RULING ON DIRICTO SALEM A county judge County district ttoroey. ran t terve as ichool boird Thornton pointed out that tht director, Aity. den Robert Y. tat Constitution won't permii Thornton ruled Tuesday. any person to serve in more than The opinion was lor the Yamhill one branch of the government. Sutherlin Theta Rho Girls Elect Assembly Delegates s WOODi SAWDUST blowerI SERVICE 1 , JtI ' " 'blowerI Ve'rv'i'ceI j Summer Rates on Planer Ends Now Phone OS 9-8741 Peeler Core Oak Green Slob Sawdust For Mulch By MRS. BRITTAIN SLACK Gamma Delta Theta Rho ('.iris of Sutherlin elected the following delegates to attend the assembly in Eugene June 19 21. Karen Hubhell, first delegate; Karen Ballentine. second, and Mil dred Williams, alternate. "Hobo'i Holiday" larlv WiUnn was honored on her birthday. a111 u"-i;r. i unuua. At the Mav 28 meeting the re-1 Urt. Masgie Francis of Kair freshmen! committee will be Kar- Oaks recently underwent surgery en Ballentine, Agnes Yanko and . at Sacred Heart Hospital in Ku Kirrn Cowan. Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Grubbe and Mrs. Ada Abeene visited Mrs. Mrs lnei Rogers drove to Beaver-j Sarah Cheever and Mrs. Fannie tun, Mrs. There were 14 girls and three i..,' tte,i. advisors present with Karen iiiid bell acting as president pro-tern. The second nomination of of ficers was held and the advisors picked the installing officers for the Julv installation. Mimrea n- Rogers Mrs. Rogers at Lewis and spent a couple of days visiting at the Stan Chilton home on Terrace Lane last week. Calla Jean Norris, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Martin Norris of Fast Sutherlin. is a candidate for a bachelor of arts detree at Pari- former home, Thompson, mother of Troy Thomp- fic I niversilv. Forest ('.rove. Miss who is son, at tnt iiougias louniy Home Norris, lhompson. Wed. May 28, 1958 The News-Review, Retebure,, Ore. t Boy Meets Girl Mrs Grubbes aunt, now maKes one aay last ween. . mis her home in Sutherlin with Mr. and Mrs. Grubbe. Mr. and Mrs. George Warren and four children. Mrs. Hare) Caudill and little son. Rocky, ana elementary education hams will be installing officer and xin Art Rartiurst and baby daugh Karen Ballantine installing mar- ter all went to Portland in the shall. i Warren car Saturday, returning .. . ISundav. The Warrens visited Mrs. Birthday Honored i w.rren'i parents, Mr. and Mrs. It was reported that US wasli. v ommert and attended church made on the car wash. Plans were Milwaukie. Mrs. Caudill spent in lor, took part in the graduation who is recoenng from a broken exercises May 25. She is a member pelvis, hopes to be able to come of Phi Lambda Omicron sorority home soon. , and is a graduate of Sutherlin High Harry Lee of Spokane, Wash., , School. FROM NINE TO FIVE By Jo Fischer made to have a cake sale, and The Harvest Season Will Soon Be Here IT'S THE FARM BUREAU FOR- Baler Twine . 8.00 Bale Ties si, loop, is . Mr ! 1 2.65 Bale Ties , t - MP. mh,,. i p 1 1 .20 Bale Ties 10 j- ,. i,OD. is so. k.i. 1 2.35 IT'S THE FARM BUREAU FOR Grass Scythes A 7.63 Hand Sickle 90c 2.95 Grass Shears 2.05 3.25 Electric Hedge Shears SuBbdm 46.95 Grass Catchers 1.98 , 2.85 LAWN MOWERS p ,'3' hI,, Trade in your old mower NOW! BUY WHERE YOU SHARE IN THE SAVINGS PHONE OR 2-683 S.E. Washington or S.P. Trock Roseburg, Oregon ffWWrTJ.V'VtTis.ii'iim Tsamewawi STOP PARK SHOP FARM BUREAU EXCHANCE Two Yoncalla Churches Plan Bible Schools the time with her mother. Mrs. De Vore. who was very ill and Mrs. Barkhurst stayed at the home of her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Young. Mr. and Mrs. A. V. Abeene and Mr. and Mrs. Royal Abeene drove to McKenne Bridge recently to spend the day with Mr. and Mrs. Royal Abeene Jr. and children. Pastor Begins Work Word has been received by local members of the Sutherlin Christian Church that Mr. and Mrs. Albert Knbs, who recently resigned their pastorate here, are well settled for the beginning of their new work at Bakersfield, Calif. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Robbins and two daushters were guests at ihe congregational dinner held alt the morning services at me Mr. Konnins ker. No evening service was held Decause 01 nign school baccalaureate service. Patrici Morningstar of Suther lin appeared in the recent Kappa Gamma variety show entitled. Yoncalla Methodist Church and Church of Christ will hold vaca tion Bible schools during the month of June. At the Church of Christ, school will start June 16 and continue through the 27. Transportation will be provided for children, and ade quate teachers are provided for all students. Mr. and Mrs. Holln ter, Mrs. Dorothy l.oyd, Mrs. Viola Vian. Mrs. Eola Raper and Mrs. James coin spent :uuuuay in r.u- ,,.,, rki.r,h gene at the First Baptist Church i " t 5SSk fur vacation Bible schools. Saturday a workshop was held at the Yoncalla Church of Christ, with guest speaker Mis. Elda Lawman of Elmira. Methodist Church vacation Bible school will also be held June 16-27. Kindergarten youngsters. 4 and 5 years and pre-schoolers will he led bv Dr I.vdia Emerv, with Mrs. Russell, Mrs. Betty Wise, Miss Loretta Blickenstaff and Miss Nor ma Latham assisting. The primary group, grades one, two and three will be tausht by Mrs. Pauline Latham, with Mrs. Mary Putman, Mrs. Nilda Wise, Mrs. Ann Mathis and Miss Sandra Webb as helpers. Junior class, fourth, fifth and sixth graders will he under the direction of Mrs. Bet ty Ruth Smith, with Mrs. Eileen Pontius, Mrs. Betty Baker, Miss Juanita Johnston. Miss Jean Mill and Miss Kay Turpin as helpers. The intermediates, seventh and eighth grades will be taught by Mrs. Nellie Phillips. Transportation will be provided for all pupils. Con tact any one of the teachers or Rev. McGhee for any information needed, according to correspond ent Mrs. George Edes. MEMBERSHIP INCREASES NEW YORK The Catholic population in the United States, Alaska and the Hawaiian Islands has reached an all-time high of : 36.023.977. The official Catholic Directory ; for 1958. just issued by P. J. Ken 1 edy It Sons. New York, said the new total represents an increase of 1.460.126 over last year. H The director also reported that i 140.414 persons were converted to i Catholicism during 1957. "Oh, no, I didn t hurt it. That's to remind me to ask you for a day off when you're in a better humor." ACROlt 1 Sawyer and Barkjr Thatcher 4 Abe and Lincoln I I.ifht foe 12 Eddie and Cantor IS Bread spread 14 Bewildered 15 Correlative of neither 18 Hide factories II Neptune' spear 10 Perils Answer to Prtvlgue, Punlo MB down BpMZj'gBH t Scent I i J Vig - 'ioMiljl movement liMTfe 4 E - I iS 7 Hither and . Benefactor 23 Ballots I Louis XVI and 24 Distance measure Antoinette and Osiris 10 Look for Jl Negative word u Russian news aiv-ryoi agency Dccnanaii 24 Sad sound It Goad 17 Knock 30 Chant 32 Cylindrical 34 Ogled 35 Newspaper executive 18 Worm 37 Spaces 39 Ninth month tab.) 40 restive 41 Oriental coin 41 Ermine 45 Cyclone 49 Rear 51 Anger 52 Wings 53 Prince Charles and Princess 25 Numbers 28 Bicycle part 27 Keeping 23 Upon 29 Impudent 31 Deny 31 Gloss 40 Entrance! tn fences 41 rsthert 43 Petty quarrel 43 Indian weight 44 Glacial rid r i 4 Custom 47 Sea eagle 48 Organ part 54 Individual 55 Sailors 58 Tangier 57 Man's nickname HHH M f M FYTF u j . s E r ! s u-L-!i Trr L-L-J rj r -rnnr s r-T,i if n 1 5 zr r rn Trr or 1 "ii r-n pi "MM ft " 1 SUBSCRIBE TO THE NEWS-REVIEW B U H A C H Best For Insert Pests Anil. RnachM. Bnlhusi " MoiquiiOfS itound tin htiuM Hen on nl or Lue on plnli or birdi. Be Sura You Cat tat loiy te Uie Icenemkel BUHACH WHAT YOU ARE DOING AND HURRY TO CARTER TIRE CO. General Electric Mobil Dishwasher AT THESE LOW PRICES THIS IS YOUR LAST CHANCE AT THESE PRICES Monday The Price Goes Up! MMMztiC MODEL SP40R Model SP20R AUTOMATIC DISHWASHER ONLY NO INSTALLATION . . . Speciol Unicouple connector inopi on to ony ttandord kitchen faucet. ROLL AROUND CONVENIENCE . . . Rolls to table for loading to the link for washing to cab inet for unloading. u ONLY 168 USE OUR RENTAL PLAN May Be Rented Up To 6 Weeks For Only $3.00 Weekly. Rental May Then Be Ap plied To Purchase Price. 3 WAYS TO PAY CASH WITH 90 DAYS EASY PURCHASE cXX'c'h." BUDCET TERMS CARTER TIKE CO. 266 SE STEPHENS PHONE OR 2-3393 and 1 1 I SUPPOSE EV6N a f 'WHAT ROBOT LIKES COOKIES' fcLANK'V Tl-i'5r rjii 2 (pscx& tLANK ) ') I wmaj ooV CV YOU! J ' ' ' " L5- ''.: 1 I I 1 TTTTTr' f 40 I PIPN'T HIT X VBM IMP(t5IVe, J If Illinw N0J HMO iWI NOW Kow...iicNKecHrr7ri- I fW nrr i ',rn m tmb otmeb we. lG6rvouBHuK .. . . . N ILL OO RACK TO mis dem ma ASK FOP. nwsv fOM, BUT I CANT LEAVE UML6SS 1 I SET DADPyS PER- I A1lOM. BAZOO ' y YOU 1 -t k AW'D LIKE TO TAKE i AH IS W ROUNOTBIR J lLL AM GOT ft 8ll.Y"nA As!,eTC A ROMANTIC TOUR TO lit GOIN'PO' tt &18.CO , 1. BUT VO'KIN SAFELY I gnv ) VftV RlO-BUTNOTPO' J BUSINESS TRUST WE FO TH'A "jc T12 NO GAV NIGMTS O' REASONS" ff lu, ( REST!! AM ISTVI' V tiafiti)) (V ' TiL V LATIN-AMERICAN iff' s f If A MOST HONEST A'--r TMESE 4NV. NO yOuB VBT 13 L- v BuSKI? WE RS .. WHO 1HEV WSOE, rL3 TJiNk; IM Imis jjtt BUNS 1HFKE THEM 1K4kKiS WHERE THEY 1ME OAV, TM QCCO n V-I rWjFCTVOul Wt L'i. MAE THE WE BE WORE AN ETHNIC FKOM OR WWF.RE REACV. IluTK AMD 3f3 WANT ME 10 NEJEWA.RV INTERESTED IN Gft-UP OF THEY VEMT LETS Qf.JKl JSjJ F wivm roR ( c-wrvaiiOk. the peJtlE I whch we t I - n 'mm - WC" ErECiALLY V UAYO IHE ThAS IN THflR j KNOW A ' GSHj-Sr!'iT-M-X li'WjiMl'lril -r 'r-MV VtwaCBttN V TWO HFAKP NOTHING... - iJKSV3 A, lV J I I S$1yl ;y)mtvoutmimkV .vif. a if i MFWChF" Sf .T DOIrl S O'WES APE 1X roT-iOTy RiO CULCJS 'J tJUlLAQS , M't M It r -'.j'r, prcirx U oh r kkcm CH'CKEN ITS NOGOOO IVc YQiJ 'CRONE 1 ChiCFN WHO WEPFi-ull I i J (JOT HEP 3 1 i t i VOU TALKING 1 ' '' ON i'1 V cV -' 1 "ONS II f 1 "W'' XlZ'J i ? NUMBER? ) U KNOW WHO V. -w tSI s --3 k i "( iff o