Thurt. May 22, 1958 Th Newt-Review, Roteburg, Ort. 7 0. fo) 9 Swift's Premium, Proptrly aged for flavor and tenderness. Grain fed steer beef. Table trimmed, The steak with a distinctive lavor. LAO r Jm?wjM HAL q) 0) 11 Fresh ocean caught, At it's peak of perfection White, tender, flaky, Really the "chicken of the sea". 10 to 151b. avg. Half or Whole lb 35 c Center Slices lb. 15 c SliceH Bacon Swift's. Premium, with that sweet imoke flavor. Thick sliced. 2-lb. package. Sausage Rolls Morrell't pure park, seasoned to perfection. Real handy for those "patties" for breakfast. Lb. cel lo rolls Roll 1 29 39' Pure Lard Portland Rose, Mother always used to bake with it. 4-lb. pkg. 65c 2-lb. pkg. Fryers Swift's Premium, Tender grown birds. Plump and meaty. Quick frozen in individual cartons. 1 -lb. 12-oz. avg. Each 35' 79' Big Bologna For those tasty sandwiches. By the piece. Approx. 2-lb. chunk Each Fancy Cold Cuts Nebergall's or Roth's, Large varie ty to select from. Sealed sanitary pouches. Assures freshness and Havor. 6-o. pkg. Pkg. Smoked Pork Loins Hormel's eostern sugar cured. Well smoked. Cured to taste like ham. Bake, fry or broil. Light lean loins. By the piece. " CC Center 70' Jf Jf Cuts lb. J J cuts lb. JJ cuts lb. J 29' Smoky Sausage Roth's Blackhawk, Skinless, Brown n Serve in 4 'minutes. 8-ox. pkg 43c. 2I85C Rep. Burdick,79, Ready To Anull Recent Marriage FARGO. N.D. I Rep. Usher I.. Burdirk, 79-year-old veteran North Dakota congressman, wants to call it quits with his attractive 30-year-old wife of less than three months. Action started in Cass County District Court seeks to annul the Feb. 28 marriage of Burdirk and his secretary, Jean R o d g e r s Jarkman. The complaint was drawn up by Burdick's son, Quentin, a Fargo attorney, who himself is running for Congress this year in North Dakota. ' The younger Burdirk said the complaint contends his father's wife "had no intention of consum mating the marriage." Also, Quentin said, the action alleges Mrs. Burdick's Reno di vorce was inadequate and that un der the statutes of Virginia, where they were married, the marriage is void. The current Mrs. Burdirk is the congressman's fourth wife. They were married in a private cere mony at Arlington, Va. Mrs. Bur dirk has a 4-year-old son, Mich ael, by her previous marriage to Donald Jackman, whom she di vorced more than a year ago. Burdirk, a Republican has said he will not seek re-election this fall, but will support the candi dacy of his son, who will run on the Democratic ticket. Reg. 4.95 2-ring WADING POOL 40 inch diameter, 7 inches deep. Holds up to 38 gal lons. Easy to Inflate. 199 Reg. 2.98 BOYS SPORT SHIRTS Short sleeve, Mochine washable. Broadcloth, Sizes 6 thru 18, Asst. colors. 1.59... 2 t.r 3.00 Reg. 1.98 THROW RUGS 100 cotton, New rubber ized non-skid bottom, 18" x 30" Assorted solid colors. 99c Reg. 24.95 CHARCOAL BRAZIER 24" diameter, Adjustable grill, 2 rubber tired wheels, ffj) ) Chrome finish legs. M ii M WCTU Training Session Friday A WCTU leadership training con ference will be held Friday at 9:30 a.m. in the educational unit of the First Methodist Church. There will be a potluck luncheon served at noon. Mrs. William I. llargis. state president of the Ore gon WCTU. and her staff will have charge of the training classes and program for the day. All members and others interest ed are invited. This will be a dis trict meeting with Coos, Jackson, Josephine, Klamath and Douglas counties participating. 1.69 Value 8-Piece PICK-PAK SET 4 plastic divided plates and 4 matching cups. Assorted colors ' Green, Ivory, Yellow, This set .' will complete your Memorial . Day Picnic. 7? Father's Day Special Reg. 21.95 White Stag SLEEPING BAG 100 5 lb. wool iniulotion. Wotor roootltnr covor. Full Itngth liopor. Two bog. con bo lippod toftthor, Iruulatod wtarhor flops. 34" I 80". 10.69 Lay-Away now for Father's Day! 5-Crain Aspirin Tablets 100 toblcts to bottle, a real value I 9 Reg. 3.98, Bamboo Window Shades Split bamboo, 6 ft x 6 ft. Complete with pull cord & pulleys 2.49 Canyonville, Riddle Scouts Hold Camporee Canyonville and Riddle Boy Scouts demonstrated outdoor cook ing at a camporee in the Canyon ville Park. They served dinners wrapped in foil to i group of observers. John Season, Canyonville Scoutmaster, demonstrated baking biscuits over an open fire and a coffee can cas serole, after which the boys held a brief court of honor. This week the boys wilt demon strate their Scouting ability at the annual district camporee at Little River, reports correspondent Vir ginia Proctor. Reg. 1.59, Steel PEAT MOSS issM 1.79 Reg. 2.98 Boys Ivy League PANTS With woven stripe. Washable & Sanforiied, Sizes 4 16 4.98 valua. Bk ffk Saves many hour of ironing. Complete with OBA p f Pants Creasers-rB 3isV9 1.69 2" 89' 79' ed Pillows Covered 9" x 13" PCNC PAM All purpose Plastic Cloth Filled with 100 celacloud of calanese acetate, Non-alargic, Large size. Easy sliding lid. All metal Heavy, durable, transparent, 9' x 12', 100 & 1 uses Portable PICNIC CHESTS Adjustable trays, aluminum drain, Fibreglass insulation. Carrying handles and positive lock. Size 19" x 10" x 10 Vi" Size 22" x 13" x 12" 9.99 12.99 REDUCED PRICES Remington and Winchester .22 CAL. RIFLE SHELLS Reg. 55c Shorts, 50 to box 49c Reg. 70c Longs, 50 to box 59c Reg. 78c Long Rifles 50 to box 69c Reg. 88c Long Rifle H. P. 50 to box 79c Late Count Changes Vote On COP Party Nominee MKDFORD I I.ate primary election returns put Mrs. Eve Nye and Melvin Lattie on the Repub lican ticket for the state House of Representatives next fall. Karlier, O. H. Bengston, Med ford attorney, had appeared to be one of the Republican nominees, hut the end of the counting found Mrs. Nye leading the ticket and Lattie nearly 300 votes ahead of Bengston. The Republican winners will face a husband and wife team in the fall election. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Duncan were unopppsed on the Democratic nominating ballot. Reg. 10.95 2-pe. Solid Gloss Store your winter clothes In these JUMBO SIZE GARMENT BAGS Dtluio, quilrtd. loiy tlidino lippor. ftt. 1.91 toch. With full $4 inch itppor. Rofulor 149 ooch. 99c 77 City Drive-in's BIG BLANKET SALE Buy yours now and save! DOUBLE BED SIZE Blends of rayon, acrilan, and A QQ P orlon. 72" x 90" Asst. solid colors "ef ' " SINGLE BED SIZE Blends of rayon, cotton, and nylon 72" x 84" Attractive colors 3.99 Spinning Rods 6i ft. h 3.99 Reg. 25c All Sizes Bait Hooks 12 in plas. box 599' Reg. 2.98, Snap Open Top, Shoulder Strap Canvas Creels 3 pockets . 1.99 Reg. 25c, Top Grade, Hand Tied Fly Hooks mi patterns . . . 349c Reg. 39c Light, Medium, Dark Salmon Eggs 2.K. jar 19c Reg. 14.95 Hollow Glass, Lightweight Flv Rod 7l ft. Soortsman . . 9.99 10 Quart with Carrying Handle 7 ft. Sportsman . "Jeep" Action Pocked, Assorted Spinning Lures 498 Reg. 32.50 Mitchell Full Bail Pickup Spinning Reel Extr sp00i 1788 Tin Water Pail 98' Men's Assorted Sizes and Colors Baseball Caps ...98' Largo Assortment 12 Bulbs to Box ' Gladiolus Bulbs 299' Bulk Pack Covers 100 sq. ft. Per Pound Grass Seed Norths King ib. 29c Evereody Leakproof, Guaranteed Flashlight Batteries 10c A Fortified Tonic, Elixir for Children Geritol Junior 1.98 Complete Lawn Food Golden Vigoro so ib. bag 2.98 Complete Plant Food Regular Vigoro so ib bag 2.49 Neuberger Wants Clatsop Dedication During 1959 WASHINGTON I The Na tional Park Service has been asked by Sen. Neuberger (D-Ore) to Ret the Fort Clatsop. Ore., national memorial ready for dedi cation during the 19J Oregon Cen tennial observance. The House Monday passed Neu hergcr's bill to make the fort a memorial. It awaits the Presi dent's signature. Neuberger said the bill permits creation of the memorial when 10O acres of the adjoining site have been bought by the government. Summer Season Comes To Mountain Highways SAI.KM i Summer came to some of Oregon's mountain high ways Wednesday. The Kast and West Diamond Lake secondary highways and the North Craler Lake Highway were opened after winter closure due I to snow. The .Mount Hood Loop Highway will be opened at 9 a.m. Friday. I State Highway Kngineer W. C. Williams said that MeKenzie Pass .opening was slowed by heavy ire and that it would be plowed clear and opened about June 15. ARMY UNITS ALERTED Fit ANKFUKT, Germany A (ierman newspaper said Tues day some U.S. army units in Ger- i many have been alerted, presum 'ably In connection with the Mid dle Fast crisis. The army said only routine exercises are being carried out. The Munich Abend Zeitung ! reported that some troops of the 11th Airborne Division, stationed ! in the Augsburg-.M u n i c h area. were rushed to L.n. air hases. All weekend passes were canceled the newspaper said. SPECIAL SERVICES at SPORTING GOODS SECTION OPEN 9 AM 'TIL 9 PM DAILY Loy-Awoy Deposit, Received ifffN, PERSONAL Hunting end1 Fishing Licenses Issued Woser - Polisher Rentals Zmtenm r,urlMk ... and 25 e OFF on all popular TV and RADIO TUBES "lUNCT No Charge... USE OUR SELF-SERVICE TUBE TESTER. No Obligation ORDERS - pit se. im j w sue Scorch In The Summer Freeze In The Winter Avoid this ond tovo lull by tnsultftinf your Ctiltflf . You con buy hoovy iniulotion for ordinary homo for only $1 or month for ono ytar. COEN SUPPLY CO. FUW t Mill OR 3-4461