a th. Ntwi.ii. ouburlt o.Tun. Jun. 3, 1958 nmhat Readiness Senator Accuses Americans Of Thinking More About Keeping Up With Joneses Of Redstone Gets Test By Army WHITE SANDS RANGE. . M I jf Army troops last muht uc-1 rmfully tested the combat readi-l I ness of the Redstone inutile, an Ariiiir nn,.nnmnt mrf WASHINGTON (API "The their problems also, "but thejf are Troopi of the 40th Kield Artil Amrririn people were accused working with fanatical leal for lerv Missile Grouo launched the! Tuesday of "thinking more about technological and military iu- intermediate ranKe missile under how to keep up with the Joneses premacy, and we are not.'" ! tactical conditions on the desert than how to keep up with the Rus- Mahon said the appropriation sands at the nation's largest over nans in space technology and the bill is "no panacea, no quick and land rocket and missile testing cen cold war." : ready answer to our problems," ter. Rep. George Mahon (D-Tex) but is "a decided step in the diree- The Army said the firing marked expressed that view as the House Uon of strength." the first time 1 Redstone missile nnrned debate on the biggest ; "" Purpose is to deter aggres- was launched inland. Officials money bill before Congres W8.- i sion." he said. I would not say how far th mtssle nn tin rwm fA,- th nitmn'i armed.' He added that it contains funds 'went or where it went. forces during the fiscal year start-' tot a million-pound-thrust rocket j The Redstone was the basic mis ing July I. ' '"Sine, for reconnaissance satel-; sile used in launching the Explor- Mahon. chairman of the De- j " 1.17 .... ? . iir"' ..r"',' " "i" ""V" .. Anrnnnal.nn. Suhrnmmit. " mn ,n" ?P. lor prOjecll lor lee" which sheened the biU. said 'noot.ng and orbiting the moon, in a speech prepared for the ' a "ou5e: J , Porter Labels "Our emotions and our resolves; .. have run the whole gamut l P0nnrf Psnfactir the peak of awareness and urgen-, xHwr r niaJllfc cy to the humdrum plane of com- f wis w v waiiuuM of 200 to 2"i0 miles and previously had been launched from Cape Can averal, Kla. The Cape Canaveral launching also was handled by troops of the 401 h Group which as little as 18 months ago had on its rolls the I last mule pack company in the L.s. Army. i k-h r:itir'- . m,. ', ,m ".in. n ' - " ' I placency Urges Approval WASHINGTON (AP) A report DriVCr Of Triick Ureing approval of the big ' by an attorney on the disappear-1 spending measure. Mahon said the! ance of Dr. Jesus de Galindez was pkaiit Deaf U Ru nation lacks "the degree of deter-1 labeled by Rep. Charles O. Porter I ' 1 3 LCdlfl uy mination and singleness of pur- (D Ore) Monday as "fantastic, i n . l-i,. D ; pose which are required to meet disappointing and practically fatu- rlUnge ImiO IxIYvi the rugged challenge confronting ous." m" I Th. rennrt i.ciieit Ki.rwIiK MADRAS. Ore. (AP) A KaSO- "We cannot let anything, any-1 hv attorney Morris Ernst who was line truck driver, turned into a thing at all, muni our awareness , hired by dictator Rafael L. Tru NEW RESCUE CRAFT Arthur Selby, county Civil Defense director, poses with the 16-foot outboard recently purchased by the CD groups for use in the Reedsport area. The fibergloss draft will be used by low enforcement agencies and the Reedsport Fire Deportment in rescue ond other operations. It wos purchosed, complete with accessories and rescue equipment, for $2,000, said Selby. Co-operoting in the purchase was the county court. Selby said the boot wos to be transported to Reedsport this week. The CD organization hos operated another boot in the Roseburg area for some time. (Sheriff's Office) Furnishing Liquor Case Continued In District Court Korean Babylift Back In Action; Orphans En Route CRESWEIX (AP) Creswell : farmer Harry Holt's Korean baby Bail was set Monday at $250 for i u, is going back into operation Walter L. Wagner, 26. of Glendale,! ,nd ,ome u orphan children will charged by state police with fur-, arrive in Portland Thursday, en nishing intoxicating liquor to sev- i r0llie to new homes throughout the eral minors living near Drain. i inned States. He pleaded innocent to the cita- i Holt's wife said her husband and tion before District Judge Warren two daughters one of whom is A. Woodruff: The case was contin-1 coming home to be married will ued until next Monday morning. accompany the 85 wails on their In other court action. Jack Gal- Qht from Korea, loway, 39, of Wilbur pleaded inno-! jhe engaged daughter is Bar cent to a charge of driving while i bara Holt, who has spent the past intoxicated. He was arrested over lw0 years at the Holt organiza the weekend by state police on ti0n' orphanage in Korea. Her Highway 99BR. Judge Woodruff' mother said she will he married ordered bail set at I50O. - to John Chambers of New York An 18-year-old rural Roseburg ; state, a soldier she met in Korea, youth. Stanley Sherman, asked for j Molly, the other daughter, will a preliminary hearing when ar-1 return to Korean with her father raigned Monday in district court, j on Saturday. They will be accom- He was cnargea wun larceny over named by 16-year-old susan wno t-1 . . . L. ,u. ik.ft i i - 1 L'k. ....II 75 in connection with the theft of several blankets, other household goods and appliances from C. G. Hastings who signed the complaint. Judge Woodruff set bail at 51. 000 and scheduled the preliminary hearing for the afternoon or June 9. Pleads Guilty as been living at home. She will take Barbara's place at the nurs ery. Mrs. Holt who has adopted eight of the children said the group arriving Thursday will go to homes in Florida. California. Oregon. Washington, Ohio, Mis- nf the threat which faces the United States, he said. "We can not afford to let anything deprive us of a sustained sense of urgency to do the required things for the security of our country. This, in my judgment, is our most difficult problem." Mahon said the Russians have jillo of the Dominican Republic to look into charges that Galindez a longtime foe of Trujillo had July Retreat uiio a . torch by roaring flames, cheated r3th&f K6SCUS death by plunging into the Des-; , chutes River near Warm Springs Sflrl TlPfl I ft late Monday. JOn ' 1 ,eU 1 been kidnaped by TrujiUo sup-' He was in critical condition B , - J Trf b , F ' Tuesday in Central Oregon Hosni-i sllis"aQ I Id tlx !)..,.' 1 ..;;. r t 1 at ReHmnnH hut his nhvurian : ruiliri u-.,llc Vlllik Ul - , r t - s r i. - , tr i , , , h. n.ni..... .n, iri he was resoondine better I NORVt AI.K, Calif. (AP) it. a. , ,t vi...:thn honed small boy. lied to the railroad ohv a Euuene Ore nilot Porter The driver, Jim Kendall of I tracks by two teenagers, was contends mat Murpny wa because he knew too muc HalinHpr's riicannearanre Porter said he understood a m irom 01 nun. A Circus Days Carnival Slat ed Friday By Canyonville Cubs Edward Glen Brown. 20. former-; souri. Oklahoma. Colorado, Iowa, ly of Cottage Grove, entered a plea Minnesota, Illinois. Michigan, New of guilty to a charge of driving a 1 Jersey and Canada. motor vehicle while his operator's i license is suspended. He admitted . . to a long list of previous arrests for WpdneSaQY iCrVICCS speeding and other traffic viola- I tions. Judge Woodruff sentenced Co Cnr f C Inllv him to five days in jail and fined Jel rul '""J him S100. He was cited by police , , . , April 24 i uneral services for Cloyce Ev- The judge also levied fines f erett Jolly. 53, Roseburg, who was $15 and S30 against Weldon E. killed in an accident invol.ng an Spangler of Coquille. 21vear-old automobile in Robuig Saturday, logging truck driver who pleaded ' De!'e'd J The Chapel of the euiltv to charses of soeedin2 and ! Rs Wednesday at 2 p.m. By VIRGINIA PROCTOR ; accepted the post of Rainbow Dad-! of following another truck too close- ! J,0")' born Sept. s 1904, in Canyonville Cub Scouts will hold dy at a recent meeting of theily. He was cited on Highway 42 by i Rahilon- Ore., and had lived his ii. A k.. . .... .Art nc IS suivivcu u uiic awn, r i ru- inn. enck. Roseburg; two sisters, Mrs. The experience was disclosed coruln lo "ncocx, Luomas- ment was made ol me selection: dav. Cited by sute police with ! C .l . r o X i .u ine trxutrrieiiitr was uisciusfu t , v,..., i- ni d:jji. : ..r poll both of Coos Bav. and a broth- (, vvu, ui uiuuic iui i ii5iiuiig in ciusea waiers was .nar-' ' - t n . p r , last September., services and inter in the Odd Fellows ith the Rev. Arthur officiating. skilled' Madras said from his hospital bed ! snatched from certain death by? Circus Days Carnival Friday,! South Douglas assembly in Can- state police on Mav 27. h .bruit that he was forced off the road his father, only seconds before a from to. 7:30 p.m. at the Youth yonville. One violation of state fishing r ( When another vehicle cut sharply j speeding train roared b . Center building in Canyonville, ac-. At the same meeting, announce- i ulations brought a fine of S25 M Va, C.B rniintu erand iurv was lookine into the' H tank truck struc. a pile oi.iuesday by sheriffs deputies who ,u.t ,U:. ..... .... JCI BUB WMIIIT r- .jjj .L . t i kmiiiian it t.ft iha pn.H hnrHr. i ini ih.. -i..... n.iuwusii hub win iu.e me place Kiana cnoir. 3ne wiu serve ai me tin Aorman Hurtle Z7. of Knse. r' --. rF Off.rrsS much'Touldcom. of Theling the nver. G.solme cascaded! Michael Kv,ns, 7, an ' am "f"' ! ,5'emb'y Alba"y Jun8' rg- "e l'"?'" W " ""one udfng UttlCerS probe. Nor. he said, have congres-iout and was i touched off with an , playmal uWe, to nh " VuTscU SU ? "V-,, ... ..,,, ,h. ,h 1 Lh.e "?P, a"i!?'d.hA 'l!h!I! Lent win be . . . . J"l committees given much : p osive roar as mew the tracks Monday to hunt for faU. Booth. ' m " " Tnd' hi.h.: DouelaV .. m v ., ih. h.h : k.--". "u u" i Cemetery, w u.J1 ,'V",7nY.n"orVL.l!ncm 10 .n!! demf.n1 fori!.K '"v. " "--rabbits When they returned, they ment, wU, he", Hancock ,aid. the state assemblies of Rainbow I ..Z-L:: Hoenisch ii.- u.j . .. w. , invesiiKauon ol uie maucr. . j inuna meir dikcs lOCKea. men iwa Cub Scout dens will not meet Girls from th- nevt vnnnoost i .unxueD unnee ty Christian Endeavor officers ,e added, however, that Sen. 1 The flammg gasoline poured ; olaVr boys eaped rom nearby du mUt.un 1" Han semU TualTtv ' ANOTHER HOUSE DRIVER i. . . . ii., i i Morse ( O Ort ) socins in . l-u ... .. i rj I aind tlircstcricd them. . cock added, but will beein' asain ! Seventeen Bir'ls nlan to attend WASHINGTON (AP) Work A drivers ai an evaiiKeusi c r.i.y ... crested in making sucn a prone. u".,on ""'""'.. .... The teenagers let the two olav. when school onens in the fall ith r.nrf .Jemhli m started Monday on a third office be on duly in ine r 11 SI viuiatiaii viiuiii, v i nr uuin. .u.i.u v.. ..a nd Duane Howell, youth1 t First Christian Church. I VlUSICKinS ReiQII ; Bob Caudill, county CE "" l.iyil was only 10 feet from the river nd Kendall said ne piungea in. At the hospital his physician said Kendall had severe burns on 60 ; had a shoulder dislocation. "Those forming plans for the re-j Dgf fn Coticll JfS lr.l .r Genrse Knox, nastor Bl I lllll VUIIHUUB advisor and Duane Howell, youth advisor, t-Roseburg: r rti, " I l'lllLADELPHIAfAP) - James i Vminn nnniiw will h. nub. i c-. ' e,r'"0' long-time ciar of ev lishei piled . n I. . 1 1 -it T in nusruui ic ut vr. nuwcu. . nc .. . news will be forwarded by report-1 ":"."?" ,i, 81"ye Five persons walked away un- ers from each youth group to nis , " " -"-".. injured tionaay nigm irom a nign office no later than June and , '"" conveniion , wav ,cc,(fent two m the first Friday of each month RS' TEST DATED license examiner will Roseburg this Thurs- mates go, provided they wuuld Lions Club Elects I.Mrs. Gordon Clark, mother advi- building for the House of Repre- day and Friday at 642 SL Kane keep quiet about Michael s capli-i n w Gill ( anvnnville inurin sor. and some transportation is sentatives. i between the hours of 9 a.m. and vity. They ran to Michael's falh- man. has been elected nresident of needed er instead. the CanvnnvilU ! inn Clnh per cent of his body, was cut, and ! The father sprinted to the scene, Bart Nordling was elected first, Rjhlp School Si?!1 ..,..... wiic ui me uiutri yuuius. nc uicsiucih, iurman viranam, ' - - vw. isf. n . p A county newspaper will be pub- Xhini Zl.ie.i i. . . r 6V' "eT raVeiTieni s,UUJB5 lished monthly and will be com- " ' Tue-I-L u L C L piled at th. First Christian Chuirh " HighWOV SmOSH - D..K.n k. "... U..U..H Th. federation of Musicians. 3 I He let go. however, when he saw second vice president: Carl C I ' his son tied lo the tracks. Moodie, third vice president: , "Or 1-OOKinggldSS The father quickly untied his Charles Dowd. secretary: Oscar! f- I son. As the boy scrambled to his Hoverson. treasurer; Gene Neis- tTC3 rriUV teel and awav from the tracks. ian-iwiier ana lea rar-: the train thundered past thereafter. A un ..... i.,,... inl. Ih. i "r selection of an outstanding youth way accident two miles norm ot , IJmnniia Fftrocf rs, Mvrtle Creek involving two cars, a truck and a skidding trailer. I J Kenin. a 56 year-old lawver la u.. t i k...j from the societies quarterly and ; ,2fivlIn,Il..1-i'tlJLJ.Ve,!: 1 ' Kt' ' M,r,le Crtek' ' A bi sale of Vmpqui National Oregonian's recent marble tour-! Ann Plli10ni Mrs; Robert Paiterson the nresentauon ol a cud lo tne . . . : " .Pv....vc .3 -A ,. fi. i a nana leader menter. Lion tamer. dailv vacation Rihl. .rhnnl Tex Ritter was added to the will be sponsored bv the Looking, hoard of directors which include gis, Sunday School from June 9 George Blomgren. Charles Rim- t0 20 ell. Milton Herbert and George' Mrs. Thomas II. Hubbard has brinkworth ; bfen named director of the school. Guest of the evening wa Fred- Mrs. (ieorge Marsh will teach the die (.runst who placed third in the pre-school group, assisted bv Mary The building is scheduled for 5 Din. Persons wishing original completion in 1962 Its cost is es- licenses or permits lo drive are timated at 64 million dollars. It asked to file applications ahead of will house eight House commit- the scheduled closing hour in order tees and approximately one-third to assure time for completion of of the 435 members of the House, the required license test. society represented most often Counselors were selected for each committee to work with them aft er they return from the retreat. Plans were considered for a bi county rally in the future. Theme of this rally and the speakers will be the responsibility of one of the committees. The president has ask ed all officers and future officers to report to him as well as their state officer by the fifth of each month. Kenin and AI Manut moving south on Highway 99 and Forest timber 43 miles southeast nev-. He showed the group his assisted bv Ruby Ann Vance wil slowed to make a left hand turn, j of Roseburg brought far above the 'rophy- told of his experiences and nave charge of beginners: Mrs I. 411 nr.. br" New Yorr.Z.l e?. 2fm," i lowu, l, a"er' dmen by P"v.sor'i office in Roseburg other boy. in this ; ? graders; Wanda PoweU and . r i X. Local, were nomi- rf Louis Anderton. 37. As the Mondav. annual tournament. Nancv Grass second grade- Mrs by seer toZnTi M?,1!? "r,VCr Ppl,ed " brak" lhe 1 u Con'!" Co of """""M P..t Accepted ! Corvin Heard and Mr, Ann Wil'- Hi,. , L,u k. ii un1l':7 lcle" er began to swing, starting a chain bought the 9.600O00 board feet of W. Frank Brown of Canyonville son. third and fourth grade bovs; g ;7i" .J." V.un.e.5dy: j 1 reaction of collisions on wet pave- timber for S.S6.920. paying S9.95 for 1 Mrs. Fred Southwick and Mrs. A I- m.rh'!,Vni ,b0Ut i mAmul!'.ln The trailer sideswiped a third pme appraised at $5 70 per thou- Pioneer Daughter Dies union. Petnllo went through two hand-: mPnt. car moving north driven by Ora sand and the appraised $1.35 per In California Monday Maxie Uncccum. 28. of Myrtle i thousand for a million board feet ' Beating Of Vancouver Man Related To Police vin Greer, third and fourth grade girls: Sirs. Arthur Marsh and Martha Kay Vance, fifth and sixth The 66-year-old Chicaaoan was .I'liT .TV..n.'i ! " m It lvm i . ... .. . . ?"ae 5:. '" oen oraves n.,n.in . i .... u... ... vir ...u n...,...n . k - ui hcsiciii ueiiiiucK ann oiner spe- .innerva samnn. ui. Kirnmond. : mm ana sixtn graae gins, ann tr.llo stuck bv hr. Vun . llS K "j-i?-"" JJl?Si e,K;.-. - ... tW. daughter of pioneer Doug., Mr.. Elton Grass, junior high timed. He hart annnune.rt I .l. .?.u.-i. ' ... 1. .... Pf . ' Lounty settlers Jacob and har-: group month he nomination ! tired mai i. wni.ld nni .7r.ni r. ' around and hit the King vehicle 370. The timber is located on 201 ah Spaur. died at Richmond Mon-1 Mrs. John Mathis will be accom- Ln hJi.,,.. h. ."lwlce ''efore going into the road-, ,rres in the Little River Ranger dav panist and Mrs. Robert Reagles on oecause ne was 1 sl(le dllrhi p1(.e staled. The ac- District. the bodv is being shipped to will have eharge of refreshments ' tidtnt occuicd in the rain about only other bidder was Douglas Rnseburg. where funeral services : for the vounger children. The ses- ,1 lAareM A .:. J City police today were lnvesliga- ""! J(JllllCU ting circumstances urrounding 1 1. ,. ia the assault on a Vancouver. Wash.. 1 inSUrOnCe lYIOnager man who stumbled into the Rose burg Hotel early this morning and ''' Wescolt has been appointed asked for help. new manager of the Girardian In- .Night officers answered a 2 15 , surance Co.. in Roseburg am. call from the night waitress He has lived in Hnsehurg 10 at the Roseburg Cafe. They found ;years and resides at 2717 W. Lang James McBnde. 28. in a semi-j '"berg with his family. He has conscious condition. He told them ' een with the insurance company a stranger early Monday evening 1 'our months, and previously work- nad asked to meet him about IBr nna fticxel and was a S.2S p m. 1 veneer Co. of Roseburg. will be held later this week. Ar-1 sions will begin at 9 a.m. and con- All vehicles were towed into Myr- The next Umpqua Matronal For- rangements will be announced i tinue until 12. Those willing to fur lle Creek by a wrecker. Investigate j est sale is scheduled next Monday. Tuesday. i nish transportation are requested ing officers took no action as a . chapel of the Roses is in charge to conUct Mrs. Hubbard, reports result of the accident, reporting of local arrangements. correspondent HaieU Marsh, the truck driver was moving at a Nn Fnrocf Firo. s.an proper speed and at a distanre . o r j-. j' of more than 200 feet behind the Heavy Ram Credited King vehicle. President Holds Meet With Security Council WASHINGTON (APi President control officer, said rainfall T. R. Mafit, M.D. and J. H. Harris, M.D. D-D'omo'es American Board of Obstetrics ond Gynecology Wish to announce the temporary association in their office? at 1367 West Harvard of Francis L. Suit, M.D. Diploma tt American Board Of Pediatric iPractict Limited to Infants ond Children) Office Hours By Appointment After June 2 ORchard 2-3361 forest Service and Douglas For est Protective Assn. officials re ported this morning that no fires have been discovered in the fnr.t I Herb Rudolph, Forest Service fire in 1:30 last nipht at K4A SiF! Pin i member of the Rnsehum Polio. Eisenhower met with the National I nipqua National lorest varied St. When he arrived and looked be- Dpartment. I Security Council for an hour and j t riday, Saturday and Sunday from hind the building he was assaulted,! Carson R. Ilealy. Southern Ore MeRride told police. ;gon district manager of the insur- McBride was identified as a ' ance company, mad the appoint former VA hospital patient. Au- ment. tnorities mere asked police to hold him overnight. Drain Man Penalized On Drunk Driving Count r . i in M . rorruna orancn Bank neid up Late Monday PORTLAND (AP) The Holly, wood district branch office of the Local Loan Co. was held up late possible suspension of I' S a half Tuesday possibly for pol-l'i to two inches. No snag fires icy discussions in advance of next! started by lightning strikes over week's visit here by British Prime j the weekend are evpected to be re Minister Harold Macmillan. ported because of the deterrent As usual, presidential press see-1 amoung of rain, he added, retary James C. Hagerty told. Douglas Forest Protective look newsmen there w as nothing he , outs were fogged in this morning could say about the purpose of and it was expected to be late to the meeting or what was dis- dsv before any reports of snag cussed. ' 'ires are received, if there are any, The French political crms and n avne Miller, fire dispatcher, said. and , a I'rain moiorisl was lined l .d i nnH.v lirnA..n k.. . . u .u l i.... .. ......... ... i.j ii 7 . ivui, vi m v.l-11- DllllSII llu. ir. .r.s 1 1 p r by Municipal Judi;e Randolph Mo-1 dressed gunman, who fled with an 'topics for the Kisenhower Marmil cum Momlay after answenng to a undisclosed amount of fash. jlan talks, which start next Mon charge of drunk driving ; The robber wore nattv slacks, 1 dav. 1 Hubert Alan Wright, Box 228 an Ivy League cap. a cream-col ! the Security Council, the na Drain, was cited by city police last ored sports coat and sun glasses, tions top poiicv bodv. normally Saturday night in downtown Rose-j Miss Jean Houseman, a cashier I meets Thursdays. The White burg, lie was given five days in in the second floor office of the i House gave no reason for changing jail when unable to pay the full loan company, said he walked in , the time of its meeting, but there amount of the fine and handed her a note reading:: was speculation that il work Inree men were fined each "This i hi,inn r:,. ...... ia k. ..n t,.ur ih. i. and another forleitcd a S.lo bond rash " She said he then pulled millan meeting. in the court Monday for disorderly back his coat, revealing the butt conduct citations. They were Cecil of a gun in a holster Rni Rtfriever Win K. Warner of 2033 SK Douglas St.. I She opened a drawer ,nd ISe Retriever Wins Russell Irving Connolly and Libert handed him the cash After taking 1 RKNO. Nev. (AP) Butch's turtis of the treason Hotel For- it ! took hack the note and Rittenoot Smokev, owned bv Joe femng bond was Albert Thomas walked out. So well executed was Alhcrtson of Bone. Idaho, won the Mclartney of the Douglas Hotel the holdup that customers and open all iage stake Sunday as the Warner and lonnolly paid their olher cashiers were unaware of Sierra Nevada Retriever Cluh rines, hut t urns was given five , what going on until the man wound up its three day field dog days in jail in lieu of the fine had left. I trials THE WEBCOR CORPORATION of Chicogo, Illinois Is Proud To Annotmra That THE RICKETTS MUSIC STORE, INC. Of Rosebuig. Oiegn Hos Won FIRST PLACE In the Webcor Window Contest. This contest wos open to vtrV Wet-c.r dcoler ond ntered by hundreds of stores in o'l pf th 48 states and U. S. territories Local & Long Distance Household Moves ROSEBURG Phone OR 2-2671 ROOM FOR TELEVISION Here's A FLOOR FURNACE That Can Be Installed in the Hallway of Any 2 or 3 Bedroom Home REGISTER CAN BE ADJUSTED to direct air from hallwoy to othtr rooms, NEEDS NO WALL SPACE Lcxott your furniture as you wish NO EXPENSIVE DUCT WORK OR WIRING NEEDED THe difference in price may heat ojr home for several yean. NO PITS OR CRAWLWAYS NEEDED AM vnrk parts tavilv occvsb'e from abo. thru lo-ge service potl. EXTRA SHORT Qnly 1 to JO inhs bIo floor jOnt. TERMOSTAT TURNS FURNACE ON OR OFF Or ho'd ffO( Tempt'Oture. No motchM reeded. HIGH PRESSURE BURNER Burm DIESEL o.l in bnck fir bo. Lion Si iOO'K Oulomofico'ly. Ntvtr rnoVtl COrOor SAVES 2c GALLON ON OIL Die.t! oil it I lie pr oollon cheaper. 720 gallon tank io.es 'c ptr ollon. AIR FILTER CATCHES LINT duit ond d 't itreok your fl,, r cei'.ng. TOZEK'S HEATING and SHEET METAL 806 S. E. Pine Phone OR 2-3379 COOL-TOP HEATING SYSTEM Won't Blister Bare Fter. NO MONEY DOVN NO MONEY THIS MONTH NO MONEY NEXT MONTH No Payments Til Oct. If You Wish. COMPLETELY INSTALLED WITH A 275 CALLON OIL TANK