availah a tit anaaita-ir ar aaraittsa - uticifT tba niTt Prttrmft,m y a At vaar airuff it. konar f waramaa.