2 The Newt-Review, Roseburg, Dixonvillc Scout Troop 45 Earns Awards At Camporec By MRS. CHARLES FORREST Boy Seoul ol Troop 3 of Liivon v..:e received h:ghe-t tommenda t.on l the recent Carr.poree nd earned three biue nooon lot pro ficiency. Al a regular truop meeting acotits were given various patches earned io.loing niayir sur;ery in Port al the Camporee. The r.boon J1 land and it expected lo be home go on disp.ay. soon. Mr Earle Downing wilt travel to Portland to asit ner al v. em..n. Joe King returned borne from the nosp.ui mis wee auer tpenoin two week there in a east to cor reel a slipped disc. Ihe cast will probably have to remain on for a lime. E. A Miller hat been showing over 180 named varieties of ins lo visitor at his ins gardens in mues east, ot uixonviiir. jiany have finished blooming and digging is expected lo start in about two weeks. Miller, who is 82 year. old. tarted 18 vear ago as an iris grower. Last year, as a nonny, ne enrolled in correspondence art course, and has had several pic ture displayed at the county fair Mrs. John (I'nai Tarantino of Beverly Hills. Calif., visited her brother and sister-in-law. Mr and Mrs. Bert J. Gilbert of Dixonville. while on vacation recently in the Northwest. Mr. and Mrs. T. It Hart and children visited his parents. Mr. and Mri. T. O. Hart, recently while on vacation from Bellincham. Wash. After their pack trip into Truck-Car Crash Claims 7 Lives RANGER. Tex (AIM A flam- ing car-truck crash killed seven persons Saturday a young F'ort Worth. Tex., couple, four of their five children and the truck driver. , The fiery collision occurred on a narrow bridge 10' miles east of here in north central Texas State hishway patrolman Al While said four of the even vic tim burned to death. Two others were hurled from their smashed vehicles. The crash, on a I.-. S highway W bridge over Bear Creek, hap pened in dnziling rain. White said the big tractor-trailer truck, owned by Sunset Motor Lines, apparently veered off the right ide of the road near a curve, tried to pull hack on the paving and veered left in front of the westbound station wacon The hijhway patrol and Killings worth Funeral Home here identi fied these dead Charles Everett Alkire. 27, Fort Worth. Mr. Jimmie Alkire. 2S. hiv wife Jimmy Charles Alkire, 10. Debra Ann Alkire, 7 Dora Lynn Alkire. J'i. Darrcll Alkire. 2 Virl V Dawson, driver, Dallas. i ihe truck ' NO DANCE TONIGHT No dance is scheduled tonight as announced in Thursday s Today and Tomorrow col'"jn for the Boots and Calieo Square Dance Club Club dance are held only on the second and fourth Satur day of th month. FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Corntr Lint 94 JtckMH Tti Lttv. John I. A4mm, Patt.tr MORNING SERVICES 11:00 A. M. "Humility 7r C.. M Burtpn AU.v f t'd Di'fctor, 5 nod ot Orgon 7.30 f M. Neon-, i Revi, Cnde, Sou'h Arffica, fluf srsf3-?r- Sjndav School, 9 45 AM. Jr. and Sr. Wattmtnttvr Ftllowthia, 4 30 P.M. Nu'Val'V CQ' dunrg mjcmifg ASSEMBLY OF GOD 518 NASH STREET SUNDAY JUNE 1 11:00 A.M. and 7:30 P.M. GARLAND BENINTENDI Missionary from Formosa guest speaker SUNDAY SCHOOL 9 45 A.M. Closiet For All Ajcl YOUTH SERVICtS 615 P.M. TUNE IN SUNDAY, 9.00 A.M. KRXL Re. and Mrs. EVERYONE !!! the moLntairs in 1 n;a. they stopped way home. i'r!nfrn ( alifor- 2 on their Underage Surgery Word hat been received that Mrs. Burt Schneider is doing eil home The sixth graders of Deer Creek went lo loielee lo van me acnool and tour the plant. During the day they also played games. Tokelee nun kfri have heen tn Ileer i reei s nnol twire I I AW Goalee Rroalt U" JCei UrCdrV a J I I N f UeaOlOCK UVCT YfaOQ DgmandS wniiaiiua DETROIT Jf The Vnited Auto Worker lnion oui;ht to break deadlocked negotiations with Ford and Chrysler today wnile complet- ing plan for some 300.000 General Motor employe to work without a contract 1AW member at three CM plant worked without a contract yesieraay. uiner win an uie amc in all la company plant .vionoay. ContracU at Ford and Chrysler expire Sunday midnight. The con tract at CM expired Thursday midnight The industry s big tnree nave oi- fered to extend the old contracts two years. The LAVs relused inn. The GM extension would have in cluded built-in wage increases tot aling 16 cents an hour a 7-cent productivity increase immediately, a 2-cent cost-of-living alliance increase immediately and a 7-cent productivity increase next year GM said this week thai its 10.000 non-union employes would get bolh the immediate increases It also sud salaried personnel would get the equivalent Youths Turn Holiday River Cruis Into Riot PFNNSVII.LE, NJ r Fired up by alcohol, vouliilul rioters turned a holiday cruse down the Delaware River into pandemonium yesterday. They smashed equip ment aboard a crowded excursion boat and injured 15 passengers. The crew of "The Stale of Penn sylvania" had to turn fire hoses cn the brawlers during the r,5-mile trip downriver from Philadelphia Twenty state troopers and local ixmcemrn me si-s.yi, m inv-v.n. i i- - to the gunwales witn l.sso excur sionists. They arrested 34 male passen gers, about half of them Nccro and half white. Police at first thought the melee was a race riot but later said the fighlcrs were egged on by alcohol, not hias. Jets Of Lava Spurt From Volcano In Azores 1U1UTA. Aiores (AIM Jets of lava from the De Capelinhos volcano spurted 12.000 feet into me ':''"' was still digging oui irom anoiner series of quakes and eruptions. Ashes fell on some areas badly damaged when Calderia volcano in the center of the island spewed forth ah and lava for 10 days earlier this month De Capelinhos has been quiet since last December, when it dam aged two villages badly The cur rent volcanic activity beiun last fall when a submarine volcano off Eaial erupted and formed a new island. The island sank beneath the At lantic 30 days later Language Riots Rage In East, North Ceylon lliLoMBl. Cevlon . Lan guace riots raited in eastern and northern Ceylon Saturday. The government reported guns and ammunition stolen in a raid in northern l ey Ion and three per sons killed as police moved acainst noting mobs in the east. Premier Solomon Handaranaike ordered 119 persons taken into pre ventive custody in this capital. The nation has been under a state of emergency the past five davs as the result of Sinhalese clashes with the Tamil minority. CAR KILLS DEER Ken Salmonson. 9H3 NE Knoll S; . Roseburg. reported to state po lice Friday that he hit and killed a deer on tne .xonn t mpqua men- way approximately one mile past the we.hing scaies. Police took Die deer to the Douglas I'ounly Home C. 0. Ron, Paitors IS WELCOM! 0'. Sot. May 31, Henry Holloway Pleads Guilty, Put On Probation Henry A !lj"oway. 13 Winston, was p.aced on ptooal.on fur a l--year period Thur-day aftfr plead ing guilty to a cnarge of receiv ing and conceaucg sUi.en pruperty. Circuit Judge Charles S. Wood rich dismissed a burglary indict ment against Holloway. who then pleaded guilty to the lesser charge. Three other men charged in criminal indictments pleaded guil- ly inursoay. i ne were Henry ,j . , . m j ame Bjrn. 23, and Robert Lee Porter, 23. both of Koseourg, and James Edwin VanSlvke. 40, Hot ..j Springs, Ark Sentences were postponed by Woodrich until Moniay morning. a i .1 tn.ni. A.. nnn. u , , ..a .,mh,u with intent to steal The car be- W Powell. Roseburg A mheel and a tubeless tire were taken the night of May 14 VanSlyke was charjed with malicious destruction of personal property and Burns with burglary dwelling ChltTa POanS PaV " C:n9 Trihtlto Tri J:l Ci.li.L varciinai jtritcn CHICAGO I API Chicagoans pairj meir unai visits 10 aamuei cardinal Stritcn a he lay serene in death Saturday amid familiar surroundings of high-vaulted Holy Name Cathedral A procession of mourners which began late Friday past the white mitred prelate s body had grown to it. 000. police estimated, when it was interrupted for the first of two series of special masses. Mothers and father, lifted youngsters quietly for a glimpse of tne placid face, illumined by two tall candles. At the fool of the coffin was tne eardinal's broad red hat The episcopal ring, irsually worn on the n;ht band, glinted on a left band, a reminder of the honor and pain of his last weeks his riamrtnr frnm tn tL bis place in the curia of the Ro- man ( thn he ( hurrh the If... r, his ruhl arm from a blood clot, and his death in Rome last Tues day. Navy. Army Academies Off To Busy June Week ANNAPOLIS. Sid. (API June Week a gay graduation cele- bratinn at the Naval Academy Sot off to one of its busiest starts Saturday. . nniiai pageant o parades. uauit-s, duuciic events arm oiner five day this year, instead of the nsiia Th. rxnli . ,,,. linuous flow of activity which will he climaxed with the pre- sentation of diplomas by Presi denl Eisenhower next Wednes dav The Saw hoi. led an-hnr on th. festivities Saturday with the first of three dress parades. Donald A Wuarles. deputy secretary of defense, was scheduled to review the 3.800-man brigade WEST POINT, V.Y. (API The June Week pro-ram started Saturday at the United States Military Academy The first day featured ki.fi. events, motion pictures and cadet hop for the upper clashes Haccalauraeate ceremonies and presentation of military and aca demic awards take nlace S-mriav Graduation exercises will be held June 4, when the main sneak er will he Secretary of Defense McEirov 14 Persons Perish In French Plane Crash PARIS - All 14 persons - 11 of them French soldiers died early today in the crash of a com mercial airline CD3 in Alceria An official of the airline, fir France. aid the plane cra-hed abour six miles southwest of Mo- lieres. It was bound from Alsiers south to Tindouf and crashed about nnm h.i,,p 0.. 1. 1 It In addition to trie soldiers, the plane carried a crew of three and an agent of Air France lause of the crash was not im- mmiatc. y Known 200 Negro And White Youths Mix It Up Friday I HALHI.NT. Pa r Some luO Negro and while youth mixed it up Fndav in a free for all fight at Forest Auiuslnient Park in I h t southwestern Pennsylvania com- niunitv Police said th-v d.d not know as vet what set off the battle About I'o vouths were reported hurt, two of them seriouslv, m the li-minuie knife-flashing melee BODr RECOVERED tiiil 11 1 F i AP,-TI,e b-TiY of Mrs Wjvne lamb. 3 of Bri.le. was recovered from the Coqinlle Kiver. h miles downstream Irom RruUe I rulav She had been missing since March ."1 A: that time footprint fsf.ieved to be hers were found, iradirg from her house to the river hank She hid been under a doctor s care prior to her disappearance FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH SUNDAY SERVICES 11 :00 A.M. 7:30 P.M. "ACovenonfef Continuance" Mleri Tke Churth ' ROSt AND LANE STREETS Or. Eugene Gerlitt, P,tr Huge Douglas DC8 Jetliner's Maiden Flight Successful LONG BEACH. Cai.f t - Tar and away lr, Laest first flight 1 ever made.' That was bow the pilot felt about the maiden er. capable of earning u acros. ihe United ... K.,r. Ih Jetiine 1 . b Derson States in i i hours Tne four-engine TCI flew 1 hours and 5 minutes Fndav'. It laundered , , k oil .nuiiiiiual nuwu uric, iulmii j. ... ... wvn uir- uvru luu lausiru my. t.ss- wards Air Force Base. Calif After ine flight, pilot A G. He:m- erdin?er. 41. sa.d Of all the Douglas transports I have flown, the DCI is the greatest, The pune handled so well we were able to accomplish much more than we bad originally program med " The first DCs represents a quar ter of a billion-dollar investment over a three-year period by its manuiaciurer. uougia. Aircrau vo ImhipI tvlans tn start delivering the Jetliner to airlines the middie of nem year. It ha 700 million dollar worth of order from 17 air- imes for 138 DCs. The DC8 has a top-rated speed of 6o mph. it fiew about 3oo m p h. Fnday. It has a maximum ranae of 3.900 miles. Its wingspan is leei x mcnes. lengm uu a fei ,nd tail height 42 feel Eisenhower Bangs Golf Ball Hard GETTYSBURG. Pa (AP President Eisenhower banged a ball about 200 yard down the fairway Friday at the start of an early round of golf The President was joined at the Gettysburg Country club by his son. Army Maj John ELsen- hower. and an old friend, retired Brig. Gen. Arthur S. Nevins Spending the Memorial Day weekend at his farm estate. Eisen hower also was accompanied to ,n c!"b b7 j" ?".vr-ol'l r,nd l,,k K h, in-yaruslrf oranH. " urm cisennower. as me men sianea oui. uavia stayed behind with the club pro, fie aicicnier, for a golf lesson Work hard. David, the boy s grandfather called out with a grin "Get your hands blistered a little " Eisenhower played the 18 holes in two hours and 35 minutes Eisenhower arrived at his farm hv helicooter from Washington late Friday and got in a fast nine holes before dinner Soldier Saves Three, Then Is Electrocuted A ETON. Ok la (AP) A young soldier, ignoring warnings for his personal saieiy oy oy sianuri a. rescued three men from a wrecked and burning car Friday- After he pulled the third man out of the car and up an embank- ment. the soldier touched a hish- voltage line knocked down by the "recked car and was electrocuted. lie was miuani uowara on.i. II, Cashmere Wash. who stopped to aid the motorists while enroute from Et Ord. Calif , to Ft Monmouth, N J. The tragedy was witnessed by Britt's bride of less than three months. Joanne. IK The wrecked car had gone out "f control ISO feet and down a 10 foot embankment before catch ing fire Weather Outlook Enough To Wet Holiday Spirits Br THE ASSOCIATED PRESS The weather outlook for the rest of the long Memorial Day weekend us enough lo dampen hohdav spirits Western Oregon is scheduled for occasional rain through Sunday, showers also are expected in Eastern Oregon. The beaches will be cloudy with rain shower Beacn winds will be cool and 5 15 m.les an hour, Russia Replies To Ike On PolicinZ Bomb Tests WASHINGTON" e - Soviet Piemier Nikita Khrushchev re- phed Saturday to President Eisen hower s week old proposal for an immediate meeting of scientists lo worn out vvavs of polic.ne an atomic test suspension agree ment It was understood that Khrush- chev s lestvonse in reneril was , u..,n f-. , l talks started at Geneva tn the ira mediate future The State Department said the three-page letter lo Eisenhower was being translated and would be sent to Eisenhower The Presi dent is spending the weekend at vtettyshui g. Pa The Soviet government was ex pected to make public th letter during the weekend Teachers And Students Planning Homecoming A homecoming for ail present and rt teachers and stuaents of the Millwood. Coles Valley. Day. Sock Creek. Baird aid lirpqua School will be held a! Coles Valley Grange Hall on Sunday. J-me 8 Potiuck dinner will be served at 1 pm Famue of the teacher md students have been invited. Fire Breaks Out In Unoccupied Home At Winston Fire broke ojt Ttursday in an unoccup.ed house al Wjiv.on, nate police report. The biaze was discovered by Ron ald Elliott, mno live nearoy. He r.d" trJ. rrr: D,l' Urd i""1 ,re 'P1"""01 "" awered tne call. swerea me cau. The four - room wood frame hou.-e is located al 57 S HOI- ,,,, c, Th l.r is heheved u - k,., ..art from snaked ml or - aerotene rags, riremen saia. sev- r' residenu of the neighborhood observed a vehicle leaving the " shortly before the fire was ooticed, according lo state police "I"". Approximately S20 damage was done lo a chair, wall and rug. firemen added. The blare started by an oil ttove in the living room. Cau-e of the fire ts being invetti gated. Pctnm.ln0r amtrl : -U5IGm-ingraineU B..m C.-liI Bus segregation f . t . Continues In v ity ' ew ORLEANS (API Cus- tom-in'rained bus sesrejation continued, w-uh few exceptions, in this Deep South metropolis Satur day despite a federal court order. The only incident reported in Court order to end enforcement of state segregation laws on pan- lie transportation was a Crts burning on the lawn of the judge who signed the order F riday. Most Negro bus and streetcar r ners mm mien at mv nan nv ouhhr iranVnnrtation s,nce decades before the Civil u,,r, to seat themselves from the rfar, leaving the front of the ve hicles to whites. A newsman saw only two Ne .L groes break the custom during ""V 'wu.. h.t: ..v. of the city s business district. One was a young man, apparently a stu dent, and the other man. young wo- L' S District Judge J Wright said the cross was burned on his lawn during the night. The eight-foot wooden cross was soaked with kerosene. Benton Claims Farming Made Progress In 1957 WASHINGTON (AP) In re- port to the White House Secre- tary of Agriculture Benson says farming made progress in 1957 but less than he would have liked. ".Agriculture continued to ad vance in 1957." the report ays. "Solid progress was made in ex panding markets and reducing sumluses. "Our progress is slower than we would like certainly it .s not as fast as I would like to see it. But we have been moving aneaa soundly. Benson jay major problem in agriculture have come from at- tempting to support the prices of a few products substantially above competitive levels. In this connec- Hon. he mentions cotton, wheat and corn Neuner To Head Oregon Delegates At Conference Georiie W Neuner. Roseburg president ot the Oregon state bar. win nead me Oregon aeiegauon at a three-state conference of bar as sociations in Portland June 6-9 Neuner said it will be the first time officials of the State Bar of California, the Washington State Rar Assn. and the Oregoo Slate Bar have met for a joint exchange of ideas. The opening address will be giv- en at a Friday luncheon by Juhn C. Satlerfield. Jackson. Miss.. member of the board of governors of the American Bar Assn. The bar officials will go to the Tim- nerline resort tor a no-host week end of conferences and entertain ment following the luncheon. C ..T.,,rt i"ll;,'s Snuffs Out Lives Of Four SMILEY. Tei. (APi - A car truck collision early Saturday snuffed out the lives of four teen age boys The four we: in an ato wh.ch collided with truck on the out skirts of this South Tevas town. Mate Highway Patrolman O I. Whaler said the auto, driven at "m" speed, passed an auto, then met the truck To truck driver swerved. Whaley said, and I h t auto crashed into its side The truck driver. Sabino Torres, fS. was not iniured. The dead, a.l of N:xon. were .'es.e Leal. 1. Miguel Fonseca. 9. Muue! Sand'.val, IS. and Bonifacio Infante. 1 PLAIN TRUTH r 61 W. lay: Cetsstl lKtlit Oh meit Utel f.lMs W h,a mmm HHt virhn ia w Ur. te kit mI "l Mfttrectiea". This 4naM . re taeadtlt itMl ia lack at tartrate (ard lamas ta.nt.al telltel ar a anlliaeaau ta tat enter art tfc Keaa'ara'i kr .h at baa. Ti taaaHtie iaa'o.eual Ma f. tfctruMKei at tke asaety af aaia t-4 tali teeshan, are .l,f m'4 a'ttiraa a kaaaosf at ia iaaereiice et Gae" anil m4 oka ereatere trot teeM a Ml Mntracnea" kt reash.a taat at U at t era naear ad Mtttfit4. a are Mia aamraelly. Vaa kasa aly aearMlf ra kit ma tea are SwISaal tare tkn elie Mtanta. A aane sra ei.akt kale1 teachat at rfca tellecr af M. raanalei far ae kaaw tket ear aetrhe 4nit mm Mrnrr inf kins tar arkaat we leeer, eat eertel. I tke reave ittftsitf a eoearttaae' tkat ear ttaaa1'" ia Oea"l tifkt eeaaaea an Mhtrv af Gae1 mn4 eat eartelae. Tk.s ketaf traa. are kaaw tkat aaly la tkat wkick Gee1 ka eaalad caa alatenwrae kaw ta eleeM H.m TV Sale ceateias tkat k.h (jae1 ket noeelee'. tke tea m'4 aaar) aveatar ear life m4 ecMeat kr tke l ala. Daa't eecem Mlt Mhtfcte1. Mtetare eerrrkief e ee aa4 ar taafkt at tke I kle Tke real ittMl r aat, aal t Mtiltiee'; ket retker. It G4 Mtittite'. We iea.te aaa ta wettki vvkera eery eftart aieee ta Mntte im4 mm4 aat avaa. litta ta KYIS at O'tkxk Lara t Dat Mera.af. Tke Ckank aveetl at tke fall-. kxatiaaa- CHURCH OF CHRIST 111 ktlklTAtr I0SIIUR9. ORtUOH WIST HIST ST. ' (0IINSON t COMSTOCK SUKSOOI ST. CANYONViui SUTMULIH WINJT0H Refresher Course Will Be 'Feeler7 For Future Plans Tentative feelers art bem put out thi year to determine possi bilities of success for a summer retresher course and credit course Boseourg area. , A aummer course in mathema-i .,, .;l h, i.u.n. , huh cs wj be laugnt in the high scnool if enough response is tnown. The program would be -,. .....uku .., .,i,.i ...... siauauit w uifn i.w. ...i,.. .... ,.j,. . fufu ..wiu iw- ourg It has been approved by the Roseburg School administration. Teacher for Ihe courses in Alee- bra I and geometrv will be Mr. Don Neely. Oakland High School matnemauc teacher. The math- ematic summer school would be conducted each weekday during the morning hours. The Roseburg High School texts will be used and class- es will be taught in Roseburg High classrooms. Cost of the course will be 130 for the term which starts June 18 to July 25. The course w-iU be designed to serve a a review in preparation for college mathematics, to serve as a makeup course for credit to be applied toward graduation and finally, merely as a refresher. If this one-course session prove successful, the program might be expanded in future years to other now being carried on in Eugene, subject. Similar programs are Portland and Salem. To conduct the course. Mr. Nee ly must have 10 pupils signed for ". curi''- D'"'" for respons- " ' TJu'd,!'- ?,uch lT,p0r," ?""!linMi5i Eluabeth Randall at OR 3-4438 . . . Slack FunCfal Set For Sunday Funeral services for Mrs. Leona Savilla Slack of Sutherlin will be held Sunday at 2 p m. in the Suth erlin Neighborhood Church of Christ. Mrs. Slack, a News-Review cor respondent, died at a Roseburg hosDital Wednesdav. Survivors in- elude her husband. "Brittain of Suth- erlin: one son. Edgar of San Di Skelly p?0 Calif : two brothers. Laverne Bamber of Portland and Clint Bamber of SutherlinT and three grandchildren She was 63 years old. Slack was born July 23 Mrs 1834, at Joplin, Mo., and moved to Suth erlin in 1910. She was matned Nov. 24. 1912 to Brittain Slack at Sutherlin. Interment will follow the church services at the Val!y View Cem etery in Sutherlin. The Rev. Uoyd Witford will officiate. Stearns and Little .Mortuary of Sutherlin is in charge of arrangements. North Atlantic Treaty Forces Slate Maneuvers PARIS (APi Annual maneu vers of North Atlantic Treaty forces in Europe will be held next Tuesday through Thursday over an area ranging from Norway to Turkey. The supreme commander of At lantic alliance forces. U.S. Gen. Launs Norstad. announced that the exercise, dubbed Full Plav, will involve all the air force unit assigned to the allied command. Also participating will be the na tional air defense forces of Nor way. Denmark, Belgium. Holland. France, Italv. Greece and Tur key There will a!o be limited par ticipation by army and naval forcf, wlIhm command More Rioting Reported In Eastern Ceylon COLOMBO. Ceylon . Com- munal noting worsened today in eastern Ceylon, -vhere three per- ons were killed as police moved against Sinhalese demonstrators harassing the Tamil minority. Authorities said the disturbances also had taken a violent turn in Ceivon s northern province. Rioters there put the torch to customs house and a ferry boat. Cottage Crove Motorist Civen Fine, Jail Term A Cottage ('.rove motorist was fined S; and given a five-day jaJ sentence Wednesday bv Mu mc.pal Judge Randolph Sloe urn after pleading guilty lo a drunk driving charge. Lloyd M. Cox was arrested bv police here on March 20 and posted a S230 bond pending trial in muni cipal court. HUSKIES WIN SEATTLE AP Washing tons tall and talented Husky crew won a ticket to England s Hemey Regatta Saturday with a narrow victory over the Univer sity of British Columbia in a J OoO meter sprint on Lake Wash ington Oregon State trailed in third place. I ! I j ' I 1 I 1 " DISASTER DIRECTOR-WM- ham E. Crocielt. aoove. is the new director of the Natural Disaster Office, of the Federal Defense Administration. Crock ett, former deputy administra tor of the CD off.ce in Denton, Tex . succeeds Maj. Gen. Holmes E. Dager (Ret). Diger has been reassigned as the agency's military liaiton officer. Highway Projects Bids Are Opened SALEM (API The Oregon Highway Commission opened bids on 10 projects Thursday, includ ing the largest grading job in lis history. The huge job is for grading 3 II miles of the Hooskanaden Creek Thomas Creek section of the Ore gon Coast Highway, eight miles north of Brookings. The apparent low bid of S2 S44 -395 was submitted by Mornson Knudsen Co.. Seattle. There were sue other bidder. The project is part of the re construction of the Oregon Coast Highway between Gold Beach and Brookings. The 1957 Legislature authorized S12.600.000 worth 0 f bonds to pay for this work. The bid opening marked the start of the commission's new pol icy of opening all bids in Salem, rather than in Portland. Contracts for these jobs will be awarded at the commission meeting in Port land, June 19. Cen. De Caulle Agrees To Take Over As Premier (Continued From Page One! in the small, exclusive Hotel La Perouse where De Gaulle has set up headquarters near the famed Arc De Triomphe. Security troops ringed the hotel Political sources said De Gaulle reassured the politicians he would bring the French civilian and mil itary insurgent in Algeria back under the law of the Republic. Paris newspapers predicted De Gaulle would fly to Algeria. De Gaulle also guaranteed that he would make no move against civil liberties in France He also said he wouid respect the treaties which France has signed specifically the North Atlantic Treaty Organization I N ATO I pact, the six-nation Eur opean common market and the atomic development program In the buzzing corridors of the National Assembly, the names of a prospective cabinet began to spread A De Gaulle supporter said the general intended to name an old hand as foreien minister. Catholic I Popular Republican movement (MRP) Deputv Georges Bidault. w v :...a Rev k. C. Zaael. Po-tor Riverside ScHool ' Missouri Phone Sutherlin 3057 Go'dtn Volley Rood Svnod WHAT IS GOD'S PATTERN FOR THE HOME AND ITS CHILDREN? You ore invited to Hear a scripfurol stvmon on the Christian Home and Its Children ot one of the CHRISTIAN CHURCHES in Roseburg Let the , Church he'p you with your family problems. June 1 FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH Docgici and K3"t I 30 a tv ana 10 50 a ti F. Morgan, Min.rer WESTSIDE CHRISTIAN CHURCH It 00 O m Everyone v , , 1 r- 3r t fVMl - - 's,7x Three Found Dead In Wreckage Of Light Airplane BAKERSFIE1.D. Calif Three men were found dead Sat urday in the wreckage of a light plane they were flying in a holi day rare from Hayward, Calif, to La Vegas, Nevada. The Kern County sheriffs offir said the bodies of William H Hooker Jr . 42, Hayward: Donald l.ee Carter. 28. Hayward, and John Francis Maulsby. 45, Oak land. Calif . were found in t b e wrecked plane in mountains 40 miles south of Bakerfieid. Hooker was piloting the plane on the second leg of the annual race sponsored by the 20-30 Cluh I when hi Cessna 170 apparently i developed engine trouble, sheriff s i investigators said. I The plane was unreported after 1 refueling at Bakersfield and head ing for Palmdale. Calif. The sher : iff aenal squadron begun a search Friday afternoon and the wreckage was spotted about p m. 6 Persons Killed In Headon Crash MOUNT VERNON". NY. (APi Six persons including a driver who had been w-arned about speed ing shortly before were killed early Saturday in headon colli sion of two automobiles. The other five perished in flam ing wreckage of the second car. The collision occurred when the other car veered across the divid ing line, officer said. The driver given the w-arning was identified as Llewellyn C. Byrd, 30-year-old Negro of Green wich. Conn. Before the crash h had picked up three hitchhikeis. They were critically injured. The others killed were in a rar with New Jersey license plates. After a check police tentatively identified them as: Mrs. and Mrs. Vincent Muccia. and their 12-year-old daughter, Barbara, of Ridgefield. N. J.: Muccia' father. Nicholas. 70. and Antoinette De Biase. 12, of Ridge field. Police at Greenwich said an of ficer there halted Byrd about 4 20 a m. and warned him for speeding but permitted him to proceed without giving him a ticket. The crash occurred about an hour later 15 miles southwest of Greenwich. VETERINARY DECREE Robert Barth Bailev. ton of Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Bailey, 2 NV7 Garden Valley Rd.. is a candidate for a doctor of veterinary medicine degree at Colorado Slate I'niver ity. Fort Collins. Colo. Commencement at the universi ty i jlated for next Fnday. Bail ey is one of 60 students who will receive doctor of veterinary medi cine degrees at t h Colorado school. station KRXL 1240 K.C. if CHRISTIAN I SCIENCE J -HEALSf Sundays 10:15 A.M. ...bringing CHRIST to the nations BETHANY LUTHERAN CHURCH Extends its welcome to you to ser vices this Sunday, June 1, 8:30 AM. Sunday School, 9 30 AM TtmoOfarv Location Welcome! ' Fomihes thot worship tcgether stay together" Nurse-y ot each service. - iVir -