The news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1948-1994, December 18, 1958, Page 4, Image 4

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    4 TT Ntsn-Ravirw, Roburg, Or. Thur. Dm, II, 1958
CHARLES V. STANTON, Editor and Monogar
GIORGI CASTILLO, Assistant lajittf
Mamkar Hit Aiatcittta) Freta, Orate NtwsptM' PyMiihtrt
Attecittita, tt Audit turn CircaUtivns
tlXmirTION ATr IK ftrataa Mall Far . al aaaalta. II M
laraa maalta, 14 aa. OalalSa Ora,aa Br Mall far lui, IIS.Mi ala aaaaiat
M.M; ta.raa aaaalka. tiM.
aW Kawa-ftavlaw raratar Tar Tear, list, (Is aataaea), laaa laaa aaa yaal
aar maata, fist.
Caaalaf aai Baaabarg P. O. Imn
I Maata Hat Maa. Taat lilt Par tlafte Caaf at
Mill Balas aaplr Oalalaa Cllr Ualu.
Mall taaacrlatlaaa Mart a Pali la Attaaca
Ealarat aa aaeaat alaia aialtar Mar t, IW. al laa aat afflea at
Window Shopping
."; 'ri r. 1-7- -iMf-ie sri'P. i:M a-V ii.-W r-T
By Charles V. Stanton
Rrmeburjr Is buzzing with comment concerning the .ad
tate of city financed.
While efforts are being made to work out a program
whereby sinking funds can be restored, and the .-ost of
administration brought back in balance, city officials are
trying to plug gaps so that nothing of the kind can happen
From this point of x-iew it appears that the city's des
perate financial position comes from carelessness, lack of
attention, procrastination and ienorance.
The audit shows that city administration has annually
cost less than the budget authorized. Thus, city officials
were very prideful of their economy.' But the audit also
shows that the administration was costing more than the
amount of money RECEIVED, thus creating a deficit.
The deficit, it is claimed, failed to make its appear
ance immediately because money was borrowed from sink
ing funds. Councilmen deny knowledge that such transfers
were being made. It is understandable that the city man
ager didn't inquire and that, because there was a balance
of cash in the bank, money was drawn from the sinking
funds In ignorance. It seems someone SHOULD have
known, but it appears that city finances were permitted to
just go along by themselves until the error was discovered
by the auditor.
Not Unique
Roseburg, indeed, has a very odd situation with which
to contend. At no time had city officials spent more mon
ey than they were authorized to spend. Yet they have
consistently spent more money than they RECEIVED. The
great error apparently came in overestimating the amount
of money expected to be raised from parking meters, fines,
franchises, rentals and other sources.
In preparing a budget, the budget committee deter
mines, first, the amount of money needed to operate ad
ministration. From the amount needed, it deducts the sum
expected to be obtained from other sources.' The remain
ing sum is to be raised by taxation.
There is evidence that budget committees feared the
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P jjMIASamc.. Ic. ..' -I ... ' ' f'" '
Air Force Found
At Fault In Buys
Made On Contracts
-Ha Boyle-
I NEW YORK If Things a columnist might never
! know if he didn't open his mail:
WASHINGTON (AP) Tha Some doctors now estimate that if Americans would cut
Genar.l Accounting OHic. a tneir intak of fat foods by 25 percent, the number of
got"";' a"r.0r,7SZ o'u. ot7n hrt deaths could be cut in half within 20 years.
Air Korea contract bccau ita At one time, Turks and Arabs reckoned their wealth by
cot proved lowar than military i the number of fat ladies they kept in their harems.
"".""I-Vl" "P'rt-, ! Did you know that SO par cent!
A GAO report to Congreta aaid Bi is dm an aird 60 or mora
unreasonably high .price, mulled iWl'", tub ZZ hu.b.nd hunt,
from Air rorce buyert awarding which reminds ui of a recent I 1 rather like thia definition hy
a $7,791.32 fixed price for their query Dv Robert Q Lawn: "Haa Grace Downs, who runs an air
purchase in the absence of real iny0M heard about the flea train-, hostess school: "An optimist ia a
competition and without checking r wn0 became an elephant train- uy who figures when his ahoes
enough on the costa the manufac-, erbecause his sight was failing'' ; wear out he'll be back on his
turer would incur. . .. ! Alihnuah neonl. are marrvine ! '"
I ha rtrwirt u. m mrim m i Kl i . r r . ' . , I
urd.y by the accounting office.! yj.. Vadi W. tek'
5 'iH.""" " More than 17 per cent of mar
they don't necessarily Working women get fewer skin
diseases than do men, even on
j, ,, . . 31 ore man O ' per criil UI i - lurmmi jwua.
watchdog over government spend- rlaKe. ,r, jii preceded by an I Remember Typhoid Mary? Now
GYTi Ar Sn.rk Plua nivi.inn 1 engagement period, and 82 per there are 2.500 U.S. typhoid car
won tha 195S contract for 1 Ml ' c'm " ,h nggment rings are her. who are insulated or isolat
k.U to modify n"J g.Uon comout-i l Christmas. ; ed against social contacts, to keep
er sv.tem7for bomber, It Zned I . " Vfl .'vd m from creating epidemics,
back 1750.000 to tha Air Force last : to church. Last year churches had Contrary to popular opinion, tha
year. only 105 flr P'r hundred build-! better adjusted and lesa neurotic
J. A. Anderson. AC'S general cnPrd W ' 65 'or colleges vou lre. hc mora easily you can
manager, denied that the contract , "nd 5 'or restaurants and be hypnotized,
cost the government too much. He tverns. Ever wonder how far a jack-
cited tha $750,000 refund and said1 - Don 1 worry if your child is left- rabbit can leap in a single hop
the Air Force had turned down a handed. Left-handed people are , The answer: 15 to 20 feet.
company offer to maka the kits legendanly superior in brain pow-, u was Premier David Ben-
under an arrangement whereby i er 10 " right-handed.
the prices would be redetermined Husband Hunt
after completion of the contract, i The French celebrate St. Cath-
GAO naid that while some of erine's Day on Nov. 25. when 1 manity will enter a new era of
AC's $975,000 saving may have 1 every young seamstress in Paris I universal peace."
oeen oue to emciencv. most ot it
I stemmed from AC'S buying parts
I for the kits at prices well below
I the prices used in figuring the
1 contract cost.
Gurion of Israel who predicled:
"If we can go through the next
20 years without a world war. hu-
James Marlow
aaaaaaaaaaaiMiiaaaMnin ,j , mjH(W mmurn iwmm
Drive Against Drinking
Should Start In Home
drink becomes an alchoholic. No
one who starts drinking can tell
but that he might be that one.
C. W. Smith
Box 7, Milo, Ore.
Daily Bible Reading
Message- By
Roseburg Ministerial
Demo Chairman
Admits Writing
'Coya' Letter
Associated Press Newt Analyst i differed a number of times with
nMhi.i.. :. . .... u'- i man and put one of their own
probably is loo. Has in the mid- . . o-u..v- ...
ji. uho, k. , number in his place. They re also
die. wnat ne seems to want is ., c- r.,.., n;,i..
n.a. .m h.rmnu n ' shooting at Sen. Everett Dirksen
OKLEE. Minn (AP)A Demo-;, Republicans. He's getting the " Illin0"'
eratic county chairman says he oddomi ! a
helped author the controversial i P? k h , , k ki- RPblican
"Coya come home" letter which " A b'nd,or " rebellious Repub i-i Dirksen, a Taft Republican and
Rep. Knulson tD-Minnl claims led senators have teamed up to wjh , generally conservativa
To The Editor On December
5 we celebrated the twenty-fiflh
birthday of the repeal of prohibi-
lion. Your fine paper carried an Tv ct,a;- f ,:, .J
arlicli. hv Arthur W. Everett In I' Station IriflCIZeOl
Text: Eph. 4:1-24
The main subject of this chapter
is introduced in the preceding chap
ter with the exhortation for Chris
tians to "walk as children of light."
With a singing heart of thankful-
remind ., nf the evils of those Dro-i F Now Ontlaf nesa lor His mercy, we are to en-
hib.lion days. rv !,er lnl u of our social "'ation-
Repeal has not st0P)ed ilIe8a : J". Tilfv,E!lhlr'L?anTvt I'i'n' i S the description of the mar
liquor sales. In fact, Mr. l-verelt stand why the local IV station I . . ,f . ssfr.t.filled believers
admtts that even today there is keeps on trying to keep out other f? the .anctitv of he marriaee
an averase consumption of illegal stations, for the people certainly "J, ""
to her defeat
A handwriting expert in Wash
ington testified two days ago that
the letter was written by Maurice
Nelson, chairman of a volunteer
committee that campaigned for
Mrs. Knutson's Republican rival.
The letter, sent to the congress
woman by her husband in effort
muscle aside the conservative Re-! record, wants to succeed Know,
publicans who have been running : and Republican floor leader.
their show. A fight looks certain
Jan. 7, when Congress returns.
The rebels mav be outnumbered.
In all. there will be 34 GOP sena
tors in the next Congress.
Sen. George Aiken of Vermont,
and no political chicken since
.1 1 L.. .1 .1 I. J .,,! it 4 U n omnnnl f Via voiaoH
WIIUIC MllllKI. nuuill lC irjCHCH 11 lllc Cllll.'uili - ... , : i u l i, ... .
hv tM should he made too hicrh. ro.iseouentlv efforts!" "nt,y n.gner. ga.- -y -r - ences that affect our children and
. . " , . ,' llOnS. iiwiiis uric adu urru SLiipiu uiuugu .l
.vara marla it Aatimtita anlintnalarl ln.nma fla nitrn n rtflH. - ..,...! In thinlr thuu nmiltt bum niknr, :
.. . " ......w , rec0gmze soma merit in tne , ""i buman race
aitile, tnus Keeping taxes oown. in ertons to acnieve inisnPg,i iiquor traffic. It gives work " " PP'e ioi Regar(eSS 0 our economic stat-
to get hei1 out of politics, has been he's been in the Senate 18 years
labeled by Mrs. Knutson part of a , n leader of the rebels. They
"malicious conspiracy" on the i don't call themselves liberals.
part of her political enemies
James lurgeon, Red Lake Coun- resent ine wave ot the future,
ty Democratic chairman, gave . . .
this sequence: I p,n 'etwn
"Andy (Mrs. Knutson's husband) They point to the November
came to ma early this year and 1 elections which took a heavy
asked me to help him. He told me : toll of Republican conservatives
what he wanted to say and I wrote as proof the voters are fed up
it out for him in longhand. Later with conservative Republicanism.
chants here had been stupid enough ,hejr ,,, ,owards God ,nd , I typed out several copies for him. I For years the Senate Repub-
mm SIIU9L ijtrcrM nan iivasi irauti .iniu nan uctrn ill inir
And he says he'll fight to get tha
There's a little irony in this.
Members of the Aiken group
claim to be Eisenhower support
ers. But Dirksen describes him
self as a down-the line Eisenhow
er supporter.
In recent years Dirksen hai
ctinnnrtpri mnrh of the Prpai.
They indicate they think they rep- dent's foreign policy. Protesting
narn iiouor in ine un tea Mates oi aim i kohik iu ue sauMit-u 10 see !,, ; u: Li.- -i u
2 03 gallons. During prohibition it the old films over and over for i ,h altar- comes the influ-
condition, estimates of ANTICIPATED income were more
than ACTUAL income. That is what results, I believe,
from our present budget law and the continued refusal of
Rosebtirjr voters to approve a respectable tax base.
But, be that as it may, I don't tro alontr with the crowd
that is seeking someone to "crucify" because of neg;li(rence,
nor do I believe we should cut the city's program back to
such austerity that we won't be appealing to prospective
industry. In other words, I believe, we'll have to come
up with some program to meet th deficit and, at the same
time, furnish a decent operating budget.
After all, the situation, in my opinion, Is far from
Federal Debt High
We read every day of the tremendous National debt.
We are told by observers that there isn't much chance of
balancing the budget.
I would like to ask the question: Is there any differ
ence between what has happened in our city hall and what
is still in progress in Washington, D.C.?
I am not saying that I condone our local situation. -I
believe we should get our financial house in order as quick
ly as possible and should insist that nothing of the kind
ever happens again.
But a lot of people are getting all worked up over
what happened at the city hall. They want someone's hide
hung on the fence.
But years ago we were told that deficit financing in
to some people, it gives govern-
us or social level we are to live
use verv inferior material most of
ment revenue, it uses a good deal : "" l ': ' as servants of Christ, "doing the
of our best fruit and grain crops. 1 "ry iar. ana trie people wouio wlll of (iod from the heart." Here-
Its other advantages to society are "-'" auuul in we find the reason for the sec
. i ............ t ).:. i . n t..i
uiiu uui iitHiuiiiiiniiiauiri. iuiui-i, . , .. . , .. , . , , ., , , . . .1 - . " .-:
There are some programs on the fin the requirements of holv livinn i know "vat,1 r0,.e th" for publican floor leader. Knowland isn t taking side. why didn't ha
.1... - .-j .7 . i vnn That a th last I'va h.,nl " . w,, ,l.(..i.J tU. . ...u I .u n
against what the rebels want to
do to him, he says "I have car
ried the flag" for Eisenhower
"when the legislative going wis
Bridges." apparently very un
happy over this whole business,
went to sea Eisenhower Wednes
day. He indicated the President
had initiated the meeting, lt't
hard to see why, judging from
dozen or so copies and 1 also gave , hands of conservatives like sena-
him the handwritten one. I tors Robert Taft of Ohio. William what Bridges said.
"I had forgotten all about it tin-: Knowland of California and Styles He said Eisenhower "just list
til Andy called me about Thanks- Bridges of New Hampshire. tened" and doesn't want to take
giving Day and asked who wrote: When Taft died five vears ago, ; sides. There is something else
the letter. I told him, 'Andy, you , Knowland succeeded him as Re-, hard to let too: If Eisenhower
Iuniting ia pciavimi wafs.".. ,
manv of our citizens In an art ce , llurlle siawuu inai are ery gonu. we must "resist tne wiles ot ine i j 7 j l . ,', ' ..i .i ,,rr ,,ir ww xiuuv:
mib"shed m the S "For we vrestle not ! ,. Turgen declared emphatically quit the Senate to run for the! Aiken has said: "We haven't
s. , "the Snence Digest Dr A i un "ry much of the time. I against flesh and blood; b u ti at hM i'lolh""! "r" T'h vernorship of California. 'heard a peep from the White
K ' Bennett a sociate professor o Aer . Pple are more alert t against principalities, powers. "5 '"" Nelson, a Fosston. But the 60-year-old Bridges. ! House but we would welcome
vhiair ai th iinii-ep.iiv nf ('!. in wnai peopie want u tney must rules of darkness and SDintual -" :5" UI " eieran man some encouragement irom mere.
ifornia says, "The intermediate al
coholic, has started to appear on
the national scene. . .there are ap
proximately a million such border
line addicts in many of whom X
ray evidence of mental deteriora
tion in the form of brain shrinkage
is being observed." He further
stales that, "Because alcoholism is
a disease of progressive brain dam
age, with uncontrolled drinking
the chief sympton. the treatment
goal is complete abstinence."
the Science Digest of October
compete with others. wickedness." God has given us His
I have another little gripe that truth. His righteousness, the gos
I'U get out of my system while I pel of peace and faith whereby we
am about it: Why is it so much may be overcomers through Him.
woise to have slot machines in the The final exhortation is for pray
bowling alley than it is to have ier; prayer for one another, pray
them in private clubs? I thought er for the proclaimers of the gos
gambling was the same whether pel that they will speak the truth
it be public or behind closed doors, i of God in the faithful ministry
I know that ptinkr under age can't j of His word,
get into the clubs (or are not sup- To be a victorious Christian in
posed to) but vou can just bet they 1 all these areas of daily living is
can do without the money that Ma to recognize the truth in the "joy
and Pa drop there. Also, the boy i that shall be to all people," for
ir. in a xnminncatmn frnm i h ,. l Hat worKea mat macnine at tne "e comes 10
Journal of the American Medical I bowling alley couldn't have collect- i"gs flow far
Associatin, entitled "Alcoholism-1 ed the money if the woman, who louna.
Robber of 5 Million Brains." tells ' should have better senSe. hadn't! Peace and joy shall spread
us "Drink has taken 5 million i helped him out, tnd I haven't read i throughout the earth in the meas
men and women in the I'nited j anything about her being arrested. 1 re that eanhhngs receive the
Stales, taken them as masters take , Why? Prince of Peace in their hearts,
slaves, and new acquisitions are I The bowling alley is a good. ialen?, V- .vf,'eind1.
going on at the rate of 200,000 a c'an place to go -, a place where Free Methodist Church
year. 'ul1 utm 1 uaiiK over a uar siooi
ami can get Koon, neauny exercise
paign commmee supporting uain Aiken with 22 years in the Sen-1 Dirksen was af the White
i.angen. Kepumican wno defeated ate. is still very much a power-! House Wednesday, but on other
Mrs. Knutson in the November house. He's chairman of the Sen-! business. Later he said he and
make His bless-
as the curse
"I don't know why Andy is
changing his story," Turgeon said,
"but he seems to change it every
time the sun comes up."
Principal Strikes
At Labor Boycott
At High School
ate Republican Policy Committee, i Eisenhower didn't
Bridges and Knowland have leadership fight.
discuss the
Accounting System Of Beck
Era Described In Tax Trial
TACOMA. Wash. (AP) Hap-, jurisdiction of the council and 11
hazard bookkeeping practices in locals. The funds are used for the
the era when Dave Beck domi-, council's newspaper, Washington
nated the Teamsters Union's west-' Teamster, and for the Tamtr
PORTLAND (AP)- The Rev. ! ern operations were de s c r i h e d Promotional League and legal
Willis Whalen says tha Multno-1 Tuesday at Beck's income tax fund.
"eilliTT. .MSUrUl5iti.!i,ri'1- ' Verschueren was the second ae-
,."" 'Vlt S.h SZlfi Fr'd v-hen Jr . who took countant to appear as witness thil
Central Catholic High School onOVer from his father as bookkeep- week.
Its unfair list. ! ,P - ,,...r,i t.,. ,,.!,.. ,...J. .... . . .
Belle Crenshaw
416 N. E. Jackson St.
Roseburg, Ore.
There has heen a tremendous in.
... i . . . .ai.. , ... i ,, I crease III ine nuiiiiivi oi irruuie win, - - .. . .......
Washington wasn t serious. " e only owe It to ourselves, nrink in the at twenty-five years. I together. So why try to kill the only
we were told over and Over. We have added to our na-'one national life insurance com-1 decent play spot that we have,
tinnal debt vear after vear hv dointr exactlv as has the ritvlpany has found that, "There are ! Whose idea was all this anyway?
of Roseburg spending more money than "we took in. We ; H"" 5 ",.K,7r .CT'th!1. '.'.'nVJr1.
i. ,., , . . . :, , .. . . ' states who drink, lhis is over 60
squall like a wounded cat because there is deficit and mis-per cent 0f our adult population,
management at home, but we don't seem to worry in the We are told that the prohibition
least about the national debt. We owe a few dollars to-1 "''' "' of violence when
ward Roseburg's debt, but we owe nearly $2,000 each on ! ""iWf'.I. fi!!!!i ir",crh
A ... , other lor control of the liquor trat-
tne national debt. - , r,c Ves. hut what about the hun-
iet we go serenely on electing men who have no an-!dreds of thousands who have died
swer to public problems other than to spend public mojiev; in highway accidents, murders, and
men who want to he do-gooders to everyone ; men who '"
take money out of the American taxpayer's pockets for ev-, ,
ery possitile purpose. . pared with them
The U.S. Department of Public
Health rates alcoholism as the
The few outlaws who died
"in gang wars are not to be com-
The whole situation, in my opinion, comes back on the
shoulders of the voter. If the voter votes with his emo
tions and sentiment, rather than his reason, he should be
wining to pay the bill.
Pope Convokes
New Cardinals
It Over
The action was taken Mondav c " ..7 . . , 1 . , r . Monday the federal court jury
night bv the coun cd I 'said the '" S""le' "Ut6 he 'd. llMle hri of unaudited account book!
hool had ref"ed to sign a con ' 'Pervision and wrote , checks on covering millions of dollars, rec-
?r.c7w'h " union elected the;,hl "" ' ?l,1'UPurl0"- r ,Jh"t "" fJ0n,u beh,nd
bargaining agent of four janitors t, B'ck hd tne Western Con- triple doors, and checks that were
"There is no dispute over wages ''renc of Teamsters in the years written without state m e n 1 1 or
or working conditions." the Rev. i 'J50:53 iuri,, whicn n ' sceused bills.
.Mr. Whalen said. "The statement V"V K ""i
uure uui o. .our w our present r .,.":",-" 73"; "V f . It
custodians stilt want to join the "'"": "- i..uc.,i iiicniiriB Darpe
union is utterly false." ; the union, a post from which he WOIC
Fire Cost High
$240,000 in income taxes. Later he
By Robert Ditffenbachtr, D.
(Written for NEA Service)
Council President Glenn Blake! "ired last year.
airl h. mvntMi-loA n.iiu. m nm k.... Veraehiipren aaiit ha licfaif tha
Bushels of letters addressed to i uhhilraui AIMnn rnm I check a arenrriin lo bia linowlaHo
Santa Claus used to end up in the , he .p,rochial school, which has of the persons or business lo whom
dead letter office Now there are ; more than 900 students. they were paid,
dozens of post office boxes which Sald F,thpr Wh,,n. the school For example, h said, checks to
7Ce1Vff,,,eHelei,h'f5a,?h inThL-L prlncipal: "Wh,n Mr' Blake urges Shefferm.n of Chicago
rirnn f 1 1 ln with faith in t n unKppn f i i n
ATCAt-ITY ,(Ar).- PoP Saint Nick. Many a doting parent , -h,rir.n Ffrnm ,nn(, h. h hl, ,'", c"f.T. a"..
PASCO, Wash. (AP) The cost
of Pasco's waterfront gasoline
barge blast was placed at about
$200,000 Wednesday.
Walter Pirtle. 29. Kennewick,
crewman injured when the new
(Continued from Paga 1) I Its Intricacies
munist party Is meetina in u,. ' by the general
jonn AAiu convoKea u newiyrjens these letters along the way ;, new ow in bovcotts. , shefferman a labor relationcon- 165 fo0' nre '" 125.000 gallons
"ll"als,.0',.lh.e,.?l,,",.nJ:'-e '". '" . ... "I feel .hi, action will be re- 1,,'nt .Jd' a Ciml iriJaH nf f faaoline aboard blew up early
allium,' nninrMidv aim unf oi ions Of mill OH 2 ' j; w.. :ui - 7. ... Tlle.. MM
fourth prevalent disease among conferred Upon them emblem, of caching the hundred, of Santa K tegdmh 5 nd th et "SJm ier" get-.oget'her. ''h, "Vo burn,, shockr.nd fracture,, 'd
Americans. It is exceeded in num-i their princely rank. center, wi come some letters laree r " , ,L.r..-jiJ F i Uii.r . i.u tors said Hurled into the water
her onlv hv heart disease, cancer. The 77 vear-old supreme ruler L,, irhi than mher. (M i bought thousand, of dollars worth ! ""' "u" lnw ln ,,er
and menial illness. Also, our men-1 of the church sat on a throne in course millions will be centered I "After the election two of the ! .n'f n0"5,1 ,or Beck th...
tal hospitals, jails. and reforms-, the Vatican Palace's Con,,,trial. around lhe ,dea o ! losses g "- ""
tories art filled with products of , Hall as each of his new counselors , ,im0st as many will ask the myth- j ,nd now tne others are beine In! Paid Ta Shoffarman i . '. .
alchoholism. These facts are well of the Sacred College of cardinals ica, ,, t0 deliver gifts to les, ! ,lmid,"ed 1 F.rl! .h 'TkPoI f, V'T'l!" N'
known. approached to receive his biretta, fortunate children than the send-1 have mad. an h.ntiiv.!TE . ,,",1Jmon!r "'. !" 535. valued by the Inland Naviga-
The sad situation is madeihe square red cap. Effort iJrwcV
..iremelv difficult to rei.a.r he-! Onlv the 20 of the 23 cardinals n. I. methin ahnnt ih. '!"?"....? J"ch " .??I".m,"'. mo ' h. Piyment, to Sheffer- sibly a total loss. It lay in 25 feet
, ... .u u.j ..j ii . "'.".' no nave ueen more man lair. man Reck a atlnrnevt enntenri nf a.n in tha Tnlnmhla
Pickets may be placed around this was nontaxable money bor- Repairs to the 150-foot dock, in
nHraiiwui c,u' ' ln '"lunr interests' tre-'that the pontiff had created Mon- mvnad letters which puts us older I
" , r vt hTi mendous power with the dollar, day attended. They included the f0j t0 shame. The simple faith of
.V.nH .r. .ni Tnev 1 no' to .adertise new American cardinals. Richard tittle ones is nearer to God's type
the high school. Blast aaid.
r--'. 1 . . . I nev wo mil llt-suair u, auriiir urw ninriiiaii ani
midst of Western speculation that " 1 unoersiann. are api h product as something to he Cardinal Cushing of Boston and f faith than it is to man's little
it ii about to OlST Former Pre- " D 'V.p;' J2 Vi.. L-a-i-o desired, but they seldom tell theiJohn Cardinal . O'Hara of Phila- (aj,h. We might well pray to be .Bnt Bi Puln Milan
'lt T. U.I. . . . a.1 . .
mier Nikolai Rulganin from -the
for us to remember that KEEP-
party'i ranks. Last spring Bulgan- IMl u TAl.Kl.Nti Is one ot the
in waa fired as Soviet premier and Pr,m ohjectivet of diplomacy. As
was aucceeded hv Khrushchev. ! ,on- nations can keep on talk
Tnoarfav a meeimo f ih ing they aren't too apt to fight.
mittee was highlighted hy a hitter E',n when they talk a bit rough.
4 ... I at Tk.. : jalltvklaa i I -L.IJ J . 1. C I
l-iuai rim itmiiis m uiuin u. nirj i ut i'ina. OUT CnliaiPn anil uwi in f ki BI a.
do not put labels on their bottle' The other Ihrr new cardinal bless un as He obviously must 0 nelp Manjgf riant
r.,.el.T inform ma thai nuKlia tha nana I ntiniim trt 1 1 3 lv 9 nA 1.1 -..a l.ttl. i
the dangers of its contents. 'Portugal and the Spanish ' Arch-.i '. TOKYO (AP) Japan's major' poena because he "understood they en voyage Monday with a capacitv
rowed from the union and later re- excess of SMI.OOO. Gasoline He
paid, slroyed, $50 000. Other damage,
Verschueren said he had never S10 000
recorded any loan, on hi, book, The cause of the 12 45 a.m. blast
and wa, unable to produce all rec- was still sought. The barge had
ords aked by government sub- arrived from Portland on its maid-
blast by Mr. K at Bulgamn and
the other anti-party members,
whom Khrushchev called a "des
picable group of wretched split-tera."
i I can well remember tremendous bishop of Seville according to 1 1 e Klnf Tn Bark Awav ' PuP makers have decided to par-1 ' 'r rnissing load of 320.000 gallon, of gas of
,.n h.- ih. u.t, an,.,oni riisinm receive their hi- u- J- 'or 1 " ' ticinate in manaaement of the Ja-I He it bookkeeper for Joint Coun- which about two-thirds had been
Mr. Dulles did on Tuesday. ; ,j V " ,,. , rnhih,. r.naa ai ihe handa nf the rhiefa From Fiffht. Savi Bruckcr nanese-owned Alaska Lumber and cil No. 28. controlling body for all unloaded. Firemen kept flames
I Jim Bishop, a Hearst svndicate ,on repealed hist over 2.S vears of state in ltalv, Spain, and Por- Pulp Co.. in Sitka. Alaska, the eco- Teamster locals in Washington, and away from the adjacent 12-tank
! writer who often hai lomi pretty , ago. Se were promised that no ef- tugal. I FORT LEWIS. Wash. ( AP) In nomic newspaper Nihon Kenai re- for three funds operated under storage farm.
good things to say. puts tnat forts would he mailt to induce new The ceremony at tne atican aiscussing me nernn situation, ponea nere.
thought thus in a recent column: drinkers hut "Just give u, who was simple and emphasired the Secretary of the Army Wilbur The new pulp factory of 120.000
"War is a phenomenon that occur, now drink an opportunity to get a brothership that exists between Blocker said here that the I'nited ton annual capacity is expected to
? 7 7 7 7 iwhen angrv governments Hl iM legal drink, thev beescd. Their the pontill ana tne memoers ot Maies is noi going 10 oaca. aaj oe reaay tor operation next laii.
Well, it'a ohvtoua that at the OCT OF WORDS." promise was soon forgotten. the College of Cardinals, who are from fight." ! Nihon Kenai say, Japan s ma mr
moment all isn't sweetness andl He adds: j Prohibition seemed a failure be- his counsellors. "The fellow that does hi tht kind pulp companies have been critical,
light In the Kremlin. When hitter I "There are two way, to start a cause we the people of the I'nited On Thursday the ritual and that gels clobbered.'' he told more if not hostile.
haired, are floating around at war bv accident or hv design, state, would not ooev the law. nor pageantry of this week will reach than 1 000 person, gathered in the Opposition is based on tht fact
home isn't a good tune to slart a In this decade war would be un- would the law enforcement agen- a climax. Fust, the Pope will hold post theater here. "Via hive made that rayon pulp will be exported to
war. If the Kremlin, presently profitable, exen lo the winner,. ' cics enforce obedience We, the cit- a great public consistory in the our policy clear we will stay in Japan, while the Japanese rayon
bossed by Mr. K., should go to and that is whv most military men uens of the I nited States, are now apse of St Peter's Basilica The Berlin " industry i, suffering from reces-
war over West Berlin this group believe war will not come soon. ennaged in the liquor traffic cardinals will recede their broad- Brucker. who stopped here on ,ion and reduced operations
of "wretched splittera" might lake i "It could be started by accident through our stale agencies Are we brimmed red hats called ealeros. his way to Alaska for a visit to The 55 million dollar Alaska
advantage of tha flurry lo trip up an amhassador ,hot by a ma- going to allow our homes-, our lives. Then, in the final ceremony, the defense installations, said the Lumber and Pulp Co plant was
the anti-splitters. 'niar: a bluff from whirh'thert is and our nation to he ruined hv Pope and the entire College of show of force in Lebanon and the , started in 1957 by Japanese rayon.
That wouldn't b good from Mr.lno return: a imall war running alrhohoP You sav. "What can w Cardinals will meet in secret con- Formosa Strait made the Commu- paper and lumber interest,.
K'a atandDOint out of control. Rut It isn't likely do"' Tell vour readers to teach sistory. The Pope will plclse the nist, back down And. he ssid. it The paper said the switch in
n iiauup"",. t. l ... ..i.i j' .i . i. naU. i.rinn. in ,.rr... ... a,.a araat rnrt for 1 Si aol- DOMCV an irsa v rauterf hv env-
10 oe staneq ny aennerait or- meir n"n in-,i'i.- nr.n r. . fi,. -.... r. - -- - r -. - ... .
rtlplomaer l a atrtng buitness. I sign." . iOnt out of ten who taka the first them tht privilege of counsel
, diers throughout the world.
i ernment persuasion.
Acctaapaeiad by fueat archatfre teat chtir traaa GnanH Ptat.
THURSDAY, DEC. 18 t 8:00 P.M.
Ac rots from City Dri-le) Marlttf ei Channen St.