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About The news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1948-1994 | View Entire Issue (May 19, 1958)
10 The Newt Reriew, Retobura,, Danish Ship Abandoned By NEW ORLKANS ( The Dan- , ish ship Olivia-Winthers nufht fir in the Gulf of Mexico Sat-1 urdajr and waa abandoned by iu of crew of 32. The Coast Guard aaid tha tanker A 1 latest Auua uila ait tka inana about SO miles southeast of Mo- bile, Ala. Tha tanker reported that Tfct MUwinf mii ana talavitiaa Brg'S"a art arintaa fraa public Mr vie tt Nawt-Raviaw t4rt. All ptffm Itttinflf are gubluhsaj at racaivaal tram Hia raspactiva Marians. Tha Nawa Raviaw aat. Rat aacaa rat garni biliry far variatia: tram anginal achaajulai hi mi rtiii as wipe. pa. KBES-TV Ch. 5 Remaining Hours Today 4 00 Unci Hilt s Cartoon 4 1 Dsvntlon 4 10 Cardan, Farm At Mmn 4 45 Vint City Pol ire SOO Your TV Weatherman, a 06 Nsws iv Doug EH wards Tho Nwa a 35 Robin Hood a 00 T V Question Bob FULLER YOUR CLOSE OUTS ALL WALLPAPER IN STOCK Values up to $1.95 per tingle roll MORGAN DECORATORS ROSEBURG KOIN-TV Ch. 6 Remaining Hours Today 4M Mr. Moon 4:4. Bad Dunning K:00 Cartoon Timo a IV Doug Edwards, Now S 30 Robin Hood no Mr. Weatherman OS Sportaceno 16 News Per art 15 K a r I doer ope a JO Talent Scouts 1.00 Danny Thomas Show MEXICAN FOOD And Popular American Dishes Ordart ta take aut. THE VILLA Oven S P.M. (Closed Sundays) 1 Ml. S. an tus. Rauta 9 IVIN THI DAN SMOOT REPORT Werl't Worry You aa a New BEAUTY REST from CARSTENS KPIC-TV Ch. 4 Remaining Hours Today 4 00 Rig Roundup a 00 Woody Wood pecker ABO ft :iO Mv Little) Margie goo Newa, Sports, Weather AOS Sports g IO Weather g IS NBC News NBC SHAKE PAINT 57s 4.95 gal. COLORCRAFT PAINT & WALLPAPER in t r os ttnt U l.k. Wtlt if Pott Olftcs KRNR 1490 KC Remaininn lloura Today 4 HV Cod free Ford Show ftOOKdward B. Murrow B 1.1 Pubhe Rsrvlra Bhow A U Business News 5 .10 Texsco Rpnrta ft t Frank Goes A W Weather 00 Muaie of the West a 1.V Lowell Thomaa 30 Alt ansa But Tnia I M-Amnt 'n Andr t 00 Newa t fa sports t 10 Was Wnrk aoiWrVound Off a r-iVarietr Tioie S V TimbSTtratl New B on Faav Listening Classical g JO -Robert Q. lwis Commercial Tires 7 JOiW T SOsIT AH passenger sisa tiraa Notionwidt Guarantee Garden Ian Valley Blvd. llitl OR 3 5141 x 'V ajjuiiauiininw BHBKrrS KRXL 1240 KC Remaining Hours Today gon-Fuium lwis MRa 4 if Prank Hemingway MBS 4 lO News - MBS 4 i America Toa Tunes MRS t no News MRS g 0.1 fining Mt War g to New MBS g IV fining My Wav-MRg g 1.1-Flung A .ports goo News MRA OA Boi. Giant New a IS Muair a 10 Bill Stern-MBS ii Trti P'ecu MRe) TOO-News MRS T01 Fsrm Burestl Ie-Hsnge, 7 10 Rhythm At Bsndnm 7 J.I City Market Newa 7 to- Reporter! Roundup MBS g on-News- MRS gOftv-Night Beat -MBS g .10 News- MRS g vv Night Real -MBS g OO News MRS gOV-Night Beat-MBS FRESH PRODUCE HARRIS FRUIT STAND California Tomatoei 2-lb. basket, 49c 1 Ilk. N. e Crdn. VII,. Rd. aa N. Staphans KYES 950 KC MON DA f TBBO FRIPAt a oo Sign on atKt Happy ODif Show a 2V Nsws a. to Happy ODae Show a VI weal her Bummary 7 00 Nsws Highlights 7 OA Happr O Day Show 7 14 News 7 10 Happy O Dap Ihow a 00 News g m Hsor-r OTJsr Show 8 l.v Nena a o Happy ODlf Shew a 00 Newa got Laike ToAgart Shw M C em m unity Calands Ore Mon. Moy 19, 1938 Crew During Fire I i I . V, . . I I I t D 0 t I the Olivia-Winthers' reached the tanker. The roast Guard had no reports injuries. The rreishter earlier had cut off communication! after reporting a,nsLrk aa. 9'r naa ik ota. i gine room wat too thick in the ' radio room. ' a IS Air Forro Dig) B 10 Talent Sroula T 00 Danny Thomas 7 .10 December Bride) Son Studio On BOO World Pas port a ;0 Burns and Allen 10 00 Adv la Knowledge, 10 to News 10 .15 Your Navy 110 Sign Off Tt RKDAT, MAT 54. Itlg 11:00 Walter Cronkita a The) News PAINT DEALER 25c per tingle roll T;.W December Brldo 00 Studio On B 00 Treasure B ;tO Burn and Allen 10 00 City nek. Newa 10 05 Newa Wir 10 lo Winner Clrr-le 0 33 "International Squadron" Tl f HI1AY, MAT 2a, IMS T .10-I.adies Fair S 00 -Garry Moors Show S .to How Do You Rate goo Arthur Godfrey Tim to Dot io 10 OO Love of Life PHONE OR 3-4123 FOR COMPIETI RADIO AND TV Guarantied isrvica All ma has 4V models Wa usa anly first qual ity pi crura tuba ra placamants. KLUVER RADIO & TV New I Uiad Radio I TV Sales Old Hiway at Garden Vel. Jet. g .10 Boots aV Saddle T 00 Realises Gun NBC 7 :tO Talea of Welle far go-NBC g oo Twenty One NBC a. .(0 Rav Milland BOO -Sheriff of CochLao S. .10 Treaaurs 1000 To Bs Announced 10 M Jack Paar NBC The Newa Wl NOW GIVt UNITED rtffflffffi Trodinf Stamps VWHPiy 0i r..k All, Citrv tVirn HONN'S CLEANERS 1019 S. I. Dauglai OR 3-1291 10 00 Rlt-hftsTd Raportaa 10 l Eaav Listening 10 Irt Blols 11 OO Sign Off Tl EM DAY, MAT 1, IBM g 00-News gov (lawn Pslrol g 2.V Newa g 10-Dawn Patrol 1 no Munrsl Van ere 7 OS Timber trail Newt 1 10 PiUowpounders Pared ia T l- Newa 1 VO- Flank Goes 7 .- Harry Babbitt g no Newa Ii-Tmi1 n Tunes 13-Nfwi NW Nllites g in Toael N Tunes g oo New. B Peter and Marr i B IJ-Bsrhalage Wife PORTABLE RADIO Reg. 24.9S 17.77 73a a was li FIRESTONE STORES 1107 N. I. Diamond Lake II. d. g 10 News- MBS g tl Night Beet-MBS 10 OO MlIHC 11 on -Tomorrows Bm 4 lines 11 0-Sign Off ti kd at, wit ta, ma SOOR.w.i.j, Rev ill a WV-nawnhinters a lO-Cilv Mai kef New g 21 Flving A Sports g Wl - News MRS g tl - Bill Stern MBS 40--4. ount v Agent g 41- Alarm Clo. lt CKig g 11- tar near a Weather 7 tut- Frank Hemtnarway MBS 7 IV - Breskfaat Gong 7 to New MBA 7 tl- Serenade To A llp) head 7 40- Davis- Pohtiesil 7 4.1- l-o-al New 7 VI-Writwaixl To Must gOO-rnff Citgle MBS g II- Melndv Hilt g Newa MRS g IV-Potlwrk g Oft News- MB. BOS Fsrm Bureau Fschange Come clean now!. Wouldn't you rother we'd de It? The Laundromat Cerner Mela and Ceurt St. to l.iirhy Leogaa, Shew nw.NevB in in imur Igsta Shaw in iv New 10 vt l.ti, hv lgan Show 11 oonw1 Hn''e II (i i 1 ii a r Logan hhow 11 21-Ne.a it o i n. ny Ig.n She 12 ikaNewa HiMigrta 12 vt 1 in kf ixgan Bho 12 JV-Ne 12 o 1 tirhy 1 ogan Show inn News .HiaMighta 1 01 Happe O itay Bhow 1 2V-aaitirsenpe w Happv tl la Bhow I r-v-Mpwi H ghighta n.-Hrp O Dav sw t 1-('rsimrtiin''v fslen-ia I JO-Happy O Day Show i w y Movie Showtime MONDAY. HAT 1 ISM rNUtAN THEATRE CIO4 tar tha aummar ITARUTE DRIVE-IN Oalee opan T rx Show Ian T 4S "Marjoria Mornlntalar" 151. 11.41. "Tin Ab ductor.' 10 34 PINE DRIVE-IN r.atM open 00 Show atarta 1 40 Mm Alainat tha Arctic" 7.47. Ilia. "Oklahoma' 8 34. Tuesday, May M, 151 SCHEDULf SAMI AS ABOVI II OA Cartoon II 1 Film Folio 11 'to Aa tha World Turni 12 00 Beat Tha dork 13 to Houm Party 1 00 Big Payoff .10 Verdict U Youra J 00 Brighter Day J15 Secret Storm t 30 Edge of Night SOO Feminine) Fancies S.4-V Search For Tomorrow NEED A BED? For Roll-Awayi, Cribs Call OR 2-3472 A to Z RENTALS 7S7 W. Harvard-Delivery Service RALPH L. RUSSELL Home Loan Iniuronea Sondi Loon Representative Equltobla Savings & Loan Ass'n Mildred Homtchuch, Associate 725 S. E. Rasa St. OR 3-4311 to m Search for Tomorrow 10 4.V;uiding Light 11 OO :ronk n News 11 .0! Hi Neighbor 11 .10 A i World Turns 12 CM) Real the Clock 12 :i0 Houas Party 1 00 The Rig Pavnff 1 TO-Verdirt la Yours 1 00 Brighter Day J 15 Secret Storm 2 .10 Edge of Night 3 00-K.OIN Kitchen 3. TO Armchair Theatre LATI MODEL J7 GMC PICKUP Vi T I tfl., 1 IM acmr. rtir Ivnatr. litfl lira aaaat. factarf cmipv. VMS aulas, tike ata. '50 CHEV. 'i T. PICKUP 1 tpria. rakuilt aatai, vary ais Iftrajsa lat. Hurra aa thu iaa. FREE PINE MOTOR MOVIE TICKETS ATEN & PHILLIPS QUALITY USED CARS 1328 S. I. Staphans OR 2-3421 TIKMIIAY. MAY ?g, l!tg 10 OO Price la Right NBC I0.IO Kltlv Fovle NBC 1 1 no-Matinee Theatre NRC 12 no Queen for a Day-N HP 12 4 Modern Romance NRC 1 OO Comedy Time NRC 1 .'HI Truth or Consequences NBC Km Variety Film Fair 3 .10- Bev a Coffee Break APPLIANCE REPAIR Major ar small all makes and models BARGAIN APPLIANCE CENTER 31 S. E. Roaa OR 3-SS23 atO-Toaet 'n Tunea 10 HO - Man About Town 10U.V Man Named Magea 10 10 Sander Sho Timo 10 1.1 Ma Perklna 10 10 Kaay Vallev Weathee 10.1.1 Song of Yesteryear in 1 Midmornlng Melodies It -no Newa 11 ni Hght to Happineia 11 1.1 Second Mra Burion 11 10 Young Dr Malonaj 11 4.1 Rnad of Life 12 Oft -News st Noon 12 II Meet the Artla. 12 lO -Helen Trent 12 4.1-Our Gal Sundav 1 00- Newa 1 01 Whuperlng Sireelg 1 W Arthur Godfrey S 10 ttoiiaepsrtv .1 Oil - Fool in' Around With RMrla I 3 .10 Garden Cluh OUR NEW ADDRESS 326 N. E. WINCHESTER tnay 3 TV Station! an tha cable. Umpqua Radio & TV Phana OR 3-6290 Tantt Steeping Bags SALE PRICED All Camping Equipment IASY TERMS J. C. SPORTING GOODS S09 S. I. Jackiea Ph. OR 3-41 SS g lOTaks Fiv a II -4'hape h Tha Side Of Tha Bo Newa MRS B to tt tl tt 4 T.iwn Cner Garden Tipa A Tunes Aie ,u Ijstemna S 41 lOikt- Newspaper of the Air -MBS i i - I in to ( Ten MR itMiel Meatier MBS rning Melodies lr 11. 11 n Nf MRS 11 (IV Mmk 4 Ivib It IO-S(M of the Par 11 tl Wneen F.r A Dev MB7. l20O-Mid tit News 12 11 Flving A Sports 11 20-MuMC 1 tl -Greet Your Neighhot 11 Ml-Maikel Reporta 12 1.1- Munny Sirla 1 p 1 tVKai Smith Singe-MRS 1 OO- Stinnv Side I p t V Sortal Sei-uritv 1 i -Anwr Mn-MRB ,1 Urt- Nf.) MBS a OV America a Top TMnee I .10 New -MBS t SS -a tinny Bids X'p WANT TO UVI IITTU and Savi MONirrr AMANA FOOD PLAN As law as $13 JS per weak Kier-Crooch Plumb. & 'Appli. S2I S. I. Stapkans OR 2-334 3 OO Newa jnj-Hanpy O Dsy Show 11-Nev.e 1 M Happy O'Dsy Shew 4 oo Newa Highlights oj l.urky Logan Bhow 4 11-Newa 4 uu l.ui-ky !-fsn Shaw lonNewa Higniigh-s SOj-l.urae lNffan Shn 5 21 Spivta News 0 I urky lartgan Show a oo Newa Highlights soj l urky Logan Bhow a 21-Sewt, a nv- urky Ifai SsSow a 1-Nes V.sathe f oo Sign off Mr Wsseesrsr at ! mi' I aour, avsry firwir Eugene Planning Speaks At Drain By EDITH BUSH i A food attendance of members ' and several guests wera present j at the recent meeting of tha Drain Chamber of Commerce, to hear Harlow Hudson, planning consult- ant from Eugene, speak on. Sell-1 V Alia . ing Your Community to Your Citizens. Using graphs and pictures to il lustrate his points, Hudson showed how community spirit developes from a simple beginning to tha complex relationships of urban civ- iluation. He stressed tha fact that I meeting the basic needs of tha in- dividual will promote factora which will increase community pride and cooperation. Service and good will are more important than the amount of mon- ey spent, ha said. Everything done! to improve a community will pay; off in greater team work and in- terest, according to Hudson. Hud son complimented tha business men of Drain for their accomplish- ments in promoting civic pride in the past, and made suggestions for future growth. Top Students Namad Marilyn Brown has been selected valedictorian of Drain Grade School's graduation exercices May Winston-Dillard Kiwanis Observes Ladies Night By BRUNETTI WILSON , I.adics night was observed re-' cently by the Winston-Dillard Ki wanis Club. The dinner meeting was held at Burtons Cafe, with 56 members and guests present. Thir teen members from Roseburg club were guests, also present ware guests from Glide. Two new mem bers, Ray Gordon and Otto Jones, were inducted into tha club, wilh l.t. Governor Jack Hudson presid ing. Ben Sheele, president, appointed a judging committee for the kiddie parade. C. C. Foshack was pro gram chairman for the evening. and guest speaker was Mrs. George llalliday, of Roseburg. . Church Croup Meets A meeting of the executive board of the Missionary Society of the Winston Christian Church was held at the home of Mary White, with eight officers present. Study ma terial fur the new year was order ed, and plans for the installation of new officers were discussed. The decision was to hold the installa tion at the next meeting, which, due to so many end of the year school activities, has been post poned until June 3 and will be at the home of Mrs. Jack Nelson. The Missionary Society of the Winston Baptist Church met at the home of Mrs. A. A. I.indville. Mrs. Charles Johnstone, recently elect ed president, had charge of the meeting. Other recently elected of ficers are Mrs. A. A. I.indville, vice president; Mrs. Carl Mutsch ler, secretary treasurer, and Mrs. Kearby Masters, reporter. Dates set for the regular meetings were the second and fourth Tuesdays of the munlh. Mrs. Fred Elhertus or Winston, spent Ihe day in Eugene Friday. Accompanying her was her mother-j in-law, Mrs. Arthur Elhertus. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Conrad and family or Winston drove to Central j Point, to spend mother's day with the former's mother. Mrs. Ollie Conrad, and while thera also visit ed several brothers and listers. Sister Visits ! Mrs. Edith Eastman of Eugene i was a recent visitor in tha Fred Elhertus home in Winston Section. Mrs. Eastman it a sister of Mrs. TTvEAT YOUR FAVI11.Y TO BETTER MEALS . . . TREAT YOOESELF TO CDCXSK fJJSE . . . WITH A MODERN ELfCTRIC RANGE! W X 'Jt&e& .sou f cd(Ljldy on& coco acta a ljhjio Consultant Chamber Meet 2s. Salutatorian will ba Brookt League, County Deputy and Mrs. Howard Cracroft from Fair Oaki Grange were gueiti at tha Sunny dalt Grange meeting. Kair plana ere discussed. Agri- atiltnrl eklirmin t kail a.e D u a. 1 1 cultural chairman Cheater Rydell! read an article concerning differ-1 enca in pricea received by tha 1 farmer and those paid by the eon-1 aumer. A discussion followed. Tba ' next meeting will be Hay 2. Mrs. J. L. Sneed went to OTI for Mother'a Weekend Satursday. Ernest Hunt and aon, Bobby, flew ' her there in the former's privale plane. Plana to fly home had to be cancelled due to unfavorable ' weather, so she returned by car. i The Fortv and F.ieht Club met at the Community Hall Tuesday evening for a dinner. Following tha dinner a regular business meeting was held. Mrs. James Stupe of Eusena vis ited here Tuesday evening. She at- ; tended the lady bowlers banquet. The Stupe family formerly lived in Drain. Gerald Olson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Olson, has returned after serving three years in the Navy. He was recently stationed at Moffat Field, Calif. Elhertus. While here, they visited anolher sister, Mra. Lillian Bridges, in Coquille. Mr. and Mrs. William Adams, and children, of Walla Walla, Wash., were recent guests in the home of the Utter s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Cracroft. The Adams also tended to business. and visited Adams' father and mother in Oakland. Mr. and Mrs. Mike Neeley drove to Portland recently to take Neel ey's father, W. J. Spracher. to the hospital. He is now confined to the Providence Hospital there. ine Rainbow Garden Club held an executive board meeting at the . home of Mrs. Clifford White. The I new year books were outlined for prining. p,n, ,ra to have them i ready for the next regular meeting I June 1. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Elbuftus. of Coquille. visited in the Fred El bertus home in Winston, while in ,r' recenuy ici auena ine ' E Raymond, widely known crimi funeral or Mrs i Roy Elhertus step-: , lawveri defeated William rather, Roy Ellis. I I.angley for the Democratic nomi- Portland Visitor . nljon for district attorney. Lang- htevie Danchok. student at the ; w rem0ved from the office I mversity of Oregon Dental School, , yesr ,0 upon conviction of in Portland, and Joe Danchok Jr. . failure to prosecute gambling, and family, of Roseburg, w e r a , Raymond's Republican opponent guests for Mothers Day at thewl Don walker, home of their parents , Mr and i - - Mrs. Joa Danchok Sr., in Winston Section. Mr. and Mrs. George Barher, and son. Bryce. of Grants Pass, spent Mother's Day wilh her par ents. Mr. and Mrs. Kearby Mast ers, of Winston. I.t. Jack Hudson and wife of Coos Bay were guests recently in the home or Ben Scheele in Win- ston. James Albion, who is working in Chico, Calif., spent the weekend at his home in Winston Section. His mother, from Canada, was a visit or in the Albion home. TUBERCULOSIS OOWN PORTLAND I The incidence of tuberculosis in Oregon dropped 2't per cent last year, tha Oregon Tuberculosis and Health Assn. said Wednesday. The association said at its an nual meeting here that only .T7t new cases were reported in tha slate. $2$ ASK YOO FATOSTTf Trujillo's Son Getting Divorce, Father Announces CILDAD TRLJII.LO, Dominican Republic I-t. Gen. Rafael Trujillo Jr., whoie romancing of Hollywood atara made headline!, ia shedding bn wife with a Mexican divorce. Tkla .. - - ,li.,.ln.,1 in inUr. Vltw Salurdlv wlth Generaluiimo .-. Rafael Trujillo. tha inaril'i father who haa run thia country for 2t years. Tha generalissimo (aid his aon'a divorce proceedings ware insti- luted in April in the civil court of Bravos District in Chihuahua, Mexico. That was before the son broke into the news with his lavish gills to Zsa Zsa Gabor and Kim "ov1'- The 29-year-old chief of the Do- miniran Air horce and his wife, Octavia Adolfina Ricart de Tru - lino, have aix children. Tha wife and children are now in tha Do minican Republic Young Trujillo has been studving at tha U. S. Army General Staff College at Ft. Leavenworth, Kan. The generalissimo said tha di vorce has absolutely no connec- lion" with his son's romantic ad ventures in Hollywood. Instead of being irked about young Trujillo's romancing, tha generalissimo said what his son did "is his own private business, and ha ia apending hia own mon ey." Eugene C. Venn Wins Lane County DA Position By TH EASSOCIATEO PRESS Venn of Dist. Alty. Eugene C. Lane County won Republican re- I nomination in Fridays election. Venn, in the news recently wilh a war on lewd magazines, de feated Cecil Stickney, also of Eu- Venn's opponent in November will be William F. Frye. who won th. n.mru-ratir. nomination It looks as though Oregon gets another woman district attorney Grace K. Williams, Canyon City lawyer, was leading Grant County Dis. Atty. Michael S. Mogan for the Republican nomination. The first woman DA in the slate was elected two years ago. She is Marion County Dist. Atty. Hat lie Bratzel. In Mnltnnm.h fnnnlv flinrto. LAST WEEK TO GET YOUR Free "Lowells" Nylons This bonus offer expires May 24th but until then get the finest in Dry Cleaning the finest in Nylon Hosiery value from Lowell's Simply redeem $4.95 in receipts from . . . NEW SERVICE LAUNDRY and DRY CLEANERS and receive one pair "Lowell's" hosiery FREE. Six and color of your choice at Doe't let jwys-eao Urj yoa! The modem Korrvejetsnstker coots ) M wel (if eot bettjer) tKee Ker esotKer did 9rve just doese't rave to work so karj at it! hcxlesw eAecsxc mygei airoost completely aiAomstK t poucie to pacie deliciovs, iXetrtows vaVt a eavMmMM of wtcA! IF YOU'RE Uk.BORIG OVER AN OUT-DATED RAXJE OR STOVE, TRADE IT NOW FOR A MODERN ELECTRIC RANGE AND GET A ALUymjUKX W ATJOmGN TO THE REGULAR DEALER'S ALLOWANCE. v AmiAMCI DCAXEK FOB; COMPUTf DCTAflS Green Community Church Bible School Set June 9 By MARY WEIKUM The Rev. Mr. Laurence Pine of the Green Community Church has announced the dates of tha sum mer daily vacation Bible school, which will begin June and con tinue for two weeks. I lutes w ill be held for children from the age of five years through tne junior nign icvei. i ne inenir 10 be carried out is "Jesus Calls. June 7 there will be a pre-regis-tralion party at the church, begin ning at 1:30, witn games and fllm p,ned' for the recreational . ,cllvliles ; Attends Convention j 1Ir, G G McD,niel went to 1 Portland as a delegate from the Roseburg chapter to attend the . Oregon Assn. for Retarded Chil ,dren a convention which was held in the Multnomah Hotel. Members of the Evergreen Grange observed grange church Sunday last Sunday by attending the services of the Green Commun ity Church. Mr. and Mrs. Warren hngdahl and daughters drove to Olympia Wash., over the weekend where1 they visited Engdahl's parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. K. F.ngdahl and other relatives. Saturday they were join ed by Mrs. Engdahl's parents. Mr. and Mra. Mauritz Johnson of Se attle. Mr. and Mrs. Eric Johnson spent Sunday in Eugene where they vis ited Mrs. Johnson's son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Victor Barkey and family. Coastal Visitors Cosstal visitors over the week end were Mr. and Mrs. Fred Win ters and sons. David and Jack. They were guests in the home of n,er molner. llr- Annie Win- it-in ui Ddiiuuii, anu also visuea Mrs. Winter's sister, Mrs. Grover llaga of Langlois. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Foree have returned from California where roree attended a union convention in s" 'ncisco, and Mrs. Foree " Prent . dJK' of Je t Green Community Church at the Missionary Church Assn. conven tion held in Denare. Mrs. Foree joined her husband RESIST EFFORTS PORTLAND irH Gov. Robert Holmes Friday told an Armed Forces Cay luncheon here that he i would resist any efforts to cut the strength of the National Guard. Dinner Parties or Banquets Any Day or Hour. Private Dining Room Available. Phana OR 3-8122 BURTON'S DINNER HOUSE Reasonable Prices. EWtr cooking is cJeeyv,coo.,e6peeeciV catLT to COPCO zzsxxhim. custchbs A tVaaoaa Cm pi a) aaW aW . n ti, m, i a Ii in San Francisco where they re mained for two days, going to Or land to visit their son in law and daughter. Rev. Mr. and Mrs. Don ald Cary. Visitors at the Keith Huaen home are Mrs. Husen's nephews, Freddie and Kenneth kunrhiclc of Santa Ana, Calif. They will be joined later in the ueek hv their mother ln(1 tnre, brothers. All are en route to Tacoma, Wash., to 'make their home. Grover Follett recenlly injured his ankle while at work, and it will be several weeks before ha can return to his contracting job. .Mrs. James Massey and bar brother, Roy B. Smith, returned from a vacation trip to Reno, Nev. Mrs. Massey's-mother, Mrs. Bessie Smith, stayed at the Mas sey home during the mother's ab sence. Tanight and Tuesday Walt Dimey'a "SNOW WHITI" AND THE SEVEN DWARFS", plus Hunts Hall and tha lowary tays in "HOT SHOTS" NOW thru TUESDAY "OKLAHOMA" in Color . . . plu "MEN AGAINST the ARTIC" STARTS WED! "Don't Go Naar The Water" & "Night Passage" NOW thru TUE Galas Open 7:00 in WARNER Color GENE KELLY NATALIE WOOD Wad! 'Bif Beat' ft 'Summtr Lava til I o wells iweoJs m minutes, a e a a a