V I. By MRS. ARTHUR SELBV Vacation Bitilo 12 Tht Nowi -Review, Roeabutg, Ore. Thuri. May 29, 19S8 (JiJe Church " " " I pa. . Jt n i r luateseiDie Daccaiaurcaiw, urduumiuu Concluded At Elkton School - use r w HENOERER i reived a tcholarship to Oregon The fclkton limn School Baccal-Stale Coileiie. Judy Taylor and Ir- Glide Church of Christ for chil- aureala was held Sunday evnini,vin uua ( .nc-, ilay 24, in the high achool gymna- nates. aium. ' Officers Elected 0l.h,y fnlS Pbyyed-'onwP.rrd! The ChrisUan Women'. Fellow r'hnSr.n SoldTer n by the ;"'P ' Elkton Christian .ScVhtvo potluck Sy Rev Fullerton. The senior j luncheon at the church. During the sirla sang, "God Will Take Care I business meeting the foUow.ng new of You." Scripture waa r.ad br;('r were elected: President, .Mrs. Vernon Brendon; vice presi liev. liner. 1 i ! i 1 1 i . Guest speaker was Key. D. Hugh,, treUrer, Mrs. Vera Clemo; Peniston of the rirst PresbyUrian devotjonll chllrman Nettie Comp- uuuiiu u, ,., " ,J:rkton and study chairman, Mrs. Ver- Supreme Court Rules Invalid School June 9 Washington Co. Zoning District Community News Briefs ior class sang "You'll Never Walk Alone," followed by tne Deneaic tion given by Rev. Gibbs. Miss llatfner then played the recession- Eighrh wrade Graduation Kighth grade graduation was held May 26 at the grade school. Mrs. Dorothy Snow played the processional, followed by the invo- grade will start June It at H.30 am. to 12 noon for ten days. Duane Obt-nchain. pastor, will direct the school program. Teach ers are Mrs. Guy .Mullins, Mr. Kill Baiculin, Mrs. uuane utien chain, Mrs. 11. Gillette, Aubrey Haliicld and Diana Hayes. Mrs. Kay Smith is secretary; Mrs. Del- bert Ferrin. director of muic; Mr. and Mrs. John Kert of this , Mr. and Mrs. V. K. Holcomb had Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Hantm en t'M (APi The iaie Su- lu'uiwrtv owner requirement was citv en loved the rhododendron fes- a viMt from their son, Ralph II. i were in Kelso. Wah. over the school at the preme Court ruled invalid Weilnes- unconstitutional tival at Florence over the week- llolcomb. of Davrs. Calif this week, weekend visitins the former s day the hast Washington county irie i.e'isiaiuiv. ai iu ena. mt. rvori is un me i-muid i,aiMi. www , wi,,,.. ..... ... ........... ....... ncu. iesKn last ucuhxt. pa.-eo a ia i0unty Hank and -Mrs. iori is sec- .a esii:aic n, nau unji mi till left almo-t all to validate all fire and zoning dis- retary to Miss Carol Trimble, northwestern states during tne last - " , !T p"" , 7r i.wm. -,..n.ni, H,trt,-i m th trirts. and la oerrmt anv rems- riniii'lac I'nnniv l.thrarian three weeks. . . ,niiij id lered voter to vote in elections 10 tSJJSFi" .!.h.?fh! d s, slate under a cloud. beraue the hiah court did not rule on the con- create such districts stiiutionality of a 13') 7 law to v all- Zone Still Illegal dale them. The hiah court first ruled the East Washington District invalid a year ayo because of a require ment that voters in elections to create zoning and fire districts Mra. Howard Carnes. delegate elected hw Ih. Klktnn Rphekah cation by Key. Richard Carter. A,,, t0 attend the Grand Lodge welcome was given aj wean war- Assembly in Corvallis returned riaon followed by a song by the Im,,,. Friday Frinrn Ifrddrn dts- eignm graoe ciaxs. uuesi trict denuty. Mona Kydell and Ma was Kohert G. Davis, circuit judge el Rader, all from the Klkton elect of Roseburg. Eighth grade Hebekah Lodge, also attended gins Bang in me uirutn, """ Grand Ixxite r.ugene risner, scnooi Doara cnair xnan, presented diplomas. Peggy Ivenhagen gave re sponse to the presentation of di plomas. Mrs. Snow played the re cessional followed by the benedic tion by Rev. Carter. Of interest to his many friends in Elkton was the graduation May 26, of Paul Stewart from the sen ior nigh school In Lewiston, Idaho, He graduated with honors with the fourth highest grade point in his rlass of over 300 students. He and his sister, Kathy are living with their aunt and uncle in Lewiston. Kathy is now a dental assistant. Their mother is Mrs. Sally Nemeth of Elkton. Paul attended Elkton High School for two years. He is planning to study for a law de gree. Janet Fisher, daughter nf Mr. and Mra. Eugene Fisher, has re- non Brendon. Installation of new officers will be July 2. The Al-si-um Club of the Daugh ters of the Nile met at the home of Mrs. William Hansen with Mrs members and one past member,! service may phone Mrs. Obenchain Mrs. Arthur Farnell of Southern! t GYpsy 6 3471. California, were present Sheila Hatfield, pianist and Mrs. i must have been property owners. lslie Hatfield, chairman or re-1 - hat decision held that tne freshments. ! Bible school will doe, June 20, . . with a special program presented hircf DSDllST l 7-IWI ism Trannortatlon fori ' students wil be furnished church members. Parents wishing to enroll their children for this J Church School Plans Outlined A training session was held tins One Graduates ! week at the First Baptist Church. Sunt. Harry llarvie attended the ! the second of a three session attend the opening of the Student Robert Ptnn has left lor Santa Mombors of the Southern Bap- Show at the Museum Art School Barbara. Calif, to make his home tist Church will enloy a picnic in tne atlernoon. At tins time the . nn.i uu nUnt t .ni..r t li this pnmmn i it n it i v follou'ine ! Turners' son. Raloh James Tor. In Wednesdays opinion, the rea esUte business. His wife and church services. The picnic will be ner. received his diploma. At grad- court held that the East Wa-hing- cnij,)ren wll remain here fur a held at the new Stewart Hark and ualion exercises at Reed Colleue ton District still is illegal and does sn()r( (lme to lUend bu-iness will he in the nature of a farewell June 15. Turner will receive his xiC , and will join him there soon. for the Rev. and Mrs. J. T. How- B - degree in Fine Arts. But the opinion can t apply to ' ar(j other districts, occause ine niu Jon Pickens, son ol Mr. and -Mrs court invalidated the district on Ivan Pickens, will spend the Me- Mr. and Mrs. George Weseman grounds other than constitutional- morial weekend with the Robert hdle returned to llteir home on ily of the 1957 law. Naver family of Portland on the Diamond Lake Boulevard alter a The latest suit was brought by MpuiIius River on a fishing trip. , week s vacation in Los Anneles sponsors of a proposed Kalcih jon is a senior at Oregon State visiting relatives and friends. They Hills Zoning District, which would College. also enjoyed a trip to Disneyland, he smaller than but wilhin the ; Bolh Mr ,nd Mrs. Weseman are bounds of the East Washington Mr. and Mrs. John Shirley and ,mpoyed in lhe Dougia, county District. son. Johnnie, and Kenneth Dun- ar't offK.e The county court refused to call ham spent last weekend fishing at an election to create the Kaleish Lemoio Lake, iney were ine oer- M(. . Mri R Michener are Hills District, but the hish court nmht guests of Mrs. Shirley's eavin8 tomorrow morning for directed that the election be held, nrotner. uick .'McKens. wno Keeps we,.i.end vacation trip to the red- A. .,..... fl.n hie tpnilni. t Rind Tuil ivar HlP ...... C .. eighth grade promotion exercises , course under the leadership of 7 " ' ?,;.,,,;., a'u ha hn Camm AUo in the fishing Dartv v,'s oi cai li rnia. iniy win go at Toketee Falls school Monday Mrs. Lula Hughs, general super-: Zn'"R hr'ct'thlsh.a' "T' Slim ' Copper Pa" to Miranda, Calif where they will evening, at which he was guest 1 intendent of the two week vaca- " ,'.d b'lh;ne V'!st Whmcton I!"",,1 their dauehter. Mis, Nancy b..- ,! ... .iH..ni orarfu.: i mn h.irh hnni passed b the r.dl v. asnington . d..,l. r Michener: the latter s fiance. : ZZ iV.,h ,hn will ,i. Th. -hnnl theme is "The Child District. The legal creation of this . I n.,.,srn John MacKnight: and Miss Terry a u, v....... j , .. ... . . . district lhe court he n. makes ll " "" ..... - ; - - , ... ... . .r., i. tend Glide High this fall. I and Jesus." ine session was open-1 :m,WB:h . huv. lh. i--., u ,vh. where they will visit with the tor Mr nH Mis Lawrence Casey with a-u. r-..u s:nn..l. r.1 iriLlnn hat1 anrt lr .nil Xln U'rt-ii Rlir nlan- . pastor. circus and parade Saturday, on the! ned to spend last weekend at Fast' -ucile Cross ve book report, lodge hall lot. Dens 1 and 3 parti- Lake but on arrival at p.m. Fri- The raith You Teac-lv Mrs. Jean cipaled with Mrs. Loyal Bossen day, the grounds were overcrowd- Merril reported on, 1 repared les- . .. ' ... .. mn mutsrin c anrt hnw lis tin it " and Airs. Leo crisman ana Airs. ea. Sleeping in uieir car over- r. . ..; Jim Adamo assisting in the conces- night on the highway, they turned M". r-velyn Everson learning sions lli.tr. .I Tho Unul i.ratirin (if this i district, the court held, makes it leaving a devotional led by the ''.',.: .' . mer's erandmother. Mrs. Rose Dr. Eugene Gerlitz. Mrs. : ' K ' ., ' j ..,i Raiih ' Purkett. They will also visit 11.11. ,l,.tr.t. rfn n,.t hnv. anv l.odl, Calif.. With Mr. . ........ .,., ...k .,hr Eddie Miller The opinion was written by I'urketls expect to be gone for a Chief Justie William C. Perry. of the Decoration OPEN Memorial Day For your convtnttncf. Complttt lino of grocoriot, tino mootv m4 picnic noodt. THE FOOD MART 930 S. t. Stephens and Mrs nd family. The Sulherlin. McKenzie. The latter three all live I in California. The Micheners will be accompanied Irom here hy Mr. and .Mrs. Willard Schroeder of week. On account Miss Htlen Chandler, formerly Douglas County Home Extension Audit and who has been in rakis- BUDGET APPROVED i sold. Proceeds Irom the lem-ibaek to camp ana nsn at imoio . e, candy and popcorn was S6 Lake. I llcrnl1 'lk! on .muVc- . ! LnlanQOIfl Vi flmPIl 5 ! D, wil. bemused to buy new den Krn,e .Sharp. A. Navy Air I TfJ'J. t.V. "JIV ! S": x I t.on of hand work. Plans are un-! f h.k HnC ninnar der way for a large and interesting ! ssmivs scnooi. Many and varied tpes of h:,nH work is beine nlanned. Movies I By MRS. GEORGE MUr and film strips on the life of Jesus ! Hie Calapooia Women's C lub time. ....n i i i held an all dav meeting at the (:ame nf other countries will be clubhouse with a potluck dinner.1 Miss Janice Romine and Miss part of the world drove his car both ways, slopping i Daved at the recreation period. : President -Mrs. Norah Stephens i anua Mms. ootn lormer nose en route at Grass Valley, Calif., j y ,phe sc.m0o v.,11 open June 9 and conducted the business meeting burg High School students who include children aaes three throuah : anu summer pians were compiei-; .i.e.... o...- s.u..cK, iunior hich. Anyone not attending ! "d. The next meeting will be i'ame down .Monday night to al and flags. weeks visit with his parents. Mrs. and Mrs. W. A. Sharp on Little cm avis iidi i .ki i,j "iver roaa, to reiurn 10 ins use niliiuniiu mi ' iuiuui uuu- . , ll..,.!. get of $1,002,377, which exceeded;" the t per rent limitation by $44fi, 389, met approval of voters in the Ashland school district Tuesday. They approved the budget by a 418-376 vote. Included in the budget are $60,000 for six new classrooms at one grade school, and S.'iO.OOO in teachers' salary increases. Va. He had 30 days leave, but he av holiday there will be no nlav tan the last year on a Ford Found f the Elks Duplicate Bridne Club turn Fellowship, has sent various riday. May 30. It has also been trienos in uoujjias county canny. announced that the June 6th play i which has been made in that conn will he held at the Episcopal Par- try from the pure sugarcane. Miss ish Hall on account of the Elks Chandler has written a number of convention being held here at that interesting letters to friends re garding her work in Pakistan and her many sight seeing trips to that ROGER'S TUNE-UP rcgtf SHOP Opposite Vtt's Entrance Just Oft Harvard Ave. 12$ W. Whorton St. OR 2-4022 FAST SERVICE ON Automotive Tunt Up Corburetors Generators Rebuilt Brakes Relined Lubricatioe YOU CAN DEPEND ON US! to visit his brother. Sharp enlisted in the Navy after completing his junior year at Glide High in 1955, selecting the electron ics division of the air force. ltii)i.(iirtnttt ciwiw no out tmm man. m stow, ess ma uttim swens. l,5 it SI lit' n zn'KVY m m r ' I) W' Mr 1 1 &ljfrj' (.- "'' l-. I ll (i5 -'! fif II, w "f f 'll I. If 1 1 CJ ' r.'-'V m "(i I I J I Mm Hi : JsW. atJ ivii $ffl(li"attij YEAR AFTER YEAR AFTER YEAR Willi knowing care and lots of nppnviation, lhe pood things in Nature are only too glad to stow. So it is with 7 Crown. Bounteous care from us, and unwavering appreciation from the public, has made it flourish like no other whiskey under the sun. It is first in the world. Say Seagram's SllVC anywhere else is wflcome. California Relatives Come For Graduation June 1H. : tend graduation exercises at the . Portland Guests 1 high school, lhey stayed overnight ! .Mr. and Mrs. Alex Edcnholfer of at the home of the former's par- Portland were houseguesls at the e",s. -Mr. and Mrs. James Romine, ! home of John Paulsen Friday. returning to school the following Some 40 people came last Satur- morning. day for the Coles Valley Cemetery .Mr. and Mrs. E. O. Weaver of cleanup day. A potluck dinner was Carlsbad Calif, arrived Sundav served ai me l mpqua community at the home of their son in-law and Hall. The annual meeting of the daughter, .Mr and Mrs. Vern asMx-tauon was neiu wnn wimar UJn.,t.,n in k iiurncn 'I lev cyme .huiuiit uicsiuhik. .iiatiiin ,,m- to attend the graduation of their M'n was elected for a five year granddaughter. Dixie, at Hose burg High School. Visit Crater Lake term on the board. Plans were Miss Merrie Ellen Boe, fresh man student at Oregon Slate Col leue. came to Kosehurg .Monday niuht to attend the Koscburg High School graduation exercises at which time her sister, Karen re ceived her diploma of graduation. Miss Boe, and her houseguest. Mrs. Minnie Murphy recently ac- ...i.. i. . k. .,t.j .iiss rjoe. . .i, rm,,K Barbara Hand, also a student at Mrs. Frankie Moore recently OSC. slaved overnight at the home of the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Boe. coinpanied Mr. and Mrs. George r.ov.p r.ugene, wnere sne visu- Orser and Roy Stoflel of Roseburg -1 Maggie r ranees, wno is to Crater Lake. They reported lots . of snow there. r"J, ''arJl "nsP' ?', , , No Tax Cut At This Mr. and Mrs. Harry Johnson.: ' "" nu us.. . . n.- mil. have returned to their home in Eddie, ot Salem were weekend i imc, wemmn wt iss Portland alter visiting over the guests ai me mime oi tne mime s weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Joe s'"'1; ana tamuy, .Mrs. Blake Sand and family. Balru The Elgarose Comfort I lub will - meet June 4 with a dessert lunch- April Bank Debits Are eon at 1:30 p.m. at the home of ii cr- Mirrti Rnnrt Mrs. Inei Oliver. All members anil "r r friends are cordially invited to at Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Corny of Or- j"? ia"i?"4 t" ',1 1 Lh"L IP?".".".?. '1fis?..,a,? egon State College of Corvallt, vts- h,u F 9 ner " Z - ited over the weekend with her , (,ss ,., m A)rj, ,9-7 at.c(mllnu Thcv wou,d ,,,, redu(.ed about parents -Mr. and Mrs. van B""'. to the Bureau of Business Research three billion dollars Julv 1 with. WASHINGTON ( API President Eisenhower this week ruled out any anti-recession tax cut at this time, so far as the administration is concerned. The White House announced al so that Eisenhozer is renewing April bank debits from 18 report- his recommendation to congress Mr. and Mrs. Warren l.ucas. and at lhe University of Oregon. out extension of the present law. carmen ami ijaiiy s.uinn-1, iqmns t,..i ai.. ,i. ..., ii,a ,!, ti, jn,i..,n. Mn... ,k- m correspondent Airs. Thelma Han-! S131.89ii.0n8. Bank debits reD- for continuation at the coine rate ; resent the dollar value of checks came after Secretary of the Treas '. drawn against deposit accounts of ury Anderson had conferred with FUNDS FOR CLATSOP I individuals and business firms and ' congressional leaders of both I are generally regarded as good in- parties. WASHINGTON AP) - T h e dirators of business activity. Anderson then met with Eiscn- National Park Service will recoin-1 In all Oregon, with 167 banks re- hnwer and the President notified mend appropriation of enough I porting, debits totalled S1.58U.783.-1 Vice President Nixon, the Sen funds to buv at least 10U acres for: 625 in April, an increase of 5 1 ale s presiding officer, and House the Ft. Clatsop National Memorial i per cent from March and a de-1 Speaker Sam Rayburn (D-Texl of Site, Sen. Richard L. Neuberger ' crease of 2 per cent from Aprd the decision regarding corporation iD Orc) said Wednesday. 19.'i7. and excise taxes. The Harvest Season Will Soon Be Here IT'S THE FARM BUREAU FOR Baler Twine .,. 8.00 Bale Ties o 0- ,i,i, !,, is itt p,, 1 2.65 Bale Ties w ,i. i3Pi is 19a. i p bait 1 1.20 Bale TieS loj" lin. loop, IS go. wire per bolt 1 2.35 IT'S THE FARM BUREAU FOR Grass Scythes A, ,ow ., 7.63 Hand Sickle 90c 2.95 Grass Shears 2.05 3.25 Electric Hedge Shears iunbc,m 46.95 Grass Catchers 1 .98 2.85 LAWN MOWERS PftS "1., Trade in your old mower NOW! BUY WHERE YOU SHARE IN THE SAVINGS PHONE OR S.E. Washington at Roseburg, Oregon 2-2683 tSEsSEtSSSi nt S.P. Track JJ " ' m : STOP PARK SHOP FARM BUREAU EXCHANGE WEISFIELD'S WILL BE OPEN ALL DAY SATURDAY Hi. IH "ll HI Tl nwmrt nenu a ine--saeai " WAP OF A SWfTCH- iHSMrwtic-eirf' rL -i. J WAT MOWING --VjTsk., t- .... II 9MsnC-.-'K I sleV 18-inch Eleefrie -aa wt ROTARY POWER Mown I H SI KH! AM UOTOt 2r MODEL J HANDMIXER Reg. 19.95 12.88 DELUXE CHROME Reg. 54.50 34.66 eilrtiinrfcal wbemn pSHAVEMASTER 88' ELECTRIC SHAVER lST TERMS AS IOW AS 1.1 A W CUTS tUU 11 IN IWITN TttUS HC KT y M MIV KMCIS. ITC. MIKHI UJUSIAMi MOM H. I t' e ion; un rosmsi earn kmt ectNee Nitr ourr Ml rs lHMrwtl6HT. (AST SO VSC. AOT SO STOee Mel CM ATTACHMf Mf (t.Mitliri. Il.a man 3 eSassassjs"esesJ sajstCa-j j 5.95 1 trM88 TRACK H WITHOUT TRADC-IN , ... 1 1 IB 1 0W-- T. t ONCT SOc A WCEK f f t , KrVfff i 1 sr.i.B . at t l.lCttcl - fe 1 I I 'astVaMsssti zona 650 S. . Jackson Street Roseburg STORE HOURS: Dally 9:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. CLOSED FRIDAY FREE BUS Service Sar. 0..4 th fcui to downtown FS.EE Sot., another Mrvice of Vewr Rot.bure Mcrchent ' "fere. -su