8 Tho Nwi-Rriew, Roteburg, Ort. Wtd. May 28, 1958 Revised School Standards To Be Recommended SAI.K.M Reused school II said that two studies of superintendent, wit elected prcsi standards will he recommended to school standard! hae been com- jent for the next year. R its Sim the slate Board nl r.aucauon ai its meeting ncre june n. ne Putnam, state superintendent of public instruction, said. I'utnain made the announcement at the annual meeting of the llrecoll Assn. 01 LOUniT acnool Superintendents. .4.n. All proorom ....... or. .Vi.4 "..,. ' ."' V,.. ! .. .. o...l ..,.w d, not .ceo HUf ' c"4""' ,"""" """"" KBES-TV Remaining Ch. 5 Hours Today rfl-l'nfli Hill! Cartoon 4 2V Devotion 4 to Woody Wondperker 5 no Your TV Weatherman , News IS 5 Doug Edwarda V The News ft a 76 Sport Club tM) Tim McCoy IV Civil Defenee FULLER YOUR CLOSE OUTS ALL WALLPAPER IN STOCK Value! up to $1.95 per single roll MORGAN DECORATORS ROSEBURG KOIN-TV Remaining Ch. llouri Today 4 W Mr. Mnon 4 Hed Dunnlntf A 00 Cartoon Time .S to I Love Lucv H no Mr. Wealhei man ti tt Kttnrlerene 0 10 Newa Parade A 15 Kall(kHjcop in Th Bif Record 1 no The Mllllonalie MEXICAN FOOD Ami Popular AiMricM DiihM Orders ro takd uf. THE VILLA Opon S P.M. (Closed Sundays) 1 Mi. S. on But. Rout YOU'LL GET SILENT SERVICE on BEAUTYREST FROM CARSTENS KPIC-TV Remaining Ch. 4 Hours Today a oft- - The Bif iindup son Wild Hill nirmm S iO-Mv Little Margie BOO Newt. SporU. Walher eiy-NHC Newe-MHV SHAKE PAINT s' 4.95 gal. COLORCRAFT PAINT & WALLPAPER ut s I C.v " R! Artt 01 Poll OO,. ( KRNR 1490 KC Krmainmii Huuri Today 4 ! ti.-rlfrt Ford Hhnw .S i- Ktlw ard R Murn-w 5 l.-Huhlir Servu-e hhow a,v-IliiMiiei Nft ,t .to- Irxaio Sixtila !. ty- Frank (! !S .-,- Weather M OO - Mupir of the Wel a .- l,iv,f II Thomae b :ttl - SlraiiK Hut Tnie H-Anini. it Andy 7 rO Nf ' 7 ov-hpnrl 7 10 -Wax Wri ka a uu sound orr I t Variety Time R '.-Tinihertrail Nee no Fajiv I.ltenlnc tlatairal Commercial Tires 7 50.16 7.30i17 All poitnor liio tirot Nationwide) Guoronteo S31 N. t Gorden Volley SUd. OR 3-5341 KRXL 1240 KC He iii a in in i. llour-t Today l- MH1 nia WBS 4 i V t lint, Urn Toa Tone MR. A THtrla V! Its lent Sel t. Hoi a iv- vi. t n MR LA I H'iii' I ronioiro 7 ill-Nr.., - VIHS 7 OV t " 'n hm 'an tr-hai 7 0 Rh.lhti at R."lnm 7 J A "it Mark.! NeB VMS -Ian a mt New Mll I OA al-unii" tieqiiein .U New MHs FRESH PRODUCE HARRIS FRUIT STAND California Tomatoes 2 lb. bosket, 49c t Ilk. N. o) Grdn. VII,. U on N. Stephens KYES MirSOAT tHRI 950 KC i pietea. oui inai me iinuinKs " i w oiiwiuin-ru uinif in irumiu meets. The superintendents, opening their two-day session Monday, dis- cussed publicity and testing pro- Krain lor urauc ornuui 11111.111:11 Alf B. Mekvold, JickiOD County 1 TO Bi Record 7 OO Trva Millionaire 7. toI've Cioi a Secret 00 U S Kieel Hour a 00 Big 8ior M Richard Diamond 10 OU Mickey Sptllan 10 :t0 Newa 10:t.t Chicago WroaUlnf ii M Him orr THI IKDAT, MAT Si, Il It (V-Welter Cronkit and Ui Newa 11. US Cartoon PAINT DEALER 25c per single roll 7 TO I've Got a Aerret no High Adventure no Ktudio 31 a .to lave It to Beaver 10 00 City DMk IDOV.Newa Wire 10:10"Uown Argentina Way" THI RIMr, MAT ItMl 7 to -Led lee Fair OO (iarry Moore Show I.IO How Do You Rate tOO Arthur Godfrey Time t JO Dot to PHONE OR 3-4123 FOR COMPLETE RADIO AND TV Gueiranttl rvic AH mkt 4 modali W uu anly first 4jual ity fjicrura tub re placements. KLUVER RADIO & TV Now t Utod Radio ft TV Solos Old Hiwoy at Gordon Vol. Jet. a 10-Tex Hitler ?oo-Men of Annapolta 7 :iO-Sa Hunt roa-Kraft TV Theatre - NRC too-Thi la Vour Life NBC u Ml in Men I to oik Impact 10 10 Jack Paar NBC ' 11 ;tO The Newa CLOSED MAY 30 & 31 Mamoriol Weekend HONN'S CLEANERS 101 S. E. Stephen! OR 3-B21 V- Robert Q l-ewt 10 oO- Hichfield Reporter in IV- r.av Listening 10 to Hmla 1 uO Btgn Off Till ROAT. MAT ! g inv News o. Iawn Patrol f 2V Newa (0 IJawn Patrol 7 on Muirl VarieU 7 OA - Tiintei trail New. 7 lO- MillDHpoundera Pararli 7 H!V New 7 iO-r'raiik flow 7 4A- Marrv Babbitt a (M- Newa ROA-Tnal n Timet R 3A New N W Hilite ,u Toal 'N Tune 00 Newa OA Peter and Marv USED TIRE BARGAINS Some rool ouvt m 14" tirol ond tekeottl. $Q95 AND UP FIRESTONE STORES 1107 N. I. Diamond I. lie Bl.d. I IA-r'ahtiloii Frequenriee B MO-New - M IIS B OA Mtinc Itl IO Mii'it- II ito- T.ntim row Heediinae ihi iM.a my t. ma ng A m pO(U -Net MRS Hill Stern -1 mint) ttel - Alarm t Uvk t'li Tier Ue 7 oopranh Hemmgwat " iv Hteakfa' loung 1 O-Nfw! MRS 7 v - Serenade Ta A 1 4.V l-T.-eJ New 7 V-Wiid i0 M. i .0O-. ,ff Fng'e MHS tN-Melndv M 1 t- Pol lurk S eep) he-ad In memory of our lo.od onei. e will oo CLOSIO Momoriol Week end. Wishino. yoo o lele and pleoiont holidoy. The Laundromat Corner Mom ond Cowrt Sti. -luikv lrgan Ithee 1 I .off an 9 n rt 4 ' Lgan Show r lgan Khet Hiahnai... ' Logan Shew 1 1 IV w was named vice president. Florence E. Beardsley, of Put nam's staff, continues as secre tary. The officers were elected in i a mail hallot. and results were announced Monday. 10 W-N 11 OO Waller CronkiU Ik TKa New It IS (iarrv Mnore 11 O Ai The World Turna 12 00 Beat the Clock 12 Houm Party 1 00 Bif Payoff 1 to Verdict ia Youra 2 00 Brihtr Dav 2 IV Secret Storm 2 10 Edga Of Nifhl 3 00 Feminine) Fancies 2 4V Search For Tomorrow RENTALS & SALES AtoZ SICKROOM t INVALID SUPPLIES Frte Dalivary Roseburg Arts 717 Wait Harvard Ph.n. OR 2-J472 RALPH L. RUSSELL Horn Lant Inturdncfr Bonds Loan Rerresentativ Equitable? Savings & Loan Ais'n Mildrvd Hornichuch, Attociot 72) S. E. Rom St. OR 3-4311 I 10 00 1-ove of Life 10 10 Search for TV. morrow 10 4 (iuiding l ight ll.UO Crortkite Newe 11 05 Hi Neighbor 11 (0 An World Turna 12 00 Beat the Clock 12 to Houke Partv 1 OO-Tlir Bif Pavnfr 1 ;to Verdirt U Youia 2 00 Brighter Dav 2 ISSrcret Storm 2 :iO fxlge of Night TOO KOIN Kitchen 3 Ml Armchair Theatre LATI lT MODEL ktTTTT :i :4-i '54 CHEV Hardtop 4-dr. Sdn. Ridir. heater. Poweralid. ecuimmy t-ryhnder Ont owner, like new Ihroughoul. 'S3 STUDEPAKER i-T Pickup Redm. heater, oveidnve. in est-ellent -unditlon FREE PINE MOTOR MOVIE TICKETS ATEN & PHILLIPS QUALITY USED CARS 1328 S. E. Stophono OR 2-3421 THI RHDAV, MAY t, 10 n -Price l Right -NBC" 10 tu Kiltv Toyle NRO 11 OO-Malinee Thealre iNRO Vi no ueen for a Dav NHC 12 4.V Modem Romance NHO 1 to Truth or Consequencee 2 OO Variety Film Fair 3 M Bev'a Coffee Break APPLIANCE REPAIR Major ar amoll II mokat nd modtlt BARGAIN APPLIANCE CENTER 611 S. E. Rose OR 3 5523 lA-RarkiUie WiU 10 Toat n Tune 10 HO-Man About Town 10 OA Man Named Main lo 10 Sanders Shoe Time 10 1A Ma Perkins 10 .tO-Kjftv Vallr Weather 10 .IA Sour of Yef.1erear 10 0 Midmornlng Melodiea 11 OO New 11 OA Right 10 Happlne 11. t.V Second Mm Huritm 11.10 Young Dr Maloita 11 tWHoitl of Life 12 itO-Newa at Noon 12 lA-Meet the Artist 12 to-H Hen Trent 12 4A-Our Gal Sundav 1 oO Newa 1 0 W rmperlng Ktreeta 1 10 Arthur (iodfrey 3 -0 House partv 1 no Foolin' Atound with Reforrta 3 to Garden L'lub OUR NEW ADDRESS 326 N. E. WINCHESTER InjoT J TV Stotiom on Ih. coble. Umpqua Ridio & TV 'hone OR 3-620 Let's Co Fishing Mtmorial Day Weekend Got oil your riihini noodi now! J. C. SPORTING GOODS SOf S. t. Jochun Ph. OR 3-41 SS t OO-Newt-MB. fOV-Fann Hureu Ikrhange h--rake ive IV ruape'l U the 9id or the Road - News VHS t.WT,mn I'ner v- t;aruen Tiia A Tune 4 Are You Listening 10 nt Nrwspatper of 'he Air-XtBi ; in i i e i m left - Atp 10 to Morning Vtelodiea 1 11 OO Nph. MHS j II OV-Stoik Club I II lO-S.-nga of tn Da, , II IO Sps MRS 11 iv-gue-n For A Day URI 1 i:"-Mid Oav News M IV ru in( a 5pona i '3 IV (ireet Your Seighrw 1.' Vt Market Keporta I I Oft- Sunn id 1 p 1 IV Kaie Urntth Smga-MRa I f i Sunnv Side 1 p ' 1 v Answer Man- MSI t Sunn Side 1 p S to Newa- MHH S 15 kunnr Side t WANT TO LIVI BITTIR AND SAV MONIYf' AMANA FOOD PLAN Ai low i $tj 23 p9 week Kier-Crooch Plumb. & Appli. 321 S. I. Stephem OH 2 3364 I S (to Nea 1 117- naupe u UB anow 3 ?V - Ne .1 "rt-Happy OTIae how 4 'hv- N-ws Hiahhght 4 0j-l.iirkT Logan Show 4 2V 4 -l nek Irfigan now 5 00 Naw Itigh.ighia VOi-lutkv l.an Show mons Wheeler County V ShOW f rr- - I tr DRESS REHEARSAL Internment of the Unknown Sol dier of World War II and Korea is rehearsed at Arlington National Cemetery by the service men who will parti cipate in the ceremony on Memorial Day. Empty caskets were used to represent the Korean Unknown (left) and the World War II Unknown fright). In the background is the Tomb of Unknown Soldier of World War L Garden Valley Man Injures Legs When Tractor Upsets By AODIE SCHNEIDER (ieoriie Langlois upet a tractor on him.ielf lale Sundav even mi; at the Cleveland Kapids beach in Gar- den Vallev. 1 anglois was attempting lo pull out a pick-up truck which belonged I lo Leonard Kress a friend and was stuck in the sand The tow rope was attached too' high and I the tractor unset backwards Lang - ! lois jumped but was caught with his legs underneath He was dun out from under the tractor and taken to a local hospital for treat ment. He was released and is at home on crutches. The tractor belonged to Gordun Hughes and received damage to hood, radiator and gas tank In upsetting it missed the pick-up truck Receives Scholarship Sharon MadMin won a scholar ship to the Eugene Beauty I'ol- lege, and plans to enter in July. Sharon is a uraduale of Rose burs High School this year Friday Shar - on left for Lintield College at Mc- Minnville to attend a heach party of Delta I'hi Delta Mrs. Clem .Schneider. Mrs I.il - nan inn arm Auaiii ."M'tiiieiuer inaiir a miMness inp io r.ueene rriuay. ! corvams, stopped to visit her par-1 east of CotUge Grove, was re Adam Schneider, who has been ents. Mr. and Mrs. Charlen Dunnirx)rted under control Tuesday spenumn me past m wt- r?- .uni.,ih ..una a, . .- home of his son, Clem, has now returnea to nis own nome in nose- burg. Terry Radilat and his clas-mate Jay Madivin f Spokane. Wash..; 3 BIG RINGS 3 i-KOrV COMffNtO ro GRlATt IHTIHTHHMINT - NIROS o yitt-J,fHPHANTS QitH" JUMBO lit ' I iAHT ftiPHAHT 4.J0H HIPPOPOTAMUS otr oni rcH'tK.o n'i vr.i f.i Hill Bomltt.t il,'mtt 0I6AHTC AHNAGKI Sh lkpint . fhmoctrot Ciftfl llimii. Bun ,'0l, 4WVl ten, til f fem, tnmmjl t to " PKEtf Jfllt0MHCtS...2k PH ADMISSIONS ROSEBURG FAIRGROUNDS a Hi III eft :X came from the University of Ore- gon Friday lo spend part of the weekend with Terry's parents, Mr and Mrs. Felix Raddalz. .Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Carlson and children. Mrs. Ike Carlson of II- wato. Wash., and Mrs. Victor Baird drove to Eugene Saturday ! n business. -Mr- id Mrs. W. R Denton re- i cenlly spent a few days at the : ! eal to select a suitable location1 to Par't their trailer house for the summer. Mr nd Mrs. Frank Denton took their cabin cruiser to Diamond Lake for the summer months and participated in the opening of the fishing season at the lake Purchase Now Homo Mr. and Mrs. Don Young and Danny and Vickie have Durchaed a home on the Metz road north of Oakland. They are repainting the interior and plan to move soon. Mrs. Hazel Smith. Santa Rosa. Calif , is expected to return this week to the home of her -sister.1 i Mrs. Myron 1-ehne. Mrs. Smith, j visited here a few days then went to Portland to visit a brother, Dale ; Woodruff 1 Mr. and Mrs. Robert Kennedy,. sumem, oi ureon otaie College all w ne rciurning irom Medtord nil. ic puilliancU dllllllier CdT. ; The Kennedys had recently wreck- ea tneir car while making a trm to Pullman, Wash. Walter and Clifford Norrrs con ducted business in Eugene and Junction City recently. .Mr. and Mrs. Clem Schneider. Marvin Schneider. Mrs. Lillian Hill drove to Florence Sundav to attend the 51st year of the Rhodo dendron Festival. They also visited relatives who have 40 acres of rhododendrons in many thades of pink. Green Scouts Receive Awards i ond vice president Robert Shaf CJreen Cub Scouts held the last fer. re-elected secretary-treasurer meeting of the year with the theme! and Mrs. Shaffer re-elected editor of Circus Days." I libs held a parade presenting costumes they made at home. Ce- day meeting which included a cil Doty appeared as a clown to' breakfast, business meeting, after enterlain the audience Jim Bell-1 noon recreation, buffet supper at ows and Lloyd Barker displayed the Shaffer home and evening ves- tneir circus collection for the I ubs. Awards were given to the follow - ing: Wolf badge. Clifford Thomp - son. Monte Myers. David Dancer; gold arrow on Wolf. Caleo Sallee, Monte Myers. Pat Bigler. Aaron Veach. Clifford Thompson; silver arrow on Wolf. Caleo Sallee. Mich ael Veach: Bear badge, Terrr Shepherd. Tim Tucker. Lynton Myers; gold arrow on Bear.' Lyn ton Myers; denner bars. Kenneth Clevenuer. Lynton Myers. Carl Clark; assistant denners. Clifford Thompson. Michael Veach: three year pin. Tony Kollett; Bobcat pins. Kim McLaughlin. Kenneth; Ray Cox will substitute for the Clevenger Canyonville mail carrier early in A committee meeting will he , the summer, then with his family held .lune 10 at (trover Kollett's. visit relatives and friends in Colo 19.14 SW Castle Ave Plans for theirado and Oklahoma, reports Vir picnic in August will he discussed. 1 gmia Proctor, correspondent. KING SoRltD TRfSURf HUNT tit ACHCOVHiRS BOTTLE HUNT BEACHCOVBtR DRIFTWOOO HUNT HING NfTUNE BALL OUSlN OF THI VtRMAlDS PARADC ROWBOAT RACfS f I SMI No CONTtSTS BOX ISO VATCmI'n FRCX.VSN EXHIBITIONS SALMON BARBECUE MANY MANY VALUABLE. 'RES COME HAVE FUN! Lightning Bolts Pelt State; Search Started For Fires YUB KCftriftTCn SDECC LiBhtning bolts pelted Oregon Monday night and Tuesday, and worried foresters expected more strikes Tuesday night. CUnging clouds, obscured the mountains in mucb of the state Tuesday morning, and foresters said they were not certain wheth er there were undiscovered fires touched off by the bolts. Lookouts have not yet been Dosled in much of the forests. , Foresters held planet in readiness to scan the timber when clouds cleared away. In lower hills, no serious fires were reported, but the lightning , Another barn was destroyed played havoc on the floor of the farther north, near Banks in Wash Willamette Valley. maton County. Power lines were knocked out liavid Barlholome of Brooks was and at Portland one bolt set a numbed by a bolt, but he did not trolley bus aflame Monday night, i enter a hospital. Some 50 passengers escaped with 1 At Turner two horses under a only minor injuries. . tree on the Jess Taylor farm were ! killed. Delmer Colville. who owned Power Failures : ane of the horses, said it was an From Eugene northward power ! Arabian he valued at $5,000. The companies reported scatterea ( other horse was owned by Virgil failures from lightning. The i Tipton. Bonneville Power Administration A lightning-set fire destroyed the said its lines were Uruck at least, barn of Gus Schlicker near Salem. 20 times in a single hour Monday i Near Banks lightning knocked night. out power and telephone lines. Another lightning storm formed 'then set fire to the barn of Myron east of Salem about i a.m. Tues- Duyck. The barn burned down be day, moved northward, reaching ' cause firemen could not be sum ihr Portland area about 6:30 am. moned at once. and continued on to the north along the Cascade foothills. All parts of Oreeon were warned bv forecasters that electrical storms were possible Tuesday night and Wednesday. The saying that lightning never strikes twice in the same place was challenged by two city ponce- nien in Portland. Andrew w ani man and Paul Peterson. They said that in three-minute span separate bolls nit tne same utility pole at the intersection ol Greeley and Lombard in North Portland Monday night Power was out three hours in that area. .. D,m , A bolt knocked out Bonneville s Salem-Tillamook line, and other strikes disrupted Pacific Power nd Light Co. and Tillamook PUD systems otit of Beaver in north i western Oregon A number of Porllanders re ported lightning hits on trees. One householder. Kit Meuser. said a hnll eiama rln.un hi. phimn.V anH ... ,h. t . ,n h,. Lm. No other damage was reported at his place Thundershowers were reported at many places. Portland recorded the heaviest downpour, more than two-thirds of an inch Monday night. Skies were clear in Southern Oregon Tuesday, but residents: were warned of the possibility of thunderstorms later. A 50-acre fire which nas neeniMr and Mrs. Norman Rvdell. hurnini! in the Bohemia district, , mornini!, although still not extm- guished. Several fires broke out in the CBA Re-Elects Charles Pratt Alumni President Charles Pratt of Oakland was re- ataA xrocdom Ar rninnviiia Hi. hie Academy's alumni "association ! at the annual meetinz of that or- ! eanization Saturday on the CBA i campus. i Lester Hickson of Eugene was re-elected first vice president; Wayne King of Central Point, sec- , 0f the bulletin. About 75 alumni attended the all- pers with Mrs. Franklin Dunbar, , the speaker, I Canyonville Bible Academy ' teachers have various plans for the ! summer vacation, reports Mrs. Robert Shatter. Principal L. C. Masters and Mrs. Masters will spend their summer at their home in Ohio. Miss Dons Nimmo will go home to Memphis. Tenn., and will attend s urn m e r school there Mrs. (iertie Hedrick will visit relatives and friends in Illinois, then return to spend the balance of the summer at her home I at Seaside. NEPTUNE REIGNS AT CHARLESTON WHERE t a 4 COOS BAY MEETS THE SEA CHARLESTON DAYS MAY 30, 31. JUNE 1 ..... r,.ra.lc nf sulll llU et V M,hin 2l0n . The t,ifford Pint-hot National Forest said lookouts reported 21 lightning strikes n the Lewis River district alone. .. k. Fir1 - .,, , ,.r f urui kc uciMiii, sup. . . ..-w. . the stale Department of Natural Resources at Vancouver, said his crews were fighting a dozen fires on state lands. Federal foresters reported at least six fires in Washington state b ,ne ,gntnin p. U. dazec bolts dazed a man. destroyed barn and khled two horses" in the area around Salem Grange At Drain Sets Fair Benefit Dinner In June By EDITH BUSH The Home Kconomics Club of the Sunnydale Grange met at the home of .Mrs. Joe Block in Dram. a guest present was Mrs. Andy Rydell from Lake Benton, Minn, Reports were given of the success of the banquet served May 13 to ; the lady bowlers, the "Bustle Dust- ers." and the high school awards banquet May 17. i Mrs. Ray Cole reported on the recipe book project and members discussed problems related to the printing of the book. Plans for thi North Douglas Fair benefit dinner at the Sunnydale Grange Hall June 20. A dessert luncheon was served by the hostess. Colorado Visitors Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Deffen baush from Denver. Colo., arrived Sunday to visit their daughter, Mrs. Eddie Tanner and familv. Mrs Gerald Wesson and babr ; SOn. Jimmie, of Salinas. Calif , are here for a visit with her parents. Mr and Mrs. Lvnn Davis. Mr. and Mrs Andv Rydell of lake Benton, Minn, 'are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Chester Rvdell and Movie Showtime WKDNKHDAT. MAT t. IM STRUTE DRIVr.-IN - Open at 7 00 Show atari BOO "Saddle the Wind" Ft 07. U jo. "High Coat of Loving 57 PINE DRIVE-IN Open at 7 00 Show a tart a 7 55 "Bernardine" 8:0:i. ll:rB ' Kettlea on Old Mac Don a Id a rarm". 10 07 THI RKDAT. M Kit t. ia.V SCHKUI IE NAME A WCDNCADAT. UMPQUA PAVING CO. ASPHALT CONTRACTORS Locattd M N. Umpqua Highway t J. C. Compton't Cruthar Compltr Pavinf Strvic for Rottburg nd Vicinity FREE Estimates F.H.A. Finoncing Available OR 2-1331 or 3-3726 J .. -o ,Htn ll ". COULO civF you id I eoPoiAO CH.SIO v X HUONSlOWAHnnx Pfyr -r supply C9 AT YOUR SERVICE Our Skilled Workmen & Up To Dote Equipment for COMPLETE CIRCULAR SAW REPAIR BAND RESAW SERVICE NATION WIDE CHAIN SAW BAR RECONDITIONING & HARD FACING at .C M7 "Cenifircr CiiiSimm rwHEKviaCuurrLrj BOY DIIS Of BURNS PORTLAND (API Burns tuf frrifl two weeks ago brousht death Monday to 10-year-old Rus sell E. Claus.-en. Th hm son of Mrs Maurice k..rnall uhpn PaSO- t.. MIIUT. as uui... " line in a pan "8h f'r " hi played wun manors Thursday lr.ni Saturday "THE INIMY BELOW" slarriaf Robert Mirchum and Curt Jur tns. plus Barbara Sronwyck and Lrry ylliM "fORTY GUNS Ends Tonight BUCK NIGHT SI. 00 or corload 'THE LAST FRONTIER" and "ROGUE COP" GATES OPEN at 7:00 Tonighr...thru Sat! PAT BOONE Tarry Moore Jonet Goynor "BERNARDINE" in Color & CinomoScopo . plus MARJORIE MAIN "The KETTLES on Old MocDonald's Farm" A RIOT OF LAFFS! Now . . . thru Sat! GATES OPEN 7:00 -ROBERT . JULIE Taylor London john Cassavetes k Csousoct mo Mmtacoio PLUS At hilarious at tha couplo next door who forgot to pull tha thodes! JOSE FERRER Xmc ca.Koj . m lacxus GENA ROWLANDS e M ontoo--- L GREAT HITS! e Site 1 1 oO-fiifn On ot-Happy ODaj Show a.v Nf w to Happe O'Dav hw VA Weather Rummaty 700-Newt Hifhltgh' 7 0:t-Happv Ul) .ow T to-Happr O'Day ihow H cjo Newt a 0.1- Happjr O DM Wioa R 2A Newt J .10 Happjr O Dae 00 Newa 1 0.1 Lurk r l-aan 2A C'u. .. .-.mi talandaf 11 I v I a:ai I no Hihlifh : 1 ftti-Nfw, M tfihghn jgan I j 1 ui-Hapvr O Ua IAe j I .A- featureropa I 10-Happv o Ha llhaw I 10i N- Hif-liKhia I Newa SAT. MAY 31 ONE DAY n-iiirhv lan fthow v Ni Jb Weather 1 OO s.gn Off mWX?Nll HIW&Y 99 NO.rtClTYMKTH ONLY liapp O )a bnw i :v 4 ai a Waatnertane) al 4 aninuieO pet the Mm. eer hour 1 I itappv UDi) Show 00