11 Tha rsWRgvlow, Rotaburg, 6 AtttndanU Attacked At TACOMA I Six attendants mates attacked attendants Thun at the Veterans Administration! day and four of tha attendants Hospital at American Leka haveiweri injure), none seriously. At wjuasu U lumil UW breaks, tha News Tribune reported Hospital officials declined com ment in absence of Dr. Joseph Tatum, manager of the VA i hospital The News Tribune said five In-1 yv. hHj- . ..4 Ha.lai ..as"-" ara at raa rwMia tonka tor Nawa-Ravk iTTii mTwI r0MiMir "r.atla. HS'"I tc.4u... r.n.lrt.a4 afci, .. M KBES-TV Ch. 5 Remaining Houri Today 4:00 Unci Bill Cartoon 4:15 DvvoUont 4:30 Woody WoodpMkor B 00 Your TV WUwrmM. as nw . M a:li Douf Bdwardi m Tn Hows S:36 7t Sport ClUB 00 Tim McCoy Civil D(nM your FULLER PAINT CLOSE OUTS ALL WALLPAPER IN STOCK Valuei up to O JT $1.95 per single roll af-aaJC per tingle roll MORGAN DECORATORS ROSEBURG KOTN-TV Ch.6 j'R?,'5r Remaining Hourt Today s SLaa?'.0 1?' B.av 4-Mr Moon 1000 City Dk 4 iS Rod Ounnlns 10 OS Newa Wira 5 00 Cartoon Tlmo 10:10 "This Waa Pari." actMrW.loSrS, IHl.SnT. MAT SS. 1SSS OS aportacna S 00 Carry Moor BhoV S.lo Nawa Farad 8::0 How Do You Ralo S:1S Kaloldoaeopo S.oo Arthur Godfrey Tlmo S.S0 Tho BIS Racord S 30 Dotlo t:0O Th. Mtllionalr. ' 10:00 Lova of Llfa MEXICAN FOOD I U j PHONE I inllnOR 3-4123 THE VILLA I M I"MNpi?i 0M- 1 P.M. (Cl.. 1-nd.y.) l"J A0IO AND TV 1 Ml. S. en . eute fsAS j .TJ j YOU'LL GET SILENT SERVICE IEAUTYREST 0M CARSTINS KPICTV Ch. 4 Remaining Hourt Today 4 0tV-The Bit Roundup i.30 Mv Utile Maraie 0:00 Naws, SpnrU. WMthae 0:15 NBC Nw MBC 0:30 Tax Hlttr T:00 Man of Annapolis SHAKE PAINT 57, 4.95 gal. COLORCRAFT PAINT I WALLPAPER us s. I Cim . o ttnt III wait al fmt Ottica KRNR H90 KC Remaining Houra Today 1 4 SS Godfrey Ford Shew ft OO Edward B Murrow lft publle Service Show ft 2ft Muslnaaa New I M-Ttuoa Bparle ft iftrrenk Goes SS Weather ft 00 Muate of the Wees ft 15 Lowell Tlukmaa aft Strange But True 55 AnvM "m And? TOO Newe e5 Sports t: 10 Wax Work gOO Sound Off :j Variety Time g 15 Tlmbertrall News 00 Eaay Listening Classical f JO Robert Q. Lewis Commercial Tires T.JOiU 7.I0.1T AH sMtif.r sis tirM Narionwid Guoranrc 111 N. I. Ur4 V.ll.r llval. OR J-5J4I To) KRXL 1240 KC Rem lining Hours Today AVriMo l-wt MM 4 Nw - WBS 4 Anririri t TtPf TiUMt MU no Nw MRS OA CeOinf M War ft JO N tv MHS XWGoInf Mv WttT Mjinf A Sport OO Nwi -MB a os-Bob (3 rani Nw i Miwii 30 Rill StMrn M sS Ctiplartnf TomoiTOW MBS T no Nw MRS T o farm Buraa twrhanf V 10 Rhythm at RanrWim 1 15 Clir Mara Nw T M Nawa MHB 35 ramllj Thaatr t 00 Nawa MBA 05 rabuloui ryquneiat M Nawa MBS S.M Fabutoua rrquat-laa FRESH PRODUCE HARRIS FRUIT STAND California Tomatota 2-lb. basket, 49 t Ilk. N. Or.. Vtly. M. M N. laaahana KYES 950 KC HON DAT imV PUD AT Sim On 01 Hppj O'Dftj Show jo Httppv O'Dar lhw 5ft Wathar Summary 1M Nw HtfhlighU Ttw Ksppr O Dr Chaw Jr NWt t 30 Happy O'Dtr fthtw 00w-Nm Ntwi SO Happr O'Dty Mt OOwNowa Uieur taflarui Bhw 0ft txiunuoiljT CAiii4tf Of. Wed. Moy 11, 195 Veterans Hospital breakfast Friday, the paper re ported, two inmates attacked two attendants and one of tha latter suffered a broken jaw, Inmates involved were placed under closer supervision. I SO Bif Rorord t 00 Tho Millionaire) r 30 I'va Got a Scrt IN U I Biool Hour 00 Big Story t .10 Richard Diamond 10 00 Mickey Spillano 10 30 Newt 1035 Chicago WrMtllnf 1134 Sign Off THURSDAT, MAT , 1M 11:00 Walter Cronkit and tha Nawa Guo ran teed service All mokes 4 models We use only first ejuol- Ity sricture tube re- locemenrs. KLUVER RADIO b TV Ntw ft Uud K.di. t TV Sole! 014 Hlway 9 Garden Val. Jet. I ffi-gti Hunt 1:00 Kraft TV Theatre NBC too This is Your Life NBC rio 28 Men 10:00 Impact lOflO-Jark PauwNBC 11:30 Tha News THITRanAT, MAT tt, ISM 1000 Price Is Right INBC) Wl NOW GIVI : UNITED falflffffti Tredlnt Stamps Vawawasfv CIB ... Carry Srltrt HONN'S CLEANERS 101 S. I. Dsuflas OR 3-1291 10 00 Rlrhftetd Beprtee 10:15 Eaay Listening 10 10 Biola 1.00 Sign Off THUKSDAT, MAT tt, 1IU ft 00 New ft oft Dawn Patrei g 35 News ft so Dawn Fatrol TOO Muip1 Variety T OS Tlmbertrall Newa 7 10 Pi l) impounder Paradise T IS Newa 7 30 r rank Ooh T 45 Harry Babbitt g no Newa g 05 Tnatt 'n Tunes 8. IS News N. W HIHtee a 10 Toat 'N Tunea g 00 News (15-I'eler and Mary ft:15 BackiUga Wife MAY TIRE SALE DELUXI SUPIR CHAMPION NYLONS .70s1S 1"T9S plu u" Block g nd recoft Tube Type) sebl fire ALL SIZES ON SALI rey as Nrtle at 1.00 eer week per fire FIRESTONE STORES HOT N. I. Vxtmi L.V. 11.4. OOO-Ntwa-MBS 9 OV Mimtc 10 lOMuair 11 no T.miorrnwa Haadllnaa u 05 sun Off 1 HI USD AY, MAT H. Snn-R(VMtr Ravalli 4 00 lwnhiiittri Olv Market Nawa 25 Fl in ar A Sporta a .10 Nrwt MBS a J.V RiM SWrn VOm..tv Ant .v-Alarm riiHh Club .VV Far mar 'a Waihp 7 00 rrank Haminf way MBS 15 Hrvahfaat Uti T .10 Nwa MRS T 4t Hrnad to a Slaaprhr4 T v-lral Nawa 1 v Wf.twird to Mtiata 1 OO ("hff Knfla-MUS 1 15 Mai olj MiH 5 JO Nawa MBS a M Potluck S OO Nawa M RS DONT KILL YOUR WIFE. la Ul Da Yavr Dirty W.rti! The Laundromat Center M.ira 94 Cvrt Sra. t WI.vK-Iit Lofaa Wham 10 00 Nawa 10'i3Iurhf Vofjtm Mhttw 10 3-Naw 11 Ofr Nwa HifrthfhU 11 ftSLurky Loan Show 11 2.WNwt 11 .10 Lurk Ifcn HhoW 13 OO Nwa Hl(ftllfhH 11 l.urhy Logaa fthow U i Nwa IS IO Lucky t .of aft 1 (mw Npwi Hihhfhi 1 0 Happf O Dtxjr Show 1 M ri irari, 1 SO Happy O Day Htm SOiWNrwa HifhltfhU I A.1 Happf O Day HiHr S Community Cairn da r S JO IUpy O Dtu Show CATTLEMAN DIES KLAMATH FALLS Funeral arrangementi are being made here for William Kittredue, oil. oV mntrv. I veteran cattleman who had one the lamest ranchea in the country. He auffered a stroke recently.! ,, .1 in nLr.h.r! S ik., in northern Lake County when young man. He expanded h is holdings into Klamath and Harney counties in Oregon and in north- ern laiunmia. He naa uvea in Klamath County the last 47 years. 11:06 Cartoon 11:1S Garry Moors It AO A Tha World Turns 12 00 Beat tho Clock 12..I0 Houa. Party 100 Bif Payoff 1:30 Verdict la Yours I 0O Bnghtor Day S 15 Sacral, gtorra t:30 Eds Of Mint l:0O Famlnln. fanciaa J:4S aoareh Tor Tomorrow RALPH L. RUSSELL Home Leant Insure nee Bonds Loon Representative Equitable Savings & Loon Ass'n Mildred Hornschuch, Associate 725 S. I. Rose St. OR 3-4311 NEED A BED? For Roll'Awoys, Cribs Call OR 2-3472 A to Z RENTALS 707 W, Harvard-Delivery Service 10 30 Search for Tomorrow 10 43 t;uidinf Light 11 00 Cronkit. Nwa 11 .05 HI Neichbor 11:30 A. World Turn 1JOO Mat th. Clock 12::i0 Houaa Party 1:00 Tha Bif Payoff 1:30 Verdict Ii Youra SOO BrlRhtor Day a:lS Secret Storm S:30 Eds. of Nlsht 1:00 KOIN Kitchen 3:30 Armchair Theatre LATI IE MODEL ST GMC PICKUP Vi T S Cfl., I Ipird bflttr, rtar bamaar, lift lira naaat rKtary caa.tr. N !!. Life ate. '50 CHEV. V, T. PICKUP 4 fatal, rtfeailt aiitai, ltr faet iaraak aat Harry aa this aat. FREE PINE MOTOR MOVIE TICKETS ATEN & PHILLIPS QUALITY USED CARS 1321 t. E. Stephana OR 2-3421 10 tf Kitty royle NBO 11:00 Matinee Thastra (NBCl 1200 Queen for a Day tNBCt 12:45 Modern Romances (NBC) 1:30 Truth or Conaequencas 100 Variety film Fair 3 30Bev's Coffee Break 4:00 Big Roundup APPLIANCE REPAIR Mejor or smell oil mokes end models BARGAIN APPLIANCE CENTER 631 S. I. Rose OK 3-5523 ft 30 Toaat 'n Tun 10 no Mart About Town 10 05 Man Namfd Magre 10 10 Sanderi Shoe Time 10 15 Ma Perkins 10:10 Eaay Valley Weather 10 35 Song of Yesteryear 10 W-Miclmomlng Melodies 11 00 News 1105-Riffht to Hspplneaa 1 1 '1 S Second Mn. Rurtoa II .10 Young Dr. Mslone 11 45-Rnad of Lire 12 (10 News at Noon 12 15 Meet the Artist 1230 Helen Trent 2 45-Our Gsl Sunday 1 00 Newa 1 05 Whinnering Street 130 Arthur Godfrey 2 tt Home parly 3 00 Toolin' Around with Records 3 30 Garden Club OUR NEW ADDRESS 326 N. E. WINCHESTER nr 1 TV Stations ths c.bla. Umpqua Radio & TV Phon OR 1J?0 FISHING SEASON OPENS SATURDAY Oat all jraur filhinf needl Mw! J. C. SPORTING GOODS J09 S. I. J.ckaor. Ph. OR J-41JS 05 Farm Ruraau Exehann a l(VTak riva a i!t Chatal hv th fllt f tha Raad IO Nrwa M11S t o Town Cr-r a 4 Cardan Tu Tuna i-t Ara You Liataninf 10 i0 Nwpapr of tha Air MBS 10 15 Tfllo Tnt-MRJt 10 .Kt Mm-ntrtf Malodiaa 11 (ItUNfWi- ms 11 OH Stork Cluh II 10 Son of tha Day 11 Nawa MRS 11 XV 4)uMn Tor A Day MRS U 00 Mid Da? Nawa 11 1A Flying A Sporta IS 35 tlrat Yntir Neichbor 12 AO Marka. Rr porta 12 -VV Mviaic 1 OO Jtunny )liri l'a 1 V Kit. Srriih Sin fa MRS SOO Bunny Stda I'p t4S Ana war Man-MBS SOSBunny Suf l S 1ft Nawa MBS I 5 Sunny Sida t' WANT TO LIVI IITTI AND JAVI MONEYH AMANA FOOD PLAN Aa er as $12. 2S p' week Kier-Crooch Plumb. & Appli. lit S. I. St.ah.nrr OR 2-J4 3 cm Nwa sn3-Haptr ODay Shew 3 J Happy OTaT Shaw 4 v Nawa HighUfhta 403-1 urky Logan Show 4 3.VNw 4 Lucky lffan fthaw I OO Nw Hihu(hta SOS-Luckv Lafan hw 5 3A Kpnrt Naw S v lucky lgan Khow Oft Now HuhiLsThta ft3 Lucky La.) gan Show tS- Nawa tv-l ur ky Lrtn Show w Nwj Wathr 1 00 Off MS tNHMrVIM at miaWM pt th four, vrr sour. Oakland Garden Club's Flower Show Saturday -,,s, ..a., , Oakland Garden flub will meet '!' 6 ' """"e of Mrs. Ward r ,,.,. I,..-. .Mrs. Alfred Hand wilt be co-l Mr. and .Mrs. James Barker and hostess. Roll call will be a song 1 children visited recently with Mrs. with a bird mentioned in the title, j Barker's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Homer Noble will give a talk John Bena of Chehalli, Wash, on birds, and new officers will be Touring BC "iff""'; 1. a . ... Mrs. Vinah Anderson of Los An- ?m lZt?,y. ill, L , 1 her lr- Vern, LitUe and h i nm vJ "'Tiilh mother, Mrs. Anna Junglmg. rvedP S.turdiv y- , Mr' Anderson Ind Junlln served Saturday. have )eft flr geverll week, lour Iniured In Fall ; o( British Columbia. Mrs. J. K. Howard of Glendale Mr. and Mrs. Clem Huwettson of was seriously injured Sunday when Tacoma, Wash., visited last week she fell down the steps at her 1 with their daughter, Mrs. Kenneth home. Mrs. Howard is the wife of Hopkins. Kev. J. K. Howard, a former min- i English Settlement Circle of Oak ister of Oakland Presbyterian land Presbyterian Church met at Church for several years. the home of Mrs. Ward Cockeram Twenty-five Boy Scouts of troop for a luncheon served to 12 mem 29 of Oakland and Scoutmaster Per-: bers and one visitor, Mrs. Clem ry Green and junior assistants Pat r.arly, Gary Hart and Charles i Wright held a campout at Fair Oaks recently. This was in prepar ation for the camnoree which will be held for Scouts on Little River May 24-25. Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Carlson of waco. Wash., have been visiting friends here and their children it Rnsoburg Mr. and Mrs. Dale Roberson of Dayton visited recently with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Gary Rob nh. erson. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Fraser are visiting their daughter, Mrs. Harold Riggs and family of Prine ville. J"" " ..esse FLYINCEST WOMAN - With more than six million miles in her flight leg and a fast new airplane bearing her name, Mary O'Connor, of Chicago, merits the title as the world's "flyingest woman." Mary be gan her career as a United Air Lines stewardess on May 18, , 1933. Her first flight was 1 aboard a 10-passenger Ford I Tri-motor between Chicago and New York. Today. 25 years later, she "keeps house In a specially desiRned twin-engine plane which cruises at 270 miles an hour. FOUND GUILTY LOS ANGEl.KS i Barbara Burns' husband has been found guilty of selling her heroin. khviu j. macs, ei. nun lecn- nirian. faces a possible 5 year to-1 life prison term. Miss Burns, 20. daughter of the; late comedian Bob Bums, took ' the stand briefly as a slate wit-1 ness Monday. Her testimony was to establish that she was a minor, n ... ? W few 'hp ; at-fi .'"Jt29'.,'' 5-VftS i 4 -j,ri;.tvavv)'tii,.. I X :V- '.iW J. I 111 j in i nitn hiAu VA V ; i Vr- f-j. fV , Va.;V . . ft t,r .. SITTINC PRETTY It took Hugh O'Brian eight years and SO movies, but he s finally made stardom in "The HHl-Rent Kid." Above, he's sitting pretty with his pretty leading lady, Linda Crystal, who plays his wife. Dinner Parties or Banquets Av D.v r Hour. Priv.M Dminf toom Av.ilabl.. fkei.. OK 3-1)22 BURTON'S DINNER HOUSE RMi.fi.bl. Rnctt. LAWN SPRINKLER SYSTEM YOU CAN INSTALL A A ff D II J coMPLm system at t.UU rCr ncad SAVE TIME AND HAVE A LUXURIOUS LAWN. Ttrmi if desired Sr ul for particulars. COEN SUPPLY CO. Flod & Mill Sts. Phone OR 3 4461 t ;. .j l;. from the U.S. Air Force and has returned home. He was stationed m c.,rm,nv I fieweilson. work was done on bazaar articles Dick Wilkins is visiting relatives in the vicinity of Spokane, Wash. Ira Jackson has gone to Texas for an indefinite stay. Il-I;!; J C s,. . J -!-. lUe dlUuenTS s J a, J I Attend Mineral , . LlUD VlCClinS' i t At the regular meeting of Ump ! qua Mineral Club a group from ! Glide school were special guests. ! Under the guidance of Mrs. Doris Debhields the students have form . ed ,heir ow Ro(,k c,ub ,nd com ing by school bus, the trip served as a field trip. Members of the Min eral Club helped them identify their minerals which they have col lected and the program was plan ned for them. Louise. Simonsen read a paper on, "Our Own Bohemias," which the author, Mrs. Quinton Jackson of Nftrth Bend, describes as" rival ing Switzerland for scenic beauty, and told of Die ores and crystals collected at different mines. Speci mens were passed around for in spection. The formation of "Thun dereKs" was also discussed and Al Orin showed some of the large ones he brought back from a re rent trip to Sucker Creek, Idaho. A large thunderegg was given as a door prize and won by Roland Huff man, a new member from Tiller. Mrs. DeShields thanked the club'1"'??- T" "ar ?" eronn and esneriallv thanLoH Mr group ana especially manned Mr. Tester for a trip to Glide School to show color slides and floures cent minerals. Both Umpqua Min eral Club and Nickel Mountain Rock Club have helped promote this hobby for young people. The gem and mineral show wa, . dis-' cussed. . ' ... J " rl"g . Mineral I tiih ime roiiaro f husiness meeting Vernon Whitten- berg was elected to fill out the re mainder of the year as president of Umpqua Mineral Cluh. Mrs. Robert Simonsen, secretary treasurer announced the club is having papers drawn up for incor porating the Umpqua Mineral Club, which will allow better insurance coverage at shows and protect members from lawsuits that might arise from accidents on field trips. VOTE INVALIDATED I BAKER iiP Last Friday's city election in Baker has been de-1 rlared invalid, and city voters will have to ballot acain on the eitv manager form of government that j was tossed out in the illegal elec- uon. The Baker City Council, at a meeting Monday night, said the vote is no good because a belated investigation of the city charter shows that legal notices of a city i election must bt published prior to the balloting. t ft 4? ! t ' av 4 PA FIRE STILL RAGINO The forest fire in the Snoqual nite National Korrt was still dan gerous, a state official said Tues day, and part which had spread to state protectee land was still oit nf control It was tha largest foi eat fire in Washington state in several vears. 4 V1 it m 7 V . ILasfOaeaca V..-sK Z They said this nappenea. in. ." WfctXif X?S."; S I scientists drained the blood from I el linlTi JTM- .V-.-? !the dog until he was dead. They v W W If iK-. JH4 WW ?V'J4 (waited five minutes, then revived - t M"i'-5ir the animal and it barked. , .1Si'iv't h-'r'-;:' I A similar experiment was re- !SaJw 4 I' 0 '&:t'i:jf i'-'ft iported last January in the maga- Ki, ?A krri-S n Ogonvek. which said the So- naeaJn! v v ISLJ M ' t'' v S I viet scientists brought back mon- '"" . mmr -)m 'k .---'"V-J kevs and dogs from death through DOUG SETTERBERG puts a record on the turntable at the Roseburg studios of radio station KRNR. The radioman has recorded two commercial discs ond hot another about to be released. He is sales manager and announcer tor the local station. (News-Review photo) Local Radio Announcer Tells How He Originated Parodies By BOB CLARK N.wi R.vi.w Staff Writ.r Douk Setterberg didn't know when he bandied about Scandina vian accents as a Seattle high school student that his "Yumpin' Yiminies" would turn into a money-making sidelight. He says sueqestions by friends led to his audition with a Seattle radio station while still a teen ager. He got the job a part-time position on a local variety show. Now sales manager and announc er for Kosahurg radio station KRNR, Setterberg has two com mercial discs behind him and an other to be released shortly. He forms one-half of a singing duet, the other half being a Seattle friend, Stan Boreson. Setterberg de scribes the pair as "sort of a Swedish Homer and Jethro," with parodies of popular tunes their specialty. Currently under contract with Vann Bani-Ae utttorhord alraarlvl has recorded ' takeoffs on "The some years nacK, ana, wnn , ..,,.K . hc seller. The'parodies were re-titled als0 handles instrumental arrange "The Swedish Thing" and "Tele- ment. phone." i Setterberg relates the following in telling of the importance of fore- Ma nad own LiDti I ntvn inripnpnHrnt la hp. Hp said I most of its sales came on the Pacific Coast, where it received' eys "Scandinavian Hotshot," written by Setterberg and performed by Boreson, sold ome 10,000 records about seven years ago, related its composer. He said it sold well in the Northwest and in areas of heavy Scandinavian population such as Wisconsin and Minnesota. Soon to be released is the Setter- Vital Statistics Marriag. Lictnsas George C. York and Clella : Husled, both Philomath. Wayne E. Medford and Patsy L. Bromlev. both Roseburg. . Kpnneh H. Canfield and LiiiU ; Jlorgan Doth Roseburg. Divorce Complaints Jack L. vs. Luella I. Marie. Mar ried March 21, 19S3 at Roseburg. Plaintiff charges cruelty and seeks property settlement. Charles H. vs. Emily V. McCul lum. .Married Dec. 20, 1942 at Cris tobal, Panama Canal Zone. Plain tiff charues cruelty and seeks property settlement. Eva June vs. I.loyd A. Russell. Married Oct. 4, 1945 at Vancouver, Wash. Plaintiff charges cruelty and seeks custody of three minor chil dren, $50 per month per child sup port and property settlement. lna Clarice vs. Arvil N. Sanders. Defendant charaes cruelty and seeks order awarding plaintiff cus tody of minor child and $30 per month support and property settle ment. . Alvin E. vs. Billie Joyce Cooper. Married June 4, 1956 at Vernon. Tex. Plaintiff charges cruelty and seeks custody of minor child. Divorce Dtcrtes Rarbara Ann from Louis Joseph Prevost. Plaintiff awarded custody of two minor children and $40 per month per child support. Lamoin C from Orley R. Milli gan Plaintiff tranled custody of three minor children. $.V) per child per month support and property settlement ratified. Velma 1. from James S Patten Property settlement ratified. Rarhara June from Edwin Doug las Kinnell Plaintiff awarded cus tody of minor child, $75 per month support, income tax refunds and judgment for $1S5 for unpaid child support and fees awarded by court March 25. UMPQUA PAVING CO. ASPHALT CONTRACTORS LaatW m N. Umaa.ua HifKw.y t J. C. Conton'a Cnilnor Com pi at. PavfaH S.nric f'.aW R)44)fcur r4 VIcinitT FREE r.i: .i.. aaiiuiaica V F.H.A. Financing Available OR 2-1331 or 3-5726 a&fl i berg-Boreson creation, "Catch a I Pickled Herring." Its derivation is obvious. Setterberg said he and Boreson had received Northwest circulation on several records they re eased -,l:ib i , while employed as announcers for Sp.iii. ra,i.n k( Seattle radio stations before their recent affiliation with Kapp Commenting on the tricks of the trade, the Roseburg radio man re- aieu inai mucn 01 me name lies in guessing in advance which rec- ords will become hits. Recordings In Stattlt "When something comes along thai sounds like it would make a good parody, we (Boreson and himself) correspond and kick it around." he added. Then, if the pair decide the tune might be a I seller, lyrics are worked out and I the spoof is recorded in a Seattle studio "Of course. we can't make a parotiy wunout lirst getting per- miSSlon from the COmDOSer nf the original tune." stressed Setterberg. th. ' I jr'"'"""""",,I"ui led bv Gene Boseaeei Seaitle h, signi in selecting ukely hits "We selected 'Honeycomb' as rated 56th ba a national rating rated .win by a national rating was 30th when we puntication. It parody and had iumn- tOD 10 hv the time "Tele. phone" was released. "We were lucky on that one," he added. 17,000 Records Sold ' Setterberg said the spoof had sold about 17,000 discs as of the end of January not a bad figure for that type of record. "In this particular field, you're probably a little more sure that you won't take a beating on sales of your releases, because people like to laugh," commented Setter berg. "But there'll probably never be a gold record (signifying sale of one million discs) made of a par ody," he added. Setterberg. a Roseburg resident since last September, said even better prospects loom in the future for the two "Swedes." He said Kapp has indicated it is interested in releasing a 12-inch long play album consisting of both old and new Setterberg-Boreson spoofs. is top Recording stars! 15 TEMPO CHARLIE THE MILLS GEORGE THE BILL THE CAl IiTlIIAM REYNOLDS ... list VHil list plus ' -HV V':J THE CAL TJADER tuwui i .1 Russians Bring Dead Dog Back To Life In Test By ANGELO NATAL I MOSCOW Six U.S. women doctors touring Russian medical institutions told this week of watch ing Sonet scientists bring a dead dog hack to lite. arrifii-ial refrigeration. The magazine quoted Prof. V.A. Nesovsky as saying dogs hava been revived up to an hour after their hearts have stopped beating and monkeys up to 20 minutes. There have been cases where hu mans have been revived five or six minutes after heart stoppage. The U.S. women doctors did not say whether the refrigeration method was used in the experi ment they observed. Dr. Jean Henley of Columbia University said that what they had seen so far led her to believe tha Russians had come along much faster in the medical field than the United States. She and five other women ar rived here last Wednesday on a visit in exchange for a tour six Russian women doctors made in the United States last fall. FALLS TO DEATH KW YORK il" While walking , . " ,f , ,,,U;.: h s dog on the root of the building .. . 1:. t ln which he In ed. John Gunning. 69. a blind man. fell five stories to his death last nicht. The dog. lit: la? tcrnor. ran frightened rinwn t0 the apartment where Gun- njng lved with relatives Movie Showtima WKHNCSIMY MAT 31, tSSS TARI.ITE DRIVE-IN Open at Ijn. Show atarla 8 0(1. "The Big Beat" 8:07, 1126 "Summer Love" 9:53 PINE DRIVK-1N - Open at 700. Show tarti 7 SO 'Niaht Paaaase" 7:S7, 11.30. "Don't Go Near the Water" 8:iS : starlite drive-in - oUn'.t 7 THI RSDAV. MAT it, IMS oo. Show s'arta a 00 "The Bif Beat" K 07. 11 26 "Summer Love" 9:SS PINE DRIVE-IN Open at 7 00. Show aurta 7 50 "Niaht Patsace" 7.57. 11 V) "Drtn't Go Near the Water" 9 S . INs?,'ifTHf:ATRE Cloaed for tha Thursday thru Saturday "THE SAD SACK" ilorrinj Jerry Lewis, David VVoync, and Phyllis Kirk, plus "DUEL AT APACHE WELLS'' with Anna Maria Alber. ghetti, Ben Cooper and Jim Dovii Endi Tonighr Buck Night $1.00 Per Carload "TRIAL" an "TEN TALL MEN" 'or GATES OPEN at 7:00 NOW thru SAT! The Biggest Ljff of your LIFETIME . . "DON'T CO NEAR THE WATER" Glenn Ford . .. in Color plut JAMES STEWART AUDIE MURPHY "Night Passage" . Color Tonight! . . thru Sat! OPEN AT 7:00 -TORRID SONGS! "Guest Stars" BURNET BUDDY 8REGMIN ALAN COPEUND THE DEI VIKINGS THE DIAMONDS FATS DOMINO THE FOUR ACES HARRY JAMES THE LANCERS FREDDY MARTIN BROTHERS RUSS MORGAN SHEARING ni the suintet IERI SOUTHERN THOMPSON SINGERS TJADER iuiniet 1 BAIIWS Rr, ANDRA MARTIN JEFFREY STONE Clllila I'll ttlil l Im'l Villtf WILD about LOVE and CRAZY about MUSIC!