r 11 Th Nw-Rcviw, Komburg, Real Estate Wiley's For Real Estate WESTS IDE DUPLEX, fireplace, tile .4r..in boards, automatic ulMri. elec trie ranges. On bedroom units 3 blocks from Fair haven market. close lo Fuller ton School. Ideal for teachers or Veti Facility employee. Rent SttO each. Paved street and sewers. Room to build mora units. Price 912.000 with terms. WESTNIDE l-BEDROOM, fireplace, ear peted 'newt, lots of storage apace, Urge kitchen. Drape and curtains. Well landscaped and velvet lawn. Flower boxes of brick make a nice Uun. Price $10,500. ON THE EDGE of town, tlx acre with good view, t-bedroom home, built tn dishwasher, rang and refrigerator. Large barn and workshop. Large shade trees Prica 914.500. 54 acres more available. WESTS IDE .'BEDROOM, hardwood floor, fireptai-i, electric beat, attached garage, ma pea included. $2uW down, balance on contract. Total prica $12,- 9W. EARL WILEY REAL ESTATE 412 S. E. Main St. 1 Office Ph. OR l-22 Roland Springer OH S-39M J i ra Bevan Ph. OR 3WHa Town & Count ry or ; Real Estate & Insurance PAUL H KRUEGVR ' lalasmen W. Oee. Krueger and 0. 0. Xeee WE CAN USE MORE LUTUKM 20 Acre Ranch Well-located, email, modern houae, good well, on spring, fruit etc. Full price 43uu, icrma. Outside City Limits l-BFDROOM, modem bungalow, extra large lot, city water. Buy thl now now, term. C7 FT NORTH UMPQUA RIVER FISHING.. ABOVE WINCHESTER DAM AT Depression Price. Over 3 aeree of beauty, parklike grounds, IE deep river loam, t year old house, all hardwood floors, Heat- o-la tor fireplace and electrle heat. Tiled bathroom, ail electrle birch ktt chen, sleel eash. Plus gueat cabin, both furnished or unfurnished. Owner OR 3-4781. Attractive Nearly New 2 Bedroom Horn With utility and attached carport, on 100x200 ft. lot. Good garden soil, many large shad tree. Close to school Will eell adjoining lot if Ph. GYpay t-3354 $500 Down NEWER 3-bedronm home on S arre, plus lot. Attached garage, fireplace, separate dining room. Large wardrobe closets with sliding mahogany doors Between Rose burg and Winston, 30.7.10. Possession Jun 3rd Phone OH 3-4030. Evenings OR 3-8744. SACRIFICE. Must sell new two-bedroom home with fireplace, dishwash er, etc.. In beautiful two-acre setting on Umpqua. located on Fisher Road. Write or phone Mr. Paul McElwaln, 1373 Bavvlew, North Bend, Phone Sky line 9-A202. TWO "BEDROOM, modern home, some furniture. Five nice acres. Fruit trees, berries, city water, well with pressure system. Value 911.500; we owe $3000 want cash offer for our equllv. 6 miles south on old highway Ml OR .1-!MJtU or OH 3-4023. WESf-SIDE 3-bedroom, possible 4; electric heat, wall-to-wall carpet, elec tric dishwasher and garbage disposal; flagstone wall with fireplace, lota of bu 1 It-Ins. Fireplace and barbecue nn patio, 915.000 terms. OH 3-WU4 or OK 2-10H2. TRADE EQUITY In 3 bedroom home in Eugene for 3 bedroom home or acre age around Butherlin, Roseburg or uuiard. state price, location and f articular in letter. ISO Honeysuckle ' an. Eugene. TWO or three bedroom home, completely up to date modern, large yard. lawn, shrubs. Planters newly builL Hue rest district. 1 block from school. Interest ed par tie rail OR 3-1553. If no answer call OR 1. 11131. TWO" BEDROOM redecorated home 1 block from Post Office tn Myrtle Creek Owner will sell for $3,0CK with $- down. 9W per month including H' Interest, or 9-1.500 cash. OK 3-3473 or see owner at 77 W. Harvard. WHY RENT? Half-way to Glide 1 bedroom horn 3 acres, good garden pot no mansion, just a place you can own. down, 350 per month. "00 full price ( all between f and 9 o'clock. OR 3-ST32 FLOWER shrubr Uses, nice lawn, air aw berries excellent 2-bedroom home, oak floors, large kitchen and living room, very neat. Good uncrowd ed location. totfW. OS 9-5313. TILLAMOOK 3 bedroom home elec tric heat, bath, utility and garage Sell on low down, take car, trailer or property In trad. P O. BoK IMI. OR 3-424.V t' ACRES on river, acre raspberries. 1 aire boy sen berries Older A bedroom house Barn, shop For further in for mation, call OKJ1-774H TWO BEDROOM, fireplace, w w rug. drapes. Garage, large lot Falrhaven District. 9MI23. OR 3-a.tetf after 3 JU P M. FOR SALE or trade -- business prop erty with house, on Harvard Avenue. for suburban property. Phone OR 3- TWO BEDROOM-furnishd home. Close in. near school, nice yard, hemes. Consider car or trailer home part pay ment H Z-IZHQ. tOH SALEor t r de Vu thU I m. 1 1 acres, J-bed room home, tl.t.MJO. or trade for 3-4 bedroom home In Koee- burg OR 2-.MI74. THHEEYFAR OLD, 3-bedro.m h.me with fire-place In Newum Creek area large fenced back ard. OH 3-lUHia K'K'E lUoaAO FT bulldmg'lols, o'rTpaved street and sewer $2tK) down, wi full price OH 3-H40H evenings MODERN 2 bedroom home Double gar age, breet wa Wired 22. 1 JO tt5'. On Stale Gl $fl.W OR 3-4wt2. BF.AtTTIFl'L-exravated" buildingaite,I arre Calkins Ho J. Cltv Water, elec- tricily. Term OK 3-4173 froCR ACHES at Glide, new 3 bedroom I home Lovelv yard. With truck gai - I a OH 3 5o0 I SELL OR trade 'house with 9 1,1 scre of river frontage at Gtule. for Eugene or Springfield horn. GVpsy ;IXM f"017R bedroom hous. iltnmi finished Close to Benson School. Sell cheap. OR 3-V14 t BEDROOM, 1 'i bath, near court house Heonaiie. ij.juu aown 344 SE Ella BTHOOT REALTY OR j-e53S advertis es listings nsilonaliy. rr catalog. ia:M SE 11 am il loo St fHMEE" bdroom, 1 li lota, near " Rlvtr' id school, tisrag finished for busi ness tR3-34A3 KyUITY In new 3-bedroum home Super buy Phone OR 3-l5w,i T7f REE bedroom 'house at Gild with X bedroom rental OR 3-3V4J. t lnHtflvC jfite astd Of. fri. Moy 23, 1958 4 Real Estate j FULLERT0N I For Best Buys ! MORE for your money In this specious home. Larg carpeted living room, din ing room, fireplace. Lovely kitchen, nook, family room, fireplace and grill.) 3-bedrooms, l'a baths. Large party -Ulility room. Attached garage, patio.1 fireplace, sprinkling system. Beautiful grounds. Easy walk to town. Owners loaa your pain. Selling leea than FHA appraisal. $17,900. Attractive HUCREST horn. 3-bedrooms. living room, fireplace. Dining room, kit chen-nook, bath and shower. Attached garage. Very good condition. Beautiful yard. 314,500, easily financed. $8,500 VERY NEAT older 3-bedroom 1 -story home. Large lot, shop and guest room. Large garden, garage. Street and sew er. $5,500 LARGE 3-bedroom. Can use as three. Living room, kitchen-nook, til count er, tile bath and shower. Sewer and euy water. Terms. Fullerton Realty & Insurance 713 N.E. Stephen Dial OR 1-3173 Real Bargains 207 Ai RES, woven wir fenres. 3 hoi.ei. a good sheep or Xmas tree ranch at Melrose, only IhOOO, good terms. 160 ACRES, live creek, wonderful springs, fruit, berries, clover. 4 bed room home. Large new barn, a lot of timber, only 913,500 . $3000 down. GARDEN VALLEY. Close In, almost 4 acres, lovely modern home, garage, ben house - 912,500 - terms. 30 ACRES, almost all tillable, seeded pasture. Lovely, large, modern home, small barn - look only 910,500 - G I terms. Pisco has Irrigation pond. Will take good trailer house a part. LOOK AT these bargains - business bldg with modern living quarters - $ttotw.) 10'. down. Close in on Winchester 81 Acreage with railroad and highway frontage - 913,000. City water and sewer. Lloyd A. Wilson Realtor IM7 I E. Stephens Phone OR 3-8578 MAGNESS REAL ESTATE "Now Is The Time' Don't wait, let us show you how easy u is 10 own at about the same expense as rent. 1. 8 ACRE farm with 4 Bdrm home close-in on Calkin Road. 912,500. Tell ua we term you neeo. 3. 3 ,BDRM, dhl garage, (brand newt paved street, sewer, oak floors, fire place, wood or oil heat. 11, 000 To tal. A. genuine bargain for the Gl. 3. 3 BDRMS , ranch style deluxe, cer amic tile kitchen and bath, fireplace In living rm and large family rm. rrencn aoor in patio. Hath and S, dbl garage, oversize fenced lot. 114.750. This 1 a wonderful home for a lge home-loving family. Tell ua the terms you need. 4. IBS ACRE farm, 40 acres bottom ground, could be irrigated, would make a good calf farm. 919,500. 1-3 an, oaiance line rent. S NEIGHBORHOOD Grocery Large In come rnr couple. All good buildings and equipment, choice living quarters, good location. 932.000. Let try 1-3 down. LOTS FOR HOME BUILDING 1. 7S0, NOTHING down, balanr, fJO per momn na. Hints and walor In, roaaway. uood placa ror trailer. COMF IN AND LOOK OVFR OUR I.AHCE SKIJCCTION OF HOMKS AND ACREAGES TOR SAL AND TRADK. " CAN ALWAYS USI ANOTHER GOOD LISTING" ORCHARD 3-5340 tit S. E Washington Eve. Si Sundays Millard or Marion Magnea OR 3-3017 Douglas County Realty WEST SIDE .1 bedroom home with dnuhl attached garage, ceramic I tie bathroom, mahoganv kitchen, separ ate dining room, fireplace, hardwood floors, etc On Vear old Priced at 91 l.wtio. 92U00 down and balance fllA nnancea. GARDEN VALLEY ROAD 3 bedroom nome on large low X 3iKV free soil lot Attached aarage. hardwood floora Uoor furnate, beautiful flowers and uruoa. r-nceo ai only fHBSO. Gl V naming available. HAPPY VALLEY ROAD large 3 bed- room nom with attached garage in side Utility. tild bathr.Kim lw-...ri(,,) k itchen Situated on large one sere l,T '' i ivv waier elc Pru-ed at onlv 3771BVI. Low down pa tne o I to rvliable party. WINSTON DISTRICT Acreages around 3lt acre rh and Ian 9-'3 down. QoiKl garden ground. of Craig I. Short Realtor CRAIO I SHOHT - REALTOR 111$ II. Stephens Phone OR 3-4030 evenlnge Dlrk Stevenson OR ,v?44 1 Craig L Hhort UK 3-34H& TOPS IN"VALUE '! W SHERWOOD. Charming Marge bed-i room. Fine carpeted living room wuh fireplace. Economy gas furnace heat Iteauty kitchen, and hath. Oversne garage and shop. Paved drive and I parkway Drape and curtin too I Complrt landscaping. IVVKDl TK I POSSESSION $HV3Hl m itrt I.VM down or would CI, or FHA ' 1 SW PORTI .AND AVE , verv neat 3 i hdrm home with all deirt! fiure ' Separate garage lsiee lot Oil c,r , Heat Tciftm fr the mxnri. $(l VHJ on I (1 1. terma. Lee Jones Realty 433 w. Military Ave. OR: 2-2511 HAROLD HK'KERAON Stone House i LAHCE t bedroom, punnrr ttore hoii 1 tonlama more than I 0UP siiust ftct ! l'liiiis rm. aiisihed (jri- haid WMd f Units 4 lewi ferii e seres Hn goml county rot auth and eat if Itowbuig A g-Hl Imi at s .Vs v , down, $utl a month on baiam-e. Umpqua Realty j MQ tt K Slevbens St i OR 2 t7l Home OR 3 7711 1 oh 1 w: Real Estate Roseburg Realty 3340 DOWN, 3 BEDROOMS, large car port and shop building. Needs some interior redecorating and repair to kit- TOWARD GLIDE Clean and tidy A li chen Iineoleum Ideal for the handy : plealiitg Good location jut off high man. Will include paved streets, curtM. wav 3 acre 3 bedroom modern nome. sewers at no addition! cost. Hard to1 14X19' liWng room. 16 xit' grge. beat at only 7,2u0. W.iM WINSTON BEA1TTT priced wav below 1 replacement cost and FHA appraisal : 3 bedrooms. Swedish fireplace. 1'; baths, beautifully landwaped Ideal . location for school stuff or managerial1 personnel of Dillard manufacturing plants. GARDEN VALLEY 3 bedrooms, plas tered, hug lot with private well Tilrd drainboard in kitchen. Owner moving out of State Priced 10 sell quickly at SB.50a WiU finance on Gl or FHA term ACRE OP PRIVACY with fruit trees, berries, garden, flowers, law n and loam soil. Cute 3 bedroom home w,th family room, big firrolace, double garage and patio. 911.0U0. YOU NEEDN'T BE RICH to own this modest 3 bedroom bungalow It ban a neat interior with coxy fireplace, and a nice large, level lot with garden, flowers, lawn and fruit trees Tne 7. bOO price includes sewer, paved street and curbs. Consider low down painent or trad on 4 bedroom home Roseburg Realty Insurance . UMPQUA HOTEL LOBBY OR 1-3144 "OUB SERVICE DUKSNT COST IT PAYS" Since Moving To Our New Location We Have SOLD The Following Property 1. Lot in Green Dit 4. Homes south of Roseburg 1. Home east of Roseburg 1. laarffe Ranch in Glide Dtst 1. Home tn West Roseburg on fair St. 1. Home In Went Ronehurg on Pilgcr St. 1. Home tn West Roseburg on Ajfee lne 1. Home In West Koseburg, Luc lien Add We Need Your Listings 957 NE Stephens L B. HICKS REALTY & INSURANCE OR 2-3731 Eve's and Sundays call I, B. Hickn OH 3-724:1 Elmer Hicka OR 2-Ull.t Tina Newport OR 3-3442 WANTED 4 or 5 Bedroom Homes With or Without Acreage $2,000 DOWN 4 BEDROOMS Full daylight hanement with plctur windowed family room and drive in garage. Paved patio, lt8 X im feet for one of the best view lots obtainable in west Roseburg 917, 300. FHA. terms. AVz Interest A O I LOAN of 913.000 pavable at $!K1 per month la now available to the wise person who chooses this 3 Iwdroom, modern Kane hero in the Cloake's srea. Double garae. Good utility area. Plants, shrubs and flowers make this a most desirable setting for a lovely home you wou Id be proud to own. 9l5,trOO FP Non Veterans can SMUine this mortgage too. DADS gone and mom wants to go so bad bedroom paved street dandy. The bath wilh attractive individual features is on of lh luxuries of this home as well as the front of the home kitchen 1 .a rife 03 X 115 level lot. Leti atari ai 97500. Look SIR: HAVE you thoiiKlit of ownmx river front i aa- with a larKa 4 twomom. furn, healed home with level free soil acres j lush with lolua to make vou mmwv - rus'ine wer ",,'nrt", y,mr re-u,p! Pacific Finance Loans Did vou dream this could he located on! - S Stephens OR o-b'tifiS pavement just S minutes from Hose- CAN USE some small discounted con burg for cay commuting If so vou tracU. OR 3-819.1 or OH 3-rilHU eve, surely added larxe oak shade trees ! vw and placed Ihe l'j h.iih hoi ,,"! view knoll. You would of course v ualire all the eouiomenl von u-,ti need Naturallv urn would want a hoot I ofr.Ti,TVmLml Tm h,Vr 'rM' L 7 t , " " Har ll-Qa, and the orc hard A dream of rourse wtuld not be overpriced and should have easy yearly pavmenta of only $2000. Mr Dreai we hae it' Wake up and live. 14H ikk $l,i.(hNi do WINTER REAL ESTATE !m W Harvard ACROSS I'HOM ltlc.lt SCHOOL Phone OR 3-7043 Evening calls Chsrlea Pratt Op, UJ7 Charles Mumbv OR 3-7.(03 Young's Best Buys I IT'S CLOSE IN 1 lartte bedn ing room with fmn.lace Do ent I tihiv in 1 semen! F.'neil air I heal Niceh t Sewer Full oniie tei in Uudse,tM-d P,i ed street pruse m FH ir re. fiom imurt ALSO 3 letriVMn. I ,v rm kitchen J lied i imms io n'driHm iiwta i (11 i Sewer 7Nm fun pn.e 4" $70 er mo incl. , tnte A NICE 2-bedroom home Circulating f ueplace K r.oiu ; Dtnmg room and kit. lien Hath 1 ' t 1 tt i P.itlo One -c.tr g Full nrice 17) 1: t .ir iia ANOTHER r"d I lied room h.une Fire- place in living room l omi. h,t, hen and dining area H.ith Ctilitv rm 2 lots, 7iksj. FHA or Gl rOBTY ACRF nh .i,r,..t.,. M.,!. r.Him Ihiitie l.i i ieeh Spring Hm 11. 1 cbu ken lumvt and out lmul;n .1 gmul -ie M-tN'rd In hard Ho-ri.s ill rin-e IvJoiKS) raluie I .tinil t ire pranten .i down .$1.10 per month on balance,' Roy 0. Young &Son, Realtors KrnnetH J Mr. Tt.l hi: t,i.i Avt-mi- 1 Otfire Ph OH 3 m,; H-s I Hide 't West-Side 2 Bedroom ANI N. hilw,H) fl.. fuepUie. s .- o, '.wst pa l.iilit. doul.e .d port large letM rd ,irl ,i t - uls f ae i;li. 1 1 re ( rM i apita)sfd p'-usa SlO 7 terms. W Shetian.loa t ."of il-.d'e t..Hi I 7 Real Estate I Valley Real Estate Sheltered Rural Spot River Paradise Home A NICE horn on River St Built for contentment Ideal arrangement. Qimi My conptruclnon FirepiM and fur nace Scwir g room. Attached utility mom i'Jt) X12V river irrigated fertiui lot Hds apples, peache and berrie. Fruit room and w uiionop. 112 500. U Trade For Dairy? FOLKS up in Washington 'Stal not D C t want to trade a st-cked and equipped grade A dairy for your horn hri m Ro-eburg 0 acres irngatd. Modern improvements. 117,500 Your npnaTtunity for a steady profitable hutinei 8 Acres $1,010 310 DOWN. $20 per month. Out about 17 minute Jut off pavement on good County road Nice building site, rVr tile dirt ler berries, garden, chickens, Valley Real Estate 1117 SE STEPHENS PHONE ORchard 3-4HS EVENINGS PHONE SALESMEN: rwk OR 3-S7R0 Pocock OR 3-82.'tl Newport OR 3-W7 Sale man it Brok-r Sconce OR 3-3063 Look at This 70 A RANCH ON live creek Pre soil Seven room older houh. Garage and good :)K.r0 barn. Blacktop road. Fam ily orchai d This is an exceptional valu- Priced lo sell at $5000. Call iinrnrdlately on tnis one. It's too good to lat. A Home Is Your Best Investment Let us Show you These NICELY landscaped modern 2 B R tn Wet Winston. Attached garage Larur lot Fenred yard. Priced riht at trm with only 3500 down. Easy paymenu on balance. Hucrest VERY de.irable 2 B R and den Living room ll'xlfi Corner lot Elec heal Only 9H750 with 91 down. It Sings With Fresh Exciting Beauty THE MINUTE you step inside it's lovrly UxlH living room with its panelled fireplace wall, then pa&s on to its cn.y dining area and look at the bejiu tifully arranued kitchen with cernrnic lilcd drainboard and bar and the bir h btnlt-ins. and it's three light airy ht-d-roomn, you will know that you have walked right inlo your dream home. McAneney Real Estate 16:14 SE Stephens OR 3-1:171 Eve n and Sundays call L P McAneney OR 3-71.10 I-ou Rai,wlt OH .!-.HCl8 TWO UFDHOOM house rcloi in. 2 lota" or :-:i.- 1 j 5 Bus'ess Opportunities COMMERCIAL TROLLFR for sae 4ixl0.t ', double end cyl. Buda die sel, extra large hold Excellent tuna Itoat Hadio. iron mike, fathometer, di rection finder, etc Just off was. OS W-JU02 or OS -.'.022 FOR LEASE, operating major oilcom pany service station. Financial ssi-il-ance tit right person. Living accomo dations tn conjunction. If dehired. Write V O Box 770 SMALL GROCER Y that w 1 f e can run while husband work elsewhere. 2 old er lots and unfinished bldg. Will ell an or any pari. UK i-4.ill WANT ACTIVE partner with some mon ey, for rest home. OK 3-7H47 6 LO CI 11 S & F 11 QflCICa I FAMILY FINANCE Home Owned and Operated lana Up to Sl.iOi) j On motor vehicles and furniture 72fl SE Wa-shlnKton OR 3-32771 MONEY IN A HURRY ! $:0 TO $2,000 COMMEHUIAL INDUSTRIAL I HNAM:E CORPORATION 813 8 E. Oak 8 Wanted To Rent WANTKD - r.w.n and board m private' nome. wnn i v, lor eldei . retired. man Must )e walking distance to town tall OK 3-MKl. C SIN ESS MAN and family" desires3 ' or 4 bedroom, modern, unfurnished! home, with jard. by June 1st. OR' WANTFD TO RENT 3-brdroom. mod em home, west or northwest distiicl ' OH 3 -.1124. TWO or 3 tedroom modern house Close tn school in town. OH 2-4J.1H after ti p m WANTED " Garatte to rem for d.i time park ma, near Courthouse OH 2-.ttilS rvemmts Rooms JO ANNS BOARDING HOME. Delici ous home cm' king Private room and board $JU week ir $7 month Lois ,,f parking space. 4:'iW SW Carues Kiad. tlreen District OK 3-7H47 Centrally located Ia.w Weekly H..!c All L'omfoM of Home Hotel Grand CLE N furnished licht house.vu ; u room Walking distance 10 pi). ninnies pdid, l.M month. l.il SF ( ONE lifiiriwm p.trllv furnished apt W.t duni.g room t(.r mn( Krtlll .ervire p.,ul. SintaoV ., .", .' f,,r '"""t'le with one chiid t74 W a ed trre , Wharton. OR 2-40.U ihi cah Hal x - - - - r,t ROOM a!-1 hoard for elderly I i,v J . cc.le'it food and care. Licen-, OH paved street ; 1 HOTEL RosEBl'RG. TV Ct, parkirg Ke.nonable ratea. 51J S E. Ijne. OH 1H l'2 SI.' vjm NO room walking dinta P u"1 SE M' ROOMS. in P-t He" hi ' SiTu.se, i f.tot f w.i, Kington f.,,,-,-,, , L.Mu.r, front sleeping room, l, H 1 " W?or OR s' 'P'NG too -"i '7 o5 s M -ti SI Y PING roo door to Pern o. OH ,t..t ..-a is, private en'i nee. OH HorsFKFrriNtj rooms s t , 01 FN RiHV, do- in mm drinking u-rim !' 10 Apartments Ft NMSHFD .t -re.m m.Mern epartmert 1-M S K IV vl!i,,. TWi r hoc, f'j'iv.rtnl apar'meiu at t.'- S F ! i. i( m; f h ; 1,1 Cl r. N. 5 n.om it. i n lUt l.ftl a i M. p".ens ) K 2 . 1-AKt.K and mil a, ''.IS antaitie A.lu.: I ...2 F IV FrUNIMIFD I ln-.m".. (.,!,, ' VVrt H ' Ai'1 J-ir w H:.-,i TMK F Hi nilKOM -n-e M fur- . . l---o us P.,t, OR I ; fW0 HOOM hirtuhed apt. 7.10 Bal l St, 1 10 Apartments Choice Apartments Oakhill - Vista Homes Winchester Court Westvue Court Terrace Apts. PVHNISHED and unfurnished Some have h-at. hot water nrovided. All have wter, garbj and ard serv ire furnuihed. Hen is from fO up. Must be seen to appreciate. Call OH 3-440. OR J-5631 or OH 3-1503. Kohlhagen Apts. LANE & JACKSON STS MOULHN, REASONABLE KENT ADULTS OK 3-8244 A GOOD PLACE TO LIVE" FURNISHED, attractive 1 bedroom apt Available Jun 1st. Heat, water, gar bage service, automatic wsbhing fac ilities furnished Ideal for working cou ple or girl 2 blocks from t'S National Jank OH 2-14:i r A I H H A V E X A PA RTMENTS, 1 845 W Harvard Desirable newly furnished and unfurnikhed apartments, on city bus lines, cios to ail shopping and po-it office. Electrle appliances fur- mne uH ONE BEDROOM unfuTnis'hedpartmerit. Ample storage space. Wired for wanfter and dryer Hot. cold water and garbage service rumined Near court Houae. 1 1 57 S. E Douglas, APARTMENTS quiet" "neigh borhood, on dead-end street, 3 blocks from City Center, 320 SE Pine. Call Rov Young, Real Estate, OR 3-o671; or OR 2-9115 after 6 PM ONE BEDROOM, unfurnished apart ment. Heat, water and garbage dis posal furnished No children or pets. Next to Kohlhagen Apia. Call OR 3-H244. MOTELUNTts AirelecTFic.- W 1 1 h kitchens, $16 and 922 week. Linens, utilities furnished. Winchester Motel Old Highway 99 N at Winchester Bridpei MODERN, sinarle? aparment walking diktnnce tn town. S.0, W. and $50 a month, utilities included. Brock way Apartments a good place to live. OH 2-4'll7 LARGE 1-bedroom unfurnished apart ment, 3 blocks from downtown. Utill tiei furnished. OR 3-3!i2- U37 S. E. WatMm Street. NICE, !are, 1-bed room duplex, close in. Ranee, refrigerator and heater; water and garble service furnished Couple only. After 4 P.M. inquire Ki-W Cobb SOMETHING SPECIAL Lovclyfur nished apt. Good location. Utilities p;ud Ph Mrs Wilson at OR 3-701 or OH 2-2H74 or see after 6 P.M. at 524 W Chaiham. LARGE MODERN 1 bedroom fuTniThed apartment. Walking distance to US Plyweod and town. Utilities paid. OR 2-l!4 TWO. Iare. 1-bedroom apartments. Pic ture windows. 1 nicely furnished. Adult. 2J0 W Harvard. jOR2-3i:U. ON'K BEDHOOM. furnished apartment, SVl; all utilities paid. 653 S E. Sheri dan. OR 2-1245. FI'RNISHED apartments. $;J0 to $45. W.iter and garbage paid. 1H03 S E. Pine St TWO FURNISHED, l-bed7oom apart ments; some utilities paid. OR 3-7384 or OR :i-798:i. FURNISHED 3 room apt. On quiet west side street Garden pot available. $:i5Roseburg Realty OR 2-3344. TWO, e'ean pi. Close"in.il" furnlihed". li unfurnished. OR 3-7i!6 or OR 3-H46I LAKfJE, clean 3 bedroom apt. Down town. Water furnished. S-H) month OR :t-57H or inquire Gimre's Shoe Store. ONE BEDtTOOM apartment partly fur nished Heat, water and garbage dis posal furnjshed. 7:12 SE Pine NEW. larne 1 Iwdroom apt Electrio stove ai d refrigerator. OR 3-8445 or OR 3-tii.!f). FURNISHED OR unfurnished apt. $50 and ff'.i Inquire Garden Vnlley M-ir-ket. Phone OR 3-6:02 or OR 2-3017 SMALL, furnished apt. Close in. 1132 S E Man. BACHEI.OH A PT-$40748 S"EJ acit son , OR :i-4:ll. TWO BEDROOM, furnished aptoff strert parking. Close in. OR 3-3410 FURNISHED 3 room apt. 1014 S E. PinV 11 Houses 514 W BALLF St attractive, clem. 1 -bedroom duplex; tiled lath. electric heat Water paid $i'0 per mo. Call OK 3:10117 after 6PM 1, 2. 3. and 4 Iwdroom homes Income limits Fiimilies. also sincle elderly ti." or over accepted. 902 W Stanton St OR .t-aiw WESTS! DE "duplex lrdronm hath. l.arc living room Separate utility, r.ine and floor heater in Water paid. Oil 2-2.J22 days; OS 9-iW2ll cvemnRs. HOUSK m Dillard. living room, bedroom, kitchen, xhower. electric ranue and re- fni;eratnr Good location. $.(3 a month. OS MODKHN 2 bed room hmi ve. W Me 1 -ns, District Tilled garden spot S.i.i i Marvin Sanders, 17.1H N. E. Airport I . - I WILL LEASE option -- nearly 2 acres, I 2-tM-droom house, good harn. pasture and garden, Close in Call owner after PJ1 . OR 3-nr19 TWO HFDHOOM, "unfurnished house.' wired tor washer and drer Chse to j VS. Plywood, bus line and stores. $.lu n o. OR 2 in;4 or OH :i-4;7:s I PAHTIALLY " furnished 2 hedrwm ' house, nn Sunshine Hond Double Ka- 1 rate, garden, patio, river view. OH i :;-M':t ; NEWLY "DECOR ATEDlbedrnom"cot-i tat-e. furn. shed or not Close in. Adults : onl . Phone OR 3-K0,tI I,E SK 2-lH'drtMim. miMlern home 548 W RaMf. Show after 3 p m. Vacant. June 1.1 TWO BEDROOM hoiiHewi red" for" wash-i er and drer. a available. $fH a' month OS l-rR25 NICE CLEAN-2 " bVdroom house Hot and old water, water free, fenced in yard OH 2-2721 ONE HKDROOM moder"n"cottagyrn- ': f nrnishej except stoves Near Joseph L.tne School. $,tO a month OR 3-4.H12 , Two ROtM furnished cottage. $a0 for1 sit-bIc. 524 S E. Mnsher. Phone OR 2-1241 SMML HOCSF apphanceKfurn m' t an furnish houe. 7-N N E sied 2 miles south on old tt hithw. Heasnn.ihle OR H-HTJII ONE HEDHOOM duplex -dr e andre ' fngerator furnished OH 2.1042 after F I H N 1 S H F lC Ali I N S h vw k 1 7m 1 id up. all utihtir. furnished Old 9y. J its 1 e. north Pan fx Moiel I NFl'KNI-iHED 2 Ntlroom hmi.c ""HrM er. r inve and w ier furnished. $.0 t.7 N E Ward. OR .t-.l30i CI FAN, r;vnforta'le '-Irr- .hrd. -i-t.ice. 4-l -e in. $.3 1 ,; N E (Lit tit n V.iUcv Inouire 1!13 Pt 1 n-.a Lane 1 OR RV NT OR S.l E - 2 bedroom, mod. te. a outh a Roseburg C.tlt OH 2-W P lll l ""FURNISH r Dr'Vntom d.ip'ex. 4 mile, south, on t.. emont OR 1 -mm-M TWO HKnKOOM."unfurn-Scd huu- Oli TWO r DHOOM"(Mcan niivlei n i- iWln Wm..ton Fenced .ud lS i-84"-ft r H R F F r'X'tn nrnihed hou.'e.$'5 month OH 3-7733 NICE f'e.m cabin for 1 b,nhelor. U'-a SE I.il NH'E2 ttroom "lion v.l Roseburg Hej(. Sl VlT." MlPl''N Ut $d OH 2-L4 e south of tov OR 44 (urmmhed hou FOR REN r 2-hedro.Mn Modern hM in West Winston' OK .1-47.7 SMU iPl-Nsln-onr ho r part.Tfi nsr.od t.svt F H.i" -l;,.- THUf K r.wn n-.Hlern hoi.-e miles south tJ.S OH 7 4714 About 5 fUKNlsimi 'l bedn-.-n . water and garbage pad $tCH .:. :vx WT SHU 2-tedruHmdL.p OR3- TWi tsi.ottw.ni house xr ...1 O.hhI iti. TWt H U'f.v't hou u sb.-d l.'.-W N E h rrM'-U, I -bedroom m-e 4 il N SFVl MOIUHV house 4d OH J-77M ONK belrvHm houae. 4t;i Ntv Stephen Houses I MODERN 1-9 bedroom cabins Good ! j brtj, nearly new refrigerators, gas range and heating Table, chairs, I j etc Waier and garbage duposal fur nished t(5 and 945 month. Hartt Ca-I b in 2V.5 Diamond L,e Blvd., be-1 hind Dale s C-(e OH 3-Ai. ONE BEDROOM "duplex." newly built Firep.ai.e. automatic washer, electric, i.ii it, ceramic tile kittfien Weti i Heterence required Adult only. . Viiley, Heal EJtal. 42a S. ; Vain FURNISHED 3 or 4 bedroom house A real home clo to town at 12Vi S E P tie St. Will show on Sundav Mav 2", from 1 to J, or phone Corvailn, Plaia 3-1453 3 M to fl A NEWLY redecorated 2-bedroom houie near US PAwood, wired for washer and dryer Prefer only J or 3 children. 9t5 mo. OR 2-2452. 1 2 Trlr. Parks & Rentals VACANCY modern, paved. Nearest1 rirv cenlrr. Adults Central Trailer: Park, 1W1 N E. Diamond1 Lake Blvd. I OK 2-4H j WINCHESTER TRAILER PARIC Mod-1 ern spaces. Paved grounds. Shade 1 trees. $18. month Hlehway 99 N at Wmcheste Bridge ALAMEDA TRAILER COfRT has paved street and cement porches. Reason able rate. 5a 1 KB. Alameda. OR 3-2348 ! MODERN 35' 1-bedroom trailer $:t3!OR 3-4114 or OR 3-H2O0. TRAILER SPACES $17 50 per month. Baker's Motel. Winston. HOUSE trailer for rent OR 3-5003 13 Misc. Rentals Power Lawn Mowers & Garden Tillers For Rent Smith Signal Service Station. 2428 W Harvard near Mark MarketPh. OR 2-924ti. WAREHOUSE pac on-trackage OR 3-bb2d. Brown & Bigelow HAS an opportunity in Roseburg for a man with proven sales experience to service established business and de velop new accounts in Douglas, Coos. Curry and Josephine counties You will sell calendars, direct mail and ales promotion programs Aue 25-45 with car. Write to C. P. Con Ion. Dis trict Sales Mitr. 400 Terminal Sale Building. Portland, Oregon, for per sonal Interview. CARETAKER, preferably pensioner. Free living quarters, access to Rarrit-n. ber ries and eKS- Utilities paid. Perman ent position References required; no drinkers. Call GY tf-3331. WANTED lady to" help In" care" ofTn valid cirl. live in M,i,lf-:tj. ,..., Riaebnrg vicinity. Writ Box 602 Neui-Review A'cC I f R 4 TF" TvniwT. k77ihl"..j ed; Reneral office and bookkeeping background neessar Apply Oregon State Emnlovment Service LOG TRt'CK DRIVER, experienced: 2 dav a week or more Cas tu nn 3-3.W3 or OR 2-:t212. t WANTFD 10 people" to eViojTcertie" i 4 years at Moores Caret 79c luncheon; special daMy at Phrlhs Cafe J WANTKD middle ard lady as house- keeper in motherless home. Must live ' in. Call OR 2-3(Mi9 after 5pm j WANTFD woman companion and help! with light h'-u-ewnrk. Prefer woman I i.n car. i, v o-h,to ALL around machinist. Also all around welder. Keystone Machine Works. j2B NE Chestnut St. OR 3-i!!it3 WILL GIVE free ride meuU " and "v5 for driving 2' ton truck to Seattle. ipuiy am t r'epnens St BABY SITTER for" 2 children. " room hoard and waws. Live In. OS 9-.Vi:i8 15 Wcrk Wcnted DO YOU have a nice, big clock in your home that doesn't run. or that mlrh I need oilm:' Call Lester Woods at Joanne's Boarding House, OR 3-M-I7 I SEWING "and alterations ' nf alfklndv ! Mrs W E Cuius. 732 NE Erie Phone OH 3-74.14 , NORTHPOSFnUi:G"Kir'fiercartenl5:.:i' i r. vine t r.'-ellcnt nre chool traintn OR 3-7E4Q or OR 3-.'i2.';4 A F LLING and bucking )rb in the woods. Call Camas Vallev, Oregon, 2 EXPEHIENCFD in general off -ce "and bookkeep.ns Available Immediately: r.Mi nn rvnniu-vrrn .. . - - - " ' " 'v. r.i, nnn nrsi, over Ji , le immediately. Call OH 2-iri45. MIDDLE aged lady wants housekeep- ng jfb live in OR 2-3!tfi7 SHEFP shearing." V muel" Vari partner Oakland 3f!!i.t. and R9T;(nIlX,xc; gardrn work- 08 ( SHORT Togiri-dlunih.-r-haulingFranco' lriickmn. OR ?. au7 CAHPENTFR- " remodeling and paint ing OS 9 -.3870 WA'IINO, rouKh dfyTiUoiroTitngOR SHEEP-S HE"AR I N CIaVd"t oof-nh a rpen :ng Flvm Ornb.tun. OR 3-3832 Wll L do typing in mv home P,ickup and delivery OH 2-4329 iNTERIORpaint:ngOR 3-7609. CHILD care. Daa. OR 2-:ilRH. IS Instruction ENROLL ANY MONDAY Robert. School of Business. ::0 SE. Jackson St . Roiehurg.OH 2-72:8. 0,iTl." i;ro.V '"fl,&'r''n'" 'vvwvvwuvvuvw. 20 Services PI MP HFPXIHS 24 hours service. r OK1 ler t o Sales and Sennce. OR 2-tVM; nnjht calls. OR 3-7389 of OK' RF FHIOFK ATION SERVICE, domestic and rtmimeicial Available on rail anv t.ne d.i or mgrtt. phone OR 3-3..18 or OH ! SHTIC TANKS CLE"NVn aije, iree i-tir Hojeburir S.im- tat.on Service. 2J36 N Stephens Ph on :u.i:;-.fi WFl.L ' DR 11 .LI VGr Uctr, d-pont ract- UH 2-304J. Mrtle Creek IN -,i:-4.! BM1Y SHOES " B RON ED "and""mourMed ror in formation eail OR 2-14IS 2014 S F Douglas CFR MIC TlLEhowe-s; tuhh,eks. dr.,inlards. patios Vree estimates. Kellev T;le. OK 3-'51 A'X VINT, F-her ThornPainrCo. 1 TlMoj W F-. Daunt. Local Agent. Ph OR I-i;,7I SH Al rock (oroidsiiddrivewi"a ImmedM'e delivery Ph. C P Talion. JIN i-4it) C V'iPFNTFR a',v t?e contructiTins We help .irraiu-e financing Free esti i"'!'K.w.iioki OK 3-802u. ti 71NG, ievei'ig al-o shale rtn-kTrueV lo.m a"-, road materials. Chaa Keeley 'S a -.117 PAINTER, carpenter. roofing. OR3- ';4: DNr'sM AKlNGnd-aUeratiinaPhone OR 3-l42'l El EOT FitC CON TR' VC'TC RS. Insing" .Vn er OR .I-. CI J VS1NG "fcFPTIC f:Vks Reason- sMe W J ltneOH 3-.W4S CUsrov MOWING taking and baling P' J i. a While OS l-.VWH C A K r ' v t r y Reasonable " Small Jobs pr.-Mr ;ed Sni.th (iK ,1-11411 SPVNi t rt A Mi F DDFN Pain' rf Con- :i.t. . ,iR ,; .r OK t-74t-4 Hi ' TvT ILLLNG, 24 ' Merry "Til ief. OR .1 PAINTING, exterior and interior. OR 2 710 Pott EH a-:d !" and mowers, ms. hM vrrred 1 2.G S F. Cobh. OK ..-eVl2 PT NO TUNING ti,"g ""Fleerronie i H-am- tuner OR MMV RorOTILLLNU by the kour, OR 2'426 111 20 Services Hospital COMPt,m Mi-vie for bicycles and tricycle. lawamower, Franehlsed dealer for Schwuin b.ccle. Al's Bike Shop Between Dairy Queen and Farm Bureau, UK CHILD CARE Mother Goose Nursery OR 3 8161 MOTOR rewin.line renainne AM mak, and iizei Experienced, competent, j motor man jimmies tiectric Motor Shoo, 350 NE Goden Valley Blvd. OH I RototTiimg Service FERGUSON TRACTOR WITH BLADE BEE HE Sc BOWMAN OR3-37:t8 BULLDOZING, leveling, ditch or post hole dipping, plowing. Top soil and gravel, dump truck. Large or small crawler available. Fred Goetz. OH 2-14.(2 ELECTRIC APPLIANCE repairs from hand irons and racors to range and dryers. All Make,. Bargain Appliance Centerjm SE RoseJJR 3-525. MOWER SHARPENING, trailer-hi tche. welding, woodwork and general repair. Green District. 2352 SW Castle St Ph. OR 3-4087. 21 Building Material Dome Some Building This Spring? SEE !. TDK THE BEST LI'MBEB AT THE LOWEST PRICE ANY AMOUNT Consolidated Milling Old Highway 99 South OH 3-7411 , For Your Building Needs 1 Studs - green dimension - boards and shiplap. K D. siding - finished lumber mold- j Ings. LUMBER SALES CO OR 3.7::62 Garden Valley near R. R. track, i 23 Fuel SAWDUST Blower Service or Dump WOOD Oak, slab and peeler core Summer rates on planer ends and sawdust for mulch Rosebura Lumber Co. Summer Prices 1 Month Only Large or small core: mill ends, sawdust Out-of-town deliveries made ' fll'V AND FRANCES GII.I. FIIFT. 2KU NE IH'Ktas OR 2-1524 1 RFI) DIAMOND Fuel Co. Kiln dried . nds:oak wood. OR 3-:a2 PLANER ends and shaving. Summer rates Riverside Planing. OR 2-3;tiiti. OC Cmkms Cmi!mh.au1 1$ TtXXVft tCUip-TeSIl 1 Used Tractors And Implements INTERNATIONAL 1-12 tractor, very good mechanical condition, pull two t plows . .. $:(95 JOHN Deere LA. tractor. An excellent light, one-plow tractor With plow mower and cultivator. Just tne equip ment for BmalJ place 4!i5 FORD tractor 8-N, 1952 Completely ov erhauled brakes, hydraulic svslem. Mm tor has new slccve. pistens. valves, etc Run like new. Have been asking $1195 - reduced to iki5 830 Fnrd tractor. 13 model. Nearly new Guaranteed in every respect. Will pull 2-1K" plows. Same tractor new costs $20iK - have bee asking $1LU5 -re- duced to Ui9: FORD tractor 8-N. Hour of good ferv- IC- nly 74: PLOW two ! bottom. 173 bber 14.1 i PLOW two - bottome, 14", on i I PLOW two - bottom, 14" j cnBT , ,u . SPRING tno,h hirrow I 80 I DEEP tillage er crop di INDUSTRIAL -loader, heavy duty 993 'SHERMAN digger. Ilka new - s;i2uu, now Umpqua Tractor Co. 72t' 5 E Pine St OR Vfi:7 Save On Plastic Pipe t Now. Low Prices Price Per Hundred Fl fi -n w :o ' $14 13 S21 Ofi $24 tn $ .16 00 Fittings Roseburg Supply Co 403 N.E. Winchester SL USED BALERS INTERNATIONAL HARVESTER 55 AW baler. Late model. ' ISTF.RNATIONAL HARVESTER MW 1 baler. Very good INTERNATIONAL HARVESTFR l wine P T O bdler. Good buy. 45 used tractors; I FARMALL A. Priced right EAHMALL. Cub. INTERNATIONAL W-4. JOHN DEERE 1 plow CASE VA with 3 point plow and dic. SIG FETT 2t) S E Jackson GARDEN tractor with mower attach-' ment OR 3-VifiO i PAINTING and paper hanging. Harry ' W Hill OR3-7."l j PRCTICALLYnew "side delivery rake' for Ford tractor OR 2-.W78 ; 26 Livestock FOUR experienced shep lia.irer Lare or sr- til iohs a cepted fe.ix Simarron, 2H t Central. SutherUn Ph .t;s4 Bl'YING wool - niohau and bark Pirme OR 3-4331 or OK 3-4-14 Rowburg Poultrv Co 7 S E Spruce HORSE-SHOEING. 10 experen.-e'HorM trained n te month. Phone Jve Young OS 9 WANTED Sheep andrttk7alf k:nds W A Blackert, Ph. Mjrtle Crek IN. 3-4ol SADDI T. HORSES. gen'k?ft.t omen' or h i . il ren a ; o ear ling colts. Vic lor Yon- SMALL 1 ear o j Shet.nd pny fot ,t'e OH 2 "V., , tthilE" weaner i .hMAInnTt: aliT a VaHr Ph. NEW and ued sadj'ev hrTdii and h,irfle.tt 4 N !. U, ug'a WOOL a"d nvhair recc rd daily. i i..is v- .re. p'n.iie OS -Hi7 i FOK SMI. r-ro-g -.are and sad- d JR V4--.U rr.ngi i dooo H.-.;..'e-n b'.lt 3 Hoistelnh7l'fe for sa.e OS - ..NO 26 Livestock Schricker & Inda Livestock Auction Sutherlin, Oregon Ph. Sutherlin 2146 Oakland 28i4 Saturday May 24 Starting at 11:30 A.M. 20 Head of quarter, Arabian and Amen can saddle bred horses. Also aom Shetland pomes. 2 Spotted j earlingi, Shetland stallion cojis. Horses will be ridden and shown before the sale. You should find the kind of horse you are looking for. Truck load of young feeder cattle. 3 truck loads of butcher cows. A load of whiteface steers. Bulls, veal and baby calve Some extra good milk cows. All livestock bringing a good market price. Market prices for all classes of sheep A couple of good buers attending that need a couple truck loads of springer cows. Bring in your fat hogs, shoata and weaner pigs. We have good fat hog market. Com mi ii ion 3 over $500, 4V under SCHRICKER tV INDA. Manager SCHRICKER & SON. Auctioneer O. TRIPP. Rmgman G. A. BHOWN. Weighmaster WOOL WANTED A0c Advance Made Ship in and take advantage of expected raise in price later in season. Bag and twine furnished. Pick up at Con sol id a ted or Pierce. Call Chas. Dyar. OR 2-3166, Roseburg. Pacific Wool Grower, 7;i4 N. W. 14lh Portland, Oregon. WANTED Fat and feeder lamb for immediate i detivvrv or will contract lambs for fu ture delivery. Also buying wool and mohair Contact James Lewis, UN 3 :i0;i:t Myrtle Creek or Darnll Ray, Suth erlin 33H0 or ci'.l Dougla Livestock Market OR 2-4071. I Cattle Wanted I BOYER MEAT COMPANY Route 1, Box 332 H ' Bus OR 3-6323 Eve's OR 3-5233 ! FOUR experienced sheen shearers. Large or small jobs accepted. Felix Samarron, 2ua E. Central, Sutherlin. Ph334. HOT AND COLD horse shoeing, 15 ex perience. Horse training. Quarter Horse stud service by Poco Keeno. OR3-7B40. ONE6 onnr"blackAnKus-"Bin'"ofs"ale. William Updcrave; Roseburg. Oie., Phone OR 3-S74: WKANF.R "pigs." A "Schafer. CamaVai- 27 Hay & Grain BALED hay. oat mixed with fmall per centage alfalfa, bile hale, average weight 80 ibs. OR 3-4800. 23 Poulir? & Ralrcits Pheasants Eggs, d iv and week old pheasant chirks. GY 6-3402 or GY 6-34:18 Orders taken 8-9 a m. and 4-6 p.m. daily Baby Chic PLCE YOUR ORDERS earl to avoid dv Ponton H:itchcr, '174 W Harv ard Ro-ehurg Hh '1-T26 HFIVDvTIF VD NELSON '"HK'KS, from Erviiiii Hatcheries. American Front champions. Fur per una! de liveries a ; 1 1 1 sen, ice. L !" Houck R.iute 1, U.x tU7. OH 3-7.(23. WANTFD Livp poultrv Phone OR .t-4-i.tl or OH ;-Mi: Hoscburg pjjltrv Ci, 729 S E Spruce. LIVE poultrv hu . er Hi jhest prices paid at ranr h L W T'orcm in. 120"i0 s E. lhlJ.iV, Portland. Pios-cct 1-2131 POI L'l'ltY " re, e.vet Tue-' fa s For - nch pirkuo. phn.- OH 3-4::'il iv- OR 414. Ruselmi-2 Poi-'.trv rin.-ai- R P, R 1 T ":: HTI1.I7.F' i.onkingglass Henri Box t:i,:0 OR 2-271U WANTKD " Frvcr ra'ihita. 4"t'o"4 iimi'i.! Phore OR 2-2710 FIVK-VEN" ranhit hutch. $10. OR " 2 2221 29 Pets Pt'REBHFD Oeitnan male Jndued best i herd puppy. best German Shepherd show. Winner of 3 l-t 4 months old. Sacrifice dog at pu at 51O0 OH 3-3778 FOR SALE - Chihuahua" puppies" 2 months o!d Mrs. Jennie M Hnusti. 1 mile on North Mrtle Creek Hoad. Mvrlle Creek. Otckod. BLACK REGISTERED tb"yPoodle. White Toy Poodle. OR 3-8338 eve ning REciSTFHED German Shepherd pun pies Reasonable 869 NE Willow OR ::-:i77r FOR SALE Border Collies. Cairn Ter riers, Skiperkes and Cocker puppiev Lvle Hill, Drain Phone Temple 6-H:W8. REGISTERED BOXER"-PUPPIES- OR 3-733. BAHY Parakeet 3 miles south. Bur- ton'sOR 3-8122 DOI GLAS COUNTY HUM WE Society Animal Shelter. OR 23907 TOY Fox Terriers. Pugs and canaries. Putman's. OR3-804. FOR SAI K or trade, toy Chihuahua. or POMERANIAN puppies and cananee. B72 N E Alameda SIAMESE kittens for "sa leOR3-7K23 GLENG A RYnoas:eKennels.OR 3-3793". KITTENS '"togive away OR3-,Vi81 31 Sporting Equipment SKAGIT GLASS BOATS Mercury Motors Aluminum boats BeeLiner plywood boats Tee-Nee trailers I'ufinished boats Boat Hardware & Accessories .Marine Paint Umpqua Valley Hardware Marina 6:8 S. E. Rose 1953 16 ft. Delta D-Lme COMPLETE with hardware and steering 22 H P Scott Abater eiectrir. remoiw controls. Ttis w eea ortiv . irc'udu.g Sundav. $12t0 Terrrvs if desired Nick's Welding Works l mile South Kellev s Korner SACRIFICE 17 ft boat wi-h s'eerir.g wee ai-d front eat rontrolt Mnrk .a n..tor T-'e-Nee hea d-.m tracer t;v b ir,i 1 FT tm tw1. ful. eq.nppvd. elec trie -larier.' OS $-M: liter 4. ail dap WWkepd R 1 ' M I N ( '. TO N 12 gu a ge p u rri"p rnod-M norgun. eice.te-nt condition. OH 2 41 M r HDRAPl-'jn gM Ph Sutfier.in. 4 V.;,-VT;.v-,-..i.- . ; 1