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About The news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1948-1994 | View Entire Issue (June 3, 1958)
Community News Briefs Mr. and Mrs. Grg Scott of Tuf. Jun 3, CorvaUii rime to Kebur fur i th Buckrroo Squirt Dane nd i ; to enjoy ih wrrkrnd vuiting th ! ; former'! (liter. Mist Naomi Scott. and Mi." Helen Cisejr on SE Blakeley Avenu. ' 1958 Th Nawi-Rviw, Ro)burf, Or. 5 If Your Papar Hoi Not Arria) tj 6:15 P.M. Dial OR 2-3321 Mr. and Mr.. Jack Sickman of Mr. and Mr. R. El wood Smith Mr. and Mr. Vandia Millar of; Mr. and Mr. L. A. Milai of thin this citv .Dent the holiday week- of this city pent Sunday at Brook-! thia city enjoyed the. weekend at city apent the weekend in Portland end in Brookings, Ore. uigs. Ore. Tht Arthur Maad family enjoyed Friday at Coastal points of interest. Daw Cnjutb C, hi. toff f,,i Tate. side, where he will spend the sum- Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Jonas and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Denton of Stephen Hall, student at Ongon mer months in charge of the .Eel fainilv soenl the holiday weekend this city enjoyed the holiday week- State College, spent th holiday the coast. I and lelurned home Sunday via th coast. Creek Cabins. Mr. and Mrs. Gene At wood have moved from the Oak Hill apart ments to SE Cubb Street to make their home. Mr. and Mrs. N. G. Gear of I.angloi.H, formerly of this city. ipent tlie holiday weekend here. visiting relatives and Coos Bay and Coquille. friends in end at Diamond Lake, have their boat. Mist Sandy Van Horn, who at- where they weekend here visiting his parents, I tends Oregon Stale College, was Mr. and Mrs. K. S. Hall. Kenneth Barntburo, Douglas received his masters degree at commencement of Southern Ore gon College Sunday. Richman of Port Mr. and Mrs. A. B. H odd. I son Mr. and Mrs. Chostor Morgan of this city spent the holiday week- of this city went to Portland Sun end in Warrenton. Or, visiting day where the latter entered Kman- reiatives and mends. The Howard Bakor family spent Friday at the coast. Mr. Ba ker is pastor of the Church of God I here. Mitt Joann visiting tana spent me nouuay here visiting ner parenis, air. mu ! 1n llrvillo Rirhman. Clyde Diner has returned 10 nis i . , home in Eugene, following a trip Mrs. Carl E. Wimberly of this Mr. and Mrt. Sig Fott of this here to visit relatives and to at-1 citv left Monday for Portland to , city went to Eugene Friday to rend th Hoeppner-Kobertson wed-, attend Grand Chapter of the Order I celebrate the birthday anniversary ding i of Eastern Star. Mrs. Wimberly is j of their granddaughter, Marilyn El- past grand matron ui uicsu- "uls- Nelson Grubbo, attorney at law. I Mrt. C. C. Hicks has returned and Mrs. Grubbe and their two to ner Dome in Seattle, lollowing a uel Hospital for major turgery. and Mrs. Vordun Boucock Mr. and sons, the holiday weekend in Brookings, Ore. home for the weekend visiting her mother, Mrt. Dennis Van Horn. Miss Virginia Young and Mr. and Mrs. 11. E. DeBernardi Jr. of this city went to Brookings over the weekend to bowl in the tournament. Jerrv and Koger. and C. M. McOtrmott, distributor for daughter, Brooke, of this city spent Tidewater Oil Company her, has returned, following a 10-dar trio to New Orleans, wher ho attended to business. Mrs. Lawronc K Hudson of this city has feft for DeKidder. La. to assist in th care of her new grandson, Michael Kevin Hercher, who was born Sunday, June 1, to S-C and Mrs. William Hercher. Mrs. Leo Monahan of this city and Mrs. Philip Johnson of Wins I ton are spending a week or 10 days 1 in rahfnrnia attenrtine to business 1 and visiting relatives and friends. 1 in Germany to join her husband, ... I according to word received her by Livrn .fwifnai, ubuik i relatives. Mrt. Norman Nibblort, th for mer Nancy Fromdahl of this city, I and her baby have arrived safely Hanohi., have returned to their (couple of months here visiting her manager of the News - Review home in Portland, following ( visit; son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and spent Saturday in Eugene attend-1 Mrt. race Vincent Derrig, Street. on SE Ter-iing to business. While inert n visited Charles V. Stanton at Sa- Miss Carolyn Burr of Portland cred ,,e1"1 "UP1- Neubauer and ton, , Mr. and Mrt. Raymond Hoop- Vancouver, Wash., spent pnor of Hood River, Ore. were in! ere visiting the for-1 Roseburg over the weekend, hav-1 imer's mother. Mrs. F. G. Burr. line come for the wedding of their as a bookkeeper at Family Financej Young, of Roseburg. who have ., u r .o. ' 1 Corp. They will move to Corvallis I been there for the last month, .here June IS at the rirst Metho- ertson. , in the fall, where Jim will resume! E. G. Young is reported to be im.'" vnurcn. Mr ln(J Mrfc H,r0d Horn and his studies at Oregon Slate Col- proving following recent major! Mr. and Mrs. Cyril Portor and son, Dallas, of Roseburg and Mr. lege. S surgery. sons. Gary and Kenneth, and the and Mrs. Clifford Freeman of Eu- . . Inrmnr't niranli lr anrl Um ,nant lha u'rattronrl at rtiamnnH Loo and Carolyn Wimberly left j .. . Pnrf - s, 1 ' , p,l,'li,k, wher thev inined the Free- here with the formers mother, lira r F. Gruhbe. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Hiatt are back I ... : it i fn : .u: . I v thia ilu la InavmP 111 nuseuurK, loiiuwuig uieir uuney- a i bwk u -"j . ' anH Mr. r w moon at the coast. Mr. Hiatt is j by bus tonight for Los Angeles to , P employed by Douglas County for visit his parents, Mr. and Mrt. in. 01 vinco .u- ... i ii.... .k. i vno .nH tn see his ' the weekend he iiic auuiuin. jiia. mail, iiic iut- uciam . 'e - - ---- mer Bettv Churchill, is emDlovedi erandoarents. Mr. and Mrs. r.. o Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Patrick and son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Leighton. and son. have left for Napa, Calif., following a visit in Sheridan, Ore. with the Patricks' daughter and her family, and a stop over here for the week end to visit hut father, J. B. Pat rick, and Mrs. Patrick. Vou'r Invllod to "hardtop htadquart rt". . . GET A'DRIVE-IT'HOME' DEAL ON A NEW OLDSMOBILE Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Butnor of Ev prelt Unh and their inn and ' CnnHav nicht for their home daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Gor-i Medford, following th holiday don Butner, and baby, Donnie, Bel-! weekend here visiting their pater- TOOTH SfflMsl STAINS (IMOVID lingham. Wash., and their son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and M r s. Richard A. Butner, of Marysville. Wash., spent the holiday weekend here visiting the former's mother, Mrs. Foster Butner, and his sister, Mrs. A. J. Ellison, and family. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Elliosn and son. Robert, went to Portland over the weekend tn see their daughter, Mrs. Duatie (Donna) Brady gradu ated from Lewis and Clark Col lege. Mrs. Brady accompanied them back to Roseburg. The Elli sons were joined there for the com mencement exercises hy Mrs. Elli son's uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Browder, and son, Nugent, of Portland. FOR SALE Factory Building, Stor Building, Sub-Division, 4-bedroom hom. Soma Trodt. Call ORchard 2-3358 9x12 Size RUG CLEANING Only 8.64 Including Pickup and Delivtry RHOADS Cleaning Service Phon OR 2-1096 (Bthind Richio'i Drivt-ln N. Stephens) Scorch In The Summer Freeze In The Winter Avoid Hiit and sov fu. by insulating your coiling. You con buy heavy limitation for ordinary ho us for only SB por month for ono year. COEN SUPPLY CO. Floed ft Mill OR 3-4461 nal eranriDarents. Judge and Mrs, Carl E. Wimberly, on SE Lane Av enue, while their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Carl E. Wimberly Jr.. went in their private plane to Pebble Beach, Calif, to attend school re union affair. Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Robertson and their son-in-law and daughter. Dr. and Mrs. D. R. Andnesian. and three children of Cottage Grove, were here Sunday for the wedding of the former's niece. Ca mille Robertson, and Robert Hoeppner. Mrs. Andriesian was a bridesmaid and her younger son and small daughter were ring bear er and flower girl in the wedding party. Mrs. Andriesian is the for mer Lorraine Robertson. Mr. and Mrt. Frederick J. Por. tor and the latter's mother. Mrs. Fred A. Knight, spent Saturday in Eugene visiting Charles V. Stan ton, editor and general manager of the News-Review, who it getting along satisfactorily at Sacred Heart Hospital, where he has been since the last of April. Mrs. Stan ton is in Eugene with him. The Porters also enjoyed a visit at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Stcinmetz in Springfield. Mr. Stein metz is a brother of Mrs. George Wharton of this city and has a large rhododendron nursery in Springfield. Mrs. Arthur Jaeger and M r s. Ethel Chase of this city recently went to Redmond, Ore. to see the former't granddaughter. Kathleen Hirsch, graduate from high school. Kathleen, who was queen of the senior prom, received a scholar ship at the graduation exercises. Mrs. Chase returned to Roseburg after the commencement, while Mrs. Jaeger went on to Oakndge to visit and will be joined there tonight by Mr. and Mrs. Harold Horn and son, Dallas, and Mrs. , Ethel Chase of this city, and the group will attend the commence ment exercises of the high school, at which lime Mrs. Jaeger's grand osn, Roy Haves, will be graduated. spent part of Memorial Day here 1 mans' son-in-law and daughter, Mr. visiting relatives and friends prior and Mrs. Eric Purkerson. who have i to going to Grants Pass to visit ' logging operations there. The Horns relatives. took their boat to the lake. You r Always Wotoom at Vow Local Authorised OLDSMOBILE QUALITY DIALER'S PAL MOTORS. OREC, LTD., 529 S. E. STEPHENS lit It wilt oction month . high point of rKo hardtop) tolling too ton. THot't why tt't tho bott (itiMj It) cfcoot your now Oldt Holiday ... the nott-wanted hardtop nationally In tha m odium price clattl -tiMT 1IST THINO TO A NtW OlMMOBIll IS A LOW-MIIIAOI IOCKIT TRADLINI Anniversary Specials Ladies Shoes 100 PAIRS Mixed Group of Ladies Dress Shoes and Casuals Formerly Priced to 12.95 Now 4.9S 300 PAIRS ; Top Quality Ladies Dressy and Tailored Shoes. Variety of stylet, colon and heel heights. Formerly priced ts 17.95. Now 6.98 100 PAIRS Famous Brand Ladies Style Shoes. Formerly Priced to 27.95 8.98 Many Styles Suitable For Fall Wear. Buy Now and Save On Every Pair. All Sales Final. But you May Use Our Lay-Away Plan On These With 1 3 Down. Two Months To Pay The Balance. SHOES Main Floor Jmm. CO 5 new blue Chevron Supreme is tha big step ahead in gasoline r'77i"w .'-cTwirvirv - 'r ""wrv" " ..--. ,, , r tijK k ' "yyK fSiS lS8w vSv' "'"JiiWi ' 15 1 Certjf,cateo thl road. sho Vr" I wt.?- J ' '""""7 .76-? V .:.?:-- '- ' , 1 hflfjubAj!--f-' Ft- . lmtetlAZ, I ' - , . I U I ILJ f LOOIKT J ,WE ASKED NASCAR. ..the world's largest stock car testing authority, to check new blue Chevron Supreme against all other major Western premium gasolines. THEIR ANSWER... certified laboratory tests, proved on the road, show that new blue Chevron Supreme is UNSURPASSED in the combination of performance qualities needed by today's cars for every kind of driving. Take the big step ahead in your car. At the new blue pump. AT THE SIGN OF THE CHEVRON we take better care of your car STANDARD STATIONS . CHEVRON DEALERS STANDARD OIL COMPANY OF CALIFORNIA J