Get-Together Planned For Umpqua Teachers, Students By MRS. GEORGE MUNSON al Ihf Munson home on Joelson Flans are being made for a gel- Hoad. together of all learners and pupils .Mr. and Mrs Paul t rben Sr. re of Ihe lmpqua area who attended turned home Friday after a weeks school there. ; vacation in central California. Mrs. This includes the Day. Millwood. Fred Williama Sr. of Cambria. Tvee and Coles Valley schools, all mother of the latter, accompanied of which are now consolidated in them home, to spend part of the the one school. Umpqua District 45. summer here. The event has been planned asi Ben Clark of l mpqua and his an all-day meeting with a polluck sister. Mrs. Alice (irimmell. of dinner at 12:.K) noon. The date has , Anderson, Calif., have just return been set for Sunday. June 8, at the'ed from a trip to l.ewiston, Idaho, I mpqua Community Hall near where they were called by the lmpqua. lealh of their brother, William Portland Guests l,rk- Mr. and Mis I. accrue Olrnun and children. Mrs. Mary Kidins. F -. C.-a,-and Mrs. Klla Oleson all of Port- rQlT UQKS 56l6CtS land, were guests Saturday at the Will Long home on Joelson Hoid. ll I Mr. and Mrs. Al Hendricks, of NOlll iraCTOlT AS Portland, who made their nome here for several years, were guests Kndav al the home of Mr. and Mrs. Will Long. The Coles Valley Cemetery Assn. Kair Oaks Grange recently se of L'mpqua will have its regular ilected Nora Cracroft as delegate clean-up day this Saturday. A pot- to State (irange. luck dinner will be served at noon1 Before the meeting Robert Da in the Community Hall, followed vis spoke on prevention and cor bv the annual business meeting, rection of juvenile delinquency and All persons interested are invited answered questions from t h o s e I to come present Mrs. Alice Grimmett of Ander-i Dorothy Norton and Edith Ger son. Calif., was a guest Wednesday . ard were announced as hostesses for this month by Virginia Wil- J n hams, asst. Home Economic chair- CjiIuC DUSinCSS man She also gave a report on . I the Silver Tea and the show re DaAnsnerl Ssfr icently sponsored by the Fair Oaks IXCUpCIICU Jdl. . :(;range ana- the Mother's Day ban- . aotumd CEI BV qUet Sund"'- S"e '' ,he '1K By MR5. Arthur itLBT meeting would be postponed for one The Roya I t oachman cafe and week unlll Mav 27 and woud D, tavern at (.lide was reopened Sat- at ,le Gerard home, urday after a closure of four and jionev realized from the Silver one half months, by the owners. :Te, and dinner wj be put in the .Mr. and Mrs. Guy Metcalf The general fund. It was voled to re business will be under the manage-1 quest booth space for Fair Oaks ment of Mr. and .Mrs. Jack Lam-: (;ranRe at the Douglas County bright, r'air and Howard and Nora Cra- California Guests croft are to be the committee in Weekend guests at the home of charge of the booth and will he Mr. and Mrs. Kual Young were assisted by members of the their son and daughter-in-law, Mr. i grange. and .Mrs. Kenneth Young from Fort 1 rhe bloodmohile will be in Sulh Biagg Calif er'in av 2 (rom 3 to 7 p.m. at Mrs.' Elaine Ash left Sunday for"" 'OF hall. Fair Oaks Grange Portland on a three dav business members will supply cots and nd State Delegate i -,.,,.. , .. , -. i . s -isrz - s :. : . . . : j j . y j f 1 : ; JSK " j I Garden Valley Women's Club To Meet Thursday Wad. May 21, 1951 Th Na.i-Rtviiw, Honour?;, Ore. 11 By ADOIE SCHNEIDER and Mrs. Kenneth Kissell. former Drain Business Sold, Roller Rink Planned The Garden Valley Women's clubi Garden Valley eighhors who were Women's Assn. Fellowship Tea will meet this Thursday instead of the previously scheduled date. Mrs. Tressie Clay pool will be host ess, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Dunn have returned with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kennedy of Med ford from an emer gency trip lo Toppenish, Wash. Mr. and Mrs. Kobertv Kennedy, son of the Kennedys and daughter of the returning from a California holi day lo their Portland home. Henry Booth, senior student al University of Oregon, came noma to vole Friday and visit briefly with bis parents. Mr. and Mrs. K. S. Booth before returning to Lugene for a picnic. Mr. and Mrs. Lester Coe and School Ihu school term. Mr. and Mr. W. S. Carlson of ThleTS. AftemOOn Drain have told tneir ineaier property in Elkton to Mr. and Mra. Ed EUton, also of Drain. The Elstona plan to convert the building to a roller rink and hope to be ready to open sometime in June. Mrs. EUton is teaching the third grade in the Drain Grade four sont and Mr. and Mra. Mur- Dunns, wrecked their car Thurs- riel Short and five daughter of Cal- day between Golden. Wash., and kins Road drove to Lighthouse loppenisn. while Mrs. Kennedy was driving she struck loose gravel and lost control of the car which flipped over and slid down a rocky embankment. The car was a total LOT OF LISTINGS Booked solid for qufle a while, Marga ret Childress, of New York, scans the stack of telephone directories she will have to revise. Her employer, the Xa tional Cylinder C Company, has changed its name to Cheme tron Corporation of Chicago, and Miss Childress will revise their listings in the phone books of the more than 100 cities w here Chemetron has plants or offices. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Donnelly left this week for Reedsport where he will manage the new bowling alley. loss. The accident occurred at dusk and fortunately another car was following close enough to see the accident and give immediate first aid. Mr. and Mrs. Kennedy were not seriously injured. They were able to continue on to Pullman, Vwish.. and returned lo Corvallis with their parents Sunday. Robert Claypool left Sunday for Madras where he will work on con struction. i Several Garden Valley residents! have conducted business in Eugene within the past few days. Among them were -Mr. and Mrs. Virgil i Woodruff and Mr. and Mrs. E. A. 1 Post. Mrs. Clem Schneider and Adam Schneider and Mrs. Lillian Hill made up another party. Nelda Norris and Mrs. Lena Slat tery of Rosehurg visited over Fri day night in Eugene and continued on to Klamath Falls bv train. Miss Norris visited with Mr. and Mrs. Carl Youngren while Mrs. Slattery visited her son. They returned by plane Sunday. Visits Portland Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Brodersen look advantage of the election holi day and visited her two sisters in Portland. Recent callers at t h e Brodersen home have been Mr. Beach for a Sunday picnic. They u,. ijmD011. Bowl. The Donnellvs report the coast quite colorfu returmof Wednesday from Lot An wuh the rhododendrons in fuligel wnere ne finished a three h'oom. i course in automatic pin set- Rev, and Mrs. John B. Ellingson ting equipment. Donnelly had one of the Garden Valley Community Church took Rev. llasford, the Nor wegian evangelist who spoke at tb,eir church, to Crescent City, Calif. Garden Valley children are in vited to attend the vacation Bible school to be held at the Riversdale schoolhouse from June lo 20. Classes will commence at 9 a.m. and end at 11:30. Mr. and Mrs. F. Graham Ew ens returned home for voting from Medford where they had been visit ing her father. California Guest John Sinclair of Englewood, Calif., has been visiting his mother, Mrs. Pete Sinclair and his brother, Robert, and wife and his sister. Mrs. Eddie Kohlhagen of Rosehurg. Mr. and Mrs. FranK Sampson have returned to their Harbor City, Calif., home after nine days in Ore gon. They visited her sons, Don Rogan, and family in Garden Val ley and Bob Rogan and family in Roseburg and her daughter in Cor vallis. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Raikes and family of Grants Pass recently vis ited Mrs. Kiltie Winniford. John Carries has gone to Albany to cultivate the roses on his farm. of the highest ratings in the class being one of three who did not have to take final examinations. Fred O. Hunt, former resident of Drain now living at Monroe, Wash., was in town on business Wednes day, reports Edith Bush correspondent. "Accent on Youth" will be the program theme of the May meet ing of the Women's Assn. of the First Presbyterian Church when they meet Thursday, at 1:30 p.m. for the May Fellowship tea. Barbara Gadway and Donna Frisk, members of the Presbv teens high school group at the church, will sing and Mrs. Richard Eastman, of the Mother Goose Nursery, will present her kinder garten group showing how Chris tian education begins at this level. Mrs. Frances Lintott will give devotions, and Esther Circle will serve refreshments. All women and friends of the church are invited to attend the program and tea which will be held in the aocial hall of the church. . A nursery will be provided at the church for children. BIG DEMONSTRATION trip. blankets and the Home Economics Student Killed Monday In Panama Demonstration Mr. and Mrs. Keith Ireland and Clun will furnish cookies and juices. nephews, Chuck and Bud Cudmore.l There will be a meeting at the made a recent overnight visit with Riversdale Grange May 2.S at 2 Ireland's mother. Mrs. A S. Ire- P-m. for members of the Pomona land and his brother-in-law and death benefit fund, sister, .Mr. and Mrs. Arwell Muet- Cards of thanks were read from zie at Olalla. ' Emma Norris for flowers during Mrs. Charles Harper of Elko. ! her recent slay in the hospital and Nev., arrived Tuesday for a two: front the W. L. Smith family. Vel week visit with her sister, Mrs. ! ma Braumnger was thanked for Ray Chastain and Mrs. K. K. Shel l acting as secretary m place of ton of Glide and Mrs. Claude Bar-!;' Murdock. who. with his wife, clay of Roseburg. I Naomi, are absent in California. At The 41 students of the Glide j 'he close of the evening lunch was freshman class held a picnic Mon-1 served by Dorothy Norton and day after school at Wolf Creek. Kl'h Gerard, reports Mrs. Brit They played baseball and Softball, 1 tain Slack, correspondent, followed by a wiener roasl. Chap-1 erones were Mrs. Ray Chastain, Mrs. Jim Miles. Mrs. Leo Bunnell, and high school instructors, Mrs. Fdith Meshes and Delbert Peterson. PANAMA I Students promised an orderly funeral today for a high school youlh fatally injured in demonstrations against Panama's! education minister. I President Ernesto de la Guardia Jr. blamed the clash Monday be tween the students and National' Guardsmen on political opponents! who he said used the youths as a shock force against his govern ment. He agreed to meet tomor row with student leaders to dis cuss their demand for removal of three guard commanders. Sixty-two persons were injured in the clash at Panama City's largest high school 42 students, 18 guardsmen and two bystanders. Four students and five guardsmen were hospitalized. NOW AVAILABLE h Excellent Office Space in the Conveniently Located PACIFIC BUILDING Very diirtbt offict ra tl 911 na floor torn privoto orficti worer levator and janitor itrvicoi furnished. Lots af parking ipaca In vicinity. Call Room 301 or Phono OR 3-7195 H. C. Borg LONDON :.T Some 20,000 peo ple converged on Parliament from every corner of Britain Tuesday for the country's biggest ban-the-H-boinb demonstration. Anti - nu c.ear campaigners began queing three deep outside the House of Commons to lobby with the House members from their home dis tricts. The queue was expected eventually to wind several miles through downtown London CASH TO GO-GO-GO. ON YOUR VACATION! Do wjiat vour friends and neighbors do.. .get going with a popular Pacific Finance "Cash For Slimmer Fun Plan." Visit vour nearby Pacific Finance I-oans office. Here, you mav borrow the cash vou need to assure a pleasant vacation and a fun-filled summer :l., VtNJS .... We're rolling out the red carpet at PACIFIC FINANCE Gen McCoy, Manager 64 S. I. SNatient, Ret.burj, OKcherJ 1-tMI WD Toastniistress Club Elects Officers Lowly Potato Holds High Place In Paris Crisis By EDDY GILMORE PARIS if The lowly potato i was the root of big trouble in Winston - Dillard Toasl mistress ; Paris Tuesday, club met at the Dillard school for To some Parisians it loomed election of new officers, llavlis more important than the political Spergon was in charge of Ihe meet- crisis. ins ! "The situation is terrible," said Kdna Ebner gave the invocation, ' Madame Orandjean. "It could followed by refreshments, and a mean revolution." social hour. Topic mistress for the i Mme. Grandjeau cleans offices evening was Beverly Harris, who for a living and cooks polatoes introduced the subject. "1 Am a i for her family when she can find Democrat, or Republican, and the spuds. Why." ' "My niece has her confirmation Margaret McCord was acting j on Thursday," she wailed. "How toast mistress. and introduced 1 can 1 possibly entertain relatives speakers Ruby Kobernick. who gave a book review on, "Kids say the darndest things." Jo lusher gave a word drill, and Bunny Kl bertus reported on Council 8 meet ing in Coquille. Beth Gordon led a panel composed of Virginia l.aur ence. Zilpha McAllister. Bunny Kl and friends when 1 can find no potatoes in Paris?" The headline in the left wing newspaper Liberation was pitched in the same shrill note of protest. "Potatoes and The Defense of Lib erty," it said. The grave potato crisis was hei'tus. and Shirley Wagner, who ; brought about by two factors, one gave their views on. 'If college en-! political, the otiier economic, trance must be limited lo one sex.i For obvious reasons few, if any. which should be admitted ' .lo new potaloes are arriving from Lesher was timer, and Kdna Eb-1 strife-torn North African farms, ner evaluator. I For less obvious but just as real -New officers elected were. Belh reasons the French farmer at home Gordon .president; Zilpha McAllis-jis boycotting the Paris market, ter, vice president: Beverly Harris, Early this spring the grivern secretary, and Shirley Wagner, j ment slapped a price ceiling of treasurer. Haylis Spergon was about 10 cents a pound on pota elerted club representative. : toes, a staple of the French diet. The next meeting will he May Demanding at least 22 cents a 27 at Roseburg, with the Roseburg: pound for his pommes de terre, club The closing thought was giv- the farmer is refusing to haul his en by Edna Ebner, reports cor- new crop to Ihe markets of Pans, respondent Brunette Wilson. "It's awful." said "Mme. Grand- l jean. "At Ihe only place wnere potatoes are oeing sold mis morn ing, there are long lines of house wives. "With no potatoes what is going to happen to France?" Eds in above read overline TERMITES Con aoiily at control ltd. Don't bo ttompoded into a high prico trootmont. A few dollars and a littlo work will toko coro of thflio pcsti. C0EN SUPPLY CO Fld I Mill OK 3 4441 Portland Voters Refuse To Change ER Center Site PORTLAND Work ran go right ahead on Portland's Exposi-lion-Recreation Center near the eastern end of the Steel and Broadway bridges. Voters here have refused to change the site. That presumably ends the legal fighting which has been carried on for years over location of Ihe city's S million dollar center. this latest attempt would have required the center to be built at Delia Park the old East Vanport north of the city hut the city voters rejected that by a to 3 margin. -Kir- t 1 Ct WOOD I AWWST BLOWER. SERVICE! 4! : R0SESUR&: I BR. CO. ftY Cm Summer Rates on Planer Ends Now Phone OS 9-3741 Peeler Coro Oak Green Slab Sawdust For Mulch ( Mi , LAST DAYS 7- 0n ? ft M v -r, "V n "1717 V V "w'-v "TJnl Esm&Lri COMPARE QUALITY FEATURES EXTRA LOW PRICES ANYWHERE! ,fr i LADIES! PERFUME WORTH $3.95 -FREE WHEN YOU VISIT OUR APPLIANCE DEPARTMENT Vrt $150 TRADE-IN! 12.1 CU.FT. TRU-COLD COMBINATION! U prkm $ y.yj 900 w" SAVE! I signatureI AUTOMATIC WASHER 144 $5 DOWN hr ' msnfh Economy-priced! Rotating a gifa tor is gentle to all fabrics get up to 80 leu lint. Saves de tergent, hot water, too. WARDS LAUNDRY TWINS $249 $10 DOWN It SO. m: for price of many washers alone I Washer has gentle rotating agi tator wash action efficient dryer, "blow-through" drying. 30" SICNATURE CAS RANCE WITH 23" WIDE OVEN! SALBI $99 SS DOWN $4 mvirili Compact on the outside, roomy inside. Per fect performance everytime. Pilots use less gas. 3'i-hr. timer, backguard with light. Giant 101 -lb. True-zero freezer. Cycle-Cold Automatic defrost refrigerator. Full-width crisper, glide-out shelves, full door storage. ff05v,,,l I r j ' " or, J SAVE ON WARDS ALL NEW LIGHTWEIGHT PORTABLE SALtl $99 I SS DOWN Words newest and lowett-prked potable TV! Compact, weighs only 40 lbs.! Removable safety glass. Year guarantee on all tubes. 15 CU. FT. CHEST FREEZER '219 SALil S10 DOWN 10 SO ma nth You con plon and cook ohead with fnit out standing freezer in your home. Safely stores 52 J lbs. of food. Adivstobla cold control. WARDS SIGNATURE WRINGER WASHER! 7-LB. CAPACITY (! $79 $S DOWN Caiy-to-cUoo porcelain tub. 8-poition wring r. Fuil'skirt dtwgn. Non tangling 3 von agitator. mm 4-TRANSIST0R PORTABLE SALil 28 No tubes to break or burn out. Compact, un breakable ploitic cove. SAVE! 30-INCH ELECTRIC RANGE WITH 23' OVEN $119 SAlif S5 DOWN With Trade Chromolos microtube surface units heat quick ly, cook uniformly, ond cool fast. Chroma rod broil elements or hinged, easy to clean. 3 -Way Portable. Ploys on AC, DC, bottery. Unbreak able case. 241