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About The news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1948-1994 | View Entire Issue (May 31, 1958)
7TT Morse Attacks Rayburn For Not Backing Tax Cut I WASHINGTON' (API - Sen. He wid he will break with his -Neither Kayburo Fviyne Worse (D-Ore Wednesday party", leadership and not (a economists n,r I Litacked House Speaker Sam Ray- along with President Eisenhower s, Morse said. But b turn i D Tex I and other leading Democratic congressmen lor not Importing i tax cut. I Morse reminaea nis colleagues .,( a 1956 Democratic platform I pledge to lower taxes. I The felloomt radio i toloieiea Mtm oro eriotoo' e h-so as ncelved ftera the mae"0 srotieas. The Ntws-tiv ooaa oer KBES -TV Ch. 5 Remaining Hourt Today 4 no Salvation Army 4 v Holly wood Park Dacca 4 it Thru The Porthole 5 iw Joe Palooka 00 Caacy Jones t 10 Top Dollar 1 00 Treasure T (0 Have Gun Wtll Travtl I ito Cunimokt a :t0 Science Fiction ! $ja TtnMMH Ernio Ford Quick kiAADT CTCCI SERVICE 416 N. E. Fulton, Roseburg KOIN-TV Ch. 6 Remaining Hours Today 4 00 Travtlofua 4 1.V-Hollywood Park Kac 4 45 Showtime for Mom 5 15 Cartoon Tima 5 :t0 Perry Matoa 6 :i0 Top Dollar 7:0 Gal Storm 7 :tt-Hivi Gun. will Travel 8 00 Gu.nnrr.oke I) SO Death Valley Daya A o Richard Diamond .. Nwi Wire 40 i DISCOUNT CAnra! Patnf tataeaL' Discontinuial Colon MAC'S Hdwe TV & Appliance Open Sundays 9-3 Free Parkinf Fiihing & Hunting Lictmes Sold KPIC-TV Ch. 4 Remaining Hours Today 8 On Burnt If Allen CBS 6 iO People are Funny NBC 7 00 Perrv Como NBC 8 00 Target S so Turning Point NBC goo Ted Mark NBC 9 10 Your Hit Parade NBC 10.00 L. We lit ABC SHOP OUR 5th BIRTHDAY SALE BARGAINS! SAVINGS! VALUES! We Install Whet We S.ll MnrtlTDN house or carpets IUU1SL.1M1 FLOOR COVERING OR 3-4374 IIS S t Oak KRNR 1490 KC Remaining Hours Today 4 00 NtWff 4 o Round if Round Social 4 .10 Texaco Sports 4 45 Frank Go b V-We.thr 5 00 Music of the) Wat A 15 CBS Sport S to S porta 5 :t5 Johnny Dollar oo Nwi 05 FBI In Pear War so Variety Tim 7 to World Tonifht t 50 Nfwi Analytu 7 V5 Timbertrail Newi Son Wax Works 9 00 Nwt 9 O.v Easy Llxtenlnf. Claaatctl . Glynn McCrtady inoo Newa I0O5 Ginn McCready , iu .to Haven or R) CONCRETE IS HARD TO BEAT! BRING ALL YOUR SEWER--CULVERT-DRAINAGE PROBLEMS TO US. KRXL 1240 KC Remainin.2 Hour Today 4 Oft Nw-MBS 4t Bandstand USA MBS 4 to News MBS 4 IS Randaiand USA MBS 5 10 Nw MB 5 0V Hawaii Calls MBS S .10 News MRS 5 tv-Bandtand I'SA MBS s swrwwf A sports in News MBS 8 OV Bob Grant News 6 IV-Music to News MBS IV Music ? Oct Word of Life MBS t TO News MBS 1 rrm Bureau Kxehsnf 7 o City Market New 7 41 Rhvthm At Random s on-News MBS B 0V-MujiC I 10 News MBS i.V-Muie t nn News MBS OV-Musie 1) 0( S:fn Off APPLIANCE REPAIR ALL MAKES AND MODELS 2'coT OR 3-6246 JAY'S APPLIANCE REPAIR KYES 950 KC St ND-.Y T ns,fn Qn 7 0i-ke L'p to Musi 7 2V-n, -Wa Cp to Musis T Newa Hihiights tsn-Styw Hur R.b' Class W -Christian Rrothrho4l HfW tooNewt Highlights TJ Phong MtltTmtir 2-294 paiiys leaaersnip and not go along with President Eisenhower's request for continuation of taxes at present levels. Hep. Wilbur Mills (DArkt. chairman of the tax-writing House Ways and Means Committee, was also criticized by Morse. t .H-popl are. Funny 10 00 Csvsmtii Theatre 11:30 Newt 11.J5 ign Oft II NDAT, JVM , liu ft 00 Ctrtoon 10 Baaeball Gam Of Week 12 00 Got Sat And Go 12 30 Libersc 1 00 Billy Graham 2 00 Wagon Train 3 00 Big Picture 3 .10 Ro.tmary Cloons 400 JOlh Century Wherever You Are. You Get Personal Service When You Order STEEL from CO.. INC. Phone OR 2-2658 35 A BU for Adano" II NDAT, Jl NE 1, 1U I.W Gam of th Week Cincinnati at Philadelphia) 11 JO-Thii is the Uf MOO Faiih for Today 12:30 The Chriatophert 100 Lamp Unto My feet 1:30 Compiu 2 00 Meet the Preaa 2 SO Marrlaie V rmlly 3 00 Armchair Theatre 4:00 Lait Word 4.30 Face the Nation 5 00 The Search Complete Drapery Custom-Mad Draperies Kirsch Rods SPECIAL NOW ti 1.69 BELGIAN LINEN 1 60 Inches wide . . . ROSEBURG VENETIANS & DRAPERIES "Everything for Th Well-Dressed Window" 214 S. E. Jackson Sr. Phone ORchard 3-5491 1 1 00 Sa tu rd ay C i ntmi St NDAT, JL NE 1, lt.1l 9 30 Frontier! of Faith NBC 1000 Church In the Home 10 30 Comment NBC 11 00 Big Isaue NBC 1J 00 Faith for Today 12 30 Thla 1a the Life 100 Thru the Porthole 1:15 Publie lntereit 1.10 Championship Bowling I 'M America on Parade Call WALTS for TOWING AMBULANCE . . RADIATOR REPAIR Phone OR 2-2652 487 N. t. Winchester St. ai NDAT, JtNl 1, ll t-00 Sign On t 00 N w 05 Keneally News 15 P S. Show 30 Salt Lake Choir 00 News 9 05 Real Ettate Hour 11 00 Ford Show 11 05 World Music Feativala 12. TO Ford Show 13 Vi Dance) Orcheetra 1 00 Newa 1 05 Beat In Musle g 00 Newi 105 Dance Orchetlrs a m Luke SlauRhter 3 no Frontier Gentleman 3 25 Ford Show 3 .10 Se Who 4 OO Newa 4 05 Gtmi of Melody 4 TO Sundav Dek 5 00 Jack Benny S: 30 Indictment 55 Ford Show ELLIS CABS PUBLIC P.U.C. HEARING Will bt held at CITY HALL-WEDNESDAY, JUNE 11th at 10 A.M. SALES SERVICE TOWN ft COUNTRY REFRICERATION ai.i. on ortiomn Vrr-;:: or 2-4392 -We will ssa res eaaaer fcr ear esseriesce" SI SDKT. Jl NI 1. TOO Wines of Healinf-MBS T m Bark To God Hour-MBS 100 Radio Bible Class MRS .10 Voire of Prophecy MRS f oo Assembly of God Church 1 10 Frank Emet MBS t4V Those Who Served 10 00 Bill Cunninfham MRS 10 IV-How Christian Science Heals M BS 10 10 Morninf Melodies 12 00 ;ood Citlren 12 lV-Flyinf A Sports 12 2ft Musir 12 U Roseburf Jewelers News 12 W Music 100Sunnr Side Vp 14.V Gabriel Heatter MBS 2 00 News MBS 3 0V Songs For Sal 2 IO News MBS 2 TV Sports Beat 3 00 Sunny Side Vp , 3 .10 News MBS 3 IV Sunn r Side Vp 4 no Heartbeat ThaaLrs 4 to News-MBS 4 tV-Srrapboofc of Musis B 00 Scrap book of Musir 5 TO Lutheran Hour MBS CLEAN ! A clean kearfoo. tyiram sates full! Call S & S Furnace Cleaning OR 2-4091 -VL ff 01 Churrh of Christ it-Album Tims 2 -News - A : bu n Tim 10 no-Nws 10 tii Aibuiw Tim ' in 2 Newa j io - Aitaim Time 12 oo News Hignlifht II OO Sundsf Showesas of Must IS IS News IS 3S Suitta Ihowe ost s4 Musm "Neither Kaybura sor Milta ire economists nor tax experts." Morse said. But be added they had placed themselves above such experts. Most economists say t tax cut would help end the recession, the Oregon senator said. e'uelie terries er News-Review roofers. All ereorara VM1 ee Wi occeet meeasieiltry ter nnilu rrea erioioal ecfceovles hinmkee 4 Kt-Mavvnk 3 30 This U Th Ufa oo Nwa 13 Dan Smoof, 30 Jack Benny TOO K4 Suliivsn 00 G 1 Theatre 30 Alfred Hitchcock 00 Loretta Young io Ray MUland 10 00 I Spy 10 30 Pat Boon 11:00 Newt 1104 Sign Off 5 25 Robert Trout, Newt 5 W Air Power t oo Lattie S 10 Jack Bennjr 7 00 Ed Sullivan Show 00 G E Theatre S 30 Alfred Hitchcock 9 00 1A4.000 Challcnie B TO What a Mv Line 10.00 "June Br ida" MOND4.T. JIM 1, U&S 7 "lO Lad lea Fair R 00 Garry Moore Show 30 How Do You Rate oo Arthur Godfrey Time Service Yardage kf t Per hU Yd 3 00 To Be Announced 4 '30 Film 5 00 Meet the Preaa NBC 5 Outlook -NBC 800 Noah's Ark NBC 6 30 Otiie V Harriet ABC TOO Sieve Allen NBC S f)0 Chevy Show NBC 00 Loretta Young N'BC 30 Wagon Train NBC 10:30 Theatre Royal 12:00 Dan Smoot LAWNMOWER. SHARPENING & REPAIR PICKUP 1 DELIVERY Western Sew & Marine 1771 N. I. Stephens OR 3-7S6S 00 Newa 6 05 Suspense -o Gunsmoke 55 Changing Tide) 7 00 News 7 05 Mitch Miller a 00 News 05 Country Musie t .TO Fact or Fantasy 135 World Tonight 45 Sports Time too Richfield Reporter 13 Sign Off MONDAT, JIM , 1l 8 00 Newa flS-Diwn Patrol 25 Newa .TO Dawn Palrol 7 00 Muscat Variety 7:05 Tim bertrail News 7 10 Pillowpounders Paradise 7 25 New. 7 n0 Frank Goes 7:45 Harry Babbitt 9 On Newa i 05 Toast n Tunes 00 Music :to John T Flynn -MBS 4V Dan Smoot MRS 7 on Marian Theatro MRS 7 IO New-MBS 7 ,iv Muic Bond The Stars 00 New MBS t 0V-Music S TO News MBS II TV Music on Hour of Deei sinn MRS t TO V. ,np of Healing MBS 10 00 Sign Off MONDAT, Jl M I, ItU Bon Rooster Re veil Is f on Dawnbtuters 20 City Market News 4 2V Flying A Sports g 10 News -MBS g T.v-Riil Stern-MRS 40 County Agent 4 4V Alarm Clock Clufc VV Whether Report 7 00 Frank Hem.ns way MRS 7 IV-Rreakfatt Gang 7 to News-MBS 7 tv Serenade to Sleepyhead 7 4 V Lv el News 7 W Westward to Musts 100 Cliff Engle MBS for thg ftngtt (n WEDDING lnvrttiR)fl & Annovncomofirs MOM PRINTERS 71? t ( l'.0 OS 34.S1 12 U News Highlights I W-Mirarle V Mio4: 1 lV-Geal Star ! A-Macieei Wor'rJ Off MualS) 1 W-Si Hifhiifhta 2 no O O Fa-hioned RevlvsJ Hour 2 -Reserved f"r Veil 4V-Frrwar4 Msrrk 3 On Sews JOV Sundae Coneert lM JatS S 2VNews t .10 Sundae Osieorl tm Jas 4 OS News HifMlfhW iiHJJKlV II If I 1 7 DAYS A WEEK X f trr tva, Sit, j V I l.L S.IU. II tail Strvist tn I J f-hl IM I I tPittiri Till! Nl I n I'lcmt a E. W. Roolle t Sons Jl LOW tlD PORTLAND (AP-A low bid of $183,660 for relocating the west side f orest Service road below the dam at Hills Creek Reservoir was disclosed Wednesday by Army Engineers. The engineers said the bid came from Mack Slate Jr.. Albany. There were seven other bidders. The government estimate for the I tfcit MONDAT. Jl KB S, HU 116- Walter C row kite The Newt UOSCartooa 11 13 Country Sly I USA 11:30 Aa the World Turns 13 00 Beat the Clock 12 30 Houae Party 1 00 Bif Payoff 1.10 The Verdict la Your 3 00 Brighter Day 2 13 Secret Storm 2 30 Edge of Night 3 00 Feminine Fane toe 2 43 Search For Tomorrow TRUCKERS! CONTRACTORS! For Off The Rood Servico SEIBERLING POWER LUG TRUCK TIRES All Popular Sixes GUARANTEED TIRE RECAPPING PARKER TIRECAP 2J3S Diameed Leke live" OR 3-1301 9 30 Dotto 10 00 Love of Life 10 30 Search for Tomorrow 10.45 Guldinf Light 11.00 Cronkit Newi 11:0.1 HI Neighbor 11 10 At World- Turna 12:0ft Beat the Clock 12 30 Houae Partv 100 The Bif Payoff 130 Verdict la Youra 2 00 Brighter Day 2:1.1 Secret Storm 2 .10 Edge or Night 3:00 KOIN Klitrhen 3:30 Armchair Theatre . SPRING SPECIAL Dutch Boy White HOUSE PAINT 495 Gollon ROSEBURG COLOR CENTER 419 S. I. Main OR J-5367 FREE PARKING MONDAY, JINK 1, It St 1000 Price Is Right -NBC 10:30 Kilty Foyle NBC 11:00 Matinee Theatre NBC 12 00 Queen for a Day NBC 12:45 Modern Romances NBC 10 Comedy Time NBC 1:30 Truth or Consequence! NBC 100 Variety Film Fair 3:30 Guett Book CLOSED MAY 30 & 31 Memoriel Weekend HONN'S CLEANERS 101 S. E. Stephens OR J-8291 25 News North weal Hllites g TO Toast n Tunea oo News O.V Peter and Mary 9:15 Backstage Wife fl 30 Toast n Tunea 10 00 Man About Town 1005 Man Named Mage 10 10 Sanders Shoo Time 10 15 Ma Perkins 10 30 Easy Vallev Weather 10 .T5 Song of Yesteryear 10 40 Mid morning Melodies 11 00 News 1105 Right to Happlnesa 11:15 .Second Mrs. Burton 11. .TO Young Dr. Malona 11 45 Road of Life 12 00 News at Noon 12 15 Meet the Artist 12:10 Helen Trent 12 45 Our Gal Sunday 1 00 Newa 1 05 Whispering Streets 1 TO Arthur Ceodfrey 2 TO Houseparty J OO Fool in' Around with Records WINDOW SCREENS We taka maaiuramants and maka to your order. All lises and typos Scroan Doors at special prices. AH Your Home Improvements. NO MONEY DOWN, Up To iO Months To Pay at Jr"Tj iuiidino turrir co. IV-Melody Mill 8 TO News M BS S :t.V-Potiuck 00 News MBS tov Farm Bureau Eachang t 10 Take Five IV-Fun With Musit t TO News MRS t TV Town Crier i 40 Garden Trips Tunes 4V Are Vou Listening 10 00 Newspaper nf tno Air MBS 10 IV-Tel lo Test MR in TO-Gabriel Heatler MRS 10 TV Hou Party 11 0V-Stork Club II 10 Music II TO Newa MRS 11 r-vQuesn For A Day MRS 12 00 Mid Day News 12 IV-Flvtng A Sports 12 20 Musis 12 .TV-Greet Your Neighbor 12 so Market Reports 12 SI Sunny Side l'p 1 iWKHe Smilh Sings MBS 2 00 Sunnv Side Vp 2 4V-The Answer Man MBS 2 00 News MBS 1 OV-Runnr Side Us S 30 News MRS If your News-Review hoi not arrived by 6:15 p.m. Phone OR 2-3321 4 01 Chrtwder Msrehln' as Oebstln' Sr iei 4 tV- News 4 10 More Chowder ft 00 Nes H ignlignts SO" r.arir Cenmg M?lS 9 2News 5 -rarlir Evening Moods goo News M ghiignu 12 t.mtY Svsning Moods f 2-Sews tW r.srlr Ivetilng Moods M News Westhew 100 Sign Off RICEIVIO work on the middle fork of the Willamette River was $11.116. SHE HAD HER FATHERS! FEATURES . . . end he thinks hit broint, too; toys she's sure to grow up to be a toady customer of Bruct'i Radio & TV. Niw Athliarea' With GRAVIS MUSIC CO. DANCE Thurs., June 5 . e -ti ' r.y :,'-v- Gene Vincent And Hit Blue Caps AT LINDY'S 9 P.M. TO 1 A.M. Admission $2.00 IT 9 AND HI! AND HIS W23 ygTTrn 2-162 1 y,; 7 $ i 1 "Douglas County's No. 1 Dane Band" EVERY SATURDAY NIGHT AT LINDY'S lVl Miles South of Roseburg on Old Hiway 99 ADMISSION $1.00 Per Person OLD TIME DANCE Every Saturday ROSEBURG V. P. Dancing 9 P.M. to 1 A.M. Music by Lloyd Powell and the Stardusters ALL YOUR OLD FAVORITE TUNES! COME-BRING THE FAMILY CJl3"i T Vttl A 51 Ei Community News Briefs Mr. and Mrs. Art Roddy and family of Eugene visited here Sun- day with relatives and friends. Mike Deller, superintendent of the Koseburf Schools, and Harry Jiroby. principal at senior high, spent Tuesday in Eugene inter viewing prospective teachers. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Coomoe and daughter, Palli and Carol, were weekend guests at the home of the former's brother-in-law and sister. Mr. and Mrs. p. A. Riley, at Albany. Miss Lerna Vance, student at , at Southern Oregon College, spent, the weekend here visiting her mother, Mrs. Ruby Vance, and J making arrangements for summer wort i . ! Mr. and Mrs. Gene Parr and i children, Jeannie, Karen and Julie.J na air. ana nirs. oo .itohb Thursday night for Eureka. Calif., to spend the weekend with Mrs. Parr's sister. Mrs. Everett Bol lan, and family. SSf 4 Mrs. Richard G. Kuest ! have moved here from Yakima, U'ch mnti are residing on Nebo Street. They have purchased pro- perty at the corner of Stanton and i . i j ....... i a nur drive in business there. Mr. and Mrs. Charles R. Kellogg and 14-year-old son and 6 year-old daughter are newcomers in Doug las County from Philadelphia, Pa. They have purchased a home at Rt. 4 Box 1540. Mr. Kellocg is an attendant at the K Hospital. a ej... Ut riiffnrrl mr.. ..... "--.""-., (.ampDe I ana . r. "" "" 01 uannon: ana nus. i.v icct. and Mrs Clark Boice. both of Langlois visitied here Monday nieht at the home of Mr. and Mrs Bvron Aure. They made the trip to see the Auers' son, Byron, re ceive his diploma of graduation from Myrtle Creek High School. Mr. and Mrs.- Merle Crouch and children, Merel Jr., David and Dennis, of this city, are leaving for Hartford. Ark., to visit the childrcns' paternal grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. B. C. Crouch. This will be the first visit of David and Dennis to their grandparents. The family expects to be back in Roseburg by June 15. DANCE SATURDAY NIGHT MAY 24th EAGLES HALL Music by Chuck Gouge ana hit Sons of the Saddle Ftoturine Vecelt by Lean White DANCING 9 TIL 1 EAGLES AND GUESTS TO THE MUSIC OF JOE POWELL KIAMICHI MT. BOYS Nite HALL etecATCo y okuanoi The o4etriyia eionr el tno rise of Cowmuaisw la Rwti.a 1014 by fllas ooMoolod tar OeeMotl aoothio rooster rwanrr evior SUNDAY J OO M CHANNEL 4 KNC NIC TILIVISION iat. May 31, 1958 The Newi-RY.w, Roseburg. Ore. 1J ' Jee Hallmark, student at l'ni-i versily uf Oregon, has arrived here ; to spend the weekend with his par- enls. Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Hall mark, on SE Overlook Avenue. Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Calliswi of this city are spending the holiday j weekend in Camas, Wash, visiting the former's brother and sister-in-l taw, Mr. ana sirs. u. t. callison. Dr. end Mrs. Michael Rice are newcomers from Detroit. Mich., and are residing on the VA Hospi tal Post. Dr. Rice is a member nf the merliral alaff mi th V'S Una. p,,l. Mrs. P. L. (Luveme) VenSchrilti has been appointed to be assistant warder of the Grand Chapter of Oregon, OES , June 2 through the Sth to be held in Portland. Mrs. VonSchnltt is worthy matron of Roseburg Chapter, No. 8, OES Mrs. Roger Reece and children have left for Bend for a visit with the former'i mother, Mrs. Mary Bevans, and her sister. Ginger Revans Mrs Reeee miHa th inn in ti- u. ...... ........ I high school graduation diploma. i Mr. and Mrs. John Barker and '. baby son, Bryan Fremont, and the I former's mnthur lr Viinni ! Barker, all of Seattle, are spending in nnliflav weekend hrt vititiniy . his .two aunts, Mrs. Velle Broad way and Mrs. L. W. Josse. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Hampton, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Myers, Mr. and Mrs. (ieorge Singleton, Mr. and Mrs. Phil Singleton and Mr. and Mrs. Donn Radaba'igh made up pari arty who spent last weekend .( diamond .ake. They report ex- Alla, fi.i.i- ,..i,h .......I lim ... . ,m. . ... ' i , ' r-. ty. Mr. and Mrs. Max C. Bertram and 14 months-old son have moved from Phoenix, Aril., to hosrburg and are resideim at 813 W. r air- haven. Mr. Bertram is employed1 hy Hale Brothers Logging Co. Un til they found I home to reside in, Mr. and Mrs. Bertram and son visited at the home of Mrs. Ber tram's sister, Mrs. Sig Madson. Milton T. Vance, who has been in the Army the last two years, has arrived home following his recent honorable discharge. He is the son of Mrs. Ruhy Vance. He was 13 months in Germany with the 67th Armored Division and since returning to this country has been stationed at Kort Hood, Tex as. While overseas he took more than 700 pictures in Denmark, Swe den and Germany. UMPQUA PAVING CO. ASPHALT CONTRACTORS Locartd N. Umpqu Hif hwty at J. C. Com pt on' i Cruihor tomploto Pavlnf Sorvlct for Rosoburf F.H.A. Financing Available OR 2-1331 or 3-5726 rTJyjl and Vicinity FREE I Estimates SUN-MON-TUE IT EXPLODES IN THE NO-MAN'S LAND NO PICTURE EVER CROSSED BEFORE! The bombshell slory of a Colonel who led hit regi ment to hell and back... iini RALPH MEEKER -oGtORGE MACRUOY WAYNE ALL the BARE facte and FIGURES In a young medie'e love lit , . . 0l DIRK BOQARDE MURIEL PAVLOW . DONALD 8INDEN wVa IK fSON Mr. and Mrs. Frank Prince, who have been spending the winter in California, have returned to Ore- gon and are spending the summer at their cottage at Little River. Mr. and Mrs. Ridge way Logoorr and ( year-old daughter and twin sons, 4, and son, Z years-old. nave moved from Reedsport to 1129 NE Crescent Ave., Roseburg. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Blythe drove to Albany Memorial Day to meet Mr. and Mrs. P. A. Riley and daughter. Judy. The group then went to Portland to picnie at Jant zen Beach. Movie Showtime SATl DAT. MAT St. ISSS STARLIT DRIVE-IN Open at T no. Show starts 100. "Saddle the Wind" 8 07, 11 TO "High Cost of Loving" W PINK DRIVE-IN Open at Too. Show tarts l oo "Bernardino" 1 07. ' Ket tles en Old Mac Dona Ids Farm" 10. IT Bonus Feature at 11 .45. P. I' N D 4 T, JI NK I, 1M STAR LITE DRIVE-IN Open at TOO Show starts 8 00. "Paths of Glory" S07, 1143 "Doctor at Large" t M PINE DRIVE-IN Open at 7 00 Show staria 100 "My Man Godfrey" 8 01. j 1204. "Pal Joey" 10 07 MONDAY, Jt'NE , Itls "" " iuM" Sunday thru Tuesday "KISS THEM FOR ME" Itorrin, Cery Grant, Jayna Mantfiald end Suton Parkar, plus "FLAME OF THE ISLANDS" with Howard Duff and Zachary Scott. Ends Tonight "THE ENEMY BELOW" end "FORTY GUNS" Sunddy "A HATFUL OF RAIN" starrin Da. Murray and Eve Marie Saint, plus Farrait Tuckar In "THE AB OMINABLE SNOWMAN" Ends Tonifht "THE FASTEST GUN ALIVE" end "FORBIDDEN PLANET" .e v1' ineasrsuGEdt? Last Times Tonight "Bernardino" at 8:07 only "Th. Kettles" at 10:15 only BONUS FEATURE 0t 11:45 SUN-MON-TUE Another Great Show FRANK KIM SINATRA NOVAK in "PAL JOEY" in color plus JUNE DAVID ALLYSON NIVEN "My Man Godfrey" Color TONIGHT: "SADDLE th WIND" In Color "Th. High Cost el Loiet" "V AOOLPHE MENJOU -l MORRIS RICHARD ANDERSON i (so Vt klaMCOOS JUSTICE 1J0T 72 1111111.1?' I mm