PEOPLE READ THE CLASSIFIED ADS BECAUSE THEY ARE LOOKING FOR SOMETHING . ; . IT MAY BE YOUR OLD STOVE, BABY CRIB OR OTHER GOOD, BUT UNUSED ITEM. IS YOUR AD HERE? PHONE ORchard 2-3321 11 Houses MOdV.RN - eebr. Good bed, neerly refrijerauire. IH ,, and Iteeuni Tabie.. chair., ate Water and. Barbae. fur mined eJS end M5 month. Harta Ca. ,u MB Diamond U'a Blvd. be SlSi Dale'. C.IeOR J-Xlao. 0Nt BIDBOOM duplea. newly built. Fireplace, automatic waaner, electric lanrt ceramic tila kitchen. Weiiarle. R.Ierenree required Adult, only. M. i",' Wiley. Real Eitata. .aa a I Main nrhnnoM unfurniehed houia. wired for waeher and drer. Cloae to r s plywood, but line and atoree. HO 0 OR J-30M OB J-73. P.RT1A1XY furnlahad 1 - bedroom tiouae on Sutuhlne Road Double ia .... '.arden. Bim. river vie. OR s-9.l ON t bedroom houae. 4131 No. Stephana 12Trlr. Parks & Rentals .ANcC.Ynta7 KSff Park. 151 N Diamond Lake Blvd. no -108 WINCHESTER TRAILER PARK. Mod ir .tacea Paved around. St.ade traea ia month Blehway w ai Wmcheiter Brldfe it AMEDATRArLER CO JRT ha peted .treeta and cement porche. .b'e ratea Ml NT. Alameda OR l-jlid - TTtalLERS AND TRAILER SPACE, "wne'.l SerCic. Center. .15 S I Clie.l- ! Avenue . MODERN W 1-bedroom trailer t..S OR Ml or OR TRAILER SPACES S17 JO per month. rtaker'a Motel. Winaton. HOUSE trailer for rent. OR3-M05 Power Lawn Mowers & Garden Tillers For Rent Smith Signal Service Station. 2428 W. Harvard r.ear Mark a Market PhORa-M WAREHOUSE, store, office and truck pace. Flexible term. Central loca tion. Call OR 3-4181 or write P O. Box 728 wREHOUSE space on trackage. OR 3-6628. 14 Help Wanted Brown CrBigelow HAS an opportunity in Roaeburg for a man with proven aale experience lo urviM e.tabliahed buiineia and de velop new account in Douglas. Coos, t Curry and Josephine counties. You I will sell -calendar, direct mail and. sales promotion program. Age 23-43, car writ io r x-u n . 1 Building. Portland, Oregon, for per sonal interview. Attention School Teachers ffe need men. part and full time Xo' medium sized Life Insurance Com- a. wnnHorftil future to callable men Many very uceeaaful Life men hav coma from your pro fession We offer training, very comptitlvt In- j surance and top commisiona. aiao chances to move into supervising posi tions For information, write Box 801, Newa Review. Used Car Lot Salesman New Car Salesman 13 Misc. Rentals Excellent romrnatlon for qualified ,oam d Chaa Keeley merv Inquire Lockwood Motors. qs g.5117 YOU DONt HAVl TO SJO R'iht pArNTER carpentr roofinf7 OR t in your home town or county we need t , r an active Watkin Dealer. Make better ; - p------ ,. - than average weekly first ear. Op-! DRESSMAKING and alteration. Phone erate from your own home. Car or I OR 2-1429 hght truck needed Write The J. R. i ELECTRIC CONTRACTORS Lansing as Watkins Company. 3903 Brooklyn Av-j Oliver. OR 3-6638 enue. Seattle. 3. Waahtngton. 1 CL E A N VSG SEPTIC TANKS Roaaon- PUBLIC Works Employee, steaay year i -it. worn impiojf-. .jiu- und job open in City of Sutherlin jlic Work Department. Diverified , arou Public work Department, uiversmeo. , work on itreet. sewer and water de- partment Experience with sewage treatment nlant desirable. Contact City 1 Manager at Citv Hall in Sutherlin : SPENCER c McFADDEN Painting Con-CARETAKER-preTerably pensioner. Fre tractor OR 3036 or OR 3-7469 livinj quarter, access to garden, ber- ROTOTILLING by the hour. OR 2-4280 rie ana eggs, uiniiies paia. i-errnn-ent position References required; no Hrinkers Call GY 8-3331 LOCAL ORGANIZATION needs 3 men to tram immediately, interviews n Mr Peret at Rose Hotel, I to I PM i Wedneda WANTED ladv to help in car of in valid girl, live In. Moderate wage I Roaeburg vicinity. Write Box 862.; News-Rev tew ACCURATE TYPIST; ahorthand requir- i ed: general office and bookkeeping background neces-iarv. Apply Oregon 1 State Employment Service. LOG TRUCK DRIVER, "experienced: 3 I dan a week or more. Gas rig. OR 3-3303 or OR 3-3312. j W 4, NT ED 10 people to enjoy Gertie' 4 vear at Moores Cafai Tc luncheon pecialdIIy at PhyJIi' JTafe j SERVICE STATION attendant Prefer i exoenenced man. Victor 9-2186, Yon- WANTED middle aged lady a house-1 keeper in motherless home. Mut live n CallOR 2-3039after 3 p m F.LLrNG contract tn sub-let. Rock Creek area. Phone GY 8-3344 after 6 j RELIABLE baby utter to live tn. OR ; 1-7073 EXPERIENCED nurses wanted. Contact Myrtle Creek Hospital 1 15 Work Wanted DO YOU hav a nice, big clock In your home that doesn't run. or that mightt need oiling' Call Lester Woods at Jon"e' Boarding Houe. OR3-747 EWINGad"alteratlom of all ktnds Mr W E Curtis. 733 N K tim P-.oreOR 3-734 SAPTU Dn.TnlDC. ST (r,Arrtrt 1.333 NE Vine St Exr-.llent ore - school training OR 3-7148 ar OR 3-3234 a r 1 1 r 1 w.k 1- ip-a, woo... c.U C.m.s V.ilev . Oregon. fcxPERIENCED-in" ,a office and l"7M-TP,n. VBIo. .fmm..-., Call OR 2-1343 EXPER FENCED WAITRESS. oer 21 Available tmmodiately Call OR 3-1348 MIDDLE aged ladr wants hotn ing job live in OR 3-4104 " - SHEEP shearing Manuel Vara and partner Oakland Jfl( ROTOTILLING and garden work OS -tsen I iHORTg an-iu--ihV"" hauling Franco Trucking. OR 3-317 CARPENTER remodeling and paint- 1 ngOS 8-3870 sT-va-HING, rough dry, also" Ironing OR SHEEP SHEARING ar-d tig Elv.n Orr.oaun. OR NTTRIOR piiMing OR' CHfLD rare Da OR r 3 It 32 : 18 Instruction ENROLL ANY MONDAY Rober'so School f Biiinn a'O 8 E t Rtetw.'g OR 8-71- CI'TTaR Veieon" as 8 " gUiUrt tm tota OH 34313 mail 20 Services M,!Zr-U-- ' mr" 1,9r ,IK -88OT POtsaR 4-,r4' m9 rM Aap.fe4. 1371 It f". OR I si i 20 Services Fast, DepndJlf. TV-Radi ' Jti-fi WARDS Will PUT NiW LIFE IN YOU SET QUALITY SERVICE, ALWAYS Save, lee. with wpef Airiina Re placement Tube acknhm at Worde. Phona ar eotea in. MONTGOMERY WARD ' 443 SE Jackson Hospital COMPLETE service for biccle and tricycle lawn mo war, i l Franrhtted dealer for Schwtnn bioclta. Al's Bike Shop Between Dairy Queen and rirra Bureau. OR 3-4023 CHILD CARE Mother Goose Nursery MOTOR rewinding, repairing. All makes and sizes Experienced, competent. motor man. Jtmmie's Electric Motor Shrto ISO NI (.ardin Vllav ftlvrl OR Rototilling Service FERGUSON TRACTOR WITH BLADE BEEBE A BOWMAN OK 3-3738 BULLDOZING, leveling, ditch or post! hole digging, plowing. Top soil and j ;.r''.uvm.!'ubr.u':krri3t"G,moR! ELECTRIC APPLIANCE repairs from hand irons and razor to ranges and dryers. All Makai. Bargain Appliance Center331 S E Rose OR 3-3325. MOWER SHARPENING, trailer-hitch?, welding, woodwork and general repair Green District 2332 S W Castle St. Ph OR 3-4637 PUMP REPAIRS 24 hour ervic. Mil ler at cox Sale and Service. OR 2- 3381; a:ght call. OR 3-7389 or OR 3- 3759 REFRIGERATION SERVICE, domestic and commercial Available on call anv time day or night Phone OR 3-3318 or OR i-4632 8EpTiC TANKS CLEANED - no mile- age: free estimate Rocburg Sani-' i Stephen Ph. tation service. 2338 OR 3-3336 . j WELL DRILLING Licensed contract or Phone OR 3-3043: Myrtle Creek 1 UN 3-3543 baBY'sHOES-BRONZED-and" mounted For information call OR 2-1419. 2014 S E. Douglas. CERAMIC TILE. showers. tubbeck. drainboard. patios Free estimates. Kelley Tile. OR 3-3631 ROOFING Fliher Thorsen Paint Co W E Daunt Local Agent. Portland Ph OR 3-1371. SHALE rock for road and drivawav. Immediate delivery Ph. C P Tallon. OR 3-4040 CARPENTER, any type construction. We help arrange financing Free esti mates Kowalewskl. OR 3-8020. . n07 rNf. laaukllnar- t .Kuls buW able w j Lane. OR 3-3948 CUSTOM MOWING, raking and baling. ph Jlck Wn,u GS 9-3389 1 p , k White OS 9-3389 --.RPFVTRV rr CARP.C?l"lY- ??. preferred. 21 Building Material Douiz Some Building This Spring? SEI l' EOR THE REST l.' MBER AT THE LOWEST PRICE ANY AMOUNT Consolidated Milling Old Hifhwae to Sbutb OR S-741 For Your Building Needs Stud, - green dimenalon - board, and hiplep K D aiding . Mnlihed lumber mold big. LUMBER SALES CO OR 3.7342- Garden Valley near R R track. 23 Fuel SAWDUST B.owcr Service or Dump WOOD Oak. ;eb and peeler core Summer rotes on planer ends and sawdust for mulch Roseburg Lumber Co. Surnmer Prices 1 Month Only Le'ie nm mU epoa sawdust town dell-aerie fna4e lilT FRANCES tilLI. ruri. a.. ill . OtAHOKD Fueli C. K.l dno 1 e'n" ": R .vr-..-.-i-.. :i- wsmos F.aning. UH 1-1 ,25 Farm Equipment USED BALERS baer model LNTF. n N A TTON A L MAUVE TER baer Very good SOW INTERNATIONAL twir.0 P T O HARVESTER be er Good buy 43 ' USED TRACTORS FA SMALL A Priced rghl JA SMALL Cub INTERNATIONAL W-4 JOHN DEERE I piow CASE VA w.tfc 3 poult plow and 4 s SIG FETT i3 "n " mawW nrn- rr-! m 3-3t PR4C7ICALLY 1. 4e'r.r rah. for f-rrd lirw OR 25 Farm Equipment Used Tractors And Implements INTERNATIONAL Ml tractor, eery food mechanical condition, pull two plow a A3 JOHN Deere LA. tractor An excellent,! iiajru. viic-ihuw u anoi niui piow, mower and cultivator. Juat the equip ment for email place 43. rORD tractor i-M, 1833 Completely ov-j erhauied brake., hydraulic astm Mo- tor has new aleeve. pistons, valves, etc Runs like new. Have bee akinf ! IUN - reduced to MSj SO Ford tractor, IBM model. Nearly new Guaranteed in everv reDct, Will pull 1-tfV' plows. Same tractor new coeta t2u0 - have been ask in a SIMS -i duced f . . . ItWS FORD tractor t-N. Hour of good serv-1 Ice. Only . 743 PLOW two bo:tom, 1 PLOW two -, 14", rubber 14 PLOW two . bottom. 14 SPRING looth harrow DEEP tillaie cover erop d:se, ood ... 1U INDUSTRIAL loader, heavy duty tM i SHERMAN diner, lik. new coat ew 3200. now - li.i3 UmnaUQ IraCtOr LO. , 723 IE. Ptne SL OR 3-iM7 Save On Plastic Pipe New. Low Pncf- Price Per Hundred Ft. "i" ft V) '" SS SO 1 JU-IS 2100 24 no ' 1': 1 ' 0O -Ftttlngi .. ... . " " ' tn n e wincnetier nt on S C Cae tractor and plow OR 3-8683. tor aait. 26 Livestock Douglas Livestock Market x:iu r - vviiuur, wicguii Early Consignments For Thursday, May 22 1 T Year old well broke quarter horse mane 1 Load mixed feeder steer and heifer 1 Load mixed fat cattle i 1 Good Hereford bull 1 Load canner cow You will also find a good selection of day old ralve. milk cow and wearier and feeder pig- j Sale Every Thursdav 1 P.M. j Ph. Slither! in 3146 Oakland 384 j Schricker & Inda Livestock Auction Sutherlin, Oregon Ph. Sutherlin 2146 Oakland 2SS4 Saturday May 24 Starting at 11:30 A.M. 20 Haad of quarter, Arabian and Ameri can saddle bred, horses. Also some Shetland ponies. 3 Spotted yearling. Shetland stallion colts. Horros will be riddoa and shown before the sale. I You should find the kind of horse you! are looking for. Tru c k load of y ou n g feeder cattle. 2 truck loada of butcher cow A load of whitefac. steers. Bulls, veal and baby calves. Some extra good milk cows All livestock bnneine a eood market price. Market prices for all clas'C of sheep. A couple of good buyer attending that need a couple truck loada of ipnnger cow. Bring in our hog, shoe's and : weaner pig. We nave good lat nor Commission 3 over 8-300, 4" under SCHRICKER A INDA. Manager SCHRICKER A SON. Auctioneer O. TRIPP, Rtngman 0. A. BROWN, Weighmaster WANTED Tat and feeder lamb for Immediate delivery or will contract lamb for fu ture delivery. Also buying wool and muniir. v tii vdi i. atarnri ucwii, v 30?1 Mvrtl Creek or Dirnll Ray. Suth eriin 3380 or call Douglas Liveatoca Market OR 2-4071. Cattle Wanted BOYER MEAT COMPANY Route L Box 332B Bus OR 3-4323 Eve's OR 3-3233 f";,?, FOUR experienced h Largo or am all iobs accepted Samarroo. 208 I Central, SuthorUa. Ph354 HOT AND COLD horse shoeing. 13 ex- perience Horse training Quarter Horie stud ervice by Poco Keeno. OR 3-7840 HORSESHOEING. 10 experience Korvs trained by the month. Phone Joe Young. OS 8-5468 WANTED Sheen and ratile. all kind. I W A Blackerl, Ph- Myrtle Creek UN 3-4313. ' ONE 8 month black Angus Bill of sale. I William Updegrave, Roaeburg. Ore I Phone OR 3-6874 BUYING wool - mohair and bar Phooe J OR 3-43.11 or OR 3-4011 Roseburg Poultry Co 739 SE Ssruce WOOL bag. - BOc. also wool twine Doug - i las County Flour Mill i WHITE "meaner-nigX H A. Denn. Cam - ! as alley Phone V2 - I NEW and uted saddles, bridle and I harness. 2344 S E Douglas w"OOL a-.d mohair rererved daily. Mi- I atore, pr.owo ua smswi - ' "" aawiaw FOR SALE" 'top repirg-rr.ara'and-sad- dp.jDR3-48Uov.ning ..,111 Mo:-Tb h.f.r. AmmJZ .'t WTANER. aiaa. A aWhafer Camas Val.' WEANER p:g- A. Schafer, Camas Val ley. '27 Hay & Grain BALED hay. oat mixed with ttnall per centage alfalfa. 80e ., average ETNI. clean a fal: Conn. OR 3-442-t bale. GRASS M. JOc bale A. J Riee. D:Uard 28 Poultry & Rabbits W A NTED Live Poultry Phone OR Phone OR -1-4UI or OR 3-014 Roaeburg Pouitry C- 72 SE Spruce LiVt pouitry buvtr H.gnest price, pa 4 a ranch L W Foreman. 1V) S E Ht:gt.. Portland Prosprt 1-2131 POULTRY recnetj T-jesdav F-w ranch p ca'jp. phone OR 3-4Til or OR 3-4ul4 Roserxurg Poultry Comsany 4?rr 3 or 4 Bantam hena that will 03-730 j RABBrr FERTILIZER Lookui ggiaas I Riad 8-11 JMO GR2-t71 I WANTED - Fryer" rb- . 4 to pound Pione OR 3-2718 LIMITED amount of B-own turkey pou t or egg for aa.e OR 2- s0J t-A RGTpT r4 ' fryer he weight 33 lb , QB alwH. 28 Poultry & Rabbits Pheasants lie, djv and eek old phaant chicks. GY 6 -3402 or GY Mil Order taken 8-8 am. and 4-6 p m. dail) D-L, ir..-le, DQDy VniCKi PLACS TOUR QnLIEHn .any 10 avoid delay. Ponton Hatchery. 974 W Uarv- j unsnnnr and NELSON CHICKS from Irvine. Hatcher. American Profit champions Tor personal de liver and arrvice. L E Houck Rout 1, Box 37. OR 3-7833. 29 Pets pi'P.E3FD German Shepherd puppy, mat.'. Judjed best German Shepherd aof at puppy snow, winner oi j " I piece ribbons. 4 months old. Sacrifice 1 a.i him nq t.rT7B fUCK REGISTERED Toy Poodli White Toy Poodle. OR 3-E3M eve- ninc S REGISTERED German Shepherd pup pies Reasonable. Mf NE Willow OR 0 3-077S. 1 FOR SALE: Border Collie. Cairn fer- riere, hkiperkes and Cocker puppies. Lyle Hill, Drain. Phone Temple S-:M. SEVERAL larre chrome cafes and stands includin Red Factor sineera. Startinf at10 Phona Oakland1574 REGISTERED BOXER PUPPIES. OR I 3-7603 BABY Parakeets mile sou til Bur- "' "R 3--3 DOUGLAS COUNTT HUM AVE Society Animal Shelter. OR2-207 TOY Fox Terrier. Puga and canarlas. Putman . OR3-BH TOR SALE or trade, toy Chihuahua OR 3-4673. SIAMESE kittens for sale OR 3-7823 GLENGARV Beagle Kennels. OR 3-37V3. CHIHUAHUA pupa Phone OR 3-3694. KITTENS to give away. OR 3-M8L a v uPpuilllllJ b If U I pill Cll I SKAGIT GLASS BOATS Mercury llotori Aluminum boats Beel.iner plywood boat Tee-Nee trailer! Unfinished boats Boat Hardware & Accessories Marine Paint at Umpqua Valley Hardware Marina 6."8 S. E. Rose Rod & Reel Trailer & Boat Sales Evinrode Motors P-14. Larson Cllopercraft. Rurchrraft, Mham. Sure raft boats. Accessories. Paint, etc 1143 W Harvard 14 FT factory built plywood boatwith wind hie Id, light, steering control and factory built trailer. 323 com plete. See at Western Saw as Marine, 1771 N E. Stephen. 14 FT. Lawrence Craft boat trailer. turn signals, anchor and oar. 81 SO 3 man rubber boat, pump and oars, 23 Phone Sutherlin 3469. REMINGTON 12 guage pump, model 670 ihotgun, excellent condition. OR 2-4131. GET OUR WHOLESALE price before . . .PowtLM SDOrtl Goods. Ca Street i. wuj- ewning lacaie ai us oesi. SMALL ob wood carton boat. 4307 SW Hanna j 12 HYDROPLANE speed boat-for-sale. Ph Sutn(.rljni 409a. - t - ----- nunnc iv-v, .onnson ouiooara moior, ' I like new. S223. Ph. 3344. Sutherlin. 99 V Produce & Plants FUCHSIAS, GERANIUMS. bedding and vegetable plants Perennial! and oth ers Ada s Flower Mart. Sutherlin. Ph. 2726 S Comstock near Airport. fORNEWberry erate OR 3-6724 00 JCWinrJ IVlQCninCS v Repossession ZIG-ZAG portable, aews button miKM buttonholes, darns, monograms arm emhrotderie all without attach ments. Save S100 Liberal trade and terms Necchl-Elra Sewing Circle Vacuum Cleaner Special ista M II Jackson OR 3-6323 34 Misc. For Sale NEARLY NEW aluminum eanopv for ton bed pickup with rear and side entiiattng windows New $100 Ladv E;r-n wrut watch, idal for graduation , g.f; P U-ton 3-3083, Myrtle Creek. ."'.. 4 P M GOOD Rerr.ngon office typewriter, 10 ; N ee Ph:lco refrigerator, 'i OR 3-4544 GOOD TYPEWRITER 873. Prxtage me ter exce.lent condition. 82O0 OR snag. Wile CALL OS 9-58V3 for aopointment to Minnesota woolen. For school clothes :e EC K Victor 21" TV, 1 oid Sac-if ire. II M - V tnoer d yrari ' t'rmiMu.t move soon UK j-3lu COUCH and matching ehair 113 Tshle 1 'tl,r . V? Roul l- 801 132 I Pnone OR 2-1 CERAMICS greenware. giare. fin ished c ece Free ieaaona. OR 3-4373 iya e. r u 11 WTNTON-S.nd 7ndr..T-7hM vu-ir Mtart haar Pilft antl Lab , r alsao'i ' "juhV? ever eeerT m Voota orsL!i ' KJ" V.Ser' wSS Si .. " ' rt. BW rw-uw purser, irw. condition o493 Bargain Aopnair. rondition 8A4 83 Bargain Aoplia Centar sTtl S E Rose Ph OR Centr.11S E Rose PhOR J-iiii. TOP SOIL Genuine heave river loam I No rocka Easy to han-lle Fo ttm best. callCnas Keely. OS 9-1117 ; LEAVING town. g-j-1 hu on our furnl-1 lure JEfferon2-4333 AIR compretaor with large lank. 84J ; OR 3-7TT2 ; CROCHETED tabl. cloth ' aquar. I23 1 OR3--H KENMORE wa-her Lawn moaer 4A31 St Stepher.a t E-Z" GLIDE slidirf door frame. 3-r X M". New. 23OR 2-I4l3 USED GUNS, bought soed and traded-; Umpoua Gun Store BOY'S 20' Schwinn bike. 130 1 Cardinal - . - - w . ,.ftr.f .-. B l I nvnr, rn-sw-i - - . - Treve s OR J-.W1 FOR SALE cow fertiliser, by the pickup load -el;vered Phon OR V4818 SMALL rampirg tra.ier, scp 3 OR 1-488 after 3 PONY "sadder and bridle 123 OR 3- ANYONE waitfg Wa'hifW Product. 2188 N E- Freemont OR 2 3TT SIX HP Wi.con.ft motor, aimoet new 173 OR 3-7711 UPRIGHT PIANO 1100 OH l-r)8 awT.rr:si r,n(T nw t4 r.;LLER BRUSH OR 2-1 Jtl ' f r0! PROCKB OR V7m t0 neel vai.r, 823 818 W Ha 34 Misc. For Sale STOP 5 Seconds and Read This! REPOSSESSED W.sttnghouse ranee d(,ux fatUr. New M7w M e-J a. ZW Westlnchouse pace-mate M Gal WESTING HOI' SE water healer. Used Refrigerator Bargains 51 FRtr.IDAIRE. left door open mi - 124 tU. LIKE NEW Kelvinator. S99 93 AUTOMATIC defrost Norta, 109 94. FHininAtHB imm "IWDAIRE. M ts. I LARGE Norce, t7 5. KELVINATOR, s-to. Terms Bargain Appliance Center M, BI RoM g : . Phono OR 1-3S23 1 Vacuum Sale $10 $20 . $30 Over 50 to choose from All makes and models Trade and terms, Universal polisher and c rubber, Ilk new 30 Reconditioned and guaranteed 1 year by Kirby Co. of Roseburg OR 3-63M or OR 3-2214. 3181 N I. Stephen. Special TUI 90 trade-in for your old rleaner on a new Kirov Home Sanitation Stem. Term, $9 36 per mo. Service and parts, all make Whv pay more? Hose, all mak M reg price k Paper hag, all make Free pickup and delivery free repair estimates 1, CU. FT. Deapfreeaer. , ,S ' J YIAR old m- T.oo.n Deluxe alee-1 trie r.nie. very clean SIMM JAME9 portable dl.hwa.her, free trial. ' 7W via' u.',,.. ! ..hi. tv Bargain a 1 - . Appliance center ' 831 SE Rooe OR 3-3323 c::- i I Ul -.UI.IIUIICCI lllg Services ., .. ... . ,1 CONTACT Col V Munlon We bur. a. and trade It " ' . ' "! the aucti-m wa Auctloo every f rl-1 day. 7 PM Roseburg Auction Ph. OR 3-3024 Used Furniture DAVENPORTS ard chatr seta. 20 SO GOOD SELECTION of used furniture. Easy terms. Seo used furniture dept. at Judd's Furniture ACROSONIC PIANO. walnut - finish. S children's cheat r I drawer, b. d'-utte et. 8-15; red laeno, rfood con dition. 833: desk. 813: Ward's deluxe Ironer. very good condition. 840. OR i 34fw:i i COMPARE QUALITY and price COMPARE QUALITY and price on: Horn' frerr and food plan before you buy. For free estimate call OR u jn 3-3318 , WANT TO increase tho value of your I home Contact u for an estimate on 1 remodeling your kitchen or bathroom today Kier-Crooch Plumbing and Ap pliance 328 SE Stepnena. OR 2-3.164 WHITE rearend transmission. Brownie, axles, water pumpi, radiator. 2 Model T Ford radiators. 1 Industrial radiator for V8 motor, 1 Ford 2 speed rearend. OR3-8987 ASK us about the A man a freezer and the Amana food plan. All foods of your choice supplied from local firms Kler Crooch Plumbing A Appliance, 328 SE Stephens OR 2-3364. G E Automatic washer, gas drer. Propane tank, copper plum Ding and fittings included. Easy terms. .Drain, TEmple 6-)237 1937 ROLENS garden tractor new condltton. 4123 Mev be seen at West- ern Saw A Marine. 1771 NE Stcph- n 22' Rich Plan Carrier Freezer, like new. 4. Stafor only C.M 0R 2-3703. TREVA'S CERAMICS Free lesson Large assortment greenware. painti. gi. Next to Winston Locker OS J.tq, , nt.ii an auiomanc wasncr rrum noma Appliance Rent may apply on pur chase price. 33 month and up OR 3-5318 ! USED appliance, range, refrigerator, etc Taken In on trades. Come out and make a deal Rainbow Trailer fiaiea. N Highway M at Winchester Bridge WEALWA YSH A VE a fine selection of meat available for your locker or deep freer at wholesale prices Winston LockerxOS.-51.lJ FOR the bast Job of custom cutting, wrapping and quick treating, bring your meat to Winaton Loner OK ' . 5 n t- mi ning ouiooara moior iw Nrw Merry Tillers, 3 HP, IW and a Lansing Oliver Ph OR JMi SINGLE site bed, spring and mattress 113 Childi high chair. 810. A-14 Kada Trailer Court, after 3 CORONADO automatic waher and do er Small Kelvinator deep freeu Call OR 2-1915 n!it Jl' .'Tm . uup-i ipiw"' i patio furniture Call Oakland 2178 I rnrom and liher iwivel bar ilool 8". 3.5 for set OR3-812.. REMINGTON typewriter, late mode! R.r,n.P,l. fall I .nit . P M . -in ZENITH hearing aid, excellent condition . Pr,g 35 Wanted Misc. BFT PRICES for Junk of all kind Scrap iron, be'tre. radia'or rop pr and brass. Wilt pick up. W R-rrxd OR 3-433 BET PRICES for" lunk of all kinda k-rap iron, bet eras. radMtors per and bra W ,t pick up 2S4S w Srverwrid OR 2-43.1-i .WANTED Used furniture top pr .' . pa.d Harry's, 1343 H ft. Stopnen Ph i : ..s W AI TU BUT Uil eftlPa g wa-e furniture, jewe.ry Priscil e AotiQ'ies 247 S C Jkimhi OR 2-1421 pAY HIGHEST cash pr's for'u ed rnMur. Rowburg Furniture f chang 2438 E fr-kaonOR 3 31 W ANTED TO P.'-Y "Good od f irnl- Ure ROSEBURG AUCTION OR - WE BUYo-" ae!'"id crna L.ter Tor A KoOhy Shoo 36 For Trade , SELL 18 H P Va.rr.iry wofor, W 'r-rle fo go-Mj x s ir.g I on i-aiia TR A rTE - -ftH 3xI2 for awindoser i work. OB 3-r 18- 36 For Trade WINSTON Equity In two 1-hedroom modem hou w ilh I -car ga rage, on acre tor aale or Hade tor god car or pickup wiih clear title. Bal ance ttVMO OS f-MOll TRADE HOUSEHOLD furniture. Includ ing automatic wather, drr and rr Oeepfrecu-. lor modem trailer houi er equity. Ph. 31UJ KidJle. ot Cairell a on River Road. Riddle 19A2 FORD pickup S new tires, new paint 4-oeed transmission. Good shape Sell or Uade for vacation trailer, II' ot less OR 3-.UI0 1VEAHLV new sewing machine, for 10 hp trolling motor. Drain, TEmple V 137 WIl.L'tRADE equity In IMS Chevrolet 'best car offered. OR 3-Mf 37 Machinery One ard Lorain loader yith heel boom. nn rubber ComoieteW overhauled and ready to go to work. I f-,, i- aln i biade and drum. A real bu. Doyle's Used C 4- rfrte-i 401 Garden Valley Rd. OR 2-37M rOKO INDUSTRIAL ENGINES ino rowti UNITS 4-.t andV I.134 -nnitt-cv ihp. lor tUtiOBey or anotHlt quipment uio4iiiroitiu-ir us C2 a tit uavtci PAITl srii jT-fa Car whirawaraae rof. Lockwood Motors Oak and Rose Si. OR 3-4483 OREGON CRANE SERVICE 23 ton mo bile crane, lot of boom. ib. rlannhell dragline shovel attachment Contract or rent. Reasonable ratea. 3171 N E Stephen. 38 Logging Equipment USED HOT tractor parts j 1 late model tractor I 1 truck mounted loading pot. with Cad , '"fdu.0. d'r.',. TJmTe.r end l0" 1,,n lo ,ru-. '"tern.tlon.1 truck p.rt. OR 3-S7H.I data: eve. OR .17 IB. Can tee at Wilbur Truck Shop. Wilbur. Oregon 00x25 rubber, 3 peed Brownie. 4 1 I sted tranmisalon. 2 ind rearer d and tag. axle Price 8luuo cash, uh 43 TON Northwest truck crane Mounted t'T,''Z,m'l "iSSuS1.! SFrtn 3-U22 eveninia 1S.V D-4 cat In top mechanical condition with ami. blade, winch electrle .-ar-. ,nd ,mo . MJ Wlc,. v Ph OR .T-4HOO 1831 INTERNATIONAL hort logger. 4-V) motor, 314 Brownla. Stake and cheese blocks, pressure icales Rub ber good 73 .OO0 OS 9-V14J! FORSALE D-8 tractor. 2U series I with Johnson bar. Good condition. PhoneOR 2-2833 i D8 CAT and 13 yard Carryall. D7 cat 1 with angle dqer For rent, by hour or rontraetOR 3-4763 WANTED: single axle trailer prefer i 10 00 X 30 Urea. Call OR 3-8630. after 3pm T withhlade and drum. 17M Carw i Machinery, Myrtlf Creek Ph. Union ! 3-3692 GI International short logger. OR 3-3M0 ' njyvywwinjuvift I as II 70 TimDPr S, SilWrnillS - Logs Wanted PEELABI.E mill logs Peel able culls delivered at Perkins Veneer pond on North Umpqua Highway 3 miles east of Roseburg lg lengths: 9' 0", 17' g"; 28' 8": 33 0". Diameter limit Maximum 80 Inches, minimum 18 inch e For information call OR 2-4-VM. Sutherlin 22.12 or OR 3-4089 evenings Stomor Lumber Co WE PAY TOP PRICES for gi and itumpiir in large or small tracts Os s Pn R i nd is or Myrtle Creek UN 3-4126 evenings SAWMILL irui.PnRTtRI.E .n enorf eond.tlnri 180 .... nTepower motor, , I crlflea for AWO horsepower motor, 14" saw, edger Phnna flR l-SliO OR 1 S7 Vfi to P" ,nr I SparCoi;" bTTohS 7. 2282 k.-nrn-r-rtwwwi t mMtnn tll8 WANTED - u.t 1 . r- per cord Lee Preston Lumber Co. , 72-) WILL BUY logs, stum pace or rough lumbar Hub Lumber Company Box 2B7 PhoneOR 2-3JK3 WANTED---Sawmill " log; l"o imatl pati-h of timber CLEVELAND LUM BER CO T-wimile OS 9-3214 WANTED" Iigged"over Und and tim ber land- iit Box 6J7 Newt-Review 40 House Trailers American Fleetwood K.t Golden State 13 ft to ft 8 end 10 ft de Call ua tf you need voir ua.-r mo'.ed anywhere Rainbow Trailer Sales Mia aortn en old h'ghwar At W nrhester Bridge Open Ei t A Xurxtaa OR 3-7272 Just Arrive-! PARAMOUNT Pan Arret I' art t-bedroom, front kllrhafi REX I. t and I bedroom. B n;t In Orefon for Oregon w..uir LEISUREH0VE Ter eo.orful tnteriw, eoun4 eon irueun Gw4 . : i tt af Ivtrl Traileri 1 railer Suppliei Karl E Smith Trailer Hornet Co W) N K-epnena OR V ?M & Reel Trailer Sole, Sieita k AIjo Yii? w-,- Hotr. til HI bartea Vaiier B .4 OR 8-173. FOR 8 A I.E. 131 Terrr Manor Ire t ho-- 27 7rrr.s ran II 3, .xeei lent rood M on TErr.pi 8-93A3 23' ANf. ELI'S "tane r-rp treilera' "'l patTae" "11 (oliirrriia oesi offer for e,iii', 8V4 44 snonth. Kada TraU er ro-jf. . 23 ' modern Tailor hen. at 8 firsMmt rWell,nti ', honk m 13 tithariin Wed. Moy 21, 1958 -The Newt-Review, Roieburg, Ore. 15 40 House Trailers TERRY UNIVERSAL KENSKILL NASHt.'A FRUNT1EH TERRA CRUISER REE Jim McKee Trailer Sales 11.2 N E Stepnena OR l-42il VM AIJOA. 21 cundiiK w a0. 47 Trucks TOOL truck. 1V44 International, small IS ton, m steel van bod 4uO v4Jt Willys Jeep, run gMd. W7i Can be en at 1K22 SE Jackson St ItWT INTERNATIONAL pickup, over drive, low mileage, aluminum ranop HVi trma. 1 (U NE Morn a St. OR 1U79 SACRIFICE my equity 'lltM Ford V SM DODGE VI -door hardtop. Puir, -- w wtrwwu uaowilMian. UH a- I 4 INTERNATIONAL pickup with"alu mtnum canopy Good condition, 125 cash Ph Sutheriin 4311 DIAMOND f Short lHa,r"fuIU MUID.I . Tut- LIGHT WEIGHT Page log tratlrrir brake and hydraulic scale. Without PONTIAC 4 door Hardtop. Hy tirea MM OR 2-2:130 diamallc, R a H. . I7i 19.18 CHEVROLET pirkup Vere,ol i shape. ltW3 UN 3-3i44 Mvrtta Ci?k ( PLYMOUTH V club aedafl. 1947 TON Ford flat-bed truest. Union 3-3733. Myrtle Creek 19S1 FORD 4't ton 3-speed. good con dition. 84"0. Call OR 2-301M lft37 INTERNATIONAL farm truck. New motor. Call Oakland 3178 43 Autos & Motorcycles ORANGE' ' TRADING STICK DAYS limited fmt Only . fc r. j r. ti 3J UOdqe btQtlOfl WOOOH overdrive and heater, tinted glass, new paint. During Orange Tradtnq Stick days' $795 . Ill Lockwood Motors Phone OR 3-6334 OR 3-1441 Down Pull Price 1938 STUDERAKER Command er Hardtop Equipped wnh Flight - O - Malic tran. , rhmatier. turn While stdewalls. T t;iaas Pow pack and dual Ex. Ver good condi tion 4M 1143 1931 FORD V-8 2 door equipped with radio, hosier nd over drive. A dependable work car. 11 vt 8 JD3 1933 FORD V-8 ton pickup V-8 3 speed trans, htr. Stg and stock rack 8163 tIQS3 l33 WILLYS 4 wheel drive Rta I lion wagan. Good condition. gf-W 883 I Riverside Motors j P O Bo Ml I W HI Stephen. OR .J j Studebaher 4 Willys '31 MERCURY epott coupe, ha radio and heater, overdrive Like new tires. Run very good Year )irene paid Buv It on term for t't9.3 Call OR 3 1294. Nebo Trailer Court. Edward Bishop 190 FOnD coupe, new patnt:trarn". and rear end lust overhauled Dual Carb. wiw tires, custom Sphotstsry. Call OR 3-6141, 1 19 U BUICK Super convertible Power brakes and steering Very good condi logi tu,n. 81173 OR 2-2U2 18M Chevrolet 210 4-door e1an Power gli'fe, RAH. Private owner, 7M OS 9-.W08 TRADE Eq in 1913 Mercury Mon- 1 terey ft door aedan lor beet car offered, ' OK 3-3317 ! 1B30 CHRYM.ER Roval 4-door sfdan. v tondmon u OR .MIU ' ur.TORCVCl'. Now used BeckwiU. I fvrl. flH A-KMfi BI1 MODEL A rotipe. 863 2219 8 W Castle. Green DisUict. WEEK END j Lmmmmmmmmmm ' ' 1 1953 BUICK R0ADMASTER FOUR DOOR SEDAN Pnr Steering, Peer Brot, Dnallo D-i, Porl.o, Heiier, itor Cn.e'i. ocd Whittwoil Tire. ONLY ; 1951 Heo'ei. BUICK SPECIAL Dnoflo Drivt, GoM Tn-et ONLY .! 1955 CHEVROLET BEL 1 P-afJ.o, Heoter Poe'g!,ner P-f S ONLY . 1954 PLYMOUTH SAVOY CLUB To Tor B j F'nnB Hti'f, h,0-i T-onsmiitiOn (-JMI Y v 1954 PONTIAC CHIEFTAIN FOUR DOOR DELUXE Pirl.o Heller, Hr1rirr.'3',c lri-tmiii., T.l In G-eeo f.-Mlh, GooH 1 Til 0 E I Qf-XeClH ; ONLY . 1556 CHEVROLET Hao-er, Heo.y Dj' B.nt', 0fLY . .. 4 ALL MAKES ALL COLORS ' 1 43 Autos & Motorcycles BARCUS M0 -w"iio oi iv a. f"c 11 tnm dwini with low mileage. Charcoal and rose, with matching interior A car you will really bo proud to drive. 178 M STUDERAKER Power Hawk. Auto transmission. Jet blari '34 DODGE - Iran., V-8 Hardtop, auto. n at- loog 34 RtMCK Century Hardtop, Dyna- flow. R it H 33 STtlDEBA KFR V-8 Commander sedan Hvdiamatir RAH, com pletely reconditioned 808 33 Rt'lCK S.iper sedan Orna flow RAH Completely rebuilt JJ PONTIAC aeden. '51 M ard.n. ReH apeelal ... Hydra. RAH Hydtametie, SI DODt.E aedan. R4H lea Si FORD Vt eonvertibla. Over. drive. R at U 4a HUDSON- ardan. R at H v.rr cleen ... IIM U OI.OS H vden. Hdra . R H M it PLYMOl'TH el .b coupe I4S Trucks & Pickups S7 tmnc.r. Vt t, ton pickup D-m. onatralor. New truck gueranlee 17aa 3d roRn v pickup R i, H. factor- Dullt '0r8.a wopy M WILLYS 4-whel drive Station wagon, extra giwd condition 14M '31 INTERNATIONAL Ll ibirt I InigfT Also has lumber rolls. Dual drive. Brownie Good 900 . 20 lire. Ready to haul. Term. CHIVROI.T ! '', ton neibcd tarn truck. Good motor and tiraa BARCUS Open Eves & Sun If. Itephoni at Garden Valley I Ph. OR 3-3VW Easy Bank Teema Used Cars At Wholesale I PONTIAC Cst.llna Hardtop RAH, Hdrametic, '31 m;nsON Hornet door, R at H 48 Rf 'ICK 4 door Super, RAH good tirea Better Buy Bargain' Lot "At Tho Tlork" 1182 N C Strnhena Call Charlie ai OR 3-28;i wn.i. take tvin for my equity In '.38 Chevrolet Fully equipped, or will con- . '"Jr older car lance on car IJ.NW. 1 Ph flulherJ.n4.il8 CADILLAC, full power. 30t""mile. FOR SALE OR TRADE my equity in '33 For 6 Ratnch Wagon. OS t-37 i9 SPECIALS S793 LUXE FOUR DOOR DE Dt C-v"t 33 AIR FOUR DOOR SEDAN - o - es, T-.oK' G'", Wh.tfwflU Ti"t S139 SEDAN, $743 $943 V - 3 ! i TON PICKUP t,prj Trrrr-,V-, $1493 - ALL MODELS -ALL PRICES