Frank Stiber Wins 1st Place In Endurance Run Frank Stiber won first place in a Rose burg Road Runners Motorcy cle Club endurance run Sunday. Other winner were Loun De Quette, aecond; Tom Bentley, third, and Jerry Jones, fourth. The run took three hours and 28 min utes. U started at the Busenbark rinck on Lookingglass Road and went to Melrose, Umpqua, Baugh man Lookout and back to Look ingglass. The first place winner received a trophy while the second place ' winner was presented a pair of gloves. John Rand and Al Thomas served as referees. Sunday, the club is planning to work on a track and scramble course at Canyonville. The organ ization is also planning an over night camping trip Memorial Day. The group will tour the Oregon caves and other places of interest, Tom Bentley, president, said. Tenmile Dates Pre-School Meet For Parents, Children County WCTU Essay Contest Winners Sent To State Finals Mon. May 19, 1958 Th Newt-Review, Roseburo, Or. BOWLING I Qualifies For Race PRUDENTIAL LIFE INSURANCE HORACE C. BERG Special Agent Room 301 Pacific lyildinf Off. OR 1-741, Ru. OR 3-7195 MIS WALTER COATS it. in. law and nisliT Mr and Mrs A preschool round-up will be John Nelson. Thev viited Sutter's By HAZEL MARSH teachers, etc., on a national basis n Ft held at Tenmile School June 2 at Kort in Sacramento, and arrived The honors in Douglas County for . equally with requests for foreign UlQHTS lOSS UriVcT m i m. in r.uresa to visit airs. Aieuus sis-' winning me siuueiu icmptv . ...-.-... (v p(UViurs a mu- AU next years first graders will ter. Mrs. Christine Avenell. and sav contests sponsored by the I scnplion to the Cnion Signal, the participate in first grade work with her nephew and Mrs. Bruce WCTU went to Camas Valley high j national publication of the WCTU, while parents are served refre-.h- Avenell and family. They stopped . and junior high students. to be sent to a designated active ments by the Mothers Club. A film, on the way home to visit Mr. and Kirst place was awarded to aner- loreign missionary. INDIANAPOLIS Bob "Skippy and the Three R s, will Mrs. Pete Orifono and family at nl Moody in the senior nign orc- rcpori was maae ot ine ten-1 Christie of Grants Pass. Ore be shown the parents. 'Uranus Pass. let; first place in me nimn nu.m muui iur small cmmren The TRO Mothers Club met at i Mr. and Mrs. W alter Coats have i tenth grade to Wyoma Pasco, and completed last week in Lookmg the Ladies clubhouse in Tenmile 1 returned from Culver, Ore. where, in the junior high division. Judy glas under the leadership of Mrs. and plans were completed for the they visited their son-in-law and Dancer was the winner. C a s h Robert I, Graves and Mrs. Alvin Tenmile Grade School picnic to be j daughter, Mr. and Mrs. George I awards were presented to each of Greer. Suitable awards were pre held May 29 at the school. 1 Gladwill and daughter, Donna, and i the winners from the county WCTU sented to all of the children atlend- Lunch will be served in the La-1 with another daughter, Charlene I and the essavs have been forward-1 itig. Perfect attendance awards for dies clubhouse. Each school child 1 Gladwill of Portland who also spent j ed to the state to compete on '' ten weeks were given Donna is asked to bring his teacher ten the .Mother's Day weekend. state-wide basis. . "re'''' Bandy and Sandra Graves, cents to pay for ice cream. i with her parents. The Gladwillsl The contest was given recogni- In ih concluding session a blue All persons are asked to bring ! took Mr. and Mrs. Coats and Miss I (ion in the Slate Department of Kd-1 ribbon speech contest was held, their table service, children to Gladwill to Government Camp on I ucation and authority sent to the Randy Graves won the blue ribbon bring their table service to school ! Mt. Hood for dinner. Later they schools over the state to make with his selection, "Like Daddy." in the morning. All food should be ! drove to Timberline Lodge on Mt. I preparation of the essays a part of The mothers were invited to at at the clubhouse by 11 a.m. and i Hood. Charlene Gladwill returned the creative writing curricula of tend the last meeting and refresh- as many mothers as can, are asked to Portland and the Gladwills and the school. The contest, on a siaie t inriiu were servea. airs. A I v ROLLINS PIN LEAGUE to come early to help serve. Every-1 Coals visited the Helton Dam pro one is invited. Serving will begin I ject on the Deschutes River. The Coats were dinner guests of her brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Hoy Porter at their home in Jefferson. Mr. Porter is improving after three months in the Veterans Hospital in Portland where he had ! Lisht Line Union membership major surgery. I this includes about 11:30 a m. Awards will be given in the playshed at 12:30. aft er which there will be afternoon activities and games. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Melius have returned from a week in California. Thev vitteH Mrs I.mie Wood a former Tenmile resident, now liv- Mr. and Mrs. Warren Lockwoodj the fund to provide temperance lit ing in Yreka, Calif. They drove on spent Tuesday in Bandon and Myr- erature to fill the requests ot cnns to lone to visit Mrs. Melius' broth-1 tie Point attending to business. I tian education directors, pastors, basis, closes this month and final j Greer and Mrs. Eugenia Swan . track was closed awards will be made wnen juoging , ne wcicomea as new mem- A & B Togging Golden Rule Store Kngle Lumber Roseburg Bowl Kent Radio 4 TV .i.- . n... '. sl'J Pepsi-Cola vai li lav A ,vw piuc is l vll j null' i ... . dav as he oualified for the lnrii. "'' bating ana polls 500-mile auto race. He operated his car at 141 9 miles an hour just before the track closed for the day. His was the slowest qualifica tion in the first weekend of the 10-mile eliminations for the 42nd Memorial Day Classic May 30. But being the only qualifier, he was the fastest and won the prize money. High winds and rain prevented any qualification attempts until just a few minutes before the W J03's 94 87 'i 75 71'i 62 M'i S 49M 43 L 36' i 46 S2'i 65 681) 78 814 831 90 Mi 97 is completed. Lookingglass Unit Moots The Lookingglass WCTU recent ly authorised a World and National WTE l?alBr? aiaaiiinnnAa, abi bers of the Lookingglass WCTU Mr. and Mrs. J L. Wonser of Kelso, Wash., and Mrs. W. B. Gal loway of Klamath Kails were guests several days at the home of Mr. and Mrs. T. II. Haire. Mr a contribution to: ana Airs, wonser are parents of Mrs. Haire and Mrs. Galloway is a sister. The annual meeting of the Look ingglass Cemetery Association is scheduled for Saturday May 24. A potluck dinner will be served at noon in the school cafeteria. Bust ness session will be held following the dinner. All those interested in this community project are request ed to come early with tools for work in cleaning up the cemetery. Christie has finished 13th in two previous races. Sports In Brief Melrose Store Plywood Service Women of Moose Team result: Roseburg Bowl 4. Women of Moose 0; Golden Rule Store 4, Rolletta Skating 0; Kent Radio 4 TV 3. Plywood Service 1: A & B Logging 3, Pepsi-Cola 1; Engle Lumber 3, Melrose Store L High series: Jewell Pritt (179-164-190) 533, A k B Logging. High game: Lou Yundt 194, Pepsi-Cola. Other high scores: Olive Coon 180, Lucille Shepherd 185, Isabella Stewart 179, Eunice Noel 175, Pat Engle 174, Marcella Acomb 174, Irene Busenbark 171. NEW BELARUS WATERPROOF, WATCH TOWED cfiMOtd the, uott UNDER WATERf ! , 17 JEVJELS M . (: UnbeJievoble, Iwf tree! Thi fcV3Jr J Jfc 1' j remarkable now Benna possod , VO. I ' rSK I the world's toughest underwater ) V.Jf 1 iSfi VV ' l ' If ' with flying cotorslh-.. "--57 l Tl T- -i guaranteed obsolulely water- ' Mi V$FkLS? .V I . prooT not 0 drop of water, not J f jjjl&fjW iwl"' MAGNEJICy a speck of dust con get hi f$fJ Twilh SWp-SKOnc4 si j: t llscAock-reiisrontond jkV4 I ' SSg and I PS ' comes wift on oleT9' ijU& , I (ftl d'"'' wrisl-hugging exparaion .r . r : - IV IWPf If FHONl WMUml 0Rch0'd 3"3C02 I ' ! ! T XWEST 8SS& OR 3-3002 poSEBUPG 0PEG0N 75 a week (IT !. IHKltRS, Imktri, frff Ku(h m? ftH tVorat I j A KING U DIAMOND T rJ WRIST AJ-AAM Thnt an til V itb. Ui itm 14 ttM. I t,n w i w,,f P" ciH f tcroojM rrl .-0 I tHI rhM pap 129 V) aiwl Mm. td ntr nrtm ot TV mnn r I ( mm rtw oHt) tfU n i cow p UaVft "T f mm tn mt Htm - AA4tt - Ci . . -. Impktrtd m (fte l 4!rtm . . itrl KraaM f DEATHS By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS NOTED BANKER SAN FRANCISCO I Louis Ferrari, 79, retired Bank of Amer ica vice president and counsel. died Saturday of a heart attack. He had played a leading role in organizing the giant Transamerica Corp. of the Bank of America. DEATH MARCH RECALLED CLEVELAND I Dr. James S. Smith, 51, Miami. Fla., a former Army physician who survived the uataan death march, died Satur day. LABOR LEADER MIAMI. Fla. i Michael J. Boyle. 77, colorful and powerful Chicago labor leader for nearly half a century, died Saturday of a heart attack. He had been business manager of Local 134, Internation al Brotherhood of Electrical Work ers, since 1909. TEMPERANCE CRUSADER ZANESVILLE. Ohio ( Samuel P. McNaught, 75, who retired in 1953 after 45 years of temperance work, died Saturday. He had serv ed as head of the Anti-Saloon League in Indiana, Iowa and Ohio and later was superintendent of the Temperance League of Ohio. By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS GOLF WHITE SULPHUR SPRINGS, W.Va. 141 Sam Snead canned a birdie on the fifth hole of a playoff with South Africa's Cary Player and won the Snead Tourn ament after they had tied with 264s. MEMPHIS. Tenn. Billy Max well of Odessa. Tex., shot a final round 5-umler-par for a 267 to cap ture the Memphis Invitation. Spartanburg. S C. Wiffi Smith of St. Clair, Mich., finished with a 216 total and won the. Betsy Rawls-Peace Blossom T o u r n a ment. TENNIS CARACAS The U.S. advanced to the second round of the Amer ican zone Davis Cup competition by swamping Venezuela 5-0. CREW PRINCETON, N.J. Yale's varsity swept to victory in the Eastern Sprint Championships. ' CAMBRIDGE, Mass. Har vard's lightweights captured the Eastern Assn. of rowing colleges regatta on the Charles. RACING BALTIMORE Tim Tarn (S4.80) captured the $133,950 Preakness with Silky Sullivan again out of the monev. fitiW YORK Bold Ruler ($2,801 won the Tohaggan Handi cap at Belmont Park in his 1958 debut. CAMDEN, N.I. A glitter ($14) whipped to victory in the $25,000 added Betsy Ross Stakes at Gar den State Park. LINCOLN. R.I. Lincoln Downs closed with Backbone (S7) winning the $29,250 Hartford Handicap. Southern Oregon Nabs OCC Crown In Baseball ASHLAND W Flawlesi pitch ing boosted Southern Oregon to the baseball championship of the Oregon Collegiate Conference. SOC needed a sweep of a double- header with tastern Oregon here Saturday to clinch the pennant The Red Raiders took the games with ease, 10-1 in the opener be hind the three-hit pitching of Jim Eggers, and 16-1 in the nightcap as Jack Brown was touched for only two hits. Prep All-Star Game Scheduled June 21 EUGENE OH The Eugene Active Club will sponsor a high school all-star baseball game here June 21 at Bethel Park. The game will pit a team made up of upstate players against one from the Portland metropolitan area. Coaching the Metro club will be the coaches whose teams are win ner and runnerup in the Portland League and the coach of the win ning Metropolitan League team. The upstate coaches will be the winner of the A-2 championship, the team which advances highest in the A-l tourney and the coach of the B division winner. The two 14-man squads will be selected by Oregon sportswriters and sports broadcasters. Whitman Flash Races Trackmen To NWC Title WALLA WALLA I Whitman'! Dave Klicker woo four first places and tied for a second Saturday as he led the Missionaries to a 96H point victory in defending their Northwest Conference track and field title. Klicker set a 23.7 record in win ning the low hurdles,' clipping one second from his own 1956 mark. He also took the high hurdles, broad jump and 220-yard dash and shared a five-way tie for second in the high jump. Linfield placed second in team standings with 62V, followed by Lewis and Clark 54Mi, Willamette 34'-i and College of Idaho 3V. UBC Crews Top OSC CORVALLIS, Ore. I Th Uni versity of British Columbia won all three crew races in a meet with Oregon State Saturday. The UBC heavyweight crew led by 21 lengths, the lightweights by three and the four-man crew by i length. "I Never NEVER Have ANTS In My House" "Sprinkle It Uttly io my Jim Clom t utt na worry of poiauniag" uyt Lafliu, t4iu. May. Bm Surm Yov Gr CaNforalc's Orf lntvct PwJr . Iiy T Ui tcwmliol -- BUHACH Rural Firemen Answer 2 Alarms; No Damage Roseburg rural firemen were called out tw,ice Saturday. The sec ond call was' received only 45 min utes after the first one. At 5 p.m. the department was called to the Colony Market, 1622 NW Keasey Rd., when faulty wir ing caused a light fixture to burn out. firemen said. Forty-five minutes later the de partment was called to the U.S. Plywood Corp. plant. 612 NE Rifle Kange Kd., when chips on a metal cat walk caught fire. No damage was reported. Besides answering fire calls Sat urday, the department also had two pieces of equipment at t h e Safety r air from 8 a.m. to 10 p.m. The rural fire department received a blue ribbon for it s display. The exhibit was not only there as a dis play but also a safety factor. Ring Record By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS SAN DIEGO, Calif. Archie Moore. I9."iii. San Diego, otit- Rnintcd Howard King, 195, Reno, ev.. 10 (nnn-title). ALBUQUERQUE. N.M Jim Heerle, 157. St. Paul, Minn., out pointed Ralph (Tiger) Jones, 158, Yonkers. N.Y.. 10. HOLLYWOOD. Calif. Pete Kawitla. 128. Chicago, outpointed Hank Areves, 128, Los Angeles, 10 MANHEIM. Germany Ulli Ritter. 201 'a, outpointed Joey Maxim, 188, Cleveland, Ohio, 10. Get Al! The Hot Water You Need! . With A New -"Quick Recovery" COLLINS ELECTRIC Water Heater TRADE-IN ALLOWANCE For your old water heater, regard less of make or condition. 20 Veteran Found Dead On Hospital Grounds Roseburg police reported a 6.1-year-old patient at Roseburg Vet erans Hospital, John Henry Harri son, was found dead Sunday after noon at the east hospital grounds Police said cause of death was undetermined. , The victim reportedly was born in St. Paul, Minn., in 1895. He is survived by two sisters in the Min nesota city, reported officers. Hospital employes began a search for Ha-rison when he failed to return to ihe hospital for the noon meal. The body was discover ed a short while later in a grove of trees near Highway 99. Officers said the body was re moved to Gam Mortuary. Myrtle Creek. Beavers To Cet Money Help from Organization PORTLAND I A new organi zation here hopes to help the pocketbook of the Portland Beav ers, hurt severely at the gate by steady rain early this season. The organization. Baseball Un limited, said it hopes to sell 9,000 shares of stock in the Pacific Coast League club. 30 Gollon Sise 42 Gallon Sixe S2 Gallon 72.50 80.95 87.95 42 Gallon. Glass linod 105.00 Tabl. top U7.7J 42 Gallon, 52 Gallon "whit.1 "Glass Lined", 98.75 10 YEARS GUARANTEE ON ALL WATER HEATERS BUY WHERE YOU SHARE IN THE SAVINGS PHONE OR 2-2683 S.E. Washington at S.P. Track Roseburg, Oregon saiy STOP PARK SHOP FARM BUREAU EXCHANCE Umpqua Man Injured In Two-Car Collision John Roeder . of I'mpqua re ceived a cut on his head Saturday afternoon when his car collided with one driven by Phil McKinncy, also of Umpqua. The accident happened on Hub hard Creek Road about five miles west of Cmpqua. Mrs. Georce Munson. News-Review correspond ent, reports. McKmney was on his way to the Roseburg airport where he was going to catch a plane to make connections for a trip to Al aska, Mrs. Munson said Roeder was taken to the hospi tal where he was wnammed. treat ed and released. Both vehicles were badly damaged, Mrs. Mun son added TERMITES Can aauly ka canrraJftd. Dan't ka iiiip.h4i. mta h9 h prica treat mint. A ft 4allar anJ litrta work will taha eara I that aattt. COEN SUPPLY CO H4 l M.N OR J 4441 Lowell's Fine Hosiery With 4.95 in Dry Cleaning Sent To New Service Laundry and Dry Cleaning SAVE YOUR DRYCLEANING SLIPS From Now Service Laundry A Dry Cleaners. When they total $4.95 they will entitU you to pair of Lowell's finest nylon. You have from April 24th until May 24th ta accumulate at many soles dipt at you lid. Earn at many pairs as you wish. TRY STA-NU DRY CLEANING This Dremium it MivAn m Iruinn tlii RAW kA'tmrlm Tinlck 1 JvaiinJ nationally and used by nearly 1,000 New Clothes Manufacturers, If you can't sea and feel tha differenct you receive double your clothing bill bock. Start Tomorrow Phone OR 3-8362 For PickUp & Delivery. Another Service for You 1 608 S. E. Lone St. (