2 The Newa-Htviaw. Rosaburg, Morse Nixon Probe WASHINGTON UP The Senate danger of disturbances in Ven- It will climax a two-day eco Foreign Relations C o m m l tie luela, but added that "on the , nmic mobilization conlerence, ordered a full fledged inquiry in- heels of assurances by the Vene- sponsored by the American Man tn U S Latin American relations i zuelan government of its security . agement Assn. Nice President' Tuesday in the wake of attacks measures, violence in Caracas , Nixon was chairman for a panel j on Vice President Nixon. I was not anticipated." discussion at the conference Tuea- The study was assigned to a ' , . ? afternoon I subcommittee headed by ben. Connection Seen Several top industrialists earlier Wayne Morse (D-Ore) Murphy also told the committee described how their companies! Sen Theodore Francis Green there u "no evidence at present" , are battling the recession. Their; (D-ltl) chairman of the full com-ithal the South American demon- company strategies ranged from j ik. ,..,i..i,A. strations against Nixon and his introduction of new products to1 voted ' without objection, o n ! Morse's motion. The action was taken shortly aner Morse to o reporter. ui. DIUIC (Vruaj llIlfllL vnil icavisssuny i mui Ha. Ill lllall III If W Ul mw , ..ilf ,ui , i, shows that Nixon's mob-molested vance warnings of the danger of ., n0' l t Pioducliv- South American tour was a demonstrations, and three reporU llv. said rredenck -t i "trouble causing trip" which of rumors of attempted assassina-. Pf1- President American Tele Morse said the Vice President j tion, Nixon should have confined ' Pnone and Telegraph to. Lsing should not have undertaken. I his trip to Argentina. I more manhoura to do a given ... ' . amount of work will cause lasting Study Policias 1 The committee also voted un animously to set up another ub committee to explore the need for more intensive examination of American policies elsewhere in the light of recent anti-American out hursts in Lebanon, Algeria, In donesia, Burma and other coun tries. Morse gave his views to re porters as the committee weighed testimony that Communist exploit ation of Latin American griev ances against U.S. economic poli cies fanned mob violence against the Vice President and Mrs. Nix on Robert Murphy, deputy under secretary of state for political af fairs, made that report to the sen ators Monday. He said Nixon was told in advance that there was Budget Croup Discusses New City Park Project (Continued from Page 1) Pointed out wa a budget item of $10,000 for bleachers. Farrell said the seating would take care of Ihe budget committee up to datei on efforts to provide lighting for ,h' f,MrtkHn " ,hcll"rd ! it could be done for less than the $7,000 donated by the American I Lesion. Would Save on Powor I Karrell pointed to an item in the i hudcot which he naid he believe! 1 would save the ctiy money over a period of years. This would call for 1 iniaiiniion ni a powrr unr connect i i power ing Sh Jackson and Stephens street traffic lights into one sys tem. The city manager said at present each light is carried on its own meter which puts them at a rate disadvantage, lie estimated that the line connecting city hall with Ihe signals would cost 12.300 to in stall and would result in a saving of $700 a year in power bills. Briefly mentioned in the budget session were: the hiring of an other meter checker (Farrell said he hadn't asked for one), purchase of a radar unit costing SI .000 (sev eral were outspoken in opposition), and buying a front-end loader on a lease-purchase plan. Ihe budget committee is scheduled lo meet for another crack at the ionium, siarung ai f.ju o cioi'K budget. SPORTSMEN! JUST A FEW CENTS & DAT gives joa'10.000 of Ulstite Personal Liability Insaruce Accidents happen even to careful port me a. Protect yourself againit financial loaa, for junt penniea a day. For details, call: REEVE PAXSON 52 S. I. Jackson St. ft.Mb.rf, OttfOn Ph: OR.hard 1-6671 Veu're m poo4 hn4a wHn Allstate Inourano Companla MO( 0t MOl Nt Wi5m Pli W WEST CORST R I RIMES ROSEBURG Or. Tutt. May 20, 1958 To Head Treatment Committee wife were directly connected with anti-American outbreaks in 10- anon, Algeria, Indonesia, or else- ....:. . I """. "Presented me Lulled new Argentine president, then went on to other countries. i nir. murpny own lesumuny shows they expected trouble," , Morse said. "Knowing that, it; couldn't be a good will trip, but a trouble-causing trip. "The problem now is what we; propose to do to help improve i Mvuinmii rulalinna uilh Kitilh America and that is a job for this committee. Lookouts In Forest May Be Assigned The Umpqua National Forest ay put up lookouts in the lower evations of the forest in the next! few days during an anticipated hot I til-Vino anpll ni waalhaP Forest Supervisor Vondis E. Mil- ler said that the humidity may fall today, requiring loggers to leave nr Jobs. , Low humidity drove loggers from i ln ,,.. nm.. , in. in the i ,1. . i .. 1 it' ',m s.urday evening's I thunderstorm. Of five "smokes" t,,.t,j ., ,1.. ..., m. I f(r,lnH Ih. .,.. ', , laze put out o haven-t been lo-1 nd the rain which he liKhtninK niay the other two caled. Miller said 1 i t; u..t -1 no,,.!.!. ,1.,. thev ,r. ,ipPD.r, yh may break out again nh u,..iai,.u rr. Herb Rudolph, fire control offi-1 cer, flew over the forest Monday, but found no new fires The Douglas Forest Protective Assn. reported no further trouble from three di,htn,ng - nr.. caused Saturda Juvenile Council Dates MacLaren School Head Amos t. Herd, who has gained considerable not. al M a-l ar.n School for Boys for his firm but humane treatment of delinquent boys at the school, will speak in Roseburg tonight. He is to be the featured sucaker " ,ne monlny meeting of the f"""1" County Juvenile Advisory Council. The meeting il scheduled at 8 p.m. in Circuit Courtroom B1 at the courthouse. 1 Reed has been superintendent at the school since Oct. 6. For four years before that, he was superin ! tendent of the Illinois State Train- ing School for Boys. He has been mjuven.ie correction work since Heed is presently a member of Ihe state's Juvenile Protection Committee, the governor's Com- nutlee on Children and Youth, and a director of the Nation al Confer - ence of Training Schools s and Ju- venile Agencies. The council meeting tonight will be preceded by an executive com mittee meeting at 7. World War 1 Veteran Passes In VA Hospital Graveside funeral services were: held this afternoon for John II Harrison. 62, who died Sunday at the Roseburg Veterans Administra tion Hospital. Harrison warn ourn in .uiuncsoia 1 Dec. H. IMS and had hed in Tacoma. Wash., p"ior to entering 1 ... .r . ...n,, 1 ,u..)ni.iiir iiuniiiiiiK nun He is survived by two sisters, state or federal government agen Mrs. 11 A. Smith and Mrs. Arthur cies. He said, however, the corn Olson, both of St. Paul. Minn. Scr- mitlce would ask for money from vices were held at the Roseburg , the emergency fund if such a pos VA Hospital cemetery. Gam Mor-1 silulity of cooperative projects did tuary of .Mvrtle Creek was in rome up during th next fiscal charge of arrangement. year. TO MEDFORD $6.40 President Speaks On Economic Scene To Nation Tonight NKW YORK President Eisenhower will speak here Tues I day night on the nation'! eco I nomic condition before about 2.000 I business leaders. The speech, described bv the White House as a major address on the nation's economy, will be ; broadcast on television and radio. win thrift-conscious consumers to care!'-! scrutiny of their own spending. Don't Drop Production narm priKluctlvlty twt aown. standards of living will go down with it. Kappol said wage hikes above gains in productivity are "Just a wav of living hevond our means." He said the Bell System is step- ping up research and development and intensifying sales effort. Charles II. Percy, president, Bell & Howell Co., photographic maniifaftnrerc aairf hi rumnanv reduced prices where it could, to offer consumers a reason for buy ing now and to insure the com pany s sales volume. Must Survay Product Elisha Grav II. board chairman of Whirlpool Corp.. said manufac - . . ' . Hirers must survey ineir mer- rhandise to make sure they have Pro,dhuctlr woln elll.n-.. , , .,hu,k' . "!A ' V": must , " look to ourselves as being primar- at fau'l, if we have failed at ; . :v ." . convince me cusiomer J' ur wares uiner murninK sue.Kers inciuueo ""P" """;. J Ralph J. Cordiner . ' r " " man. General Electric Co.: Wil !lamc,- De$eri president. Corn-1 in Glass Works: and Franklin ui.h huih, inu riaiirtun J. Lundine. board chairman. Jewel Tea Co.. Inc. I Cord!,ner "aid GE 'i Tngasel, in brd Program to help acceler- ate an upturn in business. Among oiner minss ne iisira cffotrla elimina: waste in the . cosls of Producing and marketing. minimize layoffs, develop new Among other things he listed Droducts. continue eanital invest ments. help customers throush 1 nw 'i" P'" and hoId P"cr despite increased manulac- I 'unn8 i ' f nnvnnuSlia Arrante I 1 v" ""i ts New Fire Engine The Canynnville City Council at ; its meeting Monday night accepted j the city's new fire truck. The council also voted to trade I In a water driven chlorinaler for ; "rw " ""un eiiric "fn i Chlorinatcr. The machine Will be new So-gallon electric driven Purchased from the Wallace and , 1 '"""n Co. of Be Iview. N.J. The council made arrangements j to repair the doors on the fire hall i an(1 ct"P the hall with an over - oean spnnxier s.v. stem, sirs, vir- 1 "" Proctor. News-Review corres- ponilent. reports. he street committee consisting " Moore. H. A. Johnson and 1'on Jeis was instructed by the cnunf ' 10 decide on streets to be oiled and seal coated. Roseburg Paving Co. will do the job. Engineer Hints Umpqua River Project Possible ' (Continued from Page 11 , Su., !". 1Vcr.i."",J pfr ,,p' ' area. Budgat Raquatt Cut Cen Curtis T. Beecher (ret ), chairman of the Ixiwer South I'nip-' qua District of the committee, re-' ported on the current status of Ihe i r'?": for austeiHv in county government. the committee had decided to pare back its own budget. t a!" ' ,., .n-v, 9iiuir i.vru ii-ss man 111c original considered for submission. I One of the big items cut out, he . .. $10 000 to be .;!red for possible matching funds for pro- . Jme P" w TaWa)BsjsBBjafj l DEAN 2 1 TWO-IN-ONE EGG Just stoys fresh until needed, it Mr. and Mrs. Leo Allen of have a turkey hen who lays from 4ime-to-time, according Fox. Truckers Keep Seattle Food Warehouses Shut SEA'rn.E iTt A truck drivers' walkout kept 25 Sea'.tle food ware- houses closed Tuesday despite set- tleinent of a 19-day strike of ware- housemen. The warehouse workers, mem- bers of Teamsters Local 117, vuted 189-92 Mondav nichl to acceot a two-stage 17', cent hourly wae increase. The warehousemen , puuea on ineir pickets. U .1 I-.. truck drivers, memoers of Local 174, struck the same warehouses, l ie ellect was the same It kept groceries and produce from reaching Seattle stores, where i stocks have been dwindling since 1 11. . t. .rl,...i.....nAn .niL-.wi .. nut -""u3u.kli nawui 1 'w; ... sci,hee .''"j', ,i " ?" ttuLr, vers. whose hourly and $z.3y'2, nave! been negotiating for weeks and originally a.ked a 35-ccnl in- -r..ti.u ..ins i-j frnil. i.,.n,.i.ic - VliJi '"i; " ... seeri.n w.th a rennvaior last VlhtL", p, "i., ' a. - ".-a... t...- 7CrSS Werines av t disc. . an .7,nt settlement with the drivers ,., h,J , . ii ine drivers within one half cent c, the ware - housemen's agreement, "The Irurk ririvprs HpplarpH a strike with no warning," Schoe- lnal- lne pasture shows good es necker said. tabhsnment and excellent response France Facing Darkest , Qf p.far rrUm "Our UT rOStwar Crises (Continued from Page 11 far right opposed and 11 Coinmu- nists abstained Many thoueht this indicated a trend for the As- semhiy vote. I'flnnlin appeared before the As-1 sembly shortly after his cabinet' announced that prompt security mpmiirn. h, n.r.kH Ih. .... Hon nf evii-emUi rm n. ihai preparing violence. The Cabinet also decided that ts rench tourists going abroad will no longer be allowed to huv for. eign currency, lt is in addition to the exit visa already required for anv frYnnrhman nrn..in. ih. borders. j First Ttit Of Strinoth The vote Tuesday night on the ' special powers for Alcena will he j the first lest of strength for Pflim- m alter the renewed offer by l)e I (.aulle Monday to assume the powers of the stale. It should give the 18 political : parties in the Assembly an oc- casion to vote out I'flnnlin if they: want to clear the wav for De Gaul-: le. The general has made clear i mat the Assembly would be rel- s " seems cenainiy oetter man panJ anj possible selection of a Woolridge is survived bv his wife, egated to a secondary role before I Monday, when he suffered a grave s,le for the new Congregational Grace; one sister, Mrs. Ottis Sher he would become head of the gov-: s,r"kc , . , Church for Roseburg. rill of Mountain Grove, Mo., and mment. I Or. Ralph Bergen said the Card-1 A1 former Congregational one step-daughter. Mrs. Edith Ea- The 67-year-old military leader lnal r""1? ' Sle.ar- m" memory church members and other in-1 ton of Mvrtle Creek. bitterly attacked the parlies Fn - day, blaming them for France's Present sorry state compounded of rebellion by Algerian Moslem na tionalists and defiance of civilian authority bv the French armv and French colonials in Algeria The World War II hero and post - war provisional president - Dre - mier denied that he would become; ! -.o" Vho1 w,,run,;s i ,..i.. ..i ..ui.. 1. .... I " ' .u". , ' .Dl .... ,h. ...., ' , l ' .Jij ' ', mL ' ,h. I S he responsible to the divided, un- liable National Assembly Th; i;," :,verme f released casualty figures which reminded IS! 'V. , thr Al5er.an Moslem rebel. j continuing despite the turmoil he- tween the army command and the : government in Pari Rebels killed 46 French soldiers ! and 3.t civilians and themselves lost 447 dead and 1.047 captured or wounded, the government said, adding that this indicated an in crease in rebel attacks River Victim's Funeral I j Wednesday In Portland i Funeral sen ires for Donald Keith Harding. 1.1. who drowned in the South I'mpqua River in i Roseburg Saturday. dl be held Wednesday at 1 p m in the l ittle ' Chapel of the Chimes. Portland i ' The youngster was the son of Mr and Mrs Robert E Harding. I Portland He drowned while swim-: i ming wilh a cousin. Mike, near Ihe foot of Sherwood Axe j Survivors include his paternal grandfather, Robert R Harding, Roseburg. and maternal grand-, falher. Dee McKay. Riddle ! 1 4 1 j "in TT3 I to be sure tbe second egg has a hard shell of its own. Barton Road near Glendole these "special bargain" eggs to correspondent Mrs. Gerald Pasture Tour Set By Extension Office Results of several projects of the Douglas County Extension Office to' increase pasture productivity are on demonstration this week as part of the annual pasture tour sched- ukd for wool and stockgrowers of the county. 1 The first tour Rot under way at . 10 a.m. today at the A. H. Doerner1 farm at Melrose. Pastures fertil- ized as a demonstration last fall snow now lamo gains can oe re - nrHH Th i i-nmn9r.l In an unfertilized pasture of equal size. Al 1 P m. looay nayne niosner. assistant county aaent. took the: ysiting Si'oup to the Howard Hat-' -'i unn on souin ueer creex where "t re mpnoiui s imnpnvpmpnl where "tremendous improvement I has been recorded in fields fertiliz- last spring. 11C cuiieuay ioui id-s visu ing farmer, and ranchers to the lrrel Brown ranch near Canyon- i villp on Ua (, reek at 1 d m. Hpre fall shows the soread of subclover! ' j j ' strates the value of rotation. Mo - sher sai.l. Thursday's agenda ca s for a , , . . w d . ockeram ranch . , '" "'"T,.,. d'a -.c,KAram.ra.n.cli n uriver vaucv. uaKiann. 10 view another subclover establishment .Moslicr said all persons interest ed are invited to attend the meet ings, and that pasture manage- men't problems will be discussed at1 the sessions. rL,,r-L Af ft... D;L. UlUIXn Ut Upen DiDle f . . Slates Missionaries Rev. and Mrs. Jacob F. Collins, veteran missionaries to Japan, will K 1 .. .u- -I u nf ih. ! 'n;hi. u !..!. son. Thursday at 7:30 p.m. Program will include instrumen tal and vocal numbers, colored slide, nf Janan anri .h. rniaiin. of some of their missionary exper- iences. Thev will wear Japanese ' They' have been home on fur- Am,,h and are nnw prepanns t0 return to Japan. Collins is a gradu. ate of the Open Bible institute. Dos Moines Iowa and of ias-aH College. Portland. 1 Cardinal Strifch'e J .. . , . . Condition Said Cood ROME r Samuel Cardinal Slntch's American physician said Tuesday the Archbishop of Chica - 1 unimpaired, and his partly para - lyred right leg somewhat better. i "What this means," Bergen - 1 an'1- that this has been a 1 comparatively ngnt siroie or. ' TO1rse it is still to be considered j v"rV serious because of the card- ! lnl' age." 1 . -1 INSTALLATION TONIGHT v in no u a inn no 10, American 1 Legion Auxiliary, will hold instal- 'latum of officers tonight at 8 p.m. preparations for the poppy I days w ill be made at the meeting ir'.' b? 111 d Sat"rda'r of ,hl Camp WhT,em,,,f V,,"n' ' Good Reading for the Whole Family News Facts Family Features Th Cfvlton fctrx Monitor Or Ncxwoy S' . to 'on I . Mom. tend vour nnpooy far t CaKhOd nclotjfaj find I" trck T r4i fuV I VOW fig ft inontni J Q 1 Mnf 50 Q Vi ANNIVISIiST EM Harold Stassen's Candidacy Closely Watched At Polls i-ui itiiniTEn Doece By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS i Pennsylvania and Maryland voters select candidates for sena-, ,,ence on his personal life last todv of their six children, tor and governor today, with Har-. h, on , leievlslon program. He I Trujillo said the lnited Stales old Stassen pinning hi hopes for1ld of Kim: ..Sne., , , girl. I had never sent money to his coun a political comeback on a big pn- Sne. ve ,iactn. And I like the ! try. where his father is the strong mary turnout in Pennsylvania. ' she u." , m,. U.S. aid has been in the form Stassen. three-time governor of hen interviewer Paul V. Coates of materials, he said. Minnesota, is battling Penatyl- , ktd Mm jf ne in love with I "I like to spend monev." h yania s nepuDiican siaie organiia- ..uu " " governor. Official party support is behind Arthur 1 . jtcuonigie wealthy pretzel manufacturer. Two other aspirants also are in the race. Stassen. until recently President Eisenhower's disarmament adviser, concedes he will need a large turn-' out to win. He optimistically fore- cast a big vote. But political observers expect tewer man u per cent oi tne ney- stone Slate s S.LM.IM registered rale worker, for prompt agree-1 and a countryman who was a fel voten i to go to the polls m.nt the ony wage proposal I low student at the U. S. Arm In Maryland, chief interest cen- company says it intends to J Command and General Staff k"i,0Vie Dmocratic race for;mke School al Ft Leavenworth, Kan. the U. S. Senate nomination. i GM preJldent Harlow H. Cur-1 Trujillo said he would leave for fou.m,Jor.. can?!" tice made the appeal in a letter I Ft. Leavenworth today, dates: Thomas D Alesandro. . ! med to employes yesterday. He said he would return to the mayor of Baltimore: James Bruce, , ,K. I....J r,iri,r asam went: rinmini.,. Bn..hii. in ii..mk. 1 64. wealthy financier and former over nMd, o( Lmled Aut0 ,nv from Angeles, and prob : ambassador to Argentina: a n d WorKer, ieaders who have reject-1 ably in a yacht. Ueorge r. Mahoney. 56. Baltimore j r-i in the 2'a id. a rnii... -will ihi. k. . P?vlng contractor who has run t".V. . y. J .' . e-v..." ' c" " A prooaoiy wm ""idemindi, exclusive of profit shar-1 ine winner ,,: : ; ' j , , ." " ri?p lu""ru hi"" t-tii. cfmlllu' r 1 villi . T"le."mf"L ... 'M ' 1 ' r,a Ta"s.'. regarded as a sure bet to '"" Knwn opponents 'or iariand s uemocratic guber- ; V"'L." ,' ,T Z iUVCIIluer UUUUIieiH Will Or Iep. r.as,V. ii I" w M" ' U ) "I.m' . ho " U.?Pp0S' - " r i- , I rl . I DOyie rUnerQI dialed . Thursday In Roseburg ' " rfc, "er r,"f V, '' ".T" ' f.'' r" ,lul"ul ",m , l'y. " in Phoenix. Ariz.. .'. be.heW In the charje of the ine t, Orr nr. 1'"" Thursday at 2 p.m.. with the ! ?m" o0le of the, Pres - "an v-nurcn at uaxiand otfi- ciating. Concluding services and vault intermpnt will fnllnu, in ih. .. . Roseburg Memorial Gardens. Mrs. Boyle was born at Flor- ence. Kan., on May 27, 1890. and at the age of one year moved to Blackwell. Okla. She was married there on Sept. 9, 1919, to Harry C. Boyle. Following their marriage moved to Quincy. 111., where they resided for one year before coining io uougias county. She liv- me election oaie was canceiea so part in the bitter hostility exper ed on Cavitt Creek near Glide. : that the budget could be revised. . ienced by Vice President Nixon," then taught school at Peel until On the original budget, total esti-p0rler wrote, adding: -1924. when they moved to Rose-' mated expenditures were $493,669 "Certainly the communists are burg. In 1934 she moved to Camas I while amount outside the 6 per cent 1 utilizing resentment of our poli Valley, where they resided until limitation was $387,348. I Cies in these matters for their own November 5, when they moved to1 The fund in question provided , insidious purposes. But the rem Phoenix. i money to meet school expenses edv will not be found in crying '"!" DOiewasa lliemoer OI Mrs. Boyle was a member of the esbytenan Church, the Ameri - Presbyterian Church, the Ameri ran Legion Auxiliary, and several community clubs in Camas Valley, Surviving are her husband. Har - fx c- Bovle- Presently of Quincy. . " nephew F-nk Rinnan, and Ca niece. Marybeth Kinnan. both of mas Valley. I Congregational Fellowship 1 Porluck Dinner Thursday : Congregational Fellowship meet Thursday for a p.m will ! luck dinner at the Veteran's Mem - 'onal Building on Garden Valley Road Dr. Stanley I'. North, general secretary of 'church extension and evangelism from New York Cttv , w,ii he present to assist in final ,, er,,ted persons are invited. For . (,lrth information contact Mrs. Clifford Small, OR 3-7190 1 tf for the vonderfu through VO FridoV- Rafael Trujillo Says He's In Love With Kim Novak HOLLYWOOD u Lt. Gen. Ra fael Trujillo Jr. says he is in love "th actress Mm Novak. Tk. i i f .u. n d. ..i...-. ... ..... krni. k,. in. he(, the unarmed, beribboned j genera paused, then said Z Yes.1 ranav kAffr UCnerai lYIUIWia Seeks Acceptance r ii fll Jf YY3iI6 UtlCr a DETROIT UP General Motors ,-,i. m unnnn hour v t e formui, 0f the pres-1 ent contract. Tk. .nmnanv esiimaips union Tk. nrnanu actimatPS linUin 1 ing. would amount to an increase 0f 73 cents an hour per employe. The union denies this but has given no estimate of its wage and fringe dem.nd. turtic. olowed up similar cUer ne sent emp0es May 3. i This time he sent with it a Z7-paee ' , .-T. V..r. nf In. dustrial Peace at G-M and the I Progress lt Brought to You and CM'abTd for rank and file sup - port came as the la s contract talks with GM. Ford and Chrysler were deadlocked under mounting pressure of deadlines. 1 Glide School Levy 'Approved At Polls I .Glide School District voters pass- ; eut tne u.sir.ci , ouoje. a .y calling ior . icvy o . uUl- side the 6 per cent limitation, The hndset oassed bv a vote of 1 121-10. Total estimated expendi- " . r . -. turcs in the new budqet are $412,- 611. Because of a legal question concerning money in a reserve fund, the budget had to be revised 1 and resubmitted at a budget hear - ing. -The budget was scheduled to come up to a vote last month, but, during the summer and fall until lthe district received tax money, - lthe district received tax ! The fund had been building up i over a period of years. By pre - 1 cincts, the voting was, Toketee Falls 13-1. Deer reek 2.-1 and: Glide 81-8. Surprise Valley Man Dies At Home Monday Eulan (Jack) Woolridge. 58. of Surprise Valley near Canyonvule, died at his home Monday. n-..i 11a ua. hnrn ! Vlnnnlain flrnvm : Mo.. April 28, 1900. He had lived in Douglas County for nine vears and was employed bv the Harbor Plywood Co. in Riddle for the past five years. He was a member of the Riddle Assembly of God Church. Funeral services are scheduled for 2 o.m. Thursdsv in the rhaoel of Gam Mortuary in Myrtle Creek. He said that he and his wife Octavia formally separated last December, and that he started di vorce proceedings in March. He ...j .k.. ,i. .,.. ,.. .... said. "And I spend my own mon- ey. He said it came from sugar refineries and ranches owned by his family. Trujillo, 21. said he met Miss Novak, 24, at a Hollywood dinner Karty. The expensie car he gave er was "a surprise," he said. He said the costly gifts he gave Zsa Zsa Gabor were just presents "to an flirt friend " In fart he cairi he had given cars to three other f in..i, h,. ..rmin an ..h. honeymoon trip?" Replied Trujillo: "You never can (nil lull Trujillo said he was introduced to sa sa four years ago by polo-playing pal from the island republic, Porfirio Rubirosa. He said that since his name hit the headlines from Hollywood he had ; received a cable from Rubirosa, who in in Pans. He said it read: "My God, you have replaced me. p . A . TOTter WantS jReV.eW Of South American Policy WASHINGTON mi Rep. Char les O. Porter (D-Ore) believes the Lnited Slates should examine the possibility of a "coordinated, sustained program for the eco nomic development of Latin Amer ica." He made the suggestion in a let ter to Rep. Thomas E. Morgan (D-Pa), acting chairman of the House Foreign Affairs Committee which soon is to begin a review of this country's policy toward south-of-the-border countries. Porter said the United Stales economic policies and support for "strong-man governments" are . the two most recurring themes in j his discussions of Latin American I relations with observers in tha fleid. -Both, I feel sure, play a major 'communism' and in sending arms to crush protests. Rather we should take steps to correct any j real grievances and to explain any 1 misconceotions of our policies." Porter said Lati Americans now feel "that we turn to them only in emergencies and ignore their plight when danger subsides." He also said they are worried bv moves to boost tariffs and cut import quotas on their principal Prts- EVERYBODY LIKES Ceramic Tile 00 IT YOURSELF! 'UN TO INSTALL. Many Colors Available. 65c .t Sq. f.. Tub Enclosure, anly 3-50 per month for 1 year. COEN SUPPLY CO. Flo.d 1 Mill OR 3-6641 1 3 SUMMER RATES ON Planer Ends GERRETSEN BUILDING SUPPLY Oak St. at R R Track) H,n, 0rarJ 126J6 (Plus Ti.l 2 Flights a day For Reservations and Information call or 3 3231 il ei it. A 1 1 1